tv Hannity FOX News April 27, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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i have talked to their agents, they'll both appear and that is great news. grant and a pair, all he said was "all lives matter" and he got fired after 30 years with the segmental kings. talk about what he can get hired now and i believe how wrong that is but all of that coming your way saturday night but on thursday night the great sean hannity and his friends. a lot of friends, right? >> sean: you have ""fox & friends"." we have hannity and friends. thank you all for coming! welcome to "hannity." we have a live audience and this is a rowdy crowd. there you go. and tonight we have a grim reality. more and more americans now believe that president joey is not capable of serving a second term. do you all agree with that?
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are you ready for president kamala harris? we've got her latest word salad. that's coming up tonight. new details from the federal criminal investigation into the biden family syndicate. wait until you hear donald trump's brand-new nickname for joey biden. it's a little bit reminiscent of hillary but we'll put it that way. karine jean-pierre was caught lying about joe on her cheat sheet. it even had to say "you." you've got to be kidding me. at had to remind them who was in his own cabinet. that's how bad it was. we have bad economic news but we have never a good economic news with him as president. the rate down the great larry kudlow right here in the studio. but first tonight a big day for joe biden. perhaps his favorite time of the year. it was "bring your kid to work"
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day to the white house. it was! for once hunter biden was nowhere to be found. joe was in rare form -- you guys are killing me tonight. joe was in rare form. somehow he resisted the urge to sniff and squeeze the actual children in attendance. in other words, 3p joe didn't show up, thank god. it's never good when he's sniffing a little girl's hair. in fact, he actually answered more questions from kids that he ever does from the media mob or the press. or at least he tried to answer their questions. he kind of messed them up too. you decide. >> i'm going to take to go. i'm going to get my stuff in trouble here because her parents are going to say, why hasn't he stopped and secret service agents, they are packing so i've got to be careful with how they tell. the last place i was, it's hard to keep track.
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i was... yeah, you are right. ireland. that's where it was. >> what's your favorite movie of? >> favorite movie was a new movie that was about that guy who flies jet planes. do you know what i'm talking about? >> "top gun?" >> >> that's been my favorite me i've seen this year. >> i heard you have to give that back to the oval office. >> what... oh! hi, how are you. what did you say? i didn't hear you. >> i heard you had to give that back to the oval office. >> one thing i thought when i got to be president? i get to give orders. what i take more orders than i ever did. and you are right. >> he didn't member what country he last visited last >> he
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didn't remember what country he visited last week? he didn't remember "top gun maverick?" we've got a big problem. they are telling that biden's mental health and stamina unmatched? do you believe that? take a look. >> as he says every day, watch me, he puts us to shame with his energy. >> as i age i appreciated even more. >> not at all pete we had many leaders his agent have done extraordinary things and the reason he can accomplish this just as much or more in the second term then he did in his person. >> can you answer more work experience, president, vice president, senator? experience counted in the world to go that is dangerous. >> i think he's proven he can
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deliver. >> does anyone believe mr. fang fang because i don't. no doubt that biden has bad memory problems, his cognitive decline we pointed out first. it's so clear and obvious and transparent. this guy has no business running for a second term. not just because of his mental and physical decay. joe biden is not a good guy. he is now hurting everything the person in this country in every way imaginable. just listen as joe was describing his wonderful loving relationship with all his grandchildren minus one, four year old little granddaughter that joe biden refuses to recognize or even acknowledge in any way, shape, manner, or form. take a look. >> i have six grandchildren and i'm crazy about them. i speak to them every single day. not a joke. vehicle joe biden has seven grandchildren. not six grandchildren.
