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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 28, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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all across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. so we're hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. we're investing for our clients in the projects that power our economy. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive. >> john: remember when president biden said this about his son's laptop on the eve of the 2020 election? >> there are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what he's accusing me of is a
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russian plant. >> john: 51 former intel officers signed on to the letter, saying it was the earmarks of russian disinformation. >> sandra: and 52, the man asked to sign but said no. dan hoffman knows a thing or two about russian tactics, joining us new at 2:00. >> john: welcome back as "america reports" rolls into a second hour. we have made it to friday, sandra. >> sandra: we have indeed, john. great to be with you. i'm sandra smith in new york. welcome, everyone. plus, parents showing up and speaking out in california. >> they are letting boys that identify as girls change in the locker room. >> sandra: a school district's transgender policy reportedly leading to this schoolyard brawl. those details this hour.
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>> john: president biden promising to "finish the job" during his 2024 re-election bid, but as the polls show, americans wonder what finishing the job actually entails. >> sandra: leaning hard on president's first term accomplishments to get voters on their side so fox news digital hit the streets in baltimore and nashville, asking voters what they think are the greatest achievements. >> no accomplishmentes. >> student loan debt. >> nothing comes to mind. >> jobs act for construction. >> none, he fell off his bike. >> he did mandate vaccine, that's really important. >> the healthcare, the abortion rights. >> two things i liked since he's been in office but can't remember either one of them. >> john: rich edson is live at the white house with the plan.
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>> critics say the selling will not come from press interviews or press conferences, he's held viewer of those of any president since reagan, and approval ratings, another poll, gallup has him below 40%, 59% of adults disapprove. with republicans, hitting the white house on the economy, especially inflation. >> well, i don't ever want everyday americans like my family to suffer as a result of poor policy. that's exactly what we have seen out of this biden administration. they are not designed to help people. >> though democrats are also touting the economy, it's still growing, rate of 1.1% and creating jobs despite the federal reserve interest rate hikes and inflation. >> elections are always a choice. president biden is for protecting unions and increasing working wages. the republican plans are for
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cutting spending, for tax cuts for the wealthy. >> he says his staff protects him and biden should hold more press conferences and debate his challengers. most are ready to renominate, however the democratic national committee has tried to push changes to the primary calendar demotting states like iowa and new hampshire and moving up more biden friendly states like migrant and south carolina. john. >> john: leading with south carolina, rich edson at the white house, thank you. >> sandra: on to hunter biden's trouble, they continue to hang over his father's re-election bid. the latest legal drama involving the first son's finances which go under the microscope monday, he is expected to appear in court. david, what is this hearing
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about? >> it's going to be in arkansas, it's about paying child support related to a 4-year-old girl. despite another try to delay this in-person hearing on monday in arkansas, judge ruled yesterday the president's son must appear in person in arkansas for this hearing. london roberts is suing hunter biden, she says her 4-year-old daughter is husband his 4-year-old daughter. a dna test showed with near scientific certainty the child is hunter biden's. biden and roberts originally agreed on childcare payments but she believes he's not holding up his end of the bargain and withholding some information. the judge wants both parties, roberts and biden there in person. what sets the story above a child support dispute, we may find out more of hunter biden's finances. under federal investigation since at least 2018, looking
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into tax affairs, overseas business dealings and charge for potentially lying on a federal form to purchase a gun. hunter's attorneys were at the justice department headquarters in washington a few days ago to get a status update on the federal investigation. we are told represents from david weiss's office were there, it's not clear if weiss was in person or perhaps joined virtually. no indication hunter will fly under the radar if a potential indictment looms, and i use the word potential, no certain he will face charges. here he is in ireland tagging alongside his presidential father, joe biden, they were there, you see hunter shaking hands with fans, and really to tell you, sandra, a few days before that he was also out in public strolling along the south lawn of the white house for the annual easter egg roll, another sign he has no problem appearing in public and clearly his father running for a second term wants his son right there next to him. sandra. >> sandra: we will be watching
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for all of that as we head into a new week. thank you. >> you are welcome. >> john: now that story we promised at the top of the hour, and that infamous letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials days before the 2020 election casting doubt on "the new york post" report on hunter biden's laptop. former ci occasion chief of station dan hoffman was asked to add his signature, explaining for the first time in an op-ed in the washington times why he said no. dan hoffman is a fox news contributor and joins us now. dan, my most interesting story of the day. i thought why didn't you tell us a long time ago here. so, this letter went out, famously know, and what the basic finding was that the hunter biden laptop story has "all the classic earmarks of a russian information operation." you had this letter circulated to you, they asked for your signature, you said no. why? >> right, i remember.
