tv Hannity FOX News April 17, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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a documentary, by the way, on fox news. yo u call it the meat bugs. it just in case you're wondering what happens to your tax dollars,o they're sending it to scientists to creat e tastier cockroach that's on fox nation. we'll be back tomorrow night. have the best night with the ones that you love. we'll see you in about twenty three hours. all right. >> welcome to "hannity". we beginwe tonight with a fox at news alert. fe and we are back with our lively audience right here inre new york city. the only people normal ina mo new york in just a moment. mayhem in the windy cityn th shootings, murder, assault, anarchy in the streets of our entire country. almost a great american citye oy is dying literally right before our eyes. it is not the only city now on the verge of destruction. shocking video straight ahead. ocplus, coming up, house speake kevin mccarthy will join
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us with details surrounding the nightmare that is joe biden . 1600 pennsylvania avenue, eight fifty seven a.m. they call the lid on the day tid joe was done. he washe tired a he just got back from vacation and visit castles anyway. today marks the one hundredths h day thaty that kevin mccarthy hp been speaker. we we will remind yor.u of you the promise he made to becometh speaker and we will tell you the promises he has kept. we are going to hold elected officials accountable. pluss acco, we will talk to thet one , mark levin. fans here about the bidenans family business. it is not just not r who turnsy sell a profit by selling access to pops and giving his income'lr to pops. we haveae new developments tonight that are hugatews.e. w we'll break that also, jimmy fallon, kayleighn mcenany there will be here in studio with more on the panic, i the full blown panic at budweiser and anheuser-busch as sales now plummet evenen further. 's we'll have full analysis, by the way, of tucker's interview with elon musk. >> ten tlisten to this shocking revelation, the degree to which
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of various government agencies had effectively had full access to everything that was going on in twitter blew my mind. >> they have fuls,l access. and even your direct messages,body private messages between you els and somebody else. texas senator ted cruzd.e begi will weigh in straight ahead. but first, we begin with thise top story tonight in new york city. explosive hearings revealingatsh the ugly truth aboutpeople, how democrats, they do not care about you, the american peopleis in your life. now, todayth, jim jordan, who is the house judiciary committeeo e chairman, paid a visit to the onty to hear from real victims of serious crimes, families that lost loved ones.d and for good reason, because while the alvin braggiv is spending you, what, massivean amounts of money, time, trsources going after one man, one organization, one family, the trump family. oned thirty four counts of nothing, no specific crimes, barelyctuall mentio n, but actually violentph offenders, they are roaming the streeteanerss with victims i
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and their families being treated like garbage. watc h this.rbage. >> my son, sergeant hassanr carea, afghanistan war, retired veteran, was killed in harlemn in 2018. hassan was kicked , punched and stabbed nine times by four individuals he did not know,e do nor had hene t done them any ha. >> when alvin brad came into office, he was held, he wasmurdr handed a strong trial readyll fu murder case and gang assaultthes case against all four of these individuals where this brutal, savagee homicide was captured on video. >> he was handed a strong trial ready case ready to go to trial as soon as he took office. the case immediately begano to unravel. and as far as the manhattan district attorney's office, if
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he's receiving one penny of dos, you needr to pull that funding. if he starts doing hiss do job and prosecuting crime. i was totally disrespected me, my family, my grandchildren, we were treated likwe we garbage, e garbage. like wow. >> madeleine brand will join us right here in the studio in just a moment. s anher son was an army vet, haa korea was his name was stabbed to death on the streets of new york city. his father, also seriously wounded during the attack, continues to deal with life altering injuries. now, according to a statementofe from bragg's office, none of the four perpetrators received the maximum sentencet on, not one of the four. mary saunders gets one year in jail already out of prison.her w travis stewart received just c seven years. the othe br two felons coulda be out in far less than twenty years after murdering somebody with a knife and nearly killing yet another person. you proun bragg?d that alvin br
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now, of course, new york cityy, congressman jerry nadler, the dope that he is just doesn't seem to care. >> take a look. >> miss green , you failed to note that as a result of daybreaks prosecution, two men are currently serving life sentences for the murder of your son. >> mr. jordan. >> and i'm sorry if mr. nadler is going to make derogatory comments towards the mother of>e a homicide victim, he could at least for some time, to respond to sergeant hassan corea's dead forever. >> dead forever. forever they are poor people directly responsible for his murder. to people. is not justice.n unde >> now, this is not uncommon under bragg. ases52% of all felony cases, they are reduced to misdemeanorictabls and prediy ,violent crime is on the rise. look at this on a screen robbery up 5%, felony assault, 15% burglary up seven percent. car theft up another five percent. e the murder rate is still high.
