tv Outnumbered FOX News April 17, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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come and are making their mark. you're watching "outnumbered." also today, the host of kennedy on fox business, kennedy herself. look at that. she's just bringing it. fox news krcontributor and retid bomb technician, joey jones, whose lavender is working for him. hard core criminals are endangering public safety. it's the first of many hearings, republican led committee plans to hold on america's crime crisis. democrats dismissing it for paybacks. it was a weak case. they wouldn't have to try this hard. the victims tell a very different story. former bodega clerk faced a murder charge after fatally stabbing his attacker. we covered the story to bitter
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end. a repeat offender, in self-defense, spent days in new york's violent riker's island that prompted a massive public outcry. they send the old man to riker's. the story ends up right but he had to pay a price. alvin bragg ended up dropping the case. lawmakers heard from the mom of a veteran beaten to death. a 35-year-old married dad of three and a veteran of the war in afghanistan was fatally beaten. one of the blades tore through his heart. his mom, ripped into alvin bragg for going soft on the killers. >> this is the type of criminal element that we have walking the streets of new york city on a daily basis. all types of criminal elements
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free to do what they want, when they want, however they want to whomever they want with no consequences, no deterrents. as far as the manhattan district attorney's office, if he's receiving one penny of federal dollars, you need to pull that funding until he starts doing his job and prosecuting crime. we don't give a -- about your politics. we don't care. it could be the man from the moon who is running for president. as long as whoever is in there is stand for law and order is going to return some civility and sanity to our city. >> the only one with more energy than that is joey jones. >> listen, i watched as much of that hearing as i could this morning or today and i watched the democrats come back to the same thing. guns, guns. while republicans are sitting over here and bringing these different examples of how people
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have been let down in the city, perhaps guns is part of the issue, but it's not the issue. the issue is crime and what are you going to do about it. they ulove to use the per capit percentage but there's no other place where eight million people live on top of each other. this entire city is completely different than the experience and the rest of the country. you can talk about the per capita percentage of crime but are you talking about the reporting of crime. city is largely made up of immigrants. the immigrants community godon' go to police every time something happens. >> i thought what was interesting to your military background, hero comes home. his mom is incensed to a different level, i would think because she had already worried about him in war zone. >> i talk about this all the time. i survived two wars and i'm afraid to get run over by a prius if i jaywalk.
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i'm not going to put myself in danger. just coming the new york city is danger now. that's a problem. during covid i had to walk a block over here and there's an alleyway there. i got cornered by two guys. i don't know what their sfwinte is. that freaked me out. i can't run away. to go to a city you want to call home and be treated that way and not have the assurance it will be justice for you. jerry nadler said you failed to mention two of them people were sentenced to life. two of the four people got off scot-free. >> that was her point. the one woman said she could snap in a moment and stab somebody else, hold them down. she was ready for that. i don't know what kind of political point he could score there. the rest of humanity saw where she was going. >> i think what was so hard to bear with that insensitive
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comment is the notion this was framed on justice. what is just about, 50% of the killers are in jail? 50% of the job was completed. how do you look a grieving mother in the face whose son served in war only to come home and be murdered in his city and tell her, two made it to jail. that's absolutely an abomination. the first sentence was this is all about donald trump. that was met with audible laughter. it's such an abomination to have the substance of the hearing to be twisted and perverted out of the gate for making this narrative about the former president. the fact they act so shock there's demands for accountability for this da it seems that day one of the governor's swearing in, she wrote a let ter saying shape up
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or ship out. the focus was accountability, preventing shoplifting, keeping the train safe, deterring brazen conduct and reducing gun violence. after this public statement on her behalf, alvin bragg said it was because of the memo, it was poor messaging. he has zero grasp of the destructive and fatal consequences of his policies or lack thereof. >> emily mentioned donald trump because jerry nadler did. his name came up many times. it's political retaliation. what i say to that, that case was so weak from legal experts. time and time again they have told us against donald trump that republicans wouldn't have to try this hard to retaliate. they can go get fact and hold a field hearing and do their jobs. that's what they are doing. >> this is an important day. this is the first opportunity many of these victims' family