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i got the letter october 18, 2020, and at first glance it seemed natural to lay the blame at the kremlin's doorstep. vladimir putin is in the kremlin and well-known for cloak and dagger espionage operations. but, at the same time, there was no evidence and the letter noted no evidence. it was a very convoluted story. a laptop found at a store in delaware, and i remembered cia we would task our sources to get more information and i felt the fbi could do the forensics and it was not up to us to speculate. i did not sign the letter. i typically don't put my name to other people's words. my wife was late in her third year of fighting cancer and i did not have time to go back to michael morell to ask what the point was and i did not respond. >> we are so story to this day
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so sorry for the loss of your dear wife. you said a second ago this did not invite further inquiry, which you are right. you say the email i received from mr. morell did not invite any further discussion or debate. the letter was being passed around for signature, not edits. i've never been one to put my name to words someone else wrote on my behalf. so, this thing was cooked and he was just looking for signatures, and you could have been number 52. but you said in the break there were a lot more as well, people who did not sign on to it. >> many others who did not sign it. when i was at cia, we would sit in michael morell's service when we had a challenging intelligence issue and hash out the intelligence we had and michael would draw analytical conclusions with some level of confidence, low, medium or high, and bring it to the white house. we didn't have that debate about this laptop issue. we were not invited to debate
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it. and i also felt like i was a russia hand, i spent many, many years focused on russia and i was a little surprised that i and others who had the same experience were not involved in even discussing whether such a letter was worth writing. >> during the debate, the one debate of the 2020 election campaign, now president biden, then candidate biden said as we showed at the top of this, 50 intelligence officers signed on to the letter saying it was classic russian disinformation campaign. you write the american public should be careful to distinguish between retired and actively serving u.s. intelligence officers. >> the part i didn't know and assuming that my former colleagues who signed the letter probably didn't know either, michael morell had discussed the laptop issue with then campaign adviser tony blinken. a straight line from that to the letter to the debate. and the comment from then
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candidate biden about the laptop. and so the point that i made in the op-ed is look, if you are serving actively at the cia, we vote but look, we serve under presidents for whom we voted and those for whom we didn't. when i served in iraq, look, half of us probably voted for president bush and the other half didn't. it doesn't matter. we are focused on our sacred mission of recruiting spies and stealing secrets and the best analytical to the president. that's what we do. but retired intelligence officers can engage politically as long as they don't reveal classified intelligence they are free to speak their mind and that's their choice and carries with it all the implications for them because they are going to have to defend their public statements, and that's what we are seeing right now. >> john: your op-ed is eye opening, no question about that. everybody who is interested in this should read it. quickly before we go about evan
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gershkovich. sanctions on the sfb, and full page ads calling for his release. is any of this going to put the amount of pressure on putin necessary to get evan released? >> no, it's counter intuitive but vladimir putin loves this. he wants the sanctions, he wants the demands that we release him. it just drives up the price that vladimir putin is going to demand in return and remember from the past that britteny griner was released in return for the merchant of death, victor bout. so he sees one of his intelligence office, illegal, deep cover russian intelligence officer detained in brazil, using a false identity, graduated from johns hopkins and on the way to the hague for an internship, he's been detained and united states has requested
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his extradition, and so i think out on the horizon, probably vladimir putin sees that he might want to make a trade and that's why i think evan was detained wrongly, obviously, on charges of espionage. because vladimir putin sees two pawns on the chess board and he's going to want to make a trade. >> john: evan is the chip. dan, great to get insight from you on this. why did you wait two years? >> it was the testimony that michael morell gave when the issue was revisited again and that's the part that changed the calculus, not just for me but others as well. >> john: everybody at home should read it in the washington times today. thanks so much. coming up on monday, an interview you won't want to miss. benjamin hall has a sitdown with secretary of state antony blinken, i'm sure the topic will come up. ukraine war, russia, china, all the other issues facing our top
