tv America Reports FOX News April 18, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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[bleep] [bleep] [bleep] >> sandra: viral video showing a woman and her boyfriend swept up in a mob of violent teens surrounded, taunted, beaten, and robbed. >> john: the terrified victim now speaking in a fox news exclusive about the crime crisis plaguing the city she loves and the stranger in the crowd who she wants to find and thank. welcome back as "america reports" rolls into a second hour. good to be with you again. >> sandra: and you as well on this tuesday afternoon. live from new york city and washington, i'm sandra smith. that interview just ahead. but first this fox news alert. >> these bad men, they have me, help me, help me, call anybody, call the police, i'm going to pop her full of drugs, have my way with her. >> john: a mother's worst nightmare turning out to be
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nothing more than just a scam. her daughter's cries for help were created using artificial intelligence. the terror it created could not have felt more real. alicia is live in denver with more. >> this is happening more and more, just one terrifying example out of scottsdale, arizona, jennifer day stefano answered a phone call from a number she did not recognize. heard her 15-year-old daughter's voice say mom, plus sobbing and crying. >> this guy comes on the phone and he says listen here, i've got your daughter, this is what's gonna happen, you call anybody, call the police, i'm going to pop her full of drugs, have my way with her and drop her off in mexico and you'll never see your daughter again. >> the mother believed it because her daughter has a distinct way of crying and that's what she heard coming through the phone. meantime, her friends scrambled to reach her husband, their daughter was safe with him the whole time. the supposed kidnapper was using
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an artificial intelligence generated clone voice. this form of a.i. is so sophisticated now some need three second voice sample to recreate an authentic sounding person and the applications are outpacing the law. >> why are we having -- the crooks are having a field day trying to make money before all of this becomes truly unlawful. >> if you get an alarming call and are trying to distinguish between a cloned voice and loved one, the federal trade commission recommends first of all, don't always trust the voice. call a known number to verify the person, if you can't reach them, family and friends. scammers will often ask you to pay in ways to get money back, like gift cards or crypto, and what day stefano said, once she was talking to her daughter on the phone, like what is real and
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what isn't. she was speaking to her actual daughter and still did not quite believe it. she was so upset. john. >> john: so alicia, a question a lot of people at home might have, in order to create an a.i. clone of a family member or friend, you've got to have a sample of the voice. where did they get the sample. >> all over the place. social media, a lot of us put up videos, and they hear your voice saying leave a message. so many ways the apps can grab a portion of your voice and utilize it in almost any way they want, incredibly scary. >> john: another reason to love social media. alicia, thank you so much. sandra, that's frightening to think that you post a video on instagram or youtube or facebook or whatever and scammers could grab it, clone it and turn it against your family.
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that's terrifying. >> sandra: just watch that report and they are terrified but perhaps more prepared than they would have been if you know it can happen. and how to do something about it if you receive something like that. wow, everybody on set is talking about this as well. tesla and twitter ceo elon musk stating his big concerns over fast moving artificial intelligence. warning it's time for the government to step in before it's too late, despite the world's richest man building his own competing a.i. chatbot. >> i think we should be cautious with a.i. and we should -- i think there should be some government oversight because it affects -- it's a danger to the public. >> sandra: big money team, taylor and brian, they just ran on set after their big show. >> i'm the one -- >> sunday. >> you are off to the marathon
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after this? >> yes. >> fantastic, we will be rooting for you. let me know how that goes. i'm a big runner but not a marathon runner, not sure why i have not gone that route. a significant warning and everybody takes notice when elon musk says the government might want to step in before it's too late. and seems some bipartisan support, or is it too late already? >> we keep talking, and we don't have a good answer for you. when elon musk was mentioning all the other regulation bodies, the faa, doj, the department of energy, it's hard to understand how you could then create another sort of bureaucracy to regulate all of this. i don't have a goodens a. maybe if they create add self-regulating organization where you could have elon musk sent over google, maybe understand this, they could help create guidelines and heard from the google ceo says he does not
