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tv   The Big Saturday Show  FOX News  April 22, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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♪ ♪ >> hello everybody. i'm anita vogel along with joey jones ketly ann conway and tom. and welcome to the big "the big saturday show" the big story tonight -- president biden's announce . his reelection bid that could be just three days away. this weekend he's at camp david likely huddling about that announcement that many news outlets are reporting will happen on tuesday and that happens to be four years to the day that biden got into the 2020 race. that announcement expected to
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come the same week that hunter biden lawyers will meet with department of justice officials, one source telling fox news it's not necessarily a signal that prosecutors are ready to charge hunter but the timing it sure interesting especially now that white house appears to be doing damage control over that testimony from the former cia deputy director who told congress now secretary of state blinken played a role in inception of the letter signed by intel officials that describe the hunter biden laptop story as disinformation a white house spokesperson attacking republicans on the judiciary committee, claiming that testimony was highly misleading and a selective whreek all of the accusations about hunter bide about and corruption within the biden administration, the president himself says his presidency is actually pretty dull. take a listen. >> putting on my sunglasses. so i can see --
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[applause] as i told my distinguished friend from massachusetts and good friend senator markey that it's really very, very dull when after all of these years in public life you know him for two things. sun glass and chocolate chip ice cream. very dull president. >> someone who could be pose a problem for biden in 2024 is robert f. kennedy jr. who just got into the race on the democrat side. according to polling out this week, about 15% of biden's 2020 voters say they would support kennedy in 2024. in a new interview with fox news, kennedy says he's if fundamentally different than biden. >> right now polls show president biden losing to donald trump who is the presumptive nominee of that republican party. i'm in a better position to run against donald trump than any of the democrats because i can hold
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them accountable for worst thing he did with just lock downs. lockdowns are absolutely catastrophic i disagree with him on basic issues like my father did with lyndon johnson on censorship i don't at the white house should be censoring its political, you know, critics. >> and "the wall street journal" editorial board calling out, quote, biden's second term mistake op-ed writes in, quote, it is impossible to know the mental and physical state because the white house goes to great lengths to hide it. but his decline is clear to anyone who isn't willfully blind. different people age at different rates, but the risk of an accelerated decline for mr. biden is considerable. the chance that he could serve a full second term is hardly assured. wow. okay. welcome guys, welcome kellyanne conway first time on the show good to have you. so much to talk about here. a lot going on in the runup to
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the possible announcement from president biden that he will be announce his reelection campaign his son hunter bide incline hot seat and secretary of state in the hot seat we can't forget garland and a lot going on and then we have this poll that i would like to bring up. this is a gran et state poll massachusetts survey center let's bring up these number here here, okay there it is you see, 43% say they will definitely, probably vote for biden again. 50% probably not. kellyanne first to you on this poll because you are an expert pollster. this what does this mean? >> well let me remind viewers first of all thank you for havings many on "the big saturday show." and thanks for not inviting me
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to the small saturday show. this is a poll of massachusetts voters why is this important? it is a state that joe biden carried and won by double dimghtses you know is the governor there they shed 21 republican seats in the last section state legislature so the democrats have some real momentum there. but joe biden does not. and among the granite state voters 50% shouldn't at all anita up to about 34% of democrats say that he should run for a second term so all of these people are in the hot seat but the polls are pretty cool to joe biden. rfk jr. makes important beet that donald trump is beating head-to-head after the november elections people would have said you have a trump sica fan and 83% say that joe biden should not run for a second term he lost them after afghanistan. he lost them because of inflation because of rising crime and border crisis, because
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of ukraine you name it independents have left joe biden they're going to decide who the next president is and they're not in for biden and i'm completely offended when he says that he's right he's dull but offended that he thinks he's known for sun glass and chocolate chip ice cream this guy was vice president for a year you know how i know him withdrew from afghanistan and left the taliban in charge and 13 service members to death. i know him as record increases in crime and record increases in cost so don't let him off the hook to say he's dull he's incompetent and we lack confidence in his stamina, streangt vision for this country >> all right welcome to the show. [laughter] >> well, biden spokesperson karim john pier doesn't want to talk about donald trump. she had this to say just this week. let's listen. >> why have you been willing to talk trump before and have you -- were you in violation of the -- >> absolutely not because we
