tv Hannity FOX News April 28, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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got bad,who like better will car pete hegseth? they'll be on together and yousa go to meettterhired. the guy tho banned, fired for saying all ply lives matter, still can't get hired. i saw nt 30 years as the sacramento kings play by playlo. voice. tammy bruce is in fo r sean hannity. i sai saw the schedule that he's going to get a lot loudersee and they're going to talk to her. self. i actually saw her run down. you're going to love that show. thanks for watching all week. >> see? hello, everyone, and welcome to this special edition of "hannity". i'm tammy bruce, in for sean tonight. biden launched his reelection campaign this week, but things did not go according to plan. b his polls are plummeting his age is showing and his blunders are mounting. in fact, a new gallup poll shows biden with his lowest approval rating yet. hi 37%, but even worse, a recentved nbc news surve 7y revealed 70% f
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americans 70 percent do notin think biden should run again, with nearl y half of those citing his age as a major reason why. reme biden will turn 82 shortly after the election, and even biden's own aides are g raising the alarm about his diminished energy level,o schedu telling axios it's difficultn th to schedule events ineekend the morning, in the evening ors. on the weekends. and there's renewed concern yet about his age after biden suffered through yet another bizarre, gaffe filled week. >> takkne a lookow at this. >> we know that there's no there's no such there's so much more to finish the job. s the speaker, the former president and the magnetic, forr streamers were cut from a different cloth. they treat these folks. they treat these folks and they think they're a threat. lks,they think that somehow we'e
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going to go back with regard to age. i can't even say, i guess, old how old i am. i can't even say no, it doesn't it doesn't register with me. so doe i'm trying to think off h the last where's the last places i was? it's hard to keep track. >> i was i mean, yeah, you're right, ireland. >> but there was no.e mo >> what's your favorite movie? favorite movie was a new movie that was about that guy who flies jet planes. you know, i'm talking about a top gun. have >> t mr. president .e oval i heard you have to get back to the oval office. what was that? , hi. >> oh, hi.u? how are you ? >> i how would you say? did you . i said you have to get back to the i heard you had to get back to the ova ol office and by the way, the one thingprs i thought when i got to beid president , i get to give orders. yos and ike my order.
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ever did. >> and you're right.m yeah. noddw he's taking orderslers frm toddlers. right.g ar and while joe was blundering around washingtowan, kamala harris this week wasn't much better. she gave another bizarre speechr which included yet another word, salad. >> watch this. this thinki think it'r as you have heard from so many incredible leaders for us at every moment in time. and certainly this one to seen c the moment in time in which we exist and our present and to be able to contextualize it,ersn to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future. >> i trust them. get in and so don't get in our way our because if you do, we're going to stand up and we're going to organize and speak up and we're going to say we're not having that. we not pla notn that. shin >> oh, dear .
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but of course, the left is rushing to her defense. former white house chief of staff ron klain dipped intourse the democratic playbook and blame the criticism, of course, on racism. sexism. well, that'ss a new one here spk with reaction. foer x news contributor and former speaker of the house newt gingrich, one of our great ones, of course. speaker gingrich, thank you fore joining us . i have to say that i i'm always uncomfortable with the complainage,t about age because. everyone's different at different ages. itit doesn't mean that someonesn younger would be better or someone older can't function.d nancy pelosi was doing a really. good job for the democrats older than than biden. hawhat is your take on what we clearly i think we're just being gentle aboutgnitiv is coge issues, which does strike some people ata a certain age. >> where do you think we're at right now with this kind of chaos? >>well, i think that aging is a very personal thing. henrikson and you just turned
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100 and his writing his next book, different kind of behaviors. biden clearly kiy has some significant confusion bide is getting worse. i frankly would noi frte su be surprisedrp to see him not get to be the nominee again, because i think all of these rob things compound. and i think whether it'st robert kennedy or somebody else, he's going to face very serious challenges by the time i get to the primaries nextmalah year. kamala harris,arri is a differet problem. i mean, kamala harris combines a level of incompetence with a bevel of weirdness that we've never seen in a vice president before. and i think if you went out wod asked people, do you think she should be president, the answer would be overwhelmingly no. if you point outo tha to them t if biden gets reelecteds and she's as vice president , o she's a pretty real chance ofn o becoming president . i think that's a huge drag
