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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 26, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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strength sending oil and gas over seas and revenues overseas. oil and gas is part of everything we buy and do going to be here for quite a while. >> todd: i'm sure a.o.c. is headed down to texas to eliminate those 20,000 jobs like she did amazon. michael cloud, thank you for joining us. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ ♪ the nation bracing for what is expected to be an explosive hearing on border policy. >> whistleblower testimony is expected to reveal how this surge is leading to an explosive growth in child labor. >> migrant children that are being literally sold into slavery. >> the taliban killed a suspected isis mastermind behind the kabul airport attack. >> 13 u.s. service members killed and 170 afghan civilians. >> president biden's first remarks since the big announcement. >> finish the job. >> finish the job. finish the job. >> republican committee night
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mariucci video predict what another four years could look like. >> teacher's union boss randi weingarten expected to get grilled on capitol hill with. >> a new report out on the response to covid calling it collective national incompetence. >> many of the schools could have been opened earlier. [applause] >> high drive center field. it is out of here! this game is over! ♪ here we go back ♪ this is the moment ♪ tonight is the night ♪ we'll fight until it's over ♪ so we put our hands up like the ceiling can't hold us ♪ like the ceiling can't hold us ♪ can we go back ♪ this is the moment. >> ainsley: lots of people already on the streets in hot atlanta down there in georgia. it's 58 degrees. feels like it's 56. going to get up into the 60's. not too bad.
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63, going to rain around noon. take your umbrella. actually, 60% chance of chance of rain around noon. >> steve: right now is probably a pretty good time to go to work. >> ainsley: beat the traffic. >> steve: it's a beautiful town but they have got so much traffic. they built such a big town around little roads and now people get stuck. >> ainsley: like new york you have to leave your house 5:00 in the morning if you don't want to get stuck in traffic coming into the city. >> brian: atlanta never thought they would be so successful. victim of their own success. if you are a city planner, if you could build a second floor on the highway. call atlanta. they need a way to get in and out. >> steve: one other very popular american city that also ha as a big traffic problem? nashville. nashville is a wonderful town. i love it. but sometimes it takes an hour to go about 5 miles. >> ainsley: charleston, south carolina. so many northerners are moving down to the states. >> steve: we are talking as
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people who get up at 2:00 in the morning and we can go anywhere lickety split. >> brian: instead of buying a car get a helicopter because you could fly and land on buildings. >> ainsley: you will could afford it if you moved to florida. >> brian: that's true. >> steve: helicopter has too large a footprint, brian. i go back to your idea of a jet pack. >> brian: i have given up. no one is trying. only thing we got is a jet pack that goes in the water we don't need to travel in the water. there's no crime there. there's no housing. >> ainsley: how was that experience? i remember seeing you do that on "fox & friends." >> steve: he almost drowned. >> brian: a little scary because the other guy who obviously had an ax to grind was n control of the controls. he is the one that gave me two minutes how to steer it and then he says i have your propulsion and shoot me out and going left and right and evidently you just need a little touch and that's all you need but. >> steve: throntle. >> brian: feel yourself going
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right my life is about to end let me go way left it's catastrophic. >> steve: i think you are going way right instead of way left. >> brian: i'm not sure. >> steve: what's this transition it's a matter of time before the cartels can realize they can get migrant children across the border with jet packs. right now they are just doing it naturally. the number of unaccompanied alien children uacs, when you look at the numbers, you go back in -- so far in 2023, the fiscal year, we're on track to break the record last year, which was 152,000, 146,000 the year before. and, in comparison, in 2020, it was only about 33,000. so what is going on? well, all these kids are coming across the border, and, unfortunately, the -- our federal government is doing such a bad job they have lost track of 85,000 kids. a lot of these kids are being
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exploited. a lot of them are winding up in child labor situations. it is a terrible situation. and the administration apparently knew about it and turned the other cheek. >> ainsley: we are hearing so many stories about this. last week i read an article in the "new york times" about this. they interviewed a lady named linda brant miller. she worked at one of the shelters in san antonio. the arena there was converted into a shelter. she said her job was to help the sponsors. she wanted to help the kids and find really nice homes for these children to move into. >> steve: that sounds great. >> ainsley: a guy sponsoring three boys. he wanted to employ them at his construction company. another man lived in florida trying to sponsor two children who would have to work off the cost of bringing them up north from mexico. she flagged these two individuals and she contacted a supervisor with hhs. she said this is urgent. within days one of the children was released to that man in florida. then she wrote another email asking for immediate attention. the e -- then she emailed the shelter's manager a few days