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were talking what about the president has done in the administration -- >> your president -- >> i'm answering your question. because i'm saying that president trump we were talking about what he did in the last administration. we were talking about policies that were harmful in the past administration. no he asked me does the president still believe that -- that donald trump is a threat if he wins right because he's a candidate that's something different. >> donald trump has been a candidate for reelection or election, however, you want to call it for like a year and you've talked you've talked about him a lot. >> yes. about -- >> done a lot and so -- >> as i've talked about his policies about when he was president that's what i have talked about. that's what i've talked about. >> all right she may not want to talk about him but the person who used to have her job for forger president trump says president trump should be out with the people let's take a look at some video of the former president. he was in florida a few days ago
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and here he is in a pizza joint mixing it up with the crowd, and his former spokesperson caylee e mack kayleigh mcenany says this is exactly what he should be doing. >> to be presidential they want republicans to be chaotic fighting personal insult accident and they don't want to mention trump and they don't want to mention republicans she cannot mention him but trump behooves himself when he goes out and associates with the people. >> okay joey what do you think trump mixing it up with people is that where he's at his best? >> appetite for both of the strategies not is doing something right and wrong for themselves but down to issues where do people lean their vote towards if there's middle of the road voters left, trump definitely gets people where i'm from excited going out and hanging out with people getting on the red neck river ya in florida or eating pizza with bunch of folks the people they come from don't care about the trash they throw at trump. the dirt they throw at trump because that's kind of baked in for them but there are a lot of
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middle class voters educated white folks, overwhelm look at trump and still a little iffy and so for biden he got elected doing this kind of statesman that's been around, but now he's the ab sent statesman and slit our country literally for a lot of people go to ruin. in our defense fall and i don't think that works anymore. you have to show some fire that he doesn't have. >> yeah. yeah. >> is this pizza versus ice cream is that the idea here? >> i don't follow ice cream myself that will not change any vote -- >> i almost voted dislike ice cream because joe is pushing chocolate chips on me -- but i agree with you kellyanne i think i'm boring routine it is all been marketing with the stupid flays and ice cream. he goes out for ice cream every time there's a scandal and then he acts as if there's other people talking about ice cream when it is a marketing trick. i don't like this thing of oh, he's really senile he's not -- he's not so senile he can't ruin the country i think republicans make a mistake but
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underestimating him because he played that old uncle joe routine right into the white house. and people should stop falling for that. >> here, here it hurt in 2022 also republican candidate should have made every democrat on the ballot own and eat the entire joe biden and democrat agenda. and ladies and gentlemen the art of politics is to tell you what you can't see not what you can. if you see a presidents and obvious mental and physical decline so does rest of the country but remind them what they can't see and things not to remember in his presidency that's the key thing and i think that's why smart people in polls are saying i don't joe biden. >> speaking of the democrat agenda florida governor ron desantis was speaking to conservatives in utah. listen to what he had to say. >> as i look ahead to 2024 i believe that democrats are able to sweep the offices again when the presidency and both houses of congress they will seek to pack the u.s. supreme court abolish the electoral college
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make washington, d.c. a state, and eliminate voter id in every jurisdiction? this country. that's an agenda where the left is trying to make the conservative part of the country second class citizens they don't want to have an adequate voice and affairs of our country. so in times like these, there is no substitute for victory. >> wow. well that's a long list of agenda item there is that he says democrats will push through if biden becomes presidents again. anybody's reaction for what the country looks like with those elements in place. [laughter] >> well i'll tell you for ron desantis it is closing in on announcing it will get old and tiring real we can and best he's doing it running for vice president so i think we'll hear something from him soon. >> kellyanne -- to >> should have given that speech 7 months ago and opportunity after he was riding high he's got donald trump in his head and leading in the primarily polls
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and desantis can run he's got a hundred million dollar war chest and make big splash but this laundry list of things -- it sounds too much like trump the question is how would you win the trump voters? away from trump and speaking of new hampshire in jan anita and gentlemen ron desantis beating donald trump by 20 points in new hampshire now he's losing to him by 13 it is a 33 point swing in three shorted months just in new hampshire. >> does desantis get in? >> definitely. i think we have plenty of time. i disagree with most of the people keep having this conversation. there's plenty of time plenty of time. >> there's time i will see what happens. all right coming up next, the biden administration's big push for the progressive wing of the democrat party, with the environmental justice mandate for federal agencies but what does that even mean? and how about the push for more inclusive crash test dummy whatt does that mean?
