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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 25, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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time. go to, powered by innovation refunds. [music] >> you're watching "outnumbered" i'm harris faulkner with my cause emily compagno and kayleigh mcenany. for the first time on the couch we are excited to be joined by television host and author, kim douglas. and that delicious sense of humor. where you are glad she's here.
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also, as a former biden campaign surrogate, kevin walling is here and you just pump some news that you're gonna do that job again. >> it's a big day for the president. >> you're gonna take out your surrogate button? >> not today. tomorrow, maybe. >> we will try to keep you challenged. let's begin with this president bided making a long-awaited announcement he will run for reelection in 2024. it comes as a president is facing very disappointing polling appeared potentially damaging investigations and mounting questions about his age. he is the oldest man to ever run for the white house in our nation. the president kicked off his campaign on video today. confirm vice president kamala harris will return as his running mate. without a thing? was that a mystery? the news comes exactly 4 years to the day after joe biden announced his candidacy for the 2020 election. this time he says he is running with the new promise. to finish the job. >> around the country extremists are lining up to
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take on the bed rock freedoms. cutting social security that you pay for your entire life and cutting taxes from the wealthy. dictating what healthcare decisions women can make. banning books and telling people who they can love. all while making it more difficult for you to be able to vote. when i print ran for president 4 years ago i said we are in the battle of the soul america. we still are. that's why running for reelection. because i know america. let's finish this job. i know we can. this is the united states of america. there's nothing we cannot do when we do it together. >> with the way the corporations are lining up to tell people get a job. what about the one he's trying to finish? kim, the polling stands out to you today. >> yes. the post online. this is the party that's all about scientific responsibility and so 70 percent of the nation does not want him or the dems
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don't want him. i think we have to look to that and realize that numbers don't lie. >> yeah, we will put him on the screen to support you with that. you're absolutely right. 70 percent, it's hard to get 70 percent to agree on anything. so what does this tell you in terms of how people are thinking? sometimes what that could mean is people won't vote. >> true, i think what happened here is when i saw the video i got very disappointed because i felt what happened was he wanted to create more divisiveness. i think that's the last thing we need right now. we need to find a middle ground. this is supposed to be the party of inclusivity. of bringing everybody together. it's talking about, let's talk about the extremists on this end. i think that is so destructive to the fabric of america right now. >> yeah, kevin, when i watch this at this morning. i thought something so much what kim is saying. i said that unity, the dripping vocabulary of unity is gone. it's not there at all.
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i called it last hour. basically an attack ad clicks i think he is taking a play for the midterms. we framed it as a choice election between some of the extremism we're seeing on the right and the president. >> just one second. the difference for me and for voters for the midterms is that he wasn't actually the man he was voting for. no matter what was going on to me of like what he said and liked him going and attack dog and whatever appeared there were voting for the person in our district. now he is the attack dog you're going to get. do you think that makes people feel calm when they can afford bread? >> we will see 18 months from now. i think he has to frame it as this choice election. because of some the difficulties you mentioned. i think the president relishes being an underdog. your new gingrich on your show earlier on the focus. he had that op-ed where he said
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publicans take heed. don't underestimate joe biden. we saw polls going into iowa and new hampshire. he came back at one south carolina overwhelmingly then run the table. he likes to be in the underdog position and he is with the reelect. >> i want to get this in there. nbc polling of those who said no. they were asked, how does this age factor in? you won't vote for him but is this the reason why? 48 percent of them said it's a major reason why. 21 percent minor. 29 not really a reason. you mentioned newt gingrich. do we have that ready? let's go straight to him. he was on focus with me last hour talking about the biden campaign. box his view is he is the president. he thanks he could beat trump. he thanks nobody can beat him. he is probably not right. i can imagine anyone defeating biden for the democratic nation. whether the country likes it, this is what they've e done. this is a guy try to coerce a country from and everything from transgender issues to
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climate issues to the border. this is guy who frankly has run a pretty competent research demonstration which is why americans think american is in decline. most americans need a different approach. >> republicans are knocking to go quietly into the night. >> no they are not. i interviewed newt gingrich a couple weeks ago. one of the things we talk about is the unpopularity of joe party doesn't translate into victory for the republicans. what do republicans do with what they saw today? 2 things, biden flipped freedom on his head. our response is a party it needs to be, are you really free if you can't walk down the streets of chicago without fear of being assaulted? i really free if your kid was locked out of the school for 2 years and has operable learning damage? are you really free to go to grocery store and saddled with
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inflation? that is number one. number 2, it's easy to wash that ad. is he dark, doom and gloom ultra mega republicans is a theme of biden. easy to laugh it off and we did that as a party for the midterms. can't laugh it off. it worked in the midterms. what do republicans need to do? they need to flip extremity on its head and put it right back at biden while simultaneously proving the ad wrong by being a party of optimism, hope, a vision of the future and so far i like the response today from trump. he said look, for to 4 months if not gotten a pay raise. real median income has gone down in this country. tim scott out with another great response saying, this president is targeting religious liberties and leaving the border open.wasting trillions of dollars we don't health.that kind of choice to kim's point, needs to be the unilateral voice of the republican party. >> i hope the republicans don't listen to that. that's great advice. >> emily's special gift is a closing argument.
