tv Hannity FOX News April 24, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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form the greatest antidepressant ever. all right. it's great book. graduation. all your success.>> b ufric footballan is nothing. you can't do. than k. it. >> all right.for us you appreciate the analysis. weat's all for us tonight. we hope you have a greatevening. evening. thanks so much for tuning in. we're not done here at fox. we're just getting started in primetime. sean hannityh, great. sean hannity, live audience. everyone's been screened. . >> they're happy and they'rend smiling. all right.. here we are all around. we are back with an audience.u l but hey, y'all doing all right? good to see everybody. the hi. welcome to the show, governor . santos is in japan. he will join us tonightwe and we'll check in with him. also, we're going to ask whether he plans to run for president . we'll talk about his tripad. abroad. whoever gets nominated by theface t
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the will likely face thahat guy, the guy that does not know today's monday. he's eighty two years ol years d and all we know is he likes ice cream and he can't speak very well anyway. , jojoe biden, your cognitively struggling democratic president, is now to planning to announce his reelection bid tomorrow night. tomo veryintere getss reelec interesting.g. even though almost no one ineveo america wantugh alams him to see a second term, we're not evene sure he can get through the first term. now, that's true. tulsi gabbard, will weigh inghte tonight right here in studio with us. withalso, west virginia democrat joe manchin will join rem us tonight. now, remember, he made a deal with chuck schumer and joe biden on the critical issue to his state. it's called energy, right? we need to be energyt. independent, energy dominant. it looks lik like the they have. their promise to him. joe manchin is notn is not happt it. he is rightly criticizing that,r criticiziniticizg runaway spendw sprees by his own party. i he is slamming the president's
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what he's calling deficiency of leadership and praising house ps speaker kevin mccarthy inand rightly saying that bidenw needs to what is dayo. eighty one or two . to sit down with mccarthy and negotiate todeal on the debt ceiling. but is it too little, too late? i don't know. also, tonight, jimmy fallon, , m dagen mcdowell, they will helpy, [cheid farewell to fake news enthusiasts, that is . don lemon is out of cnn. but we begin tonight.gue cl i want you to follow this monologue closely. this matters. w the walls are now closing in. we can report tonight on the biden family syndicate. don'okay, don't take my word for it. wordlet's go to "vanity fair", a left wing magazine, quote, federal prosecutors now areunte considering four charges against hunter biden. " here's nbc news saying the same same report. the impending charges include at least one felony count offely tatax evasion, along with afirer felony firearms charge basedms
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on several breaking reports. there are indictments, possibly even as early as this week, the week his father will announce his reelection plans. now, according to even fake news, cnn, biden's lawyers are meeting with doj officials in the coming days. oddly, enough, hunter'sas bee criminal case has been revivedn from the dead only days afters e a career irs supervisor filer dr for official whistleblower protection, accusing the federal government oothe feg shielding hunter from criminales charges. now, this clai.m is corroborated by nbc, quote, two senior lawtw enforcement sources telling nbc news about growing frustration inside the fbi becausee invest investigators finish the bulk of their work on this case about a year ago. huh. now, they recently reportedly have sufficient evidence now to charge hunter biden. bue irsnks to th whistleblower, we can nowhe con only make the conclusion that the attorneycl general of
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the u.s. is now apparently standing in the way and then attempting to cover his tracks in front of congress. now that raises a question. did the attorney general, merrick garland, lie to congress thus far ,te the trump appointed us attorney in thids case has been prevented from bringing charges or fully even exercise his authority.t, a in fact, the whistleblowerpo purportedly now hartedlys hard evidence that the testimony you're about to hear from merrick garlan merd is absolutey false and that he knew it at the time. >> take a look. does delaware u.s. attorney lack independent chargingendent authority over cn criminal allegations against the president's son outside of the district of delaware? >> he would have to bring ifs it's in another district, he would haveer distr to bring then another district. but as idi said strict, i promie to ensure that he's able to carry out his investigationin and that hd e be able to run itb and if he needs to bring inl
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another jurisdiction, he will have full authority to do that. >> all right. attorney general merrick garland is not the only top federal official running cover for the biden syndicate. now, you might remembe.r the bogus october 2020 letter. remember? fifty one former intel experts all claiming that the hunter biden laptop story had, quote, all of the classic earmarks of wellssian information operation . well, none of these intelexpe experts, not one , had any knowledge at all aboutlapt the laptop, by the way, thatop e laptop was in the hands of since the fbi since december. 2019. that l they could have authenticatedin4 that laptop in 48 hours anyway.r so the fifty one were convincedt to sign a letter and byand by the way, the person convinced them is your now secretary of state, tonyas worki blinken. he was working as a foreigngna e affairs adviser for the biden campaign. the fbi had it since 2019. y knew they likely knew it was real. they also knew it would likelyth leak because they knew that
