tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News April 19, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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crump lied about jacob blake. crump lied about ma'khia bryant. crump lied about michael brown. he literally used lies to tear the racial relationship and the streets of this country down while people died. i will wait for the concludes. i will wait for facts for the conclusion. and can you check out the rest of the will cain podcast. until then tucker carlson. ♪ good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. sometimes you wonder just how filthy and dishonest our news media are. you'll be in the shower and you'll think they're bad but how bad are they? well, here's one measure of their badness. you can try this at home. ask yourself. is any news organization you know of so corrupt that it's willing to hurt ow behalf of its biggest advertisers. anyone who would do that is obviously pablo escobar level of
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corrupt and should not be trusted. what would that look like? that level of corruption? well, imagine that the trump administration had made it mandatory for american citizens to buy my pillow. that's one of fox news's biggest advertisers. imagine the administration declared if you didn't rush out and buy at least one my pillow and then at least another booster pillow you would not be allowed to eat out. you couldn't reenter your own country. you couldn't have a paying job. my pillow they told you with a straight face was the very lynch pin of our country's public health system. now imagine as they told you that that fox, as a news organization, endorsed it, amplified the government's message. imagine if fox news attacked anyone who refused to buy my pillow as an ally of russia, as an enemy of science and then imagine if fox kept up those libelous attacks even as evidence mounted that my pillow caused heart attacks fertility problems and death.
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if fox news did that what would you think of fox news? would you trust us? of course you wouldn't. you would know that we were liars. thank heaven fox news never did anything like that but the other channels did. the other channels tooks hundred of millions of dollars from big pharma companies and then they shilled for their sketchy products on the air. and as they did that they maligned anyone who was skeptical of those products. at the very least this was a moral crime. is was disgusting. but it was universal. it happened across the american news media. they all did it. so at this point the question isn't who in public life is corrupt, too many to count. the question is, who is telling the truth. there are not many of those. one of them is robert f. kennedy, jr. robert kennedy knew early that the covid vaccines were both ineffective and potentially dangerous and he said so in public to the extent he was allowed. science has since proven robert f. kennedy jr. right, unequivocally right. but kennedy was not rewarded for
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this. he was vilified, he was censored because he dared to criticize their advertisers the news media called bobby kennedy a nazi and then attacked his family. but he kept doing it he was not intimidated. and we're glad he wasn't. this is one of those moments when it's nice to have a truth teller around it's helpful because suddenly the stakes are very high. consider what's happening in ukraine, a topic most of us don't know much about because the details are not reported. a year ago every media in the united states from usa today to the new york times told you it was a dangerous conspiracy theory to believe the u.s. government ever funneleded secret bio labs in ukraine. it was ridiculous, and russian disinformation. and then victoria new land of the state department admitted it was true. yes, she said there are many secret bio labs in ukraine and, quote, we are now quite concerned that russian troops,
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russian forces may be seeking to gain control of them. wait a second, you may be wondering, why does the us government maintain secret bio labs in a primitive country like ukraine. why not austria? why ukraine. and why did we dismantle and remove the secret bio labs when the war with russia started. no one explained it, this show was attacked for asking the question. now we learned it is far worse than just bio labs. not only has the biden administration been maintaining these labs in ukraine in the middle of a war, it also has, quote, sensitive nuclear technology in ukraine as well. and, no, we're not making that up. they admitted it today. watch. >> well, ukrainian staff are still operating a nuclear power plant it does fall under the control of russian armed forces and is currently being managed by russia's state owned nuclear energy firm so this is a
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significant concern. essentially in this letter that has been reviewed by cnn sent by the u. s department of energy, they warned rush not to touch the nuclear power plant because of the sensitive american nuclear technology at the plant. >> tucker: so many questions here but we begin with the biggest one. what exactly is, quote, sensitive american nuclear technology? sensitive american nuclear technology? probably not to produce energy. no one in the media's going to ask that question but if it's in the middle of ukraine in the middle of a war it stands to reason this sensitive american nuclear technology has military applications. in other words, these are nuclear weapons. what else could they be? we'll stop speculating there. but take three steps back. this is all so crazy and so reckless, it is hard to believe it's happening. here you have a democratic president gone completely off the rails, completely, with
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extensionally dangerous consequences that can only hurt the united states. a war with no upside. it is awful to watch. but it is not without precedent. something similar happened 55 years ago in 1968. another remarkably turbulent and ugly year in american history that has many parallels to this. that spring, march of 1968, robert f. kennedy senior, the remain for attorney general, the brother to the slain president, announced his candidacy against the incumbent fellow democrat linden johnson and the overriding issue then, as now, was a pointless war then in progress. this is from robert kennedy, senior's announcement. >> i am announcing today my candidacy for the presidency of the united states. i run to seek new policies. policies to end the bloodshed in vietnam and in our cities.