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diplomat. special report at 6:00 eastern on monday. >> sandra: looking forward to that. dramatic video, another rogue nation trying to bully the west. these are iranian commandos storming an oil tanker in the gulf of oman as it sailed toward the you state. the tanker set out a distress signal. it was carrying crude oil to a port in houston for chevron. the u.s. navy reports it's at least the fifth commercial ship iran has taken in the last two years. the provocation coming during high tensions between the u.s. and iran over stalled nuclear talks. john. >> john: sandra, the parents of one of the four murdered students in idaho finally breaking their silence after their son was brutally murdered. that story coming up. >> sandra: with violence on the rise in the city of chicago, it is taking its toll on residents and businesses there. now clergy members are stepping
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in. they are determined to do something about it. one of those leading those efforts, bishop horace smith, will be joining us live next. just to see if you qualify for a home loan. yet, some lenders charge you hundreds of dollars in upfront fees just to apply. they keep your money even if they turn you down. call newday. unlike other lenders, at newday there's no upfront appraisal fee, no upfront termite inspection fee and no upfront water test fee. not $1 out of pocket. give us a call. i brought in ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uh... here i'll take that. ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar and nutrients for immune health. ♪ i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85,
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>> sandra: after the chaos caused by that mob of teens in the city of chicago, faith leaders there are attempting to bring calm and solutions saying that these kids are part of their community and it's their responsibility to come together making sure what's happening in that crime ridden city does not continue. one of those pastors hoping to make a difference, bishop horace smith, joins us now. thank you very much for your time. we saw you speaking out locally and said let's get him on here. this is a story we have been covering a lot here on "america
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reports," and we are sad to see that city and so many businesses fleeing and people that are leaving. i know you are trying to bring about solutions, what do you believe first is at the root of the problem with these young teens that are -- that are getting together online, they are showing up in mass downtown chicago, jumping on busses. i mean, there were shots fired, two teenagers were shot in this violence. why is this happening? >> well, first of all, you know, we can report what's happening and report why it happened in the background, i've lived in chicago all my life and grew up here. we don't on any level condone violence of any sort, any kind of mayhem and i would not characterize it as a mob, it's not a mob. they are young people, most going downtown like young people, you are from chicago, the lake front, beautiful setting and they go there to have fun. but there's an element that
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unfortunately they are pushed to to create violence and that is unacceptable. so the march by the pastors from across this city to say to them look, we are your fathers, we are your brothers, we are you when we were your age. and violence will not be condoned. however, we understand what's going on and we stand as a positive force, ongoing force and solution to what's been going on and we want to give you the right message and the right motive for what you are doing. >> sandra: all very interesting, bishop. there are a lot who are looking at the problem and saying that we are not addressing the root of the problem and you are one of them. and as a result of that, you put together this walk in downtown chicago. invited 500 black men to join you to address the problem. we have some video of that, it happened last weekend. what was the reaction from those youth you reached out to and said let's get together, let's find a solution to what is
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driving the problem. >> well, i was one of several pastor, i was not the only one, but again, i will tell you this. that the response from the pastors was monolithic. all of us, every church, denomination, said we are part of this solution. so we galvanized the community and in 2 or 3 days galvanized hundreds of black men to march with us. these young ones need to see a positive role model saying we will stand with you but not tolerate violence and what we need to do. i lived in chicago all my life and talk about disinvestment in certain neighborhoods. i think it's a neglect in the neighborhoods. when we are seeing, number one, violence is not acceptable. number two, we love you, we care about you. number three, here are the solutions. here are the jobs, the training. >> sandra: you have a crowd there. >> you have to offer the young people something positive and they will respond in a positive
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manner. >> sandra: real quick, the mayor-elect john's words after that weekend he said this, bishop. >> demonizing children is wrong. we have to keep them safe as well. they're young. sometimes they make silly decisions. they do. and so we have to make sure we are investing to make sure young people know they are supported. >> sandra: bishop, your final reaction to that. some saw that as the mayor-elect defending the violence that had residents in that city terrified that weekend. what was your reaction? >> he did not defend the violence ever, none of us have. it's a mischaracterization. we will not demonize them. that's not the solution. i know that as a sociologist you cannot demonize people, the business people and the people in chicago, it's a great city,