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than pre pandemic levels. but the democrats at today's hearing, they didn't want to talk about any of that instead. can you guess what the they are obsessed with ? they want to talk about donald trump. eyabout doi right there, high in their ivory towers. these democrats treated today' s witnesses and these victims inke inconvenient, deplorable, the way these democrats behave was grotesque and unhinged. fer congressman hank johnson even referring to the victim, people that lost their loved ones as props for jack booted thugsmi in the republican party.t youpu think i'm making it up? >> i'm not. deke a look like jack booted thugs. they descended on new york citdy using violent crime as their prt pretext. the mega republican extremists are not interested in gunn violence. or even knife violence. the republican witnesses who have used their time to criticize district attorney braand have served
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as props in a mega broadway production. >> the pompous indignation from democratgeous ths who so outragg that some new yorkers in the crowd, they had had enough . >> take a look. it is the gop leadership in congress doing what it is done best for the last six arand that is to act as the criminal defense council forunci donald trump. well, let me tell you this. let me tell you this capitol police general ge capitol police. capitol police will remove the gentleman from the office and they tell you this. let me tell you this gentleman m . let mell tell you this. that let me tell you this. there's probably one of the biggest in all of washington, d.c., and that'se, saying a lot. these democrats don't caresuit
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about justice. they don't care about safety, t security, your pursuit of happinesleabous. they only care about politics. hating donald trump. what does donald trump haveyork to do with safety security in o new york ? i'm prosecuting criminals. nothing.h asre's our very own surakarta. >> take a look.e seemed very highly politicized g as far as the dems. >> what was going through your mind during the hearing? yeah, our democratic colleaguets ,they're the ones who wanted to politicize this hearing. in fact,collea one oguf my collm pointed out that not one of us had ever mentioned former president trump's name. it was all my colleaguese witn on the other side of the aisle.l i asked some of the witnesses in question who are actually , frankly, getting kind of emotional and upset that democrats were ignorinignorige their pleas to listen to them about how unsafe they feel in l this city. the fact that they've lost s waved ones, or mr. albar, who is simply defending himself, got stabbed and thendii was getting prosecuted by this>a districtse attorney . these are not political statements. these are just telling their personal t stories. y and to a person, all of the witnesses testimony talked
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about these heinous crimes committed against their family members, losing their loved? ones, burying their son. and what didim the democrats dot they smeared them. they said it was a circus. they belittled these witnesses . they said it was a sham. house republicans focusedtions our questionons on crimet and focused our questions on the fact that radical district attorney alvin bragg ci is refusing to prosecute these crimes. >> let m>> le be clear. rump donald trump doesn't prevent crime, has nothing to doe with the safety and security of the people in new york . he doesn't even live here. it doesn't make our country safer or a better place. so let's, th be clear. the left there, defund, dismantle, no bail laws. erican they are makins g law abiding ls americans less safe , less, orde secure. it's a more dangerous environment. and if you don'tr, have law order, safety, security, you cannot pursue happiness. take a look. you screen this was chicagohica over the weekend, typical weekend in chicago. go hundreds of teens storming the streets in downtown chicago, breaking windows, attc
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blocking traffic, jumping upki and down on cars, attacking driverwhere ins and elsewhere in the windy city. thirty five people shot thisrdey weekend, eight murdered and almost no one arrested. by the wayn the , nobody in'v the media, they can't politicize it. they never talk about it. n peope and scrolling names of thi people shot, shot and killed inc chicago on this program since two thousand and nine names you've never heard of. never we will hear abouten because they can't politicizehe a violent brawl at the white sox game. what a great place to have the democratic convention perfect fit in twenty ,t in twenty four . and meanwhile, this is a scene out in california where a huge b mob ransacking a gas station, near compton, organized theft, shoplifting, looting, costing businesses one hundred billion dollars a year. llion is it any wonder that majr companies, they are packing up, closing noun.g down, leaving to the american people are also losiing blue states and cities in droves. california, new york , is losing around three hundred thousand people a year. they're saying bye byethey're
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and they're moving to free states like texas, florida,n, tennessee and the carolinas. and by the way, florida gave more than four hundred thousand people a year between 2020 and twenty twenty two . a whopping two million peopleig left major american cities,judii high taxes, crime, bad schools,t judicial system that favors criminals over victims, thei states, blue cities, are broken. americans are now voting with their feet and we will hear from the judiciary committee chairman, jim jordan. ust and ted cruz in just a mome. but first, joining us now with more. whilr e the chairwoman foril w the victims rights reform council gave really powerful testimony earlier today. we welcome madeleine is with us . >> thank you. first of all, as a parent, i'm so sorry you lost your son. thank you. and you and his father wasd stabbed. . >> life changing, life altering-
