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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 24, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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♪ hello, colonial penn? >> this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany here with harris faulkner and emily compagno. lisa boothe and host of the david webb show, david webb. we begin with president biden
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expected to launch his bid for re-election sometime tomorrow thchl comes despite dismal concern over his age. the president wandering off and looking confused seem to have had an impact on some voters. new poll finds 70% think president biden should not run again, compared to 26% who said he should. 48% said age is the factor. even the left-wing media says president biden needs to address the elephant in the room. this piece calling on him to take voter concerns about age seriously. a candidate shouldn't president that advanced age isn't an issue. mr. biden is 80 now, oldest american to serve as president and supporters including strategist david axelrod have
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expressed concern his age will be barrier to a valuable second term. if mr. biden runs again, questions will persist about his age until he does more for voters that he is up to the job. harris, there has been reporting from politico, friends have expressed serious concerns. they interviewed 130 democrats from across the country, all the demographics, suburban women, black voters, latino voters and found depressed attitude, even among young voters. their turnout had increased by 9%. one young voter says he likes putting on glasses and eating ice cream, does that get people out? when you look at biden, you say that's my grandpa.
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>> my grandpa was diabetic and didn't eat as much sugar as joe biden does. maybe it is his ego, maybe this is not about republicans or democrats and this is his ego, he promised to gets the party going and wouldn't run for a second term and now he's doing that. he's been telegraphing he would do this for months, who didn't think he was going to run? i didn't on if on tuesday or friday, but never a question of running. what if it is his narcissistic attitude, he just can't let go. why is that bad? we need new ideas. they are not having the same conflict with an aging biden that they are having with aging women inside their party. dianne feinstein, john fetterman
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in pennsylvania was gone longer than she's been gone, defendant didn't have a problem with that. joe biden was in his basement, didn't have a problem with that. so many things have happened, maybe this is more about him, maybe he's a stubborn old grandpa. >> kayleigh: and maybe there is a problem -- >> bad grandpa. >> kayleigh: eight national polls in 2022 and 2023, 38% of democrats want biden to be nominee and 57% wants someone else. trump's first term 73% of republicans wanted him to be the gop nominee and 75% of democrats wanted obama. that is big disparity. 38% of your partyun was you compared to 75% for obama and
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trump. >> david: take everything harris said, thank you so much. those waiting for hours in the rotunda until they get their 24 hours in the rotunda and get their casket and leave. you are right, he wanted that title from the day he entered the u.s. senate, from the first time he ran for president. didn't matter he was kicked out for plagiarism, he was going to announce, he believe this is his title. he is amoral and outside of the party and more into the biden camp. look at the biden family, look how they set themselves up over the years, he said, whatever is necessary in any circumstance, whether running against the vp race when romney was running. >> harris: we remember.
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>> david: he is making a play with all the unions to combine the votes, afge, ctu, look at chicago and across the board, it is all about biden's re-election and nothing about the country. >> kayleigh: that's right. emily, a "new york times" piece talked about the problem biden could have with age-related mishaps and what they mean, he stumbled down the stairs of air force one during his first two years or fell off a bicycle, that takes added context when you are presidential complex. remember hillary clinton when she stumbled that was magnified. reuters says gone is aversion to likely events, replaced by diners, factories and union halls, that will be the new biden campaign issue out of the basement and into the public. do you buy it?
