tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News April 25, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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>> sean: we will have a live audience show tomorrow and thursday. a few of the guests in studio, kayleigh mcenany, jimmy bayless, sara carter, and a couple of surprises but you want to be a part of the show? got to tickets are free but that's all the time we have left. let not your heart be troubled. law ingram, you've got the best applause on any guest we've had on the show be the best applause ever. they love you. >> laura: are we on the air now? have we started questioning hey! how are you? i thought we were just talking just talking. >> sean: tomorrow night it'll be hooting and hollering and people throwing footballs and saying hi, laura, we love you, lara. >> laura: that was fun. i hate to tell you, hate to break this to you, but i'm going to be coming to new york a lot more. so i'll see you much more
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regularly. >> sean: really? if you come to new york, do one audience show weeks of people can, you know, say hi and shake your hand and they don't give me a standing o. you got a standing l. >> laura: will get the same people in your event over in my event. appreciate it be all right, hannity. >> sean: that'll be fun. >> laura: exactly! thank you, hannity p thank you so much but i am laura ingraham pair this is "the ingraham angle." thank you for sending time with us tonight. the biden protection racket. that's the focus of tonight's angle. they couldn't even trust be a 13 to announce he's running for reelection live on camera. why is that? [applause]
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>> laura: that never gets old. i don't know why. that's just adorable. who said you need a pandemic as an excuse to hide a president lcandidate? all biden needs a willing press corps and they were able to help shield him like they did in 2020. he is the perfect hologram candidate, running the perfect virtual campaign. it's devoid of substance, devoid of light, perfectly captured by the first eight seconds of his canned reelection video. >> laura: that was a long eight seconds. after three years of biden. it is not morning in america,
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it's america in morning. you notice when you are watching this when you watched it what they are not arguing, all right? they are not arguing that four more years of biden are going to mean your life is going to improve, your family will be more prosperous or your streets are going to be safer. that's because there is no affirmative argument for biden's policies to be made. >> freedom, personal freedoms is who we fundamentally are as americans. nothing more important, nothing more sacred. that's been the work of my first term. to fight for our democracy. >> laura: fight for our democracy? is that what he said? where and exactly did he say were eligible voters were prevented from voting in the united states but tell me where that happened. if anybody is harming our democracy and threatening our institutions, it's the american left. how many times have we heard them push for packing the court
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or abolishing the electoral college? how many times has biden try to use executive orders to do what only congress has the power to do? i can't count that high either. the fact is that biden's pitch to voters is solely a negative one. "vote for me and i'll protect you from the big bag down the bad mega maga bogeyman of the right. it's become a drinking game. >> guess what my republican friends in congress are doing. same old trickle down dressed up in maga clothing. only worse. they think that somehow we are going to go back. the threat that biden republicans poses to take us to a place we've never maga republicans poses to take us to a place we've never been. >> laura: help! the ultra mega maga monster! what is that monster look like?
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that for qanon shaman with the horns or does that look like $2.30 a gallon for gas. or does that mega maga ultra monster rising wages? how about no new wars? a border that was enforced. if that's all a monster then america should beg for an invasion. but instead with joe, we have a different invasion. don't we? at our southern border where millions have gotten a fast pass to freebies and right now another 3,000 migrants are marching through mexico. and just as we, 4,000 were apprehended after crossing into brownsville, texas. that's 4,000 in one week alone. so let me get this straight. this is a slogan. i'm kind of making it up. vote biden-harris. together we can protect you from
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the populace. for hard-core leftists that may have some appeal but voters are going to see that any protection racket biden's comes with the trend is cost. one that biden's voters are paying every day. it is steep. you've got lower wages higher prices, pessimism war, a weaker geopolitical position. more crime, empty office buildings, failing schools, yeah, and corruption. and that's only the beginning. the price is only going to go up in the biden second term as his green thugs go after gas powered cars, gas stoves, air-conditioning, and the suburbs. it's got to get rid of those. once he doesn't have to face the voters again, he's going to be free to relaunch his long-standing surrender. sorry. partnership.
