tv Fox News at Night FOX News April 18, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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learn more at >> greg: we are out of time. thank you. i love you, america. [cheers and applause] >> trace: welcome to america's late news, "fox news @ night." i'm jonathan hunt in for a trace gallagher. and breaking tonight, a major new report from a republican senator at medical doctor roger marshall suggests there may have been not just one but two lab leaks in wuhan, china, back in 2019 that sparked the covid-19 pandemic. we will explore why china is not being held accountable. but first course parted jeff has more on the lab leak theory on
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how the lab leak theory is picking up steam. >> reporter: another covid report, 300 pages. the big take away is this statement. the preponderance of information affirms the possibility of a research related incident that was likely unintentional resulting from failures of biosafety containment during vaccine related research. relies on that scientists that have yet to discover any sort of naturally occurring viruses that are similar in composition to covid-19. furthermore, the report argues researchers in china started on at least two covid vaccines in november of 2019 before the pandemic. and that there are also safety concerns at that very lab. this is how the senator of kansas released the report interprets the fighting. >> i want to emphasize i think this leak was unintentional. they had no reason that they wanted to release this virus. i would hope for the best.
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we have to assume the worst. >> reporter: fbi director wray christopher wray said the virus "most likely came from a lab leak in wuhan." some scientists say there is no evidence of a week. but the world health organization just last month said right now we don't have a single definitive answer. >> every piece of data is important in moving us closer to that answer. we continue to push china to be transparent in ensuring data and conduct the necessary investigations and share the results. >> reporter: china has and continues to oppose the lab leak theory but has not allowed or make it easy for independent investigators to operate within the country. >> jonathan: good to have you here. let's see if we can get some conversation about the lab leak theory and why china won't come clean. fox news medical contributor dre
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hilton. good to have you here. we have got department of energy racing scillo confidence of the lab leak fbi saying they think it is probably a lab leak. a team of researchers saying probably and will pass on to human. how important is it that we define w what does once and for ohio it is done? >> hey coach ron rittimann. it is critical that we understand the foundation and where this virus originated because ultimately, with that information will do for us is helpless to save millions of lives when future pathogens and future pandemics emerge and that is bound to happen. we see so many outbreaks that are happening whether it is makhi parks or ebola. we know there are we know there are going to be future pandemics. having this information is critical in -- and vital to better prepare for the future. as a doctor who has worked on the front lines, having taken care of thousands of covid
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patients, we use facts and science to help better take care of our patients and we need this information to do that moving forward. >> jonathan: so steve, we have all of these differing conclusions. people who now are sitting in beijing. how can we not get the information from them, watch the biden administration be doing to get the answer that the doctor says we need so badly. >> honestly, we do have the answer. we do have the data. because we have 80,000 pieces of data, 80,000 samples of animals of different species that have been tested in the last three years in pursuit of evidence that this was a naturally occurring virus. not a single one tested positive for the fires. there has not been a single animal found that was infected with -- before the first human. i don't know how much longer they want to keep pretending that there's any other possible explanation than this came from the lab and the real question is not just whether it came from
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the lab but what came from the lab. what was the research that was being done? that points not to china but right back here to america because as dr. fauci who commissioned the experiments that produced this virus and in doing so, he broke the rules both put in place by the obama administration and the trump administration. he is the one that needs to be held accountable could not ch china. >> jonathan: so doctor, would you agree that there is a preponderance of information pointing towards the lab leak theory? >> oh, yes, would absolutely agree with what steve has said as well. there is an abundance of information that points this is not a transmission infection that this likely was depleted in a lab with gain of function research which should be eliminated, which we should not be conducting. and it is important that we get to the bottom of so that this does not continue and hold those accountable who are conducting
