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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 19, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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conspiracy i have a body double and that is just crazy, that's not true. dude, john, what are you supposed to be doing this afternoon? dude, really? ♪ just the two of us ♪ >> he has a lot of time on his hands. gutfeld next. >> todd: a fox news alert, house oversight committee members set to hear key testimony this morning from inspectors general who investigated president biden's withdrawal from afghanistan, accusing the administration of self-inflicted catastrophe and says it is obstructing congressional oversight. this is "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier in for carley shimkus. the white house released a 12-page report criticizing the work of the previous administration without taking
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accountability itself. >> downplaying of what happen is an insult to servicemembers sitting here and throughout the united states of america. >> the biden administration inherited a chaotic withdrawal already in progress. on the day the biden administration began 5000 taliban prisoners had been released, american forces had been reduced to 2500. >> come the commander-in-chief makes a decision, is that their decision or the previous administration's decision? >> when the commander-in-chief makes a decision, it is his decision, can't base it on anybodiel, accountability is thea the top. >> todd: lucas tomlinson has more. lucas. >> lucas: many are calling for president biden to take responsibility for the withdrawal from afghanistan. the president said it would not
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look like this. in a memo crafted by the white house, it laid blame on former president donald trump. >> the outgoing administration provided no plans for how to conduct theifiable withdrawal or how to some who served are speaking out. there is a big portion of america who is hurting, there are still people to get out and washington has forgotten. they said the withdrawal from afghanistan was not chaotic, pointing to the death of 13 servicemembers and 170 av gabs were killed in the blast. the white house secretary said this yesterday. >> when it comes to women not working at the un, we have talked about and are concerned about another horrific taliban action.
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women are central to humanitarian operations around the world. >> lucas: top republican on the armed services committee said this was one of our most shameful abandon means. >> ashley: elon musk is warning that artificial intelligence could have a threat on part two of his interview with tucker carlson. >> todd: brooke singman has details. >> brooke: during part two of his exclusive interview with tucker carlson, elon musk says he believes artificial intelligence can influence future elections much wauchl this. >> i raise concern of ai being an influence in elections and it is likely people will use the ai as a tool in elections. if ai is smart enough, are they using the tool or is the tool
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using them? i think things are getting weird and getting weird fast. >> brooke: ai continues to grow and become more powerful, musk says put contingency steps in place to house computers thatun are the ai bots. >> i'm suggesting we have service centers right now, it may be wise to have a contingency plan where the government has ability to shut down power to these server centers, like you don't have to blow it up, just cut the power. >> what would flip that switch? what is threshold you would have to pass to warrant the government cutting off your power or signal? >> i guess if we lost control of some super ai. i don't have a precise answer. if there is something we're concerned about and are unable
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to stop it with software commands, then we probably want to have some kind of hardware off switch. >> brooke: musk says chat gpt could impact society this year. the bot is capable of writing just as well as most humans. >> what is the timeline? what point does it start to change our society, do you think? >> i think it starts to happen probably an impact this year. it is past the point of what most humans can do. most humans cannot write as well as chat gpt and certainly no human can write that well that fight. >> brooke: to fight the rise of ai systems, musk says he's working on his own bot called truth gpt. >> todd: a lot to unpack. thank you. let's try to unpack it with brandy cruz, host of the
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undivided podcast. what were your takeaways from the interview, specific with ai? >> elon musk has built immense wealth based on technology. if you have him saying some technology freaks me out, i don't know about you, i intend to listen to elon musk on this one. it was a pertinent question from tucker, what is threshold to give the government control to have some sort of off switch to be able to control some sort of super ai and decide it has gone far enough. you don't want to give the government, any government will and whim to shut something like that down and you really saw elon musk struggle with that question, saying, i don't even know i know the answer to that. his explanation of, look, if you have a swaying where software commands are not controlling it and ai has gotten away from you,