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>> emily: no, i don't, if he issues the routine, why do we think he will embrace the active? since calvin koolage, multiple times he's bucked tradition. in ireland last week, you hold traditional abroad press conference when you travel abroad. he didn't. the colombian president joined him last week and he the colombian president stood alone, biden had something else tow do. your boss held 22 or obama gave 275 and remember when he was campaigning first time, his press secretary campaign spokeperson assured transparency
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and truth back to the government. how is that possible when he will not dip into traditional communication. the white house says he wants to advance messaging to young people in the way they want, tiktok and not just briefings. the briefings get disseminated and amplified throughout the nontraditional routes. he doesn't have time to stand next to colombian president, but interviewed with drew barrymore. and her question was whether mr. biden is giving a good gift to his wife. any day i accept and appreciate the normal questioning of this president. >> kayleigh: politico says there were two camps in biden's inner-circle, go be president, walk through ireland, go to japan, as he was doing and the
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other camp said, no, declare now, we need the money and when you have more months to raise money, you have a better chance at raising money. where do you stand? >> he's the incumbent, i don't see the point in waiting, he is already running, why wait. a guy that had to be escorted away by the easter bunny, the idea of trying to -- why not do the strategy that worked in 2020? they are smart to keep him from the public. i'm 38 years old and worked in politics throughout my adult career and never been more worried about the country. past elections i worked on felt like politics, now it feels like it is about survival of a republic. look at every issue we are facing, whether the economy, 24 straight losses for income for families taking a pay cut. the loss of equivalent of $7400
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per family under joe biden. the world stage, on the cusp of potential world war, had to evacuate four embassies and the cultural front kids be aring exposed to we are supposed to protect them from and forced vaccination, the doj and fbi being weaponized as conservative, i'm worried about survival of the nation and do not think we can take anymore of this from joe biden. >> kayleigh: i think you are right and it is up to the republican nominee to get rid of the noise, get rid of the name calling and just crystallize the moment we're at and the choice voters have and they'll be successful. as president biden's border crisis gets worse, the far left wants to make it harder to detain certain groups of migrants they consider vulnerable. more on that next. complete balanced nu trition. together we provide nutrients to support immune,
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muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ next on behind the series... that performance was legendary. they just piled it on. roast beef, ham, oven roasted turkey. all on the subway club. three peat - that's great. three meat - that's epic. the subway series. the greatest menu of all time. veteran homeowners, what if you could save a lot of money every month by paying off your car loan and paying off your high rate credit card debt and still have cash left over to put in the bank? with the newday 100 va cash out loan, you could do it all. take out an average of $70,000 with no upfront fees, no upfront appraisal fees, termite inspection or water test fee. because a veteran shouldn't have to come up with money to get money. this is... ♪
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>> kayleigh: despite the growing border crisis, a new democrat-backed bill looks to make it harder to detain certain groups of migrants, including those who identify as lgbtq. cory booker and adam smith are pushing legislation to prevent border patrol agents to hold vulnerable persons. the act aims to create presumption of release and impose higher burden of proof to detain caregivers and vulnerable migrants, survivors of torture or gender-based violence and people under age 21.
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kayleigh, in addition to making it harder for border patrol to detain the few they can detain at the border, i'm curious, the rhetoric behind this bill, it is aimed at setting minimum standards for detention facilities while they await processing. where have they been for the last two years when we've learned horrifying stories of youth going to the bathroom in plastic bags, multiple people sharing beds, sexual assault so concerning that attorneys general wrote letters pleading with the federal government to do something, why now do they care it appears about people who identify as lgbtq and other sectors and not the bear-minimum decency we have been pleading for two years? >> kayleigh: on this couch for two years have covered deplorable state of the private facilities that we see democrats
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care about. they were so bad kids in their, minors had to have m-95 respirators confiscated because they were taking the metal parts trying to commit suicide. they had suicide watch lists and now we find out they want to move them from one inhumanity to the next, where they will be placeed with sponsors who essentially use them as slave labor. there will be less accountability. 250,000 unaccompanied minors passed through the border. incentivize them to stay home and not take the journey, that is compassion, we don't see that in this bill. >> emily: we see from lawmakers, remind what representative gia paul said last week.
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>> this country needs immigrantses to survive. immigrants pick the food we need, power small business economy, clean our homes and look after the most precious in our families, our children and elders. >> that sparked criticism there were stereotypes of immigrants doing basic labor under their watch. >> lisa: is this real life? we live in a clown world, how is this real life? >> does it need to be easier to get into our country at this point? we've seen six million people cross into our country. look at dignity for detained immigrants acts seeks to apolish ice, phases out detention facilities, it is de facto ban on ice, that is what they are trying to do.