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with president xi and the ccp. what does that mean? that means, bye-bye, american jobs. hello chinese control. never fear. they have soothing music here to reassure you. come on! no biden sniffing there? that would've made it more believable. >> the question we are facing is whether in the years ahead we have more freedom were less freedom. more riots or fewer. >> laura: this is hilarious because it was a democrat so casually shuttered schools, close churches and forced americans to take experimental shots in order to work and just take classes. it was the democrats who didn't and do not think twice about censoring speech it disagrees with. and let's not forget how they
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have tried to establish a soviet style board to monitor and shape the national conversation to fit its agenda. remember. it was only shut down after an uproar. speak of this information governance board was a body meant to advise the many parts of the department of homeland security that were working on disinformation. all of these narratives that the board was going to be this orwellian ministry of truth and all the harassment and disinformation that was directed against me was based on that falsehood. >> laura: she's a sad subset that didn't get to censor everybody for this orwellian truth squad, it'll be back in with a vengeance this time. we did find one argument that biden's goofball cabinet is trying to make for a biden. with republicans back in power, planes are going to start crashing everywhere.
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>> not sure americans realize component things they are talking about cutting is our ability to grow the air traffic control workforce. the budget proposal would actually be shutting down air traffic control towers. >> laura: this is after his stellar record at >> the train derailment which resulted in a massive fire and toxic chemical spill particular under fire is transportation secretary pete buttigieg. >> do you think this issue will be solved in time by the holidays? >> i think it be better in the holidays. >> this was the worst christmas ever. i wish it was not like this. >> laura: definitely hire that guy for the future. three years ago a lot of americans voted for biden hoping
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that he was going to return things to normal. but now we know for biden, this is normal! a weaker, poor america that staggers from one disaster to another. three years of biden. my goodness, it's bad enough to do americans really want another term? the only hope for our feeble figurehead president, the only hope is that enough americans decide that it's all rigged and they just don't vote at all. but there's just too much on the line to let that happen. early voting, ballot harvesting, mobilization coast-to-coast and especially in the battleground states should be a conservative austria's main focus going forward. republican donors need to get off the dime and fund those efforts. swamping that zuckerberg or soros may try to pull this time. and by any practical measure we know that biden, he's not to the
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job. he has failed america and impoverished working families. his own family has continued to cash in big time. to really protect democracy and get us back on our feet, republicans and independentses will have to band together to punish biden's betrayal and corruption. that's the angle. joining us now is mollie hemingway. fox news contributor. victor davis hansen, hoover institution senior fellow. molly to mollie will we ever see another democratic campaign that is about lifting people up? out of poverty out of low wages? or is this demonization game going to be the playbook for the foreseeable future. >> they have this huge asset with the corrupt media environment. our media basically run democrat campaigns right now. striking how in the last
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campaign joe biden didn't have to campaign, he had the media running everything while allowing the state's basement. that's a problem with biden though. when he was running before he could run against the republican administration. they had so much that they don't like about that whether it's the economy, the border. the mismanagement, the wars, deciding to get into wars with a clear strategy of how to get out of it. the negativity can work both ways. >> laura: victor, to the whole point of demonization, the white house try to characterize a republican today this way. >> putting fentanyl on the street by defunding border patrol. the proposal makes clear the only thing is that house republicans are committed to
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giving to americans are increased crime. lower economic growth. more manufacturing jobs sent back to china. >> laura: more reading with kj p today, victor, but is anybody buying that particular argument? the republicans want fentanyl on the street? really? that's it? >> you would hope not but they feel they have a system or paradigm that worked in 2020 and they replace the idea of the candidate and in joe biden's case, he is a construct, artifact, incidental. they feel that in 2020 they have the excuse of covid. he was not really a candidate. the media as molly said outsource the campaign but when you have the fbi paying twitter to suppress information and you have mike morel, former decker squashing a story which they knew was true, you have a formidable formula and when you
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add mark zuckerberg $419 million, social media and traditional media, they feel they can make joe biden into an incidental candidate. they've done it before. in 2018 people knew that dianne feinstein was impaired my even then. yet they did the same thing. they use the media, the monitoring resources and the bureaucracies, they did it with john fetterman in pennsylvania. they have a new paradigm and that is if they have gained a dense that are flawed or impaired, they can outsource the campaign to the media, to the permanent administrative state, tilde silicon valley's market capitalization and they feel they can be negative, negative, negative, and they don't have to defend a record and appear in person or talk of the people and that the person we are going to see in 2024. he's going to be incidental, joe biden. >> laura: i want to get to that in a moment. but mollie, at some point this does become the socialist theater of the absurd.