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on biden for reelection. so what you showed tonight is typical of what we're living through. what's frightening about its real is it has real w world implications. there are rumors tonight the jimgriffin paying the dictator of china is about to cut a deal between russia and ukraine. if that succeeds, he'll get a nobel peace prize.a he'll be seeann in europe as a heroic figure and the degree to which that will diminish and shrink the united states ish five years ago would have beenav unthinkable. and yet with biden , he's notf, he's a commander in chief. he's kind of an appeaser in chief. all these things are possible. and if he had kamala harris, she wouldn't be in chief of anything. so i think we're at a very>> difficult period in americane wl history. >> what's interesting is his announcement, one would have thought that he was waiting because he had to placate or thc rally all of the different sectors in the democrat party wk
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to to back him in thisam regard. part of that clearly was kamalar harris. otherwise, there was othere othg options. you know, interesting options,k frankly, like bobby kennedy. wouldn't that have been an interesting choice to make? clt clearly, he couldn't do that without disrupting the far onft iean'n the party. one wonders if, in fact, they feel they're going to do what they did in in 20 and just usher him through. and the intentiond then is for s harris to become the presidentid and presuming then that she would just be carried through for the next while she'd haver two years and then she'd have,ic i guess, another eight . but can i don't think we can survive that kind of dynamic. and it means that our system,s, as the voters making these hapse choices, really has collapsed in some way. look, i think the challenge we,h have is that the problem we nowo face have moved beyond politicse into history.
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this is one of those moments in time when even a great country ,united states, can disintegrate. we can suddenly find ourselves a tributary of china, totally dominated and seen as kind of irrelevant in the rest of the world. and i think it's extraordinarily dangerous. this is way beyond republican or democrat. this is a president who clearly shows every day that he's not totally there. a vice president who clearlydenw shows every day that even ifho she were there, she wouldn't be there. a ideological base of there their administration that is so radically left that on almost evere y single issue, they aretr opposed to the american peoplee and they're trying to impose on the american people a set of values and actions whichon the american people don't want. we've never seens anything qui like this inhi our history and e have to see itt as historic, nt just political . it's a reaamerica.l moment for . >> yeah, this is not that alld r
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roads lead to rome and we'reo be just fighting on the direction of where we're all going to be heading. this is a completely differentfm framework and we've seenewuc sun dramatic change in such a short period of time in biden's time, sir, we have lostventua four embassiesll. we eventually got the ukrainians. we were able to reopent the ukrainian embasstheny. s but and then you've got china, as we've discussed, brokering a effectively a peace deal between iran and saudi arabia. gh tit's as though the worldwe'r is moving on and we're park ten miles back and and china is at the head of the trade. this is , i think americans realize that this isn't just a moment that r be going to resolve itself. is are the republicansca addressing this properly? because i'm not hearint hearingo the concern about biden or the concern about the direction or the seriousness of what this all represents, except for from donald trump, perhaps. >> look, i think,p
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first of all, that the victory this week of speaker mccarthy and the house republicans in passing a debt ceiling with real reform, with four point one trillion in spendings cuts, that that's a historic moment. that's a real shift inalso y the direction of the country. but i think also your point is exactly right. we have watche d somethingo i wouldn't have thought possible. we have a presiden probt who is h probably the most corrupt president in american history. he has a secretarytary of of sa who was making money at the pen biden center while the chinese communists were pouring cash intre pourio the universiti pennsylvania. you have an administrationon,ss which seems to want a smaller, weaker, less effective america. yeah, there are policies. this whole idea, for example, of a chinese battery factory in michiganr paid for in partf mi by the state government of michigan. ch you know, if you were trying
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desperately to make the chinesea dominant, what more could you do now than the biden n democrats are currently doing? >>. yeah, and allspeake or,f t. mr. speaker, leavingdone sixteen thousand americans effectively abandoned to in sudan with , you know, you're on your own shelter ine. place, that it used to bee sacr sacrosanct to rescuene americans to make sure we left no one on the field. right. and evenght? that is now out the window. newt gingrich, thank you so much for all of that. you very nice. ofappreciate it. now, thank you for again. just n, you know, the history ot this is what we need is recognizing that this is note politics as usual. i think a lot oft it people dont understand that or get it cheat sheet, joe also made a comeback this week after biden was caught using another note card on wednesday with detailed instructions to call on an l.a. timesl.a. tim reporter first. and despite the reporter being a the first one chosenskin by joe and asking a question that was outlined on the sheet, the l.a.
