tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News April 20, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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this is sad. i can't make fun of this. he shouldn't even be there. >> i don't think pot should be legal. that's how crazy i am. thanks, joe. great to talk to you. almost in person. don't forget, listen from 9:00 to noon, catch me from 6:00 to 9:00 on "fox and friends." tucker carlson is up. i hope he is ready and dressed. >> good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." say what you will about elected democrats but they know where the power is. they're like truffle pigs for power. no matter how thick the forest is, they'll find it. here's one example. first hours in office on inauguration day joe biden named a new head of the criminal division at the justice department. biden spent that same day you will remember
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lecturing the rest of us about equity, meaning that straight white men are bad. yet strangely the person he chose for this job was not a member of a racial or sexual minority, he was instead a highly privileged straight white guy. he was called nick mcwade. he went to private schools, wesleyan, went to colombia for law school. that didn't matter to joe biden. some jobs are too important foray if i remembertive action. his main qualification was being former law partner of hunter biden's criminal attorney. in december of 2020, hunter biden hired a lawyer called chris clark to defend against potential federal tax charges. just a month later, hunter biden's dad hired chris clark's partner, nick mckwaid to oversee the agency to oversee the tax charges. seems like an obvious, glaring conflict. but no, nick mcwade did
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not recuse himself from the hunter biden investigation. more than two years later not surprisingly, no charges have been brought against hunter biden, not for lack of evidence. for years now the fbi had possession of hunter biden's laptop. on the laptop as you know is a detailed account of how the biden family made millions of dollars from foreign governments selling access to the u.s. government through joe biden. so the question is among many, did hunter biden pay federal taxes on all of that dough? what do you think? this is a guy who left a crack pipe and his driver's license in a rental car because he was too high to put them back into his pocket. did he pay all his federal taxes? let's just say hunter biden doesn't fit the profile of a faithful taxpayer. but he is the president's son and that's why when he was asked about the criminal investigation into his taxes two years ago he didn't seem that
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worried. watch. >> at the end of last year, biden acknowledged an ongoing investigation by federal authorities for potential tax law violations. >> is your legal teamworking on any plea deal? >> oh, no. i am absolutely certain what we're doing is being completely cooperative with whoever is asking from any authority whatsoever. >> the implication through the campaign was your efforts had somehow benefitted your father financially. have you ever given your father money from any of your business ventures? >> no, nothing. ever. >> not a nickel. >> not a nickel. >> directly or indirectly. >> directly or indirectly, not a nickel ever. 100% no, never. >> oh, you lie, you lie. that was two years ago. weirdly we haven't heard a lot about the federal tax investigation into hunlt since hunter biden since. we now have tens of thousands of new irs agents to enforce tax law.
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and it wasn't that long ago the biden justice department, remember this, indicted donald trump's 75-year-old accountant because he failed to declare the full value of his work vehicle. i think he was in handcuffs. somehow the same enforcers of the law cannot be bothered to bring the hunter biden investigation to fruition, not when they have a laptop proving he took millions from the government of china. how does that work exactly? did he pay every dollar in federal taxes? did he declare his work car value? what about the russian hookers? doj doesn't seem interested that he lied on a federal gun form. try that yourself at home. it is a felony. you'll go to jail. but hunter biden is not in jail, he is making art in his garden in l.a. is what we are seeing what it looks like? well, we can finally answer that question, thanks to a career special
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agent at the irs who decided to blow the whistle on the corruption in the biden administration. this whistle-blower informed congress he has proof the attorney general of the united states, merrick garland, lied under oath about the hunter biden investigation. that's a felony. so the attorney general of the united states committed a felony according to the whistle-blower who also says he has seen, quote, preferential treatment and politics improperly effecting decisions and protocols throughout the agency. and that these changes in standard protocol were designed to, quote, benefit the politically connected. so what we learned here is exactly what we suspected all along, the biden people are criminals. watch. >> my client wants to come forward to congress. he is ready to be questioned about what he knows and what he experienced under the proper legal protections. >> attorney mark lytle's client is a supervisory special agent at the irs who is prepared to tell