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you need a hardware solution to that. i think this is elon musk warning not only americans, but the world about potential concerns and consequences of this. we would be wise to listen and hopefully this is the beginning of a very rapid conversation about what kind of protection, reasonable protection should the government put in place. >> ashley: another part of the warning was when he was talking about inflation in part two of the interview with tucker and he mentioned venice. take a listen to this. >> if you could issue massive amounts of money, make it a trillion air, they tried that in gen-x, how did that, wo out? >> they had zoo animals. it is not good. >> there is no free lunch fchl there is not an ability to issue money and not have inflation. >> ashley: i've heard people talk about look at venice as the
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marker and what happened to them. what did you make of the comments? >> it is the same thing, it shouldn't be something we have to have a conversation about. if we can add whim and print money and it loses money and impact it has, no-brainer situation we have to have that debate, but i think looking to venice, tucker's debate they had to eat zoo animal was consequence of that. >> todd: america has seen pay cuts under president biden as inflation outpaces wage growth. -- kamala harris and doug reporting $456,000, i'm not calling out anyone for making money, is he really blue-collar joe if he's pulling in that kind of dough? >> i don't think he's been blue-collar joe for a long time,
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but certainly trying to cling to that. are those the wealthiest people to serve in the white house or serve as vice president? of course not. there is no stranger to wealthy people in the two positions, but the disconnect for a lot of politicians, if they come from humble blue-collar roots in washington, d.c. is astounding. pete buttigieg last summer said just buy an electric vehicle, there is your answer, if you can't afford gas, just buy an electric vehicle. there is just a disconnects, they are not in tune with an american family. joe talks about watching his family struggle financially to put food on the table, i wonder if he knows the pain to have to decide can i put a gallon of gas in or save that for groceries?
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that is not hyperbole, that is a real decision american are making every single day and even if you're making half a million a year like the bidens or kamala harris and her husband, you should be able to understand that reality for americans and work every single day should be your top priority to make sure that americans aren't taking an effective pay cut every month because of decisions you're making. >> ashley: there are pay cuts and inflation on top of everything else and a new report came out saying that the average household american will be paying more to the irs this year so that was also another blow to americans. we have to get to this. radical house democrats in washington state passed trans youth law that takes rights away from parents. bill permits shelters to house runaway minors without notify
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parents, allows kids to seek gender affirming care and no legal recourse for parents to reunite there own children. why is it important that people in washington know about this bill and all over america? >> when this bill came up beginning of this legislative session, i said on my show, i thought it was the most dangerous bill i've seen in 12 years covering politics in the state and i think it should be national news, every news network should be talking about it. two things at play. one is parental rights. every parent, regardless of ideology or how they feel about transgender issues, every parent, this should freak them out. it doesn't make you bad or abusive parent to want to know where your child is at night and want to have a say in what kind of medical care your child is geting and this bill would strip
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parents of that right. it is government-sanctioned kidnapping of kids. in washington state it makes physical abuse akin to parent who might have concerns about their child getting gender affirming care, it puts the two i think thises on the same tier. iffureiochild goes to a youth shelter and they say i am here for protected -- hide while they pursue healthcare that is protected under washington state law for kids over the age of 13. imagine being a parent, being a loving parent who wants a say in what kind of medical care their kids are doing, they have concerns about gender care and gender identity and you wake up and your child is not there and no one is telling you your child is at a shelter or where they are. this is actually on the cusp of
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passing. >> todd: and not just in washington state, we've seen this normalized in so many other states and it is so concerning because as a parent, you do have parental rights. the fact the government in so many instances is trying to take that away is frighten. good on you for calling it out. we appreciate it. to a fox news alert, outside the university of pittsburgh, 250 people protest outside an on-campus debate on sex change regulation. officials say nobody was injured claiming the explosive was a combination smoke bomb and firework. trans issues include michael noles. demonstrators burned a manikin with his face on it. there was a list of demands posted on social media, calling for three fully staffed resource