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because chris coons was so desperate to try to make an affirmative case for biden's reelection video today? that's what he resorted to on cnn. >> laura: i thought the introductory video featured not just president biden's beautiful catholic school penmanship but the visuals that remind us how much better off we are two years later. >> i noticed the writing as well. >> we are stronger abroad and safer and stronger at home. >> laura: i get the hologram president, i get the media propping it up. is there a point in which the fiction becomes so holy unbelievable they say that i just can't do it again. i can go along with that. his penmanship? that's it? really? >> the whole thing is absurd. you vote for joe biden, everything will be calling to get people to vote for him.
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which is completely at odds with the reality. there has been complete chaos and disruption with the lives of american citizens, with our role abroad. it's actually kind of offensive that chris coons would try to say that we have a good situation abroad given the reality of what's happening with our role in the proxy war against russia and the ukraine, how we are not able to deal with the threat from china, all these issues. but there is something that we do have such a corrupt media that they create this ultimate reality. they have joe biden as a prop, they are able to suppress news and information that is harmful to him and elevate news and information that is good. it's a really big threat because it affects how people can compete in elections. we are not operating in the system where people are being moved based on persuasion. it's a really big thing for republicans if they want to win
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they need to be thinking about. >> laura: the problem is people still need to pay their bills at the end of the month, victor, but they've got to pay their bills. to me it's incumbent on republicans to get people mobilized to vote. what zuckerberg did to their vote? republican billionaires and the heavy hitters have to do to the republican independent vote. you want to change this country, want to be making more money again in your pocket, having in your pocket? we've got to get to the polls. that's the only thing that matters. victor and mollie, you are right. media are going to do what they do. think about, biden's reelection also hinges on the success of the war in ukraine and despite warnings that i and some choice authors offering the spring of 2021 about how the russian warming warmachine actually works, the biden administration has never seriously considered pursuing a peace deal. they rejected the left to essentially sold out all of
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their antiwar principles. for what? to deplete american money and arms, push the world as close as it has ever been a nuclear war? it seems that way. this election will be one where we find out how much americans actually hunger or war like this and i think the new left. joining me now is ohio sena senator jamie vance. seems to me the administration is preparing for bad news in ukraine and they are looking for a way to frame it as a nonloss even if it's not a success. your comments given everything you are seeing from your vantage point. >> the administration doesn't have a strategy. no idea how to accomplish it, what they basically done is to run $130 billion into a russian and ukrainian money pit.
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they have drawn down critical weapon supplies in artillery and missiles and other systems can weather supplies we should be using in taiwan to prevent the chinese from invading taiwan. they see the writing that they are craning fighting forces, they have told us for a year are just on the cusp of victory, nowhere closer to victory today than they were a year ago. there is already this parlor game in washington where people are trying to avoid the obvious conclusion that our strategy isn't working and they are already primitively lying to the american people to figure out how to make excuses for another generation of foreign experts making bad predictably terrible decisions and not suffer any consequences for it. watch this.
