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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 24, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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at a hospital in alaska. check this guy out. he goes into the movie theater to check out the showings and wait for it now, two his right is there a little bit of a treat. right there is something. not there. there is some popcorn and he has himself some. there you go, moose on the loose. woman behind the counter is fine with it. >> dana: very calm. another calm one harris faulkner is up next. >> harris: thank you, dana. fox news alert now. he wasn't in a hurry. now apparently he is. joe biden is set to announce his re-election bid as soon as tomorrow. you are in the white house with polling so low you have to send throngs of people out in front of you to remind everybody you still want the job. that's exactly what is happening as democrats are popping up everywhere. harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." reports it will be a
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pre-recorded low-key video announcement to kick off the big campaign. their target date tomorrow april 25th, four years since biden entered the 2020 race. here is that headwind i was telling you about. a huge majority of voters, 70%, say they think biden should not run again. he is already the oldest person to ever hold the office. that's looking like a big factor for them. of democratic voters who say he should not run, 70% of them say age is the reason. most of them say it's a major reason. senate majority whip dick durbin says biden has plenty of time to build up steam. >> it's about 19 months before there is an election. most people make their decision of the candidate 19 days before the election. so we're far in advance of any decision making. >> harris: peter doocy live at the white house. time also for others to get into the race like there is a kennedy
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who is running now. >> harris, the last biden campaign was all about trump and once again that's being floated by some top democrats as the main reason to back biden again. >> he is going to have an incredibly strong record to run on and he is a steady hand when you look at what is out there right now with donald trump and what we're hearing again. people don't want that chaos back again. >> "the new york times" editorial board is writing if he runs again mr. biden needs to provide assurance to voters, many have seen family members decline rapidly in their 80s. americans are watching what mr. biden says and does just as he asks them to do. several top white house officials have departed and expected to join a campaign including ron klain, soon susan rice, a major player behind the scenes who last week was included in that "new york times" piece about difficulties with immigration policy and
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migrant children winding up in difficult illegal jobs. but current white house officials don't have anything to say about their plans for next year. >> i'm not going to talk about what 2024 will look like. federal law prohibits me from discussing campaign-related topics from this podium. >> who will be able to address questions about 2024? >> don't have anything to say about 2024. >> if this video announcement comes tomorrow as expected it marks the four year anniversary of his last launch but always possible he pulls the plug. >> harris: i mentioned robert f. kennedy junior runs. i can't imagine what the response is inside the white house today. peter doocy, thank you. the main concern is the president's age. right now he is 80. inauguration day he will be 82. at the end of a second term 86
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years old. even "the new york times" editorial board says biden should take voters' concerns about age seriously. doug collins, former republican congressman from georgia and kevin walling, former biden campaign surrogate. great to see you both. i will start with you, kevin. i'm curious about this. kennedy 69 years old. he put his announcement out this weekend as well. talking all about things that are on both sides of the aisle that people care about. mainly for republicans freedom issues, vaccines, all that sort of thing. feeding people, people are hungry, the prices of food. should biden be worried? >> i don't think the president should be. listen, the president did an incredible jobs in terms of clearing the democratic field and rallied democrats to his cause. no primary challenger is against him. the president is in good shape when it comes to the party establishment. the democratic party, party
