tv FOX News Sunday FOX News April 23, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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tomorrow night right here atmo 8:00rrow n p.m. eastern,entary a documentary, by the way, on fox news. yo u call it the meat bugs. it just in case you're wondering what happens to your tax dollars,o they're sending it to scientists to creat e tastier cockroach that's on fox nation. we'll be back tomorrow night. have shannon: i am shannon bream this could be the week 2024 becomes official for democrats. ♪ >> my plan is to run again progress within days we expect president biden to officially announce his reelection campaign, despite lukewarm approval ratings for the goal walks out potential challengers from within his own party former president trump take shots at governor desantis and runs up the endorsements or board and their shared home state of florida. courts do santos is that a great
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job as governor president trump. president progressed former arkansas governor asa hutchinson prepares to make his wife as primary beneficial. quick to get in there and you make your case. shannon: is our exclusive guest as he prepares to take on trumped and a growing field. then, the supreme court dragged into the heated abortion debate once again. less than a year after overturning roe v wade to progress through prayer and long legal battle. >> irs whistleblower says present biden son may be getting preferential treatment while under federal investigation. it's my client was to come forward pretty is not coming here for the political agenda. what's a white house denies any interference. will ask democratic congresswoman debbie dingell about the whistleblower, the supreme court and what she thanks of present biden's chances in 2024. another quite regulation change it could add to mortgage costs for some buyers for our sunday panel debates whether it is fair to raise fees on those with good
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credit. plus. hurricane katrina took her home but not her voice great singer pat cohen on finding strength by singing the blues. all right new on box sunday. >> open boxes in washington and we begin with breaking news. early this morning less hustle forces rush to that from students cap the pentagon said operations fast and clean. servicemember spent less than an hour on the ground. the evacuation comes a week of an bloodiest battles between sudan's army and paramilitary group. this is video of an airstrike in khartoum sudan to bring you updates he is going to be run
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again. clarifies the central question do they want him for a second term? clarifies as they gear up to choose their nominee the next year. in a moment governor asa hutchinson joins me. he will announce he is running in the republican party going straight at former president trump. first let's turn to lucas tomlinson live at the white house for the new details on biden's announcement could look like? >> shannon the president plans to make it official on tuesday with the release of a prerecorded video message announcing he is running for reelection. the planet ramped up in earnest after his return from ireland the dnc launching a bevy of culture top democratic donors and a summit planned. >> are not going to talk about what 2020 forced me too look like print not going to talk about that from here progress the white house as a mom on the president's plan but his announcement has been months in the making. ask our intention is to run again. >> a new poll from the associated press is 73% of
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americans do not want him to run again. including a majority of democrats. democrats by and large they are likely to vote for him if he is the nominee. the president faces to declare democratic challengers robert f kennedy jr. who announced last week and is pulling up 14%. next it's like running against someone in your family. i think i'm in a much better position to beat donald trump than joe biden progress writer marianne williamson who made it to the debate stage in 2020 is also challenging biden. the president announcement comes the same week his son hunter's lawyers are scheduled to meet with the justice department. republican side former president trump continues to lead in the polls. a new wall street journal republican poll has leading potential rival ron desantis 51 -- 38%. it is a reversal from four months ago when desantis was ahead. trump has received endorsements from nearly a dozen republican
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florida congressman. >> and governor desantis runs he's not likely to announce his candidacy until after the florida legislative session ends is about two weeks away. thirty-six lucas reporting for the white house thank you very much for joining us know former republican governor of arkansas asa hutchinson. governor welcome back to talk to sunday. >> thank you shannon, it is always too good to be with you. shannon: governors of the snow pointing run english going straight at former president trump review right now in the polling art 1% or less and all the recent polls. so you know going after him is like walking into a buzz saw, what are you doing it? >> because it is important. what america does not want is another repeat of 2020 where we have joe biden and donald trump running against each other. that is reflected in the polls certainly on the democratic si side. and so we do not want to repeat that. it takes alternatives. he got a great record of consistent conservatism as