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understand how it all works. >> sandra: always terrified when the government wants to step in to regulate something they don't know enough about. >> tell me which regulatory body is going a crack job on what they are regulating. hand a.i. over to them? elon musk said and i think the go of the is looking in on your d.m. so control over a.i., what are they going to look into when they have this. regulation is easy to say, it's hard to do well. i'm more interested in what elon musk is building, is he going to build something, create something -- >> sandra: truth gpt. >> that's what he calls it. i don't know what it's going to do. >> a lot of people have called for a pause. let's understand the technology before we continue to roll it out. on our program we have been having conversations that china is full steam ahead, too late to put the cat back in the box and cannot pause if china will
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develop and use the technology and potentially against us. we are in the camp where you can pause, you have to just keep rolling with it. >> sandra: this was elon musk, more from the interview on left wing programmers training a.i. to lie. listen to this. >> what's happening, training the a.i. to lie. >> yes. >> it's bad. >> to lie. >> that's exactly right, and withhold information. >> lie and, yes, and to -- yeah, exactly, to either comment on something, not comment on other things, but not to say what the data actually -- >> sandra: so i don't know, what could go wrong? >> mix garbage in, garbage out. input and the filter you are putting into it is the code it's going to spit out on the other side. that's appropriate rules and regulations would come in. tell the story about the book class as well. >> my students did a presentation on chatgpt, and put
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up quotes for the textbook and we looked at the slides, oh, nice quotes, he says these all sound great. the problem is, none exist. i asked chat gbt to do something real, it gave me something fake. if there is bias how it is created it will come out on the other side. >> sandra: the president is about to speak shortly on childcare and make it more affordable, the average cost of childcare in the country, an average i should mention, i think a lot of people will look at this and think it might be low, other areas of the country it's higher than that, frankly. in 2021, almost $11,000. that's according to childcare aware of america. the wall street journal is saying pricey childcare is keeping many parents out of the workforce today, estimating 380,000 americans in prime working years, age 25 to 54, held jobs before the pandemic but no longer did last year
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according to estimates from bank of america and cite rising childcare costs. >> we want them to re-enter the workforce, and free market capitalism and the chips act, for example, but say if you want to be involved and subsidies for the chips act, provide unionized subsidies for child, the costs spiral out of control. >> and another industry in the interest of affordability, higher education and now we are stuck in that problem. let's not repeat the mistakes of the past. lower the cost of living, fight inflation, cut taxes, things to create more income. instead the government wants to get more involved. >> sandra: and not a lot of folks are feeling too happy about, in particular in the middle class about biden's
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policies, those say they have benefitted from his policies as he's about to give this speech, 10% say a lot, 36% say a little, this is according to monmouth, and 51% say not at all. we'll see what he has to say about that and what he pitches. thanks for the race here, appreciate it. >> got it. keeping him in shape. >> john: great panel there. sandra, the former director of national intelligence, john ratcliffe, leaving little doubt about how he thinks covid-19 started. >> really at this point anything that ties covid-19 to nature. no environmental hosts, intermediate host, reservoir species, nothing has ever been published that covid-19 existed in any animal or species before the pandemic began. >> john: he testified at a house
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subcommittee hearing more evidence backs the lab leak theory. our next guest was a proponent of that all along, rand paul, he says there is nothing that ties this to nature, exactly the opposite of what dr. fauci was saying three years ago, nothing tied this to the lab leak. so now you have the former dni, the senate report, department of energy and the fbi all pointing to the lab, does this leave any doubt in your mind? >> no, and i think he's exactly right. if you weigh the evidence on either side there's a mountain of evidence on the side this leaked from a lab and there's really no evidence that it came from animals. the only thing we knows historically, viruses like sars kun and so did mers.