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we have seen this happen under joe biden, open borders, might as well put a big green sign up and say, welcome, that is what is happening. they don't want to stop this, they want chaos and they want this to happen, they are inviting it. >> harris, lisa saying there is no basis to this means of course the cartel and coyotes will push to say i identify as xyz and you can't detain me and bank roll them further. >> harris: they are getting paid on both sides, the government turns blind eye as they bring families across the border and single men or whomever it has to be. anybody in this country who thinks our federal government and this administration care about people on the long list they say you can just let in is delusional. we are missing 85,000 migrant
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children right now, we learned that from the dhs secretary mayorkas who testified before multiple house and senate hearings last week and the week before. we have it confirmed, what we don't have it confirmed, what is he going to do about it and how do we find those children? we learned about the flights at night from senator marsha blackburn a year and a half ago, when we first started watching children land in communities in the middle of the night and we got that sneaky video and aired it. who is looking out for the kids? they are not looking out for people on the list, they are going to let into the country. if those women are raped, those children are raped or killed and put into slave conditions, whatever happens indigenous or rather -- working conditions where anything can happen to
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them. all of that going on in our federal government doesn't acknowledge they know where 85,000 kids are at. i'm not convinced they care about them, you are right, they are political pawns. many people are religiously conservative, has anybody talked to hem? >> what stops people from being like, i'm in the lgbtq community, it will be taken advantage of. >> david: you just nailed it, you all did. let's go high level back to the first segment. what you have is use of whatever is necessary to appeal to a group. you have got an administration that wants to play to the gay community. what do they do? include lgbtq, when you can't legislate, they expand vulnerable person definition to include this and you just said it. go down to darian gap and i have
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sources down there, when this story came out last week, i reached out to my sources, already on the ground, those who set up the maps from the apps to maps were explaining to people that when you get there, this is something you use temperature is something not provable medically, you can't do anything about it and you create a pathway. there is pure political play to the point of pawns here,s harris, they are using this to appeal to the lgbtq+ia community or whatever. >> harris: but they are not looking after them when they cross the border. >> david: because they are pawns, they are not saying it to people who claim asylum falsely, whether les bian, gay or homosexual. they are is saying to the lgbtq community in america, vote for us, we have your back. the administration or somebody
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of tweeting on biden's behalf, anything that made it seem like he was playing to everything they wanted to sell to a certain group. this is all presidential politics. >> harris: those are adults, these are children. >> david: they don't care about the children. >> harris: they don't. >> lisa: if it was after 5 p.m., he was sleeping. >> harris: lisa! >> david: this administration has run and continue to run the largest human trafficking operation in the world. >> coming up, bill maher calling out democrats and liberal media over america's crime crisis, wondering why one crucial component is not being talked about, that is next. a first mat. me. -is this oak? you could save a ton with progressive by bundling your boat or rv with your home and auto.