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he doesn't speak to one of them at all. i'll use his words. it's not a joke. i'm serious. joel, come on, man. a little child, your granddaughter. you can't acknowledge her? that's really pathetic. this 4-year-old little girl has done nothing wrong and yet there is no love, no support, no invites to the white house, no christmas presents, and the birthday cards, you don't hang up stocking at christmas. not from joe, not from jill, nobody. that is a disgrace. they should all be ashamed of themselves and of course hunter biden has been ordered by a judge now to make child support payments following a paternity test. but now hunter's attorneys have been working overtime to reduce or eliminate those payments. now they are claiming that hunter just does not have enough money from russia, china, ukraine to support his own daughter despite all these overseas business dealings and his widely successful career as
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an amateur artist paint by numbers. i call it portraits of a crack addict. hunter biden, he doesn't have any money to spare for his own kid? of course pops in the multimillion dollar multiservice joe well he's not willing that hand out a helping hand, doesn't care about his own four your old granddaughter. here's the big question of the day. imagine if this granddaughter was donald trump's granddaughter. do you think the media would ignore this? i don't think so either pay he has the gall to pretend he's as wonderful loving family guy. it's one big lie appear let me say this again. joe biden has a chip missing if he things this is in any way okay. that girl deserves love. joe, man up and love your granddaughter. it's that simple. anyway, that's news to
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karine jean-pierre. take a look at what she has to say about it. >> breaking news about the president. his favorite ice cream is -- what is it? greater -- i don't eat ice ice cream. chocolate chip. he loves a good pair of sunglasses. he likes spaghetti which is pretty cool. i love spaghetti too. >> sean: loves every grandchild except for the four year old. on her own. loves a good cheat sheet and a compliant mod. this is a picture of a note card biden was holding yesterday at a press conference entitled "reporter q&a" with the sub headline russian number one followed by a reporter's name, her picture, where she works, the "l.a. times," the card also
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detailed the exact question she wanted to ask. it was about semiconductor manufacturing right on cue, biden called on the "l.a. times" reporter for the first question. guess what she asked about? semiconductor manufacturing. the "l.a. times" and the biden white house are denying that there was any collusion at all whatsoever. take a look. >> the "l.a. times" submitted the report advance, people who saw that card, can you explain how that ended up there and why the president needed that? >> look, we do not have specific questions in advance. that's not something we do. our job is to get a sense of what you all want to ask him. that's our job here. the news of the day, the topics you all are interested to ask of him. >> sean: why live? there is photographic evidence that biden got the question in
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advance as senator marco rubio tweeted. biden has media in his pocket and it's really in his pocket -- by the way, we knew this for years but didn't we always know that there was an extension of the biden press office, right? this is not journalism. this is teamwork. biden and the mob are operating as one unit. if this was a trump white house you know that fake news cnn and msnbc and abc, cbs, "the new york times" they would have a total meltdown fit over this. jim acosta, he'd be crying. hunter dumped he would be apoplectic. by the way, he has been m.i.a. anybody know where humpty has gone? because biden is a democrat, he gets a pass. business as usual and the so-called journalist wonder why americans no longer trust the media. can they really be this stupid? one thing is clear.
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as 2024 now nears, the biden protection program is back, more corrupt than ever before. mark my words, this night he will once again run a campaign from his basement and he will hide. joining us now with reaction, cohost of "the bottom line" on hour sister network, good to see you all. i want to start with the questions from the kids. because i want to know how did he forget the castles in ire ireland? >> i don't know. i thought joe biden had pepin's step today. felt like he was really saucy. it was take your child to work day so he was finally among his intellectual peers. that was not a note card, sean.
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that was a flash card 3-year-olds use them very often. joe obviously is getting really hooked on phonics so he can maybe function. >> sean: did you make this up or did you write this ahead of time? >> i do look forward to 2024 we will have a commander in chief who doesn't need to be handled, who doesn't need to be managed, who doesn't need to be carted around on a handtruck. and he doesn't need to wear aviators all the time to avoid appearing utterly confused just by daylight. >> sean: that might've been the greatest monologue ever given on the show. great job. how did he forget ireland? how did he forget the castles, how did he forget his favorite movie of all time question might
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the aviator one? "maverick," "top gun," how do you forget that? >> he was in ireland. he doesn't member his own granddaughter as you mentioned being cruel. he was talking about there's no such thing as someone else's child. he says our nation's children are all our children but here he want to his own child. it begs the question why not? is joe biden embarrassed of this child out of wedlock, a son who does crack, meth, sleeps with strippers. his son slept of his dead brother's widow. >> sean: going where no one has ever -- >> the one thing that embarrasses you a child out of wedlock? and by her to the egg roll. it is an amazing -- >> how do you treat a girl like
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that? >> they are in court trying to prevent this child from taking the biden name. that's what they are fighting in court, the reason hunter is opposing it because biden name brings scorn in the community. that's true, actually. >> sean: reince priebus, let's your take on all of this. >> i was thinking about this press secretary issue and one of two things happen. either the press secretary prescreen the down my questions or all the reporters send in their questions and those questions were chosen based on whether the press secretary or joe biden like the questions and they went for it. my experience was a total opposite. it wasn't whether residents be if i was going the questions, it's that he kept going and going and going and never stopped taking the questions.