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arkansas governor. experience at the federal level. while it come from a small state it is a successful conservative state that has a booming economy, lower taxes. and so i am running because i think we need alternatives and we need new leadership and direction in america progress will dig into some the policy issues in the second period but for some ask you this president trump is take a lot of heat for hemming and hawing whether he would pledge to actually support whoever the gop nominee ends up being. will you support the nominee if it is him? >> well, we have negotiated with the republican national committee on the terms of the debate. i expect to be on the debate stage. i do not prefer party loyalty but it is important to have a competition you want to participate in the debate so i'll see exactly what that pledge is. we'll see you there. you could be facing also the debate stage 40 governor
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desantis. you have been critical, as have others, him getting involved in a conservative corporate affairs and business as he has a diddy. here's how explain his position and what went on there. joint unprecedented they control their own government and central florida they were exempt from laws virtually everybody else had to follow that is not free enterprise. but it certainly even worse when a company takes all of the privileges that have been bestowed over many, many decades and uses that regarding policies and children. >> you agree or disagree one of company has a special henna stay tuned uses host to fight state political battles is okay to engage with them on that front. >> well i do not believe whether you are on the left or the right of the political spectrum that government should not be telling
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business what they can and cannot do in terms of speech. however you describe it appears to me that the governor and did not like what disney was doing in terms of what they were saying and exercising speech so they are being punished. those special privileges go to many different businesses in florida. i let the legislature handle that. but i think it is important that we make sure we do not become heavy-handed in government to punish those that are creating jobs for americans and creating income and drawing the private sector for this level republicanism is about that's not what it conservative is about. those are fine distinctions. but it is important though that we talk about freedom and the free enterprise system and that is what i have supported through my career and not government telling business what they can and cannot do. eric: dear ruth president trump
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that ron desantis is getting it wrong on disney? >> and think he's getting it wrong on disney. i think disney got wrong on themselves to begin with i do not agree hard disney has handled things you do not use a heavy hand of government to punish a business. and so yes i think that is wrong. i think that is indicating of motivation to go after business because you disagree if their policies and what they are saying print the left is that i do not want the right or conservatives to do that either. shannon: a sec about abortion but you signed what became of the strictest abortion laws in the country. basically very few exceptions except for the risk of the life of the mother. you have said in recent days as we get into 24 this is going less of a hot button issue. you know in polling and election results it's really motivated the left are you being overly optimistic i think it will play out in 24? and what now happens to women in arkansas who do end up with an unplanned pregnancy? arsenic it will obsolete issue
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in 2024. after the dobbs decision i expect it to level out. i don't think it will be quite as hot of a button issue in the coming election. people can vote their conviction. they want to know what the candidates believe in. think it is important that we restrict abortions to save the lives of the unborn. i think there has to be reasonable exceptions such as the life of the mother in case of rape and incest there is broad agreement in america on them. we also have to make sure that we provide for the maternal care. we have to do better and our child birth care and adoption services. that is what we have done in arkansas is investing in those as well as we have placed restrictions on abortion and limited that. it is up to the states to determine that right now. i think that will be continued debate whether we need a national standard and that will depend really upon whether you
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have a divided government. give democrats take control of republican takes control. then you're going to have two choices are going to lift the restrictions on abortion? are you going to place reasonable restrictions that will save the lives of the unborn and that is the republican and that is my position. >> 's talk about that idea of a federal ban. you haven't mentioned this should mostly be about the state level at this point. susan b anthony caro life group said that's not a pro-life position they said it should be issued should be decided at the state is abortion up until the moment of birth even brutal late-term abortions in states like california, illinois, new york and new jersey, they are calling for a 15 week minimum. if you did have both houses of congress and were president hutchinson would you sign it? >> answers i've always signed pro-life bills in a pro-life bill comes to me that sets reasonable restrictions but also