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congress the investigation he's been working on has been hampered by what he thinks is special treatment. >> typical steps that a law enforcement investigator would take were compromised because of political considerations. >> cbs news has learned the investigation the whistle-blower worked on is about hunter biden. lytle told us the whistle-blower has been with the irs for more than a decade and has extensive documentation to support his allegations. >> the things he has been through are very well documented in emails and other communications with the department of justice. >> including proof that our sleaze ball attorney general whose presence in that job is an offense against the law of the country lied under oath, a felony. this is not a small story. kr karine jean-pierre was asked about it. why are they sending working class grandmothers to prison for walking
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around the capitol while they bury criminal investigations into the president's son. here was her nonresponse. >> the president has always been clear during the campaign, during his presidency that the department of justice should have independence, they should not be politicized and should be able to do their job independently essentially and so i'll leave it to them, leave it to department of justice to make their decision to move forward with this particular case. >> her presence is designed to insult the country and it is working. but it won't last forever because this is a real story. miranda divine is on it with "new york post," helped break the hunter biden laptop story in the first place. thanks for coming on. it doesn't seem like partisan rock throwing, it seems like an actual story to me. is it? >> yes. and look, i think this might be the breakthrough story because really the
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coverup of biden corruption is like watergate, bigger than the original story. it involves the fbi, the cia, now you are seeing this quite honest upright completely nonpartisan career irs criminal investigator who has a lot of big scalps under his belt, and is treating the hunter biden story like he did any other case. is furious. he sees there's been political interference and obstruction in the case. then i think what really set him off and made him go to the inspector general of the department of justice department and turn into a protected whistle-blower was seeing a month ago merrick garland appear at an oversight hearing and give very misleading testimony
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he was asked by chuck grassley is the u.s. attorney in delaware able to bring charges in california and washington, d.c. these are the two jurisdictions where hunter biden lived and should have paid taxes, and merrick garland assured grassley david weiss has every authority and power he needs, i am backing him up, this is all independent. that is just the opposite of the truth. and really, if merrick garland doesn't know that he is not doing his job properly. the attorney general of the united states can't commit crimes by definition. that's got to be the end of him as our attorney general, i would think. >> it would be if you could prove it. all these people are clever. they have plausible deniability, layer upon layer in which they can
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pretend they don't know what's happened. that's what biden's entire business model is all about. his relatives go and get the bribes and he pretends he doesn't know about it. >> such a smart point. thank you so much for that summary tonight. we'll be talking again i hope. thank you. >> thank you. >> by the way, should say based on something miranda pointed out for all of the grouching we've done about the republican congress, it has been chuck grassley of iowa, ron johnson of wisconsin, two republican senators who have been honest from the beginning. they're the ones that pushed the doj to answer the question. has nick mcwade recused himself from the hunter biden investigation. never got an answer as far as we know. as you heard, the biden administration spends an awful lot of time covering up actual crimes, crimes committed by political allies and relatives, but for their critics there's no such mercy. first time in history, the
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government has begun to arrest people for saying things the white house doesn't like. that's the end of the first amendment. speech that's been protected for centuries in the united states is no longer protected, it is now a criminal act. we told you what the grotesquely unconstitutional prosecution of mackey is, they tried to send him to prison for making fun of hillary clinton voters on twitter. they don't seem to care at all, they seem to endorse it. no one in congress made push back against it. this trend continues. the latest group of americans to find their constitutionally protected opinions become felonies are, believe it or not, an organization of black nationalist leftwingers who oppose the war in ukraine. the doj just charged many in this group to sew discord, spread pro-russia propaganda, and interfere with elections in the
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united states. there's no evidence they interfered with any election, you're allowed to be pro-russia or anything you want in the united states. saying things the government doesn't like, having unfashionable opinions or opinions that are out of step with joe biden's opinions, that is not a crime. you can spread pro-russia propaganda if you want to. you can spread anti-russian propaganda if you want to. you can say whatever you want. but not any more. according to the indictment, the criminals in question, quote, wrote articles that contained russian propaganda and disinformation. huh? they gave speeches, posted videos that annoyed the state department. here's one of them. >> there's a discussion about russian military build up on this border with ukraine and how this represents a terrible threat to ukraine by russia, but there's nowak knowledgement of the history that took us to this place, how the u.s.