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>> our position has been clear, we support an open door policy and that's a decision between nato allies and countries to join at all. let's not get ahead of that. >> ahead of the tap down, the aggression here and the attentions in the region? >> not at all, laura. you know this as well as anybody but this will further escalate this conflict which has no end insight and is clearly disconnected from american national security interests. let's step back for a second and appreciate that ukraine is the most corrupt country in europe. maybe one of the most corrupt countries in the entire world. that says nothing about the bravery of the ukrainian fighters on the ground, but the ukrainian leadership is a complete and utter disaster. i just asked my fellow americans across the country, would you feel safer at night, would you sleep more soundly at night
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knowing that volodymyr zelenskyy has guaranteed to defend the borders the united since america when joe biden refuses to do that himself? of course you wouldn't. nato succession for ukraine as may be in ukraine's best interest. it's maybe in germany's best interest. it's not in the best interest of this country and anybody telling you otherwise is not telling the truth. >> laura: senator, good to see you tonight. thank you. newt gingrich is here. haven't seen them in a while but his thoughts on the g.o.p.'s 2024 plan. platts the latest in the trump versus desantis saga after we learned about his involvement in the hunter biden cover up, we learn that the secretary of state antony blinken frequently emailed with hunter! randy divine this year has all those details next. causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain
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>> president biden himself off and says don't compare me to the almighty, compare me to the alternative. when folks look at president biden and a strong record compared to the alternative, they will vote for him and the polls show that and show that strongly. >> laura: the polls show that? really? the real clear politics,
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desantis is beating biden to boynton bowles. trump beating biden by 1.3 points. i've been saying for quite some time now that biden is a known quantity. everybody knows the failures. the countries getting getting poorer. foreign policy more chaotic. but what is your advice tonight given everything that we know right now to the g.o.p. field on how to best proceed knowing that he's going to be as our previous panel just said shielded with real scrutiny by the media. >> the challenge for republican plurals and independents is to join a real majority. we have you want to fight on issues
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where you have 8 of 10 americans on your side. you have to understand if the baltimore city schools have 23 schools with not a single student, not 1 out of 20000 able to do math you get a pretty big change, not tiny change. third, we have to communicate every day at reagan broke through, brush broke through. in '94, it's fair to say, the contract we broke through. we have to hammer away to call things. biden represents corruption, coercion, and incompetence and we represent bringing all the rest of america together which is about 70 or 80% of the country in favor of various large solutions to enable us to survive the challenge of china. that choice has to be what 2024 is about. >> laura: when you think of
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the relatively small number of voters that turned this election for biden, when you look at it across the battleground states that levi did not win, that trump did not win, getting those posts, mobilizing, voting on election day, whichever it is, how critical is it that outside groups are funded by the big donors for the republicans as they obviously are on the other side much of the trigger and the republicans of the last two election cycles, the midterms in election 2020. >> if you go with zuckerberg, technically astonishing legal but illegal in principle. $120 million for selective turn out? your opening monologue was exactly right. here's a problem. republican model focuses on campaigns. the democratic model focuses on
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votes. the replicant consultant pluralists as a group are 20 years behind the times. their models are wrong, they spend the money way too late, they do not understand the motion it what you have to do is get your vote out early, no who you've got now, focus on everybody else, maximize turnout. i think we have a real problem because the republican consulting class is both obsolete and frankly making so much money on cookie-cutter ads that they don't have to think and they do not have to adapt. >> laura: what do they do? they make huge money. they've got 20% of the ad by, they make the fee on making the ad, producing the ad. this is a crypt of the consultancy class unlike i think most voters have any clue about. what have the results been? as you pointed out, they've been abysmal for the most part. with the exception of a few people.
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>> you have consulting firms owned by companies in new york purely as investments. they don't care about politics. they don't care about cand candidates. i think frankly the republican national committee should produce a checklist that candidates and donors should both use. for example, consultants aren't going to spend the money early, don't hire them. if they aren't going to spend it intelligently, don't hire them. if they aren't going to focus on your campaign and give you unique ads? don't hire them. it's that straightforward. >> laura: newt gingrich. always great to see you. thanks so much. randy divine this year on the latest news on the biden grip. as a crisis in sudan breaks out new fears of rebels capturing, yes, a bio lab. what? why are there bio labs in the sudan? we'll tell you in moments.