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and they tested 80,000 animals across china, and you also find the animal handlers have antibodies to the virus as well. they don't have that. the other telltale sign strongly suggestive it came from a lab is if you take covid-19 from a human and you try to infect animals, no animals readily take it, that it could have come from. bats don't accept covid-19, won't grow in their brain or kidneys. virus seems to have been readily, preadapted for humans and the evidence pointing there, and still getting reluctance. i've asked five different democratic chairman to sign on for records release from our government, not the chinese government, from our government and i have not gotten one democrat to sign a letter to request records yet. >> john: senator marshall traces
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back the bread crumbs. he says evidence shows that the chinese were working on a vaccine as early as november 2019. at that point, nobody had heard about covid. we did not hear until the end of january of 2020. he also suggested this was probably an accident that it was a result of incompetence and inadequate containment. do you think of this -- if this did leak from a laboratory, that it was an accident, or could it be intentional? >> i think in all likely an accident. why i've actually asked the chinese government, i've met with their ambassadors, representative here and asked them, go ahead and tell the truth. if it was an accident you were trying to develop a vaccine and it got loose, just admit the accident because it will help us in trying to prevent these things from happening again. and it does not happen just in china. we have had accidents here in our country, and you are right, a number of groups have looked
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at this and assessed it did come from the lab. fbi, department of energy, the report that senator marshall talked about was 18-month investigation by the health committee team that looked into every nook and cranny. one of the things they relied on was information that the trump administration declassified and that's three workers in the wuhan lab got sick with covid-like symptoms in november 2019. the chinese government could reveal the testing of the individuals but it has never been revealed. there are people from the lab were active at the time were missing and can't be found. so a lot of questions that we have and i wish they would be forthcoming with the answers but we know enough to know that it all likelihood came from the lab and we should be regulating this gain of function research should be severely circumscribed and
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restricted, and not one democrat has stepped forward to help us on this. >> john: two figures loom large, dr. peter darzak and dr. anthony fauci. is there any more clarify on what was really going on there? >> i think we know this. dr. fauci early on approved of this, that he had to evade existing regulations. the existing regulations said that this kind of research should go before a pandemic pathogen committee in order to determine whether it should continue or be funded, whether it was safe enough. only dr. fauci had the ability to go around that committee and exempt this research from scrutiny. that was one of the worst judgments made in modern medical history and may be the judgment call, mistake, not on purpose, but mistake that dr. fauci made that allowed millions to die around the world. he made the judgment error the chinese were reliable and honest
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and help us if there was a lab leak and also made the judgment error doing this dangerous research, he said at one point in time somebody asked him, what if a pandemic occurs through an accident and he said it would be worthwhile because of the knowledge. that is a judgment error that will go down in history as one of the worst judgments ever and he does bear responsibility and ultimately i think the house will bring him back under subpoena and made to testify. the problem he seems to remember everything about the past when he's on a jolly good fellow interview with the mainstream networks but ever challenged he can't recall, he can't recall, he can't recall, but he still needs to come in and be asked the hard questions. >> john: a lot of layers of this onion left to be with us. so, sandra, more and more every day, or every week, it seems, more evidence leading toward the lab leak theory and incredible
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to see how things have changed since the spring of 2020 when you would have been dismissed as a continue foil hat wearing conspiracy theoryist. >> sandra: and amazing how much more we are learning at this moment, john. we'll know a lot more soon as well. meanwhile, we are watching this, scenes like this in chicago. [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] >> sandra: absolute mayhem in the streets, that woman attacked by a brutal mob of teenagers. it happened saturday night in the streets of chicago. outgoing mayor lori lightfoot does not see it that way. >> the vast majority of young people came downtown because it was great weather and an opportunity to enjoy the city. >> sandra: we'll talk to one woman who was trapped in that
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violent crowd along with her boyfriend. she will tell her terrifying story only right here on "america reports." >> john: goodness gracious. plus, members of a u.s.-trained counter terrorism force among those stuck in afghanistan waiting in limbo for protection and asylum in the united states. is the u.s. neglecting a key component from its 20-year war. and florida governor ron desantis headed to washington. is he taking in the d.c. sites or could he be plotting a presidential run? (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once, and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life, and cultural treasures. because when you experience europe on a viking longship,
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latest incident involving failing technology crippling our nation's aviation system. an faa computer failure grounded all planes nationwide earlier this year. southwest fixed their problem but delays still lingering. the secretary of transportation pete buttigieg tweeting he is making sure southwest takes care of all of those affected. airlines still trying to repair the reputation following a meltdown this past december resulting in 17,000 flights canceled, ruining holiday plans and displacing millions of people at exactly the worst possible time. members of a top secret u.s.-trained counter terrorism force in afghanistan are now living in limbo on american soil. some say they are having trouble receiving healthcare or medical coverage from wounds suffered on the battlefield. jennifer griffin is live at the
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pentagon with more on this. >> based on our reporting, 200 afghans from a top cia trained force evacuated to the u.s. after the fall of kabul and still waiting for special immigrant visas, known as 0 units, they trained and worked alongside members of the cia. and a former u.s. intelligence operative saw how the evacuated 0 unit members and their families were being neglected at a u.s. military base outside washington, d.c., months after the withdrawal, she left her government job and started famil, a non-profit to help resettle these afghan allies. "the washinton post" looked at this person in the unit, sky high medical bills, unable to