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members have had to speak. imagine your son being killed, your sister, your brother and not having an outlet where you feel like you've achieved justice because you have a rogue da, george soros. they are getting to speak. we watched the mom's passion. the new york times chose today to put out a piece, a deep dive into jim jordan. i would call it a hit piece. these victims are being heard, the new york times piece how jim jordan, aligned with trump, wrestled his way to power. they are talking about how he used his perch to attack his adversaries and protect trump. this is what new york times is focusing. this line about the hearing, it's the sort of maneuver, that's what they called the woman's grief. mr. jordan choose a suit jacket and speaks in a rapid auctioneer
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cadence has been known. they are concerned with his dress code. that wasn't theater . that was mom's reality. >> kennedy. >> people were just upset about state of the city before donald trump's indictment than after. this is not maga country. this is a city filled with frustrated and scared people. i spent last week in los angeles and most of my conversations were with people, we got crime, yes we do. we got sidewalks covered in poo. we were going back and forth like whose city is worse. people are like hold my beer. they are frustrated across the country. it's not just new york. chicago. >> new orleans. >> los angeles. >> it's portland. it's spread across the country and we are doing it wrong. i don't understand if this is your version of yutopia, this i awful. you cannot live in a city like this. it's tough raising your kids. i have to have conversations
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with my girls, as you do, about how to defend yourself when walking at night and what to do if someone approaches you. that uneasy feeling, it's not just women. it's men being pushed in front of trains and stabbed and killed. when you can get away with something, you will do that something and it's repeat offender who is are doing it over and over again. >> that's what the mom was trying to say. the mom of the deceased military veteran. she said one of the people you didn't get is out there perch to do this again. okay. coming up. we mentioned one of the other cities. chicago's progressive mayor-elect is getting response to what you see here in is a mob of rowdy teenagers. they are doing some veserious violent damage. they torched cars, next.
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my little family is me, aria, and jade. just the three of us girls. i never thought twice about feeding her kibble. but about two years ago, i realized she was overweight. she was always out of breath. that's when i decided to introduce the farmer's dog to her diet. it's just so fresh that she literally gets bubbles in her mouth. now she's a lot more active, she's able to join us on our adventures. and we're all able to do things as a family. ♪ get started at veteran homeowners, want to lower your monthly payments? pay off your high rate credit cards with an affordable home loan from newday usa and save hundreds of dollars every month. okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo!
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chaos unfolding on the streets of chicago. two teenagers are in the hospital with gunshot wounds after hundreds of out of control teens terrorized the downtown area over the weekend. bullets flew through the air sending crowds running for their live. this shocking footage shows the mob jumping on top of a packed public bus while others torched and smashed cars bringing traffic to stand still. chicago police say 15 people were arrested in connection with saturday night's violence, including nine adult and six children. the mayor elect says we
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shouldn't brlame the destructiv teens saying it's not constructive to demonize youth have been starved of opportunities in their own communities. our city must work together to create spaces for youth to gather safely and responsibly under adult guidance and supervision to ensure that every part of our city remains welcome for residents and visitors. it's the lack of safe space, is that really the biggest issue facing america's young people? is that why these new york city teens decided the cause thousands of dollars in damage to an unsuspected restaurant in queens? or why these teenagers in philadelphia looted and destroyed a wawa store late last year? while the mayor-elect might mean well, that issue is true for the pattern of these destructive behaviors. that mob that was generated on tik tok, all the communication
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around it, occurred the year prior. those are happening all over the country. it's why the baltimore mayor says i want a curfew for kids. it's why the garden state mall says you're not allowed to be here without adult supervision. the elected officials are trying but the reality is this won't end until there's accountability and they are shut down immediately so they know they can't get away with this type of destruction and those lives lost. >> the words from our leader matter. mayor-elect johnson, he says this is unacceptable. it has no place in our city but then that word comes up, however. however. he goes onto say however it's not constructive to demonize youth. this is not a time for a however state, a but. yo need a full stop condemnation of this. it wasn't just mayor-elect johnson. the current mayor is still pretty not good. her statement says this, kind of make excuses for them.