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centers on campus, expanding trans related healthcare and having trained providers on campus instead of police. >> ashley: a chicago couple speaking out after being attacked in the teen takeover last weekend. the brutal attack was caught on camera as they recount the terror. >> dj had my hand trying to lead me through the crowd of people. they pushed him, they pushed me. he asked them, yo, don't shove her. as soon as he said that, everything went crazy, they said they were going to kill us. >> it was crazy, we left nordstrom and we were looking for somebody to eat. they thought they were tough and didn't want to move out of the way. >> ashley: the mob robbed the couple before they finally
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escaped. a good samaritan tloef them to the hospital. resources will be deployed when needed to protect residents and visitors, but that is hard when you are low on police. >> todd: terrifying footage catching a vicious attack on officers in the bronx on monday. a man hit a female officer with a bottle while inspecting a nearby smoke shop. the suspect had 11 prior arrests. no shock in the big apple. new york congressman alexandria ocasio-cortez says crime is falling dramatically in the bronx, and calling out mayor eric adams for raising wages for the police union, first raise in seven years. >> what data showed us, if you respond to violence as public health issue instead of incarceration issue, violence
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decreases. >> eric adams increased wages for police officers, is that misplaced? >> i think so, most officers are paid more than a teacher with a masters degree. we are deund iffing safety, defunding our public schools, defunding our public pools. >> todd: i would love to see aoc's stats that she referenced. crime up 4%, felony assault up 10% compared to last year. good news here, damar hamlin announces his doctors have cleared him to return to the n.f.l. he reveals details on the cardiac episode that left him fighting for his life on the field when he collapsed midgame back in january. >> diagnosis of what happened to me was basically comodial
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cortis, your heartbeat causes cardiac arrest. i died on national tv in front of the world. this was life changing, but not the end of my story. i plan to come back to the n.f.l. >> todd: how awesome is that. bills general manager says he is with the team. that is not a throw-away line. the draft is in eight days, the fact he is with the team means they are planning on him being part of the team and will not replace somebody to replace him in the upcoming draft. this is upon haing and it is beautiful, where we were three months ago, didn't know if he was going to live. >> ashley: was that only three months ago? oh, my gosh. >> todd: awesome story. rescue crews back to the scene of the deadly parking garage collapse in new york city. they are sending robot dogs in to search through the rubble for anyone who might be transparented, we'll bring you the latest.
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>> ashley: and climate activists have a new target, america's rice farms, nots kidding. they want you to cut back on the dinnertime staple to cut down on carbon emissions. an industry leader is here to respond next.
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>> ashley: dhs secretary mayorkas is set to testify before house lawmakers today about the biden administration's 2024 budget proposal. he spent yesterday being called out by senate republicans who accuse him of neglecting his duty and securing our border. >> i've taken two steps, number one, identify for the first time human trafficking and child exploitation as priority for department of homeland security. >> but you are failing miserably, do you not care in more than two years, four to five million people, the population of 20 to almost 30 states and you are saying this
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is a priority? >> mr. secretary, you ought to resign. >> ashley: senator roger marshall announced he would introduce resolution of a vote in no confidence in mayorkas. senator josh hawley going further than that and calling for house lawmakers to impeach the secretary. listen. >> he will have to be impeached, that is short answer, house of representativeses can impeach him and that will send a message. we have to send a clear message, if you do not enforce the law and you endanger children and send them to slavery, we will not stand for it in america. >> ashley: title 42 is set to end, which officials fear will make the crisis worse. >> todd: listen to this. new report from foreign news agency claims another factor contributing to climate change is rice. >> ashley: afp reporting rice
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farms are bad for the planet. listen. >> what accounts for 10% of global emissions of methane? not cows or landfills, but rice. scientists say if the world wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, this staple crop cannot be ignored. >> todd: dr. steve linscomb joins me now. i did not see the left going after rice, here we are. what would happen to sustain humanity if we did away with rice? >> yeah, i think that is an important way to look at it. you need to put all this in perspective, rice accounts for over half of the staple food source of half the world's population, so is there methane associated with rice production?
