tv Hannity FOX News April 21, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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in the meantime, have the bestdh weekend with the ones that t see you that and welcome to the special addition of hannitylibea liberal lawless. tonight for the hour, we're goinl s.g to show you what happe when democrats rule over citiess and states for decades and the damage that they are doing inc t d.c. it is being felt by every single american and they have literall y taken a wrecking ball. to the entire economy. china is on the march. build and your president , joe biden l ,he's building sand castleessh d and sittinelg on a beach in delaware. but first, there is a reason that americans are fleeing
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new york , new jersey, california, illinois, these liberal states . and there's a reason two million americans leftther t inica's big cities jus the last two years. high income taxes, high property taxes, high sales taxes, punitiv he regulations,th and for what? the roads are covered withe potholes. cod withthe streets are littered with tons of trash. the homeless crisis, that'sic worse than ever. sstems and the public school systems there are disasterar. r exampl and by the way, for example, look at twenty three , baltimoreore. cio schools, zero students. not one iso proficient in math . twenty three schools, not a single studentthe si. what $1o that's what, one point six billion dollars or 20 grand per student bought the taxpayers of baltimore. and forget about public safety. . hek atre your screen.ks here's what public safety looks like in chicago. mob beatings in broad daylightht last weekend. hordes. of teens taking over the streets, smashing cars, assaulting pedestrians and breaking windows.
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in a statement, chicago'sd radicabreakindows.l incoming mar responded, quote, it is not, constructive to demonizequot wov have otherwise been starved ofeo opportunities in our own communities. why? okay. now, o , the murder c crisisri in chicago, that's even worse. now, fake news, cnn, they would guve you believe that guns kind of magically walked downnsdown the street and act on their own and commit these acts of aiolenc violence all by themselves. ethey almost never attach a human being to the violent criminals who are actually committing these crimes. and that's because these violent offenders, they're walking the streets offess to democratic policie and democratic days where inllers, they get a free pasers in fact, the majority of murders in chicago do not result in charge ds. meanwhile, here's what's happening out in california. the golden state califore goldeg wrecked by looters. take a look there. loo that's a localters gas station o compton, california. but the problem is statewidea. and nationwide and in many
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blue areas, for example, in mans the whole foods store in san francisco, they're closing down san fra. cause of why? because of the horriblee conditions in the city. and , of course, new york cityge is also suffering from a crime wave. bbierobbery, grand larceny is wn up after manhattan d.a. alvin bragg vowed not to prosecute theft to establish. ifcial equity. in other words, if you're aca criminal, you can stealo whatever you want. don't go tjao jail. and meanwhile, felony assaulfet is up 15%. here's a police officer getting attacked in broad daylight on monday for no reason at all. whatsoever. and look at this new video alsoe from new york , where a driver plowing through an outdoor dining space striking police officers during a pursuit. now, naturally, he had to weighs . she's very angry. vy what is shangry.e angry ats sh? the police? take look, you're talking about funding, violence preventionidef outside of the and yet,e po eric adams has just
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increased police wages by 20 percent. is that misplaced? i think so.>> i t >>hi we are defending safety, defending our public schools, defunding our public schools, defunding our parks, defunding our library when we are takingg all of those resources that and demanding that every singlen department except the militarizegled one be cut. we are sending a message about who and what we care about. >> now, one new york city b attack victim who lost an eye because of a random beating at r the hands of a maniac on a subway platform. just respond to aoc and here is what she had to say. take a looo k at this. saf >>et i believe safety calling police officers. peoponce this police off office then people feel more violated to go places they feel scared to go to school. they want to be scared to go to public school. we want to be scared to go to the train station. just going to work. yoste u knowis, there's timesr
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and place for everything. and once you put safety first, everything else will go righti n after it.ot i cannot cal call a teachel r id i need help. if a man is running me down,her. i cannot call a teacher. i'm going to have to call the police. i'm going to be praying foayrin police, not a teacher.t a teacthere is no doubt that poe play a critical role in publicd' safety. but t democrats, they don't care for them. political messaging, virtue signaling that's wayy mo more important. and now the leftre defund, dismantle and no bail laws. they are destroying major n cities and not protecting the innocent. it is impactinot cog the entire country. so it'y.s no t a mystery why americans are now fleeing blue states and blue cities. you have law abiding, hardworking taxpayers.g they're getting fleeced by democrats spending their hard earned tax dollarsar on far left pet projects. government handouts, billions and billions of dollars, new green deal initiatives and , of course, massiveand of payouts to public sector unions
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who collude with democrats to steal money from american workers. or you could look att new york city, second avenuene subway, for example.ample. you have three stationstion and just over a miles in of new track. rs it a cos whot taxpayers a whoppg four point five billion dollars and took forty five years to complete. if it wasn't sifo pathetic, it' laughable. laughable.and by the way, it isw filled with human waste and a srkers homeless people thi is not a good life forand works and their families. arenow they're voting with their feet. and by the way, who can blame i them? here with reaction, arkansas senator tom cotton. inu know what? people are moving to yg to your senator for these very reasons. we see iovountryt all over the y and nobody seems to want to do anything about it. >> why? >> what's on these? democrats have an ideology that every criminal is alsoracial a victim, a victim of a racist criminal justice system. or a rotten country that has been the system are a source of discrimination or oppression from the very beginning.
