tv Hannity FOX News April 27, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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will cain and pete hegseth really appear together when they're not on fox and friends. i have talke talked d to their . they'll both appear and that is great news. also, grant napier, all hell li" said was all lives matter and he got fired after 30 yearsh with the sacramento kings. he talks about why h e can'tw wron get higher now. and i believe how wrong that isir is . all that coming your way on saturday night. but right now,ight the on thurst night, the great sean hannity and his friends, a lot of friends. >> right.t? >> seaox friends. we have hannity. that's all right.""fox & friend" brian , thank you very calmly. i thank you for covid. welcome to "hannity". we have a liveit audience.y." and tonight, this is a rowdydy crowd. wow. there you go anyway.tonight and tonight, we have a grima grm reality. more and more americans nowev believe that your president, ntjoey, is not capable of servig a second term. a sec now, do you alond l agree with that ? >> question?read
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>> are you ready for president kamala harris?y for pt kamala harris? oh, we've got her latest word cp salad. that's coming up tonight. also tonight, new details from g the federal criminal wait untilion into the biden family syndicate. wait until you hear donald trump's brand new nickname for joe biden. well, it's a little reminiscent of hillary. we'll put it that way. tha also, karine jean-pierre was just caught lying about joe and his cheat sheet. di kad you see the cheat sheet? >> it even had to say, you youot i'm like, you got to be kidding at me. it eve hn haadd to remind who is his own cabinet. h that's how bad it was.t i bet economic news, but we never have good economic news with him as president. gooanyway, things are getting worse. the great larry kudlow right larr. n studio but first tonight, a big day for joe biden, perhaps his tim favorite time of the year. it was bring your kid to worko o day at the white house. the
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but yeah, it was.nowhere to b but for once, hunter biden was nowhere to be found. now joe is in rare form. thankfully, he somehow resisted the urge to sniff and squeezee h the actual children in attendance. e actualand in other words, cre joe didn't show up. j thanoek god it's never good when he's sniffing a little girl's hair. right. he's ng a little giand i think you a. anyway, he was trying so hard to be on his best behavior. in fact, he actually answered more questionsly from kids than he ever does from the media mob or the press, or at least heeirs tried to answer their questions. he he kind of messed them up to you decide i'm going to take to get myself in trouble here because your parents are saying ,aren't you going to stop?y and my secrehasn'tt service ager they're packing. >> so i got to be careful what they tell me. so i'm trying to think oftell. 's hard to kee
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the last where the last place i was. >> it's hard to keep track. s... >> i was i mean, yeah, yeu're right. irelanah, yod tour was.t wa what's your favorite movie? favorite movie was the new movie that was about that guyo e abouflies jet planess . you know, i'm talking about a top gun. did you see the top one , maverick? that's been my favorite movie. i've sen. >> mr. president , i heard i've you have to get back to the oval officear.e. what was that? >> oh, hi. how are you ? >> how would you say did you . i said you have to get back to the i heard you had to get back to the oval office and by the way, the one thing i thought when i got to be president , i get to give orders. what i te more orders thans andi ever did. >> and you're right.righ he didn't remember what countryi he last visited. dnlast week.
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>> he he didn't remember he "top gun: maverick". okay, we've got a big problem "n anyway. so today, even democrats on capitol hill, they're telling fox that biden's healtlingh mental d stamina unmatched. really. do you believe that? ml st look, as he says every day, watch me. h and he puts many of us to shame with his energy. and he is , you know, as ienergi age, i appreciate your wisdom even more . >> no, no, no, no.more not at all.l pete we ha not at all. le we've had many leaders his agee that havhavee done extraordinare things for america. and there's no reason why he can't accomplish is just as much or more in his secondm n term as he did in his first. hs can you ask for any>> can more experienced vice president , president ? senator , experience reallorkyc counts, especiallypres in the wi today. that is so dangerous. i think he's the right guy at the right time. >> you seem to be doing fine. so i think people and i think that he has proven he can deliver. >> all right.