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policies to close the gaps that now exist between black and white, between rich and poor, between young and old. in this country and around the rest of the world. i run for the presidency because i want the democratic party and the united states of america to stand for hope instead of despair, for reconciliation of man instead of the growing risk of world war. >> tucker: to be clear, robert f. kennedy was not against all war on principle, he was against that war because he believed, with a lot of evidence, that it was not helping the united states in any way. but you weren't allowed to say that. he did. party bosses hated him for that but rank and file democrats loved him. they put pictures of his face in homes like icons. in the end they named a football stadium after him in washington. that was more than half a century ago, he was of course murdered in june of that year. but now kennedy as son is
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embarking to a similar challenge to his own partied for similar reasons. robert f. kennedy jr. announced today he is running for president in the primary against joe biden. here's part of what he said. >> we were told initially that the objective was humanitarian. many of the steps that we've taken in the ukraine have seemed to indicate our interest is in prolonging the war rather than shortening it. so if those are our objectives, to have regime change and exhaust the russians, that is completely antithetical to a humanitarian mission. [cheers and applause] >> tucker: that's supposed to be the face of extremism. but that's not extreme it's rational and calm and well deliberated. bobby kennedy himself is not extreme. he is deeply inciteful and above all he is honest no matter what you think of the substance of
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what he says. here for example is his recent analysis of the biden administration's foreign policy. the collapse of u.s. influence in saudi arabia and the kingdom's new alliances with china and iran are painful 'em excellence of the absent failure of the neo con strategy to maintain global hue men jib. china has replaced the american empire by departmentally proceed jebbing instead economic power. over the past decade our country has spent trillions bombing roads, ports, bridges and airports. china has spent the equivalent building the same across the developing war. the ukraine war is the final collapse of the new 0 corn short lived american century. end quote. now, you may agree with that analysis, maybe you don't. either way, if you're an honest person you understand this is exactly the moment in our history when we need serious adult conversations about the world around us, a world that is changing to our detriment and how we ought to respond to those changes. bobby kennedy would love to have
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those conversations. he's not running to get rich he's running to make things better. but he's not allowed to have those conversations he's been censored. other media won't talk to him he criticized their advertisers. here was the reaction today. >> the anti vaccine activist robert f. kennedy junior has filed papers to run as a democrat in 2024. >> you see it from fox news, you see it from joe rogen you hear it from robert f. kennedy jr. there are a lot of dangerous people out there who are not accepting the fact that these vaccines protect people from dying from covid. >> i've written for years about robert kennedy and other liberals who are absurd in their anti vaccine, anti science activities. >> people like the robert f. kennedy jr.s, the people with big platforms that are using them to be anti mask and anti-vaxx. >> tucker: he's extreme. he's dangerous, said one. notice not there, not anywhere, is a point by point rebuttal of
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his actual points. they never engage among the facts they would lose, instead they impure their character. now that man they call dangerous is joe biden's leading primary opponent and there they say shut up you're not allowed to talk. bobby kennedy is one of the most remarkable people we have met and we're delighted to have him on our show he joins us now. bobby thank you for coming on. you are of course being dismissed as a vaccine nut but watching your announcement today, it wasn't about pharma even so much as it was about america's place in the world and what do we do about it. if you wouldn't mind summarizing for our viewers where you think we are and what you think we ought to do. >> well, i gave a long speech, tucker. thank you again for having me on. >> tucker: of course. >> and for that very kind introduction. you know, i think that the general theme of my speech was this corrupt merger of state and
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corporate power which has gotten -- which is turning our country into corporate clap tock arrest into a system of socialism for the rich and a cushie socialism for the rich and this kind of brutal mercilus capitalism for the poor. it keeps us in a state of war bears out banks at the same time. you know, this month, last month, united states government told 30 million people it was cutting their welfare checks, their food stamp checks by 90%. it took 15 million people off of medicare. the same month it gave $300 million to the silicon valley bank and tapped up the cost of the ukraine war to 113 billion. we're sending 113 billion to ukraine. the entire budget of epa is 12 billion. the budget of cdc is 11 billion.