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keep it great and a part of the solution is invest in our young people and we are going to do that long-term. >> sandra: well, it is obvious it's a huge problem that that city has to deal with, and bishop, i know you are trying to be a part of the solution and you are speaking out about that and we appreciate that. thanks for coming on with us, keep us posted on your efforts. >> thank you, we will. you will see the solutions coming off the board with hundreds of chicagoans joining together and making it a safe and wonderful city. >> john: god speed, bishop. the parents of one of the murdered university idaho students speaking exclusively with fox news about their son, ethan chapan. they are focusing on ethan's smile, foundation, rather than the suspect's upcoming trial. christina has more on the story. what else did the parents say? >> hi, john. ethan's parents say they won't be in court for the accused killer's preliminary hearing in june as they cope with a tragic
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loss of their son. they don't want to be around the negative energy. he was a triplet, wered as a loving son, brother and friend. his mother said the idaho murders rocked their family to its core. they started ethan's smile foundation to help with the pain, scholarship fund in his honor, and tulips were also planned in mount vernon, washington. the last time they saw ethan was during a parents' weekend at the university of idaho. that was just seven days before ethan and the three other idaho students were killed. ethan's parents say they left the campus happy, only to be absolutely devastated by their son's murder just a week later. >> we were planning on taking a lot of trips and spending a lot of time on the road and just in a week -- it all changed. >> you never know what it's gonna just -- life is gonna
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throw you a curveball. i mean, i think we got the worst curveball. >> attorneys for the accused killer, bryan kohberger, are set to interview bethany funk, one of the surviving roommates of the quadruple murder. initially they wanted her to attend the june preliminary hearing. instead, she has agreed to meet with the lawyers in reno, nevada where she lives. >> the other roommate who very well may have slept through the whole thing, 21-year-old bethany funk. she may have slept through it, seen something, heard something, we don't know. why don't we know. her police report and interview is sealed. >> kohberger is charged with four counts of first-degree murder. his upcoming preliminary hearing is scheduled for june 26th. john. >> john: your heart just breaks for the parents of ethan and the other parents as well.
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christina, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: fox weather alert. out west, epic snow melt spelling trouble for our national parks. we are live out west. >> john: you can get too much of a good thing, i guess. plus, an unusual find at a goodwill store has a community coming together. how a heart warming note in the pages of a book has transformed the community. we will speak with the shopper who found it and the mission to find the owner coming up next. a, that's what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. i think the veteran out there needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans,
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what you wish for. >> indeed, too much of a good thing. record snowfall over the winter. we are at the base of the tallest waterfall in yosemite and it is raging from that snow melt coming down the incredible granite canyon here and moving into this river system, just unbelievable, guys, as you walk with me through this, the wind that it's creating when it punches down and the force, creates almost a tropical system effect. take a look at some video from above of the sierra nevadas and you see the sierra nevadas, and how the record snowpack is melting is coming down as the temperatures go up. it's just the power of this water is amazing. they are evacuating the park starting at 10:00 tonight, john and sandra. they will get everyone out, because they fear the waters you
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see right here, walk with us a little bit, rushing down will go into the campsites and on to the roads. they don't expect historic flooding like in the late 90s, that was well over 20 feet. this will crest likely at 10 to 12 feet and they expect to open up at some point later this week -- next week, rather, but you could see rolling closures throughout the summer, unfortunately, and i leave you guys with this. the rushing waters here in yosemite as the evacuations begin soon at 10:00 tonight. >> ansel adams would have loved the scenery. robert, thank you so much. you can tune into fox weather by downloading the app for free, or if you are quick, scan the qr code on the screen. >> sandra: thank you. some teachers, meanwhile, in california say their school district forced them to go along
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with a child's decision to switch genders. and they say they were told to hide it from the child's parents. now those teachers are suing. senior national correspondent is live in l.a. with the latest. this issue seems to extend beyond just california. >> yeah, there are cases around the country, sandra, schools and teachers are struggling with the issue, right. does a student's right to privacy in this case, a 10 to 14-year-old, outweigh a parent's right to know. two san diego middle school teachers are siding with parents, claiming the district is stopping them to tell the parents when a student is transgender, pronouns, gender specific, names requested by the student during school. then revert to their legal name when speaking with parents in order to actively hide information about their child's gender identity.