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officials in terms of running and clearing the field. it's indicative of not just what he has been able to accomplish but the strong mid-term election that he had. the best shape that an incumbent has been in in 100 years. the democratic party is fairly fired up for this president to run for re-election. >> harris: they will have to be up there and fired up. he won't even be live tomorrow when he makes his announcement. run the table, clear the field. i don't know if those are kitchen table issues for people. doug collins, i the end to think they want to hear words like he has better ideas about inflation this time. >> i love the optimism of kevin. he cleared the field of non-existent candidates. the field on the democratic side was weak to start with. we need to stay here. i think that record to run on is going to be the issue. that will be the concern. for what democrats like to tout as success is not showing up in
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the mainstream americans pocket books or job opportunity outlook and standing around the world. another big issue will be age shouldn't be an issue if they are competent doing their job. we see the things around the world happen the the end to show he has gaffes. we are losing support in other nations. we just had to evacuate another embassy. these are things that cannot hide in the basement in this campaign. he will have to be out there talking about it. that's what scares the white house more than anything. >> harris: 16,000 americans left inside the country of sudan. look, no one can make that situation perfect but i'm hoping there is some generals he will listen to this time around. the "wall street journal" editorial board says a second term for president biden would be a mistake. many democrats think biden is the only man for the job because otherwise they would be stuck with vice president harris. but if biden bowed out now democratic governors and others would have a period of time to
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organize a campaign and compete for the nomination. the way to get stuck with v.p. harris is if biden clears the field. there is kevin's favorite expression but then has a health setback that forces him to withdraw after the primaries are mostly done. kevin, i want to go back and ask you a serious question here. when you have a kennedy run it gets people's attention especially when he is running as a centrist. >> with all due respect to kennedy junior i don't think he is a serious candidate especially on the vaccine issue. he is an also ran. i think you will see the president out there more. just wrapped up a month of traveling talking about the infrastructure. >> harris: and the polling went down. and the polling went down. you had him out there and he talked and doug that might be a
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reason why you pre-record your announcement and don't let anybody see him in news conferences for a little while. the polling went down the more they saw him. >> the polling went down but he won't be able to stay -- the one thing that most people are frustrated about. he stayed in the basement, noebld got to see him except in small events because of covid. this is a different story. whether you love or hate joe biden, everybody knows one thing about joe biden he typically will say what's on his mind. a lot of times it's wrong and they have to go back and clean it up. that will be the interesting issue in this campaign. then it plays to the other part of this. if he has these gaffes and doesn't seem to know who is around him or what's going on, if those come up even if it's momentary slips they attribute it to age and a hard thing for the biden campaign to overcome. >> harris: how do you choreograph around that. you are good with messaging. what would you be telling him?
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>> i think, harris, those gaffes that doug talks about. the president has been a gaffe machine for most of his career, it is not new. i think it is what endears him to the american people. >> harris: you think that is what the american people want to see in i can name ten and all factual. it was one. you have him wandering off. audio of people trying to get him to go the other way. remember the fema center he went to trying to help after a disaster and they couldn't teach him which way to walk. this is the world stage. >> you've seen donald trump sliding down entry ways and you've seen him talking about airports during the revolutionary war. >> harris: i have to let you go. you are helping the other side now. so good to see you both. >> buckle up for the next 19 months. >> harris: the showdown over the
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debt ceiling. why it isn't just republicans demanding the president take a seat at the negotiating table. plus hunter biden's lawyers are set to meet with the justice department five years into the investigation of biden's son. republicans are not losing sight of the big picture here. >> this was the biden family flew peddling scheme. when people say they were involved in ventures around the world, i haven't found any legitimate business dealings on the bidens. >> harris: what it means for the man at the top as critics say the walls are closing in for the bidens. congressman andy biggs in "focus" next. veteran homeowners to combat today's rising prices. lower your monthly payments with the three c's: pay down your credit cards, pay off your car loan, consolidate your debt with a va home loan from from newday.