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we have 57% of american citizens could not put their hands on a thousand dollars if they have an emergency. a quarter of our citizens are hungry. so we're cutting welfare and food stamps by 90%, and we're bailing out the bankers, we're paying for a war that, you know, we can't afford. and the way that we do this is by printing money. we've printed ten centuries of money in the last 14 years. and than caused the inflation which raised food, which is a tax on the poor. you know, we've raised food prices for basic foods like chicken, dairy and milk by 76% in the last two years and now we're cutting people's food stamps and bailing out banks the same month? it's odd. it doesn't make any sense. and we need to get rid of this kind of corporate control of our government.
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it comes f from -- or democracy is evolving into a corporate duplocity. >> tucker: i have to admit i agree with most of what you said but even if i didn't i would say that's an interesting thing to say, you have a world view, you've written a lot of books on the topic you've thought a lot about it. you're not in it for the money. so don't these issues deserve a wide hearing before the public entering a presidential year? it seems to me that they do. >> i would think they would, and particularly the issues of war. my son went over and fought in the ukraine, as i said today. i think, you know, people -- the major doyans, the most respected diplomatic gurus like henry kissinger and matt lock all said it's a huge problem for our
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country because from a geopolitical viewpoint it's driving the russians closer to the chinese which is the worst thing for us. we're there for the right reasons because we have tremendous compassion for the ukrainian people and the brutality and their courage. my own son served over there he joined a special forces, he fought in the kharkiv offensive. americans care about the underdog, they care about that kind of suffering. but the question is, why are we in the ukraine? because lloyd austin tsecretary of defense, said that we're there to exhaust the russians. president biden has said that we're there to deplatform, to depose vladimir putin. and if that's why we're there and we're killing a lot of ukrainians as pawns in a proxy war between two great powers -- here's one last thing i would say, nobody talks about this. there's 14,000 ukrainian
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civilians who have died but 300,000 troops. russians are killing ukrainians at a 7-1 to 8-1 ratio. they cannot sustain this. what we're being told about this war is just not true. >> tucker: no, it's not true. and i would hope, despite the fact you criticized their advertisers, other media outlets would have enough respect for our country and its voters to give what you said a hearing because i think it's important and we're grateful you came on our show tonight you're always welcome. bobby kennedy, jr. thank you. >> thank you very much, tucker. >> tucker: so we're in season three of our documentary series tucker carlson originals. we're taking a look at some of the issues we think don't get enough coverage. one of them is the coming insect on your dinner plate. let them eat bugs. turns out there really is a kind of plan to make you eat bugs. bill gates, the world economic forum, all the famous people would like to change the world's diet. so replace the rib eye with
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cockroaches and cicadas because global warming. but is this safe? we talked to an insect chef, very nice guy, by the way, and here's what he had to say about the safety of bug eating. >> ready? >> yeah. >> chef, the number that we usually hear for insect eating on the planet is two billion, two billion people. but we've heard estimates in our interviews of it's more like a hundred million. so what will happen if we suddenly expand this to almost the entire human race in terms of unexpected health risks. >> well, we're using the best practices that we know for food, food safety and handling practices. in an abundance of caution with, say, you have a sensitivity toward arthro pods like shellfish then you may also have a sensitivity to edible insects because of the protein that's
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found in -- that's shared in these animals. >> what about the guts? when we filet a fish we take out the guts and that's where a lot of infections are. >> yeah. >> the parasites or the bacteria are in the gut. >> yeah. insects have a much smaller gastrointestinal tract so it's very easy to percentage them. so a lot of farms i know purge the guts of the insects and, generally speaking, if we are a to talk specifically farmed or harvested for human consumption, the risk of pathogens is safe. and so we're doing the best that we can right now with the limited resources that we have in this fledgeling industry. >> tucker: according to researchers edible insects constitute an underestimated reservoir of human and animal parasites. one 2019 study looked at 300 household farms and pet stores.