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many of them were there to have a good time and enjoy the unseasonably warm weather. i don't see the guys hanging out for the unseasonably warm weather. maybe i missed it. both lightfoot and johnson, totally unacceptable statements. your words matter as an elected official. it should be statement saying there will be consequences. we know they beat up someone in car. the man had to be taken to a hospital. two people shot as well. >> that's right. they were tourists. i think rowdy kid, children, all of that implies they are innocent of their activity and that's part of the criminal justice reform that's occurred in this city. removing everything and putting it into youth court when the spikes of the teen crime have been horrifying residents and te terrifying them. >> if the two people who had been shot had died, are we going to say that's okay too?
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they were just rowdy with guns, shooting at people, people getting shot and it's because, life hasn't been ease y for the. they haven't been lived the biggest portion of their lives if they blessed enough to get that far. imagine how more difficult it will get if you're not a teenager anymore. when are we sending in feds into the cities? when are the mayors and governors going to say enough is enough? we are watching people make a choice now. we have to pay attention to this where safety could be the choice at the voting booth. they are choosing politics over safety. they are choosing the man and brandon johnson who wants everybody to be a victim of a certain ilk. not everybody who is poor and disadvantaged have done that. we have plenty of struggling people. plenty of struggling people during a time of still historic high inflation and high prices for food and everything else. not everybody does this.
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this is a special group insentivized by the fact there's no consequences to your actions. >> that's right. those statistics, here one fifth of arrests are youth. they are in chicago, the vast majority of homicide victims. they are african-american men and over 30% of them are youth or in their young 20s and who knows how close these kids are to being 18. one day all of a sudden they are in different bracket but the reality is these hundreds of thousands of youth are being left behind and are absolutely destroying any type of security in that city and cities across the nation. >> you know, they have been abandoned by their parents and the public schools. unfortunately, the schools have been hijacked by unions. they don't care about the kid, structure and learning and success and outcomes. they have been failed but all of them have been failed. the few who choose to commit
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adult crimes by setting cars on fire and beating up strangers and shooting at each other, they should be prosecuted as adults. that is not all those kids writ large, absolutely not. if you're bored and have nothing to do and not working, of course you're going to go, if it sounds like you're going to have a free for all and i understand that. we were all teenagers. we all did stupid things but the adult level of stupidity requires adult prosecution and we're not doing that in this country and the mayor-elect says, poor little ones. they're just such dumplings, it's like no. some of them are bad people. >> it's stupidity and downright violence. these videos are difficult to watch in the level the teens are engaging in against unsuspecting tourists and taxpayers.
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>> put those kids in cages. put those kids behind bars and you might have a snowball's chance of scaring them. i don't know what opportunity exists that turns you from being a rotten human being into a decent human being. >> that's a great yquestion. >> i grew up in a 1960 single wide. we didn't have a pot to pee in. my dad worked all day and my mom did too. there was plenty of crime around if you want to go find it. i knew if i went out and acted like a complete idiot, i would be treated like one. my dad would beat my tail or send me to the police and let them lock me up. the one time i did something halfway illegal, my mom took on and told on me. that was two years before i joined the marine corps. i don't have all the tools. maybe the marine corps will give
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me some of them. if you're a single mom or dad that needs to reconnect, go do it. be parent. it takes one time of holding your kid accountable and teaching them one lesson that might change their life especially as a teenager. those kids need to be held accountable. where are their parents? and what are we doing to hold them accountable? >> parents be accountable. district attorneys be accountable. elon musk has a warning about artificial intelligence. he says it has the potential to destroy civilization as we know it. a sneak peek of the twitter ceo sit down with tucker carlson, next.