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overthrew, participated and facilitated, overthrew the government in ukraine that was friendly to the soviet union, nor does it talk about the history of this relationship between ukraine and russia. this is an ongoing aggression. this did not just start, it has been going on awhile. but the u.s. government relies on the ignorance of the people in this country and amongst world that's facilitated by people like zuckerberg. >> so for whatever it is worth, not sure who that guy is, we know he is american. pretty sure on a lot of issues we likely would not agree with him. a lot of what he said in the video seems to be true. even if it weren't true, even if he was wrong, it would still be constitutionally protected speech in a free country which we have until recently. you are allowed by definition to have dumb opinions. most of us do. but not any more. so that man you just saw is facing ten years behind
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bars for expressing views about ukraine that the biden administration doesn't want to hear. that's terrifying. does anyone else think it is terrifying? it is terrifying. to that man's credit, whoever he is, he saw it coming. here he is at a rally last month. >> they have declared that black people are so stupid that it takes russians to tell us that we are oppr oppressed. never known a moment since the beginning of a cloenl prediction where black people have been free, and yet they're saying that we are working, agents of some foreign power because we say black people must be free. >> okay. again, not defending that guy because we agree with all of his views, we probably don't. that is totally irrelevant. whether you agree with what someone is saying has nothing to do with his right to say it. americans are allowed to
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say what they think is true, period. if they take that right away, you are no longer a citizen. you are a slave. glenn greenwald, host of system update joins us tonight. glenn, thanks for coming on. i am glad they went after a group of people i probably don't agree with on a lot of things, it makes it so much clearer. this is not partisan. this guy is saying something the regime doesn't like, they're trying to put him in jail. how is this happening in america? >> i think one of the critical things to remember, even before january 6, biden administration said their priority is to launch domestic war on terror to take the tactics we used against al qaeda and isis and foreign terrorist groups, direct it inward. they perceive anti-establishment dissidents like the person you just showed are the real enemy. that's what this is about. there's a foreign agents law that's supposed to be if you say things you don't really believe
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because some foreign government is paying you millions to say them, you have to register. that's not the case with these people. these are people that are radical black leftists for decades, they hate the biden administration, they're against the war in ukraine, they claim they found $500 here, $2,000 there, that have origins to the russian government for events they did. this is what we criticize russia for. we fund opposition groups in russia, then russia says they're foreign agents. we object and say a foreign agent is only somebody saying things a foreign government tells them to say, now we're using the same theory we say makes rushsia tyrannical to do that in the united states. >> these are not maga people, these are victims of systemic racism they're lecturing us about, right, and their first amendment rights have been stripped, they're looking at jail terms for having opinions biden doesn't like. where are the liberals, morning joe, the sensitive
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white liberals to defend these people. >> yeah. this is why i am glad you're covering this case, tucker. this is the tactic tyrants use when they want to implement an authoritarian precedent, they choose people that make others uncomfortable. they knew even republicans would say i don't want to defend those people, they're a bridge too far. then the precedent is set and they expand it inward. these are not people behind the black radicals democratic party establishment representatives like, they're people that attack the biden administration, don't vote democrat, these are real dissidents. they know not even democrats will defend them. >> they're not taking money from apple and facebook. they weren't in on the black lives matter scam, they mean it. glenn, appreciate your coming on and getting to the core issues underneath it all. thank you. >> great to be with you, tucker, thanks. >> so pete buttigieg is a busy man, fixing our
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elmer>> hi, i'm elmer heinrich. my company sells immuno 150. if you haven't heard of it, you need to go to the website on the screen or call the toll-free number. we sell to thousands of consumers and our reorder rate is above 94%. now, many people ask us how we can sell a month's supply of immuno 150 for less than $60.00 when most of our competition is $80 to $90 a month. it's simple! we don't pay celebrities to hawk immuno 150, and we don't pay testimonial people to say something good about the product. immuno 150 stands on its own with its 70 minerals and 80 other nutrients. it doesn't need any help. and it has more than color, taste, and smell. i am 89 years old and my wife is 80, both with no arthritis, no allergies, no aches or pains of any kind - nothing! all because of immuno 150. now, check the number of minerals in the product you take.