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later she -- her badge was revoked and she was let go. so she was trying be to a whistleblower and tell them i'm concerned about these kids. that was her job. and they ended up letting her go. she still worried about the 14-year-old boy mendez. found out he was living in florida city, florida. far from his home in guatemala. last summer he told the press he said that he was still -- he was working long shifts in a refrigerated warehouse packing vegetables for distribution aren't country. he has not seen his sponsor in months. missed grandmother. went days not to talk to anyone. wanted to go to school but he felt trap. >> brian: talked to her filling in the 7:00 show linda brand miller. i couldn't believe when i read this story i thought it was going to be bigger than life. it was in the "new york times" it was about 7 pages. my goodness, this is going to be unbelievable. they will get blissed. tjp will get blitzed in the pressroom and nothing happened.
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the "new york times" wrote it. since when do we not care about kids. this is the same country donald trump had the policy of separating families. when you wring your kid here illegally you already violated the law. plus, a lot of the doubt these were actually family members. a lot of them were coyotes that brought people here. and there was all this consternation. even melania was upset with the president for doing it. this lasted weeks. this is lasting years. chronicled by the "new york times" and no one brings it out. tara lee is a whistleblower with the inspector general's office. in her testimony obtained by fox digital. >> steve: which she is going to give today. >> ainsley: she is evidence testifying today. >> brian: i thought i would place children in loving homes. instead children trafficked through sophisticated network that begins with being recruited into home country, smuggled to the u.s. border and ends with o.r.r. delivering a child to sponsor. some sponsors are criminals and traffickers and members of the transitional criminal organization. some sponsors your children as commodities and assets to be
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used for earthquake income. this is why we are witnessing exploitation of labor trafficking. by the way, this is in america, whether intentional or not. it could be argued that the u.s. government middleman in large scale multi million dollars trafficking organization run by bad actors seeking to profit off the lives of children. i will add one more thing xavier becerra was blitzed by susan rice, of all people, and the president saying what are you doing? he effortly is clueless and not interested in his job. the other thing is when asked about the 85,000 unaccompanied minors he is like yeah, that's the first time i heard that number. that's not a good answer. >> ainsley: 85 that they lost track of. >> brian: yeah, that you lost track of. >> steve: judiciary committee have this hearing on the exploitation of unaccompanied alien children. and so they're going to hear from a number of these whistleblowers. but, brian, you mentioned susan rice. susan rice apparently who it was announced is leaving in about a
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month. she actually oversaw the release of thousands of these kids into the country who wound up being exploited and working dangerous jobs. she knew it. apparently she had data to that effect back in the summer of 2021. she knew that it was going on. >> the administration knew it. they ignored it. and now, once again, going to hammer this number home. 85,000 kids are unaccompanied. >> ainsley: lost. >> steve: they are unfindable at this point. the federal government has lost track of them. so the republicans, quite smartly, you know, they remind you how many hundreds of thousands of americans have died from the drugs coming over? okay. some people on the other side don't seem to be that interested. how about the fact 85,000 kids could be just gone, sold into some sort of slavery to pay off the smugglers? >> ainsley: why aren't we hearing this on all the other networks? to your point, it's joe biden. remember donald trump kids in cages and cages actually came from obama? so, the "new york times"
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published this information originally back in february. the administration was notified, they announced they were going to have policy changes but all along there were signs of explosive growth of these children. these individuals who are hiring them or sponsoring them breaking child labor laws. and they warned the biden administration. the biden administration has ignored these findings. they said that they have ended up, thousands have ended up in punishing jobs, working overnights, slaughter houses, replacing roofs, replacing machinery and factories all in relation of the child labor laws. >> brian: 1910 or something. add one more thing, this is what drives people crazy about mayorkas. we spent a lot of time reunifying families. reuniting families. hey, guy, what you're doing now is so much worse than happened after that brief period of time when attorney general -- when attorney general sessions had this great idea to separate families. so this is so much worse. and the sanctimonious tone that
