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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 25, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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cross the road? >> dana: i no he the answer. >> bill: so they can miss the cars. that's what they did in idaho yesterday as crowds gathered to watch the herd cross highway 55. do you know why there are so many sheep in idaho? there is a basque heritage that came from spain years ago. >> dana: they move them from one pasture to the next. harris faulkner is up next. here she is. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. joe biden becomes the oldest person in our nation's history to run for the white house. he is 80 as you know. all that talk of unity has vanished from his campaign vocabulary. i'm harris faulkner. his team dropped the video today. the exact fourth anniversary of his last announcement. that campaign was focused more on bringing america together, at least he said so. didn't happen. this time he skipped it all together. more like an attack ad. >> president biden: around the
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country maga extremists are lining up to take on the bedrock freedoms. cutting social security that you paid for your entire life and cutting taxes for the wealthy. dictating what healthcare decisions women can make. banning books and telling people who they can love all while making it more difficult for you to be able to vote. >> harris: what about biden's age and fitness for office? some voters are saying they're very disappointed he did not follow through with his suggestion of serving just one term. remember that? >> president biden: look, i view myself as a bridge, not as anything else. there is an entire generation of leaders you saw stand behind me. three the future of this country. >> harris: it might be the planet's longest bridge. majority of democratic voters who have appreciated what he said had it happened. recent fox poll shows 52% wanted somebody else at the top of the ticket. the rnc is mocking the president's re-election bid by
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putting out recheck >> people are looking for change and energy and far from what they'll get from joe biden or his campaign. >> harris: newt gingrich, fox news political analyst and author of the upcoming book "march to the majority." great to have you in "focus." your first reaction to our latest president and his move to run. >> what is he going to do? he has a white house, air force one, marine one. he won't go back home and just sit in delaware. >> harris: he does that a lot. >> i don't think he cares. his view is he is the president, he thinks he can beat trump. and he thinks that nobody can beat him for the nomination. he is probably right. i can't imagine anyone defeating biden for the democratic nomination. so whether or not the country
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likes it, this is what they've got. they have a guy who has hugeer more the house republicans dig into the details. a guy who tried to coerce the country on everything from transgender issues to climate issues to the border. and this is a guy who frankly has run a pretty incompetent administration and why most americans think america is in decline and most americans think that we need a different approach. but he is where he is and he doesn't intend to leave unless you defeat him. he is not going voluntarily. >> harris: talk to me if you could and we don't have to go too long on that. a long range of reasons why he has headwind. why doesn't it work against him? why do you think it's almost a foregone conclusion that he will win? >> i think first of all the
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elite media protects him every chance they get. npr did a piece on his announcement and said there are no scandals involved. how can you watch everything we're learning about hunter biden and the entire biden family with millions of dollars of money, russia, china, ukraine, kazakhstan, etc. and say there are no scandals? part of his protection is an elite media that hates trump so much that they'll do everything they can to protect joe biden. second, on the left, they hate trump so much they much prefer biden. so he may be able to run the equivalent of a basement campaign like 2020, sit in the rose garden and do almost nothing and count on the underlying forces to take him to victory. polling numbers are very dangerous. when people say they don't want to run including democrats it's a problem. >> harris: it may not be somebody from the right that causes him a headache.