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the president, in my experience, we'd have to list who all the reporters in the room were. he'd go up there, he ripped through the list, he'd keep going. one time in particular to give you the complete opposite experience, we were in the white house for about three weeks. the president said i want to do a big press conference this week. wait a minute, we've got the planets out the movie got to know what the topics are. when do you want to do this press conference, mr. president? you told the staff -- this is what he said. i will tell you when i feel it and you are going to know when i want to do it. okay put a couple days later we walk in the oval office about 10:30 and we kind of forgot about that conversation. the president said "i'm feeling it today. let's do the press conference. within an hour and a half, we had the entire east room, chairs everywhere, the president went
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up. no list, no prescreen questions, he went on and answered questions for about an hour and 45 minutes. so we had the opposite. this is a president that pledged truth and transparency and he's getting the questions before the exam and in fact cheating the american people who are getting cheated. >> sean: with the reaction be if it was donald trump getting the questions ahead of time? by the way... a lot of moaning and groaning out there. i got it. >> he would make a face or a smirk and there are still people, not wings, passing the .gifs around the internet. complete and utter meltdown. i used to love the chopper chats but he'd be walking out to
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marine one -- >> sean: he'd stated for 25 minutes. >> he walk up and down the line. >> they'd ask all the questions they had and he'd buy you like, any more question market walk off the chopper. i think you make a really good -- we'll leave it at that. >> sean: okay. we'll leave it at that. i recently interviewed the president and i think he spoke for about an hour and a half and didn't stop. he did an interview with tucker and with mark levine. he can talk on any topic. it's extra no apparent extra tempering it's theopposite of this. my question is does america know the danger of having a president that compromised? >> he thinks he looks like tom cruise no sunglasses. it doesn't dh him. >> sean: i don't know how we think about "top gun."
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>> they don't understand that this is not normal, that joe biden is not with it, that he has a whole press team that has to protect joe biden from those asking questions. he's going to run this campaign out of the basement, no doubt. >> the american people do know what it's like because working men and women have not gotten a raise in two years. their wages are shrinking and the standard of living is in decline. >> sean: going to interrupt you for this reason. are you telling me that the republican candidates, if it's donald trump, can win pennsylvania, wisconsin, georgia, north carolina? >> of course you can. and it starts with the economy. it starts with what's happening in our schools, parents revolting around the country. i'll tell you what, the democrats don't care about their
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candidates. they are not candidate crazy. they put joe biden in the basement because we got better made in pennsylvania. they are focused on process, early vote, absentee ballot vote. mechanics on the ground. we tend to be a little bit more candidate crazy than they do, but i'll tell you what have to make sure our actors together to win this race in 2024 to save the country. >> sean: am worried about the economy, china, russia, iran, allies leaving us. worried about everything. >> i'm worried about our schools -- >> sean: forget the schools, china has nukes. working men and women are living paycheck to paycheck. they are suffering. >> you can't save your country if you don't have kids who can be the new >> that's a 12 year
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project. that's not going to remove people out of poverty. >> i will fight sean on this. >> sean: which sean? >> duff. >> education is a state and local issue. when the president, when a republican candidate runs, and has to be focused on what will be in the commander in chief of austria's control. >> sean: let me >> sean: let me ask reince's question. they don't do press avail, they don't do selfies but they run negative ads, they lie and ballot harvest. the republican party needs to do all that. why are they not doing it? >> one of the things, this is a big subject. one of the things like i said
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before, our donors tend to be focused on candidates. their donors are focused on process. we need about $100 million in a super pac around this country that focuses in soft money, a be voting, early voting, voter identification. >> sean: legal ballot harvesting. >> there's only 5%, 5% of the public is in play. whoever can slice and dice that 5% is going to win. which is why in these battleground states that are being won across the country by 10,000 votes or less. that's what it's coming down to. >> sean: thank you, thank you. it was great for the whistle-blower who says that hunter biden is getting preferential treatment. later donald trump unveils his new nickname for joe biden. straight ahead.
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elmer>> hi, i'm elmer heinrich. i am the owner of the 40-year-old company that sells immuno 150. now this is a nutritional product that contains 9 exotic fruits, 13 vitamins, 17 herbs, 18 ammino acids and 70 minerals now this powerful formulation has propelled me to 89 years of age and my wife to 80, both with no dementia, no diabetes, no heart problems, no high blood pressure, no aches or pains of any kind and the ability to do anything we did 30 years ago. i am sure it can do the same thing for you. now look at the video on our website to learn more about immuno 150, then place your order online or by phone to the see what 70 minerals and 80 other nutrients can do for you.