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work until his legal status is settled. afghan adjustment act which would legalize the 85,000 afghans brought to the u.s. has stalled in congress. former green beret dan elkins testified on capitol hill. >> more of our community would be buried in arlington national cemetery if it was not for the work they did on behalf of the u.s. government shoulder to shoulder with us, and the fact that they are here and suffering in this way is tragic. >> it helps people like 39-year-old tabesh, who spoke to a washington post reporter. he and his seven children were resettled in a crime infested neighborhood in baltimore. >> disabled people with whom i'm in touch all share my worry. they are in the same boat, i'm not alone. we didn't work for the government of afghanistan, really, we worked for the american government until we were disabled and paralyzed and brought to the united states. >> these men served faithfully, shoulder to shoulder with the
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u.s. special operations community, intelligence community and it's a tragedy the conditions they are living in and what they are facing and the fact the u.s. government has not come through to honor the promise that they made to them. >> the state department has issued 21,000 siv visas since 2021. defense department estimates 19,000 remain in the pipeline without legal status. many say they feel suicidal are shocked they were not treated as heroes when they arrived in the u.s. we are speaking with a member of one of the members of the 0 unit and a full report tonight with bret baier. >> john: we'll be looking forward to that, as lingering fallout continues. >> sandra: this shocking video out of the bronx just coming into fox news channel, a man assaulting a female nypd officer, you have to take a look at this here, it is disturbing.
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incident happening yesterday around 2:00 in the afternoon. the suspect walks up to the unified officer and clocks her on the side of the head with the bottle. suspect was arrested and charge series of crimes, including assault, the officer is listed in stable condition. chaos in chicago as hundreds of teenagers storm the streets, attacking a helpless woman who is trying to enter her apartment at the time this happened. that woman is speaking exclusive to us here on the fox news channel for the very first time next. >> john: looking forward to that. plus, california governor gavin newsom facing pushback who says soft on crime policies are putting their neighborhoods at risk. plus, just when we needed it, good news. month after cardiac arrest took
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every month? car loans can be expensive and the payments high. consolidate that car loan into a newday home loan and save hundreds every month. >> sandra: all right, the latest will he or won't he run, florida governor ron desantis is heading to washington to meet with republican lawmakers as speculation swirls that a presidential campaign could launch within weeks. this as the endorsements for former president trump continue to pile up. mark meredith is live in washington with more on that for us. mark, are these endorsements a warning sign for desantis and the other republicans in the field? >> former president trump's campaign continues to rack up endorsements, a member of the florida congressional delegation and trump won the support of two
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more senators. desantis visit may be an attempt to shore up support for a presidential campaign launched later this summer. >> today is just an opportunity to hear the great success story that governor desantis has had in florida and for my colleagues to get reacquainted with him today and looking forward to having that conversation. >> the governor has not launched a campaign yet, political action groups supporting him are at work. the group never back down launched this ad, airing nationally earlier this week, to raise his profile on the national stage and political experts argue the official launch will likely be well thought out. >> he's saving something for the formal announcement assuming it's coming. longer you can delay it, particularly prior to the first
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debate, the more it might help you but there are risks there, too. >> tomorrow governor desantis will be back on the road, in south carolina, a few events down there. trump is getting ready to go to new hampshire next week and another candidate will kick off his campaign, former arkansas governor asa hutchinson will announce next week as well. sandra. >> sandra: mark meredith, thank you very much for joining us on that. john. >> in the coming days we will vote on the protection of women and girls in sports act. we think women and girls should only compete in women and girls sports. >> john: house republicans setting up a vote on legislation to prevent biological males from competing in girls and womens sports at colleges and public schools across the country. 22 states currently have laws that ban transgender participation in youth athletics. three of those laws are being challenged. chief washington correspondent mike emmanuel is here with the latest. safe to say the house bill will
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not become law? >> the white house announcing the bill would be dead on arrival, hr734 would deny access to sports for many families, on the screen, by establishing an absolute ban on transgender students even those as young as elementary schoolers playing on a team consistent with their gender identity. if the president were presented about hr734 he would veto it. house republicans are convinced they are right, noting the bill would protect the rights of women and girls to fully participate and fairly compete in women's sports programs operated by recipients of federal funding. supporters say it isn't right when biological males dominate women's athletics. >> to go from 464th to 1 is unfair, it's unfair to riley gaines and others, and sets the tone i think it does get to the
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bathroom issue. it does get to safety. it does get to protection. which children deserve that. >> on the other side, democrats argue there are bigger priorities congress should address. >> out of all the issues in the world, house republicans decided that on a very first day back, very first bill would be a trans bullying bill. more division, more extremism, more maga culture wars. >> here are the 22 states that have passed transgender sports bans, idaho, utah and west virginia are in court. and georgia says they must play on teams that match the sex on the birth certificate. the gop bill is on the house floor for consideration on thursday. >> john: it is an interesting discussion we are having in this country and that is the right for females to fully participate in girls and womens sports.