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it may be a kennedy who decides to run and that just happened over the weekend just to cause trouble. who knows? maybe he is absolutely serious. a new op-ed out with the title biden's four more years sounds like a prison term. the pew research center found a large majority feel america is a country in decline. we've seen that. large majorities by that -- say that by 2050 we'll be worse off when it comes to the economy, america's importance in the world. domestic political division and the wealth gap between the rich and poor. if that were not enough, nearly 60% say that people like them are worse off now than they were 50 years ago. basically your brothers and sisters who grew up in a household 50 years ago, your grand parents now and looking back and forward and saying i
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think it's worse now. >> i just did a podcast where they said if we don't have profound reform of our bureaucracies, we will decay, period. whether it's the pentagon, school system, the department of transportation. the fact is our bureaucracies are tired, incompetent. filled with red tape and not getting the job done and nobody in the democratic party will take on the public employee unions and nobody in the democratic party will take on the teachers unions. we will continue to decline unless we get a decisive election where the american people choose profound change. we'll see if that can happen in 2024. without profound change this is a country that won't be the leading country in the world in the next 20 or 25 years. >> harris: there is some argument over whether or not that particular country is now china. and you could sit and talk for
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hours for some of the reasons why that might be a compelling argument to make. we just hope it is never true. president biden still refusing to negotiate on the debt ceiling. this is something that's more immediate than years down the road. this is something that biden could actually show his leadership chops. he could bring people together like just one, the speaker of the house mccarthy. if he refuses to talk with house speaker mccarthy could be staring down a default. analysts say that could come as soon as mid june. the speaker last week laid out his bill detailed. it could hit the house floor as early as tomorrow. republicans have a plan. that plan includes raising the debt ceiling 1.5 trillion to avoid default. that would be in exchange for reining in rampant federal spending blocking student loan forgiveness, adding work requirements to social programs and more.
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the white house won't even hear it. >> the house republicans' position is unless the president and senate agree to their entire agenda, that they are going to default and crash the economy. and that is dangerous. we have been very clear there will not be any negotiation around the debt ceiling. they did three times in the last administration and should do it now. it is unreasonable to put forth what they did last week. it is cruel. that piece of legislation is cruel. >> harris: is it cruel? >> look, i think mccarthy will win this fight. over 70% of the american people want them to negotiate. that's the reasonable position. majority of the american people do not want a debt ceiling that continues the current spending. they are opposed to it. so biden has taken saying he doesn't want to negotiate and
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arguing let's continue the deficit. those are unpopular and helps explain his poll numbers are bad. he is out of touch with the am an can people. biden democrats run a risk of repudiation on a grand scale. mccarthy set it up effectively. he whats to get votes this week. he has to roll up his sleeves and plan the last 5 or 6 votes. if he does and they pass something that's significant it puts senate democrats in a real bind and at that point biden will face so many democrats asking him to negotiate that in the end he will break and negotiate. >> harris: it is already starting to happen. you forecast what's going on on the right. i had on congressman biggs who supports the process. we have to cut. he doesn't like the ceiling where mccarthy is. for the 4 or 5 votes speaker
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mccarthy might want to drop by biggs office. you knew that somehow. >> harris, when i was speaker, we occasionally went to the floor with 15 minutes to go and 5 or 6 votes short and you had to spend the whole time on the floor figuring how to get the last 5 or 6 votes. i have a hunch kevin is smarter than i am and will have the votes before the vote starts. a couple of things will have to clear up to make sure they have the votes. if they do he is in a very strong position. i think the country -- you have already seen senator manchin endorse what mccarthy is doing and a dozen democrats saying the president has to negotiate. biden is on a losing strategy right now. >> harris: so glad you were here. thank you. fox news with exclusive video now. more people flooding over our border any way they can. does it look like a checkpoint
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to you? no. some are paddling across the rio grande like they do. critics say liberals are turning a complete blind eye to what is happening, particularly the thousand of children when they get here. they've lost 85,000 of them under mayokas's watch, the dhs secretary. so sad. now we all know the consequences of the endless school closures because of the pandemic. lawmakers demanding answers from those who kept the shutdowns going even after the science did not justify it. >> early on it was shown that schools were not super spreader events. very low risk to children. we had the data, the science. p you shall push >> harris: super spreader? randi weingarten the head of the huge teachers union set for a grilling offer the unions role in the lockdown. jason chaffetz in "focus."
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>> harris: republican lawmakers hoping to see randi weingarten's day of reckoning tomorrow at a hearing. she have was the face of all those school shutdowns that turned out to be a horrible decision for our nation's children. lawmakers want to know if her union edited the cdc school reopening guidelines to keep those classrooms empty longer than the science justified. expert witness testifying at an earlier hearing that the closures had a very negative effect on the education and on the mental health of our little ones. here is congresswoman. >> no one look at the harms created to children.