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rudy giuliani, thenttorne president trump's attorney , had a copy of it. so lincolntoya copy on blinken o reason to doubt the contents of his hard drive . tha but the truth that doesn't matter to tony blinken is a liar. he is a hack who helped biden wage what is a decent campaign against you , the american people, evernsy one of you . they lied to you. ey wante they lied because they wanted to help joe biden anyway, allo in the lead up in the weeks before the twenty twenty electio 202n. let me put it a different way. it blink.n dicommd blinkeitn commit fraud against you , the american people? did he p interfere in our electoral process in order t to push this feeble minded, corrupt boss hiding in his basement over the finish line? r the fiin other words, is thisl conspiracy? if you defraud on purposemerica without any evidence, the american people, did hea jo get promised a job to be secretartoetary ofy of state in the process? blke no mistake, garland
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and blinken didn't stick their necks out for hunter. biden. this really is not abouts impo hunter. this is important to understanrd when we now peel back what wef know about all of this, hunter's possibl e crimesd look and you take a really hard look at all the finances, what comar and his committee and jordan and his committee are now discover. we are beginning to see that the big guy, joe biden himself, is implicated in very troubling behavior. thanks to chairman combersobe an ongoing probe and the houset co oversight committemmite. shell we're now learning more about shell corporations. we had never heard of before. we're learning about lsd with no clear purpose at all. h in other words, they have nocleu clear business purpose. uspiciou we're getting these suspicious activity reports from bankss and huge payouts from our geopolitical foes. why are the bidens getting money from china, russia, ukraine, and over a dozen other countries? and get this, accordingth to culmeis.r, china was probably the most reputable country that
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the biden family was dealing with . that'sghter] a statement. o now, first, it was only threeere biden members we suspected s being a part of this last week. then they said it wasembers nine biden family members. now they're telling us that at least 12 biden relatives t received some of this money from this, quote, bizarre is ort as we affectionately call it on this program, a syndicate. and still, colmar can't find buy information about what the multi-million dollar business actually did. now, they certainly y are paying zero experienced hunter biden for his expertise because he hadpertise done so. tonight, america needs answers.r here's the answers. we need. nnin is merrick garland running interference and protecting the biderotectinn family?en did tony blinken conspire to lie at the highest levelamern to the american people i pn the lead up to the presidentialn election to impact that election and thethe impa most is question here is aboutut j joe biden himseloe bf is he cort
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and compromised as a us president? we know that he lied to you,eop. the american people, when hece said not once di didd you ever speak to his son hunter aboutig his foreign business dealings,us how much money did the bidenwi family do in businesthsrussia with china, with russia,accordin with ukraine? and according to james, a dozenr a dozen other countries. how much profiiet did they makee how much did joe himself get ?? well, tonight, the walls are finally closing in on the biden family syndicate. all right. >> joining us now with the verye latest on hunterr's looming indictment, sarah carter. sarah a carter, i know somethini beginning beginning to happen because a lot people are now reporting it. and when the liberal media a starts sayinthg, yes, ans indictment is likely and they're telling us what th the are, thates means they're preparing for him to be indicted. thns he wi he will be arrested.e ofat means he will be charged. and i think this is only the tip of the iceberg. >> right, sean?
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you are setting the stage and anxiety is high at the white house tonight. hiteespecially from one of its newest residents. according to the "new york post",rding tok po mie devine, hunter bidens is temporarily living atnue. 1600 pennsylvania avenue. all r to avoid's getting served. the mother of hunter'sr-old four year old daughters court is asking an arkansas court to jail the president'se son over a dispute involving child support payments. but hunter'schild su biggest con is at the federal level, sean, where prosecutors are now seriously considering four charges. s two misdemeanorta tax violations and one count ofe felony tax evasion originatingoy from his shady overseas business deals. sthe fourth charge stems from hunter's purchase of a thirty revolver on a firearms background check in 2018. get this. nonter swore that he was not an unlawful user of drugs orl addicted to any illegal substances. hunter was and has since
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admitted that he was severely addicted to crack cocaine. timehe time. of course, there's plenty of evidence on his laptop to back. that up, sean, and get this purh a short time after purchasing a gun, hunter lost track of the firearm and it wassu subsequentlybseque picked up fro a trash can near a higl.h school timewell. only tell if hunter is ever actually charged for any of these apparent crimes. but many believe, sean, justke s like you said, it's just the tip of the iceberg, sean. >> all right. sars-cov-2 with that thank you , sir. we appreciate it. here now with reactionon on the legal side of all this, the author of the soon to bebese best seller. it's called trial oftury the century,, hanadi greg jarret, along with outnumbered co-host emily gompagno with us. thank you both for the . and let me start with you. all of a sudden, the whistleblower comes out and now we're hearing about possible indictments maybe as early as this week of hunteer biden on tax charges.