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>> tucker: well, mayor pete has run the department of transportation for about two years now. the good news is we have fewer racist roads, they've been indicted by the civil rights division. the bad news, we now have regular train derailments where toxic chemicals spill into people's homes. air travel is almost unusable, more unreliable than it's ever been. the other day, a major airline had to ground all flights. mayor pete is laser focused on real problems, the ones he identified at mckenzie, the racist roads and the sexism inherent in the transportation system. a congresswoman is on this, praised mayor pete today for his efforts to root out sexism in the automobile industry and singled out a new initiative she hopes department of transportation will roll out soon. here it is. >> you also plan to make important investments to address the roadway safety crisis, including the critical funding that
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would accelerate the development and this is an area i have written to you about of the use of female dummies in crash testing. this will start to fight the gender inequity among vehicle safety and crash victims. >> call us woke, but that seems like transphobia. didn't it occur to just put lipstick on the male dummies, have them identify as female? transfemale dummies are transfemales. speaking of transfemales, the pentagon is all in on propaganda white rage and now transgenderism. military health providers at big bases, people that treat children of service members are coming out in favor of the sexual mutilation of kids. army doctors in california at walter reed recently wrote a piece in a medical journal saying children should receive, quote, gender affirming health care such as puberty suppression and hormones.
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doctors, air quotes around doctors, said kids as young as seven can make their own medical decisions about sterilizing themselves for life. tulsi gabbard ran for president in 2020, served in congress from hawaii, continues to serve in the u.s. military. thank you for coming on. >> thank you. >> tucker: does seem something we will be ashamed of in ten years, way out of the scope for the military mission. >> completely. when we look at what the dod physicians are advocating for us, the latest of the taxpayer funded mandatory woke education training programs that they now want to put in place across the entire dod health care system, saying if there are military members that have children that come and present themselves with gender dysphoria symptoms as they say, literally say in the article the only pathway to treat these children is immediately prescribe these hormones, abusive hormones and procedures on
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these children, often without even notifying the parents that this is going on. the good news in this is that there are about 50% of dod affiliated physicians saying i don't care what kind of training you give, we refuse to do this, refuse to comply with this. bad news, there are half the affiliated doctors willing to go along with it. this is what poses a risk to our kids. >> tucker: i beg your pardon. you can use the va as a veteran, would you be comfortable getting medical care from someone who believed this? >> for me, no. i think a lot of parents in the military, mow brothers and sisters in uniform would have serious concerns. that goes to understanding this is not a done deal, this is not a hopeless cause. we need to take action and make sure that dod and congress does three specific things. number one, stop the training. tell the dod we are not giving you a single penny unless you stop the
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training from occurring. number two, dod needs to get rid of physicians that are activists promoting this ideology within the dod health care system. for my brothers and sisters in the military who are very concerned about your children as well as parents concerned about school health counselors and others, talk to your physician and pediatrician, talk to your school health counselor. make sure they're on the same page and not one of the 50% who are willing to go along this woke agenda that is being so abusive to our kids. >> tucker: rather than, i have a frog in my throat talking about this, i beg your pardon. rather than complain about it, you have three solutions. defund the training. get rid of people that are not emotionally qualified to dispense medical care. >> yes. seven years old, tucker, saying kids are equipped to make this decision. >> tucker: to sterilize themselves for life. that's insane. and speak the truth.
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>> exactly. >> tucker: tulsi gabbard, i am grateful you're brave enough to say that in public. >> thanks for having me, tucker. >> tucker: well, peta is an animal rights organization. we don't agree with them on everything, a lot of things probably, but they have an interesting take on the rat problem in new york. so mayor eric adams says just kill more rats. peta says wait a second, rats are here for a reason, and the reason is you're dirty. we thought that was a perspective might be worth hearing more about. a peta spokesperson joins us next.