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>> harris: we are not imagining it, it is happening all across the country, america's crime
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crisis, devastating crime wave gripping chicago and leading to tragic deaths there. bill maher, the big host, echoing a question, which i raised just last week. why are the media not speaking out about the growing violence? watch. >> bill: why isn't anyone talking to like chicago, most of the shootings are young black men killing young black men, is that not correct. >> that is correct. >> bill: more than the cops do. why doesn't anybody talk about that? why aren't there 100 giant black celebrities who would have respect of those people saying what are you doing to yourself? why are you killing each other? >> this is no way to live. this is our community, come on, we're better than this. >> bill: right. i feel like it is never addressed. >> harris: there is narrative
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and that doesn't fit it. black on black crime and i say it all the time on this program, really anywhere, i speak about it. if black lives matter and all lives matter, you would see blm lifting up money through covers and not organizing, of course. you would see reflective blacks in the community saying, get up in their faces and do this and that, but not going to chicago. obama is willing to build that library and degentifiy and replace black grandmas, but not go to hos hometown that is on fire right now? >> david: it is not just black on black crime and frankly it is crime coming out of predominantly black neighborhoods in chicago that is spreading around the city. it is beating a woman to the ground during the feral teen takeover in downtown, a white
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woman. it has gone beyond that. i want to go to something, look at these things bigger picture. brandon johnson in 2013 spoke at the socialism conference and talked about getting teachers to wear red t-shirt on friday and getting young people to wear the red t-shirt. do what i did, go and look at his speech at socialism conference. in 2013 he said this, 10 years later found path for the ctu, socialists at the top and used anybody by any means necessary. black people that are committing crimes ruin their lives, so what happens to those who are innocence insent vised to commit crime? their lives are over, no job, no future. companies like citadel leaving, ken griffin buys a mansion and
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brings jobs out. now economic desert building, you are seeing the end of chicago and like detroit lost 25% of population, chicago is dying and this is the death nail of chicago, blacks, everyone will suffer and really no future being presented. >> harris: what i love about david, kelly, he will go back and look for receipts. check out that 2013 speech because that is the new mayor-elect who replaced one of the most far left mayors on crime we had ever seen, lori lightfoot and now brandon johnson. >> kayleigh: brandon johnson, who is worse than lori lightfoot. i almost fell out of my chair when i read lori lightfoot, first mayor not re-elected, said, i know people reek havoc and need to be off the street. okay, where were you for four years, you were mayor and only
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12% of crime had an arrest ashgsz tached to the end. you are not a commentator, you caused this problem, lori lightfoot. >> harris: emily. >> emily: not a full pivot, don't forget after that feral mob, as they reeked havoc -- >> harris: people got shot. >> emily: she said there were just a few with poor intentions, i refuse to use your language, mayhem. johnson still will not call it what it is, black on black crime, horrible rates. recently they said it has been called the new low for chicago. two teenage boys smashed into a truck in a stolen car. theft meanwhile against the backdrop risen 25%, overall crime up 47%. after that mob, they were mostly misdemeanors, i don't have time
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to go through all of them. >> harris: let me follow-up with one thing, you put this better than anybody i know. i was explaining how the numbers have been fudged with and it looks like crime is going down, can you talk quickly about the declassification and reclassification of crime? >> emily: activists reclassified crimes designations, from violent to nonviolent and from felony to misdemeanor. felonies have gone down, this wasn't a violent crime because they changed the definition like this administration loves to do. >> lisa: it comes down to pushing social justice narrative sells moore nikes than telling the truth. people do not tell the truth in today's society and that is why we have problems. what would do more to discourage crime, encourage men to stick
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around and men in their life to be good fathers who want to stick around, that would do more for this country than anybody else. >> harris: you are my prayer partner for a reason. we have breaking news, kayleigh said what took so long. cnn is parting ways with don lemon, they made the announcement moments ago. cnn and don will forever be a part of the family but he can't work there. we wish him well and will cheer him on in his future endeavors. don lemon writing a statement, here is part of that, i was informed this morning by my agent, i have been terminated by cnn, i am stunned. they see it differently. after 17 years, i would have thought someone in management would have told me directly. i was never given any indication
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i would not be able to continue to work i have loved at the network. kayleigh mcenany. >> kayleigh: it is quite something, we saw him take a break for comments he made and here we are. >> harris: here we are. more "outnumbered" in a moment. every night. but now that i got the inspire implant, it's making me think of doing other things i've been putting off. like removing that tattoo of your first wife's name. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at