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♪ [laughter] with all right welcome back to the big saturday show president biden will be pushing big green
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agenda by any means necessary including promising that environmental justice will end racism and sexism. >> under this order, environmental justice will become responsibility of every single federal agency i mean every single federal agency every federal agency must take account environmental impacts on communities and work to prevent those negative impacts. >> well, well well at the top of his to do list spending $20 million to make female crash test dummies. i didn't realize that my air bags care if i were three quarters of a man or three quarters of a woman but if youen will to democrats it sounds like making female dummies is most important thing to federal government could be doing. >> you also plan to make important investments to address the roadway safety crisis. including the critical funding that would accelerate the development and this is an area i've written to you about of the use of female dummies in crash
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testing this will start to fight the gender equity among vehicle safety and crash victims. >> okay, anita -- we're going get to the female crash crash dummies but we can't let environmental justice go without a conversation i want to read a u.s. environmental protection agency epa defining environmental justice as fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race color, national origin or income with respect to the development implementation and enforcement of violatorral laws keyword regulations and policies here's my question to you. those regulations really mean strapping down on american energy production and is expensive energy especially bad for people that are poor. >> well, you know, i want to talk about the crash dummies i'm sorry. >> coming back to. >> but price tag $20 million think about the things that the federal government could do with $20 million.
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i mean it's not a ton of money in the grand scheme of things but you know the nation is 31 trillion dollars in debt. we could with 20 million dollars hire more police officers, hire more border patrol agents there's so many things to do rather than make extra crash dummies. >> you know i would believe you but you know, they're telling me that's not the case. kellyanne, there's a certain amount of hypocrisy when it comes to class of people that run this government jumping on jets flying around, i mean john kerry being poster child i thought that was hmm in congress there but go back to that. what in the name of the environmental justice -- >> first of all rosa should never again in the congressional hearing say the words female dummies at the same time. [laughter] and move right along, i think it shows how weak their case these to be the american people has been on their entire environmental agenda now they have to screen racism because that's what they do when they're otherwise unsuccessful. and what they're trying to push so about a year ago within the
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last year, pete buttigieg lately department failures he got a billion dollars for equity on our roads racial equity on our roads and look democrats i'll challenge you if you're that interested in caring racism i'll take language from epa statement and take out development of environmental and put in education. if you want to be less racist stopping so bigots against our nation's school children who are trapped in failing schools, and you are disallowing them from leaving the school houses door to find an access quality, affordable education where they have their humanity and dignity. and entire party is against that, but look this is also joe biden trying to always appeal to a constituent city here constituent city there but time he runs in 2024 they can tick off a list of things as if he's in the a "state of the union address" because they never achieve them and for him to stand there when people are suffering under policy
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economically and otherwise and stand there and say this is the next frontier but those who pretends he's nullifying who are suffering his policies last point, i think this is really for really rich liberals not saying you know whey really need the president of the united states and his vice president to say today -- environmental justice curing racism and environmental justice they have many more needs including here in new york city ahead of that. >> well tom -- you're absolutely right. i don't to brush over that. we need to talk about most serious thing here that's these female crash test dummies. >> i have a question do male crash dummies pull over and ask directions or is that -- >> never. never. >> to disable the gps in their cars. >> here's what i don't understand tom according to democrats voting this week a man can be a female by choice. why can't these crash test dummies we already have identify as female and be female crash test dummies so we don't have to spend money to do it.