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this research illegally and immorally and unfortunately, jonathan, it is going on right now as we speak here in our backyards. boston university conducting these types of research experiments. my turn and pfizer doing it as well under the premise, under the guise of looking for research for faxing advancement. so it is something that we need to take a close look at and the fact that there was a severe breach of safety protocols at the lab in wuhan which i should space don't think should exist. , the biden administration has not been about to get more information from china it seems and then if you go back to. and trump at the beginning of it, he tweeted that it will all work out well on behalf of the american people. i want to thank president xi. we ago back last night, back to president obama as well. nobody is doing enough to hold china accountable for anything. don't we have to change? >> it is absolutely right that we should hold them accountable
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for the cover up. the fact that they are standing in the way of getting to the definitive answer and for the lack of safety protocols as jeanette just said. that is their responsibility. i repeat it is our responsibility to develop. america created this virus. it was dr. fauci who did it and he broke the rules to do it. you had hundreds of scientists back in the last time there is a lab leak like this, on american soil, 2013, 2014, scientists, together and said, we have got to stop doing this research. the obama administration put a block on it. fauci evaded that. in the trump administration came in. put in a new process. fauci elevated that as well. he broke the rules to commission this. he is the one that needs to be held accountable. >> trace: the country certainly wants some conservative answers. -- definitive answers. homeland security secretary alejandra mayorkas is back on capitol hill today once i facing
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calls to resign or be impeached as the crisis at our southern border continues and drives increases in migrant child labor. marianne rafferty has that story tonight. >> reporter: alejandro mayorkas got an earful from the senators who wanted him to resign over his handling of the migrant crisis. suggesting a sharp spike in the exportation of migrant children including fourth child labor. take a listen to the safari exchange between mayorkas and missouri senator josh hawley. >> every stage, facilitated this modern-day indentured servitude of minor children. white shirt you would not be impeached for this? >> what we do is we enforce the law. >> reporter: the other hot topic, how the biden administration plans to handle an expected search of migrants a month when title xlii health
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instructions are lifted. mayorkas saying his department is surging resources and plans to use legal authorities to remove individuals crossing the border. the secretary will be back on the hill wednesday to testify before the house homeland security committee where we might get our first indication of how republicans could be laying the groundwork to potentially impeach mayor chris. >> trace: thank you. chairman james comer says he has identified six additional members of the president's family who may have benefited from foreign business transactions during joe biden's' tenure as vice president. what was cross border kevin corke has those details tonight. that evening, kevin. >> kevin: good evening. house republicans have viewed suspicious activity reports related to biden family business dealings with oversight care committee chair james comber -- james comer. they have "perhaps benefited
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from biden family business dealings." in a statement, comber said the biden family enterprise is centered on joe biden's' political career and connections and it has generated an exorbitant amount of money for the biden family. on capitol hill, the sheer volume of reports to say nothing of their content, raising eyebrows and the suspicion. >> the amount of money that we are talking about in these reports is astronomical. and the accusations and the source of the findings, where that money is going to show companies, prostitution rings, et cetera, it is insanity that it is not investigated in the way that it should be. >> kevin: supporters of the president insist this is the same from comer and the arrest and you can file this under much to do about nothing. >> is like groundhog day.
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show what it is. who are these family members? are these kids that are on tax filings? we don't know. >> kevin: but we do know hunter biden is under federal investigation for possible tax fraud, illegal for lobbying, money laundering and lying about his drug use on a gun purchase form, to be continued. >> jonathan: thank you, kevin. let's bring in fox news contributor's leslie marshall and jason chaffetz. i often look at these kind of stories and think of the american people think everybody on capitol hill does this kind of stuff. there's always family members grafting of them or famous family members. true or not? >> no could not to the tune of 30 plus million dollars and it is not often that the son and the vice president, the vice president of the united states engaging -- is a former fbi
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director under president clinton to help somebody that was ultimately convicted of bribery and then as a kickback to the family, deposited -- $100,000 into the biden grandchildren's account and says, hey, thanks for the business. let's do more of it. i mean, so, you heard that little comment in the clip you paid just ahead of time. what did the grandkids of joe biden as the vice president do to deserve $100,000 payoff from some of the dealings of the biden family when they opened up the doors to the department of justice and convicted for every person. you know, pays a lot of money to the legal fees and that ends up in the biden's bank account. that deserves some intellectual curiosity. >> jonathan: lastly, much to do about nothing or much to do about something? >> i would say this is much to do about politics when you know that you are possibly going to have your gop nominee, former president who was one term and may not be able to be the