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in one case, the gune the ap application, another case. >> is that a coincidence?e? i don't think it'sproves a coincidence. and it just proves how fragileeh thisis p political pressure has. been for all this time. what has the doj been doing for all of these years? that in less than one yearne ye, the republican congressmendid th uncovered? not only did they uncover what sara just described, there, but what's foreshadowed inwe the weeks to come, which might be six specific decisions on the part of the president that renders him vulnerable. the fact that 12 now family members were benefiting to the tune of millions of dollars from multiple countries, everything we thought wew knew has been amplified and exacerbated in the tune ofnt 10 months. soon why this? has the doj beenh on this? why was the irs sitting this amid clamors of eighty seven thousand new hires amid clamors, gun possession ofu gun fragility? and now here to comeon to find n fa out it is all just the biden family. while hunter hides out at the white house away from child
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payments. >> yeah, and greg, let me ask you , i mean, when we look athei merrick garland here and the whistleblower, i thinkwer dese certainly that whistleblower deserves whistleblower protection. >>whistlebr protecti but now ise a possibility that merrick garlan posd lied under oath to congress? and what about tony blinken? are there any charges possible in the case of tony blinken inth terms of he had no knowledge knd whatsoever about the laptop, bu t he got fifty one intelligence officials, former officials nt sig n a document that d joe biden used in a presidential debate to get hun away from the idea that biden'sa laptop was real when everybody in the fbi knew at that point it was real. >> well, remember, democrats tru were accusing trump of trying to undo the influence of federal election, which i is arguabls y crimes to the same standard could apply to tony lincoln. for merrick garland, there are only two possibilities. he either knowinglossibilityy le was utterly oblivious. >> when two of his us attorneys
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that report to him, who wereingo appointed by joe biden, according to the whistleblower, blocked the planned criminalinsn charges against hunter biden. look, the more these investigators in the house oversight committee examine these one hundred and seventy suspicious activity reporte 162 --s of banking reco, the more shocked and appalled that they are if if hunter biden is only charged with two misdemeanors and two felonies,he sweet that will be the sweetheart deal of the century. >> ttury. i would take thoser cm four crimes and multiply them by a factor of 10 or 20 . wirevery single transam in every wire transfer that goes into a biden family account.if if it is influence peddling and money laundering, as it appears to bppears te, those are separate crimes that you're talking about, potentiaf. hundreds of crimes here. we'll have to wait and seeorks t
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how this works out.i but i guarantee you , the more that the house investigatorss dig into this and they've only been doing it for four months, the morego peey're going to find ofing influence peddling, tax evasion, tax fraud, mone taxynso laundering and violations of the foreign corrupt practices. sarah , let me go back to you. we talked about suspicious back activity reportsto, a new shell companies that james komar wasme able to discovers . i go back to the question, in fm with all this money coming in from china, russia, ukrainee and all these other countries, you know, what did joe biden di know? when did he know it?he did he get any of this money?f s we know he lied when he said he never talked to his son about his foreign business. dealings. ign busine and i want to know how much money i want to get a final answer. did they do in business with china, russia, ukraine and these othen businer countrin because i think k the american t people have a right to knowden whether or not joe biden profited from these countries and whether or not that
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is impacting his decision making as president. absolutely, sean.ut i think one ofel the mosy, st important areas that can be investigated right now is whether or not and we already saw with anthony blinken, we already saw whatned happened with michael morrell he and the cover ups that werste emanating from the highest levels of our intelligence. apparatus. but what we need to know now is actually what they're going to uncover in those suspicious activity reports, those sars reports that were b apparently being covered ueing p by people within the justice department and actually people within the u.sually pe. treasur. co if those whistleblowers come forward with the information and are able to bring those charges forward, then we're going to see the whole entire ramifications of what the biden family was involveiden famd, not only in china, what we're a looking at and as far as thoses banking's situations with china and his own personal business, but actually with ukraine an and barack obama and thed other involvement of his family members.