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[laughter]. what i heard newt gingrich also say last hour is, house speaker kevin mccarthy, has an ability to make a closing argument if he can get the debt ceiling done with the president. he said he will have a lot of momentum coming out of a boat out of the house. he's only 4 or 5 short. newt gingrich said i could get those of 15 minutes. we know your briliant. talk to me about the closing argument for republicans? one has to be being able to govern. you've got this debt ceiling. >> to further your point kayleigh is this passivity. kevin, we talk about the underdog or president biden. i don't see him as underdog. he's enjoyed all the elite privileges of surfing in the swamp and raining over the swamp 450 years. the referendum on his performance, the critical frank stark assessment on his performance that shows 70 percent of democrats don't want him to run again.
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the shows majority americans feel they are in a worse place. they do not trust him economically in foreign policy and etc. it has nothing to do with him being an underdog. it has to do with his failure to perform. an underdog is someone who doesn't have notoriety, popularity and name recognition. this president has everything. >> and the media. >> exactly. and apologist media. when i saw that campaign and today i was immediately taken back. i time traveled back i thought to myself. what fatigue, what exhaustion on my part to see the same
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campaign and. without it is this a repeat or possess from this year? for him to play that same tired note. the separation, the anti-mega, the anti-xyz.america is a far more evolved. we need specifically. metals in it incumbent on the gop to outline here's how and why you are worse off. we all know were worse off. at the bank, at the church, at schools, at the kitchen table. we know why we are worse off. it's incumbent upon the gop to harness that and to combat this tired repetitious had come at the divisiveness, the divisiveness. here's xyz and here is the candidate that will deliver appeared. >> case >> 18 months to go. >> all right, up next. as a parental rights ebate is really getting hot. president biden is making some interesting claims about our own children. >> there's no such thing as someone else's child. no such thing as someone else's child. our nation's children are all all our children. scientifically designed with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment hey, man. you could save hundreds for safe driving with liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance. so you only pay for what you need! whoo! we gotta go again.