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does anyone believe mr. fang fang? because i don't look clearly they are lying. there is no doubt that biden has really bad memory problems ,his cognitive cognii we've pointed it out firstve. it is so clear and obvious and transparent. this guy has no business running for a second term, thatt is for sure. but not just because of his mental and physical decay. joe biden is not a good guy. he's a president , by the way. he is now hurting every single person in this country in every way imaginable.y imaginable now, just listen, as joe wasbins describing his wonderful, loving w relationship with all f his grandchildren, minus one , a four year old little joe biden granddaughter that joe biden refuses to recognize or even acknowledge in any way, shape fr or form. ta. ake a lookm. >> i have six grandchildren and i'm crazy. about them.i and i speak to them everyy sing single day. leday.not a joke. >> okay, joe biden has vehi he doesnandchildren,
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six grandchildren, and he doesn't speak to one of them at all. >> all i'll use his words. >> it's it's not a joke. i'm serious. hey, joe . come on , man. it's a little child that your granddaughter, you can't acknowledge her. that is really pathetic. this four year old little girlta has done nothing wrong. and yet there is no love, no suo support, no invites to the white house, no christmas presents, no birthdaesents, y c. you don't hang up a stocking at christmas. not from joe , not from joe . nobody. that is a disgrace. that is race.they should all ber themselves. and of course, hunter biden hase been ordered hunter by the judgw to make child support payments pag a paternity test.e but now hunter's attorneys have been working overtim e to reducelimina or eliminate those payments. now they're claiming thatetey ae hunter c just doesn't have enou, money from russia, china and ukraine. >> to support his own daughter.o despite all of these overseas business dealings and his widely successful careerhi as an
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amateur artist, paint by numbers. i call it portraits of a crack addict that he sells to mysterious buyers for, what,t a half a million dollars? but hunter biden, he justis doesn't have any money to spare for his own kid. now, of course, pops or the multimillionaire lifelong public service joe . well, he's not willing to lend a hand, a helping hand in any abo he doesn't care about his ownuts four year old granddaughter. own fnow, here's the big questf the day. imagin e if this granddaughter was donald trump's granddaughter. >> do you think the media wouldi ignore this? >> oh, no. i don't think so either. he has the gall to pretend thats he's this wonderful, loving family guy.'s one it is on be biig lg lie. and let me say this again. again joe biden has a chip missing.heg if he thinks that this is inoka. any way okay, that girl deserves love. joe .r. >> man up and love your granddaughter. it's that simple. leanyway, that's news to karine jean-pierre.
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takeanyw a look at what she hadn to say about it. >> breaking news aboutg he about the president. so his favorite ice cream is graters readers. have you graeter's raider's. i don't eat ice cream. ice cre don't i know chocolate chip. and he loves a good pair oflasss sunglasses. he likes spaghetti, which cool. is pretty cool. i love spaghetti too. like spaghetti with red sauce. and so that's one of his t favorite meals. all right. >> joey likes ice cream, spaghetti and all everyean: lovs grandchild except for the four year old. she's on her own now e, of exce course, also loves a good cheat sheet and a compliant media mob. loa good cheat stake a look at . this is a picture of a notea pir card that biden was holding yesterday at a press conferences entitled reporter a q and a with the subhead line. question number one , followed's by a reporter's name, her name, picture and where she works.thed the l.a. times and the card also detailed the exact
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question she wanted to ask. it was about semiconductor cue manufacturing. and right on cue, biden called on the la times reporter for foe the first question. and guess what? she aske first he askedd about semiconductor manufacturing. but now the l.a. times and the ther biden white house, they're denying that there waswa any collusios ann at all whatsoever. >> take a look at the l.a. times that their reporter did, not to mention any questions in of yesterday's press, people who saw that hockey card. can you explain how that ended up there and why the president the something like that? >> look, we we do not have. th specific questions in advance. that's not something that we do. our job is to get r joa sense of what you all want to ask him. that is our job here to get a sense of what's the news of the day, the topics you all are interested for, for to ask of him. >> okay, why lie that there p is photographic evidence that biden got the question in
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advance as senator marco rubio tweeted, quote, biden has the media in his pocket h and it's little it's really inbt his pocket by the we knew this for years, right? a >> didn't we always know that they were an extension of the biden press office? right. and so this is not journalism. this is teamwork. biden in the mob are operating as one unit. now, if this was the trump white house, you know, fake cnn and msnbc and of course, abc's tbs, the new york times, they would have a total total meltdown fit over al ml of this. >> jim acosta, probably he'd be crying. yi >> humpty dumptyng. would be apoplectic, by the way h he's been mia. does anyone know where humpty has gone lately? i've no idea.e biden is a democ but because biden is a democrat, hera gets a pass juste business as usual. and the so-called journalistalls wonder why americans no longer trust the media. can they realle y be this stupid?thin but one thing is clear. as twenty, twenty four now
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years, the media's biden protection program is back. it is more corrupt than everbefe before. and mark my word. s this night,e agai he will once again run a campaign from his basementhid. and he will hide anyway. joining us now with reaction, the co-host of the bottoreactioe on our sister network, the fox business channel, dage mcdowellllou, sean duffy, along with former white house chief of staff reince priebus. good to see you all. >> i want to go i want to startd with the questions from the kids, because i want becausw, how did he forget the castles in ireland? >> i don't know. i thought that joe biden, though, had a little peponis up. today. he looked like hfelte wa ls feee very saucy. it was take your child to workdh day. so he was finally amone g his intellectual peers. note card that was not a notecard card, sean. that was a flash card.