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and now we're looking aty memb 12 separate family memberser. so this is going to be an expansive investigation. cont greg said , it's going to contain a numerous probably felony and charges thatg agai they're going to be bringing against senator biden. but it's also going to be interesting to see how the white house plays this out. house all right.e goin >> we're going to watchto w closely, sarah . i mean, a possible indictment this week that is big news and liberal news networks are reporting that. emily, great to see you . t great. great to see you ,o se sarah .e thank you as always. all right. now we turn to the great state in west virginia. now it's all democratic senator joe manchin. remember, hea. is pivotal in passing biden's two trillion dollar american rescue plan, 1 trell as the one trillion dollar inflation reduction acflationt. now, to do this, they agreed. that means schumer. and that means joe biden had to agree with a deal which joe manchin and he was promisedy many energy projects for his is state of west virginia. by the way, it's stilllifebl the lifeblood of his state's ish
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economy and it's the lifeblood of the world's economy. but bothe lifebl a key pipelined and other incentives involving batteries,ives they all upended have been upended at the federal level. in othern upende words, joe weng with the climate alarmists call cult, and they broke their promise wentate to joe manchin and now appears joe manchin was lied to . hejoe is now blasting what he calls joe biden's deficiency of leadership. n's deficihe is accusing his owf abusing their power and he's herer. to talk about it. virgi west virginia senator joe manchin . senator , welcome to the program. sem. [cheeryou know, senator , we dot agree on every issue, but i really believe on the one issue that wate do agree on , passionate, especially for the people. you have wonderful people in the your state. i've been there in a number ofir times. e anabsolutely. >> and this this energy issue is the lifeblood of the world'sa economy. you made a deal with chuck schumer and joe biden. did they break their word to you? well, basically, they brokerd the word to the american
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public. and what had happenendd is i had an opportunity to write a piece of legislation, the total cost of the bil l was six hundred and eighty four billion dollars, six point eighty seven dollarsas billion over 10 years. i that's how much money wouldmuchm be basicallyon appropriated fori this bill was raised and three hundred and eighty four billioni dollars went directly to energy. i had a chance to write i the energy portionhad to givec. us energy security. the ukraine war breaks outukrais on putin weaponizes energy. we can't hel energp our allies. we see what's happening. we're not even energydepend independent ourself. supeyou cannot remain and be the superpower of the world unlessworl you have energyity. independence and energy security. we have the gaths. we have the oil. we have the coal.o we can dbettero it better and ci thann anywhere in the world. and so this piece off legi legislation was balanced ten years that we're going have to have enough fossienl to run our country and to help our allies around the world. and we also be investing in f the new technology for the future. now, they have they've
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disregarded that completely. what was agreed uponly and they know exactly what we agreed upon. this was energy security. and you have not heard the word energy security out of their mouth since it was passed. >> it's all about environment. you know, i look at this, senator , and it really scare me because what now? we wererr,e energy and i indepe. now we're energy independent. once again, thatnow we is hurti, not only your your state,at your economy. think ofor all the benefits oft it ig energy independent. it's good for nationalsecu security. we don't need to countrity. on countries that we know don't like us for the the lifeblood of our economy. econ it's good for highomy. paying career jobs inr the energy sector. and we could be energyan dominat and we could be providing all of our western european allies n with all the energy they need h inmuchwe have so muc terms of natural resources, we're producing more than wepron have been in the past 2019 forgu a short period of time. we were producing about b thirteen million barrelsarrels l a day. we need to be net 13 tothat
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15 million a day bracket in order for us to be truly independent. uly indepewe're producing about thirty five trillion cubic feet of gas a year. weyear.d to do need to do thiro forty . we're basically shipping thirteen billion cubic feet a day of lng overseas to help i our allies. that needs to be between 20 and 30 . we can get there, but they have to basically commit themselves. let me make it verhavey clear . if this administration does not honor what it said , iadminit wn do and basically continue to liberalize that werueee three hundred and eighty four billion dollars is what we're supposed to invest billior ten years. and they blow that out of the water and it's six or seven or eight hundred. ani will do everything i can in my power to prevent that from happening. and if they don't change, then i would vote to repeal my own bill . >> let me ask the senator.n crit you have been critical ofe joe biden. he said he will no bit negotiate originally with kevin mccarthy. we havtiate a debte ceiling dea
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coming. we expect sometime ipln june, they have not spoken in eighty two days. i don't know why joe bidens to refuses to meet with kevin mccarthy. kevin mccarthymccarthy put out a plansponsi that is far more fiscally ansponsiblble, cuts down the det and the deficit. it reducesfi the ratcit.e of grh to only one percent. i think it'sk it a goo id plan. you seem to think it's a goodwh plan. why isn'y t the president willi to talwillink to the speaker of the house? well, i can't tell c you whyan'u i can tell you one thing. i've done everything i can to say that this is therespon responsibility. his job. this is his job.bility o this is the responsibility of the leader of the free world . i'm definitely united statesthe president . he has to negotiatident.e. this is what we're all about, where the greatest deliberative d. t downhe worl and that means you have to sitdi down and work, negotiate, comeut out with differences. if kevin mccarthy is able go pass his legislation and send it to the senate, there is a lot of good things in there that i know we canagre work with . there's a lowi yt ofou things ie agree with .