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has the appropriate exceptions yes i would sign it. i would prefer this is an issue resolved by the states because that is what the pro-life community fought for, for 40 years and reversing roe versus wade. but what is most evident to me is that the democrats are going to push for national standard that overrules the states, that allows brought abortion access up until the time of birth for the democrats are going to push for that. so i was will be more pressure on the republican side and on the lives side to put in those reasonable restrictions. i would support that if those restrictions are in place and we have a national standard to help save the lives of the unborn. shannon: a suck up another hot button issue this is transitioning especially for patients and young people under the age of 18 but some conservatives argue position on this has not been truly conservative. you've been to cabell and
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arkansas that would have prohibited hormone treatment or puberty blockers are people under 18's in the government should not get in the middle of this conversation between patients and doctors and parents for the federalist wrote this essay clearly this is eight by two government should be involved in. the same way the government involves itself in underage drinking or sex there's always room for republicans to be court gestures in the political correctness kingdom he, meaning you should not expect to be welcomed back by real conservatives with open arms you sense a private conversation between medical staff and patients. that's the same argument pro-choice folks are going to make on the issue of abortion where you come down differently. >> that is what is conservative about this is you actually debate and think about the role of government, it wouldn't shut should step in for it i would've send the bill quickly if it had simply been prohibiting transition surgeries for minors absolutely. but you have to debated a little
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bit more when you're interfering with the healthcare decisions that a parent makes. and so we don't want the government telling parents when they can have vaccines for the children and not have vaccines or have to have vaccines. we fight for the role of the parents. until these are good debates that conservatives have. there bills i would sign for their bills a go too far. when it was not a grandfather clause and that, i vetoed it. there been other good bills and other states that have a better balance, that accomplish the objectives. so a conservative position you are always debating and thinking about is us the right role of government to interfere with parental decisions? i came down on a limited fashion and said parents have an important role to play here. shannon: it quickly when asked what the debt ceiling something up to manage as president pretty voted for the debt ceiling back during the time in congress. this week -- and for many, many republicans voted for it but this time around say they are no
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vote this week the white house press secretary said essentially the speaker is taking the american people ransom holding them hostage. so if the same folks in voted for this before why shouldn't this time around? >> speaker mccarthy is really doing a good job in outlining a framework to get federal spending under control. it is reasonable, it is a framework president biden should sign off on that very quickly. but in the end we are going to have to make sure the full faith and credit of the united states is maintained. this is a very reasonable to say we will extend the debt, which we need to do as a country but please give us a framework for bringing out-of-control federal spending into a reasonable level. and so i fully support the arguments speaker mccarthy has laid out. we need to reduce the federal spending progress or a governor will see out there on the
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campaign trail but thanks for sharing with us this morning. >> thank you, shannon. this make you hurt house speaker kevin mccarthy is working on rounding up the republican votes needed to pass the debt ceiling package he has proposed. includes a roster conservative priorities to cut spending. cap next, lost democratic congresswoman debbie dingell about calls for the president to quit stalling and get to the negotiatin
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job he's done so far out to discuss democratic congresswoman from michigan. congressman will conduct the boxes and they. >> good morning good to be with you. an average of 11 points of presence underwater there. got pulling out of early states like new hampshire at half the democratic primary voters there say don't run. ap 73% say they do not want to run again. how worried are you about a lack of enthusiasm on the election for this present should you give someone else a chance? >> i am not worried at all. you will remember who you are talking to. i'm someone who does not believe in polls ar snapshot in time. i told all of you in 2016 that i thought donald trump could win. and then that donald trump is going to win even on election night i was debating whether he was going to win and i was rig right. when i am out there, i'm talking to people.
