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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 26, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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day. >> it is national pretzel day. that's a holiday we can all celebrate. are you a soft pretzel fan or rod fan? >> younger days i liked the softer ones, but so much of them, you know. the crunchy ones are also good. it depends where you are. like at the airport, airport is soft pretzel, game hard pretzel. >> i like 'em both, just give me mustard. >> harris falkner is up next. >> harris: this fox news alert, president biden just wants to fight, well, when will he get down to the leadership part of his office actually bringing americans together and lifting up the country for everybody. twice in a few hours yesterday he waged political war on republicans. i'm harris falkner. you are in the "falkner focus" like a unity crushing drum beat, first the big i'm running against announcement on video, no unity there. it featured footage from the
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january 6 riot and later in the day followed that up with the speech vilifying the gop on the money issues. >> speaker of the house went to wall street last week. used cuts in important programs, he and his maga republican colleague, they would rather see kids and seniors struggle to eat what they need. people on medicaid lose their healthcare. veterans lose access to doctors visits and cut subsidies to big oil that made $200 billion, and big pharma and the wealthiest corporations. >> did you hear anything about an idea that he might take to the table on the debt limit or budget and counter balance what republicans are asking for, no. just pounced on them and pounded. even members of his own political party now are not
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eager for another four years of biden. poll after poll showing more than half of people who say they vote democrat seem to be what i call abb, anybody but biden. the white house quite defensive about those polls, and don't dare touch the glaring fact he's the oldest man to run for president in american history. >> as it relates to the polls i will say this, in 2022, more americans voted for this president than any other president in history. against everything that we were being told that this president had one of the most successful midterm elections for a democratic president in 60 years. >> does the president plan to serve all eight years? >> i'm not -- i'm not going to get ahead of the president. that's something for him to decide. >> press secretary karine jean-pierre trying to clean all of that up right after the briefing. she hit twitter with, as you know, we take the following
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hatch act very seriously. so i wanted to be sure that i didn't go into 2024 more than is appropriate under the law, but i can confirm that if re-elected, potus would serve all eight years. ben, fox news contributor, ben, kjp does not want to talk politics, the hatch act she calls and does it anyway. >> you know, the hatch act is something that karine jean-pierre has turned to many times to get out of things talking about she's uncomfortable with. if you turn to any non-partisan or nonbiased legal analyst they will tell you that she's inventing a reason to not talk about these things. it's absolutely allowed under the hatch act for her to talk about these types of decisions and i think this telegraphs us what we have to understand is the greatest weakness of joe
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biden going into this coming election, which is the vast majority of americans and certainly a majority of his own party have serious questions about his age and his ability to do the job. nobody wants to see a president who is incapable of fulfilling four years in office if they are elected or re-elected, we assume they are going to be able to. but now we confront a situation with a president older than any in history that we are dealing with on -- in this regard, that we feel, we can see, given the nature of his performance, the nature of his attitude, the difference between joe biden as we knew him in the past and joe biden today. there are open questions here that are clearly valid when it comes to his ability to finish out this next term, and the fact that they put kamala harris in so many different images of his ad announcing his run for re-election that i think was
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meant to tamp down on palace intrigue the idea she would be replaced, given the doubts about her ability to serve in the office if forced into it after the next election. >> harris: you mentioned nobody wants to see him have to leave except our enemies. outside this nation they watch for that sort of thing. so, the question comes up about acuity for a host of regions, let's check in with a doctor. a new op-ed by dr. marc siegel says we need to see tests that prove biden is mentally fit to serve. americans across the political spectrum tell fox biden's age is their biggest concern, even democrats who say they will vote for biden say they still feel he's too old, watch. >> i think he's too old to be president, to be honest. >> age isn't an only factor in deciding but it is for him, or it is for me. >> some people age faster than others and he's definitely aged
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out. >> i don't know how he got elected the last time, to tell you the truth. >> is there an age limit to be the president? it should be 65, i think he's a little old for president. >> i believe he's not coherent enough to continue on. >> harris: look, when you have doctors and dr. siegel is on our staff here, he is o you are top medical advisor on many, many things, he treats the whole patient, a specialty, always looking for acuity in certain patients to see if things are going ok. and multiple doctors talking now, you know, as lay people we can't even approach what they would see differently than what we see. but when you listen to the voters, those are the people who ultimately will make the decision. did you hear the one woman say he's aged out? >> in fact, one of the voters that you had on was making the