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but you have to be abl teations to start. negotiations on joe biden. >> he's not he's not to with well, he can't play russian roulette with the debt, to b the debt ceiling that is goingrn to be disastrous forom our economy and all of all our people. you know, the american people, all segments of our society are just fed up with all of this and back and forth, calling each other namehes, fighting and arge this is the united states of america, not the divided states . and you've got to get inwork ouh and work out the differences fois cour the sake of this coun. senator , take an oathio to defend and to defend the constitution. >> and it just makes me so i find it very, very hard. and i know you love the peoplevi in your state. i know you believe in ben being energy independent. that is incontrovertible. >> the question is ,e ques itif you make a deal and they they go back on their promise to youir , and it hurts the people do in your state, do you everhink think you know what, forget it.s i don't need to be a part of this group of people becausery r
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you're a very powerfull senator . senatoe and without it, they're in trouble. >> i have about thirty seconds and they don't always get my vote . and i can'that. go home and explain, i don't vote for it. and i have i think about that every day. why am i aday. democrat? dem when everybody's going inctions different directions? but party should not make bho who you arulde as a person. yo you should be a personto thi is committed to this countrys se and your state first before the parties take control of you and they're not going to take contro going tl of me. >> glad to hear that.use] all right. i think they set a record, the first democrat to get applausege. t to anyway, coming up, joe bidenign set to announce his reelection a campaign, but is that a good idea? polling says definitely no. itelgo .e >> tulsi gabbard right here in studio as we continue when i was five , i was struggling with a gun underneath mypillow . one hundred and forty years ago, fields were burning down our homes. we have a lot of anger towards the mccoys.
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the devil's curse. it's in the genes. you know, maybe when i get around them, because this is the part i'm out to get courtney mccoy, i will steamroll over mccoy. you don't have failure and i'm going to raise . the real hatfields and mccoys forever feuding streaming now on fox nation. i'm t shirt george . i'm involved in a small business here in new jersey. i do all the physical and the business, which is why i have to they fit. i heard on the radio that balance of nature gives you all your fruits and vegetables. i want to be the guy in the room that can put in a full day at work and still play baseball. his 10 year old grandson. at the end of the day, if it wasn't for these things, i don't know where i'd be .ll yu >> start a now by goingh the to balanceco nature .com.if you >>'r and don't forget to use >>'r and don't forget to use discount code, fox news. i'm jonathan lawson hereon to tell you about life to tell you about life insurance throug pen program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, rememberare r the three p'ics?
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joe biden, he is now expected to make his big announcement tomorrow that he is running for reelection. [aud anyway. happy but is it a good idea? and it may end up being the week that one gets indicted. new nbc poll showsw that 26% on the country wants him to run again. that's not a good number, whilet 70% prefer somebody else. and one of those says bidengain should not run again. 48ok at that.. 48 percent cited age as a major. concern, even fake news. cnn, they raise the alarm about his age. they did it this morning, a i guess, after don got fired.joi >>ll anyway, joe will turn eighty to eighty two shortly after the election next year. take look, even as the presi president's team is working towardorking ts that announceme, which is likely to come tomorrow in a video,o, t the presidenhet is facing serios headwinds when it comes to themo public perception about whether or not he should run.s and chief among those concernssy
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are the president's eighty year old age. it's very clear that theseeathie questionses about his aget will present a very steep challenge for the presiden chat as he tries to get voterbos on board with the second term. all right. wainintermg us now, a warm welcome to tulsi gabbard, fox news contributorrmard.. great to see you . how are you here? this looks like a diary is kind of weird, you know, but yeah, if you could read that and seeim that from there, you're better than i am d okay.em all right. re the democrats don't want to run. republicans absolutely don't wantpuans abso to run, although maybe we do have think about it anyway. he is so he doesn't know it'srar monday. >> i think i'd rather take m. chances with hi >> do you think he is capable of dealing with china capab and russia and iran? do you think he's capable of turning this economy around?>> e >> there are so many issues here. , many you've mentioned a couple of mco them. there are many, many more we dow could go down a list of his indefensible record that
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he's had as president. ible rec one of the things, though, t is that the american people need to be able to examineition these issues. >> what's the traditional waytht that we normally do that? through a debate? right. e dn well, the dnc just announced we're not going to have anypresd presidentialen primary debates.o >> and so, you know, for me, cn as a presidential candidate 20gk in 2020, they were riggin the system back then. abo they were just more subtle, about it, tossing softballtossin questionll ques to kamala harrie and giving people more time. but buutt now they are so arrogant and so disrespectful to the american people and voters. ctful tothey're just saying, no, we're not going to allow anyrd debates. ing to givgoing to put his record in front of the american people. we're not going to give people any choice. othe ce otherr than joe biden. and so my appeal to democrats and to american voters, if you are even thinking of voting for four , i was about to saytr. donald trump, if you're even thinking about voting. i so you're president trump is always saying if people are thinking about voting forou president biden, they really need to ask themselves ifwant