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i'm in community if you do who is running against. in the midwest people say joe biden understand his challenges and think of someone who cares. when you're in the midst of a campaign i think you will see strong enthusiasm and passion for the outcome of the election next year. shannon: one thing has got to deal with her domestically as the debt ceiling. he said absolutely no negotiations over that print and there's a conversation about the house gop budget. it's got that from the speaker laying out a plan. senator joe manchin said it's time to get moving here's what he says. question should be able to respectfully disagree and sit down and talk about your differences. my difference is this, i believe we have to get her finances in control and our debts. if you cannot manager that we are in serious problems are click on start progressing was your message for the white house this morning? >> i have two messages here. i want to be very clear that
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raising a debt ceiling is a separate discussion from spending. it's making sure that we pay our bills. we did three times from the trump administration both president trump and present reconciliation not play games with raising the debt ceiling, honoring our bills. doesn't your national where we are now we to pay our bills, we need to honor them. any way, shape, form default on our spending, our working men and women across the country would have immediate consequences of increased credit card bills mortgage payments et cetera. do i think people should sit down? anyone who knows me let's get the debt ceiling done. let's not play games we should not be doing it it's already hurting should we be talking about how we cut our spending?
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i'm always somebody who sent sit down at the table, talk to each other, listen to each other. i think it's very important but i am concerned about the budget they put forward this week and i am not sure is that the vote for it or not. i think there's some republicans that want to vote to cut education reduce veteran spend by 22% going to hurt veterans healthcare. it's going to hurt meals on wheels is going her cancer research, first responders. i do think we've got to look at who should be paying their fair share. i want to bring manufacturing back to this country for that budget is going to continue to support offshore and but i would sit at the table. i want to have discussions because joe manchin is right, present biden's right, everybody is right we got to work towards reducing our spending. but doing in the right way doesn't hurt working men and women in this country help the billionaires or persons not paying taxes. >> just as we noted in 2006 joe
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biden was in no on raising the debt circus rewarding reckless mingo sonic unexpected situation. so the tables have turned will see how they do on that. one thing to speaker has proposes giving people back to work who are able-bodied did not have dependents at home present biden citizen 96 in voting for work requirements he said the culture of welfare must be replaced with a culture of work for the culture of dependence must be replaced with self-sufficiency and personal responsibility. reflect 10 million job openings in this country recent survey shows three quarters of americans they back work requirements so why not as partners proposal get people back to work up there able-bodied and no depends it at home? >> are doing to see people get back to work if they can we do have job openings but i want to talk about the challenges that people are facing in the workforce. you just talked about it. women are the ones that left the workforce during covid more than
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anybody. childcare isn't available is too expensive 54% of people over 50 in this country are caring for someone that is older, that is elderly. we have to have the support system in place so people can go back into the workplace big. >> just be clear on these particular proposals i would not apply to people of dependence and how it would not apply to pregnant women. of course look there may be people -- make everything she been the table that is why say we go to the table and talk about it. i also did the people that want to work and not able to work either. let sit down, a separate how you do it. i want people to understand i've talked to so many people who want to back into the workplace but for many different reasons cannot do it. i think we got to dress as well. caregiving be the biggest issue the president this week laid out addressing that issue but caregiving makes all of the work
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possible we have a crisis in this country. shannon: aside about text always welcomes foreign policy. this week the special investigator overlooking afghanistan tempted with them either testify before the house oversight committee essentially that he has been stonewalled by this administration trying to track the money we are sending into afghanistan for here's some of what he said. >> unfortunately, as i sit here today i cannot assure this committee or the american taxpayer we are not currently funding the taliban. nor can i assure you the taliban are not diverting the money we are sending from the intended recipients which are the poor afghan people. >> that comes on the backs of this template for the "washington post" afghanistan has become a terry staging ground again. how do you reassure the american people are money is not flowing to terrorism?
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but i sincerely hope our money is not flowing to terrorism. the pentagon is not your better job of showing us that's not happening. but i am worried. i have spent so much of my career trying to help the women in afghanistan. what is happening to them now makes me so devastated we need to make sure those dollars are going where they are intended to any way can get them there. we need to ask questions and get answers. i've a lot of people in afghanistan to help this as americans we were there we need to be helping them appear quick fitting those out that work comes on that promise. when eskimo to whistle but it can for this week to democrats and republicans in congress long-term supervisory agent the irs saying essentially that information there may be political problems going on with the potential case there. it is believed to be about hunter biden. would you want to hear from that whistleblower?