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injuries. okaychanging, li, i watched youn alvin bragg is treating you and your family like garbage playing album bag was handled. a strong child ready murder case from the original district attorney , mike , these original attorneys weretr professionalict. they were old school, and they r had an airtight trial ready murder case against or for peter soci vance's cy vance. yes, souness. alvin bragg took office.>> as he was handed that strong trial, maybe ready murder caseto . and the original districeyt attorney , retired like many,as many of the adas left as soonou alvin bragg's day one memo came
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out about not prosecuting crime. ta as soonas as hi soos office knew a.d.a daffner yarran received that case, itl of immediately started to fall apart. all of a sudden, mary sandison ,travis stewart, they couldn't prove the guilt medhat and couldn't afford to take all four people to trial. they co they gave me three .have the they told you they can't call for. they don't have the resources.da >>ld and fifty t million dollars to go after donald trump. exactly. xactly.exactly. >> strike for an unpaid parking ticket. noat was one of the excuses that they gave me. you know. wow. m none of it made any sense. none of it made it. you donald trump ever kill anybody?. no.i' no, and you said that in your testimony. >> i'm not i don't carsoe whatns your politics are. >> you lost your son. that's right. and you said in your in your comment, this is not abouta politics, not about life and death. right. realreal people are affected by this. thisg dismissedber
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both murder and gang assault indictments against two peoplery ,okay? walki one is currentlyng walking among the street among us . okay, these are homicide maniacs. they brutally ambushed and butchered my son to death. okayni, nine times and then turned and butchered his fathers twelve times when he tried to come to his aid. >> this is all on video, right?n i , i honestly, i'm going to have an aneurysm sittingm sit >>re. this has got to stop.>> t yes.he not these people belong not only in jail but in . >> you know, your son should be alive today. you mentionely.d the word in your testimony today that we don't hear any more deterrent. it's there are no deterrent.te you knowrr, whenen. we seelike the children. >> all right, the young people,y
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out here acting like savages, okay, because they are noe deterrent to that behavior.l reo >> right., th this bail form bear reform, this raise the age. all right. law that they put in control, ht i mean, in place, it gave them the green light to do whatever it is they feel like, doing to whomever. however, whenever with no consequences and no deterrent, okay, it's creating a whole new generation of career criminals and mass incarceration, because if they are arrested, okay,tmany they just let them go . let them go .athe let them go .a how many mothers would ratherom get a call from their child, from rikers?m the coisland than from the coror telling them where to go and identify their child's body? >> so one idiot from california is barely worth a mention. adam schiff, he wants to talk about trump, then you have the comments of hank johnson. called your a witness this who's calling you and others
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props in a maga broadway yes. production. , so you lose your child and his father is forever injured. and were you a prop?>> no. whatto i answer to him? no, absolutely not. you know, i would challenge this gentleman, whatever his name is , hank johnson. hank johnson to step one foott in the hood, step one foot in the hood and tell me if those people there in that hood are props as well. yoyou know, he's a he's a rich black man. >> all right? black he is a rich black man, just telling poor black men thaty ar they're props and that the crime and the things thate. they experiencing, it's it's not as bad as they think they are, you know, and not just him, not just him. all the elected officials, youte know, all of them, especially the ones that are running in new york . >> all right, listen, i can hom, only say and i know i speak for this audience here in the audience at home, you're aee courageous woman. i know your wife will never
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be the>> n same , but just know that there are a lot of us thato hear your cry and for justice and we're praying for i'm praying for you and praying for your family. >> thank you so much f. all right.e with here with reaction, judiciary committee chairman jim jordan, a prop, jim , is hank johnson had the unmitigated gall to cald gal this wonderful woman who lost her son . >> wow. miss bream's not a prop. n >> she's not a stunt. tim she's a mom on a mission. and i learned a long time ago shat moms on a mission beat politicians every single time. >> and she showed that today. i would say this most, on the witnesses we had today where some of the most ofe ha my time in congress, some of the most compelling witnesses we have ever had, we had a dad h whose son was attacked. we had miss brame, we had to the democrat city council neveer who's livedol his whole life seventy one years in the city and said he's never thes this bad.