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and gets smarter by the day. tech tycoon is among a group of industry executives calling for a six-month pause in developing ai systems. in gnaw interview airing tonight, he tells tucker carlson that the technology could change life on earth as we know it. >> ai is more dangerous than, say, mismanaged aircraft design or bad car production in a sense it had the potential, it's not trivial. >> civilizational destruction. you think nuclear weapons but not ai. scary thought. >> i think he believes what he is saying. i think the horse has left the barn. nobody will pause anything for six months. it will give him a chance to catch up with his competitors
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but that's all it really does. russia and china are not interested in pausing their ai. i'm not sure what we do with this information unless he would like to fill in the banks and tell us what we are facing and how we can counter that. maybe there's a lot of innovation that we can apply to that. i don't know. it seems, he helped get the party started. i don't know what good it does for me to hear from elon musk that he thinks we need to slow things down. when have we ever slowed down technology because one person said it's not a good idea. >> the horse has lef t the barn. the google ceo who says the robots were not taught to speak bangladeshi and they learned it on therir own. he admits he doesn't know how it happened. >> that's what we call a black box.
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you don't fully understand and you can't quite tell why it said this or why it got that. we are able to understand this gets better over time but that's where the state of the art is. >> you don't fully understand how it works and yet you've turned it loose on society? >> let me put it this way, i don't think we fully understand how a human mind works either. >> right but god created the human mind. people create things we don't understand. >> i don't think that's quite the reassuring answer that the american public was looking for. so is the human brain too. that really doesn't make me feel good. i thought it was an excellent question on their part. while he calls it a black box, it's a pandora's box once you opened it. in term of that particular technology, that particular programming, what else can it do that we can't foresee yet? in its wisdom, the government will come in and say we're going
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to regulate it. what's more terrifying than ai going roerks the government saying we will regulate it for d disinformation and misinformation which is a vague concept that they can't provide spe specificity. everything about this is frightening but i would say none more so than the human audacity to let that dragon out of the arena and say let's see what happens instead a measure of responsibility. if you don't understand it fully, hold back a second. >> government regulating for disinformation, like the disinformation. there's been issues there but the government might also be sliding into our dms on twitter. watch this. >> the degree to which various government agencies had full access to everything that was going on in twitter, blew my mind. i was not aware of that.
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>> would that include people's dms? >> yes. >> wow. this is twitter no longer exists. it's a peanut corporation called x. twitter is a separate entity. elon musk is trying to create food delivery and ride sharing along with twitter. a multitude of government agency wrs were seeing things that you thought were private. we know this about twitter. will facebook do the same thing. will they let us know what the government was peeking into. what about snap chat. what is the government capable of seeing. who are they sharing it with and are they creating lists of people who are engaging in questionable conversations that will come back to hurt them
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doing stupid things that will bite them. we are talking about this during the break, elon musk is behind the ball a bit. he's behind in the competition for ai dominance behind google and microsoft who have programs that are advanced of where he wants to be and neural link has been given the shut down by the fda. they were not given clearance for human trials. he may be trying to hedge his bets in another ai area by getting every one to pause so he can catch up. >> you think there's leftist programs who are creating these machines like silicon valley creating new people. >> you hit on my biggest fear. i don't have an understanding to see 20 years in future of how ai
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will affect our lives. they tell you that you you more money because this justification that you used does not combat with its algorithm. i guess it's automative that it's making judgments. we are racial but even if it doesn't make sense on paper, i don't want ai making those decisions. >> they don't have a heart. >> exactly right. scary stuff. there will be much more at 8:00 p.m. eastern on the fox news challenge. don't miss it. budweiser's new strategy to bounce back from the outrage over its partnership with the
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transgender influencer. the controversy hurts its sales numbers. that's next. hey, man. you could save hundreds for safe driving with liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance. so you only pay for what you need! whoo! we gotta go again. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus®
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take out an average of $70,000 with no upfront fees, no upfront appraisal fees, termite inspection or water test fee. because a veteran shouldn't have to come up with money to get money. it appears that beer giant anheuser-busch is going back do basics. this come after the fierce public backlash of b budweiser's -- they are struggling to sell cases of bud light. people turn to other brands after the controversy. budweiser is hoping to win back
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angry customers with a patriotic new ad featuring the brand's iconic horses. joey, will the horses save the day? >> i don't think so. it's republicans saying they are kind of conservative so lay off of them. that's the definition of being bought and paid for. i can give you money to leave me alone while i do and say something else. i hope they think it through. sometimes the donor money isn't worth selling your soul for. i'm not saying that bud light is selling your soul but this isn't about budweiser, an heat advisory -- anheuser-busch. the majority of americans said this is enough. you're not going to have me look at the man and say he's a girl because he chose to one. you're not going to shove this down my face. these aren't the red necks who drink pbud light.