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>> harris: if you or i were under investigation for making shady business deals with foreign governments do you think the feds would let them put them off? that's the treatment for hunter biden. his attorneys are finally set to meet with the department of justice this week, five years after investigators began digging through all the materials dealing with china, other countries and reportedly millions of dollars for nine biden family members. interesting timing also. just days ago an i.r.s. whistleblower made public that the feds are mishandling the tax case against biden giving him preferentialal treatment and refusing to indict him. senator chris coons is not worried for the bidens. >> anyone who seeks whistleblower protection status should be given that status. nothing has been presented yet. this person hasn't come forward
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in any detail. if and when they do if there is any substance to it. >> harris: house oversight committee chair james comer now says hunter isn't the only biden in the crosshairs. that the influence peddling scheme they are accused of is getting bigger. >> they are in a pickle here now with the i.r.s. whistleblower. there is no rhyme or reason why hunter biden shouldn't have been indicted years ago even before the last presidential election. there won't be anybody left for a christmas picture if the d.o.j. did their job and went in there and indicted everyone that has any type of fingerprints involved in this influence peddling scheme. it is the entire family. >> harris: a recent op-ed says the biden families' corrupt web is unraveling before our eyes. andy biggs is in "focus" now serves on the judiciary and other committees and border
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security caucus co-chair and that's a huge job. great to have you in "focus" today. break down what really would be happening if this were an average american not related to joe biden, the president. >> well, it would have happened a long time ago already, harris, what would have happened is when those suspicious activities reports came through treasury would have sent them to d.o.j. and probably would have been an indictment just on that portion in and of itself all together. so that is what the first thing that would have happened. the second thing that would have happened is you wouldn't have seen this kind of cover-up to protect the family of that individual. that's what they are doing. the whistleblower, i think he is credible. i am biased, i admit it. i'm looking at this. i have been looking at this for several years. they were trying to actually put their thumb on the scale to
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prevent hunter biden's tax issues. then you have the d.o.j., by the way, if you had evidence like a laptop that was acquired by the f.b.i. they wouldn't have sat on it for ten months. they would have looked at it right away to see if there was any criminality and proceeded. all of that has gone in to protect hunter biden and the biden family. >> harris: they weren't going to look at it right away because they were busy trying to convince the world the laptop information didn't exist. first we were told it wasn't hunter biden's. even the maintenance guy at the shop where he left it could have dispelled that. it didn't deter them from telling anybody. this is how they furthered that lie. new op-ed calling out joe biden and the 51 spies of 2020. after bombshell reporting that the biden campaign actually helped gin up the disinformation about hunter biden's laptop. why is public trust in american
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institutions, including the press in a freefall? one reason is the revelation last week the biden for president campaign helped to organize an open letter that spread disinformation about hunter biden's famous laptop computer. matt taibbi pointed out the dangers of the legacy media ignoring the importance of this story. let's watch together. >> scanned the pages of mainstream news coverage today and you will not see anybody covering that story. what kind of country are we living in now? i went to school old enough to have gone to college in the soefshient union because it was all lies. we are starting to come to that same situation in america. >> harris: to be compared with russia in terms of telling the truth. wow, congressman. >> yeah. he is right. this is a massive story.
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people are not picking it up on the left stream media. what people need to understand is that mr. morel, who gave a deposition and sworn testimony last week to the judiciary committee members, he said he would not have written that letter, he is the author of that letter. he would not have written it had he not received a call from antony blinken. we're left to surmise he must have suggested it because that's what morel did. wrote a letter and got 51 people that were former intelligence chiefs, security heads, to say this is russian disinformation and you know what? the left stream media bought it and suppressed the information and joe biden used it in a debate and the reality is it influenced the election. >> harris: we know that. when you talk to voters they will tell you if they had known the truth about certain aspects of this it would have changed
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the way they looked at the candidate of biden as being somebody who could bring the country together because he had something going on potentially in the background. you mention a name, though, antony blinken. i don't know if a lot of people know. he was very powerful inside of biden's campaign and now secretary of state. whatever his role was in all of this, potentially protecting the family, he got a pretty good gig out of it. your last quick thought. >> i think we need to question that very thoroughly because it looks like it was kind of a payoff for doing the president biden's dirty work during the campaign and some of that stuff happens. we all are aware of it and aware of that. i have to tell you, antony blinken demonstrated remarkable incoherent policy and incompetence as secretary of state. he should have been removed a long time ago. >> harris: we'll see what the investigations turn out. it is widening with nine people,
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the family members and see how blinken played a role. even some democrats are frustrated with president biden for refusing to talk with republicans on the debt ceiling. he is giving them the cold shoulder. he wants what he wants. centrists are urging the president, people in his own party, you have to get back to the negotiating table with republicans. watch. >> i think it's critical that both sides sit down. >> sit down at the table. talk to each other. listen to each other. i think it's very important. >> start those negotiations now, not using the american people and their mortgages as hostage because right now we've got to simply make clear we will avoid default and get this behind us. >> harris: sounds like somebody might be worried. you have to come to the table. you can't just blame the other side. >> we're the only ones in washington putting a responsible plan out that will raise the debt limit.