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so, yeah, these weren't these weren't stunts. these were people telling their story. they're not into politics. they just want a d.a. who's nots soft on crime. they want safe streets. wathey on a subway, they can ride. and this is happening alle 30t across the country. twenty seven of the thirty most dangerous cities are run by democrats where they typicallyypically have a d. mr. bragg, who's soft on crime.e this is why the new york postpog said it was good thahtt we came' to town, put a national spotlight on this, because that's always the first step in stopping this ridiculous treatment that is happening in so many of our urban areas. c yoongresu, congressman, i'm glat came to new york and i'm glad the democrat expose themselvessa here.r. i said this earlier, since, co two thousandng nine . congressman, you know, you, name watch this show, i scrolld kill the names, names americans never heard of all the people shot, shot and killed in chicago knowul how come we never hear about those names? yoeou caple n predict on anyar t weekend how many people area going to be shot in that of
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a city and then shot and killedn ? i'd probably be pretty d accurate. you know what? and noemocra, buddy, that's a democratic run city for decades, democratic state for decades. and nobody's lifted a finger to savivese the lives of innocet children. now, in new york city, there liv is one mayor. he took a lot of for it, butt of he saved a lot more lives and including a lot of minority lives. his name was rudy giuliani. rudso we know how to save it. yeah, and it's but it's alsovioe bigger than then the violence. th 327ometimes it's just a theft. there were ind three hundredhe and twenty seven individuals responsible for six thousand of the thefts in new york city. i mean, think about that.d th that's twenty per person. and in theft, we used to call e that stealing, taking someone else's property. pe you don't have pre determine, if you don't put some of those away, if youso dot don't charge those people, prosecute those people, they just keep doing it. so d one o it after one , two , three . do it after 19 bu, t fofor gor some for goodne,
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stop it somewhere. o that's the kind of stuffn. that going on .f crim and what is alvin bragg doing instead of dealing with this kind of criminal activity? he's using federal funds to indict a former coesident for nocrime an crime. and then we want to investigateo that and do our constitutional duty and talk to a guy who hasn't worked with him forts a year. he takes us to wwe w courter. s that's what we were highlighting today, just how serious the crime problee p the real crime problem is in. new york city. >> well said ,co congressmanngr. jim jordan, the great state of ohio. >> madeleine, thank you so much. god bless you. the for you. all right.nator te here with reaction. texas senator ted cruz is withtl us . senator , i can't tell you how angry i am about all of this and shift bringing up the fact that he wants to talk about donald trump. and meanwhile, you have i have u families. and in the case, matalin, joining us tonight loses her son and she's called a prop by a united states congressman. that is that is disgust. a >> that's repulsive beyond words.
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wellt , i agree. it was despicable. than say thank you for havinghe this breem on your show. tragedy thank you for highlighto the tragedy that she's facing in her life, the loss of her son who served this nation honorably, that the horrible wounding of her husband. and , you know, democrats in pan washington have made a pattern of at least expressing at least shedding a crocodile tears and saying, oh, i care about your loss. what was really striking about this hearing is those congressionaosl democrats didn't even pretend they don't give a damn about the namea dasu were scrolling on on your show' just a few minutes ago. t they don't give a damnhe about' the body bags that are piling te up. they don't give a damn aboutt the over one hundred thousand overdoses that happened last year. n joon joe biden's they don't give a damn about the biden body bags that are abt piling up on our southern border. and they don't give a damn c about the murders and the gang bangers in new york city, chicago and san francisco, ind l los angeles, in philadelphiaad,
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in these blue cities with blue democrats and george soros visas that let violentiminal criminals go . hed not only do they notno cart what is joe biden do, he goes out and seeks out these george soros days. and one of them, rachel rollin's, insachus massachusetts. he made the unitedet states attorney in massachusettderas, the chief federal prosecutor in i the entire state of te and i'll telle senate you, sean, every single democrat, the senate voted to confirm her, even though she had a long record of doing just what alvin bragged has done, of letting violent criminals go and resulting in a whole lot more people being murdered. and you're right, the people that are murderedered disproportionately are lowow income americans , low income new yorkers, low income chicagoans, often african-american, often hispanics, and the democratsial who love to preen on racial issues don'tissu care at all abt the people who are suffering as a result of their policies. >> y very, senator cruz, thank you.
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i want to play for you, tucker. did an interview with elon musk. is this true thatspying our government is spying h on private direct messages? listen, you were shockedthat to find out that various intel agencies were affecting its operations, the degree to whicho various government agencies had effectively had full access to everything that was going on in twitte r blew my mind. >> i was not aware of that. would that include people's gmes? >> yes, yes, because it was anrd unencrypted. are you kidding me? private direct messages. our government spying on every individual, every american life center. n what's going on in our country? that listen, that is fox news breaking major news tonight.wnio i'm going to make a prediction that your competitors aren't r cnn.oing to cove >> they're not going to saytchig a word about it.>> n abc cbs is launchingot a that. >> not a word. they'll ignore it.
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you're right. elon every everyone is here watching. but but listen, whatthat elon is saying, that the government is intercepting and monitoring ms. it raises an obvious question about about the rest of bigl tech. it is google allowing the federal government to monitor gmail. is facebook allowing the federal governmentl govern y to monitor messenger and whatsapp? this remem is you remember the a scandal under george w. bush about the fbi program that wast monitoring people's emails? yeah, well, what elon just federa said is that the federal government is doing that aseively in privat communications. as you know, i've launched ann m oversigh tt investigation fromch the senate commerce committee, nine biganies th tech companiest i'm demanding information on , on their getting in bed a with government. and all of these nine were in a second chat with the fbit pr and the federal government just prior to the last election. big tech needs to beent accountable. 's giv
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>>e are they helping the government spy on the american citizens? let' senats give it up. whnator ted cruz, thank you for saying thank you so much. now, when we come back ,tervie we'll have more of his interview with elon musk, kevin mccarthy, on why president bide n has not met with him in seventy five days. a debt ceiling coming and it'sys one 100th day in speaker. we'll tell you the promises he made and the ones that he kepte and we'll hold them accountable. accountable. >> straight ahead,to there's g that go better together. th v >>oy they likea, your workplaceu benefits and retirement savings. savings. be your financial choices together and help you be better prepareda for unexpected events, for brighter financial future. t thanks. oh, pretzel mustard. >> another great combo voiced. >> well planned, well invested, well protected. when you were ordinary, did you see all the time buildings get old?