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times denied its reporterswhite submitted the question in advance. and white house press secretary karine jean-pierre also triedth to cold water on the story. tc >> watch this. the l.a. times that their reporter did not commit any questions in advance of yesterday's press conference said people who saw that hockey card. ca n you explain how that endednees up there and why the presidentom needed something like that? adv >> look, we we do not have specific questions in advance. that's not something that we do. our job is to get a sens whate of y'a what you all want to ask.nse of and that is ou tr job here to gy a sense of what's the news of the day, the topics you all are interested for, for to ask of g. him. >> well, there you go. >> here with reaction becausee u they do have opinions. fox newsrt contributors charlie hurt, leo terrell and joe concha. gentlemen, thank you . i charlie, let me start with you.l i found that l.a. times denial very interesting. they say we don't do this right. this it what we do.
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somebody did and it's almost as thoughreportr they were throwing u that reporter under the bus because it's not like a leprechaun clipped and on on joe biden's desk. what did you make of all of m this denial and especially ofak the l.a. times denial? "l. >> i think everybody involved lg seems to be lying, including the l.a. times, which is very, very disturbing considering their job is to be in that roo m on behalf of the american people and to to ask questions and get answers and tell the truth. and so and you juxtapose the two the two questions. >> exactly right. somehow or another, the president wound up with that reporter's question nin his hand beforehand. wi somehow that we don't you know, and i guesswi it's up to you.whethe we don't know at this point whether it was a question that the l.a. times reporter gave to the white house, or perhaps even worse, the white househe wrote out and gave the l.a. times reporter to ask, eitherr way,way, the white houseociation
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correspondents association has an investigation to do htigatio. this is a this is corruption. this is an abb everydaroy portir the responsibility of the white house press corps. >> and if this is going on , the white house correspondents association has wha a responsibility to find out what's going on here.t' because this is not why we allow the press in the press briefing room. >> leow , you're iabn loous angw we kno, w about media. g th've you know, it's declined. people are note buying newspapf . the media is an importantciety element ofan americans society and of democracy. they're destroying their industry . i had not thought of charley'st possibility that, in fact, that was written for her. what is you're in there. we know the l.a. times has hadri some tough timesn lately.n all the newspapers in southernan california have in the media in general. no what's your take on what this means? wellw,, i'll tell you right now,
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tammy, the idea of the mediao journalists trying to be the objective, impartial by standard watching government is over. there's a marriage between the democratic party and 95% of the media. they're married together. they're working together. oto conceal the truth. e's ri charlie's righght there lying, n my opinion. but it's because there's a marriage objectivity out the window. if you wan t facts,here you're watching here on fox news. but as for its objectivity, they're covering for joe biden. they're covering fora kamala. harris and everything they do, they have a excuse and they thin stuk we're they think they're lying to us r and they think we're going to believe it. well, i got news for you .se the echo chamber of these individuals who honestly believe this. no, bus,t i promise this, tammy, most people don't get the news, so they get these lies from the left wing and that's the big problem a right now. s weand that's scary as we go io twenty , twenty four . >> yeah, clearly
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. k an and joe, your your work hasue been to look and critiqu te the media. i mean, we've seen this decline. it's surprise. not a surprise, e i think it's a concern if we normalize that it's this bad because then that infects everything else and makes everything else uselesst always and untrustworthy. all right. and tammy, it hasn't always been 1976, this way in nineteen seventy six , three quarters of the american public trusted the media, trusted the news that they weret getting and the people thats were presenting it. now that numbeturnr is turneedd on its head, whether it's inyo the single digits. re you ask republicans, conservatives if they trust the media and what is truly insulting aboupu tht this wholethere' episode about biden being given that question in advance, are the denials nials. heat after being caught, the cheat sheet card literally said question number one on it,n and it told him who to callit on it. karine jean-pierre has the audacity to say that the white house communications team had the abilityn