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current president, you got to go after the guy. this is what republicans to. this is a page in the republican playbook. do you remember do you remember ben ghazi? do you remember fast & furious? nearly 20 relegations and they found nothing. >> they found dead people. that americans. >> jason -- >> shame on you, leslie. i have the greatest respect for you. >> don't because you are talking when i'm talking. you don't have the greatest respect for someone when you are bulldozing over them. >> jonathan: okay, let's finish your point, leslie. let's finish your point. >> all of the investigations came after those lives were lost. shame on you for the suggestion. >> trace: let's. >> jonathan: let's move on out of respect. >> you don't have evidence. >> jonathan: let's move on. i want to get to dener --
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senator dianne feinstein. the situation up on the hill, jason. how is this working out for republicans? >> look, there are 10 senators that are republicans and democrats want to put in a substitute for 9 feinstein and i hope she has a speedy recovery. i think everybody wants her to recover and get back on the committee but until then, unless democrats put up a candidate for a judicial point, then it garners at least one republican in support. they are not going to be able to move their nominees. it is that simple. >> jonathan: lastly, final word to you. is it time for the senator to step aside for those permanently? >> not my decision to make, jonathan park i understand people are concerned and people are concerned with age. i think that decision needs to be made by that individual although there are many, one example, do feel it is time for the senator to hang up her suit
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and to let somebody else take her gavel, if you will. >> jonathan: lastly, marshall, jason chaffetz. i know you have great respect for each other and we have great respect for both of you. thank you for being here tonight. now as a physical showdown looms over washington, president biden was talking about taxes again today reiterating his intention of making wealthy americans pay what he calls their fair share. what does that mean exactly? we turn to william massenet. good evening. >> good evening. that is the point. the less person gives -- unless the president gives us a number, it is -- and you will notice most politicians will never do that from either party. we asked those who do this for a living, every member of congress in the house writing committee, exactly none would give us a figure of what the fair share
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actually means, on the street, however, -- >> u. 37%. if you make a million, 10 million, you are still paying 37%. what i want you to do is put in here what you think these people should. >> that is high. i'm going to say 25%. >> reporter: all the way down? >> now. okay, good. all right. all right. all right. i will say 30. >> reporter: you want to lower the tax code. >> just because you make more money don't mean you have to pay more. >> maybe 31%. >> i don't think that more money you make, the more taxes you should pay. >> reporter: if you are making $100 million, why should you pay the same as the dude who is making 20? >> because you are making your way up that way. >> reporter: let's go to the really rich people. >> 40 to 42%. >> reporter: yeah, no one on this tax committee committee
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members would even answer that. even the chairmen dodged the question could not giving us a percent of what he thinks president biden actually needs. >> when the person says everyone needs to pay their fair share, he is talking about he wants to raise taxes on working-class families, all americans. >> reporter: the top 1% pay about 42% of all income taxes. 10% pay about 74%. the bottom 40%. zero. what do people actually pay? what is the effective tax rate? those making about half a million dollars or more, they pay about 25% of their income and taxes in the top 10% making 150 grand or more. pay about 20%. >> jonathan: william, thank you. i'm not sure i have ever met a billionaire or anyone making minimum wage who thinks the tax coat is very. let's move on to this disturbing four from saturday night's chaos in chicago.
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a young couple violently assaulted by a mob of teenagers. the couple told fox news they were just heading to dinner with the group blocked their path and pummeled dj and robbed them b both. >> it is horrific. i was pretty much watching my boyfriend getting jumped by 20 plus guys. these kids are taking it as a joke. it is not a joke. >> jonathan: let's get some legal analysis from the host of the nothing but the truth podcasts, david bruno. thanks so much for being here. that was a really disturbing scene. but aside from what they went through physically, what do they now have to go through legally? do they have any legal recourse here. >> i mean, some of needs to pay for their bills definitely and i mean, i don't know. you got the police department that are out there. could they have prevented it?