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online sellers go to ship station .com slash , try and get two months free. how are you? iden president joe biden, he calledli a lead at eight fifty seven am h today. that means he won't hear from him for the rest of the day. eight fifty seven a.m.. wow. noyw this after a leisurelyh weekend at his delaware beachow house. i don't know i ihe'sf he's coveg up classified documents or not, but or recoverinvering fg from g trip to ireland to visit castles. while china hang over ths takenr the world. but apparently biden's frequento trips to delaware e and lax were
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scheduled to say the least y of veryg in the wa important business. >> take a look. t with president biden at the white house on february 1st. es on seventy five days ago durg our meeting, i told the president clearly, let's find a way to come to an agreement like we have before. and the president agreed to negotiate in good faithnegot we'd already be done.atel unfortunately,y i have not heat from the white house since our very first meeting . u >> why is biden so quiets.? h i thought he wanted to unite us , didn't he say that in his inaugural speech? is it because he doesn't want to defend his failed record on open borders? historicn forty year high inflation, rising crime,ci crippling deficitsts, energy, ey dependance. he inherited energy weak on th, theeakness on the world stage. is it because he m doesn't have a plan to handle the massive
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debt he's accumulating? speaker mccarthy does, and heune laid it out.iden and unlike joe biden, kevin mccarthy, he's been keepin mg his promises. you we are holding him accountable. i told you we would. and we are. thy, take a look at your screen. during the midterms, mccarthy, other republicans promisessed to increase domestic energy production and they passed want s bill ost that. they also fulfill the promise to pass patients bill ofe rights, a promise to repeal r eighty seven thousand new ireps agents for they also promised a select committee on china and they made it happen. they vowed to take on whether or not t the fbi is politicizedl and the doj weaponized and takid on prosecutors that don't prosecute. well, that happened today iney p new york city. romised to ethey promised to enn voting and reopen the capital to the americans in people. they did that as well. so after one hundred days and powerhouse republicans, they have a record to be prouddn of. joe biden does not. j joininoin us nof theg us now, sf the house kevin mccarthy. mr, how are you?l. i'm joe. i said
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now i want to bring i wantn' people to be aware. p drinid to you, if you don't keep your promises, i will be the first person to calyel yu . >> i not say that?ho yes, you did.merous and you've held me accountable. you e on the show numerous times. you you laid outalre exactly wh and whatt ou passed we're going to do later this week. we've got our border securitbiyl we'v being marked up this week. and next week we've got a debt puiling bill at our house fiscally in order. and we're going to sene d thatie over to the senate next week. we're going to limit, we'reo pu going to save and we're going to grow because we're going put to put america in a much stronger position. we made a commitment to america and we'r americamuch stre going. >> and that includes the parents bill of rights that includes restoring intelligence committee to safeguard national securityce to defund eighty seven irs agents. i want to ask you about the debt ceiling. o come so we expect that to comesome to sometime in june. are you saying tim to me thatprd the president has not spoken to you in seventy five days? the guy that once said it can't be my way or the highway,e joe biden, said that. high yowau say he's not even negotiating with you like you
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said he wouldn't. not at all. he told the democratsegot he's going to negotiate with me. he toliate wd at a prayer breakt he's going to negotiate with me . and the only time i've seen him, he wouldn't talonlyhim hekt the debt ceiling. >> hdebte doesn't want to talk about the debt that you remember your name. why you sember youe a real probe in the next 10 years. >>e we're going to have to pay ten point five trillion dollars just in interest. but to put that in perspective,y since 1940 and today, we've only had to pay nine trillion interest in eighty some years. six trillion dollars and added in the last little bit. that'sthat's what caused inflat. that's what caused the banking crisis. that's what caused problems for' the country. >> so they're going to they'rert going to claimo clai republicans that the full faith and credit of the the u.s. government is hanging in the meanwhile, they won't talk to you. now, you have a majority. e two hundred and twentygog two republicans. tou are going to havtoe to be te a united majority. >> you're willing to increasere the debtase th cei ceiling. you're not demanding that wewoul balance the budget immediately, which would be mathematicallyims
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possible. but youtu ar you ae going to hae a list of demands. we'll all two hundredta and twenty two republicans stay strong and say no debt ceiling increase unless we get a, b , meet d, is that going to happen? >> that's exactly why we'rwith s meeting in t a conference tomorrow. it has to otherwise wee can'tg get there. i call it a three pronged plan.e we're going to limit, save and grow. we're going to limit the amounto that governmenint can spend gois in the future. what we'll do is it just the next y 10 years will only increase funding each year by one percent. we're going to save we're going to pull back that covid money that was unspent unspe if you appropriated the money for the pandemic. but the pandemic is over e , you shouldn't spend it now. we're going to grow our economy, pas ws h.r. one the we went through, make us energye independent reformnd the red tan that will allow us to build things in america. again, this is just a small thmple of what we can do abd we'll raise the debt limit because we'll be able to savele more money, grow the economy and make america stronger.>> foe all right.