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the learning loss that was already significant in closing in the spring. the mental health problems. the impact on sports and scholarships. impact on physical health as well as obesity and mental health, learning loss. >> harris: the congresswoman laid out all the things we experienced. aishah hosni is live for us on capitol hill. >> good afternoon to you. i think it's safe to say randi weingarten is in for a brutal grilling on capitol hill tomorrow and she knows it. why? she has decided to lawyer up. the president of the american federation of teachers has hired washington attorney who is well-known for defending ford and mccabe and foxx. in a letter he accuses the subcommittee of false and misleading claims as the basis
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of their investigation. of course, their investigation is into aft's role in editing the cdc's covid-19 school reopening guidance and keeping schools closed longer than necessary. you remember it was discovered the union's suggested language wound up in cdc school reopening guidance in 2021. the union says its role was limited. in march experts testified here on the hill before the committee that the science never, ever justified the prolonged closing of schools. closings critics blame for learning loss and a rising toll on kids' mental health. the hearing happens tomorrow and all eyes will be on randi weingarten and how she defends her union's actions. >> harris: thank you very much. i'm still digesting what you said about her lawyering up. we'll get to that in a minute. as i understand that's pretty rare. thank you. even with all we know now some
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covid school restrictions are still in effect to this day. no matter that the president lifted the pandemic emergency a couple of weeks ago and did that earlier than what he said he was going to do. d.c. public schools still require covid testing from returning students. a scathing op-ed takes the people behind the lockdowns to the task. a quote. the horrible schools killed people by continuing to demand intrusive government policies that didn't work. in fact made things worse. will they be forever ashamed? nope. but they should be. jason chaffetz, fox news contributor and former utah congressman. i love watching news come together with you next to me. you are an ongoing commentary. weingarten lawyered up and you say? >> that's rare to none. that almost never happens. usually if you are representing a union, you are begging and lobbying congress. we want to come tell the story
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and talk about what is happening with teachers. the idea she is lawyering up gives me the indication as chairman of the oversight committee she knows there is documentation out there between her and the executive branch that is way over the line. i wouldn't be surprised if there are parts of it where she will plead the five. >> harris: i have to say, can randi weingarten on school lockdowns. the poster child for this. her face everywhere. what she pushed for. she can plead the fifth with our kids who are in danger? >> anybody can plead the fifth if they think we're criminally negligent. this is the question for the chairman, one of the best members of congress, smart and hard, love this guy. they are looking at the documentation and the interaction with the executive branch that put together what
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happened with the cdc and what happened with the department of education and the rules that were put in place and the documentation in place. it was represented to the american people that it was science. they are the party of science. they will drive science. if it's the teachers union putting forth those documents and editing the documents and plenty of evidence of this we'll see what else the committee has come up with. the idea she has lawyered up is highly suspicious. >> harris: to hear a teachers' union for teaching our kids science. that they would edit it. >> under her they morphed into a political organization. now they moved to tens of millions of dollars injecting that into politics. they held those schools particularly in california closed until they had other parts of their political social
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blm agenda put forward. that's where they were at. it wasn't about the kids. it certainly wasn't about the teachers. >> harris: i remember one rally in particular she was shouting at the top of her lungs like she was on a campaign stop. let's get to this. stunning new video from the southern border shows throngs of people crossing into our nation illegally. they are swimming across the rio grande and some even paddling on what looks like air mattresses. the chief patrol agent there says some 1600 people crossed into brownsville, texas in just about 24 hours. all of this after reports of the biden administration ignoring warnings about what happened to 85,000 children who are missing. after they made it to the united states. here is senator marsha blackburn reacting on the "focus." >> these children being sent to people that are using them for labor or putting them into gangs
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or for sex trafficking. it is modern day slaver re. the humanitarian crisis this has caused. your child who you thought was going to america for education and opportunity, you can't find them or hear from them. >> harris: it is the biggest scoop that had the smallest consequence. a quote, this should have been and should be an epic year-defining scandal. it isn't that big a deal if migrant children are being widely exploited if the problem can be traced back to the biden administration's policy decision. it is heartbreaking. modern day slavery is on biden's watch. >> it is not 1 or 2 cases. these kids are being raped and trafficked. they are being exploited. then they are going into child labor. what kind of country are we? where are the people in this
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administration who actually care about this? it is absolutely disgusting. you talk to any border patrol agent involved and engaged in this and they'll tell you this is the case. not some republican theory out there. this is what's happening on the ground and every border patrol agent will tell you that's the case. >> harris: when you stand in eagle pass, texas, right on the precipice of where they are coming across and see the little ones. they can't swim they are so tiny and being carried. some get dropped and our men and women jump in to save them. >> they put their lives on the line. go to the port of entry. they go around the port of entry and that's what the drug cartels want them to do. >> harris: jason, thank you for being in "focus." [shouting] >> harris: it got chaotic at
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montana's capitol yesterday. this is about transgender legislation that would allow gender affirming surgeries for minor children. you didn't have to check with their pair analities. it is a major issue poised to be key in 2024. remember yesterday it was oregon, it was washington. now more. plus president biden with no shortage of awkward moments and gaffes while in office. >> president biden: if you don't have one of those loans you get $10,000 written off. it is passed. i got it passed by a vote or two. two words, made in america. in 2018 when they tried to do it we went to 54 states. >> harris: made in america. that's my favorite one. the liberal media continue to run cover. one commentator claimed he has a largely gaffe-free presidency. yeah. wow. power panel next.