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>> i don't know you're opening me up to early 70s there would be jokes that i could tell. that are no longer allowed -- >> at 5:00 we're good. >> like bob used to have a whole routine called women drivers you can't say that phrase anymore. [laughter] but the thing is i was -- i do joke about this with my wife i say men and women drive differently and women a they're a victim of their own success because they are great multitaskers but they get cocky because you know many don't even think of doing three things while they're driving but i've seen women they can master, practically can juggle they can do makeup, drink the coffee they can do many things and it is because their very skilled that's a good thing isn't it? kelly is wanting to -- >> i think men think of the same three things all of the the time including when they're driving. [laughter] >> obviously i think men get in more accidents proven by -- >> women are more hurt in accidents that is a true statistic. >> to wrap this up and to get out of this segment alive,
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here's what i want people at home to know -- the whoat justification for this money for female crash test dummies is they're built different thus crash a and republicans support this spend this wasteful money to use it against them because this is the administration that acknowledging that science behind men and women. all right. up next bill maher is on an anti-cancel culture crusade but do you agree with who he wants to celebrate for going against this mob? with a majority of my patience with sensitivity, i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum & enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. i'm a big advocate of recommending things that i know work. ♪ ♪ every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt.
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silenced. >> how do we take a stand against cancel culture and i suggested since we were mostly all in show business that we start award show to honor brave people who have fought back the president of cornell university martha pollock this month students there demanded trigger warnings before all of the lectures he just said no college for introducing you to new ideas. trader joe's for years have been selling a line of ethnically theme products one teenager heard jose said it was raceist oversensitive -- [bleep] before we open to discussion i want to mention that i would add to this list nick salomon 15 or 16-year-old high school at the pro-life march there he is and trolls and useless people on twitter hateful people on twitter tried to cancel ruin him
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immediately he successfully sued cnn and washington post for settlement because he was differential and kind to that native american gentlemen, and yet they thought that worst of him presumptive negativity because, of course, wearing a maga hat and pro-life. anita what do you think? >> that was pretty unbelievable what happened to him but i think there are a number of people who are fighting against cancel culture some of them are not streaming it from the rooftops so many them are in a quiet way and i love justin bieber an on there afraid to say, and i want to just read quickly some of the lyrics all about cancel culture what have we done with society when everybody is getting canceled and can't there be maturity because writing them off is not the answer and even in our darkest days wheive we least deserve it god doesn't. >> you didn't want to sing it anita. >> i talk i don't sing. but you know he does it through
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his lyrics and others in different ways. >> you're a cultured man not worthy of being canceled of the people probably tried. >> you know what -- one of the biggest canceling was past two years with covid. and they wipe people off not just social yeetd, they silence them banks were taken away their ability to make a living. joe rogen one of the big ones there doctors that appear on fox all of the time like doctor aaron -- he lost his job, i mean, he was -- he was working for a big hospital i believe, they let ghoim. so some of the covid heroes i keep them in a file on twitter i keep following them and, of course, there was that i don't know the guys name that guy from canada remember the covid bro who in the tank tough who said he's not -- going to wear a mask. i love those guys all of my covid hero. >> sounds like rfk jr. will run campaign on that very issue. >> rfk jr. solid on covid from
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the beginning. ming speaking of true heros joey. >> i know a few. i may write a book one day about them. listen, i had a name i threw out there when this topic came up that was jason and britney aldean. you know, britney aldean and social media famous her husband is one of the biggest names in country music for last several few decades thankfully a georgia artist i know who she is but she spoker mind about politics and he responded by modeling her t-shirts that say things like conspiracy theorist or momes don't let your babies be liberals or close border or usa things highly controversial now he responded at the top of his career by supporting his wife and putting out a line of propatriotic right leaning unfortunately because these should not be partisan issue topics but right leaning shirts to show fans this is who i am and where i am you know what, he's only going to go up from there but if you talk about others gina and rob snyder but
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one of the musicians from mum fords and sons people we don't celebrate or highlight enough. i get texts from a-listers down to d listers from my time in hollywood working with nonprofits that will sending me a picture of me on tv from their green room, but won't put it on social media and a lot of times blame them for that but it comes back to us we have to support people in pop culture for not letting their careers be destroyed in some way for simply being conservative. >> it is so true. coming up a woman is abducted on camera in new york city so are what is democratic mayor eric adams doing blaming joe biden for all of these problems? that's next. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam who make...? ...everyday products... ...designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder - that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that... ...i need a breakthrough card...