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>> so i have two different things i want to say. one and want to make it really clear present biden has made it clear since he went into office there should be in independence of the justice department in the investigation i think he's trying to make that clear. i support whistleblowers. as a matter fact i think whistleblower should be able to come forward, give us information, protect their identity and offer that information to put more protections around them. i do not know what the facts of this case are. i have no details and i'm not going to speculate on things i don't know but plays an important part in our government. they believe this wrongdoing and duty to be protected. this visits him ask you about the supreme court leaving mifepristone on the market. i want to recently met a pro- obgyn tuesday of ignored safety issues with the pill. she says this at best tech
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abortion pill using its accelerated drug approval authority ludicrously designating pregnancy as" rooster like cutting illness. she says is been a 7% women whose abortion pills early in pregnancy need follow-up surge surgery. up to 15% right hemorrhage 2% will have an infection. why should that be part of the conversation legal and otherwise? to the number one protein patient safety? see number one party fta niece about that be about patient safety. they made it clear this week you had conservative justices joining with others that sent it back to the courts and let the fda do their job. i think a lot of people do not understand they wanted to do is ban a drug that also is used insight was a woman who suffered from indymedia through address and try to get pregnant help fibroid uterine indymedia otros.
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fda's a scientific agency that is supposed to ensure patients are safe and study these drugs. i am certainly not in a position to know -- i'm not a medical expert nor do i think this report justices are. we have agencies designed and set it to the scientific process that is working the responsibility belongs. shannon: will watch that battle lay out. thank you for your time. new poster summer for president trump stretching as leader 2024 puppet hopefuls. next sunday pam joined us in pulling shows us where the potential potential rivals of mr. trump is something he doesn't an advantage over president biden in the general
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mendes ebay conservative victories victories are few and far between. in florida we deliver big victories every single day. we reject the culture of losing but has infected the republican party in recent years. this exported governor ron desantis republicans selling this way was a way to inject the swipe through gop election losses time discussing the sending group politico congressional reporter leah bevis fox news senior juan williams, former bush white house adviser karl rove and former senate candidate from washington he states no chairman of wrestling the american dream tiffany happy very welcome
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everybody good to see you. let's start there. ron desantis was in town this week is gripping and greeting people he met with him and endorsed president trump was rack influence on congressional endorsements pretty want to play something from congressman stewie on why you chose president trump. org served in multiple opportunities right gone up to him, talk to him, given myself a number s and to reach out to me. that ain't a person from a staff call me back. shannon: elegantly for that again again this week. mccauley i got votes from florida and the house republicans from florida this is what kept her again and is not accessible. think after hearing the scripts to be bringing it repeatedly in a public fashion may be descendents would better about answering his phone call converted donald trump who said ready right back as president and after he left the white house for desantis i think is also going to be more aggress
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aggressive. we know you have donald trump filling the void minute walk out a new campaign gimmick i was saying to see ron desantis talk play goes on endorsing donald trump with the press release is already ready. i think you're going to see them pushing out mailings, pushing out ads are going to sign up volunteers and i think they're going to a stronger presence in the media. shannon: just a few days goes up in new hampshire the key early states the action this assessment of him because as disinterest boxes robot reputation. he worked the 500 person crowd for over an hour. handshakes impose is a state party chair was unplanned and defies the notion he lacks retail skills. that is all important. >> it matters a lot. and look, he's got rockstar status right now to houston, texas, the largest camping fundraisers republican party in houston and dowson history
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raising over million dollars of each grid biggest in the party this week. better to make mistakes and start correcting this mistakes really rather than later and decide him going out in new hampshire and gladhanding people with the selfies rather than sitting at the head table wandering to the audience and greeting each table, smart move on his part. better to do it now. obviously it's not a good person warm and fuzzy relationship with congressman steube. after while people look at that they finally get that but what is the guy done what is he capable doing? questions have been for the wall street journal donald trump tops ron desantis gop field which is true. kike continues to pull away protect into that article says this, mr. desantis leads mr. biden 48 -- 45 in hypothetical contest. mr. trump likes by the democratic president by three points. tiffany is in the numbers and pulling their shows people say that when a specific candidate.