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you heard it best. i think, with the mayor elect from chicago. you had teenagers rampaginhicagg the street, looting and beating people. and he said that we shouldn'ttig peopticize criticize the youth who lost opportunity. sean, these are not secondpporti gradersean, ths. are 16 these are 16 and 17 year oldcen. adolescents. and if 16 and 17 year olds commit violent crimes, then we should lock up those punk kids.m all right.t is the answer on the left is all these take away people's gunri rights, go after the second amendment. ghwhen are they going to realize that we need police to do the job of keeping people safe ? >> that's not that complicated to me. at complno, it's not a complicac issue on and in fact, the victims of these crimes, oftentimes inf poorthes and minority neighborhoods, are the ones are e ofrongerupportiv having a more or p stronger police presence. the simple facle ft is , if youh have more police on the beat, you have less crime., yo buut democrats have been trying to defund the police for years, even when they have police so
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often not charge these criminals. as you said , alvin brag g, new york city, one is the u.s. attorney in the district of columbia, won't becaus ehat they are worried that there arel racial disparities in d the commissioncondit of these cs and therefore the charges of them. and even if they get chargedcone and convicted, these criminalskw often know tha tt they're not going to go to jail and do hard time. >> do you think this migration out of blue cities and states is going to continue? n' because i don't t sesee any end to it? >> well, i certainly know a lot of people who have left blue states and blue cities oftentimes movinstate'g to the sunbelt where there is mort e economic opportunity, there's more publionomicc safety, lowers and a more business friendly environment. riendly ronment.i do worry thatl those areas even more blueue and it leads the election of even more radical ideologues. i mean, look at whatt what's had in chicago. if you thought lori, lorit mayo lightfoot, the current mayorr ,n of chicago, is bad, justti wait until you see her replacement.he the guy who'hes defendingnding teenagers, rampagingte the streets and looting as underprivilegedthe youth.
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t me ask you about liberal lawless this, if you will . so now we know that tony blinken was actively involved in getting fifty one intel agents to say that the unabiding laptop was probably not reaiden lapl and rn disinformation campaign that was completely untrue. disitony blinken led that lyingh effort. we know the laptopat lying is vy real. >> should there be consequencesr for tony blinken? >> yeah, i mean, shawn, just hoj the example of how joe biden tony blinken and all bis in washington are willing to take whatever steps are necessary to hold on to power. i think tony blinken should answer for this and should answer iswer forn front of cong. i'm very pleased that you've we got our good friend, jim jordahn in charge ofo the house of th judiciary committee, who's going to get to the bottom of these matters becaus e the american people deserve to hear the answers they didn't get in the last campaign. hebefore the next campaign. >> what about the irs whistleblower that wantstion,
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protection, that is claiming that, in fact,th i hunter biden is getting special treatment and in fact,istreatmen the ag lh oath when asked about this. >> how serious is that to you? what's very troubling allegations, john , not just what hunter biden has done, but that political higher ups in the department of treasuryf treu and the department of justice may be trying to suppress this trn or prevent charges being brought against hunter biden. but, of course, you know, the democrat being brought ts ao praise whistleblowers in the trump era, especially duringe tr the first impeachmenf president trump. so i'm sure all these democrats do include the joe biden are god to man the ramparts defend this whistleblowe r who's saying that he is not allowed to do his job and that prosecute in and the department of justice or sitting on information that would lead to criminal charges against hunter biden. >> that sounds like liberaenl lawlessness to me.ank you. senator cotton, thank you. we'll have more on that coming up. er ilater in the program. >> all right.