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for more than 80 days since i sat down with the president on february 1st to negotiate and work through this. he has ignored it. this rests upon his feet not because he made a bad decision. the decision is he is afraid to even negotiate. >> harris: where is that fear coming from? >> the fear for biden is he wants to spend more money. he is proposing an 18-month post 2024 presidential election 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 trillion raise to the debt ceiling clean. no reforms, reductions or rescissions of misspent money floating around. that is his mantra. a 20 to 25 trillion in the national debt over ten years and mccarthy has proposed something more mottest although it raises the debt ceiling too much. >> harris: you want to see more spending cuts. >> i do. >> harris: would you be able to
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live with the two of them coming to the table and getting what mccarthy is asking for? >> the problem with what the speaker is asking for is in 20 years the national debt increases by $17 trillion. when you go off the cliff at 80 miles-per-hour or 60 miles-per-hour, when you hit the bottom it is still a massive crash. unless we start bringing our structural deficit down. we spent more money than we bring in. we have to go to reductions in spending and find out a way to do that. we have record tax revenue. >> harris: president biden who -- not like it is a bad word. he is the honey badger of spending our money. he doesn't really have a gate or boundary around him in these instances. the idea of sitting down with the other side might be opposite of what he thinks is necessary. >> that's exactly right.
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he believes in modern monetary theory that says we can spend as much as we want and keep the fed printing money and it won't have any negative impact. tell that to everybody suffering under his inflation because of the high growth in spending. >> harris: congressman, great state of arizona, thank you very much for being in "focus." >> thank you, harris. >> harris: well, she is bringing it back. that's right. the 14 pages. it is a climate love letter to the far left. progressive congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez is once again pushing her green new deal still really thin on detail. it is like an outline but absolutely, as i mentioned, massive in price. she is going to save the world. we'll see. plus democrats still struggling for answers on their senator dianne feinstein dilemma. >> do you believe given that senator feinstein should resign? >> should she resign? >> at what point does her
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absence make you rethink whether you should publicly also add your voice to the calls of asking her to resign her senate seat? >> harris: so interesting. they flex for women on the left. they didn't kick out fetterman or not giving the stink eye to the president who has had gaffes and problems. 89 years old. out of commission for two months. democrats are divide evidence what to do about dianne feinstein. pete hegseth in "focus" next. ♪ yeah,we love our house, but the cost of home ownership has been a struggle. with utility prices rising and... [ sad violin playing ] sweetie, can you practice that somewhere else? anyway, like i was saying, it's getting harder [ somber music playing ] and harder to make ends meet and...
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hon, do you mind? well, on the bright side, new customers [ angelic choir singing ] who bundle and save with progressive save over 20 percent on average. sorry, we let them practice here on thursdays! sounding good, friends! every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food.