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they do not care as much about who can win the general when they changed her mind during the primary? you enter a primary fight your way through. >> is also really, really early. ron desantis has not even announced yet. what i am excited about is we have an opportunity to have a robust debate and discussion about issues affecting the american people for that is good for our party. the democrats will have that. they are far left extreme policies already solidified. which is combines approvals in the 30s. the american people are clear, they know the country some wrong track. i am seeing that theme played out in the survey adjusted 2000 registered voters across the country with my new project rescuing the american dream. the american people want to put politics aside and start to have discussions about solutions. i think the best candidate will emerge who is able to discuss solutions help the american people precooked is going to be a robust debate i have a feeli
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feeling. he's a former vice president penn thing if you're serious you got me by june. we will see as we await more decisions and announcements will probably get one from president biden this week. here's the headline from washington examiner most democrats don't want biden to run even as he readies an announcement piece in the majority remain adamant he should run that is democrats them when it comes to all voters only 26% say biden should run. it wanted, we keep having this conversation if he's the president got the incumbency and he is running. anything can happen these days he could get the nomination. we would expect them too. but if there's a lack of enthusiasm and outright emissary of feeling about him running what happens next? i say nothing is adversarial i think there's a low disapproval we live in an age of extreme polarized politics so imagine wipeout 50% wipe off republicans who are not going to prove to abide in progress of the are say no thank you. >> first so he is going to be
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the nominee. what you heard from lucas thompson early in the show is going to announce on tuesday in a video. i think the fact that trump is running and trump is doing so well is the glue that sold lots of actions of democratic party behind joe biden. i think you have to understand for people who disapprove of both president trump and president biden it's according to wall street journal poll this week. fifty-four -- 15% they preferred to biden they vote for joe biden that is the alternative. i think age is a big factor for the people you have been talking about sag, this guy will be pretty old if he is elected president. i just think back because i'm a pretty old guy. i think back to ronald reagan people saying ronald reagan was the wise old man it's morning in america get to what happened? he won in a landslide. >> he was in his 60s 90s 80s. come on.
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let's be honest there's deep concern about joe biden ability to handle another four years 27% of democrats in the a people said they prefer 73% not. monmouth prefer to run for second term 25% of democrats prefer to see biden step aside, 44 but have no preference most of the polite people do not want to tell a pollster i do not want him to run. the country can do better than an 82-year-old and a 78-year-old nec debatably face the kind of challenges we face. i agree the editors of that greatness up in the wall street journal in their weekend editorial he would do the country a service by stepping aside and he is party service because then someone could raise up who could serve eight years more rather than for pre pre-consuming quote the great joe biden, can hear me not to the almighty but to the alternative. [inaudible]
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the country needs. [inaudible] >> flying home on air force one and flowing on the helicopter that was in embarrassing trip to ireland. it was painful. note you watch the foot he perfects a family wearing rosary giving tributes in. >> did you see how confused he was with the families customer click the videotape it's painf painful. his son has to be at the sellwood and tell him what to do. karl i love you for. >> oh boy, oh boy the. >> the embarrassment is the alternative to run a truck. desantis' six-week ban on abortions and people can walk around guns without a permit. nobody likes and bring the people of florida don't like it. peace must be the alternative. shannon: the floorings elected to 19.1 for desantis. >> since way back. >> one click thing, polls at this point tiffany sampson right they don't mean anything. jeb bush was leading at this point in 2015 and think about
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the 30th before i went 2004, howard dean was leading in 2008 clinton and rudy giuliani. newton was leading 201,230 days before i will burn notice in the go up and go down. we are going to people like one right off rhonda sandison right off. [inaudible] were all right all right. okay, okay. twenty-six oh boy, okay. that will be happening during the commercial bird there will be arm wrestling on the side of the aisle. that's paper be the panel stick around, lots more to discuss a principled debate the white house plan the converse homebuyers with good credit to pay more for their mortgages to subsidize the riskier loan ♪ the all-new chevy colorado is made for more. bring more. ♪ do more. ♪ see more. ♪ and be more.