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here now with more, the founder of the guardian angels, curtis sliwa is with us . i also foxs news political analyt general caldwell is with us . and chicago alderman raymond lopez is with us . you know, giono, you've become a dear friend of mine at of trag a tragedy. and the tragedy is , is that your younger brother was murdered in the streets of o. wg he did nothing wrong. he was not involved in anything . and they wiped o out this young man's potential. and you have to live with that and your family has to livees with that for the rest ofr li your life. fethat's right. of and last year, i spent a great deal of my time and energy ensuring that malorie life, it was defeated. and to now be with a brandon johnson mar-a-lagoemingl who seemingly is going in the belly of the violent crimeyi ,offering milk and cookiesom and a welcome mat to commit more crimee . e disg this is an absolute disgrace. he's shown that he is not up for the job. and whether it b be in chicago,o new york , los angeles,
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san francisco, these progressive mayors and district attorneys are systematicallys endangering the lives of all of their citizens, but especially those minorities that democrats claitizens, m that they care so much about. they say that, you know,y wa they want to protect those folke folks.s. they're not protecting those th folks, and they're endangering our lives because they can't affordeie they to move into a b. neighborhood. they can afford to move theyo move t or any of these other places where they're safe havens. this has to come to an endl take and is going to take citizens al across all of those jurisdictions to make their voices heard. i know w he haadd an election we brandon johnson won, but now we peed to start telling those people who are committing those crimes in those areas. and i know that they may feel their safety is being endangered. however, just like the civil rights movement where people lives was endangered , whilesp they spoke up against injustices, we need to do that now because we cannot dependthee on the government with these progressives running these locations acrossssives r the country. >> raymond lopez, let's stay in chicago and talk about thison ti on this very program sinces
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2009, i scrolled names of people in your city shot, shot and killed, names people neverpp hear of and never will hear from or hear about because the government can't politicizet it. we only hear t aboutases the cas that can be used forical political reasons. and i'll be honest , you know, there's something really wrong with that. i though witat. t every life is supposed to matter. every life should matter to anyone who's elected in office. regardlesse their democrat or republican . and i've said , i believe on your show specifically, repui public safety should not be aue partisan issue. but we've seen many in my party try to continue this performative politics of making it about something that it'snot, not refusing to hold criminals accountable and doing everything they can to continue this love affair with criminality. it gets harder and harder to be a democrat in this modern era bm as it becomes more radicalized by the left of lefes mt politics
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who want to pursue policies that make absolutely no sensed and completely forget to victims of violence. ly forgewhy would you associateh party that believes that noble laws and defund and dismantle the police? because because, sean, to benes quite honest, somebody hassoas t to stand up for the sane who thinking people who still call themselves democrats within thisve party. i refuse to abandon my partyy to to the left of left lunacy thati is trying to take there is common sense that canac be brought both to the democratic party and republican party. >> raymond, there's a middle we should be fighting. >> raymond, this is since 2009i. you're not making any progress. it's getting worse. well, i haven't been elected since two thousand nine , but i'm going to stand my ground and be sure to be a beacon of common sense for my party because not everyone believes in the embrace of criminalityseo like we see so many democrats do hearing some of the commentsn from aoc and others thatcontradi
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completely are contradictory to ensuring the public pack of public safety is something that e able to stand up, stand up against.o and too many people are afraidor to do that. >> and i refuse to cower to them. you know, curtis, you've been on the streets of new york for decades. you've done a great jo and hbav with the guardian angels. i think you would have beenmayo. a great mayor. bu, like otherk places, it's getting worse and worse and worse. and the sad thin andg is we knoo how to prevent this. rudy giulianw i laid out the gae plan to win and save lives. why don't they follow that?er well, it's already the template is their which is zero tolerance, quality of life and make sure small crimes are not just voided. so a small crime is treatedim as a serious crime. and then people.e realizedersta the consequences. now, i understand what the alderman is talking about because i'vendt thking spent a d time in chicago, my second c city, and they said , let's head down the high rise projects like robert taylor, homes cabrini green , i'd