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back to the big
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saturday show, cream is running rampant in new york city. a young woman smashed off the streets and kidnapped relesion images and carrying her into a minivan in another bodega earner mercilessly attacked by four attackers it might be a hate crime. others think it's just unfortunately just another big day in the big apple. so why is eric adams blaming president biden for new york city's problems? >> the national government has turned its back on new york city. this is one of the largest humanitarian crises that this city has ever experienced. the president -- and white house has failed new york city on this issue. >> this city is being destroyed by the migrant crisis and none of my folks came to washington, d.c. to fight for the resources that's going to undermine every
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agency in our city. >> wow, kellyanne listen, i want to put up a grafng here that shows what's going on in new york city. all right new york city crime stats week of april the 10th through the 16th all right total up 46%. all right, we have a plus 45 robbery plus on 45 on grand larceny and auto i imagine means stealing cars. is he says that migrants are the ones doing this because that's what it feels like that's wrong with the city. >> the comments were about the fact that joe biden government created quote humanitarian crisis here in new york because they let migrants cross border millions and millions now and in the city of new york excuse me where all four of my children were born and loved living for many years it is almost unrecognizable in some places they got 280 migrants and for food and lodging each day and
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eric adams is calling it a crisis something kamala harris borders are what a joe won't do and alejandro refuses to do as recently as last week so give adams credit for calling a crisis, however, reason he's doing that is to blame joe biden for what is become mayor adams complete delinquency on crime in the city. he's asleep on the job. crime is up in every category. and the left keeps saying it is just a fiction and imagination of the right. crime is also a quality of life issue whether it is homelessness, crime, inflation people just don't feel that they want to live here and xenia college had a recent poll 30% said that they would really like live somewhere else that doesn't count for the 30% who already went to live somewhere else, and this is a big part of it but i think adams is creating twrowbl biden administration over money. he's said that billions of dollars that have come to this city for the migrant crisis could have gone to other things. i think as a conservative that republican voter, let them
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battle about which one is worse at their job. >> tom, she's exactly right this is exactly where i want to take it too so we have another graphic that shows immigration from new york to other places or it shows that top places in the country where people have leafnt i want to read this to you this is some joey so hang with me here. 56,000 immigrants have arrived -- but from 2020 to 2022, 140,000 new york city residents left so a third of the amount of people that left have showed up yet now the city is in an absolute crisis mode now here's what the want to throw at you he's saying that 56,000 migrants cost 43 billion and how much do you think those 140,000 new yorkers were contradicting in tax dollars -- >> we know how to tackle this i was in new york i got here in '91 i watched city transform
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rudy giuliani and commissioner bratton knew what they were doing and they have active policing. mayor adams he pays a lot of lip service he got elected because he stood next to couple of cops and he said well we've got -- we can't defund the police. that's it? you can't defund the police he was treated as a hero just for saying that. common sense, and as it is with this. with joe biden kellyanne i agree with you he wants a check. what did redo when he gave that speech look at the end of every paragraph he's asking for money. from washington -- so he's basically saying to joe biden -- you know help me out write me a check. but democrats aren't doing it if he was meaningfully if he said that if he wanted to address the problem of the migrant crisis he wouldn't be a democrat until because democrats are they're running this thing. they're the ones that are they have the border open and all of american cities are they're all democrat run cities. they're proving crime in the same way.