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probably not. this is troubling in our society right now. that this is even happening. i mean, it is almost like we are just watching a movie here and the last couple days because we have seen chilling video after video after video and people have been really, really hurt in this context. there's been property damage. there's been personal damage, or physical damage. and i will tell you what kind of enforcement needs to do their jobs. the prosecutors got to show these individuals that this is not acceptable. how did they do that? they have made arrests already and that they got to start leveraging the people that they have in custody prosecuting maybe get some cooperation, use the social media platforms that unfortunately have fueled these events against the people that are posting. >> jonathan: and it is interesting when you hear the mayor of chicago saying this, david. in no way do i condone the disruptive activity we saw this
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weekend. it is unacceptable and has no place in our city. however, it is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities. it seems that you can't do anything but demonize that kind of behavior because it is the behavior of terrible people. >> it is almost like they are talking from both sides of their mouth. to show that there's consequences for the behavior but then also explain it and it is a generality. that is not how we should be addressing these issues. i mean, there are so many people out there, there's good people. there's a good kids out there. there's bad kids out there. let's stay away from these generalities and let's talk about how we solve these problems. certainly the interview and the searching of bags in parks is not going to do it. we need to some real policing and we need some education for
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the youth that this is not how to act. >> jonathan: absolutely. we have had this flash mob style violence that they simply do not have enough officers to go in in those situations. they are outnumbered. david bruno, is great to have you. thank you so much, david. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> jonathan: coming up to supreme court justices are considering arguments about a case involving a devout christian's lawsuit over being required to work on sundays. and later, do you hold the door open for other people? when you speak up if someone did not say thank you or acknowledge you for holding that door open? if so, what do you say? that is now on social media, twitter or instagram. we will read the best responses in the nightcap. ♪ ♪ (vo) at viking, we are proud to have been named the world's number one for both rivers and oceans by travel and leisure, as well as condé nast traveler. but it is now time for us to work even harder,
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>> jonathan: disney is promoting the first our fright night in california in june. the event will be held as part of the disneyland after dark nights and will feature disney's classic characters dressed in a special at our. it comes amid the company's viewed with florida governor ron desantis over legislation on teaching young children sexual orientation and gender identity. press the button will veto a bill that will prevent trans women from participating in women's sports. blasting the opposition to the bill and questioning the biden administration's logic. >> we are lying to ourselves when we are to nine this year and since essentially of humanity. we are the nine men and women. i saw a video of someone on the
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biden administration refusing to acknowledge what a woman is. how is this controversial? i don't understand. >> jonathan: an lgbtq task force posted a list of demands tuesday along with a call for a workout for transgender students. the task force is demanding resource centers dedicated to lgbtqia disabled and minority students. more mental health providers and less police on campus. also a 20-dollar minimum wage for university workers. and new building california proposes that a resistance and electricity bill should be based on income. the proposal endorsed by the state's third-largest power companies would mean the higher household income, the higher their bill. supporters say the change would obviously lower the cost for middle and lower income residents. ♪ ♪ the supreme court is considering
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arguments in a religious liberty dispute involving a devout christian postal worker's lawsuit over being required to work on sundays. fox news chief legal correspondent and fox news sunday actor shannon bream takes a closer look at the case. >> reporter: after the employee in this case started the job with the u.s. postal service it contracted with amazon to offer sunday deliveries. he made clear he would not were as he observes the sabbath on sundays. the two sides work together to get sunday shifts covered to him but sometimes that did not were and there were shortages and it began to impact morale. after multiple rounds of discipline, ross resigned before he faced determination. justin soto moyo asked what that situation was not the very definition of an undue hardship on the employer. >> it is not an undue burden to force the employer to give other employees greater work or to
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have to cover more days then it would normally have to cover. it would force people who also have the same job title to work every holiday and every sunday. >> the question is whether the court will overturn in 1977 supreme court decision that defines undue hardship as anything more than a minimus cost. justice alito noticed many religious groups argue that interpretation simply cannot be right. >> we have -- by many representatives, many minority religions, muslims, hindus, orthodox jews, seventh-day adventist, and they all say that that is just not true and that [indistinct] has violated their
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right to religious liberty. >> reporter: the justices will hold their first vote in secret friday then we will wait for a decision which is due by the end of june. turn it in? >> jonathan: thank you, sharon. moments before a trial was big out those about to begin, a settlement was reached in the lawsuit by dominion voting systems against fox news for defamation regarding coverage of the 2020 election. box set in a statement, "we are pleased to have reached a settlement of the dispute with dominion voting systems. we acknowledge the court's rulings, finding certain claims about the many to be false. this settlement reflects fox's continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards." a demeaning lawyer gave the lawyers a dollar figure for that settlement. that amount is not yet to be confirmed. the contest and chinese police station busted in manhattan reportedly is not close to being the only such operation in the
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united states. according to the human rights group safeguard defenders, several more of these illegal stations are scattered across the u.s. right here on this program last night, they include a second site in new york city and others in los angeles to san francisco, and houston. russian judge has ruled that an american journalist arrested on spy charges will remain in custody until at least m may 29th. evan gershkovich and the u.s. government vehemently denied the allegations. the wall street journal reported the first u.s. corresponded since the cold war to be detained in russia for alleged espionage. coming up, buffalo bill's safety damar hamlin and the best news of the day, cleared to play football again. first, a look at a couple colliding galaxies. thus, a first grader's imitation of an icon.