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to anticipate that exact abili question coming for that exact exacty tt reporter. and then the l.a n. times never insists, oh, no, w se never shared it in advance. so why was the president instructed to call on this reporter? and if all the reporters in that room first, because the l.a. times usually doesn't get first question in these situations, because it appears to anyone sane and lucid thatcor this reporter was calledathite on first because she cooperate o with the white house.y and tammy, i'll leave it here. by the way, there's a reason why the president has not done a solo press conference, which go on a lot longer tha sn the joint ones in six months. find adam kinzinger, admiralis c fargo, before you see joe bideng or his vice president taking a tough question. and the president's handlersg th hope to win reelection by pleading the fifth. well, and that's what i want to bring up to you, charlie,f is that all of this kind of signals that we're going to have another basement presidencymenty with the legacy media effectively representing the campaign paign., that what we can expect moving forward. >>d so. oh, i'm afraid so. b and , of course, this kind ofe s collusion that we're seeing
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right nod thw between the whitea house and the press corps is exactly what got joe biden ch in the white house ioon the firt place because they were working cahoots with the campaign to cover up the bad stuff. and of course, report and ,l evr you know, as gospel every smeary against joe biden's opponent int the last elect thatmy bigger fear, quite frankly, to me is that i think that this basement strategy for a campaign will be even easiersa for the biden campaign doing iul from the white house because gog you've got all the trappings ofe the white house. and i think it'sve to bely ensca even he's going to be evenns more deeply ensconced in the in the bunker than he was last time. and that's no way to run a frees country. >> well, it can't.. you know, leo, especially when you can only work as president between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00>> ad p.m. t and there's no mornings, there's no eveningsnd and weekends and it's like it'so the year long lunch. where is the rest of the world?s is eating our lunch. and this is this is where it
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becomes a national security, issue. leo went becausee we're supposn to know what's going on in the media has abandoned that role. an d the democratic party seems to have abandoned that seriousness. t seriouas well. >> you're absolutely right.ituan i and here's the other, situation. no primary debate.y e 20 joe biden cannot get awa20y by runningy a 20 20 politics by hiding in the basement. he's going to have to come.. f he's going to have to bethis challenged because the american not thisave seen the fac guy is not all there. sois he's going to have to comeg out and defend his record andths it's going to be indefensible. t and i think that's going to behe the key to making sure that we get trump in the white house. >> i'll tell you , joe , when- o it comes to what woke expect and there's a lot of news that happens every day, we get distracted to certain kinds of news. and in the meantime, as ed mentioned to speaker gingrich, e we've abandoned sixteen thousand americans in sudan. you would think that that woulda have bee tn a top story, that
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we've lost four embassies. we'v n ukraine got one back in ukraiw and that we just you know, we walked away from effectively sixteen thousand people. 's too the white house said that, oh, pe can't do it because, you know, it'sop too dangerousre to fly people in and out. but the european countries are doing exactly that. so here you've got a media that is not asking the questionsnews that then reveal what the real serious news is and that puts the whole country in danger. and precisely the focus is on donald trump, the person right10 . or whatever legal troubles that he's having. sixteen thousand sudane been americans , as you mentioned, one hundred and eighty two people have been arrested o this c crossing into this country that were on the fbiaren terror watch. those arwee the ones we know about. that should be a big story. we don't hear much about that. or as a parent, tammy, we have test scores in this country. act scores at a 30 year low, and we barely hear anything e about education. >> butdu. as we saw with one yog
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fg onn virginia, that's kind o a big deal to people. so we should be focusing on stories that mattermilies to people and their homes and their families and instead,n we get all this other stuff.word i say the word that that is irrelevant. thernhat's why the trust i media is so low. there is a complete disconnectep to what matters to people and what's beingctly reported. e exactly. y and gentlemen, i mean, ita nega really it's it's odd because you can't really prove not a negative. so you might not notice what you're not being told. rld. and that is one of the mosthanky dangerous things in the world. ou.gentlemen, thank you all very much. charlie, leo and joe, three ofcg the best there. thank you , gentlemen.airman now, coming up, hous jame overst committee chairman james combers has breaking news on possible witness intimidation inin the hunter biden investigation. surprise. he joinsnexto us next to expla >> this is cowritten debris where nail fungus grows,
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of online sellers go to ship station .com, try and get two months free. n of welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". house oversight committee chairman james comey is sounding the alarm over possible witness intimidation in the hunter biden probe. ion in bidenhe says some witnesw fearing for their lives and are afraid to come forward.s so wha t does that mean for the irs? hewhistleblower accusing the government of interfering with the investigation into hunter's taxes? well, during recentission congressional testimony,er the irs commissioner promised therd ne would be no retaliation for anyone making allegations against the agency here. >> and now with the latest house on all of this is housechairm oversight committee chairman james comey representingan ton comber. thank you very much for being here with me tonight. normally, when i am guestn hosting rashawn, i'm the one that tends to bite you and s