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order at or amazon. >> we see this play out time
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after time across the country. parents standing up and
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speaking out in an effort to have more say in their kids lives and education. it appears president biden, doesn't agree. making comments of teachers event yesterday that suggest kids don't necessarily belong to their parents. >> there's no such thing as someone else's child. no such thing as someone else's child. our nation's children are all our children. as often we say, your teachers hold the kite strings to lift our national ambitions aloft. you really do. imagine, just imagine. if we didn't have great teachers in this country. what difficult. you are determining our future. >> putting aside it's hard for me to reconcile the freedom message with the fact that our children are not our own. putting that aside, covenanters vulnerabilities politically. we saw this in for jeanette were mccall and made the remark
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of parents not having a role the curriculum. education surged. mcculloch had a 35 point advantage on this swung the other way to youngkin. who got a 9 point advantage. 42 points wings. there are some vulnerabilities . >> that's a great point. governor youngkin won that election. what the president was speaking towards hopefully in that address was a collective nature that coming out of covid. we see this rates of depression in children fully behind. we have a collective responsibility as americans to look out for our children especially the teachers. i should not discount the incredibly important role parents play. that is end line mina for democrats if we continue to get it between parents and their kids on these curriculum issues. on teachers issues and things like that. >> may i? that seems like a cleanup effort. of course it's your fault. on your side of the aisle you and post the lockdowns. through the school unions. of course there is this idea, i would imagine, from the top
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down that you've got a cleanup on aisle 6 now. yeah, there isn't a lot of mental health issue laying out there and everyone has got something different. i would like not to put it all in one basket. some kids are depressed. some kids are having a hard time making eye contact. their self-esteem's are damaged. they haven't had one on one care. some of them went hungry for a period of time because schools will answer for their meals. that was the case here in big cities like new york. i understand this idea of well, let's just take sweeping action and say the kids are all hours. what happened but they were on lockdown? they were still hours by the way. i was doing all the science projects next to the kids. they were much smarter than i fortunately. i get it. what about the 85,000 migrant children your administration has lost? you've gotta find them first. >> we do. we got it wrong on a lot of that in terms of the school from home issue. that is something democrats and a lot of these governors need to own. were to be go from here? how do we support these
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children now? i think that's what the president was trying to make for the rose garden. x you don't want the president to try to own not? the letter for the school board, those things went to the white house. in the cdc. >> the president didn't allow the schools to close down. that was edit of the trap administration. >> had nausea him at the podium for opening schools. that was with the republican point. the democrats fought that. emily i want to flash back to bite in a year ago. he said almost the same exact thing. >> you heard me say it many times. about our children. it is true. they are all our children. they're not somebody else's children they are yours when they are in the classroom. >> teachers are important in society. i sat here with you emily for 2 months being pregnant. i can promise you that's my child and i gave her to it. it's not someone else's. >> what were seeing here is typical biden and democrat party. apply to the us that they can be summed up in one headline. that could be summed up in
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their tweet character limit. when you dig down deep when he is articulate me as he is beholden to the unions. he is articulating all children, they don't matter and they are not all his. 85,000 are missing the cam across the border that he claims to feel compassion toward. you know in the headlines, we know in excruciating detail from district attorneys about the abuse and the squalid conditions that migrant children had to endure in their facility and their processing. we know he has fluffed off from one agency of one department to another these migrant children so, it's only convenient to him when he is standing behind a podium. when it comes to policymaking, the hard work, the cdc saying, yes because of our kids mental health because they're out of school for so long. this is a crisis. it's an emergency. i haven't heard him respond to that whatsoever. everything here is frankly dangerous because of what he
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means by it is far more insidious then i'm here to take care of all your children. remember policy like avenue some.if you are a transgender youth you have century in his state the state becomes ricardian. there has real inflammation affects with this dangerous thinking that takes the rights away from parents. >> i have some parental bills i'd like to cental way. >> it's not just a government we are seeing. were seen and across media. train up a child in the weight he should go. the book of proverbs says. right wing christians the concept is simple a child can be broken or stamped into shape. much like a domesticated animal. this callous attitude towards parents particularly parents of faith. it seems to be ever present spirit. >> kayleigh i begged, borrowed and stole to get my child hunter. a breakthrough yourself infertility. do not tell me he's not my child child. you might tell me it takes a village to raise my child. i will raise hunter until this
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very moment. he's 25 years old. he calls me every night. my values are his values. we want to bring in the home are what we want to raise hunter up. children are a blessing. they are not for the world. i tell hunter, be very careful, the peers that you choose. be very careful who you allow in your life. that creates the character of the man that i raised. biden has nothing to do with that.>> that was so beautifully said. wow. coming up, shoplifting in san francisco is so out of hand that some retailers are going into a complete lockdown. a target store now putting all of its merchandise behind lock and key. more on that, next. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. a va home loan is unique. it's different than other loans because it allows you to borrow up to 100% of the home's value. that extra borrowing power may allow you to pay down debt, lower your monthly payments, put cash in the bank, and give you the peace of mind that every veteran deserves.