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you took in testimony was noted. >> ainsley: you can't just be a sponsor and say i'm going to show up at a shelter and i'm going to pick out the hardest working boys to come work in my factory. >> brian: crazy. >> steve: not just working in jobs. because these experts say some of them are actually being used for sex. these are children. we should point out this problem has started before the biden administration. but it has really started to skyrocket the number of kids and 85,000 missing? meanwhile, the people who are in the past between the border and mainland u.s.a. where they go through their towns to go all over the country, a place like el paso. here is a resident talking about the toll that illegals are taking on her neighborhood. listen to this. >> every citizen in border cities are actually put in a very dangerous situation. we already see illegals crossing, i'm not talking about the ones that are turning in
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themselves in to the border patrol. i'm talking about the ones that are just jumping and going around. and walking through our neighborhoods. and no -- nobody, nobody in the biden administration can guarantee me that these thousands of people are coming in just for a better life. their property taxes is what pays for the public school system. and we have thousands of kids that come from our sister cities that cross every day in order to go into our public system. so our ratios are already very high. what they're going to do is they are going to bring them even higher. >> steve: just one other thing. when we were talking about how susan rice had in the white house, in the west wing upstairs, she knew about this in 2021. according to one of the posts i read. and it could have been the "new york times." she was apparently against ending title 42. and, lucas tomlinson from the
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pentagon just sent a message to my watch. and it was susan rice's decision not to vaccinate the migrants. remember that? so we all had to get shots but they didn't. and they were coming in illegally. >> brian: one of the things susan rice said to paraphrase one was told well, they are all coming here because they are coming from bad situations she basically said they are coming here because we are being too nice. providing all these accommodations that's why they are coming here. hard to believe we are talking about susan rice being to a degree a voice of reason. and now she is gone. all right. 1 minutes after the hour still ahead. a fox news alert. the taliban killing the isis terrorist who masterminded the attack on kabul that killed 13 u.s. troops. retired brigadier general antoni tata afghanistan. >> ainsley: crop the case against transient who bashed the expire commissioner with that crowbar forcing him into skull surgery. the outrageous claim that this attack was self-defense. ♪
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>> brian: fox news alert now isis-k leader responsible for the deaths of 13 service members and injuring so many more dead. >> steve: taliban taking out the man who directed the suicide bombing outside the kabul
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airport in abby gate in august of 2021 during the chaotic withdrawal of the united states from the country of afghanistan. >> ainsley: lucas tomlinson joins us live from washington. lucas? >> good morning, steve, ainsley and brian. the u.s. says the taliban is responsible for killing the mastermind behind the deadly suicide attack. so far no evidence has been provided. >> no one has a released the name of the alleged isis leaders who as with killed sending a statement the department of defense can confirm that the senior isis-k plotter responsible for planning the august 26, 2021 attack on abby gate which killed 13 u.s. service members was killed in afghanistan by the taliban in early april. the united states was not involved in this operation. the department alongside other components of u.s. government remains committed to protecting americans from terrorist threats. we all remember the 13 american service members killed at the kabul airport during the final days of the war in afghanistan. 40 other american troops were
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wounded. 170 afghan civilians were also killed. the white house says this brings closure to the families of those killed. the father of 31-year-old marine corps staff sergeant taylor hoover disagrees saying, quote: to me it feels like a victory lap for them, for the administration that the afghanistan debacle is over and done with. well, bull crap. no, that doesn't sit well with me. the republican chairman of the house foreign affairs committee also wants answers from the state department, quote: the after action review dated march 2022 is an 87-page document containing numerous unexplained redactions despite having been completed for over a year, this document has yet to be shared with the american people, there is a strong public interest in the department sharing results of after action review to the fullest extent possible. now, chairman mccaul has also subpoenaed secretary of state antony blinken over rerefusal to release the dissent cable kabul who criticized the withdrawal and said the evacuation should have started much sooner, guys.