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>> multi-decade push to give women equal rights and equal opportunities and now a lot of people feel they are being wiped away by males playing in these sports. >> john: biological males. we'll continue to follow this, it's fascinating. >> sandra: it is tax day and they are pushing wealthy does not pay their fair share. but when pressed on specifics, crickets. >> john: governor gavin newsom blasted on state laws that allow repeat offenders back on the streets again and again and again. how one district attorney is fighting back. he joins us coming up next. >> i'll say this to our governor, come back home, stop the dog and pony show across other states, come back home and deal with what's happening in our state. there are some things that go better... together. hey! like your workplace benefits... and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial
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a>> sandra: it is tax day here in america and if you listen to democrat lawmakers, another year the wealthy have failed to pay their fair share. when pressed what that is, some lawmakers are awfully quiet. william has more on that for us. >> you know, sandra, this is interesting, because you know, many in washington talk about fair share but don't back it up.
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without giving you a number, tax rate, fair share does not really mean anything and we asked every member, not one would give us what fair share means. but on the street, we have better luck. >> if you make over $578,000 you pay 37%. but if you make a million, 10 million, 100 million, you are still paying 37%. what i want you to do is put in here what you think these people should pay. >> that's really high. i'm gonna say 25%. l>> all the way down? >> no, no, ok, good, all right. 10 million, all right, all right, all right. i say 30. >> you actually want to lower the tax table, or the tax code. >> just because you make more money don't mean you have to pay more. >> you make 500,000 and up. >> maybe 31%. >> i don't think the more money you make the more taxes you should pay. >> if you are making $100 million, why should you pay the same as the dude who is making 20? >> because you made your way up that way.
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>> let's go to the really rich people. >> cap it off at 40 to 42%. >> nobody on the tax committee could answer the same question, even the chairman dodged us, not giving a percentage but said he thinks biden means. >> when the president says everyone needs to pay their fair share, what he's talking about is he wants to raise taxes on working class families, all americans. >> what does the data show? the top 1% pay 42% of all the income tax, top 10% pay 74%, bottom 40% pay 0. what does it mean? effective tax rate what people actually pay, top 1%, a half million dollars or more. effective rate of 25%, the top 10%, 150 grand and up pay 20%. back to you. >> sandra: very interesting tax day indeed. william, thank you. john. >> john: california governor gavin newsom facing growing
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pushback from district attorneys and sheriffs in his state that argue california laws to empty prisons and jails have put them at risk and dangerous places to raise a family. michael hester from riverside, california. a series of laws since 2011, bill 105, prop 49, prop 57, intended to lighten sentences and reduce the number of criminals in state jails. but what have these laws and measures cumulatively done to the golden state. >> made california's criminal justice system revolving door. goes into custody not for misdemeanor but felony crimes, very little time in the jails.