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>> america's crime crisis is
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forcing some retailers to take drastic action. look at this. a target store in san francisco putting its entire inventory behind security class. under lock and key. reassessing some specific items, razor blades and etc. locked up because of shoplifting. we are talking about what appears to be the whole store now. separately, a target worker is reviewing on to talk how bad the shoplifting crisis has cotton. watch as she runs down the list of popular beauty products swiped off the store shelves. >> this was everything that was stolen in the beauty section that we found laying around. this moisturizer come empty. this ãappeared some vaseline. some serum drops. eyelashes. these were used in gross. body sponge.
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uncle flora was stolen. >> oh, lived in la, what is like there? >> first i want to say the serum drops are really great. emily, it is unbelievable. i lived alone in los angeles. i lived on the ground floor. i am petrified. i literally am. i don't know, make sure everything is double locked. i have my phone with me at all times. my son calls me every night, are you okay? i lived in a very nice neighborhood. i am petrified. there's so much crime around i literally lived 2 blocks away from a tent city that was near the veteran center. there was so much going on. i can't even tell you. it was crazy. crime is awful. i was born and raised in detroit michigan. at the time it was a murder capital of the country. i'm very familiar with this and it keeps getting worse. >> yeah, san francisco is gavin
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newsom's former stomping ground. that's where he was mayor appeared regularly covered under the governor's watch. the whole thing is deteriorating. kevin, i spent a lot of weekends traveling. i lived here in new york city. i will literally do my shopping and his random towns i'm in during the weekend because are not under lock and key. i'm like oh great i could get my shampoo and conditioner. the target that's next to me, the cvs and new york the whole things under lock and key. it's convenience but, it represents a larger problem that is extremely troublesome. >> you're right emily. i'm based in dc i go to the target to get shampoo, to get laundry detergent. it is all behind the lock and key. i think this is a problem for democrats clearly on the crime issue. we need to do a better job about messaging, not just messaging but hiring more police. i want more to across to talk about hiring more community police officers. there is rising rates. it's not just in our inner cities, it's in a rural area and suburban areas too. coming on a covid nursing desperation. talk about wage growth and real need for people to be able to pay for themselves.
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there been relegated to stealing and shoplifting which is a problem. >> not everybody's poor knox old ladies down on the way to get to the razors behind plexiglas. >> that is true. a lot of it is desperation in day-to-day life. >> desperation doesn't have to lead you to violent crime. this is such a slippery slope. that's what we saw in new york city and in the boroughs here. one of the reasons they had to put things behind lock and key and particularly pharmacies was because those things were being resold on the corner around the corner from the store. it's a dangerous situation. they told employees, do not try to stop these people. young girls and young men and women 30 jewelry stores everything. jewelry store of course you have things under lock and key. you're gonna tell me go in and
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buy feminine products now? who's running off with that? but, people are. i don't know that desperation is always the hook. it becomes an excuse. we all can do buried. we can all lift. my parents started with nothing. >> i appreciate that distinction harris. kayleigh, there's a massive tragedy that has occurred with this reset it is shoplifters. we watched as 80 something-year-old man died because he was pushed out of the way by shoplifter at home depot. we know an employee in southern california was trying to shop or who was trying to stop shoplifters of cvs was killed in the parking lot. while the left tends to frame it as one of need, frankly, the obvious issue is its people taking advantage. for example san francisco you see less than $1000. that's a misdemeanor and there's no accountability. the list goes on with fatal consequences. this isn't about lost items. it's about losing money in the billions and about the priceless loss of life.
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>> that nailed it. 2 reasons this is happening, number one cash fail, number 2 the police officers retired. sam francisco is a cashless fail and number 2 they lost 532 officers. they are 25 percent shortfall of officers. we talked about chicago the arrest rate is 12 percent for crimes. 12 percent, think about that under lori lightfoot. you couple that with the decline of arrest beers a drop in nearly every category of a police officer activity. not because they don't want to be out on the streets. because they are retiring, they are in short supply. as you know emily such a valent warrior for police officers across the country. >> as we all are. >> i was gonna say, this is another aspect of this.'s not a river. literally, i heard npr, a report from npr was broadcasting and saying something and they said, the so-called crime wave.