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>> steve: why is there so much stuff they are not filling in, names and stuff like that, u.s. involvement and stuff like that. >> right. a lot of times the intelligence community doesn't want to release sources and methods. that certainly appears to be the case with this isis -- alleged isis leader who bass killed by the taliban. most likely has to do with intercepts or perhaps some allies on the ground that the cia is working with, perhaps. i shouldn't say allies but you know what i mean, sources. >> steve: you were my source on my apple watch about 10 minutes ago. >> brian: let's bring in retired brigadier general antoni tata. thank the taliban taking out member of isis-k who killed 13 men's. >> killed 1 and wounded another two dozen who lost limbs. let's not forget them. who knows what is true. john kirby said there was no chaos in afghanistan. >> brian: he lost me at that. >> right. there's a credibility issue here. so i hope it's true. i hope it's true for the sake of
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the family members for those killed and wounded in afghanistan. >> ainsley: darin hoover the father of staff sergeant darin hoover 31 years old, u.s. marine killed at the abby gate. his father said it feels like a victory lap for them, for the administration, that the afghanistan debacle is over and done with. we have taken out the main planner or the taliban has taken out the main planner or this is all behind us. bull crap. no, that doesn't sit well for me. it's not over for him his child is never coming home. in a case like this isn't there another leader waiting the wings? >> absolutely. cut the head off the snake another snake out there. it's whack a mole with these isis-k and other types of leaders. the father is exactly right, ainsley. there has been no accounting. no vetting in the entire operation. easter weekend an insult to entire generation of afghan
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veterans of which i'm one. i had soldiers calling me that served for me in combat. >> brian: 1 page white wash of a summary? >> there is no chaos. yet, people falling off of airplanes. >> steve: right there. >> exactly. >> brian: biggest insult that admiral kirby ever said. how we evacuated people he didn't talk about what leads up to this. >> the arrogance of this administration towards veterans. 20 years of veterans, brian, to think they are putting their finger in the 50eu of the veteran community that's been fractured over this entire debacle and to say that it's over? give me break. >> steve: coming up, later on on "fox & friends," we are going to actually have darin hoover on the program who ainsley was talking about just a moment ago. meanwhile, let's go from afghanistan to sudan. and we have got some of the first images of the rescue of our personnel at the u.s. embassy people who go in are
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heroes, trying to get out as many as possible. there are maybe tens of thousands of americans still there what are they going to do. >> this administration doesn't have a great track record. we left thousands of americans in afghanistan. this is the fourth embassy that's been closed temporarily or permanently under this administration. you got to give credit to the night stalkers, the navy seals, the delta force, and the marines that orchestrated what's called a noncombatant evacuation where we get our personnel out of there. and hopefully the flow continues. other nations are coordinating to remove their personnel as well. >> brian: they were the abraham accords. they signed onto the abraham accords. this was something we were building. that relationship was fallen apart. we can't see china and russia evacuated their embassies. why is that? there is tons of gold in sudan. great port that china wants. >> sudan is a great partner to us. to that khartoum is going through what it is going through right now is a testament to the lack of diplomacy going on with this state department and antony
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blinken's incompetence. >> steve: thank you for getting up so early. >> thank you, team. >> ainsley: hopefully we with get them out. thanks, general for your service. >> steve: time for news with ashley. you joined us with that attack from san francisco and it's a crazy answer. >> ashley: sources say prosecutors are dropping the case against the man seen in the video repeatedly bashing the city's former fire commissioner in the head with a crowbar. the attack leaving don car meanian in need of more than 50 stitches as well as skull surgery. prosecutors argue the assailant was acting in self-defense and the man could face charges, car meanian, that is, for the insta gating of the assault by pepper spraying the attacker. he had gone out there to try to get him off the property in front of his debt ceiling
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increase. the house committee approving terms of the debate just this morning. president biden lashing out at the republican plan. take a listen. >> trickle down dressed up in maga clothing own worse. if they don't get their way, biden doesn't agree with them and agree to all the cuts, they are going to let the country default on its debt. >> the bill aims to cut federal spending block loan forgiveness. repeal green energy credits and safety net programs. bud light hangover getting worse. rivals coors light and miller lite seeing sales spike 18% as sales of bud light drop a staggering 17%. beer's brand seeing finances sink behind competitors after controversial partnership with dylan mulvaney. aaron rodgers bidding farewell to the green bay packers. i hope you read this and feel my heart and soul filled with love, joy and peace about my time in green and gold.