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hi, i'm michael, i've lost 62 pounds on golo and i have kept it off. most of the weight that i gained was strictly in my belly which is a sign of insulin resistance. but since golo, that weight has completely gone away, as you can tell. thanks to golo and release, i've got my life and my health back.
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bugs. governments around the world are leading the charge on this. here's what we found in the netherlands. >> to see what a future of bugs for dinner might look like, we travel to the netherlands in western europe. >> authorities are shutting down small farms, thousands of tractor driving dutch protesters came out to continue demonstrations against the government's radical plan to slash nigtrogen oxide and ammonia emissions by 2030. >> the dutch farmers protest has been going on for years now. they fear for their lively hoods. they went out in almost undutch fashion. blocked distribution centers, blocked the airport. and had consequences for the food supply immediately. you could see the supermarket shelves were empty after a couple of
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hours. then the state decided to crackdown on them with police violence. that was also something that i didn't expect to be seeing in the liberal democracy that we supposedly are. if you control the food, you control the people. so creating a crisis, creating potentially a famine is a way to get control of your population. >> tucker: let them eat bugs is on fox nation right now. well, new york city has gotten a lot dirtier, it is not your imagination. the city leadership is responsible but decide to blame rodents for it. they hired a rat czar and identified rat mitigation zones. >> quick, dirty, disease
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prone and above all a nuisance. yet rats continue to make their presence very well known on new york city streets. some neighborhoods even more than others, the city plans to zero in on 8 areas so full of vermin, department of health designated them rat mitigation zones. they'll be in harlem, chinatown, east village, lower east side, in the bronx, grand concourse, and brooklyn, prospect heights, bed stoy. neighbors attest rodents are running rampant. they were deemed high priority thanks to calls and complaints about infestations. those areas will get more attention from the city like increased enforcement on properties that fail inspections and rat academy training. free workshops offered by department of health on rat management. >> tucker: the question is, is new york city dirty because it has a lot of rats or does it have a lot
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of rats because it is dirty? for a different perspective, we thought we would ask ashley burns, she works at peta, she's director of outreach. thanks so much for coming on. i think this is a really interesting point. i don't have a lot of rats in my house because i don't have a lot of rotting garbage in my house. so maybe the problem isn't the rats, it is people i hadn't thought about it until you brought it up, but if you wouldn't mind explaining. >> thanks for having me on, tucker. exactly. you know, the rats are not the problem, the disgusting human behavior that is attracting the rats, that's the problem. we are basically inviting them to be here by putting out a daily buffet of garbage around the city and these intelligent creatures don't deserve to die painful, excruciating deaths because of human irresponsibility. >> tucker: shouldn't we at least, even if you don't go as far as you're going,
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and you're i think at the place you say let's not kill the rats, couldn't we also do our part as people and not leave pizza slices on the sidewalk and pick up the garbage regularly. why shouldn't we play in a role, too. >> exactly. as long as we don't clean up our act, the city can kill as many rats as it wants to. they're just going to keep coming back. this is nothing more than a quick fix. if killing rats worked, we wouldn't have a rat problem. people have already been killing rats in the city for decades, but we live under mountains of garbage, so they haven't gone away and they won't. >> tucker: and you study animal behavior. do you think long term the rats are smarter than leadership of the city or the city leadership is smarter than the rats? >> well, i'll say this. rats are actually very clean animals and they're smart enough not to treat their homes like a garbage dump, so i'll leave it at
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that. >> tucker: you have this reputation for being extreme, i didn't think that was extreme. it was a good point. i am glad you came on tonight. thank you. >> thanks so much, tucker. >> tucker: so everything is totally fine, it is just a liberation movement, transgenderists, except they seem to be blowing stuff up. they detonated explosives at university of pittsburgh the other night because somebody said something they didn't like. that's what the transgender movement is up to this week. a student that was there and saw all of it joins us next.