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>> laura: this might make you want to put down that ball of orval redenbacher because rebels have just taken over a bio lab in sudan. it's one that holds deadly pathogens but fox's correspondent kevin corke here with all the details. kevin, what do you know? >> frankly i'd stick called this frightening revelations. unveiled by the battle in sudan, the world health organization and the w.h.o. says there is a high risk of biohazard in khartoum after a lab was seized by rioters for the lab's work is reported to the control diseases such as polio, measles, tuberculosis, malaria, aids, as well as preventing and identifying possible epidemics. if you are wondering why in the world there would be such a high level bio containment lab in a place like sudan, the answer is frankly simple.
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it's because government and health organizations from around the globe pony up the money for the building and the funding and research and then in return, laura, there is generally less red tape and labs in the west especially when it comes to research on primates, for example, which is especially important when you need to test things like vaccines and antivirals and you need a nonhuman primate model. also notice that the lab works with the world health organization, the w.h.o., whose largest funding comes from the u.s. government. that's a data point worth keeping an eye on especially if it comes out later that some of the labs' work was nonscientific in its application. laura? >> laura: hmm. organic function research. >> you bet. >> laura: i >> i wonder if you have acommeng in arkansas. >> no --
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>> mr. president! >> laura: most grandparents are overjoyed to talk about their grandkids. not joe. and it's not just joe who pretends that child who exists. it's the entire family. take a look at the christmas stockings hanging in the white house last year. there is no stocking for navy. hunter 'daughter born out of wedlock. after originally reaching an agreement on paternity and child-support for navy 'mother, the judge is getting fed up with the antics from both sides. ordering hunter and the mom to appear at every single hearing that he conducts. coming this starting this coming monday. there is more. miranda, you have other details, i understand, about hunter and where he may be hiding out. what can you tell us?
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>> laura, it's aruba but it's been pretty consistent for the last six months and there's a lot of sightings of hunter biden at the white house to back up the idea that he has been living there and hiding out from process servers who might be wanting to serve him papers on various court matters such as this paternity problem that he has with navy roberts, london roberts the former stripper, unacknowledged daughter, court cases, deformations, actions coming from people like john john paul mcisaac, the owner of the defunct macbook repair shop where hunter biden dropped off his laptop. you would think this arkansas matter would be a private matter as joe biden just said. it is about his illegitimate daughter that he wants to reduce child-support payments two. what makes it more than a
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private matter is the fact for the first time we will see in a court of law hunter biden be forced to disclose his financial records. that'll be very interesting. in particular we will want to see about what the divestment his lawyer told us he did of his 10% stake in that chinese equity firm. it took him a very long time to list that he had divested himself of it. we want to know who bought it and how much for and whether... >> laura: miranda... i'm sorry. i'm sorry to interrupt, but i'm now saying that it's almost not worth calling it the hunter biden scandal. this is a joe biden scandal. and hunter is a conduit for the money that, miranda, the family accounts, right question markets hunter because he's a vessel, but it's a fungible pot of
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money. you don't have that kind of money working for the federal government for a decade after decade after decade and they've made a lot of money. and now antony blinken we find out was a pen pal of hunter's and he and his wife what is all that about? >> joe biden is the product they are selling. hunter is a wormhole. everybody was wanting to work for joe who worked for joe was going to pal up to hunter and that, antony blinken had a social relationship, he's admitted that, with hunter biden in washington, d.c. hunter biden met with antony blinken in his office when he was deputy secretary of state and we don't know what they've discussed. it was certainly around the time that hunter was needing some help on some overseas business dealings. antony blinken said in some inquiries that they just talk about family matters.