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kevin mccarthy, for everye yo single promise you keep, we will give you credit .you. >> if you don't keep them,t? i'm going to yell at you. u accn i'll hold you accountable. thank you. up next, the biden familyormati business dealings under new scrutinyon. i mean we have new information tonight that goes way beyond hudner. the i mean, way beyond the great one . mark levin will tell you about. it. we'll have more . tucker's interviews with elon, r musk, our great, great, great ad american panel and a greatt audi audienceen as we continue. >> these bills are crazy. owns a she has no idea. she's sitting on a gold mine.itt sho e doesn'cot know that if shc owns a life insurance policy of one hundred thousand dollars or more , she can all or part of it to true for cash , even a term policy, even termtting on policy, even find out if you're sitting on a gold mine called cap and trade direct today at eight hundred
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four nine 692 or visit country direct .com ron desantis tried to cut seniors benefits in congress. the senate voted three times to cut social security, even to privatize medicare worth. desantis wanted to raise the retirement age to 70 ron desantis would make us work longer to get less. >> president trump promised we will protect medicare and social security. president trump delivers, and he always will make america great again. inc is responsible for the content this advertising. >> do you have trouble hearing conversations? are you constantly asking loved ones to repeat themselves? do you miss out on discussion or talking with friends? then you would benefit from neno hearing aids. don't waste thousands of dollars on expensive hearing aids or settle with the frustration of cheap amplifiers. right now you can get two revolutions a nano cic recharge hearing aids regularly 709 four dollars for just two hundred ninety seven dollars or opt in
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unname bidend members of the bie family beyond joe zeronc experience connor brother jim could have been cashing inm. on hunter's apparent influence peddling scheme. here now with reaction. we call him the great one ,th nationally syndicated radio host and the host of the number one show right here on weekends, life, liberty and levin. >> i call hik nem the great one. mark levin is a great one . you've got a lot of fans here. y yo yu know, i'll let you take this any way you want to go.mony mark, i was going to say this.da i'mid like to know how much monh the biden family didow with china. i'd like to know how much money they did with russia and ukraine and all these other countries. jim r countr , versus thirteen, fourteenamerc countries. i want to know the american peopleeople have have a right to know. and of the money that they did in business, how much went into their pockets. >> wouldn't you like to know that? >> well over thirty million dollars for beginners because peter schweitzer did an did an analysis of all this, professor
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schweitzer, and he found f a thirty one million dollars to a a guguy y hadgoing to a family that really is capable of doing nothing. he here's the problem. >> and a present for christmas . >> i'm going to buy you what's says hunter is a painter and he does this. >> h he has this whole he sells them. >> it's called portraits of a crack addict. so as soon as my dog when i put his paws in pain, he knows that it is painting to the by the- biden. let me put it to you thisn mo way. >> we have the most corrupt attorney general in modern american history. i mean, you have to be deaf, dumb and blind. not to be able to see the evidence here. >> i mean, under the under the rules. twenty eight cfr six , that one . there's more than enough evidence here. i mean, how much evidence do you need to appoint a special counsel? is
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you have merrick garland is a cover up artist. he's like a mob lawyer forg. o th from the commerce committee, from grassley, from johnson, from the laptop, from bob wolinsky, firstd hand information, emails, texts, e everything. a sp prosecutors wantec to appoint a special counsel and a drag. joe biden in for an interview with a special grand jury under oath. now, i want to say somethingere. to the republican prosecutors out there. i've been saying thiss for abou a month, and i want to makehelp. this abundantly clear . we need your help.o itst is timeep for men and womeu who are patriot to step up thist attorney general in this the department are corrupt. they are metropol o, more of a .l mitchell palmer. he served as attorney general
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under woodrow wilson for two years. much of the time, wilson was incapacitated with a stroke. you know what he did? he he initiated the palmer raids known as the red scare.uss he would want he would round up thousands of people suspected pt of certain party affiliations. he'd put them in prison. , they they were denied habeas corpus. they sat in prison and waitede for their trust. and that sound likary 6 e the je six people to you? it sounds like it to me. and he had a lot of help from fbi director edgar hoover. like like this attorney general has help from christopherney gea now. >> that's a hundred years ago. we have a man in the white house who was corrupt. we have a man in the whiten in house who' 4s a manchuriane wh president . he's got chinese moneyo'. t ma i mean, they even puint money into the penn biden center in washington. r indc so he could make a millin dollars or so. just enormoui want ts sums of m. so i want to go back to this. the district attorney's in thist country, the attorneys general who have indictment authoritate