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an individual had committed 37 felonies over a 17-month period, and that includes commercial burglaries, vandalism, and he had spent very little time in our jails, in fact he was sentenced in our county to three years, eight months in prison. he did three days in the local jail because of ab109 and he was out. you can't run a system like that. people are leaving california, closing down businesses, it's a disaster and our governor and our legislature do nothing. they just ignore it. and it's time that they did their jobs. >> john: you mentioned one individual and i wanted to highlight that, put up his picture on the screen here. his name is timothy bethel, 31 years old, a criminal record all the way back to 2014. he was involved in a spree of crimes, just highlight more what you said, mr. attorney, 2021, he was sentenced to four years in jail but released a month later to a rehab center and
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disappeared. eight days after that, robbed a walgreens, sentenced to one year, released two days later, and caught again, served other three days, committed 17 more felonies after that. and now he's in jail again, sentenced to five years and four months. don't know how long he will actually serve. might might look at that and say that's the exception to the rule. but is it? >> no, unfortunately what i said at the press conference, we highlighted that case not because it's the exception, not because it's special, but unfortunately an all too common occurrence now. people are coming into the jails, spending very little time. almost no punishment in this county and many counties across california, almost no punishment for theft, felony theft, felony vandalism, business owners call me all the time i take their calls and try to explain the laws and in the end i have to tell them the laws in california don't protect property anymore. we just don't.
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and it's terrible, it's unfortunate. they pour their heart and soul and investment into the businesses and thieves take what they want and ruin their business. >> john: we'll keep watching your argument. i know these laws have been in place for a long time, you are fighting an uphill battle. michael hester, and the district attorney from riverside county. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> sandra: just months after a cardiac arrest took damar hamlin out of the game, a major announcement about his future. that and what you've been waiting for next. we'll replace your windshield, and recalibrate your advanced safety system. so automatic emergency braking and lane departure warning work properly. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. the first fda-cleared at-home skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment.
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we were walking down the street. there was a really big group of guys, a big group of people. >> girls. >> guys and girls. you know, d.j. had my hand and trying to lead me through the crowd of people. they pushed him. they pushed me. action soon as they pushed me, i told d.j., hey, they just shoved me. he asked them, yo, don't shove her. who shoved her. as soon as he said that, everything went crazy. they said they were going to kill us. they turned around and started fighting. i got pushed to the ground. the whole group went to d.j., not me. i have a lot less injuries because i was more of a bystander than anything. they were jumping him in the middle of the street. got pretty bad. >> sandra: so sorry to hear
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that. d.j., what were the extent of your injuries after this? >> as you can see, i have a black eye. my face is messed up. shoulder is pretty [bleep]ed up, too. it's out of place. my back is sore. my nose is swollen. i don't know what's going on with it. i'll get it checked out soon. >> do you believe that you two were targeted or do you believe it was random? >> it was very random. all we were doing, we had just left nordstrom. we were looking for somewhere to eat. we saw that group and they thought they was tough. when i was -- young and dumb trying to prove a point for nothing. that's how that happened. >> it was absolute -- >> sandra: go ahead, ashley. >> it was absolutely random. we didn't know anybody.
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we were just trying to walk through a group of people. >> sandra: were things taken from you, ashley? >> yes. both of our pairs of shoes, her sandals, her apple watch. my had. we had just bought the stuff. both of our phones. cops drove by it. acted like they didn't see anything. >> while d.j. was getting jumped in the street, that's when i was getting off the ground. i saw the cops drive by. they almost had to avoid the collision to get past us. they just drove by the incident in the middle of the street. >> sandra: i have a few seconds left, a good samaritan picked you up and took you to the hospital, correct? >> yes. her name is lenora. >> she gave us shoes, took us home. >> her husband as well. >> thank you. >> sandra: i know you're looking for her. we'll get the message out.
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our thoughts and prayers are with both of you. praying for that city. it's going through tough times. thanks to both of you. >> thank you. >> sandra: part of the reason they joined us is they wanted the good samaritan to let them know how thankful she was to help. a good story to come out of a lot of bad. >> john: hopefully we can get them connected. >> sandra: i'm sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts. "the story" with martha starts right now. >> martha: i'm martha maccallum. good to be with you this afternoon. a story exclusive with matt taibbi. veteran journalist that testified on capitol hill about the dangers that he uncovered in the twitter files. twitter's ceo elon musk, whose visionary thinking brought us cutting edge robots, electric cars and was on the ground floor of creating a.i. or the abilit
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