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three year olds use them a verye often. >> and joe obviously is gettingb rehookviousl on phonics so he cn maybe function. did you make this happen? sean:d did you writ ye this out on too good looking individual?time but i do look forward to twenty4 ,twenty four . well, we will have a commanderee in chiefr in who doesn't need tn handled. >> he doesn't needaged, he doesn't need to be targeted around on a command structure and he doesn't need to wear aviatoravis all the time to avoid appearingo utterlid y confused just by daylight. >> dayligh that might have beeni the greatest monologue ever given on the show. the greaonologue ever on . how did he how did you forgethoi ireland? how did he forgehet the castlesi movidid he possibly forget his favorite movie of all time? the aviator won.
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>> right, exactly.aviato you know, maverick top gun . >> how do you forget that?"top h we all know he's lost his mind,? right? >> he r. remembe i mean, he was just in ireland. he can't remember he was now.hem but you've talked about he doees remember his own granddaughter, which you mentioned as being cool. >> and i couldn't agree more . but just earlier, this week, hen was talking about there's nohing such thing as someone else's child.are all ou he said our nation's children are all our children. wat acknowledged.her his own child. it and it begs the question, whyesn not? w is joe biden embarrassed ofrass this child out of wedlock that came frothm a son who does crac meth, sleeps with strippers, . and by the way, his his sotually slept with his dead brother's widow. i mean, that's that's that'sis a horrible. this family is .ean: going but the one thing where no where one else ever the one thing that will embarrass him is a child out of wedlock.s yo you you mentioneu d invite her to the egg roll at the white house. it is an amazinge experience fr a 44 year old ketanji year old- innocent young girl. how do you treat a girl like that?
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how do you ignore her like that? >> it's damage. why they're in?>> the court tryd to prevent this child from taking the bad name. >> that's what they're fighting in court for. the reasong , the reason that hunter is opposing it, because the biden name brings scorn ine. the community. >> could you not? that's true. actually , let me let me bring in ryan's previous audience.yo >> let'sur t get your takeake l this. well, i was thinking about thisn press secretary issug e and one or two things happen. either the press secretary, orisk, read the questions or suggested them ahead of time or all the reporters sent ind in their questions. and those questions were chosen questions based on whether the h secretary or joe biden liked the questions and the and they went for it. but my experience wamys the totl opposite . it wasn't whethers be president trump was going to take the questions. it was that he kept goinging an and going and going and never goin taking the questions.
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and , you know, the president, in my experience, he would we'd have a list of who alle toall te the reporters in the room were.e he go up there, he rippede through the list, he'd keep going. and in one time in particular, i to give you the complete opposite experience, we were inw the white house for about three weeks. the president said , i want to do a bi g press conferenceweek this week. and we said , okay, wait we' a minute, we got to plan thisgo out. we got to know what the topics are. when do you want to do thiso do press conference, mr. president ? s now, he told the staff is i'll tell you , notice what he said . i will tell you when i when i feel it.u when i feel and you're going tow i want to do it, okay, couple of days later and walk ind we the oval office is about 10:30.n >> and we kind of forgot aboute that conversation. >> the president said ,eling i'm feeling it today. today let's do the press conference.. so within an hour and a half in an hour and a half, we had the entire east room chairst wet everywhere the president went
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up, no, no list, no prescreened questions, and he went on andt n answered questions for about an hour and forty five minutes. so we had the opposite.posite. now, this is a president that pledge truth and transparency exd is gettingansparency questie the exam and in fact, cheating the american people is who's getting cheated. >> you know, by the way,g whate reac would the reactionti be if it wf donald trump getting the questions ahead of time? >> by the way, what are you think? out thera lot of moaning and groaning out there. i , i got it. he made us he would make a face or a smirk. smirk >> and there's still people nut wings in the jets around the internet when president trump would make a face. so, again, complete and utter meltdown. >> i , i used to love the chopper. chats that's president trump's chopper shots. but he'd be walking out to marin boue one with the tweny