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the state prosecutors who have power in this country , we need your help. thderal law enforcement is corruptey. n. they are not goingit to investigate joe biden m five years with hunter biden. it should haveinow takenw away five minutes by now.embers >> but he's a throw away family member. fami nine members of the family now, according to colmer, who are involved in some form of money, taking. this is a friend, nine members of the biden crime family. nee we need the d.a., we neede the ags. we nee d the state prosecutorsde to dust off all their codes of criminal conduct. we need them to lookth at all the things that the bidens have done publicly, get a copy of any of the information that'sitt available, the laptop. talk to bob wolinsky.le there's people out there you can talk to make your own wire fraud cases, make your owns and fraud cases, make your own tax
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cases and so forth. tfigure out how to do it and then indict on . and let me tell you something never before in americanhas history has a president been indicted by a d.a. or an attorney general. it's never been the trutever beeed.h is that yot really indict a sitting president at the federal level.d it's never been imagined atd loa the state and local level. veso why am i imagining it?than thanks to alvin bragg,ks he showed us how to do it againstpd the next president , the leading republican candidate fors time president . by god, it's tim fe forepubli republicancas to fight back ,e s to run on the edge otif the constitution. to see what they can do because we're going to lose the countryt . otherwise, this corrupg t president and his family are und takinger. under this corrupt dam attorney general and this whole federal department of justice and fbi. they're out of control.. enfo werc need local and state law enforcement tests.
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>> that bar that's at great one . all right, mark, thankig youht . straight ahead, the backlasha ne against budweiser continues. ad.y released a new pro america ad. clydesdales are back , cls are consumernos are not. so we'll play it for you. also, elon musk warning about the dangers of artificial intelligence. >> jimmy fallon and kayleigh mcenany neck straight before their choice. my dental health was so bad i would be in a lot of pain. i wasn't able to eat. it was very hard. kimberly came to clear choice with a bunch of missing teeth struggling with pain, with dental disease, clear choice , dental implant solved dental issues. >> i feel so much better. i feel energized to go outside
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and play with my daughter. i can eat anything like i don't have to worry. clear choice changed my life. i love your place. thanks. could you get some carrots? sure. what's this best for pepper? you keep dog food in your fridge. stuffed dog food. it's fresh fruit. real meat or veggies that you feed your dog. >> so it's dog. you were so right about her fresh pet. it's not dog food, it's food. food. i'm going for polka. i could invest a quarter of a million dollars if i'm looking for my next food store. i want to be national. the person who i'll be investing in is gordon ramsay's food doors premieres wednesday, may 24th on fox. >> you know, where you are. i'm in a dream. but in my dream, we don't consider ourselves affected.
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fast. absolutely free. that's beaten and h two , three , six nine three six a nine . in a desperate attempt to save face after losing billions in value since partnering with trans influenceinfluencr my budweiser, they released this pro-american ad on twitter. k. >> take a look. let me tell you a story about a beer rooted in the heart of
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america. >> all right. the company is competitors now are looking to capitalize on the marketing misstep. yingling posted this tweet highlighting its american root s as budweiser. yo bu know, the slide worsenuds over five billion in losses. here with reaction, author ofthp the upcoming book serenityco in the storm and outnumbered co-host kayleigh mcenany. fox across america, host jimmy fallon. hey,t hey. all right. some of you going to whathe g ham about to say because of all the guysve that have budweiser roots, because of all the workers for anheuser-busch ,because they didn't they didn't make this decision. i don't want to see their careers ruined, their livelihoods taken away. i don't want this to go on much longer. i know people. thy feeley'v, buted tha they've now admitted that they should never have gotten involved in politics and i hope
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that people don't kill this company because innocentany, be. are going to be hurt as a result of this decision. orkers, i care about the worker, the people that drive the trucks. >> you know, i und i understanet point of view. lit i''sd love to see some of those workers, let's say, go to course, because where i'm coming from is i'm watching a society where the top levels of government, where education, wheration, we corporate americae embracing transgenderism at spot the expense of girls who wants. to play sports . pressure we wae answer? because we can put all the pressure we want, but until it hurts in the pocketbookketbo, as it has for bud light, i don't know the answer. i'm with youi'm .with i don't want to hurt the persone running the routes, but i'd love to see them go to courtg th because i don't people that are in the facility whereco they produceors. budweisery prod and there are other productsuc for sure. >> but that commercial, i still think was a little bit of a backfire. what they don't tell youat they is that, you know, they broughtd out mr. ed, but he drank budight light. now he's mrs. ed. that's why he's running away.