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air, land, and c. and in my judgment, it's hard for me too say this, i have known you for quite some time. but you have failed in your job. >> mr. secretary, republicans are criticizing you for not achieving something that no secretary has ever achieved. swiss and republican carson mike mccall and benny thompson and herewith: secretary mayorkas blessing ways hand the board but democrats say they are using a double standard. 192,004 is encountered at the southwest border. that makes it 20 for the month in a row the encounters have been above 150,000. as a border control? what's obviously not. i would say it has not been under control for now decades. we have not had immigration reform really going back to president reagan it's not long. and again, the polarized politics make it hard for either side in congress to act.
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we have seen this under president bush. if seen under president obama. president trump cannot get it done. what we sow this week in those hearings was an endless repeat of the hearings we seen before. republicans make a provocative angry statements. you should be fired but they don't ask questions that could lead to some solution, some resolution about how do we deal with the border? with the fact people are fleeing oppression, violence, wanting to come in here under our asylum rules. this is the rules we have. those are our laws. it seems to me there is no new idea how we deal for fact have 10 plus million illegal immigrants already in the country. there's a lot of fireworks but i don't see solutions. shannon: karl, form president trump argued he change those numbers to trying to institute policies and made a difference let's give him credit the number of encounters basically people coming across here illegally was dramatically lower under his
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watch -- on his watch. he had policies like remain in mexico he worked out the mexican government. our laws say you have to apply for asylum in the country of your origin for some other nearby country break these people are not applying for asylum until across the border into the united states. president biden simply said we're going to enforce the law and were not going to let anyone to apply for asylum inside the united states and other people make in a dangerous trip dropped dramatically yes there are lots of good things we can do. mayorkas refuses to do i live in a state where every single day we are negatively impacted by the failure of this demonstration while for a the next days and necessary resources to get it done. shannon: congress is not getting it done on that front. they may have something else to talk about which is the whistleblower has come forward semi- talking to congressman dingell the protections for whistleblowers months or more about this. let me play something when he
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hears a senior politically appointed it's directly contradictory to what he knows is going on with the investigation. >> what he can prove with documents. he wants to come forward. >> this is about we believe the hunter biden investigation but how much of a headache is that brought the reelection? alerts on modest accolades and is documents. we love documents again back up a document produced trying to push this is the right tactic produced must argue he wants to testify in a bipartisan panel so that he can make his argument in a way it's not been pulled by one side unfairly or both witnessing narratives of that does happen and the conversations are beginning.