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there is methane associated with all crop production. you need to keep perspective on how important rice is for the world today. >> ashley: rice accounts for .1% of u.s. greenhouse gases. why are they coming after it? it is the latest attack, it seems so low, it is so low. >> it is extremely low and perspective, rice is grown between 2-1/2 and three million acres in the united states, extremely important crop and as you said, we account for .1 of the total greenhouse gases and it is important to note our rice scientists are really focused on reducing methane production in rice. we know a lot of methane production is associated with the fact we grow rice under flooded conditions and we've done things differently.
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we've done alternative management to minimize amount of methane produced in rice. it is all perspective. >> todd: having covered so many of these we need to eliminate xyz or the world will explode stories, there is usually drift with regard to the climate change bloefiating. what is it here? is somebody trying to sell a rice alternative? what is going on? >> i think it is pretty complex, i think that might be part of it. i think we as often as the case, we focus on one factor. if you look at rice, rice is what we like to call the environmental crop. when we flood a rice field, you create a huge habitat for wildlife, for waterbirds, for water foul, for amphibians, reptiles so we need to keep the
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full picture in perspective about how important rice is overall in the world and specifically in the united states. >> ashley: you know, doctor, todd was just talking about the fact rice feeds half the global population, it would especially be hurtful for the poor communities. what should scientists be focused on instead? >> well, i think that the scientists are focused on what we need to be focused on. i was a rice breeder with louisiana state university for many years and i think if you can increase rice yield using the same input, producing the same amount of methane, if we're talking about methane in this case, then you're really from a sustainability standpoint, that is the direction we need to move
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in. >> ashley: right. very interesting title we had today. i'm sure a lot of people watching are interested, dr. linscombe, thank you for coming on. a growing trend caught on camera, hundreds of military-age chinese men heading toward the united states from south america. what is really going on here? the journalist who took that video joins us next. >> todd: today lawmakers hold historic hearing on ufoshg's, their second one in 50 years, all this as elon musk reveals whether he has seen evidence that aliens exist. we'll bring you his answer right after this. has seen evidence th exist. we'll bring you his answer right after this. o >> i'm very familiar with space stuff. >> i'm very familiar with stuff.
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tony here from, helping people see the true cost of bad credit.
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what are you doing to improve your credit? should i be doing something? absolutely, unless you like paying thousands extra in high interest rates. did you know repairing your credit could save you thousands of dollars in lower interest rates? wait, i can repair my credit? of course you can. even if you have a good score, repairing your credit can make it better. start working to improve your credit. get started at
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>> ashley: at least one person is dead and five others are injured aftera parking garage collapsed in new york city. the upper level of the three-story building started to crumble yesterday afternoon, sending parked cars crashing down. new york fire chief john espizito, says the department used a robot dog and drones to search the rubble. they do not believe anyone is inside, but are continuing to efrp is. initial findings suggest the weight from the number of vehicles parked on the roof combined with the age of the building likely caused the collapse. scary stuff. jack teixeira, the international guardsman accuse of leaking classified documents is due in federal court today after being charged with two counts under espionage charge last week, fox
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news learns house intelligence and armed services committee are launching an investigation into the massive leak. they sent a letter to lloyd austin, demanding information related to the leak by may 1. john ratcliffe says a lab leak is the only explanation for the covid-19 during the second subcommittee hearing on the origins of the pandemic. >> my informed assessment as a person with as much access as anyone to our government's intelligence during the initial year of the pandemic has been and continues to be that a lab leak is only explanation supported by our intelligence, by science and by common sengs. >> ashley: a new report by roger marshall says there could potentially have been two lab leaks in china, the report reads this likely was a lab leak in
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cpac and october of 2019 timeframe and early as july or august. concluded china started vaccine development in 2019 and the other lab leak seems to be the most sensible explanation. john ratcliffe also said analysts from the cia kept quiet about the true origins of covid-19 because they didn't want to agree with former president trump. >> internally, national and electoral politics were influencing the analysis of intelligence on china in the ic as reflected in the january 6 report by the ilteleigence community om budsman. the ombudsman found analyst appear reluctant to have analysis on china brought forward because they tend to disagree with the trump administration policy saying, i
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don't want our intelligence used to support those policies. >> ashley: and doesn't want they want to face the implication of the covid pandemic starting from a chinese lab leak. >> todd: a telling hearing. central america's darien gap shows hundreds of military aged chinese men heading toward the u.s. anthony reuben took that video and joins me now. thank you for being here. why are they coming? are they seeking asylum or something potentially more nefarious? >> i mean, listen, i'm not here to speculate, i will let your audience watch the video and make your own conclusion. i think i put up two showing the line of the military-age males lining up to get on buses to come up here. that is happening multiple times per day down there. i will not speculate.