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they're just trying to get himhe in there for the surgery. ni foun no, i found it to be i found itg to be patronizing, sean, w he was tempted to ask for a pronoun you use. >> but i'm not going to . oh, i didn't say yeah, no,'r i'm a cray and z, you know, i'm crazy. but no, the truth is like bud light. and this is why we're not forgiving them because of what she said . corporatforgivintheme america ks wrapping its arms around radical transgenderism at the expense of women. o >> okay, let me ask how you. think they'll do this again. no, no, no ink , nothey. i think i don't know.e migh some might. t 'r and this is this we're tryingnt to get the point across when it comes to be a beer is escapism. all we'r ee askingscapis is for our beer to come in a cardboard case and not a mental case. yoinu understand? d >>we but we haven't had that so far . that s, per say, dylan mulvany i don't know who this persono was tell to nobody else.bu but but now this person selling women's, apparently women'aps devices now went beer all of a sudden, all of corporate
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america, not one company, all of them. >> this person's pervasive. allo right. let men go on to elon musk.ucke he was on with our own tuckero' carlson. here's what he told tuckerwhat a as it relates to artificial intelligence. >> take a look. alias pep's more dangerous than, say, mismanaged aircraft design or production or b bade that car production in the sense that it is it has a potential, however small. one may regard thatt probability, but it is not trivial. it has the potential of civilizational destruction. okay, i have played with chet. yeah, this is seriously brilliant. and he may be right. >> this might be more dangerous than we have. piecidea i could i could see it. look, 60 minutes did a frightening piece where they basically said this a.i. technology had not been taughtie bangladeshi a language and somehow learned bangladeshi and thanlearnee ceo of google s,
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d that. know how it di when you don't fully understandc technology you created, you're not god . and he said re, oh, not, well,e don't know how the human brain works. what god does. we'rcreated the human brain. we're creating these technologies that are very frightening. didn't it say that, that humansy are arrogant and stupid and ignorant if they think that we won't defeat you? >> not here.tupi it's not a fan of the human. but i think i found the fix here. okay, why don't we train ai to drink bud light now? we got now we've got to push here. you want a drunk artificialk intel? maybe we dumb it dow arn a little bit because one of the key points elon made when he was talking to tucker,. m i thought, but made yoade u smar . one it.p it one of the key points he mades e is that up until now, humans have been the most intelligent species on earth. >>nc and i know that's hard to imagine if you go on twittert for five minutes you like, there's got to be somebodyfor else. but the idea thafivet the intelligence dynamic could change because of ai puts us at a disadvantage we've never known. >> so i don't knowai that it's safe . i don't know anyone nervous sea: about this a little bit. yeah as abou, if you play. i mean, it's crazy.'s yeah, right. a monologue from a conservative
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talk show host on the economy in 2020. it's better than mine.2020 that's not good. thanter thk both kayleigh, jimmy moore, hannity. straight ahead, lab diamonds, the smart by the jury exchange has one carrot solitaires from seven ninety nine to three carat thirty nine . ninety one carat studs from six ninety nine to six carat for sixty nine .what a ninety thousands of diamondsre guaranteed the lowest price. the jewelry exchange direct be o tony here from credit repairin .com helping people seein hig the true cost of badh credit . what are you doing to improve your credit. your credit. should i be doing so. absolutelyth. ir my cr unless you like paying thousands of extra and high interest rates. a goo and high interest rates. a goo did d you know repairing your credit could save you thousands of dollars in lowe your interest rates? interest rates? >> wait, my credit. of course you can. even if you have a good score, repairing your credit can make it better. start working to improve your credit, get started at credit repair, .com. do you have trouble hearing
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seven . weeke a quick programing note. we have live audience shows c wednesday and thursday of this week. any you wantback to come back ? all right. just check here are in studios s guest emily compagno, larryts kudlow, tammy bruce calatrava,rt dr. nicole and much more . go to if you want to be part of the show, just go to hanadipleae on the tickets are free. s please set your dvr. never miss an episode. t no >> in the meantime, let nothear your heart be trouble or is nexled.t on .tomorrow i'm laura ingraham.m la thisura is ingram angle fromh washington tonight. thanks for being with us. winning solves everything. that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> now let's try one more time to explain stuff to people who i know are frustratedrigh and they're confused about gop politics right now. >> man y republicans, especially donor types, are flummoxed by recent political polls. now, for sure, the i n crowd thought that trump was finishedr january six and other impeachmen
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