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identical twins bethany and stephanie both struggled with cpap for their sleep apnea. but stephanie got inspire, an implanted device that works inside the body. there's no reason to keep struggling. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at >> kayleigh: president biden meeting with the tennessee three, you will recall three of them faced expulsion at the state house after the tragic shooting at a nashville christian school. the president is yet to tend any invitation to the beautiful families nor reached out to the
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heroic officers who helped end the shooter ram pain, heroes they were. republican lawmakers calling on the fbi to release the shooter's manifesto. courtney johnston says i was told it was a blueprint on total destruction and so detailed that document in the wrong person's hands would be dangerous. david, suicide note, threefolders, 19 journals and head of the investigative unit says some are planning notes and journal rants. >> david: since 1997, i've covered more mass shootings and read more manifestos than most journalists will in their life. they are all in that, whether it
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is dillon roof, the nonbinary killer in colorado, the manifestos are there and should be public. it is responsibility and they contain nothing more dangerous than the action carried out. the biden administration will not invite the families and will not invite the two police officers who stepped in and stopped more killing. back to playing for the president. the republicans should have kicked gloria johnson out, they opened door to the racism charge, kamala harris went there and ran with it. she was 20 minutes from where that took place. >> kayleigh: emily, that lawmaker told "new york post," i
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don't want to know the depths to which her psychosis reached, when i'm told it keeps him up at night, i will defer to that person and the agency i don't need to read that, i will not defer to government authority what i want to see, i can decide for myself. 68% of americans want to see that according rasmussen. >> emily: the horror that it is, they all represent, why do they know what is best? part of what is difficult to stomach is how readily others are available. why is this different? it says it is part of an ongoing investigation, they all are. we are mourning victims and hailing heroes. it doesn't excludeor prevent res releasing the manifesto.
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rasmussen reported 82% of americans say killers are driven by mental health and the others say it is firearms figure out what this is, help diagnose. >> glen greenwald said they sent retainer letters to obtain the manifesto of the shooter to back out at the last second, political pressures are intense, we should see it. >> harris: that says a lot. forget about free speech, you will not be able to find attorneys to withstand the pressure. that is chilling. have we considered the fact that maybe the authorities are not the only ones who might have a copy of the manifesto? if it is digital, lives anywhere, i don't trust anybody not to have had their hands on this thing. we had a china spycraft fly over us before anybody told us
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anything and that came from a citizen. it could leak somewhere, it would be really responsible and in accordance with what is deemed public safety to tell us what we're up against. >> david: or public interest and put it out before somebody fakes it. >> harris: there you go cht >> lisa: i don't believe it is about protecting the broader public, it is about protect the transgender population. >> harris: i hate to have to say, it are you saying white people don't matter in this scenario? that is like, and i hear you, i hear what you are saying, that is not where we live. all people matter. >> lisa: no, to protect the transgender population. >> harris: a potential criminal based on how he lives, i don't understand that. >> lisa: i have mixed feelings to be honest. to some degree when you release
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manifesto, you are doing what the terrorist wants. >> harris: we have broken that. >> lisa: i am of two minds struggle on what the right answer is and know why they are not releasin government says to they can't determine the motive, let us come to a conclusion, on "outnumbered" we will ask where is the manifesto. tiktok celebrating earth day with series of changes, now targeting what it calls climate change misinformation. what does that mean? next. with gold bond... you can age on your own terms. retinol overnight means... the smoothing benefits of retinol. are now for your whole body. plus, fast-working crepe corrector diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days. gold bond. champion your skin.
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>> what can america learn from the irs whistleblower and will he tell his story before congress? james comer is here with what he wants to hear. and ron desantis is in japan today. rnc chair woman ronna mcdaniel will join us to talk about 2024. out of sudan, what about the americans left behind? is this afghanistan reducks? keith kellogg will look into that. and america is heading toward a fiscal cliff, can president biden and speaker mccarthy come
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to an agreement on lifting the debt cell phone something byron donald is on that. i'm john roberts, join me on "america reports." >> harris: tiktok will now remove videos with climate change misinformation and promote videos that support sustainability. this video shares life hacks for users to try out, the company announcing it friday. on april 21, we will have new climate change misinformation policy, which removes climate change misinformation that undermines consensus such as content denying climate change or factors that contribute to it. they don't want us to discuss, lisa, what is going on in the world. yet, will they have scientists go through what is true or not?