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point, is there an age limit to the presidency. and i think that for a lot of us we feel like perhaps there ought to be. the idea that we have age limits on the low end is one thing, perhaps we need them on the high end as well. because there's a certain point where you do not want to run into the inevitable fraility, we are all human, we all have a point where we are not able to function in the way we have for most of our lives or career, and i don't think it's a moment in which we can really afford to have a president who is not totally engaged, aware of what's going on around the world, totally on top of what different challenges we are facing as a nation. in the coming years we are dealing not just with war currently in europe, with energy issues, with economic issues, but also potentially, you know, a great power conflict in terms of the pacific on our confrontation with china that a lot of experts anticipate and what do we have in charge at that point, is it going to be a
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frail version of america that really is not up to the task, or is it going to be someone who has more energy, it is something that i think matters a great deal in terms of the next several years that we confront as a country. >> harris: this is something i know as the spectator and in the writing you have been that you have looked at, this idea of what it takes to be on that world stage, kind of each, you know, segment of history. as you just spelled out, there is a thirst from, particularly china, to be the leader of the world. they would love to step into that role right now, and wouldn't it be easier if they were playing with somebody who is not quite ready for the day, and then you mention kamala harris. would she be? >> look, i have serious doubts about kamala harris. she's someone who i believe is elevated far beyond what her station and her resume would suggest in terms of her ability
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to do this type of job, to be commander in chief. someone who was not even able to make it to having a single ballot cast for her. and that's something that i think has to be in the back of every american's mind because the idea of kamala harris thrust into this type of situation is not something that i think a lot of americans would feel confident in and they are right to have those doubts. i do not know how she would confront this scenario, i do not know if she would be able to project the kind of confidence that we would need. and americans should understand, we need at this moment the kind of strong leadership, someone who is on top of things and aware of things, you know, more than perhaps any point since the cold war, and this is unfortunate that we are dealing with the kind of candidates on the democratic side that we are dealing with today. >> harris: i know biden likes to say he cleared the field so they are going to make it he does not have to debate. but i remember a debate she beat him, kamala harris. i mean, do you remember that? it's an interesting thing not to
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see, and i realize he's an incumbent and does not have to do anything but clear the field, maybe there would be one democrat to step up to say we would like to see you even in a debate among the people who love you. move on. fox news with an exclusive now in terms of reporting on this. newly uncovered emails show hunter biden and antony blinken seemed pretty cozy close while hunter biden's dad was vice president. at the time hunter was on the board of barisma, a foreign company, reached out to then deputy secretary of state blinken in may of 2015 asking him for some advice. hunter even shared the response with his business partner. two months later emails show blinken and hunter met in person. new revelation even more concerns by acting cia director, and house judiciary chairman jim
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jordan says morerel testified blinken had a big role in the genesis letter, painting the laptop story as disinformation. steven miller, former senior advisor to president trump with this. >> what are these two meeting about? what are hunter and tony blinken talking about with each other while hunter is making all this money? all arrows point at tony blinken. this man has to be deposed, hauled before congress, put under oath. >> harris: a lot of scrutiny now on blinken, why? >> well, i think there are a number of concerns here, you know, one is that if hunter biden is just acting as an individual citizen does not seem like the kind of meeting that he would be able to get easily and the fact that you have this type of relationship between tony blinken and him, you know, on
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these current subjects that are, you know, great concern to us in terms of national security and the like, you know, representing perhaps, you know, chinese interests in terms of advancing their cause, and then you have the follow-on situation via tony blinken that comes through mike and involves 50 plus members of the intel committee and the national security community in ways that were obviously meant to defend the interests of the biden family within the context of the 2020 election. there are enormous questions that need to be answered and i believe that tony blinken should have to answer them. >> now he's secretary of state. i mean, he's played many roles with, you know, connection to joe biden but now he's got even more power than he's ever had on a world stage. ben, great to have you in focus. thank you. >> great to be with you. >> harris: the debt limit battle raging as we inch our way closer
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to what could be a historic default. republicans don't want that, they have a plan. they want the president to come to the table and look at their plan and start to negotiate. yet biden refuses to sit with republicans. and a house panel hours away from taking a powerful union boss over, or talking with her and taking her to task over those covid school lockdowns. >> guiding community agencies and certainly a part of this, not the science, but the political science. >> harris: republicans will demand answers from randi weingarten after a new report shows she influenced the cdc school guidance. republican congresswoman nicole malliotakis will be one of those in the room asking questions. she's next.