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>> sean: we've got a great crowd tonight. according to john solomon, congress is poised to collect testimony. the irs whistle-blower guy? they are going to get that testimony who says the federal government is improperly interfering with the hunter biden investigation. that's not all. the house oversight committee chair says the white house could be trying to improperly interfere with the investigation into the biden family syndicate and here's what he told john solomon. >> look at what we've got my district. dark many groups that are being
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funded through prominent high-ranking democrat officials in congress and also that the communications director for the white house continues to tweet out, retweet and things, trying to intimidate for having the audacity to investigate. we've got witnesses that are scared to death to come forward. >> here with a full report. you've been breaking a lot of news. tell us about this. >> very important development's. first the process for the process is going to learn what we learn. the house ways and means committee. jason smith the chairman sent a letter connecting that whistle-blower to the committee. that gets over the tax privacy law. can now tell his lawyers and the committee what he knows that can become public for the american people. that gets to the political interference. meanwhile james comer says he's going to be releasing an interim report next month. going to found a lot of things he found from witnesses but he
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really expressed concern today about witness intimidation. he said that team biden is getting very close to the line of witness intimidation. trying to make people afraid to cooperate. people are scared to death. that's not stopping the investigating. a lot of focus on the bank, those two investigation are going to collide at some point. we are going to see what james comer and you and how much the justice department may have new and did not pursue for many years. >> these two things are going to collide at the right moment. sean: any -- >> more interviews going on in this. people were picking up on tony blinken not only had that phone call with mike morel that instigated the letter, he later sends the article that injects the russian disinformation concept into the letter. tony blinken sends this "usa today" article. these fees are rapid response
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director from the biden campaign. he sent some of the material that ends up in that letter. they are waiting for his ans answers. waiting for antony blinken to answer questions. >> sean: do you agree with reports that are now saying hunter biden will be indicted soon? >> we are hearing that. it is up to the justice department first and it is up to the hundred biden lawyers to see if they want to get a plea deal. yesterday's meeting is the first step. a lot of people are thinking that way. i think the big question is and james comer interest on my show today mud did the justice department nail this down much smaller than what the irs warranted? that something will hear about in the next couple of weeks. >> sean: john solomon, how great is he? hunter biden didn't bring his kids to work in the white house. but try as he might, you can't hide from the scandals together, especially now.
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look at this new pole. 80% of the american look at this new poll. 80% of american people are paying attention to hunter biden and all of his foreign business dealings and now we are gettingg more about his shady deeds and deep connections. hunter was a key fund-raiser for delaware's senator renamed the cochair. how convenient. also help them union leader get a meeting with pops back when he was vice president. the same union leader just introduced joe at a recent event. why was hunter seemingly here, there, everywhere? what was in it for him question mike moore florida attorney general pam bondi and fox news eagle analyst gregg jarrett. i want to shoot right to the bottom lien. because james comer said that they've done business with
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dozens of countries. russia, ukraine, kazakhstan. here's the question. i want to know how much money in business traded with these countries. i want to know how much they profited. i want to know how much joe got if he got any and what did you know and when did he know it because we knew he lie when he said he'd never talk about these issues with his son. >> we do not know an exact number. could be up to $100 million. talking about $31 million from the chinese. $40 million from the russians. you've got to factor in armenia, kazakhstan, oman. they have one common denominator. all the countries that barack obama gave authority to vice president joe biden to dictate the policies there. it raises a very serious question with all of that money flowing in with what could be fairly described as the biden
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family syndicate, is this a president who is now so compromised, has he sold out america two oh foreign adversaries? >> sean: wait a minute this is a really good question. if all this business took place, does everybody think that the president may be compromised by these countries? they are not our friends, these countries. >> they are not. james comer has made a very good point taking just china, for example. it appears joe biden has made decisions that xi jinping is very happy about but americans are at from covid to tiktok to the manipulation of u.s. currency to the use of theft of intellectual property, that spy balloon. it was an interesting cartoon the other day. noting that joe biden is underwater on every single issue and asking voters if you're happy with joe biden, no, no, no.