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or bunch of people in a back room stamping like they did at twitter years ago? >> lisa: isn't that your point, they don't want us to discussing what is going on. the point is to push a narrative without opposition. they did this with covid, it is not about misinformation, it is about selling a narrative and not get the truth to light and like with covid, they use climate change to crack down on our liberties and freedom and grow dependency on the federal government. >> harris: emily. >> emily: like when the "new york post" decided to scoop the world about hunter biden, then they were banished from twitter. they do not like discourse or competing facts or facts in general. it is some kid in a hoody in front of a computer monitor in san francisco saying, i do not like what this conservative is saying, remove it from tiktok. tiktok is a toxic place to exist
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anyway when you have zero -- >> harris: well, it is run by the ccp. >> emily: exactly. >> lisa: that nails it. >> harris: they hate us. >> david: who benefits from crime when you investigate something, who benefits? this is tiktok, chinese communist party. scientist-based consensus is garbage, there is no true scientific methods applied to climate change or it would fail, it is peer-reviewed garbage, selling a religion, they control the language and want you to buy it, they twist the word scientific in the statement. it distribute exist. >> harris: i love what pete hegseth told me last hour, everybody wants the environment, our national parks, we love the environment. they only want certain voices at the table, so shut everything down. what is alternative to driving fossil fuel is not electric
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since we don't have a grid that could have that happen in america. what if it is somethingel, we are not talking openly because you will get cancelled if you don't support what they push. >> kayleigh: exactly. you cannot question gospel of climate change and they will point users back to source of authorities united nations, government, pushing you to authority. i was there when fauci was wrong with mask wearing, can't question authority, that is china. >> harris: yeah, it is tiktok. >> david: there you go. >> harris: it is china, full circle. quick thought? >> david: stay off tiktok. >> harris: amen. >> david: never go on it, get rid of it. >> harris: why do democrats love it so much? >> david: they can reach influenceable viewers, when tiktok is gone, they will put another one out there, this is
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long-term gain, that is in the chinese communist constitution. read it. >> harris: life happens out here, not here, out here. >> david: on the couch. >> harris: more "outnumbered" in a moment. veteran homeowners to combat today's rising prices. lower your monthly payments with the three c's: pay down your credit cards, pay off your car loan, consolidate your debt with a va home loan from from newday. okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ >> woman: why did we choose safelite? we were loading our suv when... crack! safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when they'd arrive with a replacement we could trust. that's service the way we want it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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>> last but not least, first there was quiet quitting, now there's bare minimum mondays, allegedly. it's a new trend of employees easing not work week by doing less on what is most people's least favorite day of the week. some say the trend prioritizes self-care as a way to deal with burnout and calm the sunday scaries or blues. others say it's another excuse to slack off on the job. lisa, what say you. >> i don't know about bare
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minimum monday, but we had baderdays, saturdays, we went out the night before so we would order food and watch tv, but now a good lazy day, watch "love is blind," order pizza. >> that was good. >> the theory behind it, eases you into the work week, seems like a younger generation. >> when you and i go out, we speak with young people, and what do you do, whatever it takes. i'll all in. >> david, part of the influencer said you can do bare minimum sunday mornings or saturdays, all about a chunk of time you sort of put yourself first. >> first of all, it's an influencers' idea, throw it out. it's monday morning, get to work, get out, take it on, whatever day i wake up, i'm ready to go and i wake up every day in america. >> that's right. >> i have to say, kennedy, we
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love our job is monday, friday, all the same thing. >> i get on word with what she said, personal time and more productive. i wake up before all the babies wake up, i get on the treadmill and dive into work at 7:00 a.m., wake up earlier. >> she does what everyone does but she does personal time while getting paid for it. does not make sense unless you are biden. here is "america reports." >> start off with two words, made in america. >> thank you all, god bless you all, let's go, let's go lick the world. >> being the good, you know, the guy is pushing them out. >> -- yeah, cliptocracy, yeah, the guys. >> white house and president biden have repeatedly said it was his intention to run for re-election, now t


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