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you can't deny that there is crime. if they are just denying it and say it's not there. we've got a bigger problem that what we are talking about right now.>> the mayor new york city tied it. he says it's a perception of crime. i appreciate how far you are taught there appeared a lot of democrats won't. >> on a democrat that's pro-police. we need to recruit more good officers. i fundamentally rejected the sodas joe biden. >> you understand you can't get the good ones that you lost? that experience that left the ranks. >> the mentorship that goes along the ranks. >> if gotta change the rhetoric. >> to at least point, reset a schism such a part of this. i spent myself between south carolina and dc. south carolina has great model for folks are incarcerated.
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they get jds. they get some level of opportunity. so they're not doing the same thing once they are released. and issues with cashless fail as well. when i back out on the street. i'm yelling at the top of my lungs to democrats to this issue. >> are you sure? >> coming up on a happier note. new pulling on the secret to happiness. we will tell you what the happiest americans all have in common. that's next. working with newday, my va home loan benefit allowed me to keep my money in my pocket. in my pocket. and my service was my down payment. i talked with newday on a thursday, put a contract on this house on saturday. 30 days later, we were moving in. i would tell other vets out there who are dreaming of getting into a home to stop dreaming. pick up the phone. call newday. you served your country. allow newday to serve you. ♪ ♪
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and they have fast, reliable shipping. ask yourself. are you safe? make gold your new standard. call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900, 800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. . [laughter]. what's the secret to happiness? the new wall eet journal paul may have found it. according to the poll a small group of americans about 12 percent, consider themselves to be not just happy but, very
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happy. they shared some distinct characteristics. 34 percent were above the age of 60. 65 percent were women. if you were wondering, their political party to not make much of a difference. of those that call themselves very happy, marriage, community involvement and belief in god. not surprise on that one were all major values that factored into their response. let's start with our guest host today. television host and author, kim douglas. kim, i don't like to use the word very happy. i think it's better encapsulated by the word way. happiness goes up and down. in this article people were dealing with children that had cancer and tape tragedies. they still have joy in the life which is founded in faith. your thoughts? >> you are and i are part of a club that we never wanted to be in. we are survivors of breast cancer powell. i could have never gone through that or anything in my life without the foundation of my belief in god. i totally agree. what could be a pulpit and all start preaching right now.
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seriously, i think your belief in god has so much to do with setting that foundation.being able to get through whatever it is in life. that comes your way. i totally agree with you. i was married for 37 years. my husband recently passed away. i think. >> i'm sorry. >> thank you. i think a long marriage has so much to do with it. i totally see how they are the happiest people. >> sobel said. i'm a pre-five verse 5 the brekke jean meeting. i'm so inspired by your story and strength, thank you for sharing. harris, it doesn't surprise me that this pulled 12 percent. that's a sad number just 12 percent. it doesn't surprise me comes alongside the vast majority of us adults believing in god going down. this is according to gallup. the 81 percent who say they believe in god is down 6 percent from 2017 and is the
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lowest gallup trend history. alongside this very happy number, the lowest number since they been taking the pole. >> that's why faith still moves mountains. even going in the wrong direction gallup is been doing it since 1940s. even with that i have mustard seed faith.any mention joy. that comes from our faith. it's joy to the world. it's not happiness to the world. it's a contentment knowing that no matter what comes down the pike you can lean into the impenetrable power of prayer. and sustainably resilient take what god's will is in your life and make a wonderful life of it. let him give you a divine assignment. these are all things i wholeheartedly believe in. as i get older whatever lies is easier to believe. i'm not so worried anymore. when you're younger you don't know that half the stuff probably more than half you worry about doesn't even happen.