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hours, house republicans will challenge randi weingarten. critics have long accused, she is a powerful teachers' union boss in the country, pushing to keep schools closed during the pandemic regardless what the science said. now a report says she actually influenced government guidelines for schools. the subcommittee chair says our children have to come first. >> the question is, you know, are you a service organization that is dedicated to the youth of america so that our children are educated and america has a
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bright future or a political organization. cdc should be completely a political. >> lydia hu is with us. >> hi there, harris. this afternoon's hearing promises to be a showdown between gop lawmakers and american federation of teachers president randi weingarten. it comes on the heels of new reporting by "the new york post" that shows weingarten and the union coordinated the cdc school reopening guidance. according to the post, she spoke twice by phone with cdc director walensky that halted reopening of classes in february 2021. >> the teachers' union, they were more focused, brian, on what they need to be closed as opposed to anything in the conversation about what they needed to be open. they wanted a trigger for closure.
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>> the reporting also shows emails exchanged between the union, cdc, and white house about coordinating press announcements about school reopening. now, critics like conservative watchdog group americans for public trust say the communication show the biden administration and the union put politics over science and the well-being of children who suffered learning loss during school closures. in fact, harris, the largest declines in math scores for fourth and eighth grades have now been measured since the assessment started back in 1990, that's according to government data, and according to a stanford economist, learning losses could shave as much as 5% or more, that's equal to $70,000 off of lifetime earnings for children who were in school during the pandemic. those losses could total over $28 trillion over the rest of the century. and now a lawyer for weingarten sent a letter to the
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subcommittee last week saying the union's role in reopening schools was "limited and wholly appropriate" but of course the statements were before the recent reporting that we now have showing the extent of phone calls and emails between the union and the cdc. so we'll hear what weingarten has to say about all of this today when the hearing gets started at 2:00 p.m., harris. >> harris: they could have said we start with a new idea but dug in. new york's lieutenant governor with strong opinions on how badly teachers' union hurt our children by pushing to keep the schools closed. here is what she wrote. state laws determined teachers' unions power, protecting your kids from the unions waging political warfare state by state. covid lockdowns dealt a devastating blow but schools
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were in crisis long before that. the good news is, that in red and purple states reformers are pushing to change that. congresswoman nicole malliotakis, great to have you today. first of all, what randi weingarten needs to answer to first would be what from you? >> well, we want to know all the facts relating to the documents that we have been able to identify showing that there was clearly a collusion between the teachers' union and the biden administration to keep these schools shut down. why did she push for what i believe would be political solutions as opposed to actually following the science as the administration has been telling us they were doing. this is -- this is just another example of how this administration chose to placate political allies instead of what was right for the people. they hurt businesses, hurt
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schools, they hurt students, they did so much damage by arbitrarily deciding to close institutions instead of actually following the science like they told us they were doing. >> harris: you know, it's more than just the immediate term, though. i don't know if you were able to watch or listen to our reporters report just then, lydia, but our children, those who missed out on learning, the whole country, are going to miss out on earnings to the tune of 5.6%. i mean, maybe that does not sound like a lot for really, really rich people but across their life-span. >> yeah, and their families were really hurt, too. they had financial losses as well when the children were not going to school and they were forced to stay home. some children committed suicide, so depressed being at home and not having the social interaction they need in schools. and here in new york city, by the way, randi was the president of our local union here in new york city, we were probably hurt the most. we saw schools shut down for a
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year and a half, all while private schools in new york city were open and doing it safely. and then on top of it, they had lobbied for a tremendous amount of money that is yet to be -- was never spent, never actually used for the purpose that it was supposed to, which was to reopen our schools. so we beg the question why after donating so much money to the democrats, to president biden were they so influential in drafting cdc guidelines that put our children in peril. >> harris: i want to know as a citizen where did that money go they were supposed to spend on the schools in new york. i live in new jersey, but valid question all over the country. dr. fauci refuses to take responsibility for anything that he might have done to further those lockdowns. he defiantly says show me a school i shut down and show me a factory i shut down, never. i never did. then he doubled down in an
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interview a couple hours ago. watch. >> it was a personification of me that closed everything down. those were regulations by the cdc and i've been very supportive of the cdc because they base their recommendations purely on public health issues, and the point that i made that is public health officials it's our responsibility to give the public health perspective to it. >> harris: you know, this is a man who didn't even in the beginning, wasn't even able to tell us that cloth masks absolutely don't do anything, which is why they don't wear them in the e.r., by the way, cloth. yet he said put on whatever you could. >> yeah, there was a lot of damage that the statements made by the administration to the public caused. many of our businesses are still struggling today as they were during the height of covid. they simply never recovered.