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if you're the spouse of a military veteran, i want you to know something. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. a va home loan is unique. it's different than other loans because it allows you to borrow up to 100% of the home's value. that extra borrowing power may allow you to pay down debt lower your monthly payments, put cash in the bank, and give you the peace of mind that every veteran deserves. >> harris: aoc is back with her green new deal to soak american taxpayers to the tune of nearly
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$93 trillion. the far left congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez has reintroduced her original 14 pages aiming to create millions of green jobs to save the planet. they put the price tag at a whopping $92.9 trillion. basically 93. aoc defending the cost even as she also admits that's a lot of money. >> it is important to acknowledge that the scale and scope of what we are proposing is massive. but the scale and scope of the climate crisis is even bigger. and if we are not pro-active, then the costs of not addressing it are going to be far greater. >> harris: is she a scientist? no. pete hegseth "fox & friends" weekend co-host. if you spend our money let's get all the scientists and everybody
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together. 14 pages. it would have to be longer than an outline if you did. maybe the american people could see your point. what is she doing? >> well, what she is doing is leading the charge as the chief televangelist of the church of climate change who demands orthodoxy. only the scientists they agree with are the ones that count. the other ones are canceled. she said the world would end in eight years and this is a decades-long investment. every other scientist has been decrying the world's end in 10 or 15 years and never count on innovation. this is aoc playing her hand of what she wants the future to look like. we tell you what you can eat, what you can drive, how far you can transport, what kind of house you can live in. certainly government funded schools. >> harris: why would she care if i cook on a gas steve -- stove
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and eat a steak. >> everybody wants to fight a big fight. they say the world will end in ten years and we have to fight it with the kitchen sink included. they rejected god and so because there is no humility in their perspective they think man is capable of tinkering through experts. she is saying to spend $93 trillion and gives them complete control over our lives. that's what they want. this bill if it was ever considered would change the way everyone lived and destroy our quality of life and ignores how to get things done. one last thing. if you cared about climate change. this is a global problem. we all emit. with all get impacted. >> harris: we're in it together. >> she should stop supporting the war in ukraine and say we go to war with communist chinese and india and shut down the
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coal-fired power plants because their emissions will kill us. i don't think she'll do that. >> harris: no humility in their perspective. that is the essence of what is important here. everybody has to take a role in this. everybody, especially when you are spending our money to do it. the biden administration, we touched on areas where they want us to go. the biden administration is pushing a green agenda of its own. epa proposed new rules to require electric vehicles to account for up to 2/3 of all new cars sold by 2032. a new op-ed says quote, government regulation, coercion and restriction of the free market processes to force green energy initiatives on the public without regard to the cost is fundamentally unamerican. a recent poll finds only 19% of adults are very or extremely likely to purchase an e.v. for their next vehicle. nearly half say they are not
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likely to go electric. and only 6% of people own it now. >> nobody wants them. we'll kill ourselves, economy and fossil fuel industry to save a planet that the rest of the countries aren't interested in addressing and it won't work anyway and the evidence is very mixed. we all want to do well and right by the environment. this is not environmentalist many. this is radicalism. this is where elections matter. the culture is shifting and we know it. aoc is a cultural marxist. a future president needs to stop the nonsense and allows people to choose to then make car manufacturers say it's okay to make something than an e.v. they won't be illegal in five
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years. >> harris: biden's want to shut down the fuel usage of the grids. it is mind-boggling. that just happened over the weekend. senate democrats back on defense now when it comes to senator dianne feinstein. she has been out with an illness for two months. months-long absence from capitol hill. some colleagues with awkward dodging game with what they would like to see her do next. >> at what point does her absence make you rethink you should go to the calls of asking her to give up her seat. >> should she resign? i'm hopeful diane will return as soon as possible. i served with her on the intelligence committee and has been a great senator. >> harris: they went from she is
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my friend. they still want her to leave. other democrats are direct, though. they are not shading it like that. they say it's time for the 89-year-old senator to resign her seat. >> i think this is a classic case of sexist ageism. they aren't calling for the same from joe biden, right? not calling from john fetterman. no, only dianne feinstein. you have to go. this is all political at the end of the day. democrats in california that want her seat. she has a seat on the judiciary committee. they can't pass all the radical left wing judges they want to push into the system. they want her replaced there. they have to answer to themselves. but ultimately i like senators that know what day it is, just like presidents. >> harris: you never mince words. thank you for being in "focus." great to see you today to kick us off on a fabulous monday. democrat-led states are making dangerous laws which would take away parental rights. what liberals in oregon and
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washington are saying children can now do without parents even knowing. forget about our consent. they won't even tell us it's happening, what is happening to the children. the battle is here and it is very real. >> the woke represents a war on truth. and because it's a war on truth we must engage in a war on woke. >> harris: growing backlash against liberal agendas are aren't true. i can't wait to get into it with my next guest. kat timpf knows the truth and she is here in "focus" next. y r. my retirement funds allow me to enjoy what i love to do. as long as you can make an impact, why stop?