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now, the district, which i am posed this rule in february, claims the state law protects the right of transgender students to keep their transgender status private. disclosing that without the students' permission, may violate their right to privacy. some parents and students say this law is being abused, and this week in riverside county, a male who identifies as female, allegedly attacked several girls upset by what they saw in the locker room. >> also in the girl's locker room, using the girl's restrooms spit on my friends, girls, females, and shows his genitals in the locker room. >> let it be our choice, we are the parents. >> so the teachers claim that this parental exclusion policy violates their catholic and religious beliefs about parental rights. the big picture, in hundreds v districts nationwide the policies are not written down
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unless the parents ask, they don't know. back to you. >> sandra: we'll be watching that, one. william, thank you. john. >> john: wait 'til you hear this story. amazing discovery out of a goodwill store. an arizona woman was browsing the book aisle, stumbled across a novel from way back in 1940. "the heart is a lonely hunter." inside a handwritten note tumbled out to the floor. a heart warming message, from a father to his son. rose farmer is now searching for the owner and joins us now. rose, great to talk to you. so, take us back. goodwill in gilbert, arizona, browsing the book section. the woman beside you picked up "the heart is a lonely hunter," she opened it, something fell on the floor. what was it, what did it say? >> so she picked out the book and the note fell out and she's like hey, take a look at this, and so i read it, and the note
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says believe, trent, believe. you are loved and respected so let's get going. the ride may be bumpy but we will get there. when you believe in you as much as you do, you will be there, dad. and i was just struck by it. it was so touching and like wow, i can't believe this note is in there, and i asked the woman who picked up the book, hey, would you mind if i purchased this book, i'm going to post it on a local facebook group to see if maybe we can find either trent or trent's dad just to see if he wanted this note back. >> john: you got the book, about $2, half price, so you posted it on the facebook, the local facebook page in gilbert. what kind of responses were you getting from other folks who were on the page and how did that comport with what you had been thinking about the note? >> so the response was
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overwhelming. i was shocked at how many people liked the post. there were about, over 1,000 likes, and people just started commenting about wow, what a great note, one person even said my son's name is trent, this isn't him, but he needs to see this right now, or i wish i had a dad like trent, or what an awesome note. i needed to see this today. it just turned into so much -- something so much bigger than i thought it would be. >> john: one fellow posted wow, i wish i had a father like that. so you started sluthing, monterrey plaza hotel stationery and spa in monterrey, california, 700 meals away, how did that get from there into the goodwill store in my local neighborhood. >> that's correct. so i looked at it and thought ok, this is from california, there were so many thoughts, i thought well, maybe somebody, this person visited the hotel,
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you know how sometimes you go to a hotel, take the stationery home with you as a souvenir or maybe it came from california, i had no idea. i did reach out to the hotel on the facebook page and said i found this note, would you mind sharing it, i'm waiting to see if they could share it. but it was just amazing that -- and the note looks new, looks like a relatively new note tucked into the overruled book. >> john: don't know if it's the dad's book and the dad never saw the note or maybe trent's book and didn't know it was inside the book, seems to be something you would want to keep if you got a note like that from your dad. rose, we wish you luck in reuniting trent and his dad with the note and maybe the book as well. if they have not seen it here on the fox news channel, maybe on fox news digital and your facebook page. thank you for joining us, such a great story. >> thank you, john.
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>> john: appreciate it. how about that, sandra. isn't that something? >> sandra: it's amazing, and i collect a lot of books and notes have fallen out, and you learn a lot. >> john: i would like it if bank notes fell out of a book. [laughter] >> sandra: ok. hey, john. i think we are going to pop up this live shot at the white house for a moment because as anticipated the president is now presenting the commander in chief trophy to the air force falcons, this is in the east room of the white house. if we can take a few seconds of the president here. >> academy as cadets. after every game you hung up your uniform and you immediately put on another one representing your nation, the united states of america. simply put, you've not only carried on the academy's football tradition, you've stepped up to join a long line of american service members,
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each a link in a chain of honor. >> sandra: he's presenting the trophy to the air force falcons in the east room, smiles on the faces of those behind him. >> john: it's a big football week with the draft and everything. there you go, on the screen. >> sandra: the biden campaign kicking the rehab of vice president harris's image into high gear with the goal of fixing her underwheming poll numbers heading into 2024. >> john: some day it opens up the possibility of the first female president. is the world ready for president harris? >> historic vice president sitting below joe biden on approval, that is a bad place to be right now and i don't think any public relations campaign can change the image and impression the american people have of her.