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the four-time league mvp set to be announced as the newest member of the new york jets today. former head coach rex ryan believes the trade makes the jets super bowl contenders and the league should be on notice. what do you think, brian? super bowl contenders? sorry, i didn't mean to put you on the spot? >> brian: rex would know. he was the last guy to bring the jets two championship games back-to-back. certainly better than mark sanchez and he has something to prove. he will went into a dark room for three days to think about this and now went to a healing center in the south to get ready he has done two things i never thought would be necessary. right there, see if he is ready. can he deal with the new york press? >> ainsley: ashley and i saw him in our yoga class yesterday. >> brian: that is not true. >> ainsley: i gotcha though. you kind of believed it for a second. >> steve then we'll all want to go yoga. quarterback guy. >> ainsley: it actually would be pilates. that's our favorite. >> steve: it would be pilate tees. >> ainsley: coming after
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election bid with ai generated view of the future. >> just in, we can now call the 2024 presidential race for joe biden. this morning an emboldened china invades taiwan. >> ainsley: lee carter breaks down the g.o.p.'s counter to biden's 2024 message, next. ♪ suddenly i'm in love with a stranger ♪ i can't believe she's mine ♪ and now all i see is you fresh eyes, fresh eyes ♪ ♪ it's making me think of doing other things i've been putting off. like removing that tattoo of your first wife's name. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at
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identical twins bethany and stephanie both struggled with cpap for their sleep apnea. but stephanie got inspire, an implanted device that works inside the body. there's no reason to keep struggling. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at >> steve: president biden yesterday kicked off 2024 campaign to fight off doggone maga extreme lists. >> cutting social security that you paid for your entire life while cutting taxes for the very wealthy.
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>> steve: meanwhile republicans responded to the president's announcement with ai generated preview what america would look like if joe biden won four more years and that's a little of it right there. pollster lee carter joins us now to break down the back and for the. good morning to you yesterday they dropped the rollout video what did you think. >> seemed to me like a movie trailers like a highlight reel and that's the best of what you are ever going to see. >> steve: 2024. >> no surprises. nothing, i think, to take away. no changes. of the whole thing -- he made a very interesting decision to go after maga production again. made the misstep of classifying them as dangerous. made the misstep of republicans trying to steal your social security. not intellectual honest. he was the candidate said he was about unity and giving people a fair chance exempt for people that disagree with me.