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be wells, all of which i've pat patrolled. and they built townhouseros. but you don't stop the problemsb just by taking somebody fromy ta the 20th floor and give them a two family house. it's this the ability of the family. we have to eliminate the dysfunction and we have to preach respect for the police and not the gangbangers. d not thso to the alderman, whos a moderate democrat, you know, sean, last tim ie was with you. i've started r the ronald reagan club, that of bringing moderate democrats, republicans and independents together. the to fight u.s. and thewant socialists who want to disrespect to police, want te to defund the police and teach ofr young people to look up to gang bangers instead of police officers. so i wan pt to join you in take solidarity. i want to help you takbahe e back your democratic party. that used to be the democraticr party of my mom and daofd and mn grandpa. we kno that's a fight for what we knowi is right. let's improve and nos right.t me south of the state. >> we just played a tape of in r
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dacop getting attacked in broaod daylight in new york city. your city, you patrol the streets all the time. look a.t this. look at this video. the cop didn't even see it coming. that's how little respecat's ht people now have for law enforcement. you know, how do we get to that point and how do you fix that? john , i can only tell you, dealing with the emotionally disturbed persons, which this guy was, he should have been inn a psychiatric facilityhi receiving his medication. we've turned him loose in the streets. e they'll attack police officers. sean, don't attack you.ou and they'll attack me. you know, they've attacked me before. we need to make suree wgee get them off the street, weand care for thethm and then go aftr the gangbangers who are trying to recruit a new generation ren on and turn on the police. if we would only come together and support our police, let them do their job. they've been trained to do it. they risk our lives every day. . they don't get a lot of pay. let's do this in solidaire and fight aoki, all our crazy alexandra castillo, cortezanders
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and bernie the out the clock to sanders, who want america , his country are where a country of freedom, where a countr ay of capitalism, where a country of hope thatim immigrants come to because they don't want to have socialism. they've escaped social socsm communism. giono, we'll give you the lastwv word.e word. you ar e a victim. your family has beentimized. victimized. you lost your brother and theseo politicians seem to do nothing. >> what are your thoughts? ll they seem to do nothing. for and i'll tell you the solution for what we're seeing across the country is law and order. that is the only solution. says. you see what brandon johnsone ki says? oh, some of these kids havedsst myen starved of opportunitarvey i grew up extremely poor lights and gas and water off at the same time. i'm addicted to crack cocaine. bubut yet here i am calling my dear friend sean hanniti ys n and telling them what i thinkacs about what's going on across t the country. there's opportunity and hope for those who want it. sean. thank you, sean.this i hope i hope this never happens to any other family. what you'vhae had to go throughh
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and alesl these other families l have had to live through it's hell on earth. thank you. all's coming up, does the left think that it's above the law? we? have two new reports showtei hunter biden stories this weekds we seem to suggest that. will we'll check inch with greg jarrett. larry eldegr, as we continue. >> stay with us. critics are calling somewhere in queens. >> funny or real, you got a girlfriend, not like an affectionate love letter. >> to italian american family in miami. >> but i make it simple. everybody's getting more . >> me? yes, your neighbors are getting me somewhere in queens. rated r save up to 80% buying factory direct. >> compare this famous brands one karat bound at eighty eight hundred with the jewelry exchange for ninety one carat engagement rings. twenty six ninety thousands of jipé diamonds guaranteed to appraise for double to appraise for double the jewelry exchange i'm jonathan lawson here a fixed to tell you about life insurance through the colonial
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online sellers go to ship station .com slash , try and get two months three . welcome to fox news live on marianne raffone in los angeles. the manhattan d.a.'s office withdraws its appeal, clearing the way for houseware publican's to question a former prosecutor about the criminal case against former president trump. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg had filed the suit, asking a court to block elements of the congressional inquiry. he called it a , quote, brazen and unconstitutional attack of an ongoing investigation.
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republicans in turn called the case against trump politically motivated. in a divided decision, the u.s. supreme court votes to allow the most commonly used abortion pill in the country to remain on the market unrestricted. the decision comes after a texas federal judge ruled the long time drug mifepristone was unsafe. it's a victory for abortion rights, but the supreme court will likely be asked to revisit the issue later this year. marianne rafferty now back to "hannity". l >> and we'll go back to this special edition of "hannity". now, hunter bide.n has been under federal investigation now for years. fedeigation af we know from thei from , there's plenty ofs evidence against. has so why has he not been charged? well, this week, an irs whistleblower came forward to allege that hunter is gettingcame f special treatment from the feds.