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your such a very good sportu'rei and you're doing a great job. and this issueng has become just dramatically serious. the hunter biden thing is really about joe biden and that that family and the corruption of that family. but it's o also aboutis cou the securitynt of this country. and if our agencies have been weaponized against the americane people, these are seriousou see allegations. how dos when i you how do you ss when it comes to the nature ofen threats that may have already been issued? >> and what are we going to do >> about? the well, it's very concerning. and i'm sounding alarm publicly. we know thats lega some on biden legal team have made contact w with some people that we've been communicating with to hav get information. we know that some on hunter biden, legal team of reached out and communicated with some of the people and institutions that we've subpoenaed. we kno>> ww that people within the biden administration have reached out and expresseddisappi their disappointment with some of the people that have beennt subpoenaed and some of peo som
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the people that are cooperating with us. and this is very concerninghest because this is an investigation about public determtion at the higheslet levels. this is an investigationwh to determine whether or noethet our white house and our mil and this administration is compromised because of dars theythe millions of milliol dollars they've taken from adversaries around the world. sod. we've got a situation whern there are more and more people coming forward. eblower. you know, we're very thankful te for the irs whistleblower, and i'm pretty confident in the next few weeks we're going to have more whistleblowers come forward. so it's very important thatr our whistleblowers are protected. and the democrat politiciaistlet and the media and the legalfo team for the biden family, they need to be very careful ind factintimidating our witnesses because we need to get america the truth and present facts, to the american people,yo you know, in the normal world .e >> sir, if you were intimidating witnesses during an investigation, that would be a crime is there. and talking about it publiclye is important, but it kind of
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also proves the point of why wea need to investigate this family ,because this is part and parcel of the corruption. when you're going out there trying to scare people into not talking. ca there anything else we can do to keep this from continuinge to make these whistleblowers feel safe enough to come forwareel safed? >> well, we're sounding the alarm. as i said , we're we have everye republican in washington, d.c.'g on the whistle blower with the irs that's going to comeintimida forward. we're going to make sure they're not retaliated. we're going to make sure that yo they're not intimidated and we're going to make sure they can pursue the truth. you alsoe a sie have a situation many of these people who were in the biden influence speary with the influence peddling schemeo come. are they want to come forwardy worr and they want to tell the truth. but noabouden't only they worri, biden's lawyers and democrat politicians in the media, they're alsoy're worried about some of these foreign nationals that they've been dealing with . look, this money's notlook, thig from the best and brightest in
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our adversarial country. this money's coming from bad actors going bad countries. and that's why every american should be concerned that that we are successful in our investigation in getting n ouevery bit of evidencen and presenting to the american people without intimidation. t intimior without any type offu obstruction from this whiteca house or this department of justice. >> well, sir, if anyone can do it, you can. and it is goodturn tha thet the american people know that this is happening and you turn the light on and it does seem to keep people a bit safer because the countries at stake here. joining us chairman james colmer, thank you very much, sir. i appreciate it. now joining us with more reaction and some analysis of this is fox news legas lelys analyst greg jarrett and foxutor news contributor miranda devine. so we hear this. miranda, i'll start with you. you've we've all been through this entire process. we've seen corruption and the silencing and censorship off yo, you , of the new york post of it certainly sometimes istleblowhistleblower, but it ry
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begins to feel like this is a, cartel. th i mean, am i going too far withi that? because it's like this is note the country i know our country' s never beennd it' perfect. lord knows. and it's a great place, but we're all flawed. flawed this is crazy sauce going crazy on right now. soing on riwell, it really is , but i guess we shouldn't be surprised, considering the extent of the biden familye influence peddling scheme, ta and the fact that they were quite happy to , you know, take thney from our adversaries and then the extent ofe the cover up, which is evecovern bigger than that original corruption story. and now, i mean, just then you heard james comey say that the intimidation is even reaching from the white house this he just said that there are people inside the white house who are reaching out are and expressing disappointment to people who are cooperating with coma's subpoenas.