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five . just stop and you would just. walk up and down a line. >> you exhaust him.all the ques they would ask allad the questions ahead and he'danye be like any more . they make no walk off the chopper, but listen, i think you make a really good.y >> yeah, we'll leave it at that. . right.>> okay, we'll leave it at that.ka. so i recently interviewed prespresident and i think he spoke for like an hour and a half and didn't stop. then he dip.d an interview with tucker and then we'll both walk in and he can talk foreverl on any topic. you know, it's extemporaneous. it's not hard it flows. it's real. he's engaged. he knows what he's talking about. it's the opposite of this.heoppi te of thismy question is , doesa know the danger of havingompromd a president that compromised those who don't watch fox news? don't know how dangerous thisuin is . >> i mean, who do you think you'll take tom cruise in those sunglasses? right. that's what he thinks.h him. >> it doesn't do him. he's adolf hitler. remember the movie maverick? dwe think about "top gun." i don't know how he thinks
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about top gun , but i but i think when you if you watch thc , nbc, cbs, to your point, they don't understand that thist is not normal, that joe biden' s out with it, that he has press a whole press team that has to protect joe biden from those out ofo ask him questions. >> he's going to run this n campaign out of the basement. no doubt the american people do know what it's like because bece working men and women have not gotten a raise in two years. their wages are shrinkingg and and our standard of livingf is in decline. >>ng i'm going to interrupt are you this reason. >> are you telling mtee that the republican candidate, if it's donald trump, can win pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, arizona, georgia and north carolina? >> if he stays on message, he can let me get righteous take. yes, he of course, first of of of course he can.. >> and it starts the economy. it starts with what's happening in our schools and parents. revolting around the country. but i'll tell you what
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the democrats don't care about their candidates. cay. re not candidate craz they put joe biden in the basement. we got we got fetterman in pennsylvania. >> the democrats are focuseder on process, are focused early on early vote , absentee ballot vote , boring stuff. like mechanics on the ground. we tend to be a little bit more candidate crazies and they do. but i'll tel have l you what, we to make sure our actn this is together to win this race in twenty , twenty four to save the country. >> yeah, we want to look, i'm worried about the country. e i'm worried on the economy. i'm worried about china. russia, iran., iran, i'm worried about allies leaving us . i'm worried about pretty muchwou every word about our schools. >> i mean, the rot that's happened in our culture, int th our country to get the schools . >> china has nukes. chha yeah. s nukeworking men and women ints country are living paycheck to paycheck. ycheck tsuffering.. >> but you can't defend your country if you don't have good kids who are well educated. it can be the new innovators in business leaders. and we're not we're not that
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12 year project that's not going to get people out of poverty and critical. >> i'm not saying we've got to move now. i'll fight john on this because that is a state you're going to fight, sean, and you know this stuff. >> okay, i want to know what, df sean, your education is a state and local issue. when our the president , the republican candidate runs, it has to be focusedan candidatt will be in the commander in chif chief's call. austria' answering a question democrats, they don't kiss babies. they don't do town halls. they don't do press avails. doey don't do selfies. they run negative ads. they hide and they baluttive ads harvest. the republican party needswhy a to do all of that. >> why are they not doing it? well, i think i think one of the things this is a big subject. i mean, it's a huge subject.onet and one of the things is that,
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you know, like i said before,be our our donors tend to be focused on candidates. their donors are focused on process. wedonors are focused need about one hundred million dollars in a superpac around this million y that focuses in soft money, mony a voting, early voting, voter identification, data harvestingt >>nd there's only ballot harvest ballot harvesting, but t there's only 5here%. is in five percent of the public is in play. and whoever can slice and dice5% that 5% is going to win, whiche is why in these battlegrounds tt states , they're being10,000 vot one across the country by 10,000 votes or less. o. that's what it's coming down to . thank you , sean. thank you . thank you . dagen is great. all right.or coming up, breaking news on the whistleblower who says that hunter biden is getting preferential treatment. later, donal treatd trump unveia new nickname for joe >> straight ahead.