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the picture of xi jinping. yes, i'm happy with joe dryden? >> why did they put me on that picture? >> americans need to know that if our national security has been jeopardized by this president. >> sean: i want to know how much money the biden family made from all of these country and what did joe know when did he know it. did you himself. is he compromised? >> sean, you want to know an 80% want to know it for good reason but we know that hunter biden is not some recovering drug addicted son of a president. hunter biden's tentacles are in everything and everyone connected to joe biden. in the emails have shown is that they've been for more than a decade. has a close relationship with tony blinken who coordinated 15 intel agencies to save that same laptop that he was emailing on was russian disinformation peered hunter biden was
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instrumental in the election of senator coons, we now know. he is a close personal relationship with him. who sits on judiciary in responsible for investigating hunter biden. hunter biden made the initial introduction to garvey, union boss, now president biden who is now standing up with him for his reelection. so, sean, all roads lead back to hunter biden. >> sean: if he got money from these countries, is that an impeachable... is that even perhaps against the law? >> of course it is, sean. that's why 80% of americans care. and they are taking note of this. this is been going on. we now know that for more than a decade hunter biden, all of these different people are the spokes, leading back to joe biden but we all know that all roads lead to joe biden.
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where is hunter biden living? we are hearing the white house, pennsylvania avenue. >> americans have finally awakened from their deep slumber and have wised up making the biden's in the can. almost 80% now say they are carefully and closely watching it. they key figure is 71% of independents, swing voters who make a difference in the next election say that if this is a serious scandal, they are right. >> sean: thank you. biden asking voters to reelect them so we can finish the job. to you, the american people, can your wallets handle four more years of this economic disaster? also trump and build a new nickname for joe. we'll tell you what it is straight ahead.
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>> sean: a great crowd tonight. the only normal people in new york are right here in this room. a great endorsement of biden's agenda today. the economy grew by a whopping 1% in the first quarter of this year. wow. that's not good. second quarter in a row of slowing growth after two quarters of negative growth. at the beginning of last year, that by definition is a recession. view the american people are starting to notice. the latest fox poll, 70% of americans now feel the american delaunay economy is getting worse. do you agree?
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in new hampshire today, former president trump had a lot to say about biden and even gave them a new nickname. take a look. >> joe biden only cares about enriching his own family. i care about enriching your family and you... this country needs a rescue win. we need to rescue america from the wreckage of the biden economy. but i'm willing to retire the name "crooked" so we can use the name for joe biden because he'll be known as crooked joe biden. >> sean: a warm welcome for our friend fox business host larry kudlow is here. how are you, sir? >> you know, there was a point in my life when i lived paycheck to paycheck. a lot of years of my early adult
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life, it's not fun. it's now two-thirds of the country. we have bad economic news in every smart economist that i read or i hear, saying the same thing, do you agree? >> we are in stagflation right now. >> sean: you have to explain to people. >> i'm going there. you never trust me. i've only been doing this 25-50 years. a little less than 1% growth, all right? and the inflation rate is about 6%. this is the last five quarters. so starting with biden's first full year in office which was 2022 last year, that's four quarters. this first quarter, 0.9% real
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growth and 6% inflation. that is when the inflation rate is above the growth rate. that's called stagflation. it was a term started in the 1970s when i was a junior economist on wall street and the federal reserve and work for ronald reagan. what it means is in plain english is inflation is rising faster than incomes. inflation is rising faster than wages. real wages, living standards have been falling now for almost three years under joe biden. and i'll just give you a quick rundown. prices. it's all about prices. consumer price index, 15% increase for groceries? food at home? almost 20%.
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energy? 39-31%. gasoline 36.5%. energy, gasoline, electricity, food at home? that is what you use and that is why people are living paycheck to paycheck. the price increases are outstripping the wages paid people are working. they had jobs. the trouble is they are not making any money when they come home. the way this should work is the inflation rate should be one or 2% and your wages are going to be 5-6%. i want to make one more point. because joe inherited 1.4 inflation rate. >> that was the point i was going to make. >> sean: okay, so i helped you. >> always. >> sean: the american people who are suffering, they really need help and answers.