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it found parasites harmful to human beings in 30%. the insects were not intended to human consumption, there is a a difference. but they're still bugs, the same bugs they'd like you to eat. >> tucker: that episode let them eat bugs is now on fox nation, use the promo code "originals" and get 30 days for free. so it's been nearly four years since jeffrey epstein died. they told us he killed himself. clearly he didn't. the government says it's still investing his death. really, after four years, how's the investigation going? so we called over to the department of justice today for an update which we will bring you in just a moment >> plus a pizza delivery driver is being praised for a heroic act caught on video. we're going to put him on the video after the break.
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clear it is that somebody got inside the most secure federal lockup in our most populated city and murdered jeffrey epstein. but who? well, the department of justice is in charge of finding out who, of course, and they say they have had an investigation. for almost four years. so periodically we reach out to doj and ask how's the epstein investigation going. we called today again. they told us they'd complete and public their report soon. we also thought it would be worth reaching out to the nypd. we wanted to know what was said from any 911 calls from the federal lockup in new york on day that epstein was found dead. nypd turned one of the calls over to us and it reveals the truth. here it is. [busy signal] >> tucker: oh, just kidding. we can't play that 911 call for you because it's been deleted.
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really? just like the videotape. why? because we are well past the 12-month retention period. so it looks like the nypd deleted the recordings and 911 calls from the jail. so we thought, well, how about the fbi? we called over to the fbi to say, do you have any 911 recordings from the jail from the federal lockup? and we got no response. no one seems interested anymore but we're interested. ♪ >> tyler morrel is a pizza delivery man in aston. he was making a deliver yes when he noticed a high speed chase behind him when he stepped in to help officers make an arrest. watch. >> oh, that's a high speed chase. >> yes. >> that's a high-speed chase. >> yo, you better not hit my [bleep] car, dude. >> no! >> police!
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>> tucker: holy smokes, tyler morrell our employee of the month tyler thanks for coming on. as a former pizza delivery guy myself i never was called upon to do anything like that, i don't think i ever could have responded as quickly as you did. were you a former soccer player? what was going through your head? how did you do that so fast? >> no, so i was a former lacrosse goalie, which i am attributing that quick thinking to my quick reflexes in the cage. so... . >> tucker: i'm so impressed. i'm sorry. i skipped ahead. what was going on behind you, do you have any idea? >> so right when i got to the door, i could hear the sound of sirens. and then right after that, you hear the loud screech. you hear the car hit the curb, almost flip over into a house. and at that moment i knew i was in the middle of something.