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now, the whistleblowers attorney also says his client has information thatatio will contradict the testimonn ty of a senior official who we now know is the attorney general, merrick garland. and according to one report, frustrationwing within the fbi that hunterthe biden has not been chargedfbi with anything, despite the factv that evidence shows that he could be hit with at least tax evasion, failure to file his taxes, lying on a gun application form. and we're also hearing tonight that hunter biden's attorneys are meeting with doj officialsek next week, including with the u fo attorney for delaware who is overseeing the tax case. but this isn't the first time that someone and joe biden's orbit, you know, covered for hunter. we also now know that secretary of state tony blinken blinkenst was instrumentalat in craftingcg that famous letter denouncing hunter's laptofamousp as russian disinformation. appaormer intel guys right. okay, so apparently, ifs your last name is biden, you
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get a free pass no matter what. if your last name is trump, anything you've ever done, if you spit on the sidewalk, if you jaywalk, everything's fair. is fairgame. >> here with reaction, fox news legal analyst greg gerente and newly announced 2020 four presidential candidate larry eldeynounced r. are you out of your mind? whmean, i just i have to ask the first question. why are you running for president ? who wants that kind ofwho wants? in their life? >>ur our country is in count tr. and if good people staybecaus on the sidelines just because they're afraid of scrutiny, we lose our republie afraid oc. g p that's why i'm asking peopleo my to go to my web site, helda for president arcom and throw a little something in the tip jar. but sean, real quickly, it'sntle got to be abundantly clear by now o.j. simpson will find the killer or killers run into nicole before the hunter biden investigation is concluded. what's outrageous about this letter is not just that. fifty one people signed seniortn intelligence people and that tony blinken led this thintog. e it's that they know it was a lie because the doj had a laptop on tuesday nightnew it
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and they knew it was authentic a regarding the irs whistleblower ,i am shocked there aren'tre nom more whistleblowers. we didn't needore a whistleblowr to know that garrett the garrett mahlum was dragging his feet on this kind of thing. he doesn't want him investigate it. d systemit. ofit's o justice. it is outrageous. and that's one of the reasonsut. i want to be rolling out pln oa to deal with these soft on crime days like bragge da isn new york and fox in chicagoicag and gascon in l.a. and thean e taking federalenforcin dollars but are not enforcing the law. all right, great. the fifty one former intel guys, they knew nothing aboutuyn the slaptoewn. they didn't know a thing. right. and tony blinken leads the way. and my question is , is that legal? is election interference in any way? is there any crime possiblyy wa? associated with this? >> well, it could be very, very much like the 2016 election. and the actions of hillary clinton. look, this is the second presidential election in a row in which democrats aidedhave per
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by government officials, have perpetrated a dirty political trick in order to rig the election in two thousand and 16, it was hillary's the rus invention of the russia hoax, wh which the fbi then peddledi th to the media to damage trump. now, in 2020, you've got the biden campaign that tony blinken convinces mike morell to get 50 other intelligence officials to lie. they knew there was no intelligence information, that this was a russian disinformation. this was a political operation, and it worked when joe biden held it up in the last presidential debate and said, my s look at this, my son's innocent. that influenceon id the election unduly. >> americans were deprived of te the full amount of information they needed and bring it madeere a difference. >> could there be a quid
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pro quo here, in other words? oh, you do this for and i'll mak ie you secretary of>> a state. >> oh, yeah, oh, of course. is it any wonder that tony blinken was was given the prestigious coveted job of secretary of state mike morrell didn't get the job he wanted, which is cia director .ctor. maybe that's why he's now suddenly decided to come clean and expose the corruption right ,larry? >> what are you going to say? i was going to say and the scary thing, greg and sean is but for the computer storeuts owner,to a copy out of this thing, we probably never would have known about never, becausei said earlier, the doj had this in their hands. so 2019 and they did nothingwit. with it. we've never would have known about it at all. atalk about election interference. are you kidding me? whatinterferen about the irshatb whistleblower seeking protection now? >> greg, and implicating the attorney general saying hers may have lied under oath
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to congress. how real. is that charge, in your view? >> well, this is obstruction of justice by the department of justice. >> obstruction in the criminal code says corruptly impeding and influencing a legal investigation. >> well, that's what a whistleblower describes, that two u.s. attorneys appointed by joe biden, answerable to merrick garland, came forwarmerrickd and stopped the criminal prosecution of hunter biden over his influence peddling schemes that implicate the president of the united states . >> that is , if it's done for a corrupt purpose, political favoritism,that i political interference. >> yeah, that's obstruction ofs justice, a felony. >> do you see this goinge this anywhere ? larry, i do. and this is not the onlynot the whistleblower. they've been whistleblowers within the doj, withinr. the ir. >> they're going to be several of them going forward. the issue is whether o r not the on fox media will give a report and the answer is they won't.