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>> jonathan: intimate's viral videos, a man driving by captured the moment a deer wrestled free of emergent large's claw an 40. flipped over and sprinted. they ran in opposite directions. all caught on this driver's camera. this enterprising six-year-old decided to make an entrance as dolly parton. the first graded sported a blonde wig and boot and even carried a tiny guitar. that is a glamorous night of fun. and fishman off the coast of australia, this study up close look. he brought his boat within 500 meters and was able to see that water swirling up into the clouds. quarterbacks are not generally as powerful as to reduce.
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get that close. the rescuers rescued a minnesota woman forever trying to save a dog that had fallen through the ice only to fall through themselves. they made into a nearby canoe so police and other members of the community, and pulled on a ashore. this is 38-foot long train a soros rex skeleton sold at an auction in switzerland to a private contract for 4.8 million francs. that is about $5.3 million. the skeleton is not only just one. it is t. rex bones from three different sites in the united states. and finally, nasa's james webb telescope captured a new image of two spiral galaxies merging together. 250 million light years away. they have been merging for the past 700 million years. they are taking their time. they contain more than a
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trillion. if you have a viral video, it hit us, "fox news @ night" on social media. ♪ ♪ damar hamlin's reckless comeback from an on-field cardiac arrest continues -- miraculous comeback from an on-field cardiac arrest continues. senior correspondent laura ingle shows us the happy story tonight. >> reporter: damar hamlin is ready to return to football. >> a plan on making a comeback to the nfl. >> reporter: the safety making a miracle recovery from an on the field cardiac arrest or just three at a half months ago during a nationally televised football game. on tuesday, he spoke to local members of the media in buffalo for the first time at -- about his cardiac event. >> what happened to me was basically a direct blood at a
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specific point into a heartbeat that causes cardiac arrest. export after being checked out, the buffalo bills announced hamlin has been cleared to return to the field for voluntary off-season workouts this week. calling it a monumental day. >> he is of. he is in a great headspace to make his return. >> reporter: the buffalo bills posted video of havalynn on the team's twitter page working out with the defensive back group smiling and running drills. during his recovery, hamlin has been working to help others and help promote the bipartisan legislation access to aeds act which would increase training and ability -- availability to aeds on school campuses. he is building up from zero to 100 adding that it is his favorite part of the game. jonathan? >> jonathan: thank you very much. let's bring in our culture club ffox news headline -- 24/7 and reporter michelle pollino and
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eric messersmith's. you mentioned that he wants to be an inspiration. i want to play this clip. for people who are battling fear, i can't imagine the kind of fear he would feel stepping back on the football field. here is my hamlin. >> i want to show people that here is a choice, that you can keep going with something without having the answers and without knowing what is at the end of the title or you might feel anxious or feel any type of way. you keep putting that right foot in front of the one and you keep -- last one and you keep going. >> jonathan: extraordinary that he is going to come back on a football field and play full force the football. >> what a great inspiration and i cannot imagine going out there. i'm with you on that and this kid at such a young age in his
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early to mid 20s to motivate people like this and the work he is doing to try to get devices and personal training so that if these things happen on the cultural or high school field or anywhere that it will be more likely dives can be saved. he has turned what was a terrible tragedy into something. >> jonathan: michelle, when we all sit down and watch the buffalo bills for the first time with damar hamlin plan, next season, we are all going to be thinking -- >> we are going to be holding our collective breath is what we are going to be doing and hoping nothing at all happens to him. you are right about him being an inspiration. he is educating us by doing this. he is telling us what this is. and he also mentioned that this is the leading cause of death in youth sports and the reason being is because they don't have the personal or capability on the field and that is what he is doing this. that is why he is an inspiration. >> jonathan: extraordinary story in any way.