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it will, i think depending upon what he shares my instrument to the justice department and the irs they're having intercountry biden. whether he is receiving special treatment or not. the minuses is not true there's no interference. we are going to see as this unfolds because the white house refers the d.o.j. to the irs thing this thing out of it. andy mccarthy had an interesting piece talking about this incident tiffany if it was any of us who had allegedly light on a gun reform condemned these things five years later it will not be writing out whether were going to be charged with her hunter biden's attorneys are going to be the d.o.j. this week. >> for the department of justice hunter biden has been under investigation since 2018. he speaks volumes to the whistleblower who is willing to come out knowing they will face scrutiny for this. their lawyer is alleging the family's addresses apartment investigation into hunter biden. alleging this potential perjury of a senior political appointee
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clear and present conflicts of interest and preferential treatment. this could very well be joe biden's watergate. the american people deserve transparency and accountability in this investigation progresses you hopping over here. >> they are looking at biden took off to president biden i just think going after a relative and a child it was an addict has serious problems i don't see a request to get a pass? also pose a question differen differently. when the difference among investigators the process. that is not unusual. but we can bring charges against this person in his last name is not biden? and apparently that's the real question progresses and all of us be in jail. question would bait you lie on the gun registration form a gun purchase. purchase a 38 caliber pistol. while you are on illegal drug which is a question will be
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charged with a gun crime. and then you lose the gun across the street from a schoolyard and then video emerges of you cavorting with a prostitute waiting hundred 38. susan's okay, okay okay. general on to indict the president? this is an attack on president biden. >> the hunter gets a pass on not paying his taxes customer and taking money under the table from god knows soon playing around the gun because he's the president sent we got to be nice to hunter biden. otherwise joe will be upset because let's have this discussion since document $2 billion we knew went to jared kushner and ivanka under trump. but you want to talk about that. shannon: would gotta leave it there they can talk about during the commercial part by the way you're going to pay more for your mortgage for your good credit score were going to get to that but i'm sure will debate that too. panel thank you very much up next, chief champ hurricane
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>> in the early to thousands my next guest was working full-time to new orleans orleans but pressing towards a career singing full-time. when she finally made it in the clubs of french quarter tragedy struck the city forced her to pick up the pieces. she found supporting community with an organization that helps woo singers indeed. she goes around the country sharing her strength and story with those that know her as mother blues. >> i always wanted to sing, before the singer i always wanted to entertain. >> making the leap from part-time singer to full-time entertainer. ♪ ♪ rock me baby ♪ ♪ rock me all night long ♪ >> i said to myself, self -- [laughter] >> as we have to do sometimes. >> you wanted to come and you wanted to sing.
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so, either do it or get off the pot. you know what i am saying. ♪ >> that drive helped her become the dominant but welcoming stage presence known today as mother blues. >> i built myself up to where there were a lot of people calling me to come to bourbon street because i was pulling so many people. i could fill a house every single time. >> and then hurricane katrina came and destroyed her city and her home. for you, katrina was devastating in a lot of ways. >> in a wad of ways. it was more than losing stuff. >> she says the aftermath made her resilient. >> katrina taught me how to be really strong every single day. i just cried. when i stopped crying, i stopped
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crying. >> you don't accomplish anything but feeling sorry for yourself. ♪ >> she did move to north carolina. a chance meeting letter to the music maker foundation. a nonprofit that supports musicians that support traditional american blues. music maker gigging again. >> the things would happen, they were always there. >> and things did happen. cohen lost another home. this time to a fire. >> this time you went through losing everything you had. >> i wanted to cry, but i did not cry. he refused. i just decided i was cried out. again. again. music maker was there. ♪ >> you have been very determined to just keep moving forward.
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how does that infuse your singing? >> i try to do things that are fun. a lot of our songs are happy. >> happy blues. >> happy blues. ♪ >> i wrote this song i'm glad ain't nobody treat me bad. ♪ i'm sure that somebody could identify with that. we go through a whole lot. you have to be strong. ♪ >> give it up. yes. thank you. >> thank you for letting us stop by and see pat saying. pastor beth selling pastor joins me on the living the dream podcast this week to talk about the power friends willing to walk through the fire with you. one of the chapters in my new chapters. thank you for joining us. have a great week and we will
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see you back here for next "fox news sunday." ♪ liberty and levin". steve: drinking tonight, our worst fears realized intelligence assessment leaked to a gaming site thanks to biden surrender to the taliban and catastrophic withdrawal, afghanistan has once again become a haven to terrorist plots against america. good evening, everyone welcome to "the next revolution". more on that story in a moment, congressman mike walz joined this life tonight. first, if we in the world haven't suffered enough. we are told th
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