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they want to support a candidate that is has so muc d disdain and disrespecthas so for the american. >> his agenda is failing. and i don'>>t think he's upi wil to the job now m. >> i'll make a comparison. i don't thin.k age is the issue. >> bernie sanders is old, but he is sharp as a tack. >> yeah. now, i sat with donald trump hour. then w an >>e we ran a full hour and then we had another segment the nextg nighhtt, another one the next night and never stop. and he can talk forever on any subject you throw at him and and not stop. >> so it's not about age. >>'s about not person. it's not a. and here's this is what i think the democratic machine, their players, for them to be p able to stay in power,ow they need joe biden to run for reelection, get reelected, so that when he gets to that point where he cannot function, which will likely happen sooner than later, san they will then instal their puppet, their chosen one . kamala, kamala harris, to becoms the president of united states. >> and theidn she run with heri
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and then she runs agai20n in 200 eight with the power of the incumbency behind her. they want someone that they can. control. >> sk they .why do kamala harris, why do t you believe that? i have no doubt about it. utyou look at how she carrieshel herself. you look at her inabilitytrem to articulate coherent sentenceors, you , which is really the mystery the ages.a >> can you explainuncontro the uncontrollable giggling? >> yes, i can, actually . what is it? to me? it shows nervousness, anxiety and fear. >> wow.any, a that'snd f analysis. i definitely know whatthat you analyz we for me because th was on gavin newsom, i believe has a chance to win the nomination. >> and i think in the back of his mind, i may be wrong, think is thinking of runningin. >> would he have a chancee bi against joe biden? >>the democrats seem to be linig up behind joe biden for the reasons that i've stated. >> but don't they see what we>>a see?
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don'n: don't thet they see that he's incoherent? don't they see the cognitive decline? t the numbers seem to show that. >> all right. wouldn't iy tot be open to ifif you stayed a democrat, you would have a hard time because you're not going to goa along with the climate alarmists religious cult? >> well, i'm notwi the going too along with the litany of insane issues. an i agenda, the so-called woken agenda the democrats are pushing. and d i think more and more people are seeing thatit insanity and are very concerned about it and rightly so. this is why thisc democratic process really needs to play out, and it's why can the dnc and the democrats are doing everything they can to stop it. e wlove he love having you in new york . thank you so much. good to be here. thank you w .york. you, tul governor ron desantis. and walking away for a possible 2024 announcement. he will check in with us next. we'll that interview straight ahead. ahead. martial arts is my passion.
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business and news headlines on sirius xm any time, anywhere . >> fox news radio on sirius xm . erica is listening what a rallying we havethe tonight. anyway, with the 2020 four presidential election heating upection ahead of a potl 2020 four announcement, floridae governor desantis is embarking on an internet internationalrn trip to japan, south korea, israel, the uka meeting with t. prime minister of japan earlieru today. he joins us now with an interview. what must be wha ant to have at two p.m. there, i guess. i think ofath my math is right >> looks like a warm, nice day there. governor , thanks for being with us. anks fyeah, great to be out her. i can tell you there'sintere a there's a lot of interest in what's going on in the unitedg n states . out here, as well as what'sflor going on in
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as you know, florida, t of the economy's doing strong. a lot of people moving, a lot of businesses. so we're going to seese, more investment from the japanese, fromom the s the h koreans and , of course, on down the line. but one thing that. people are concerned about out here, of course, is the rise of the ccput and they're concerned about the security situation. secuofhe the thingsflorid they complimented us on in florida is i'm going to bea be signinsig legislation very sooni eliminating the possibilitnay on ccp land purchases in florida.du norc farmland, no land near >>itical infrastructure, none. by the way, that is an issueiss that verthy few people know about. what what the governor is referring to is the fact of chinese foreign nationals. they've been buying uphey ha hus of thousands of acres of, farmland, ranchland and land near military installations. governor , that can't happen.anh and that lanapd that has already been purchased, as far as i'ms b concerned, needs to be takene
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back and put in the hands of american farmers and american ranchers. [a i'm glad you're talking abouta s it. i want to ask you specifically ,though, i call this a newaxis axis of evil. that is china, russia, our number one . l foe, sto , geopolitica and now iran and then the communist chinese brokering a deal with our former ally. well, i thought who wasia our ally, saudi arabia and irann and now syria and iran. it and then we see the uae seems to be siding with putin and egypt seems to be sidingh pu with putin. >> to me , we're looking at a new world order evolving right in front of our eyes. i don't think we have a president that is even engaged now shot. i mean, i think if you look at o what is is done, he is on the move around the world. and you mentioned a saudi iran.a i don't know what is ultimatelye going to come of that, but the fact that they even had c that meeting with china brokering thathi, that's a huge