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you cut on cnn, msnbc, as i watch often and it's like this doesn't even happen. this is probably the mosprtobaby corrupt administration i've ever seen in my lifetime. if the trump family had one fraction of this kind of filth on them, it would them, be nonstop on the on the nonr ot fox network. the question is whether or noter the rest of the country knowss about and all too sadly answery is they don't. >> so favorable treatment from garland. gregg will give you the last word here and then tony blinken gets fifty one former intel guys to lie to the americane people about the laptop of hunter biden and all going to get away with it. they'll all get away with it. yeah, because the fix is in. fix >> this is like a rigged cardd game where merrick garland bod joe biden are dealing from the bottom of the deck. they're in control . david wise, who wanted to file the charges against hunter asden, went to merrick garland and asked to have him elevatedl to special counsel status to give an independence
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and autonomyo gi, which garland promised in his testimony. what a garland do, h e said . absolutely no. that tells you everything you need to know about this.hank y >> all right, gregg.ouou the b thank you, larry. we wish you the best. am i think you're crazy, butn ther i'm glad you're in there. e for all the right reasons. we appreciate it. all right. up next, jim jordan exposing alva this dual system of justice this week right in front of your face. we'll show you the highlights. , >> pam bondi, tammy bruce up next. straight ahead b, when the world went mad , we stood as a refuge of sanity, whether forged in our upbringing, built on the belief to compete and win or cemented in service across us , the country,
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new york city that exploded thanks to the hands off policies of the d.a. alvin bragg, a guy that, well,ii has an obsessionth with donalddd trump. and ofmp. protecting the peoplef new york anyway. anywayeing tot wer on the committee used the hearing to trash crime victims who will testify the and calling them propsm and pawns. and pond madeline bramere responded. now hespr son retired. d military, was murdered back in 2018, stabbed to death new york city . >> were yok. were you a prop? what's your answer to him?op no, absolutely.bsolut elnot.. you know, i would challenge just this gentleman, whatever his name is , hankhnso. johnson. >> t johnson to step one foot in the hood, step one foot in the hood and tell me if those ae people in that hood props as well. yeah, you know, he's a he's a rich black man. all right. he ck manh is a rich black man, jul telling poor black men that they're props and that the crime and the things that they are experiencings they g, h
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as bad as they think thaeyt they are, you know, and not just him, not just him. all the elected officials, youoi knowal, all of them, especially the ones that are running in new york . well, that wasr powerful. no. later in the week, barackoss wh suffered another losens on a court ruled that marc pomerantz, who worked on the case against donald trump, had to testify before the the judiciary committee. that decision is being appealed. and now former florida ilo attorney generalrida a pam bondx news contributor tammy bruce. pam, let's get your takeox news on this. i thought madeline brame wass phenomenal and i think she took that committee to task. and how dare they sa y she's a prop? so this is why americans are outraged for situations just b like this. mrs. brame is a hero. she's brave. she is a grieving mother. she is why prosecutors go to law school to prosecute cases to be able to protect victimss e woke her husband, who wa hs almost mortally wounded,un
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and her son who was fatallyd killed. hen brutally and as sheia said , the homicidi maniacd,s who killed her son are walking the streets. t that's why real prosecutorso want to go to court every day to keep them off the streets and to protect people like her. likand her family. yet alvin bragg is a disgrace. and adam schiff and his friends should be disgusted by the waydi they treated her. aged bec >> and americans are outraged because of it. it. tammy, you live in new york . what's your reaction?wh yoatu know, this is it's remarkable to see a perfect example of what all americans are feeling. and what's interesting is , is that these are peoplerestin e who just want to b whoe living their lives and they're kind ofi pulled into this environment becausnto ironmente the corrupte see the contempt, right. wewe s talk about the forgottenn and woman and the contempt the government feelsmp for us . but there it was on display. is that there was like, no, jus they're just so used to havingsn no respectg at all forerage
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the average american and they just let it ouamt. they're just they're forgetting that we're watching this or they don't care. like there's this sense that a woman like that has no power. shno.e and her son don't matter. there she is wearing apparentlyt his dog tags. it'sags. is hear heartbreaking,s also very exciting in that thise is a woman like moms acrossn' this country who isn't goingt to sitgoin back and accept this kind of contempt and disrespect ,which, of course, affectedfectd her son dramatically. he contributes hdramat to this . served this country.he and that's the thanks he gets and that's the attitude she gets. i mean, this was a revelation, a reminder to the american people. whthy we do what we do.nds po and it transcends politics. republicans have plentliy to complain about when it comeso to republicans. but my goodness, go jim kretz, they've got to come forwart d and admit that this is notthey k the party that they knew. it is not representative of hel