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>> at one point you took some dung guns out of guns out of et?>> a side post oe made them and where the world was like when we got those stories out there. so i really regret having that. for me it's sacrosanct, something that is our history, our culture -- our cultural heritage. i do not believe in censorship that way. >> i'm glad steven spielberg recognizes the error of his ways but it's not the left's push to censor movies or books that's most alarming. it's when the sensors work with governments and corporations to bring the hammer down and one of my next guests compiled a quick list of what's happening right now, it's really disturbing.
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the e.u. is ramping up censorship's from 19 different platforms for twitter and search engine under the guise of content moderation. there is that u.k. online harms built which won against dangerous rubbish of anti-covid vax misinformation and in canada a new bill would criminalize offensive remarks and protests if you are within a hundred meters of a drag show prejoining assist charlie kirk, founder of turning point usa. people think that's happening up north, across the pond. it is not the united states. that can never happen here. really? >> it censorship culture in the western world and lawmakers really calling for deep platforming and not to mention all the tech companies and it goes to show something really revealing bear the cultural left has... they control more than any other time in the last 30 more years. more adamant than trying to shut
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up the opportunity to speak, we have a fighting shot. they have four years of uninterrupted why they are so ferocious we saw it for twitter, for example in their collusion with the fbi. it should give us a little bit more seed of hope that they are willing to go to extra governmental means to shut us up. >> laura: you and i've talked about this on my podcast earlier today what hollywood stars are starting to come what's happening because they know the monster is going to be turned on them. eventually the monster will come. all their old movies, their old
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songs by tim robbins of the total left is what he called out the leftist media. attacking people like matt taibbi and michael shellenberger. watch. he actually said this. "mainstream media have not only ignored the story but attacked the journalists effectively serving as a thuggish censorshp arm of the government." what an embarrassing and shameful time for democrats and the free press. you are losing any shred of credibility that you had, you effing fools. tim robbins! he despises all of us, i'm sure. but he's saying the right thing here. >> there's an inkling of a thought with some on the left like tim robbins that may be this new jacobin revolution might actually consume those who once were loyal to it. like charlie said, this fusion of big tech, making it very
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clear they will not tolerate dissent. they hate the free flow of information, the questioning of official approve narrative in the given month or day and i think the reason is they hate the free flow of information, they hate the questioning is because ultimately leads to the truth and those with authoritarian tendencies hate the truth because it reveals the arbitrary nature and the thing is once arbitrary nation is revealed and a majority of people reveal the absurdity of it all, legitimacy crumbles and that's what we are seeing, that's what they are afraid of if they continue to allow differing opinions and dissent and questioning, maybe people will come to the realization of the absurdity of it all. maybe there legitimacy crumbles and we might be able to have a new day in this country and across the western world. >> laura: real debate. heaven forbid but remember what happened to j.k. rowling? martina tillotson
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they are very liberal,left wing. but they came for them as well. i want to get your reaction, charlie, to a different kind of censorship. it's an attempt to shape the way people even uproots an issue and this is the latest spirit hasn't been seen by transformer leah thomas. >> they are like, we respect leah as a woman, whatever. we just don't think it's fair. you can't really have that have support. i respect you as a woman here but not here. they are using the guise of feminism to sort of push trans belief and a lot of people in those camps carry an increase implicitbias against trans peop. >> laura: interesting. that's what meghan markle is accusing the royals of, implicit bias. it's a mantra, right, of people likely thomas. there's no real, real argument.
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you are guilty of implicit bias because you have of you. >> i guess that's thomas, i don't know. i don't know who it was. but look, there's no half measure. that's exactly the point, is tyrannical in nature. you have to allow me to dominate female sports, not enough to say live and let live. live and let us rule. >> laura: and celebrate it indeed. thank you both be at one moment in time with kamala. the last bite will bite next. icap test caption
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for us at every moment in time and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist in our present. and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future. >> laura: gutfeld! is next. ♪ [cheers and applause] >> greg: what is happening? keep going. happy tuesday, ever. we're only about 80 tuesdays away from the next presidential election. so what a coincidence that an
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