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or live chat at today. >> sandra: all right, well, a vote for joe biden is a vote for kamala harris says nikki haley, now the vice president once a powerful force in the senate and rising figure in the democratic party finds herself in a public
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image crisis with officials to undergo what is described as a political makeover as her and the president's approval ratings continue to plunge in the polls. pete and dagen, thank you to you both for being here. we have had such lovely chats. i think this is what sort of some people are now talking about when they see this kamala harris who is just struggling with her image, i mean -- both parties have identified this fact. they remember senator kamala harris grabbing headlines and having fiery moments in hearing rooms like these in 2019. watch. >> so did you not consult it before you came before this committee knowing we would ask you questions about that? >> well, we talked about it. the policy is -- >> did you ask it would be shown to you? yes or no, please, sir. it seems you would remember that. you have made it clear you have not looked at the evidence, move on. >> direct it at vice president
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bind. i do not believe you are a racist. on this subject, it cannot be an intellectual debate among democrats, we have to take it seriously, we have to act swiftly. >> sandra: forgive me for the big set-up. pete and dagen, that was kamala harris then. this is a sampling of what we hear from her now. >> significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time. so when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time. when we talk about the children of the community, they are the children of the community. we are going to the border, we have been to the border. so this whole thing about the border, we have been to the border. we have been to the border. >> you haven't been to the border. >> and i haven't been to europe. >> sandra: so pete, what changed? >> spotlight and scrutiny, right. it's one thing to be able to perform here or there at certain moments where you come off looking polished or in charge.
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it's another thing when you have a prolonged period of time where people are examining every word you make and every statement you take and then comparing it and they are left lacking. so this is someone who is highly confident in her own skills but utterly unqualified for the job that she has. and so she's left out to dry with really difficult topic, she fails on it. you are doing a makeover of the vice president, a political makeover of a sitting vice president of the united states. it's not the issue she's been given, it's her. she's not up to the job, and that's a problem for the biden team. >> sandra: if biden is re-elected, he's 86 at the end of the second term. to nikki haley's point, is a vote for joe biden a vote for kamala harris. >> it's not nikki haley saying that that is making the who us and the biden team quake in their boots, it's the fact that van jones said that. van jones said she is
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essentially running for president, that's what she's doing. see, her -- you know, bumbles and fumbles and her overarching awkwardness have been a benefit, a perverse benefit to joe biden. she needed to be subpar to a doddering subpar president. she made him look better. but now that she needs to be elevated, there is a very good chance something is going to happen to him if he won re-election and she's on the ticket and running for a second term, she needs to appear better but the difference between those two pieces of sound you showed, she's attacking old white men in the first clips, how easy is that, and then she has to be a messenger and she cannot do that, and even if she had accomplishment after
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accomplishment, whether it's the border, whether it's voting rights, she would ruin everything because her fallback is always ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, this weird laugh. >> sandra: it's true, we hear it over and over again. and to your point, dagen, pete, about this not just being nikki haley or those on the right who are taking notice of this being a fact, she would be his back-up if something happens, david axelrod on another network. >> kamala harris will have a prominent place in the campaign because of his age. they need to strengthen her as a player in all this. you know, frankly she wasn't a major player in the first two years of the administration, but i think there's a real focus on trying to lift her up. people will ask who is the
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back-up. >> back-up to the back-up, and not just about biden but kamala. and she will accuse people as racist, sexist, that's not what it's about. >> some things are not fixable and curable, but being on tv. if your tendency is to ha ha ha, laugh everything, take your ring and digit into your leg every time you feel the urge to laugh and cackle at something that's not funny. >> sandra: what's not funny is that she's in charge of the border and that's a mess, and it's getting worse. thanks to both of you for being here. john. >> john: i told you how much i love dagen? 13-year-old boy being called a hero. wait until you see the video of what he did.
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12:00 pm
speak to a great story to close us out today, a seventh grader is being hailed a hero as dylan re-spring into action, the great teen grabs the wheel of the busd brought it to a stop, most likely saving himself and 66 classmates from serious injury, getting an award from the police department, and he should. >> sandra: dylan is a hero. thank you for joining us. i am sandra smith. >> john: and we will see you monday. "the story starts now. >> martha: thank you, guys, a fascinating story today, the enormous growing cost of president biden's green green new deal. that slipped in as a huge part of the so-called inflation reduction act, and now it has a grim new financial assessment according to a surprising new wharton tally. take a look at how this ha


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