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if you have a more specific question, we can get into that. it doesn't look good. >> todd: from a geography perspective, if they wanted to come to america, which is here from china, which isser hoo, why come through latin america, all the way down there and much more indirect? >> right. so this is for people who can't fly into the u.s. directly. they get on to a flight and fly into a south american country. from there they go to colombia, hop out in panama and head to the united states, this is for people who can't fly into the u.s. correctly, you are right, you would rather fly into the u.s. and overstay your visa. >> todd: from january to march, 2200 chinese migrants crossed the darien gap, in the same three-month span last year, only 71 chinese migrants were reported crossing the gap.
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why do you, in your individual capacity, fear the individuals or do you fear the individuals will do something? >> let's put it this way, i think there are people in the groups trying to legitimately get over here, who are good people, for sure. but here is what you have to keep in mind, the communist chinese party, when you see the video, they do not want their face on camera. for me, two possible scenarios, number one, they are foreign actors coming over here for nefariousen ras. number two, these are people afraid of retribution by the chinese communist party. number know wo, that is a big problem. if it is number two, what does that mean? these people are beholden to the communist party. we will threaten your frnds and
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family back home in china. it is a tlo jan horse and that is the way i see it, you can't allow this to continue and have people pour across the border, it will not work. >> todd: you spoke to a lot of the individuals and there is chinese version of tiktok showing it is anti-american propaganda. you talked about it, let's watch all this. ♪ >> is this something bad or what is this? >> yes, bad news. >> what does it say? >> almost no allied support america. -- ♪ >> the u.s. start new war. >> todd: that is you showing these individuals and going over it with them. if america is so bad, why do they want to come here? >> that's a very good question, you should ask them. i tell you what, the migrant
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showing me that video right now is in nicaragua, he will be here in two weeks and i can follow up with him and ask him. very good question. this is why it is a very dangerous situation and it is not just china, there are people from over 100 countries pouring here. some people are looking for a better life, for sure, others, again, looking very sketchy and strange. >> todd: in talking to these individuals and watching that video, do you get the sense that is what the average chinese citizen, thanks to the efforts of the ccp, thinks about americans? >> it is hard to say, i did speak to a lot of them and some of them do say it is propaganda, but again, i don't know if that is a communist chinese talking point. when you talk to the americans,
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they will say, we don't believe this propaganda, i'm not too sure. it is hit or miss. certainly some of them are having that viewpoint, some may see past it. >> todd: remember, they are watching that, we're watching dancing videos that make us dumber and hurt us yet they are learning about the ills of us and still coming here, a lot of questions. anthony, reuben, thank you, sir. >> ashley: space-x ceo elon musk says despite extensive work in space, he has not found evidence of alien life. >> if somebody knew about aliens on earths, would probably be me, i am familiar with space stuff and i have seen no evidence of ailen whys. i would immediately tweet it out.