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that's that's you know, that's pretty telling, i think. als and as far as the intimidation , you alsoitnesses heard james comey really that was a threat. ing them he was in his gentle way.t thats fo was warning them that that is , as you very aptly ask the follow up question, that is a crime to intimidate witnesses. right. >> you know, this is it's veryre nice. and he's he's very good.inre t haand we're seeing things here that we just can't look at. grd shrug at because, you know, that would be a crime in the normal world . greg, we've got that that subtle dynamic of when you get a decent it i don't know. it would be like, i don't know, john gotti coming up and knocking on your doordisappt and say, i'm really disappointed you didn't support me last week. ed you didsupport last wethen y, you leave because you don't know what's going to happen. this seems like it's a similar operation to intimidate and silence. >> yeah, it is . and if it's true that
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the whistleblowers who have come forward to congress pursuant to their investigation are now fearful of testifying under threat s lawyers biden' and friends, those are crimes, you know, tammy, in fact, for coimes, obstruction of congressional procedure, conspiracy to obstruct witness tampering and retaliation scainst witnesses. these are intimidation, thuggish scare tactics. but three months ago, you'll recall hunter biden, his lawyers decided the best defense is a good offense. >> so they sent letters to thean people who exposed the laptop, threatening them with legal action e , with the same time, they sent letters demanding criminal investigateal actions by the irs, the department of justice and the delaware stateat attorney into these very people. >> think about what that is . t that's hunter biden asking his dad's agent to take legal action against his accusers if
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that ain't corruption, i don't know what is , but it also b extends to the media huntere hunter biden's lawyers, who sent threatening letters over defamation foro th the reporting accurately of the laptop's contents. >> and all the while, you., hunp insists, well, it may not be my laptop. everybody knowy knows s it is .v the fbi verified it. news organizations haveated i corroboratt.e it. >> but hunter biden may have to answer the question comes jug monday because an arkansas judge in a paternity casernit involving him has demanded and ordered that he appear in court, is trying to skate on child support payment ts for a little girl. that is , his dnt paa shows itym won't acknowledge or won't meeta her claims poverty. and the judge said , oh,s is really? what about the laptop and the tens of millions of dollars in evidence that went into i your bank accounts? i want you tn court ono appear a on monday and answer the pivotal question.