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>> harris: news from within our fox family. fox news media and tucker carlson have actually agreed to part ways. his last show was this past friday. starting tonight, fox news tonight will air live at 8:00 p.m. eastern. it will be an interim show with rotating fox news personalities until a new host is named. we want to thank tucker carlson for his service to the network as host and prior to that as a long-term contributor. two democrat-led states taking a
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major swipe at parental rights. this time in the pacific northwest, oregon, washington, are both proposing and passing bills, in fact, to help children sign up for permanent gender surgery and don't tell their parents. don't even acknowledge their existence. get this done with the children and don't tell their parents. those are the laws. critics here. >> regardless of politics or ideology, regardless of how they feel about transgender issues, every single parent this should freak them out. it doesn't make you a bad parent to want to know where your child is at night and have a say in the medical care your child is getting. this bill would strip parents of that right. it is government-sanctioned kidnapping of your kids. >> harris: dan springer with more on this. dan, reading about this this morning sounds like we live in a different country. >> this is a growing issue all
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over the country. there are several hundred active bills across the u.s. on transgender policies. 16 of those states have passed laws that ban minors from getting medical intervention to change their gender. most laws are so new they won't take effect later this year or next. the states of washington and oregon are moving in the opposite direction making all transgender services a right for kids and allowing those kids as young as 15 years old to shut their parents out of the whole process. in washington teens can run away from home, go to a shelter, say they're transgender and now no obligation for the state to contact those parents. the sponsors say it's about kids' safety. >> we want to get them into a safe, stable environment with adult supervision. reconnected back to their family ideally. >> parents can be kept from their children if there is no allegation of neglect.
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oregon, it requires insurance company to pay for transgender surgeries for teens. >> for the state to insert itself between parent and children who are having these kinds of very natural and normal disagreements throughout adolescence is a very dangerous situation. >> washington state bill awaiting the governor's signature. the oregon bill is expected to pass and become law in the coming weeks. >> harris: in "focus" now is kat timpf. your book is fabulous. we'll get into more of it. i have to touch on this. you don't have to have children to have a feeling. we were children. can you imagine at 15 getting surgery and your parents not knowing? >> no. that's why this is so wild to me. on the basic level i believe that children are their parents' children. they don't belong to the state overall. i also just don't see how this
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is possible. regardless of what you think about this issue, how would a parent not know that a child was going through something like this? basically your child can just run away and be gone and not telling you why, you know why. because this is something that parents have to know about just logistically regardless of the fact that i think it is crazy to have children be making permanent decisions when they are minors. >> harris: who will love them in that environment where people stick needles in their arms and have permanent gender -- we don't know what the long term is. but getting major surgeries and we won't be there to hold them. what thinks this is a good idea? >> i don't understand who thinks it is a good idea or possible. these are major surgeries with some recovery time involved. no way you will be able to do this without your parents knowing you are doing it. >> harris: that's a good point. recovery. they stay out of state and out of your home for some time? >> you have no idea where your child is and they can't tell
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you. that doesn't seem right. >> harris: logistically do they became guardians? >> what is something goes wrong with the surgery? parents need to know these kinds of things. logistically it is not possible or you can't say your kids are your kids. >> harris: this is happening simultaneously with something else that's going on. going woke, going broke. companies learning no joke. more corporations are pushing back on woke leftist ideology. i don't know if you caught this over the weekend. a watch company wrote our ad response to woke corporate am. we believe in the truth. watch this with me, kat. >> i got this little idea from my dad. he used to watch me and say ain't no woman alive that can beat you. i believed him. i was an unstoppable force, a