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>> tucker: larry elder has been in california media a smart and hilarious way. he just ran for governor of california in a recall election against gavin newsom. came up short after the media called him a white supremacist. it is pretty offensive. he is not deterred. he has a major announcement tonight. larry elder joins us. thanks so much for coming on. i'm sorry to laugh at that. i am sure it is hard for you to laugh at, it is so insane. what are you up to next? >> you almost have to laugh at it. the actual quote was larry elder is the blackface of white supremacy, and the sub headline, you've been warned. one other in l.a. times referred to my views because i am pro-life, don't buy the notion
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america is systematically racist, because i want to secure borders, because i want us to be energy independent, you are urban schools are a disaster. i was called the blackface of white supremacy in terms of my views. my announcement, tucker, is i am announcing i am running for the presidency of the united states on your program. thanks so much for giving me this honor and platform. elder for elder for tucker, the reason i am doing this, my father was a world war ii vet, served as a marine. first black marines. my older brother, late older brother kirk was in the navy during the vietnam era, my little brother dennis served in vietnam in the army. i'm the only one didn't serve and i don't feel good about that. i feel i have a moral, religious, patriotic duty to give back to a country that's been so good to my family and me. that's why i am doing this. >> tucker: that's amazing.
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congratulations. big decision to make. i am very familiar with your views, i think i agree with all of them pretty much. if you were to narrow it down, pick one or two, issues that are animating you that are making you feel you have to put everything on hold and do this, what are they? >> aside from obvious things about the border i mentioned before, crime, maligning of police, couple things our society doesn't spend time talking about, the lie, the disgraceful lie the democrats put on everything that america is systematically racist. it isn't just a lie, tucker, it has real consequences. police are pulling back. called the ferguson effect or george floyd effect. people that are harmed by that are the black and brown people people on the left claim they care about. there's a study shows hundreds if not thousands are dead because police aren't engaging in proactive policing because they are demoralized by people calling them racist. the second thing, the 10,000 pound elephant in the room regarding stuff in chicago and other
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cities with mass mobs is the lack of fathers in the home. right now, today in america 40% of all kids enter the world without a father in the home married to the mother. 70% in the black community, 50% of hispanics, 25% wh pers whiets c% whites. the question we should be asking, how do you go from 25% black kids entering the world without a father in the home in 1960 married to the more to 70% today, the answer is the welfare state. we incentivized women to marry the government, and men to abandon moral responsibility. if i do nothing else but focus people on those two issues, i will performed a service to my country. >> tucker: my father had a pivotal effect on my life. was that true for you, did he have effect on the man you became? >> absolutely, my father never knew his biological father, not a death sentence, but he believed in hard work. worked out of the military two full-time job cleaning
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toilets, started a cafe around 47 years old, ran it 'til he was in his 80s. he owned the property the restaurant was on and the house we have in our family. the man died with net worth a little under $1 million. not bad for a kid from athens, georgia, jim crow south whose mom threw him out of the house at the age of 13. my dad was a lifelong republican. he said this about democrats. democrats want to give you something for nothing. you try to get something for nothing, you end up getting nothing for something. my mom was a lifelong, i say democrat, i meant republican. my mom was a lifelong democrat. tucker, they had arguments over the kitchen table, nobody called anybody a fascist, said you only care about the rich, you only care about the poor. they were able to debate civilly. we ought to be able to do that in this country. >> tucker: amen. that's a really inspiring message. larry elder, congratulations on the decision. i'm glad you made the announcement here. we'll see you again.
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>> i appreciate it. >> tucker: there's an enormous amount of transgender violence going on, you're not imagining it. still won't give you the manifesto from nashville, but you know what it says. it has the endorsement of the biden administration. shouldn't surprise you it is more common. at the university of pittsburgh this week on tuesday, michael knolls was delivering remarks, saying things about biological gender which is fixed at birth, not by man but by god. sorry, that's true. but the transgenderist didn't want to hear it, so an explosive device went off on campus and mobs of activists as we call them tried to kick knolls out. >> get back.