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when does it never happens the way you thought it was going to happen. so, as you near those ages of 60 and 70, you do become more joyful. you realize also you've lived longer potentially than you have left. those realities i think are humbling. they are also freeing. they bring me great joy. it's all important now to left stuff go. >> amen. >> for our purposes we can let stuff go. >> emily, wall street journal interviewed some of these very happy people.i love what one of the response had to say. it was mr. larry old. he prays every night. if i have a medical problem i take it to god. it's not about you. your thoughts? >> it's not. i love we all share the same things. a lot of my france call me the human happy hour. i share all of the same
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tenants. you go to scripture, you look your faith. do not fear for i am with you appeared to not be dismayed for i am your god. we know that we are not ever alone. we know while the storm rages around us inside we are always peaceful. we are always calm. that level of perspective that comes from having faith from knowing the lord and sharing in this life experience. that's white nothing that happens on the outside can sway your vote. what this represents to me is importance of family and community and serving others. that is also the basis of our faith as well. the poll included in its citation. there is no greater joy than, i'm sure being a mother and being a family and helping others and serving mothers. that is its fundamental route and it makes all problems fail in comparison. >> you saw the numbers. kayleigh to your point, it's all about joy. alex, my fiancc are getting married in the spring next year in february. getting married in the combustible church in the cathedral town in south
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carolina. for breaking the mold in terms of millennial's that are drifting away from church weddings. we see that all the time. faith is so foundation to our relationship and our community and what we want to build together. >> that was one of the key elements. the people who are happy prioritized a solid relationship it doesn't surprise me. coming up why managers are calling jen sees the worst generation to work with. i don't agree with that. you were always the exception. and get cash? ws with a home loan from newday, take out an average of $70,000, pay off debts and high rate credit cards, and save hundreds every month. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections,
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the live report from billington gelber as peter ducey reports. an 80-year-old president biden focuses his economic agenda today on the economy. hours after he announced his long anticipated reelection bid. charles payne on by didn't make it the economy has been focus in 2024. we will take a quick spin on the touchscreen as brand-new pulling reports americans taking a dim view of the future looking positively of the past. come join a sun as america reports at the top of the hour. >> as we continue, we have breaking news. we will depend and show you
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that the president of the united states is now speaking about his administration's economic agenda. this is a union event at the washington hilton in dc.biden will talk about house massive spending plan will make the chemical most significant investment dealing with climate change ever. we're going to monitor this for you. this is the first time we have seen him in public since his videotape relaunching his campaign for reelection in 2024. just wanted to show you a tip of the president here and when he makes news we will take you there. we will keep you updated. >> when it comes to managing a workforce a resounding number of those in charge say jen z is the most challenging generation to work with.some of the reasons include, lack of certain skills and motivation. younger generations tendency to be easily distracted, easily offended and dishonest. it also comes with a sense of entitlement like a cherry on top. it's no wonder some of us doing
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the hiring are now looking elsewhere recruiting older workers and seniors whom they believe value hard work. trend 9, as a resident jen seat we know you are the exception. >> i am the millennial. kevin remembers this. we were told growing up they are lazy, we are unmotivated, we lived in basements, we are pajama always and girls.kevin and i are not. gen z, my entire press stuff was jen seat with one or 2 exceptions. one ran for office, one has a massive corporation. there were the most highly motivated people seen working in the white house. i appreciate them. i don't like the gen z out the widow thing. >> i think that's every generations point. there always knocking on the generation coming up behind us. i work with a bunch agenda and see folks. they're super dedicated. the largest percentage of folks entering the workforce are over 55. that population is going back to work to some degree because
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issues with gen z employees. it's interesting with a generic dynamic complaint. >> that generation i was reading is now paying for its adult children in many cases. those who are in their 50s. i think the cutoff is like 1964. for that gen x. they are finding that some of the younger people even grandkids are living with him. they are working probably to get away from the teenagers at home. they are wonderful. i love it. >> kim, your son is jesse right? >> yes. bringing it full-circle from her first story. i think it has a lot to do with what you instill in your child. he works in finance and is moving out here to new york. ea appeared he works crazy hours. trust your point about the
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offended, the jen z's that are offended. you guys commit that a dollar every time i was called a dumb blonde with the crazy voice and a curvy body. i would be a billionaire. >> is any of that an insult? no, you work that. >> you are so bright. i used it to propel me forward. what you think of a dumb blonde, i will show you.i will become a news anchor and give you the top stories. oh, you think of a crazy voice? i will do a podcast. instead of oh, you offended me, you don't like pink. pull up your big girl panties and let's move forward. >> yeah. kevin, i feel like part of it is what's happening on canvases lately. where, now we are learning that students are upset by b or upset by the grading system in general. they feel that the professor is to hard. we saw that here in new york city. the concert the professor. unfortunately there's a little bit of fomenting of this lazy stereotype and are easily offended stereotype that's being stoped on campuses.