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a message very much for his base. i think it's actually going to energize people against him and i don't think it's going to make a huge difference. >> steve: i think he went after and has continued to go after maga extremists and maga members and stuff like that because it was relatively effective in the midterms. >> i think it was relatively effective in the midterms. whole threat to democracy message ended up being much more popular than anybody anticipated. it wasn't about the anti-maga as it was the threat to democracy. even on election night we have voters here. we found that some republicans were concerned about the future of democracy. for different reasons than democrats were. so that was a very effective message going after maga republicans. don't go after the republicans, go after donald trump. don't go after the people. that is a misstep. hillary clinton made the same mistake when thee talked about a basket full of deplorables he is making a mistake here. >> steve: he is changing the subject because the economy sucks and he doesn't want to talk about that. meanwhile, r.f.k. jr. has
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declared is he going to run on the democrat side. and he had this quote out. he is calling for debates. i have known and liked joe biden for many years. but we differ profoundly on fundamental issues. i look forward to engaging him in debates and town hall meetings in a primary election that is honest, civil and transparent. i invite him into a new era of respectful dialogue. they would like to see some debates with the other people but joe says no. >> joe says no and then they are going to criticize donald trump for saying no on the debate stage. the thing most surprising to me initial polls, robert kennedy is polling 14% of the democrat vote. that is significant. when you think about on the republican side, nikki haley, mike pence, all those other candidates aren't breaking 10%. looking it a at a candidate 14% first week. this is a fringe candidate. this is someone who has some strange ideas to many people.
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>> steve: famous name. >> very famous name. there is a lean for somebody who is not joe biden. it's going to be interesting to watch what this means. i think the democratic party really does need to have a debate about who are they going to be and what are their issues they are going to be focused on. joe biden says we have a job to finish. i want to know what that job he is going to finish. look at the economy and inflation what are you finishing here. so let's debate it. >> steve: thank you very much for the analysis,lee. >> thank you so much for having me. >> steve: switching gears for just a second. my wife kathy and i are going to do a live, online event this friday night because all of our cookbooks are available as a three-book collector set comes with a certificate of authenticity and autograph. peter doocy is going to be moderating friday night. it's going to be a lot of phone. kathy and i donating 100 percent of our profits to eye cancer research. if you are interested in the books, join us go to doocy
3:38 am it. is the perfect gift for mother's day. all right. coming up on "fox & friends" on this wednesday. the nightmare is still not over in east palestine, ohio. but joe biden never even oshown up. ohio resident cancer linked toxin. her demand for the president coming up next. robber slipping in through a drive-thru window but the good samaritan who steps in to help gets his head slammed. crime crisis rocking our city straight ahead on "fox & friends." ♪ for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion.
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when that car hit my motorcycle, insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm, it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now, and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million
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and i d d so my y quesonons coueouout hicacase.y y son,
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♪ call one eight hundred, cacalledhehe bars s filion and i d d soit was the best call coueouout hii could've made. call the barnes firm aand find out what your case all ccould be worth.uld've made. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ >> ainsley: it has been nearly three months since a norfolk southern trained derailed in ohio spilling hazardous chemicals that burned for days. next guest lives only 900 feet. she finally went to a medical lab where thee tested positive for benzene and cancer linked toxin vinyl chloride. shelby walker joins us with more. good morning, shelby. >> good morning. >> ainsley: so you weren't feeling well. you go to this medical lab. how did you feel when you heard those were the results? >> >> it's devastating. i was worried more worried about
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my family and children and grandkids. >> ainsley: is there anything they can do to get this out of your system? >> not that we know. we don't know anything. the doctors don't know anything about it. there's just nothing. the only thing they are telling us is to do more testing and monitoring. >> ainsley: what about your children, your grandchildren, your husband? >> my husband has tested positive. my two younger children are 12 and 14. they go at the beginning of the month to get tested. >> ainsley: how scary. what do you tell -- whose fault is this and how do you feel? i'm sure you are so scared. you probably can't move because who is going to buy the houses there? >> you're right. that's my biggest issue now is, you know, this has happened. we're going to have to deal with this. this is something that is going to go on for quite some time with us. the government needs to send in some professionals that can teach us and let us know what we're going to deal with so we can plan for our future. our future is not going to be there in east palestine.
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>> ainsley: shelby, what about your neighbors? we have interviewed so many people. they said they were feeling sick. are they feeling better? are they feeling worse? >> most of my neighbors are gone. they have temporarily relocated or relocated permanently. >> ainsley: what are they going to do with their homes? >> most of the homes around me are rentals. at least on my block. i think i might be the only one that owns their home right there. >> ainsley: um-huh. >> they are just waiting to hear. all of us are just waiting. >> we sit there and wait to hear what they're going to do for us. >> ainsley: when this happened, y'all moved out of your house? i know 10 people live in your home you live with your kids and grandkids. y'all had to leave. the government said it's okay to come back. do you think you went back too early? are you upset with the government for telling you that? >> yeah. i think definitely went back too early. it was just so they could get the trains running again, i'm sure. because there's no reason like we have been in and out. they want us to evacuate again while they tear up the tracks.