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>> tucker: did you ever find out what exactly it was? >> well, they were -- they stole that car. >> tucker: oh. >> so it was -- they stole the car, there was a couple other charges that were listed there as well. >> tucker: now, what was so striking and so cool and the reason we are so happy to make you employee of the months and you see these videos all the time and a crime will occur and there's some guy doing his job delivering pizza and 99% of the time the guy says to himself, you can almost see it, i'm not getting involved this has nothing to do with me. but you did not say that. why? >> it just felt natural to me. i just was raised to do the right thing. and that felt like the right thing. i didn't want anything to happen. i didn't want any sort of incident to happen. i didn't want, you know, just with the things that go on in this country, i just didn't want anybody to be hurt in this situation. i think i may have been the most hurt in this situation. but i was happy to take the
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injury for helping out brookhaven police department. >> tucker: what was your injury? >> so i have a very bad bone bruise on my leg because of that. i did not intend to catch him in the middle of my leg. i tried to catch his foot, just make him trip a little bit so the brookhaven police department could wrangle him up. >> tucker: i've got to ask. so this guy, you don't know exactly what's going on but you know something serious is happening, a felony and this guy is running right towards you and when you have to decide to trip or not, did you think what if i don't trip and he comes and shoots me. were you worried at all. >> so my biggest concern, i saw him reaching. you could see him reaching when he was passing that one car and i didn't -- it looked like he was trying to throw drugs out of his pocket. so the pocket didn't seem big enough to have a gun so i kind of knew -- even at that point i would have just tackled him. i mean, i would have gone for it. >> tucker: you're the best.
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last obvious question, did you deliver the pies in the end? >> yeah. pies were delivered unscathed and eaten on video. >> tucker: ridiculous. man, if i lived, i'd ordered three of them tonight sausage and pineapple. >> i would have to deliver them to you. >> tucker: bless you for what you did, tyler morrell. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> tucker: a couple years ago when the whole trans cult started when the lieu nines started happening, we said jokingly will we get to a place where men will be put into women's prisons? well it is he' happening all over the country. of course it is. well, what what happens next? well we have a report on that. c. of course it is. well, what what happens next? well we have a report on that.
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will. so a rapist called ila bryson took advantage of that. after arrested he said he wanted to be in a woman's prison because now he's a woman and. he's magic. scotland is now ending its policy of letting men serve time in prisons but in this country we are more backward and insane than even scotland so we're doing this still. last year a character called demetrius minor convicted of murdering his foster father went to a woman's prison in new jersey where he impregnated two female inmates. there because he said i'm a woman. protesters are asking for an end to this grotesque insanity. activist with the group get men out held a protest at the state capitol on friday and of course antifa showed up to threaten them. watch. [horns honking] [sirens].
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>> this is what happens. >> tucker: jennifer thomas was one of the protesters gets hassled by antifa she joins us tonight. jennifer thank you so much for coming on. so you're taking the most unfashionable possible position. you're taking a position contrary to what the white house, the entire news media and of course antifa want you to say. why are you doing that? >> well, welcome -- thank you for having me on your show. >> tucker: of course. >> i am honored to be here. i respect everything you're doing for women and children bringing this issue forward. this is, you know, almost a minor protest with the antifa. there were maybe ten of them. usually there's about 50. so they come every time we have a free speech event for women,
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because they want to silence us on, you know, not just men being housed with women in prison but on all the issues that cover gender. so like the trans -- the kids, the transgender surgeries that they're giving the kids, the back ruth issues, this group follows me around. you know, i do these speakers corners and they follow me around and try to make as much noise so nobody can hear us. >> tucker: i wonder how this is all playing with normal non-political people who don't go to protests. so the u.s. government is encouraging the population to be androginous and for parents to castrate their children. that's so unnatural. to people in your neighborhood think that's a good idea? i'm just wondering. >> no, i think most people are sensible and they understand human beings can't change sex. i think they've scared people into speaking.
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i mean, this is the tactic they use with women is they scare them if we come out on the street, with men, they threaten their jobs, right? and they'll threaten women's jobs, too, but it's mostly, you know women speaking out about this. so they use intimidation tactics to scare us and they're all different. you know, every speaker's corner free speech event is different. but what is the common denominator is antifa, which i call zombie antifa because they're so drugged out. you know, half of them haven't even bathed and that's who they send to have us -- you know, to stop us from speaking, stop women from speaking. and, unfortunately, i mean, we're women and they're men, so it's effective until we have, you know, like -- until we have good, vetted locations where the police will protect us.