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life dedicated to perfection. but even perfection wouldn't be enough. >> harris: arkansas governor sarah sanders with this video featuring strong women leaders saying we like our build cold, not woke selling a beer cozy with the words real women stressing the importance of acknowledging truth when it comes to gender showing all those who served in the military and so on and so forth. >> i think that there is this idea that if you are in the bubble you think people only think one way. i think a lot of the marketing has been a little lazy, right? okay. we want to show we're inclusive and therefore we put someone who is trans in this add whether that person as an individual fits the brand or not. bud lite i wouldn't say that mulvaney fits the brand. there is an important difference
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between sensitivity and the thought of you can't have any different opinion or express that you might question certain things without being an irredeemable awful human being. that's not sensitivity. shutting people up isn't the same as getting people to agree with you. a lot of people feel more bullied, i think, by some of this stuff which isn't really going to help anybody. >> harris: that's interesting, too. have we taken it from the perspective of young girls and boys who are athletes and going through transition and dealing with the emotions and watching the world fight as if they aren't welcome in the conversation? >> right. or equating certain questions about biology of somebody who goes through puberty. having difference with sports and equating it with trans phobia is not accurate and shuts down the conversation that we should be having. >> harris: one other thing, too.
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you see it in politics now and corporations. do you anticipate it will be a topic in 2024. >> it will have to be a topic in 2024. it is a topic for us every day. absolutely it is. i think people are more interested in shutting people down if it's not acceptable to think or say that. it won't stop people from thinking what they want to. >> harris: jen psaki had an interview to climate czar john kerry. they were playing softball and ice cream included. >> the planet is at risk. it is at risk. >> i remember well that you have a bit of a sweet tooth. do you want to get some ice cream over there? let's do it. >> hitting the nail on the head. >> i know you look forrest gump.
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you've lived a life like forrest gump. >> i have had moments. every time i'm around you i think of him screaming. >> harris: forrest gump was in the military and saved lives and didn't take private plans and ran around the world. >> the part where she says you traveled more miles than any other secretary of state. it didn't come up that means he has the biggest carbon footprint of any secretary of state. it is easy. i'm not a reporter but easy to think of things you can ask, why do you have so many miles if you have the environmentalist guy. >> harris: i love it when people have friends. just don't call it something else. before we go we have to talk about you can't joke about that. the reason for writing this. >> i noticed every tough thing i've been through. i've been through a lot of things i detail in the book.
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it never was made easier by rules of speech purportedly to protect people. in addition to going through something difficult i felt people were weird around me and couldn't talk to me like a normal person. the only way to understand each other, going back to what we've been talking about is being able to fully express ourselves. >> harris: why everything is funny and nothing is sacred and we're all in it together. >> comedy look eats -- comedy leads to connections. >> harris: "outnumbered" is next. i got tai last december. i've spent almost every minute with her since. when i first brought her home, she was eating little brown pieces in a bag and it was just what kind of came recommended. i just always thought, “dog food is dog food”
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i didn't really piece together that dogs eat food. as soon as we brought the farmer's dog in, her skin was better, she was more active, high-quality poops. if i can invest in her health and be proactive, i think it's worth it. see the benefits of fresh food at knowing where you came from, it gives you a sense of “this is who i am”. oh my goodness... wow, look at all those! you get hungry for more and then you're just like, “wow, i'm learning about my family.” yeah, yep. which one, what'd you find?
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9:00 am
♪ hello, colonial penn? >> this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany here with harris faulkner and emily compagno. lisa boothe and host of the david webb show, david webb. we begin with president bide


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