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that's a huge demographic. these are business owners, bar owners, entertainers. these are people who buy groceries for their household. this is the only way in today's world that you can push back on this. my sister-in-law is a principal at a school in a very southern and red state and she doesn't know how to address this issue. she is just praying it doesn't come up in a big, negative way at her school. i asked her is it is governor, legislation. what prevents you from looking at this and applying common sense. she said the biggest things are the groups that will come after you and make your life a living if you push back. >> budweiser down 10.7%. coors light up 5.5 million. miller light up. >> where is pbr? that's what i want to know. real beer. my brother went to costco and took a picture of the untouched bud light cases. he's like did you bring it.
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did i bring the picture? >> either one. >> i have it on my phone. i'll show you during the break. he's like no one is touching the bud light. i can't drink it so i like high noon. the young people, they like the experimenting with carbonated kool-aid with alcohol in it. the market is moving in a different direction. the smart people are like let's keep selling to the people who buy our stuff. the dumb, fancy people are like it's too fratty. >> statement put out afterwards is we intended never to be a part of a discussion that divides people. what did you think was going to happen when you put a trans activist on your beer. >> that statement was laughable.
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we called ours red death. totally delicious. i love what you said about the americans. those are the forgotten americans. that was really revealed. in the aftermath of this, cowboy state daily, the news periodical in wyoming said there wasn't too much of a difference in the larger bars. they found in the small towns they had a dip of bud light sales. it went from barely discernible to very severe. people that feel that a certain narrative or a certain stance was shoved down their throat without any type of choice over it. while anheuser-busch has fallen back on that beautiful and patriotic ad of the horses roaming from new york to the west coast, where was that to begin with. the irony of the horses having to be cancelled in this wake while they run this ad. for the record, corono and
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michelob are also anheuser-busch. >> there's a lot to this. 10.7% loss in revenue for any company would hurt. generally speak, it would take you years to get that back. because we're talking about so much money. they make so much money. that's a huge amount of money. what do they do in the short term by cal canncelling other t? you talked about pandora's box with respect to something else earlier. donald trump junior was calling for the end to the bud light boycott. you had some business voices chime ng on this. i think the people from 37,000 feet can see when you start boycotting and the answer back is to hurt bud light, you take away maybe bud light's ability to bring everything into the fold. why cancel the horses? bring everything into the fold. my question is who is bud light?
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who are they really? are they the clydesdales or mul mulvaney? i think that matters because they are making people choose. i think they will have to pick a lane. maybe they have done some previous research and figured they are getting pushed out any way. >> when you have a double digit drop in sales, you listen. coming up, a top democrat taking a swipe at former college swimmer for standing up for women's sports, next. get powered by innovation refunds can help your business get a payroll tax refund, even if you got ppp and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. i went on their website, uploaded everything, and i was blown away by what they could do. has helped businesses get over a billion dollars and we can help your business too. qualify your business for a big refund in eight minutes.
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porter throwing a jab at former college swimmer for stander up for women's sports. >> nobody, including riley, who i disagree with strongly -- >> what do you disagree with what? >> i think what she has done is tried to turn this, we talked about people becoming, using things to get like and get clicks. >> that's not what she's doing. >> gaines punched back said i'm not speaking up for myself. i'm done playing sports. i'm not fighting for me. i'm supposed to be in dental school this year, but i've changed my life plans because i see what's at stake in someone doesn't fight for the present and next generation. the question kennedy is, why is it always women who are fighting against these sex based protections? >> women are now seen as disposable. we are undefinable. we are unimportant, apparently.