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>> harris: liberal media heaping praise on president biden as he launches his re-election bid. one headline calling out an absurd take from a pbs commentator. watch. >> there is still a lot of democrats who think he should not run. that's mostly an edge issue. the mid-term election silenced all this and looking strong. gave a strong state of the union. no obvious gaffes, big scandals or anything like that. >> harris: wow, with a straight face he said that. just yesterday president biden confused a democrat.
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congresswoman hayes, he didn't know how to say her name. he referred to her as multiple times. he called her jonah. we know this isn't the first flub. >> president biden: jonah, by the way jonah hays, where are you? there you are in front of me. stand up, jonah. >> it was also kamala's birthday. >> in 2018 when at the tried -- we won't to 54 states. >> harris: keep running the two words run. biden definitely has not escaped scandal. no. that's not true. he definitely has not. house republicans investigating hunter biden's sketchy business deals say the biden family received millions of dollars from communist china and claim that's just the tip of the iceberg. biden also is under scrutiny over the discovery of classified documents in several locations
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including his home in delaware and the penn biden center and still don't know about the 1800 documents at the university of federal. molly hemingway and david car lucci, great to see you both. molly, start with you for top line thoughts. >> it is insulting to everyone's intelligence to say the biden administration has not been full of gaffes and scandals. those are important. the gaffes tell us something about his mental acuity. the scandals point to not just the corruption of the biden family business, but also these new allegations that the justice department or other groups were inappropriately interfering in an investigation of the same. bigger than that, setting aside the gaffes and scandals, we have nationwide scandals in terms of floundering economy that biden keeps wanting to pump more taxpayer money that makes inflation worse, no border.
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we have our foreign policy problems because biden has led us into this war and taken his eye off china. much bigger issues. the gaffes and scandals are also very bad. >> harris: your rebuttal, david. >> we can't talk about this in a vacuum. we look at the precedent that donald trump set. >> harris: oh, reflexively trump. you know what? not on this tuesday because your guy just declared he is running for president as the oldest man in u.s. history to do so. we'll stay on topic in honor of your guy, david. try to talk about biden. >> when we talk about gaffes, these are innocent gaffes. they are not deliberate attacks on the media. what it shows is that he is speaking and delivering results. that's what really matters. the gaffes that he said are not things that he has done deliberately or have caused controversy. when we talk about controversy,
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of course we have to talk about it in the collective what we've seen over the past six years. when we jocks juxtapose the two. >> harris: the one china policy. we have a situation where threats have been made on the lives of american lawmakers who went to support taiwan. think about what you just said. didn't do it on purpose. he has done it so many times the white house had to put away its broom from doing the cleanup. molly has the last word before we move on. >> i do think it's interesting to compare the last six years. during the trump administration a thriving economy beginning to get control of the border. not a single new war breaking out and ending of wars that people had grown tired of how we were fighting them versus this horrific malaise that has beset the country and the cringe
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inducing gaffes. the clip you showed you don't want to watch. they aren't the most important things but not great and embarrassing to see on the global stage. >> harris: i'm curious to get your thoughts on this. your strategy about this you shared with us many times, does it work. president biden called out for his rare public appearances. just last week "the new york times" reported that biden is averaging just ten news conferences a year. this is far fewer than any president since ronald reagan. biden is also far behind on interviews. so far biden has only sat for 54. a fraction of the number granted by trump, and obama in their first two years. the headline. biden's genius is his hiding. it could get him another four years? >> when i come from to talk for the sake of talking is not a virtue.