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fair -- >> can i jump in on this. i am for one thoroughly confused by eric adams on one hand blaming biden administration for the illegal immigrants coming into the city and causing this crisis on the other hand he's opposing program to sending illegal immigrants to college for free at the cost of 1.2 million dollars this has under his office of asylum seeker operation so which? he wants to have it both ways right he wants to appeal to one side of the democratic party. but criticize the president -- >> yeah. listen, i think that it's a lot to do with his own political, own political aspirations he wants 700 million dollars from fema that might get signed on in may grand standing for that money that's what it is. i appreciate you giving him credit twice a day. >> right. okay straight ahead to the big saturday show, is the snow flake gen-z sensitive to hold down a job what they say is going down in the work place, next.
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>> welcome back to the big saturday show. texas is one step closer to banning diversity programs in public universities state senate just passed a bill and now the house has to sign off on it. the concern is focusing on diversity is fostering an environment where young adults aren't tough enough to hangsdz the real world unfortunately looks like we're already there. a study found 59% of managers say they have fired a gen-z employee because they were too sensitive. one worker fired within their first week, that critics say is the reason there's inequity in certain fields. a lack of understanding not racism -- so did -- >> proportional representation in our science labs in medical schools, at google tech companies, is not racism and it's not racist standards it's this academic skills gap, and instead we have our elites blaming themselves and above all
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blaming americans for phony racism. we have to stop apologizing for american institutions. and stand up for excellence. >> well, that makes sense to me. anita is it time for dei to die? [laughter] >> so we're talking about gen-z those are kids between the ages of 11 and 26 born from 1997 to 2012 so young people. right, but consider all they've been told all they have focused on. safe spaces, trigger words, work life balance, you don't get to focus on a work life balance until you prove you can wrierkt, and they can't they can't hack it because they have been coddled for so long so i'm not surprised that i think other states are going to look at texas and some of them may follow suit. >> yeah. kellyanne look at these numbers i'll say 35% easily offended but this is what surprise me. higher percentage 39% of these
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gen-zers lack tech skills. i thought that's what they were good at. >> turns out texting, tweeting talking does not necessarily -- >> yeah. necessarily give you technology okay i have four gen-zers, and i will say they're all teenagers currently i will say i feel sorry for this generation for last yeemples i call it life interrupted if you're of a certain age and stage, those lockdowns really hurts you. and the declining test scores loss learning, and the people really coddling this generation i don't know if it is a helicopter but i was a lawn mower parent trying to get their clear for them but look, the easily -- offended was 35% easily distracted was about the same time in that poll, and i think that's important also. when you're at work you have to focus on work the phone has to go away. and i just want to make sure this generation like ones before it, gets their buts kicked a
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little bit in the work force i learned so much from their failure than successes being late for a deadline being late for a flight not doing what was asked of me. maybe underperforming i can feel those failures and disappointing a superior in my body now many decades later. so i would also tell this generation, we did a poll of them very recently i was kind of sad to see in the next five years more likely to move to different state. change jobs, get a pet, travel to foreign country and they are to get merdes and have children. i want to tell them your life you shouldn't be a victim of a circumstance but a product much your choices have it all but not all at the same time but i think we are rough on them sometimes because they haven't been -- i don't think they've been out there long enough to have suffered enough to have failed enough to have skdzed. >> wanted them tore fired but we're too rough on them. >> joey i want to play video here this guy is staten and take
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look at him the real life goodwill hunting. >> they said they like the way i create new processes that haven't been done before and you should give school a second try and wonings they did, the son owner of the company ended up taking me to university help me get in and i got a 4.0 gpa. you probably saw this story he was a trash collector, at harvard, he picked up their guard garbage now at harvard law school. >> let me ask you a question does race, gender play into that at all should it, did it i don't know if he was a white guy would he have gotten that opportunity even if it he i don't know. that's how convoluted this is and intellect he created and we talk inclusion and diversity and it is using the sins of the past