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station. >> the number one choice of online sellers go to ship station .com slash . try and get two months free. we got a great crowd tonight. according to justice,ac john solomon, congress is nowcoe poised to collect the testimony. knowed t the irs whistleblower ? okay, they're going to get that testimony. who says the federal government is improperly interferethat's nt with the hunter biden investigation? and that's not all the house all. the house ovoversight committeei james comey now says the whiteto house could be trying to improperly interfere with the investigation into integation the biden family syndicate. >> and here is what he toldre'se john solomon. take a look. at >> i mean, just look, in wha my district, we've got darkgot y mone y groups that are that are
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being funded through prominentmt high ranking democrat officials in congrescials. also that the communications co director for the white house continues to tweet out, retweeting things, trying to intimidat things, tryine me,r having the audacity to investigateaudaci. >> we've got witnesses that are scared to death to come forward . john solomon, editor in chief, just the is here with a fulwith al report.ot of >> john , you've been breaking a lot of news. tell us about this. >> yeah, very importantlopment' developments. first, the process, because the process. ocess for ths is going to dicta. what we learn from the whistleblower today. the house ways and means tee.committee, jason smith, a the chairman, formally sent a letter connecting that whistleblower to the committee ,gets over the tax privacy laws. the irs agent can now tell hiseh lawyers and the committee what he knows and can eventually become public for the americanel people. that's very important. that gets to the inte political interference at the justic e department. s meanwhile, james comey says b he's going to be releasing an interim report next month, going to tell us a lot of the things he found in the bank record and from witnesses.
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buwitnesses but really express y today about witness intimidation. he said the team team biden is getting very close to the line, testing the line of witness intimidation. they're trying to make people afraid to cooperate. they've got people liko makee as said , scared to death. but that's not stopping the investigation. a lot ofe focus on the bank records. they're seeing a distribution of money. thosnke two investigations are. going to collide at some point. james coing to see what james comey knew and how much the justice department may have knew and didn't pursue. for many years. >> i think these two things are going to collide at the right moment, john . any update on the tony blinken interference with the laptop and the fifty one and more interviews? >> more in we have more interviews going on . listen, i think was somethingpe really important. i reported a couple of dayoplees to go .linken n people are picking up on tony blinken. not only had that phonote calldt with mike morell that instigated the letter, he letter, he later sends lete rusa the article that injects the russian disinformation concep the letter. it wasn't in the letter originally. then tony blinken sends this usa today article. he he's in a rapid responsecle.
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director from the biden campaign. ca blinken wasn't just the inspiration. th sent some ompaign.f the matel that ends up in that letter. they're waiting for his answers. congressman jordan, chairmantonk jordan waiting foren anthony blinken to answer question qs. e wi do you agree with reports that w are now saying that hunternter biden wbiden will be indicted . we are hearing that. listen, it's hard to know whate to agree with . it is up to the justicedepartmet department f first, and it's up to the 100% lawyers to see ift d they want to get a plea deal . but yesterday's meeting is a sort of step that typically occurs just before ane thin indictment. a lot of people are thinking w that way. i thinay. i think the k the big question d james comey addressed this on my show today, did the justice department narrow this case down to something much smallere than what the fbi and irs warranted? that is something we're going wa to hear a lo t more about in the next couple of weeks. >> all right, john solomon,n so how great is he righlomon, ht. thank you . unfortunately, unabiding, we didn't anticipate bringwhite hos your kid to work ae.t the whiter house, but try, as he might,mig, the first son .m the scandals he can't hide from the scandals forever, especially now. pole.
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look at this new poll, 80% of the american people are now paying very close attention to hunter biden and all of hisen activities and farm business dealingsal. e gett and now we're learning even more about his shady deals and deep it turns out now that hunter hunt was a key fundraiser for delaware senator chris, who was just named co-chair of the joe biden's reelection campaign. how convenient. now, hunter also how conven apparently helped a union leader get a meeting with pops back when he was vice president . the same union leader justjust introduced joe at a recent event. >> so wheveny was hunter seeminy wh here, there, everywhere? and what was in it for him? anyway?ke moore flo here nowri with more, former florida attorney general pam bondi. bondiand fox news legal analysg jaret. >> i wanted to shoot right to . >> the bottom line wasr sa james comey has said that he got they did business
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with dozens of countries, including china, russia, ukraine, kazakhstan, and many others. >> here's the question.uest i want to knowio how mucn.h mon in business they did with these countries. >> i wanwit to know how muchofi. they profited. i want to know how much joe go td what ,if he got any.d he know and what did he know and when did he know it? because wew he lie know he liedi said he never talked about these issues with a song. we don't know an exact it could be tens of millions, i. up to one hundred million dollars. >> you're talking about thirty one million from t $31 the chinese, maybe 40 miln for the russians know russi 11 million from ukraine. >> but you got to factor inarmei romania, kazakhstan,a, oman, and they have one common denominator. >> these are all the countries that barack obama gavetrie s authoritthma gave y to vice po biden to dictate the policies itere. so i raiset raises a very serios question with all of that money flowing into what i think cande fairly be described as the biden family, syndicated. thi
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>> is this a president who isprn now so compromised? >> has he sold out america to a foreign adversary? >> and this is a really good thi question. if if all of this business took place, does everybody think that the president may be compromised by these countries? >> they are are they are notcoue our friends. >> no, they're not. t. and yo u, james comer, has madet ta a very good point, taking just china, for example. china,it appears that joe bidens made decisions that xi jinping e is very happy about. but americans aren't from covid to tick tock to thee manipula manipulation of u.s. currenctiy intellecse the theft of intellectual property. >> that spy balloon, you know,yt is ahat spyn interesting cartoon the other day noting that underwatn is underwater an every single issue in american and asked voters, are you happy with joe biden? no, no, no.