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two in my district, close friends of mine have had to close the doors of their restaurants. we see the damage done to the students as we mentioned, test scores are not where they were and in fact, the state of new york is looking to reduce -- reducing the qualifications for these tests just to get the kids to get by because they are not meeting the standards for reading and math. they are way under where they should be. so they had real life ramifications for people each and every day and we still see the effects of it. that's why dr. fauci and the others need to be held accountable. they gave bad information and frankly they lied to the public. said there was no nih funding going to the wuhan lab and there is. and also the department of defense and u.s. aid as well testified at our last meeting. there needs to be accountability, we are pushing for the facts to get us there. >> harris: i read, though, did she lawyer up? >> yeah, that's a good question
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as to why randi weingarten felt the need to hire a defense attorney to come with her to testify before congress if she did nothing wrong. that is an interesting, i'm sure that question will be coming up as well today. >> harris: i had lawmakers tell me yesterday that was rare, jason chavitz was with me. and they could bring the spending debt limit to the house floor as soon as today. president biden has promised to veto. i don't know if he's read it, he won't talk to the republicans. he and the white house continue to tear into the proposal which aims to curb rampant federal spending. let's watch. >> same old trickle down dressed up in maga clothing. only worse. because this time they're saying -- >> let the country default on its debt.
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>> it's clear the speaker's bill breaks the commitment to america. incredibly dangerous. instead of playing these games, avoid default. we have been very clear, we are not going to negotiate on that. >> harris: speaker mccarthy says the president should listen to advice from his own political party. >> joe manchin says we should negotiate, debbie dingle said we should negotiate, others as well. amy klobuchar said it as well. and for anybody out there saying oh, just raise the debt ceiling, it's not what the president said when he was vice president and senator. he voted for four debt ceilings and the four he vote against because he said the reforms did not go far enough. >> harris: where is the unify president he promised that he was going to be and work across the aisle? >> if he didn't want to negotiate with us, they should have passed it in december with the reckless bill.
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we are not going to allow biden's reckless spending to continue. he has to negotiate with us and we are proposing common sense. just reduce spending to precovid levels, make sure we are clawing back the unspent covid money, make sure that we are not sending hundreds of billions of tax dollars to companies owned by china for the green new deal, ramp domestic energy production, fueling inflation along with the spending and get the fiscal house in order. the american taxpayers deserve this, it's the right thing to do and the fact the president will not negotiate is a disgrace. makes you wonder whether the president wants to restore the prosperity in the country or not. >> harris: precovid levels, like a year and a half ago. i mean, you are not even -- you are not even going back to a level that we are not used to. i got to let you go, congresswoman, thank you. >> save taxpayers trillions of dollars by just doing that. thank you. >> harris: that one thing. thank you so very much.
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president biden will give the 24th news conference since taking office, that number just a fraction of what his predecessors did in their terms. given president biden's age, there are calls for the vice president to step up. you heard ben saying how often she appears in his new announcement video.