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so even a protest like this is the same work to do, you know, to have a hundred people show up versus 10 people show up because you can never risk going on the street because these, you know, lunatics show up. >> tucker: yeah. well, i think when the rest of us see video like the one we're playing right now it's pretty clear who the extremists are and it's not you. jennifer thomas i appreciate your bravery and coming on tonight. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> tucker: so castrate your children. that is the message. and some people bee willederingly are following that. there has been a huge surge of young people being castrated in the name of transgenderism. reuters reported in the past few years 56 minors between the ages of 13-17 have undergone genital mutilation in clinics around the country. 776 minors have undergone mastectomies having their
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breasts cut up and more than 14,000 have been poisoned with hormone treatment which will in a lot of cases sterilize them for life and cause them osteoporosis and other problems. so obviously this is a very dark moment in our history, a civilized country would not put up with that. hungry has a child protection act which prevents any these acts from going on children being sexualized. and because it is taking a stand hung ary is being sued by other states t . thank you so much for coming on. so you are taking an unpopular position that i think will be vindicated by history. you personally being vindicated by history. right now it has to be hard. why are you sticking to your position in hungary? >> good evening ladies and gentlemen.
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tucker thank you for the nice words and for having me. the whole story started around 2021 when we in hungary started to realize that something is coming. it's like a storm which is coming, woke ideology or lgbtq propaganda is arriving to hungary to schools through media and through ngos. you can imagine how grass root no normal hungarian would think of that, we don't have the word woke. what are you talking about? woke is the french magazine or what? then we started to realize this is something serious. and when we introduced the child protection bill which bans transgenderism and the lgbtq propaganda for minors, then the
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bureaucracy and european union were against us. then we decided to turn towards the people and organized a national referendum where almost four million people said no to gender propaganda and said yes to child protection. compared to the size of america, it would mean almost 100 million supportive votes. but then, as it happens, the empire strikes back, and the brass, deep state, very similar to the dc one, it started legal persecution against hungary which is backed by other countries, eastern european countries think differently but there is an ongoing political world world war but we try to keep the fronts up. >> tucker: it sounds like you're not going to back down. >> no, definitely not. and you know the hungarian people are behind us.
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so this is their expectation. this is -- you know, my job is not to be popular among the elites but to represent the interest of my people in brussels. this is why we have no other chance, just to take the battle. >> tucker: you anticipated my question amazingly. i was going to ask does the public support this. so just to be very clear in closing, a democracy is a government that represents the will of its people. you're often called a dictatorship, but this policy reflects what hungarians want, just to be clear. isn't that right? >> true, this is what hungarians want. it's out of question. and if the media, the state, the big powers are against you, you're only backing the support of the people. we are very grateful for that, and we have to serve them. >> tucker: yeah. so if samantha power doesn't like it, you're a dictatorship,
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right? i got it. the terms change. >> if you are not with us then you are a dictatorship. this is how this foreign policy looks like. usa immediately launched a central european program, she visited our country and they really are ready to enlighten us. >> tucker: yeah. i would keep her out of your country if i were you. balaza orban represents one of the last, thank you for coming. >> thank you very much. >> tucker: the by whom admitted it has, and we're quoting, sensitive nuclear technology in ukraine in the middle of a war. does this even make sense? are they referring to nuclear weapons? what else could it be and why is it still in ukraine? joe kent joins us after the break. ♪
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and find out what your case all when a truck hit my car,ade. ♪the insurance companyed, wasn't fair. eight million ♪ i didid't t kn whahatmy c caswa, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to k how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou ♪ >> tucker: one of those bizarre and apparently significant news stories today that no one in washington seemed to follow up on and was presented to so many news stories backward, russia, russia, but here's the actual point of the story.