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maybe not quite such an extraordinary young man, prince harry. harry is going to the coronation for his dad, charles. meghan is not going to michelle. are you surprised? maybe it is the birthday -- >> it is archie's. >> jonathan: we don't care but happy birthday. >> you are british, come on. >> it was not a surprise. it was not a surprise at all. i think there is so much bad blood and she would be a distraction and i think they know it and even though they did offer her an invitation, i do think that she knows she would be a distraction. >> jonathan: probably not a good idea. >> i think it is the right call and they were kind of -- they would have been criticized either way. if she showed up, look at her
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making it all about her. i think it is the right call. >> jonathan: let's move onto anthony bass, this major-league baseball pitcher who tweeted this about his wife who was on a flight. the flight attendant at united just made my 22 week president wife present with a five-year-old and two rolls, on her hands and knees to pick up the popcorn mess by my youngest daughter. a lot of blowback on twitter. mike saying, just because you are which does not mean everyone is a servant. i hope this helps and eric garcia saying, i'm sure everyone cleans up all the messes when they pay for a private service. united makes 737 million in profits but can't hire a cleaning crew. like every other business. eric, who is right and who is wrong here? >> i think the airline is wrong. i have a young son and it is hell to travel with a young
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child. this woman had two of them and she is pregnant. i can't imagine a flight attendant coming by and being like, can you clean up that popcorn and the other people around you should have helped her. coming to this woman being on her hands and knees-2 clean up popcorn. >> jonathan: it seems to be like maybe 22 week pertinent mom should not have been asked. but maybe should have may be at the kids to clean up a bit. >> if it was me, i would be like, could you get on your hands and knees and clean up? mommy has got another child here. i would have made the kids clean it up. we don't know how much popcorn was on the ground. it did not look like there was much popcorn there. >> jonathan: it did not look terrible but also i think a lot of people say you got a multimillionaire mlb player complaining. if you are that worried about it, put their kids on a private flight. you can afford it. anyway, you guys are going to be back for the nightcap and we are going to be talking about this.
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if you hold the door open for somebody, do you expect them to say thank you? and what if they don't? you don't want to mess with michelle pollino. still time to weigh in on twitter and instagram. the nightcap crew is next. ♪ prices keep going up. but experian is here to help you save on personal loans, credit cards, or car insurance. experian helped me save over $1,400 a year on car insurance. start saving now. free. at or get the app now.
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♪ ♪ >> trace: we are back with the nightcap crew. tonight's topic, endorse. have you ever held the door open for someone else but instead of saying thank you, that person keeps on walking? do you speak up if someone does not say thank you or acknowledge you for holding the door open? kevin corke, you are officially the nicest man in the world so i'm sure you hold doors open. do you take retribution if they don't say thank you? >> kevin: 100% of the time. i will loudly say you are welcome and if they don't reply, usually they will say, oh, thank you or whatever. on occasion, you will get someone who is just salty and look at you, look, i did not ask you to hold the door anyway. >> jonathan: it is just not right to not say thank you. michelle, you strike me as the kind of person who if they have not said you're welcome or thank you for the time they are halfway through, you would slam
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the door right back in their face. [laughter] >> you have my number. [laughter] that is exactly what i do. >> jonathan: don't mess with michelle. marianne? saw your response? >> soft response. are probably will not say anything. always hold doors for people. i guess i expect that. when a door slams in my face, i'm like, what? you know? i feel like i always think about that. >> jonathan: on twitter, we asked, do you speak up if someone does not say thank you or acknowledge you for holding the door open? twitter said no. 72% of people said know they don't speak up. 65% on instagram. eric? are you a call or outer? >> no, i don't call people out. the awkward thing is when someone is far away.
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i will stand there and hold it. that in between and i'm like waiting. if someone is holding the door for me, you need to work quickly or do a light jog. >> jonathan: what do you do, do you jog likely? >> i would, but i did give up holding the door open for lead and i think i'm going to keep that up. i'm trying to embrace los angeles. >> jonathan: jeff will be more like michelle pollino. slam the door in his face. here is what i feel about social media followers had to say. it would be nice if thank you was said. i do when someone holds the door for me. since i was not asked to do it, i don't expect it either. brandy says i usually say you're welcome. i do expect a thank-you because i was raised with manners. billy charlson says, no, i don't need to be the thank-you police. i learn to focus on my own stuff
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and not create a sarcastic atmosphere. i like the sarcastic atmosphere. i like kevin corke's response to everything. call them out. say, hey, you're welcome. in the way, you are all fabulous for being here. thank you so much. thank you for watching america's late news, "fox news @ night." i'm jonathan hunt in los angeles. ♪ ♪ the other day...and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first timer. gain flings with oxi boost and febreze. was you can always spot a first timer game plays methoxy boosted for fairbreeze a heart attack. >> do they have life insurance ? no, but we have life insurance. john , i'm trying to find something we can afford. >> fortunately, in only a few minutes, aliquot found john a five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty nine dollars a month. and his wife and a five hundred thousand dollar
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