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>> harris: fact checkers busy with the biden 2024 announcement when it comes to americans and our freedoms. they said biden is the one taking away those freedoms, well, he's at it again. they say he's fibbing and his first official campaign ad. >> courage, opportunity, democracy, freedom, the values and beliefs that built this country and still beat in our hearts. but they are under attack by an extreme movement that seeks to overturn elections, ban books, and eliminate a woman's right to
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choose. joe biden has made defending our basic freedoms the cause of his presidency. >> harris: op-ed points out the biden administration is the one which fights against parental rights in schools, coaches praying on the field, and for our right to use a gas stove, just a couple of examples there. the "new york times" is again calling out biden for avoiding the press, as biden starts his new campaign we ask why he doesn't spend more time in the public eye. garrett, former senior advisor to senator chuck grassley and the senate judiciary and jose, former dnc press secretary. garrett, start with you. so the president has for two -- one was on video and then a speech yesterday, really gone after republicans. and yet in the latest ad it's going after republicans again, no unity there, but the big point, too, is he's blaming them
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for something he's doing. >> yeah, that's been his entire presidency. i think we forget and he wants everybody to not be reminded when he took office we had 1% inflation, and we have had at some times during his presidency, the highest inflation in 40 years. when he took office there was no war in ukraine, when he took office the taliban did not run afghanistan, so it's been blunder after blunder and tried to shift the blame, whether its on the debt ceiling or other issues, reckless spending, and so really he's trying to blame other people for his failures here but if his entire campaign is about finishing the job, i think the american people are going to wonder what that job is, specifically when he's damaged the economy, he's damaged our standing in the world, crime is on the rise, you know, there's been record border crossings over the last year, so that's finishing the job. i can't imagine the people are going to want much of that. >> harris: bigger issue, too, maybe not bigger but sort of like a side issue as well, running parallel with all of
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what garrett just said, and that's coming in the form of this op-ed in the "new york times" today arguing about biden's age. given biden's age, vice president harris needs to step it up going into 2024. an excerpt, it's no secret the vice president has not elevated her stature in the last two plus years. harris has to make the case for herself ideally by showing more forcefully what she can do. jose. >> well, look, i think kamala harris is going to run as biden's v.p. and that's not going to change. if you look at the result, i disagree with garrett, 12 million jobs created, and americans vaccinated, seniors do not pay more than $2,000 per year when it comes to prescription drugs, the biggest investment in the infrastructure the last 70 years. anybody, republican or democrat. >> harris: we like to ask a lot
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of people and don't have to find out the 12 million were almost the job gave up during the pandemic. a job replacement program. the republican committee released a video depicting what would happen if president biden wins another term, seizing on his multiple crisis. let's watch. >> this just in, we can now call the 2024 presidential race for joe biden. >> this morning an emboldened china invades taiwan. >> financial markets are in freefall as 500 regional banks have shuttered their doors. >> who's in charge here? >> feels like the train is coming off the tracks. >> yeah, i mean, the train has already come off the tracks, unfortunately. and so this idea that, you know, things are going well, i don't think anybody has seen that. you can look at poll after poll, a cbs poll came out yesterday, 75% of americans are essentially saying things are heading in the wrong direction. you've got more people depleting
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their savings account, so this match-up in my opinion to 2024 is between trump and biden, it's going to be were you better off four years ago under joe biden, and i don't think anybody can answer that question honestly and the polling and the data shows that. >> harris: yeah, you know, if you take that polling now, though, it's not even four years, it's only been two and a half. jose, the number that garrett just gave out is true, it's about 70% of all those who being too the poll. but a large number of them are democrats. is it age, what is it that's driving democrats to maybe way say anybody but biden because they say they want somebody else? >> look, i think those numbers will change. but i don't believe -- >> harris: i want to hear what you are thinking there. you think the numbers will change. how do they change, jose? >> well, i'll tell you. two things quickly. first the polls, i don't believe a poll, i don't believe polls tell the whole picture. they tell part of the story but not everything. look at the polls, harris, the night before the election in 2016, every single poll in
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america said hillary clinton was going to be president of the united states. they were wrong and i think they will be wrong this time around. i tell you a year from now, 18 months from today when the election happens, the patterns tell you economy is improving, unemployment continues to stay low, and inflation is going down. used to be 9%, harris, back in last year, now it's 5%. that is progress. i think 18 months from today biden will be in a whole lot better position than today. >> harris: interesting point you make on the first one. you are going to bank on a different political landscape where, you know, trump is running the first time, if you talk with trump voters, they will tell you -- they did not really want to take part in polls, that's not the politics of today two and a half years into the presidency when you ask even democrats, do you want this guy to be your president again, and more than the majority saying no. i'll bring you both back. garrett, jose, good to see you. thank you.
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fox news alert, former arkansas governor asa hutchinson about to formally kick off his 2024 campaign. this is it, he steps into a growing field of republican candidates, including former president trump, former u.n. ambassador nikki haley and entrepreneur vivek ramaswamy. >> good morning, harris. add one more to the republican primary list, the former governor of arkansas, two term, here is going t announce in bentonville he is officially jumping into this race. asa hutchinson is expected to take the stage in a few minutes, former congressman, in george w. bush, roles there, and calling for trump to move aside to let the republican party move forward. says the prospect of the 2024 biden-trump rematch is painful. and some are pushing the u.s. to
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play less of a role in foreign affairs. >> i would not define it as america first but isolationism, and if our party and country goes that direction, i think it is bad for world peace, if america steps back from its leadership role who is going to pick it up. france? china of course wants to. >> hutchinson has criticized ron desantis expected rival for his fight with disney. hutchinson says he would not want a left leaning administration telling a business it could not speak on conservative issues so the opposite shouldn't be true. desantis trails trump in many gop polls, with many republicans behind them. shannon bream asked hutchinson why he's running into the trump buzz saw, hutchinson is polling at 1%. he says he's running because the country needs an alternative and a new direction. this is the campaign kick-off, he'll take the stage shortly
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here from bentonville. >> harris: rich, thank you very much. a bombshell claim expected at a hearing on biden's border crisis today, whether it will make democrats and the liberal media finally pay attention to the trafficking of migrant children we'll have to see. and of course, this government lost 85,000 of those children. hope they get to that. ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership.