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failure on the part ofth the biden administration part. admi and then, of course, ine ccp the western hemisphere, we have the ccp trying to get involvedad with countries. you know, we just recently had a country in central america flip from recognizing taiwangni to now citing with the ccp.g muc sole they are flexing muscle. te and i thinn k the fact that bidn has been very weak on the world stage is emboldening them to do. even more . let men: l asket m you this.e doth you think that well, what what should america be doing right now to stop this before china, for example, fulfills the territorial ambitions, d takes taiwan? what shoultaiwd wean d?o to brep this axis? of evil before they become even more united? well, i think someone like hei responds to strength. don and i thin'tk clearly we don't have a lot of strength underbite in under. but i think fortifying our forces and the pacific,
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i think we need more naval strength to be able to project power and we cannot allow the ccp to produce every critical part of our economy. we rely on them for almost everything we need to bring that back to america. so we're producing it here in the united states . we cannoand we're not at the whf the communist chinese. there were two toe. three separate occasions when n was asked about what happens if the communist chinese invade taiwan. hi ts initial reaction was that we would stand with him.ime. then he backs off every single time. what is the righs t answerthe ? answbut we've had a long standic us policy with respectiwan to taiwan under taiwan und relations act. policy i think that s that policy shoud be continued. but ultimately, i think you're looking at a chinese leader who's much more ambitious than some of his predecessors. and when you combine china's
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strength, his ambitions with biden's weakness, that lead weas us to a very, very dangerous situation. s governor , i got to ask the obvious question. a lot of people wondering if,a o in fact,ndfact y you are plannig to make an announcement and get in this presidential i race, ths nomination, which would includec donald trumph wo. and i have one follow up. sai so i've said from the electionen of 2020 two and people started asking me, we got a legislativeg session that we're workingot on we've gotot a few more weeks to go with that. we're going to bing to be puttip a lot of wins on the board. and so i'm not going to be making any announcements before that's concluded. okay, are you leaning one way>>a or anothern:? stay tuned.>> sta all right. i got to go. i got to go check up. i interv the last time i interviewed, i president trump,wa i was there s 2018 and i always saw the two
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of you as friends.ends a and ndi said to him a very simpe question. i asked him.i i said, whatne happened?d and tn and i thinkk it's only fairhat y to ask you the same question. what do you think happened? you know, i enjoyed supporting him when he was president . we worked really hard for his wielection in florida, and i always had a goothd relationshih with him. and then once a midtermstarte election happened, he started taking shots at me. i didn't really do anything to do it except do a good job.. but that's fine. i mean, sean, you know, when you're making things happen, you take incoming fromthat a variety of targets. so that's just the nature ofre h the business. and i' m happy to i'm happy to stand strong and do what's right. all right, governor , havee a ga a great trip. we appreciatipe you joining us . enjoy the daylight there. tonight here in new york . by the way, the only normal new yorkers that stayed at thate are moving to floridd a probably in a few months are here. but thanks to bill. out of f all right. straight ahead, don lemon out
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at cnn will show you the low. from his tenure there. also, another day, another biden biden blunder, jimmy fallon, kellyanne conway and more as we continue. >> stay with us.e cont inare you ready for a fresh new bath or shower? well, now is the best time with free installation and no interest and no payments for one year. hi, i'm christina, and it's time to flip your old worn out bath or shower with jacuzzi baths remodel. today, everyone knows a jacuzzi brand, but did you know they can install a gorgeous bath or shower? that feels incredible and as little as one day now that's the total bathroom beauty that i love at a price you can afford with one call to jacuzzi bath remodel, you can effortlessly transform that old ugly eyesore into the stunning bath or shower of your dreams that you'll love for years to come call or go online to jacuzzi. >> bath remodeled, come to get
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one four three now or visit us at misso fund .com day] finally comes thanks to cnn. d a said goodbye to far left opinion host don he claimed to bered don lemo a anyone here believe he was one i a journalist? he was a list? he was a talk show host like me, correct? yes.o sh alell great. >> anyway, who your president , joe biden, once one of the mostn informed journalists in jour that showsows how to steep his cognitive decline really is anyway. unfortunately, cnn has ver y fewrtunat elviewers will no longer get to see his brilliance on displa sy >> take a look.t is what as a fellow citizen,
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you're starting to hearas soon t whatever ethnicity you are explaining to me, whatever it e to be black , whatever ethnicity i'm on. l -- >> are you what i haley is in a our prime. sorry, when a woman is considered to be in our prime in her 20s and 30s and maybe 40s, probably that's not, according to me, for a white depends. i mean, it's just like prime. if you look it up, it's if you look if you google is a prie woman in her prime, it'l, l say 20s, 30s and 40s.20s, >> the boston tea party riotingd . so don't a dndo not get it twisd and think that, oh, this is some something that has not never happened before and this is so terrible. and where are we so terr in these savages and all of that?try >> thiwas is how this country ws started. i think he said the exactng same thing on january 6th. anyway, here, a fox news contributor, kellyanne conway, e conwayfox you know, the diffee to me is simple. i'm a member of the media.i' i'm a talk show host.