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what will help their families, not just economicallp y, butwh crime in every city, whether whe it's blue or red otherr anywher. this mentality, like a cancer, t metastasizeshi everywhere. and democrats like that mom have got to stand up and be voc vocal like that. bravo to her.avo to bu ht she is you know, politicians make a mistake. they think she might be an outlier. the fact of the matter is tliere is us. we are all p and it better be prepared for the next couple of yearst. because we've had it. eam, let me ask you about blinken getting fifty one former intel people to liegetting about biden's lap and the allegations of this whistleblower, which i think are very real implicatin whichg merrick garland. >> your reaction? yes, sean, it' s verythan frightening that thisk is happening. thank goodness we have whistleblowers in this world who are ha e world e willing to come forward. it's very important. it's crucial. and iti thinucial.k i think now
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the facts are going to come to light. we have to hav.e whistleblowers ,more people. if you're out there, comee forw forward. don't be afraid to come forwara. d . we now e people like jim jordan in congress who are caing to protect you and to be able to look out for yoouu so you can tell the truth. i think it's going to be t detrimental to senator biden and to blinken, as it shouldn a >>n what's your take on that timing? to me, this is outrigh,gt lying, propaganda, misinformation to influence a presidentiahel in election, the highest level in our government. >> these people servedgovernme. yes, this is it's very e the letterf, the itself, the whistleblower protections are only happening becausebloweapr protece the repe the house. but when it comes to that letter, this is you know, weop can talk about corruption and certain people being bad guys. it's almos tt as thoughoh thisin cavernment is being run like a cartel. and it's not just, again, i don't care what party you belong to . this is about the next generation and our responsibility for the the tensd
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of thousands, hundreds ofea thousands of dead who fought for this country , the revolutionary war, hamilton, any worse than that?rg because we know the fbi was meeting with big tech every week, telling them they may be victims of a misinformation campaign, may be about hunter biden. biden.fifty one former top intee officials lie to the american people. >> is that election? interfe and if it's a it's electionin interference. the seat but what's interesting is the seed had to be there tha from the start to be able to put this together. it'sogether. i don't know how mh convincing they had to do ofadpe these people, but i'm goingop g to guess notuess n much. reali and that's whazet we have to realize. these are not inth the momeneset one ofthe dynamics. this is the result f a cancer bee that has been coddled and allowed and it's been able to move forward without being pushed back on. that's the only reasony reason they were able to do this in fro front of people. fand to have it be exposed still
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and to still have no one b heren taking responsablesi or to haveo any kind of law and order face i them as a results. of this, telling you that the corrupt system that allowed thatd that the cancer that allowed thatl is still running through the body orunninf this country. all right, pamela, it was a different yes. it was a coordinated effort. yeah, well said . you know what? dangerous, too. all right. thank you both.. coming up next, the bidens is border crisis that's getting worse every day. may orcas was grilled this weekh on the hill. >> we've got the highlights straight ahead. ts straihere's our question. >> what makes lotto mania the number one free slots game? oh, variety of free slots for the exciting race.
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traffickers now continue to pour through our wide open border hepour t. now, last month, a seven year old and her grandmother, they were tragically killed inaa a car crash as a smuggler triedr to evade t police earlier this week, may orcas, he was grilled over the tragedy and he testified on capitol hill laughably claims that the border is secure. its s not. here's whawhat ht he said .. >> they're sitting right behind you. yoe here today because they want answers. they came here today. ause ofbecause of the failures u and your leadership. they camle.e here because they want closure. they deserve answers. answemr. mayorkas, will you tun around and offer them your condolences? and an apology for the failure of your administration? >> that led to the death of their loved ones? >> they're right there . they're standing right there, congressman, mr. secretary. they're standing there. and i thinetark they deserve an, apology. t there anfrom you, mr. mayor.. chris , do you disagreed with the head border patrol
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agent when he said thatt secu our border is not secure? congressman, i have testifiereod to that issue. >> so you do disagree with him?o yo tu disagree with your chief f border patrol? >> i respectfully do in that regard. this guy is beyond pathetic.d pa i mean, while a report thiss th came out and says the bidebin administration turned a blind eyblinde to migrants at the borr being forced into child labor, childg to this very tense exchange between senator josh hawley, merauke, who , as usual ,deflected blame back to donald trump. >> take a look. why have>> you permitted three hundred and forty five thousand children to come into this country unaccompanied? why have you permitted ry unaccompanied thousands of them to be abused and exploited? >> senator , what we do is we s enforce the law. >> but let me just say this.his. it is stunning to me ,stunning to hear you say that the prior administration reunitedy th children with their parents. >>r faul st whenei you're not going to take any