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and redo all of that. and the problem is there's not any hotel space around us. and we don't live in an area where you can find airbnbs or rental homes. >> ainsley: what do you and your husband do for work? >> i work at a local hotel, not too far from our house. my husband is not currently working. but my kids are still -- my two younger kids are still attending school. us driving back and forth places, there's just nothing close for us. >> ainsley: this is just devastating. i know you said most of your neighbors have left. anyone you know of other than your husband tested positive for the vinyl chloride? >> i do not. i haven't heard of any from like my neighborwise. like i said, they have said they have been gone since the beginning. >> ainsley: everybody watching say a prayer for shelby that she
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is okay and her husband is okay. thank you so much for coming on. >> thank you. i appreciate it. >> ainsley: let's hand it over to ashley. just a devastating story. could you imagine? >> ashley: that's absolutely terrible. praying for that family. start your headlines with. this two brazen robbers target a restaurant in los angeles and good samaritan stops steps in to help but gets his head slammed. lucy's drive in ordered food before moving to the register. wild fight starts outside but ends when a suspect flashes a handgun. criminal at large made off with $400. they might be connected to a recent string of restaurant robberies. the world health organization warning a new strain of covid that brings allergy like symptoms could become the dominant strain in the u.s. pretty soon. its symptoms are similar to the original covid strain except for pink eye, which experts say they are seeing more and more of. hospitals in india are preparing for influx of patients after the variant surpassed all other
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cases. lia thomas is speaking out against her former u penn teammates. >> oh, we respectfully as a woman as a trans woman whatever we respect her identity we just don't think it's fair. they are universitiesingth guise of feminism to sort of push transphobic beliefs so they try to just play it off as this sort of half support. >> ashley: comes in support to letters written by 16 of those teammates who told the school they felt thomas had an unfair advantage due to being a biological male. well, since then the fight to protect women in sports has intensified. thomas says she does not feel responsible for that growing debate. takes the stand in a federal copyright lawsuit accusing him of ripping off the marvin gaye hit let's get it on. sharon says he would be, quote: quite an idiot to do it. what do you think? ♪ darling i will be loving you
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till 17 ♪ let's get it on. oh, baby ♪ let's get it on. >> experts for both sides will take the stand today along with shearn's thinking out loud co-writer amy wedge. and those are your headlines. we are going to check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. good morning, janice. >> janice: good morning, ashley. good morning to all of you. take a look at the maps because it's colder than average for much much the country 47 with mostly cloudy skies. you can see where we have got that cold air across the upper midwest and the great lakes and across the rockies where we have many inches of snow that's falling right now and then the potential for severe storms. you can see that severe thunderstorm warning in effect just near the panhandle up towards oklahoma. and then the snow that's still to come for the colorado rockies over a foot or more. if you like that spring skiing.
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we could see the potential for severe storms stretching from texas to florida today. hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes, heavy rainfall could cause flash flooding. that's going to be a concern. know what to do if there is a watch or a warning. talking about forecast highs being in some cases about 15 to 20 degrees below average over the next several days. the west, however, will be above average. so, if you like the warm temperatures, along the coast, that's where you're going to be and florida as well. buff the rest of the country will be cooler than average including new york city. all right, ainsley, my friend. happy wednesday. >> ainsley: wednesday. look, we put our feet on the floor today. aren't we grateful. >> janice: we are grateful my friend. amen. >> ainsley: thank you. don't move, ronna mcdaniel joins us live. her analysis of the g.o.p.'s chances in 2024 at the top of the hour. but, first, snapping back at snapchat. enforcing a new ai chat or users. how to push back against this
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creepy invasion coming up next. ♪ ♪ be ♪ ♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time.