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and then a picture of jinping,e the leader of china. yes, i'm happy with joe biden. and i think that tells? the story of vladimir putin. he'll be on that picture. the americans need to know whether our national security has been jeopardized by this president . pres pam, i want to know how much kno money the biden family madecoun from all of thesane countries. and what did you know when did he know it?is h >> did he profit himself? is he compromised? >> well, sean, you want to know that in 80% of americans wantn to know for good reason, because now we knot wew hunter k biden is not just recovering drug addicted son of a president hunter. er biden's t biden's tentacles are in everything and everyone connected to joe biden.. and the emails have shown us they have been for more than de a decade. he has a closede relationshi.p with tony blinken, tony blinken, who coordinated 50 intel agenciehs to say that same laptop that hunter biden was emailing blinken was russian disinformation. he hunter biden wasnf ormationinstrumental in the eleo
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senator coons. we now know he se has a closerelationship w personal relationship with him, who sits on judiciary response both for investigating hunteratg biden. we know, as yo hunt that hunter biden made the initial introduction of mcgarvie union boss to his father, then vice president biden, now president biden, who's now standing up with himt biden who. reelection. >> so sean white parents hav el ro russia. to >> all roads lead back to hunter biden. if biden money from these counts is that impeachable, is that perhaps even against the law? >> of course it is , john .. >> and that's why 80% of americans care. and they're taking note of this. this.has been goin g on , we now know, for more than a decade. and hunter biden is the hub.n, f th and all of these different people are the spokes leading back to joe biden. and now we kno, w alleading l re
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to joe biden. and where's hunter biden living? what road is he living on ?de we're hearing the white house, pennsylvania avenue, same question yet. she's absolutely right. americans have finally awakenedv from their deep slumberm thei and have wised up to the bidenr family. syndicate, 80%, almost 80% now say they're carefully, closelyi. watching it. e is seventytheyf one percent of independents, swing voters who make a difference in the nextindepens election say if this is a serious scandal, indeed, they're right. >> all right. greg jarrett, pam bondi, thankem so we can you , by the way, is asking voters to reelect him so he can finish the job. people, c but the american people can you wallach's handle four moreor years of his economic disaster.i also, trump unveiled a newl tell nickname for joe . stra >> we'll tell you what it is straight ahead.
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1:00 eastern on fs one a-list celebrity known for their lives. but who are they gonna be back ? >> oh no. why the long face? the new season is epic and you can watch any time with weekly d new york night, any night at midnight and a new twist. whoa, that will have everyone talking. what is messing up all new masks here wednesdays? on fox or watch any time on hulu ron desantis. this was struggling big time in his primary race for governor of florida. polls reveal desantis was feeling so bad he was losing by a staggering seventeen points. then desantis was saved by the endorsement of president trump . >> trump's support was so powerful just days after the endorsement, desantis took a commanding lead that propelled him to being elected governor .