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you have to be a biologist to say what a woman is. i like it. i think it's great. i understand why people want to be women. it's awesome. if you have biological advantages that i can't access because i can't take t testosterone. that's cheating. that's what happens to a body when it goes through puberty. it's given substances and tools that are inaccessible to people who are not born that way. i'm not anti-trans by any measure. i think we have to have some clear boundaries. >> you're my smartest friend. >> we all agree on that. joey, who is katy porter to wade slowly into this conversation and question an absolutely and proclaim riley gaine's motives. she lost scholarships and medals
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that had significant life changing experiences because of what happened to her personally and athletically. why is this elected official weighing? >> that's what many of them do. she's a professional purveyor of a narrative. it's raising money and votes and hopefully keeping control. that's what politics has become. so much is not about representing us. she accused riley of trying to get likes. i think riley was trying to get a trophy that a dude named leah stole from her in a swim meet. i think they had the exact same time but riley was entirely too biologically normal to hold the trophy for the picture. i don't know that i'm anti anything but i'm 100% against anyone telling me that the grass is blue and the sky is green. there isn't a difference between a man or woman or a man can decide to be a woman.
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i am emphatic that is not true, not possible and not plausible. now it's my little girl at stake. it's my three and a half-year-old daughter that will grow up. two years ago i didn't care about this issue. go and live your life. this isn't about going to live your life as a trans person. it's about your own insecurity about who you are. if you're dyslexic, we're not going to misspell things on purpose. i don't ask the rest of the world to be legless because i am. don't ask me to believe that a woman can be a man or a man can be a woman. >> as joey stated his opinion -- >> i'd say it's mostly fact, but sure. >> what i meant by that as you have this luxury and all of our honor of sharing our opinions here on this couch, as riley does. she's solo. aside from sage steel who weigh into the argument and said where are the other women?
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where are all the other women that are standing up publicly for riley as a female athlete? is it because she's too normal to reap the benefits of her hard work if so many years that were gone in an instant because woke left decided to do so. >> when you raise student athletes, in jgymnastics, you going out on a beam when you're six years old and when you work like that as a young girl and into your teen years and early womanhood years, all you're concentrating on is your sport. this young woman is trying to find a way to communicate, how to protect what she loves and navigate all the newness that's life. she didn't go down the road of getting the first job. if brandon johnson can ask for space for the rioters in his city of chicago, i think someone can ask for space for riley to
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find her voice. a lot of people are waiting to see what the female athletes will say. megan is not a 20-something-year-old woman. she's been out there for a long time. she came hard. i think a lot of people may who had a little bit more experience. let's give some space to see what the conversation is really going to look like for those who are the biggest stake holders and that's young feel males in space. >> more outnumbered in a moment. lower your monthly payments with the three c's: pay down your credit cards, pay off your car loan, consolidate your debt with a va home loan from from newday. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief.
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♪♪ >> well, for this segment, hit the road rat. last but not least, new york city is taking on the rat problem by hiring the first rat czar. activist at peta, the rats you see on the streets are still sensitive, intelligent animals and they deserve better. we have a disgusting human behavior problem, not a rat problem.
10:00 am
actually, you have both. >> we have now become so politically correct that we are embracing rats. where are we as a society? and it's so great here, he's going to make 155,000 a year. >> a lot of rat carrying pizza. remember that video? >> not the secret of nim, get the rat traps. an get the rat out. set your dvr tomorrow. "america reports" now. [yelling] >> john: absolute mayhem in chicago as hundreds of teenagers stormed the treats of the historic downtown loop area smashing car windows, assaulting drivers and prompting a major police response. now chicago's mayor-elect brandon johnson is defending the rioters. >> sandra: warning critics
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