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he has given more interviews than ronald reagan who is considered the great communicator. it is not about quantity, it is about quality. and that's what is important to remember. in this day and age 40 years later after ronald reagan we have a different way to communicate with the american people. we all admit there is media that's giving different point of views. but if we can deliver a message directly to the american people, that's a good way to do it. so with technology, social media, with people having access to computers and phones and seeing this information instantly, the president has adopted the strategy to deliver that message. they have also reinstated a daily press briefing by the secretary of communication which was done away with. >> harris: i tend to roll my eyes. she won't answer a question.
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i have often long thought, molly, they don't prepare her. she is often counter to the white house and the president -- the president with what she has to say. >> she is very bad at her job. what's interesting she doesn't get that much pushback from the media. biden understands he doesn't need to do press conferences or work with the media publicly. they are carrying his water at all times. we have a corrupt media regime that silences effectively conservative voices and thoughts and runs democrat messaging. he ran for president without being on the campaign trail. he doesn't need to be doing anything now. they will take care of his messaging and lie on his behalf and suppress news and information that harms his presidency. he has them at his beck and call. frankly incompetent press secretary who is also cringe-inducing to watch. the press don't react that negatively to it particularly in comparison to their utter hysteria when they were dealing with the previous
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administration. >> harris: always great to have you in "focus." david, call the white house and give them some messaging tips. you always have some in your back pocket. >> thank you. >> harris: all right. it's a fight that is gaining momentum at this point. texas, the latest state pushing to keep men and boys out of women and girls sports. plus the president's take on your children. your children. >> president biden: there is no such thing as someone else's child. our nation's children are all our children. >> harris: so your children, which you bathe and feed and take care of when they are sick and do all the hard work don't really belong to you. there is huge backlash to this. jason rantz in "focus" next.
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>> harris: it is a new sign of the times. it is not good. every single item now under lock and key at target stores in san francisco. look at all the plexiglas and locks. the consequence of allowing shoplifters to run rampant to give them safe space to do what they do. now nobody can have anything. fox business has more. >> i don't know how you shop,
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harris. i compare the products i pick up and it will be really hard to shop at that target in san francisco where the entire aisles are locked up behind glass. cosmetics, toothpaste and soap all boarded up. organized retail crime in san francisco second worst in the nation behind l.a. target says we've hired more security guards. third party security guards and we're using new technology to keep the thieves out. guess what? not working. they estimate hundreds of millions in profits lost to theft in the first three months of this year. look at the numbers, 14,000 cases of theft, that includes motor vehicle theft in san francisco. i know the numbers are on par with recent years because crime needs to be reported to be recorded and many people just aren't even bothering to report the crime anymore. many in the community say they
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feel unsafe. >> as a former police officer myself i don't feel safe in the city anymore. we're fighting for ourselves and it is terrible. >> i spoke a restaurant and bar in a nice area of san francisco. he just closed down after losing money for 24 months in a row. he said to me you know, people from the suburbs used to drive maybe half an hour to my business and they stopped doing that because they were afraid to park their car in the street because somebody who steal it or break into it. if you talk to other bars in the area, i did, there is organized crime where people are going around the bars just taking cell phones out of people's pockets. this is what's going on. and people -- i don't want to say you are getting used to it but you don't think anything will change so you get used to it. >> harris: that personal crime that reach in and grab on somebody's person or belonging that is a slippery slope and
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that's where things in a setting where people are imbibing and not paying attention can get physical fast. very frightening. thank you for bringing us that information. texas is getting into the fight to protect women's sports. it is joining a legal challenge to ban transgender athletes from competing against biological females. they cite fairness and stripping women of scholarships and opportunity. parent groups and education advocates representing some 400,000 people came out against biden's plan to change title ix. that would allow gender identity to override biological sex. you can choose what you want to be and compete where you want to. riley gaines on "focus" recently called the plan a slap in the face. >> it felt like betrayal and be
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littlement and reduced as female athletes down to something to just affirm a male's feelings at the expense of our own. you hear the argument the democrats are putting forward saying where is our compassion towards these trans athletes. where is the compassion for an athlete by myself? >> 21 states ban or restrict trans athletes from competing against actual women. jason rantz, seattle radio host. i quoted you ten times because you had so much to say on this issue. now we pick up states doing this more and that was just a week or so ago that you and i spoke. >> i think this is going to continue. you will see progressive states decide that there is no difference biologically between men and women and have the conservative states saying the opposite. this is clearly going to play a significant role in the -- in all upcoming elections.