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so at least with that judge, he won't necessarily escape and has to deliver and show up miranda when it comes to you and of course, the new yorkntine post and that that work that, has to continue. do you think this kind ofook, intimidation for those who are willing to look, it's not much in the legacy media and the "new york post", you certainlyp feels independent, but it'ins i think, like the oldest newspaper in the country. how do you see this unfolding reen it comes to what you are going to have to deal with as a reporter, as a columnist? k pt and what the new york post has to deal with ?as well, i don't thinkve the intimidation tactics can work because as expensive and as talented and skilled as hunter biden'ers lawyers are, it's just like whack a mole at the moment for them because there are whistleblowers coming out of the woodwork. james just tipped you off to a few that are coming up that we don't even know of. the irs whistleblower has enormous amounts of emailsls ant
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and so on . he'll be testifying shortly.en u he has the receipts. and then you have, as greg just said , this case on monday. now, i have no doubt that hunter's very clever lawyers are going to have some sort of settlement with the baby mama before he has to go to courtm on on monday because they do not want him opening the kimono in arkansas when it comes to hisinh financial documents. that's the last thing they want. yeahey excellent, all excellent pointt and there are some surprises and it sounds like we're on at least a good track to getting cn some news and to gettingu both some whistleblowers who can crack this egg for us , if and you will. thank you both , miranda, and great, great stuff. now, next up, biden's watert ev crisis is about to get even e worse with titled forty to ending next month. g nexttom bowman and brandon jue here to explain as this special edition of "hannity" continues . this is a.. she started a school for docs, but had trouble getting the loan she needed to grow
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xm. any time anywhere . fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. welcome back to the special edition of "hannity". biden's border crisis is , believe it or not, it'is,s about to get much worse with a, offi national covid emergency. of course, officially ending. finally, title forty two expires on may 11th and border crossings are expected to explode. the biden administration is desperately trying to stem the flow by setting up migrantn centers in south american countries. but it may be already too late.y the city of el pasoanne is currently overwhelmed with migrants who are supposed to be bannedfromentry by from ey by title 40 , too.l bein sog there you but they're still being let in. some migrants told the new york post. alol they needed to do to gain entry was to try againday, you on another day because there'sra always another day here. >> now forme, with more, our for acting director of ice, fox news contributor tom bowman,
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and national border patrol council president brandon judge judd. excuse me, tom , let me start with you. i was struck by this migrant b center announcement that is going to be run by ourby international partners. that would be the un as an would inample, who will determine who gets to be allowed in bas the united states based on ourno regulations and laws, not us , h but our international partners, deich is internationallys making this decision. is ts going to help? this? >> is it going to hurt?to what is your take on this? >> it's not going to help atit's all. a matter of fact, to think n io. one legal, they're going to lose an encore just likeveer they're lost. every policy come up with joe biden in court and they'll lose it. but they don't care. they don't care if they violate long ignored judges orders all the time. second of all, it won't workth because they're going to decide the cases over there and they lose the case. doe case they really think to sg okay, i lost my case, nyways
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my jimgriffin u.s. is over, i'm not going, they're coming anyways, and they're going to keep coming because they don't see anybody sybod. they don't see anybody going ree home. look, we've had a couple od infd million people released inn the united states . joe biden, more than more than two point five . and nobody's going home. and check it.d thos america said don't you don't qualify for asylum to be asylu immediately deported when? look, i used to be the directoro of ice.ok i know a lot of people ice. they're not even looking for immigration. court data says nearly nine outi of ten people who claim asylumms at the border never get relief r from u.s. courts. they simply don't qualify. well, they don't show up in court. so the nine ou cout ten of these millions of people released united states puts to one point seven million. got a ways how many been deported? that number is pretty closcauseh to zero because the secretary has said being the country legally is not enough for i.rc.. icemaker to arrest him. but making this promise inly try a year and seven months, i really president trump will be back in my house. i'll be back with himle and people to have no safe harbor. we're going to find him and we're going to deport.