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i tell everybody what i do.a i'm not a journalist, but i doui journalism. ousand of i can produce thousands of hours of radio and tv coverage where i do straight news, i do investigative reporting. the russia hoax, for example, or obama's radical associationst . >> whie also on this program, wo do opinion everybody. i am a co i am a conservative.ns i'm a re i'm a registered conservative. no shock. o i'm honest about it. we d he do culture.o we do sports . i he's a talk show hoss t who claims to be a journalist. >> i he's nof yot because if you google him today, he who is fond of google, has fired as somebody. e he and way was a talk show, by theg so her'm fairly surera he's watching this program. have >> so here goes. i've been waiting for years. i've dealt with him. he's mean, he's misogynist, he's unrepentant. and sogynist.i want you to undee this, because this is a the dife difference between don lemon and you and many other peoplren he was always unprepared. and a cnn executive admitted
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to me i was a kennedy center function then. i prefer the mark twain awards t for adam sandler. i was invited there by someone and they just as much admittedoy he's just always unprepared. but look, they had had e enoughy of him and even today they shott back at him because they said, you're lying, that we didn'tee give you an opportunity to meet with the executives here, thatet you're lying. and i think they probably wouldo have paid him his money anyway.e lemons, by their very nature and design are bitter and i'd say don lemon is the most berryville low blow shots fired. all right. that's going to be tough to beat. >> well, no, i'm going to stick up for lemon on one point, okay? we give him a lo.t of heat around here, but he does have the highest dreaming show inst guantanamo bay. okay, now,ing show you can't wad anymore. they put on lemonnier like you confess. son guantána what are we going w on a loop to drive them nuts? i don't know. he but i know he's an idiot. he should be fired for stupid above all else. because he with that, het
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literally when he made that comment about women, which, by the way, anyone who says women over 50 or past their prime has never seen my search history but stic thek. with work with me, okay? any time you catch yourself air on the other way, he's the only one on television thaont cn get away with that. wow. jimmy , i know me, but he foundve t himself on live tv saying the words google sayi, it it is whatis you do when you're losing an argument in a bar and you want the conversation to go away. right now, do don mattingly led the league in triples. google it. scheme. it's a confidence game, but no one bought into it. you wantand you want to know who >>ne i knew he was a goner. tooi i know he was a goner when toubon got fired because lemon was a guy people hated, whereas tubin had a lot of pull. good night, everybody. tonight, everybody. go, you know, we're not talking about tucker. >> i don't really have any details on it.ails bu ot he hadn a massive audiene and has a huge following. >> this guy had nobody, nobody,d nobody.
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he got demoted.he he lost his prime time show. he spun it as this is reallyan good for me to have to wake up o before noon and be on ourw wi morning show with two women who were more prepared and smarter on the daily and even screamed at kaitline is o collins is probably she's he's olld enougd enough to be her fa. she's a very hard working. journalist. f. hard-workithink o and she's very smartng, very had working. and then he gocat calledlled o n by poppy harlow. but i hasords, like, this is her work. but chris licht, i think the first time he's reallyxi shown some moxie sincee si he's been thernce he e, honestly, to have fired don lemon. >>d yeah.ean: i a and i agree with every pointh ey you made, but still a sensitive time for all of his viewer, f you know what i mean? >>or alliewer, y it's it was a s probably his relatives. d th that's it. yeah, it was it was a it was a addition by subtraction. and i think they knew that he ae was a bitter, angry dude and they had moved him from prime timey dude and to daytime he'll be driving a cab with my old buddy soon enough. heand we made lemonade. when wly and jimmy , thank you . when we come back e co, for hann
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