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i'd like to thank our president for standing by me when it wasn't necessarily the smart thing to do. you're welcome, ron . unfortunately, instead of being grateful, desantis is now attacking the very man who saved his career. isn't it time to santurce? remembers how he got to where he is . >> make america great again. build the wall. then mr. trump said , you're fired. i love that part. truth is , there's only one person who can make america great again. >> i'm donald trump. and i approve this message. >> my name is lauren. i'm thirty five weeks pregnant and taking sounds of nature every day. i heard about balance of nature from my dad, who's a doctor. >> i was immediately in on it. i've had a really healthy pregnancy and i felt really good. i feel like totally confident. how is supplementing our baby? >> i'm getting the nutrition that i need for her start out
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when you can't watch, listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere . fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. sean: a g you have a great crowd tonightr. the only normal people ine in ti new york are right here in this room. anyway, welcome aboard. thank you .. oh, a great endorsement of biden's agenda today. the econom bidy grew by a whoppi one percent in the first quarter. rsof this's that's not good. not anyway, that marks now the second quarter in a row of slowing growth aftergative growt two quarters of negative growth at the beginning of last year, o that by definition, is a recession. naturally, you , the american people , are starting to notice the decline. the latest fox poll, 70% ofs no americans now feel the economy is getting worse. >> do you alel the americal agr? >> meanwhile, in new hampshire
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today, former president trumpt o had a lot to say about biden and even gave him a new gave nicknameth. >> a look. enrichden cares only about enriching his own family.inmily i care about enriching. your family. and yo ngu. eeds a res >> thicus country needsd to a rescuing. we have to rescue america from the wreckage of the biden economy. ge of the bidebut i'm going to n the name crooked so that we can use the name for joe biden. because he'll be known from nowe on as crooked joe biden. all right. a warm welcome for our friend.o >> fox business host larry kudlow is here. are you , sir? you know, there was a point in my life when i live paycheckayc. to paycheck a lot of years, my early adult life, it's notli
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fun. that's now two thirdit's not fuf the country. >> now we have bad economic news and every smart economist that i read or hear,ad or they're all saying the sameing,d thing. >> we are going into a recession. do you agree? yeah, i do. we look at w e we're in a stagflation right now. >> so you have 1% have to helpnu people explain. he toi'm i'm going there. t >> say, havehe you never trust you never trust. i've i've been i've only been doings5 this about forty five years. why don't you just take the knife. twisted heart. larry, go ahead. we're running a little less than 1% growth. d the all and the inflation rate is about this six percent. this is the last five quarters n . >> so starting with biden's first full year in office,'s fit which was twenty , twenty two last year. right. all right.year that's for quarters. and this first quarter, zerothis point nine percent real growth
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and six percent inflation. so that's when the inflation rate is above the growth rate. >> that's called stagflation. a it was a term started in the nineteen seventies when i was a junior economist on wall street and the federal reserve and then worked for ronald reagan. what it mean what is t means is in plain english is that inflation is rising faster than incomes. inflation is rising faster than wages. so reaion is risinl wages, livis haveta been falling now for almost three years. >>r almost under joe biden. and i'll just give you a quick rundown prices, okay? it's all about prices, all items 15% consumer price index ,15% increase grocery food at home, almost 20% energy. thirty nine thirty one percent
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gasoline and going thirty six and a half percent now energy, gasoline, that iicity, food at home. that is what you use.s what you and that's why people are living paycheck to paycheck. the price increasek. s are ou outstripping the wages. people are working wages pai, tl jobs.e the trouble is they're not t homaking any money when they coe home. >> the way this should workme. is the inflation should be like one or two percent and then o your wages are going to be five or six percent and you'd be in great shape, which, by the way, is what i wante to make one more point. >> letpo me get in one question. sorry, because joe inherited one point four percent inflation rate. >> that's correct. int i was >> that's the point i was going to make. so the american people. >> sean: okay, so i helped you . oh, so the american people that are suffering, they really need
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help and answers. how do you advise people that are living paycheck to paycheck or cashing in their pensions orr putting, you know, things do on their credit card? thyou bare necessities? >> well, look at joe biden is cannot tell the truth aboutom the economy. >> so he keepsy. saying he inherited a terrible economyands with high inflation and those are flat out lies.e so if yof you go back to the the beginning of 2020 one when biden was inaugurated, okay, trump left him a six and a half percent growth rate and a one point four percent inflation because of our tax cuts and our deregulation. smad and we had a strong dollarol.i g i was privileged and honoredis to be his national economicre council director . th left by inector. a year. in a year. biden runs this thing down
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to less than one percent growthh with six percent inflation. and as i say, grocery prices running at nineteen and a half percent. i you know, you got to do the best you can here. i don't want to sedot wante youl all your assets. don't do that. you know why better times are ae coming. adults are going to come going back in this gam te. >> we will be all right. i got to go. i'm by the clock, but we we will . the answer is we will . we will . over. . >> listen to me. guy trust me, i'm an old guy.nd for i've been around for a longtime. time. we will f thisters o country will overthrow biden's socialistic great larry on the left. this is quite all worth sounds and gaffes. the left is still callin lefg critiques of the bp sexistllingo and racist. l show you t we got the tape.