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>> harris: a lot going on on capitol hill. a house sub committee is holding a hearing today on the disaster at our border. a whistleblower is expected to give explosive testimony there saying the u.s. government is acting as a middle man for a massive operation trafficking migrant children. border agents say the number of unaccompanied minors coming into the united states has been growing dramatically since 2020. it's on track to hit a new high this year. a recent report says government agencies absolutely knew about an underground child labor market and let those lost little ones live as slaves. jason chavitz in focus yesterday. >> it's not 1 or 2 cases, we are talking the tens of thousands. these kids are being raped, they are being trafficked, they are
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being exploited. then they are going into child labor. what kind of country are we? where are the people in this administration who actually care about this? i mean, it is absolutely disgusting. >> harris: so jason was then echoed by critics who say this is one of those stories that does not provide any easy angle to blame republicans. in the end, a lot of people who say they care about the abuse of migrants really mean that they care about the abuse of michigans during a republican presidency. once a democrat is in the office, they just assume everything is going fine. after all, democrats are the good guys. that's all one quote. nate foy live in brownsville, texas, and nate, the facts are just so stubborn and heartbreaking. >> they really are, harris. the conditions just across the border are brutal and that's part of the reason why you see so many migrants crossing now even before title 42 ends when we are expecting an even bigger
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surge, but just in this field behind me in brownsville, 1,000 migrants were processed overnight. take a live look at the drone right now as the action is continuing this morning. a group of about 100 migrants are being processed up on the levy, and if i can ask sven our drone operator to pan down, more migrants are processed at the bottom of the levee, using trees to get some shade, it's about 80°. the next video harris, about two weeks now, yesterday there were 2100 migrant encounters in the rio grande valley sector, the day before it was more than that at 2600 migrant encounters. i want to show you, harris, where they are coming from. we sent our fox news drone to mexico, you see tent after tent. some migrants tell us conditions are so bad they cannot wait for the end of title 42. they say there's no work, they have no money, they are
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experiencing constant issues with the biden administration's cbp1 app. but here is how some migrants are getting there. migrants are making their way through mexico by literally jumping on to moving trains. sometimes if the train has stopped, they'll hop on and ride it as far north as they possibly can. 35,000 migrants right now, harris are waiting in ciudad juarez, el paso is setting you will shelters as ngos are expected to be overrun when title 42 ends in two weeks. and border patrol preparing for the long haul, tents and port a potties, and even with the staggering numbers we are seeing the surge before the even bigger surge when title 42 ends. >> harris: that's chilling what you just said, preparing for the long haul. i mean, that's basically a fema
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operation before the storm. it's incredible. all of our tax dollars being soaked up because the border is clearly open. you know, when you mentioned biden's app, i call it that because he's actually talked about that app. you know, use the cbp1 app. people are angry at our government now because it doesn't work, nate. >> correct. yeah. they keep trying to make appointments and not only is there a very small number of appointments available, harris, because of that, they don't have great wi-fi, they are getting kicked out and conditions so bad in mexico, they are just coming over now. and to give you more perspective, border patrol officials estimate 10,000 migrant encounters after title 42 ends. right now over 2,000 a day in a 25-mile stretch of the rio grande valley sector.
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>> harris: look, you and i talk about this whenever we come together after visiting the border and this is brownsville, and eagle pass was the worst, and nogales for fentanyl in arizona, hitting at every single sector now as that date looms. nate foy, excellent reporting as always. thank you very much. thank you for watching "falkner focus." "outnumbered" after the break. pay yourself cash.
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♪ >> hello, everyone, this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany, here with my co-host harris faulkner and emily compagno and welcoming back, author kym douglas, and professor of medicine and fox news contributor dr. marc siegel. we begin here, 2024, president biden set to hold a join news


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