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living paycheck to paycheck, or putting how they do things on their credit card, bare necessities. >> joe biden cannot tell the truth about the economy. so he keeps saying he inherited a terrible economy with high inflation and those are flat out lies. so if you go back to the beginning of 2021 when biden was inaugurated, okay, trump left him 6.5% growth rate and a 1.4% inflation rate because of our tax caught and the regulation because we had a small dollar. i was privileged and honored to be his national economic director. that's what we look by. in a year, biden for less than
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1% growth with 6% inflation and as i say, running at 19.5%. you know, you've got to do the best you can hear. i don't want to see you sell all your assets. don't do that. do you know why? better times are coming. adults are going to come back at this day. [cheers and applause] >> sean: >> sean: i've got to go. the answer is... >> we will. listen to me. trust me. i'm an old guy. i've been around for a long time. we will come of the voters of this country will overthrow biden's socialism. >> sean: the left is still calling for the vp, sexist and racist. we've got the tape. we'll show you that straight
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>> sean: your giggling vice president kamala harris struck again. another bizarre award salad. she's famous for them. the passage of time, because time is passing. and living through the passage of time. here's a new one. >> i think it's very important as you've heard from so many incredible leaders for us at every moment in time and certainly this one to see the moment in time in which we exist in our present. and to be able to contextualize
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it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future. >> sean: you cannot make this adam schiff up. you can't. has basically been one long word salad. with reaction let's welcome tom shillue and former gubernatorial candidate souter dixon. is she qualified to be president one day? >> they have to put her in this position to make sure joe biden looks like he's qualified. how can this possibly happen. we hear that he's saying that this is sexist? she has the best media trainers, the best speechwriters. part of me thinks that potentially someone in the back is thinking, joe biden forgot he was in ireland last week.
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throw up another award salad, we got to save him. >> sean: i love that greg you are a big part of his show. >> brian: what i show.>> what i like to hear. >> sean: i'm really proud of you guys. show everybody your joe biden. does everybody want him to do that? >> there were a couple of things. i don't have the white hair so i thought i'd cover it up. but i thought it was time that joe do a little bit of merchandising. you know? >> sean: [laughs] those mo maga guys got the magat so i'm the big guy. because that's what they call me. they call me the big guy.
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all right? where is hannity? hannity is here question my sanity is right here. text "joe" to see c-3po. >> sean: tom shillue! tutor dixon, is there any way they can get reelected? for example, will michigan vote for biden and harris? please tell me know. >> you always put michigan out there. we'll make sure that we will not vote for biden and harrison will be leading to make sure that we protect that from happening and we have real people back in the white house. >> sean: did you have to work on that routine or did it come naturally being that crazy?
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>> i didn't think i could do it but greg lets us do anything because he likes to play around. he's like, why don't you give it a try. i just started looking in my foundry back in the days when everyone was working at home. i stood staring at my phone and i wouldn't look at speeches, i would just start --... i'd be talking. my wife is a doctor. start rambling. i took down corn pop into ro rounds. >> sean: do you know what you need to add? >> come on, man. or your favorite... >> sean: these truths are self-evident -- you know, the thing. >> the thing! >> sean: tom shillue, tutor dixon. more with "hannity" right after this.
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ot of businesses did. i heard about the payroll tax refund, it allowed us to keep the amount of people that we needed and the people that have been here taking care of us. see if your business may qualify. go to ahhh! icy hot pro starts working instantly. with two max-strength pain relievers, so you can rise from pain like a pro. icy hot pro. elmer>> i am elmer heinrich, president of the company that sells immuno 150, the most complete nutritional product on the market. we've been in business since 1983. immuno 150 contains 9 exotic fruits, 13 vitamins, 17 herbs, 18 amino acids, 70 minerals, coq10, turmeric, flax seed and a lot more. the 70 minerals are the key.
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immuno 150 has what your body needs, especially the 70 minerals because you have probably never consumed more than 20 minerals in your life. my wife and i have taken immuno 150 for many years. i am 89 years old and she is 80. we are both in perfect health. no aches, no pains, nothing. place your order for immuno 150 and include a supply for your children and grandchildren because they need 70 minerals as badly as you do. our website, phone number and the cost of a month's supply of immuno 150 is listed on the screen so don't hesitate, order now. like thousands of others, you won't believe the results. this mother's day, show mom that you worship the ground she walks on. or in this case, stands on. the new anti-fatigue comfortmat from weathertech is a gift she'll appreciate all year round. it makes standing comfortable in the home or office and comes in a variety of colors and finishes. and for mom's vehicle, there's cupfone, floorliner, cargoliner,
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7:00 pm
>> sean: monday, we'll have a live audience show for you. did you all have a good time? go to and the tickets are absolutely free. that's all the time we have this evening. please set your dvr, never miss another episode of "hannity." let not your heart be troubled for the great laura ingraham is next. what did you want to say? >> laura: okay! you guys... first of all, how many shots of los amigos did you share ton tonight? >> sean: i know you have a great show tonight. >> laura: you didn't answer my question. how many shots did you actually pass out tonight to get the audience so jazzed? you are very dangerous generous though.
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