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this is not controversial. ist is not controversial to say there is a difference between men and women and the reason why title ix was created. there are differences and levels of fairness that we are throwing away. i hope that at some point someone demands from the president to look a young girl in her eyes and tell her you have to miss this next opportunity because i want a biological boy to play instead of you. have that conversation, be brutal with these kids. it's the truths. >> harris: that's what happened to riley gaines. she and lia thomas tied and went to give an award and they said they will give it to the biological male lia thomas, this makes history, so on and so forth. anybody winning at that level makes history, otherwise there will be billboards on the planet with their names on it. that's not how it works. it is a special category.
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so much is in jeopardy here. chaos us a visual of all this. chaos in montana's capitol building. prot protestors. they caused this scene. [shouting] >> harris: riot police were called in and arrested seven protestors. jason, what they are saying is they don't want any restriction and we are talking about really what here? what do they think they can accomplish here? fighting the police? >> well, the intent is to silence and bully anyone who stands in the way and they know for the most part that they are going to get favorable treatment from the media both locally and nationally. fox news is an outlier in actually call this out for what it is. really think about what they are fighting for. they are fighting for surgical
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interventions for children. i am in a state where you can get these procedures like so many other states without parental consent. now if you run away from home in order to receive this, the state isn't going to tell the parents where the kids are. these are minors who are too young to go to war, for gun ownership, for purchasing of alcohol and cigarettes, for consent to have sex and yet we tell them that you are at this point ready to make body-altering and life-altering decisions. this is not the right message. it is certainly in conflict with everything democrats told us about kids just a few years ago. >> harris: that's a really present and important point. let's move to this because president biden is again in some hot water for a remark he made during an event. this one on the 2023 teacher of the year rebecca peterson. >> she put a teacher's creed to
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word. no such thing as someone else's child. our nation's children are all our children. >> harris: a new op-ed urges parents to fight back against joe biden's designs on all of our children. quote, biden isn't just wrong, but dangerously wrong when he and his allies push this idea our nation's children are their parents' children first and foremost. this battle is civilizational, a battle parents must win. also at issue some democrat-led states are passing at this point legislation that would allow very young children to have gender transition surgery without their parents' consent. without their parents even knowing it is happening. here is kat timpf in "focus." children don't belong to the state overall. i don't see how this is possible regardless of what you think
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about this issue, how would a parent not know that a child was going through something like this? this is something that parents have to know about just logistically. regardless of the fact that i think it's crazy to have children be making permanent decisions when they are minors. >> harris: kat made so many good points there. bottom line. this question for me. how in the world is it okay for someone to take your child out of your possession, out of your responsibility, potentially out of your state and cut on them? >> it's not okay. this again is one of those really non-controversial issues. the problem is most people don't know about it. if everyone was aware of what's been going on in the name of transgender rights, which really have nothing to do with transgender rights but this is barbaric and wrong and intentionally trying to break up families. with all due respect to the president and any teacher who
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believes that the kids belong to the nation, that is not the case. the reason why is because we don't all have shared values and principles and we know there are far left educators who don't share the same principles than the parents. >> harris: so true. ja ja jason rantz, i will be quoting you the rest of the week. "outnumbered" is next.
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