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all-time top tweet of all time. >> definitely. >> jackpot. >> ashley: later today house lawmakers will hold second ever hearing on ufo's, the first held 50 years ago during the height of the cold war. that was probably the most reassuring part i've heard so far come from his mouth in that exclusive. people talk about that, there are aliens and ufo sightings, what is all the stuff we're seeing? >> todd: when i go into a year, i list things i am worried about and i did not have aliens, getting killed by ai robots or rice. >> ashley: aliens may have been top of my list this year. dozens of america's school districts are suing facebook and other social media ump cans, we'll tell you why. >> todd: loudoun county school district are spending your taxpayer bucks to create co-ed
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bathrooms for transgender bathrooms. a parent from the district is here to tell us if he agrees with how his tax dollars are being spent. the all-new chevy colorado is made for more. bring more. ♪ do more. ♪ see more. ♪ and be more. ♪ the all-new chevy colorado. made for more. ♪ i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price.
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>> todd: more than 40 school
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districts across the country are seeing social media like youtube, snatchchat, claiming they knowingly caused harm to children using an algorithm. districts are seeking damages to pay for larger mental health teams and programs needed to look at the online trends. social media companies are and have been well aware of the harm they cause, we will fights to hold social media companies accountable for choosing profit over mental health safety of children and their families. >> ashley: schools in loudoun county, virginia updating high school bathrooms to make them co-ed, they say to keep transgender students from feeling left out. >> todd: they will modernize school restrooms and locker
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rooms. michael rivera, loudoun county school board candidate and father. you are a taxpayer in loudoun county, is this the best use of your dollars? >> thank you for having me, i appreciate the opportunity. no, it is not. i'm the father of a special needs daughter and in recent meetings of educators, teachers and inner pas are talking about how special needs programs are underfunded and this flies in the face of cries from the community. 11 million not being spent on educating children and to be honest, it is quite insulting. there has not been data shown as to what the population of trans students are and what is driving this. the community is clearly outraged and the thing to know,
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this is a pilot project. about four schools out offen it0 schools, we're talking about several hundred million if this is rolled out through the county. >> ashley: are all of the b bathrooms going to be co-ed, or certain ones? how will this work? >> it looks as though they will eliminate the use of bathrooms designated by sex and create multi-sex spaces where boys and girls share the bathroom. another concern is safety. several years ago there was a sexual assault in a girl's bathroom, born of policy a school passed allowing boys into girl's private space. instead of creating a different environment where girls and boys could be safer and separated, they have doubled down and are
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bringing the two groups together. it really, all in all, it doesn't make sense? light of what happened, but the grand jury has said and what parents demand from the school district. >> todd: stalls will be floor to ceiling, preventing anyone to see who is in the stall. you don't think that will prevent problems? you think it will make it worse? >> i think so because currently we're having problems with the single-stall lockable bathrooms in schools anecdotally, of course. however, not being able to see what is going on in a normal school bathroom, the stall doors are shorter and you can at least see what is going on in the stalls. i go back to the sexual assault, where an administrator had seen multiple people in a stall. i don't think this will create a
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safer environment for children and to be honest, the data is not there and hasn't been show warrants this amount of money when we have problems with special needs community and funding for special needs community. it is not just me saying that, the last two meetings, there were special needs administrators and parents crying out for programs similar to cries that i had given to the school board in 2019 and 2020. >> ashley: have you talked to anyone who is onboard and okay with this? >> me personally, i don't know anybody that is interested in spending 11 million to replace bathrooms that are functioning perfectly well. >> todd: especially when the money could help kids, not like the education system is crushing it, we could use help in the
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learning departments, why you go to school, 11 million going to bathrooms which you said are working perfectly fine. thank you, sir. elon musk warning artificial intelligence, ai could impact elections, he sets his sights on rooting out bias. >> you have ai doesn't have agency, it is likely the people will use ai in elections, things are getting weird fast. >> ashley: he says america needs a contingency plan. we will talk to joe concha about all of that.
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tony here from, helping people see the true cost of bad credit. what are you doing to improve your credit? should i be doing something? absolutely, unless you like paying thousands extra in high interest rates. did you know repairing your credit could save you thousands of dollars in lower interest rates? wait, i can repair my credit? of course you can. even if you have a good score, repairing your credit can make it better. start working to improve your credit. get started at
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>> todd: fox news alert, elon musk elaborating on the threat artificial intelligence poses to society including risk to the upcoming


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