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responsibility for the indentured servitude and exploitation of children that is happening on your watch. a moment ago, you were crowinge? about the fact that you treated children so well. and yet we find tens of thousands of children who are forced to work as because ofe y your policies. and you turnour around and blamestrati a prior administration. mr. secretary, this is paron fou the course for you right here with reaction. >> investigative reporter foxtil news contributor sara carter and national border patrol counci pl president brandon jud. i am so angry when this guy says time after time, sara , you have been at that border.may how many times do reports how many times is he going the to get away with saying thatorde the border is secure? rthat border is not secure?t >> it'ses that simple. that border is not, >> sean, i'm about ready to to send him a copy oflu my children's book club. awesome source to explaiomnd to him why rules matter and whyl we need to follolow rules not
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only to protect the children inc our own country, but to proteco the children that are beingou trafficked into our country. there are eighty five thousand children that have disappearedn into the fabric of this country. that office of refugee resettlement knows they cannot find them. cannot fin they've asked hhs secretary xavier becerra to tell us where these children are. some of these children have been abused like jolliesthome said . they've been found in homes that are not their parents nor guardians. these children have been h sexually abused. thisave been is unheard of. and this is all because the biden administration hasborr a chaotic border that they want. they wan tthey want to leave th open. and this is the reason whyreasoy our border patrol agents, , ou our immigration and customs enforcement officers are haveirc their hands tied behind their backs and are coming out comi need to do beks something about this now before something worse happens inthing our country brianna . >> and they keep blaming donalde
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trump, donald trump, donald. my question to you is , when, you compare and contrast donald trummpare anp to his policies te biden and make caucus and their policies, what are the major differences that we have to understand where i come from? >> i am not a former border patrol agent. ederal i'm not i am an actual current. federal employee. i see whati see goes on every e day. i have to deal with this everyte single day. wery take children into custodyd every single day and we understand what's going to happeay n to we know that they're going to be released into the united states and are going to go into indentured anservitude. th those are the policy changes that we currently see. every single time yo uthear workers speak, he gives nothing but political rhetoric. he does not give any facts. . so let's look at actual facts. there have been more people that cross the border illegally to the united states and have been released into the unitedhi states than in our history. s more flowing acrossur our borders than in our history. cartels are making more money than in our history. there are more people that are crossing the border illegally and evading apprehension than in our history. we areprehension than in o appre
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on the terrorist watch list than in our history. factof lis those are indisputabe facts. yet my book is nothing buts. rhetoric. unde none of that happened under president trump. we had the border secure pro because we had the proper policies and programs and bycied the nation, policies and programs don't cost the american public a dime. all we have to do is implement e the proper lawmes and we will b. able to shut the border but wet do can't do it under ths administration because they want the chaos. >> now, sarah , you reported on drugs, human trafficking and abuse a lot on thisd is program. >> how bad is it for peopledon' that don't knoknw? >> it iss horrific. sean h. some of these children, we have more than twenty thousand children in mexico that have the completely disappeared. that's before they even make iys to our border inside the united states . we have people that abus e them . these children are trafficked. i ve seen pictures which we can't show, obviously, show. on the show. but children in the back of
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trunks of vehicles, childrenrafc being trafficked alone, some of themke young, three year old children with grown men in a vehicl childree are coming ovr the mountains. there are children being lost right now. ngin panama, coming through the darrian gap. i just spoke. to michael yon.he he has been collecting information. there's rape kits thatto peopl they're handing out to people. imagine what is happenin g and this is happening all because of the policy ofe poli the biden administration. nwe never saw this under president trump. and i've been covering the border forhe 20 years. >> all right. thank you both. so sad, so>> thank preventable. on top of them. thank you both anyway. more "hannity" straight ahead. with allegra. >> allergies. >> don't hold us back. allegra starts working two times faster than claritin. and unlike sirtex, it won't make us drowsy. allegra gives you the fastest non drowsy twenty four hour allergy belief. so you can live your greatness.
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kelly mccann and kellyanne conway, dagen mcdowell, emilylll compagno, charles payne, b they will all be you want to be a part of it. just go to hannity .com for free. that's right. free tickets . but unfortunately, that's all the time we left tonight. police say dvr. so you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime,let it not your heart be troubled. >> here's laura . have a great weekend. hi, everybody.raham an >> i'm laura ingraham.ngle this is ingram angle from new york city. tonight, we have new insightt into why the manifes t doe fromooter is being that nashville shooter is being withheld. we're going to bringheld you the details in just a few moments. first, it's not exaggeration to say that this past week has probably beenwero the most monumentabably l polit. since the start of the year. and just think the 2024cle ha election cycle hasn't evensnbegu begun yet. but every majoyet.r player was on the move or in biden's case
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