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to change what is the rule in other words, diversity means that diversity of thought, of experience, diversity of means. but it doesn't mean diversity of skin color or diversity of sexual persuasion or diversity of i guess whatever gender you decide to do equity is a rig system. it is saying i'll give you more because i think you have less inclusion, inclusion is the really good one inclusion is tearing away at any social norm that creates responsibility and accountability if i go out on saturday to cracker barrel i'll wear a collar shirt because my community went to church because i didn't. inclusion means you have to accept me if i'm rolling around with my chest tattoo hanging out in other words, things aren't that of themselves not acceptable in every setting inclusion means if you don't want to speak proper english that's how i was raised i was born in souts and talk with a terrible accent when i want to but i know how to lean it up enough so people know what i'm saying it is not racist to ask me to do that and ask a black man to do that. >> young people need to know
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equity and equality equality is fairness is a quality of opportunity equity is a quality of outcome. you want fairness you want quality of opportunity and where you get from there you have i love the fact he thrives. >> i hope that man is running one of those schools. this segment was a motivateing section. big flops are next. with the freestyle libre 2 system, know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at
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welcome back to "the big saturday show". it is time now for vegas saturday flops. our picks for the biggest fails of the week and i am going to go first. alright, house minority leader hakeem jeffries and since there is no issue of fairness or unfairness when it comes to biological men playing against women in sports. >> tried to sensationalize an issue that does not really ex exist. cooks right so he says it does not exist or it may be she got to chat with the patent mcnabb a high school volleyball player in north carolina. when her team had to play a biological mail mcnabb was struck in the face, suffered a concussion and neck injury was forced to miss the rest of her senior season. she is also still dealing with impaired vision, paralysis on the right side of her face. the fact is that men can hit the ball harder than women because
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they are stronger, right? i mean they are, right? >> we are living in absolute world this is a discussion happening in congress it was my mind. >> is something way more important that i don't know protecting women in sports aoc says elon musk will cost lives" major potential harm by getting it ready of blue checkmarks on twitter. her entire premise here is if there is a natural disaster and you need to get information out she looks at twitter as this hierarchy of credibility that if you don't have a blue checkmarks under the old the system what you say doesn't matter but if you did everything matters and elon musk is challenging them. i'm a big college football fan it's like when a player in your college football's best running back ever they go to the next e-mail he cannot run for anything for that is where she is without. what this is going to do is challenge folks to go learn it for themselves. not just take a blue checkmarks opinion for truth. cook scallion when you have? let's get out of congress rate
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scottish marathon winner was disqualified after using a card to zoom ahead of other runners in the race. [laughter] yes it is right there. lifehacker do not call it boomer when you are running a marathon. we will track you for this is really something for my grandmother said years ago and she was right, god rest her soul cheaters never prosper. >> are at the new york board of regents voted to phase out native american nicknames from public schools sports teams we've been a long time coming they said actually it is no longer tenable to say your name like the warriors is said out of respect to but in fact most of the times it is out of respect. most of regents in massachusetts are named after indian tribes and things like that pop warner was pop warner football everyone had a boston accent. for my whole childhood i thought it was pop warner. like the native american tribe.
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>> all he knows go braves. >> people are so easily offended today britt alright guys, good stuff and we'll do it again tomorrow. that doesn't for us will see you back here tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. eastern for the big sunday show. say tune for the fox report with jon scott, it starts right now. ♪ jon: another high-speed chase of the southern border possibly human smugglers, closing a highway for hours today. more on this horrible crash in just a moment. but first present invited reportedly intends to kick off his reelection campaign for the white house with the video released on tuesday. the expected announcement comes as the investigation into his son, hunter, intensifies. good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report.


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