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the biden administration just admitted that there is, and we're quoting, american nuclear technology in ukraine at a power plant. and apparently that plant has fallen under russian control. so what exactly is this sensitive nuclear technology that belongs to the united states? why wasn't it removed before the war? does it have offensive capabilities? and isn't this all completely crazy and dangerous. joe kept a former u.s. army special forces officer, running for congress in washington state in the upcoming cycle. he joins us tonight. joe thank you so much for coming on. so no one is asking the obvious question, which is, what could this possibly be. >> yeah, exactly, and just how many more surprises are we going to get, how many more lies are going to come imploding in on us. we just found out last week that we have u.s. boots on the ground in ukraine, and now, oh by the by, we also have nuclear something something here. they won't fully tell us what it is, is it weapons or nuclear
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capability but in true biden fashion they sent a strongly worded memo to the russians to say hey don't touch this stuff. we're supposed to believe putin is an extensional threat to the entire world but is reasonably enough to receive a memo from us and not touch our nuclear weapons. we've gone to war over countries having nuclear technology before, it ended up being lies but nukes have been used as a pre tense to get us deeper involved in the war and we have boots on the ground. we have this situation again where the last year we have seen escalation after escalation pushing us towards world wash three and our elected officials are not doing their job by calling for a war powers resolution and getting accountability and let diagnose american people have their invoices be heard. i don't think the american people are good with us going to world war three over what's happening right now in ukraine when we have so many problems here at home. >> tucker: so the headline here seems to be american nukes captured by russians.
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why is that not the headline? this war's been going on 14 months. if we had nuclear materials in ukraine, why are they still there? this seems on many levels crazy also negligent. why is nobody reporting this? >> the biden administration definitely seems to operate at the confluence of hubris malice and absolute negligence. there's this hubris material and it's just there at the same time like we have an actual shooting war going on, why wasn't this discussed beforehand and why wasn't there steps taken to actually go ahead and get this material out. and now we're just told that, hey, there's nuclear weapons there, we also have boots on the ground, things aren't going as well as we're told, just seeing lie after lie after lie. and what people need to be weary of is we have the pentagon saying there's all these springs offensive, we're giving ukrainians the this weapons system or that weapons system and these are the same generals that have lied for over 20 years, one more surge one more tactic and we'll turn the corner and have peace in the middle
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east. that was a complete and total lie and we're supposed to take their word right now that hey us boots on the ground along with nuclear material in the hands of the russians, that this isn't a recipe for world war three. we're also supposed to completely and totally ignore we're to brink of destroying the u.s. economy because russia and china are undermining our status as a primary currency holder. all this is happening and congress is do absolutely nothing about it. this is a huge reason i'm running for congress is to stay in the fight and to prevent us from going to world war three and get our congress to focus on the american people and keep us out of these foolish wars overseas. >> tucker: this is why permanent washington spent so much money and employed so many differenty tricks to beat you last time. you were their top priority to defeat. joe kent, we're of course rooting for you. thanks for coming on tonight. we'll be right back. >> thank you so much tucker. ♪
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tonight. of course we will be back tomorrow and every night at 8:00 p.m. the show that is sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. as we approach the end of our hour we look forward to the next hour with some envy because we'll be honest we're alone in the studio but wiser hosts assemble others around them, an entire chorus of friends. and sean hannity is one of those [cheers and applause]. >> sean: wait, wait, wait. >> tucker: we turn to him now. you can hear him [cheers and applause]. >> sean: they're there. now tucker, tucker, they have a message for you. hold on. everybody, what did you want to say to tucker? what did you want to say? >> we love you tucker! we love you! >> sean: tucker, if you're ever having a bad day, come hang out with this group of normal new yorkers it's a lot of fun. >> tucker: i'll be there tomorrow. thank you sean. >> sean: laura's on tomorrow, perfect night >> welcome to hannity yes we are live, welcome studio audience
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