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>> that's what's on display on social media.this generation as any generation east is take ownership for their actions and abilities. their test scores and things like that. our generation grandparent stepping and sometimes when we got c's and going to board meetings. my parents didn't do it they just had buck up. kaylee and i, the generation were like get off our lawn. this geriatric millennial's that are yelling at these jen z folks. which is a thing a geriatric millennial is an older millennial. >> i will remember when i was a millennial the great recession was happening.i never will forget an email i got. it was a stereotype we are all in a person's basement. this person said that i'm living in my parents basement and there's no job opening. my friend headed a job that she didn't need a college degree. there are certain economic realities for the reason they were millennial city basement. not everyone was lazy. harris, you are an honorable 30 years old. we know the generation that's being hired, our worth work
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ethic and living with her parents because times are out of control. but futurist beautified this relationship. it makes me proud to hear generations are standing up and coming back into the workforce in a way that highlights their ethics and their values. >> i'm addicted to that wisdom and experience that people bring to the workforce at a been there. ãis a derivative of our age. i am proud of it. >> throwing around numbers like 30 in gen z. if you like you just called me old. >> stop. >> he just said geriatric and look to me. >> know we are general actiq. >> all of it has to come down to wisdom and experience. if we can model that in the workplace for the younger generations, i think that's helpful.
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kim, as you pointed out, it's knocking to get an easier because they wanted to. and that's what i teach my husband is here today which is rare appeared were not gonna show you. we were married 20 years. now i guess he wants to be around me again. he's here. we are always seen her kids, watch us be resilient. watch us fight back from things that are difficult. everybody has tough times. people can look at other people's lives and think, oh, they've got everything. yeah, everything on the problems. i mean everything, all of it. all of the things. young people need to see older people the draw appeared on the fan even though i'm only 30 according to emily. >> we are all on the couch young in spirit. alright guys, more "outnumbered" in a moment. [music] i struggled with cpap every night. but now that i got the inspire implant, it's making me think of doing other things i've been putting off. like removing that tattoo of your first wife's name. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at
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identical twins bethany and stephanie both struggled with cpap for their sleep apnea. but stephanie got inspire, an implanted device . that works inside the body. there's no reason to keep struggling. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at ♪♪ >> kevin is like that's me. [laughter] >> last but not least, the shot
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shoe on the market right now has actually been around for quite a while. it's made a comeback. it's your dad's shoe from like 1972, but now it's here again. young people are gravitating toward the so-called dad sneakers. bulky athletic shoes decades ago and now fetching upwards to three times the sticker price. do you have some new balance that you are rocking new? >> i'm all about dad fashion, right, as the resident hopefully soon to be dad, i'm all about this. deal me in. what's old is new. >> you always look impeccable. on the plaza, unrecognizable sometimes. >> it's the make-up, it helps. >> flip-flops. >> flipped for triple the price. who knew this was a good investment. >> listen, i think they are so great, i think the younger women and men are so in on it. look at our feet, you guys. we all have on these spike high
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heels i call valet shoes, literally walk to and from the valet. all the young girls are wearing these big chunky fat cool sneakers with the big, you know, baggy jeans and the crop top, i'm coming back in with that tomorrow, guys. >> a reason to come to work tomorrow, don't forget your dvr. "america reports" now. >> sandra: president biden making his bid for re-election official and right now is putting his economic record front and center as he asks america for four more years in office. that is a live look at the president speaking. hello, sandra smith in new york. hi, john. >> john: happy tuesday to you, sandra. john roberts in washington. this is "america reports." the 80-year-old president making his first speech since tossing his hat into the ring earlier today. we are also awaiting a white house briefing wit


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