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one four three now or visit at misso fun .com. all right, you're giggling. vice president harris. well, she struck again, another she's famord salad. >> she's famous for them. the passage of time because time is passing and we're all living through the passage of aw time. >> here's a new one . one as you'vnk it's very important ,as you have heard from somany many incredible leaders for us at every moment in time. and certainly this one to seeo the moment in time in which we exist and our present and toconz
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be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist int the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past, but the future. futur >> you could not make this adam schiff up. you can. our term as vp has basically been one long word salad.salad. all right. with reaction, let's welcome tom shalu and former gubernatorial candidate commissioner chuter. dickson, are you practice your joe biden tutor. let's get your take on kamala harris. is she qualified to be president ? rone day? >> yeah, well, i thinke da they have to put her in thisjoen position to make sure joe biden looks like he's qualified. happn >> i mean, how can this possibly happen? thisear that they're saying they this is sexist. >> i'm like, thises is sexist.xt she has the best mediarainers, trainers. she has the best speechwriters. but part me thinks that bac potentially someone in the back is like joe biden forgot he was
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in ireland last week, throw up another of word salad. we've got to say that. all right. so i love that greg fallon and kimmel and colbert and you a big part of the show.>> brian that's whawht i like to hear. but know that to me is the greatest cable news story ever. itn: reall i'm ry is . and i'm really proud you guysbou show everybody your joe biden. >> oh, jeez. well, you know, i was actually . does everybody want him to do that? thatwell, there was a couple ofo things i don't have a whiter it. hair, so i thought i'd cover it up. and i also thought it was timeti that joe do a little merchandizing, you know, so you you know, a guy's got the magazine. so i got the the big, big guy gy because that's what they call me, becoming the bigger. hey, you got there.
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where's hannity headed? he's here at he's right here. all right, everyone. takes joe to three three secret video. and remember, i get 10% off the top. that's right. c-3potomsula all right, 360. is there any way that they canld get reelected? for example, will michiganigan t vote for biden and harris? >> god , please tell me.n an no, you always put michigan out there. look >>, we are going to make sure michigan doesn't vote for biden in arizona. and i'm goine thatg to be leadie the charge on the ground to make sure we protect that from happening. protect that fand we have real n the white house. >> yeah, now, let me ask you , did you have to actually workor on that routine or did it cometn naturally being that crazy? >> well, it didn't i didn't>> id
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even think i could dido it. but when i saw greg, you know, he basically lets us do anything because he likes aro the stuff he likes to play around. so he's likeund. why don't you i you give it a give it a try? inh and so i just started lookinghen into my phone. everyone wck in the days everyone's working from home. >> so i just started staringas t into my phonaring e and i wouldt look at speeches. >> i wouldn't like it.d i just i just start tugging my way. my , my , my , my , my wife's a doctor. >> and i just start rambling. i took down bob and with in two rounds of, you know, ted . come on , man. oh yeah.o well, he always likes to end, ma with a come on man. or as you i think your favorite not a joke. >> no joke. true. we hold these truths to be. self-evident, that all men and women are created equal by you. >> the thing you know, they tomsula to thank you , sean hannity right after this. with allegra, allergies don't
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one next hour. chef is all about competitiveness. go to where are we going? top level on the top. i want to stay here. >> i don't want to take down gordon ramsay. of course, we're coming up there. you never be on next level, chef. baby , gordon ramsay does not do losing to the next level. chef thirstiest on fox and watch any time on hulu. >> do you know where you are? i'm in a tree, but in my dream we no longer have any hope of increasing our numbers. >> tell me why you went today. no way. >> you're lying. i take it then that you are yourselves among the afflicted . >> you don't consider ourselves affected. good to see you here. good to see you here. well, then let's get started
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right now. welcome back. was doing something you keep dog food in the fridge. >> it's not dog food. it's fresh pet, real meat, real veggie dog. virenque, whatever her name is , it's just wrong. >> on . you're so lucky you're single. my name is . that is cats freedom. my agent said if you keep talking about the things that happen in china, you're not going to get nba contract breaking all the owners. they only care about money. >> i have zero regrets. there can't be a special sunday
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favorite monday, by the way. we will have a live audienceve h show if you want tickets, you want to be a part ofu al the show. >> did you alll havhae a good time? all right. got a handy .com and the tickets are absolutely free. that's all the time we have this evening. please set your dvease setr. never, ever, ever miss an episode of habit out of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. the great laura ingrahambled is next. >> laura , what did you want to say? okay, you guys. first of all, how many shots off lo costa amigos did you have outside the people of new york city? and i know you havtoe a greatea: show tonight. we do. aura: yo you didn't answer my question.ry how many shots of kazami ghostnd did you actually pass outo get tonight to get the audience soth jazzed? i mean, oh, you know, is a very everyone should know. we like thro
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