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in a way no other mattress can. experience the mattress ranked #1 in customer satisfaction by j.d. power, four years in a row. as someone living with type 2 diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? that's the point. get real about your risks and do something about it. talk to your health care provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. learn more at >> ashley: we're back with more headlines, nintendo changing the name spike as he is known here in the u.s. is being renamed spike. his original name in japanese translates to a racial slur in english. spike is featured in the super
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mario brothers movie and was originally in the 1985 game wrecking crew. and et director steven speilberg blasts the idea of old films after making that mistake himself. listen. >> the federal agents were approaching a bunch of kids with their firearms exposed and i thought i would change the guns into walkie-talkies. i should never have messed with the archive of my old work. no film should be revised on the lenses we now are voluntarily or being forced to peer through. >> speilberg do this are committing a form of censorship. >> brian: keep that in mind, too with all the other movies out there that they have colorized. snapchat under fire a flood of negative reviews over the tech giant's new premium called my ai. using technology from open ai now notorious chat gbt. soon be available to all users.
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here with what that means kurt the cyberguy. so you can use somebody else's technology, put it on your platform. what's different? why would you go to snapchat if you could use the original. >> not necessarily about that -- good morning, brian. it's about people who are already on snap or snapchat and they really like the way it was and then all of a sudden snap decided to put this my ai chatbot in their messages so that it's automatically revealing things such as your location to other people and you can't unpin it. you can't remove it, unless, you shell over about four bucks a month for a premium account which is just people are outraged by it. so we are seeing an absolute slew of one star reviews in the app. store for snap's app. that's there. a lot of people have a strategy where they do a five star review and hold a gun to the head of snap saying hey, if you don't change this and remove it, i'm going to change this to a 1 star review. we will see how this plays out.
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for now, the only way to get rid of this thing, which i would, for sure, is to pay for that premium account, which i wouldn't for sure. the other thing is to just apply pressure to this company and see if they will make some moves. because people are not liking it. >> brian: let's talk about something else. jack dorsey who founded twitter new blue sky. what is blue sky and why are they suddenly attracting more and more users? >> well, blue sky is something he started working on in 2019. largely taking the profits of twitter ironically to create a new competitor for twitter. blue sky is going to be a new social network that will unlock. currently in bait attachment a lot of people are testing it. you can sign up on the wait list for it right now. they are promising that you will have as a user a lot more control for your communication that you'll be in charge of the algorithm. it won't be big tech telling your feed what to give you. so, we will see how it really plays out. i have applied for access to it.
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i have seen other access to it. i have not had hours on end with it but just a few minutes at a time. it looks very promising. it just launched in the android google play store and also i downloaded it from the apple app. store. i think it's ironic jack dorsey the guy who just took away millions of dollars from twitter is now using that money to compete directly against elon musk. >> brian: especially when they rarely make a 3r0689. only made a profit one year. blue check, should i buy it. how is it going over that you now have to pay for it unless you are a celebrity who whines. >> obviously a failure. the idea -- i mean it's a good idea to say we have got make some money somehow at twitter if you are elon musk. people have rejected it. they are not buying it. i mean, it's less than -- it's less than 1%, .1% of people signed up for it on twitter now. they started putting it back on people's accounts. now everybody is going on
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twitter saying i didn't pay for it just so you know. so there is some controversy there. i don't know what he's going to do next for the blue checkmark. it has now turned into a mark of shame. >> brian: now i know what i'm going to do go more to or kurt, always great to see you, thanks so much. >> good he sue, brian. >> brian: meanwhile, according to my watch, the 7:00 hour starts right now. let's hear the music. ♪ ♪ >> an explosive hearing on capitol hill this morning. witnesses preparing to tell lawmakers that our own federal government has become the middleman in a migrant trafficking operation. >> the administration apparently knew about it and. >> migrant children literally sold into slavery. >> going after the re-election bid. that is significant. >> taliban killed the suspect isis


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