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>> tucker: dylan michl, president of the university of pittsburgh college republicans. grateful you're here. was this as chaotic as it looked on the video? >> thanks for having me on, tucker. it was definitely maybe more chaotic than it looked on video. they had a designated area they were permitted to protest. unlike them, we believe in first amendment rights and freedom of speech. they quickly left the area, decided it was better for them if they stormed and overtook the street where we were checking people in. you can see in some videos on the other side of the barricade where we are checking event guests in where the volunteers were bravely standing, people
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were throwing smoke bombs, making death threats. all with faces covered. no arrests made, nobody kicked out of the university. the same students making death threats, trying to attack with explosive devices just on tuesday are going to be our classmates tomorrow, and we have no idea who they are, but they have video of our face and names. >> tucker: it is so embarrassing to the school which is a good school and the country which is a great country when people are low iq thug savages. did the administration take your side or theirs? i can guess but i'll let you tell us. >> the administration definitely took their side. from the very beginning when we booked the event, called us toxic, harmful, repugnant, all sorts of names, unequivocally denounced the fact we were having debate on this issue, and it wasn't a debate, wasn't one sided speech, we presented both sides of an issue, we are not apparently allowed to do that any more at major university campuses. the university was quick to denounce us. since the violence, we
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asked multiple times if they would denounce the violence done against us and people trying to shut down our right to speak and the university had radio silence so far. no denouncement of violence, no admital there was violence when you can see from footage it was clearly a riot. >> tucker: these colleges only manage to stay in the black because rich foreigners attend them. they're doing that in smaller numbers. this is a joke, not worth going to college here, people are figuring it out. do you think you would send your kids to college in this country? >> no. honestly, i don't know that i would. but i'm glad that some people still are willing to do so because i think it is still an important institution. i don't like to see it ground anywhere. what we're going to do, the tactic was to shut us down. it makes us fight back louder and harder and are not going to give up. we'll never stop. >> tucker: what a great answer. dylan mitchell, thanks for coming on. >> thanks for having me,
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tucker. >> tucker: so it is 4/20. we celebrate weed day around the world. you're not allowed to make fun of weed. some say it causes brain damage, makes you emotionally unstable. the weed people this year have a new spokesman. once you find out who it is, you will know weed does not make you dumb or mentally unstable. john fetterman, ladies and gentlemen, after the break.
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elmer>> i am elmer heinrich, president of the company that sells immuno 150, the most complete nutritional product on the market. we've been in business since 1983. immuno 150 contains 9 exotic fruits, 13 vitamins, 17 herbs, 18 amino acids, 70 minerals, coq10, turmeric, flax seed and a lot more. the 70 minerals are the key. immuno 150 has what your body needs, especially the 70 minerals because you have probably never consumed more than 20 minerals in your life. my wife and i have taken immuno 150 for many years. i am 89 years old and she is 80.
5:59 pm
we are both in perfect health. no aches, no pains, nothing. place your order for immuno 150 and include a supply for your children and grandchildren because they need 70 minerals as badly as you do. our website, phone number and the cost of a month's supply of immuno 150 is listed on the screen so don't hesitate, order now. like thousands of others, you won't believe the results. snool because they believe in science, most politicians haven't bothered to check research before promoting widespread marijuana use to the whole population, but there is some research, we have to be honest, to suggest maybe marijuana isn't good for you if you smoke too much of it, maybe it makes you emotionally unstable or stupid. the marijuana people have a retort to that. today is 4/20, international marijuana day. they trotted out their new spokesman to endorse it.
6:00 pm
that new spokesman samantis a man that just got out of a mental hospital, he is celebrating 4/20. it is 4:20 on 4/20. trying to prove he can do math. we know that's not true, somebody wrote that for him, man. happy 4/20 from us. have the best night. here is sean hannity. >> sean: tucker, i have a group with a message for you. great show as always. what a great crowd we have. thank you all for being here. we are back with the audience show. and tonight, wow, look at this. buckle up. the one and only laura ingraham is going to be next to me coming up in just a minute.
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