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there have to be consequences. and if the judge's order doesn't mean anything, they're not executing. they're going to keep coming. so w ordere will make sure we hl responsible. >> we're going to put him. yeah, and i appreciate that.they bu wt clearly waiting until a certain point when this irrev is literally almost irreversible is unaccept. ere isand we've got a dynamic he where especially with childreno- ,the lives that are lost innecer this process, we get peoplile you don't necessarily have to care about if someone'sited going to be able to stay istatno the united states . but there's now one report of eighty five thousand unaccounted for migrant children lost in the systemsystm as thoug, h the united states hs become a trafficker of childrenn . and this is on a all of us morally and spiritually, ituw karmically of what is happening to these children. thesthat we have just lost touc- with . do you think thi sified. americans clearly are horrified, but that's a reason why this ay th has to stop soonr than later. we ave every single border patrl
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agent is fed up with thisything administration. we are all upset that everything that they do is nothingmore more than creatig bad policy that's allowing these people to come i n. when you look at thesetody, we children, when we take them into custody, we know what'sw going to happen to we know thatb they're going to be put into indentured servitude. we know that they're goingoster th it'se put in into foster care homes that don't care about these children. and it's all based upon this administration's policy. i met with the the transition of team when president biden waics installed in office. i met with them.m ex actli told them exactly what wae going to happen. i have spoken with secretary mayorkas on multiplen with occas telling him exactly what was, going to happen. so for the m to say that they didn't know that this was going to happen, for them to say that they weren't aware ofm that ing this, we specificas them that if you're goinghave to get rid of trump's policies,a you're going to have to replace them with policies that are very similar. you told them that trump could solve this problem. we told them everything. we walk them through every single process and they ignored everything that we said .as
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>>ey ignored everythin able g tt president trump was able to do to secure the border. and that's what you in every strand. thank you . we can solve this tomorrow. tomo do. yet we saw davis.e alre gentlemen, thankad you . i we already solved and we agreeem with you. and this is great and important for the americanan peopl to theu american people to know. this is not thise.u. can't continuepresid . so thanken you .bout coming up, by the way, seanbook spoke to the former president ,t president trump, about hisun new book. we've got that coming up with you next. stay tuned. steele is in ford's overnight, but after all, the blasting and casting is done, it's strong. last's grandson of a steelwork ron desantis worked his way through college, joined the navy as a jag officer , earned a bronze star serving in iraq. governor desantis never back stop because his backbone wasn't forged overnight. ron desantis president never
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ship station. >> the number one choice of online sellers go to ship station .com slash . >> try and get two months free . >> welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". >> recently, former president donald trumply forme k with sean hannity about hisettes new book, letters to trump, excu and enjoy this exclusive clisip. mr. president , great to have
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you back. thank you so much.yo u so mt.all right. here's this big, beautifulle book. what an incredible.s what yeah. oh, and here's what is even more incredible is , well, first of all, you save y thingss i don't save anything. anythin >> i throw everything a i can't find anything. , tape i have somewhere.n my brother in law's house, you know, tapes from when i started radio in eighty seven , i was on the donahue sho tw, sally jessy in here, although i did all those shows to and back in the day, i even even the view with rosie o'donnell, which you would be proud of me. >> but here's what's amazing. you've kept all these letters. you know, one letter goes back to nineteen eighty seven and richard nixon telling you if you run, you will win wi you the relationships that you had. john kennedy jr. letters from reagan. you had a relationship with ted kennedy. i wadt a fas not a fan of his, k interesting. billy graham. kirk douglas , michael jackson, kim jong un . >> you put all of these was
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incredible views, you save those things. >> so i was lucky. i had two really great executive assistants. one was norms norma, one was ro. and norma was a fantastic woman. she passed awac woy. >> rohner, took her place incredibly, did a great job. i remember ron and rhona alsor save the letters. they had a system that was amazing. i mean, i have a letter andrew lloyd webber inviting me, saying essentially that "phaopening a new musical in new york . it's called phanto om of the opera. i think it might be good. would you like to come? he lived in trump tower with sarah brightman. actually , they america. and i said , i'd like to go. and i went.. i heard the music.o many i said, that's l but i have so many letters like that. and i have letters from rosi fe l before politics. she thought i was great. she asked me to be in a movie. oprah winfrey.
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i have letters. whoopi goldberg asked me to be in her movie. they all asked me to be on the oprah asked me to run. >> i mean, i think she was being she wanted guys to run as a team.ed >> she said it would be a great team and i get along with the way she was at mar-a-lago many a times. but this is ann in interestingtt phenomena. you mentioned rosie,rah. you mentioned oprah. yo talk about ted kennedy. >> you get in the world of politics and then all of a sudden people that were t your friends or they they had they were your friends. they sent you the most lovelymol letters. and are you friendets anymore? >> so an interesting thing happened. diwas going to a big charity dinner, robin hood foundation, w and it was at the convention center in new york .. big, big space , big success. and i went in and i'm going there are thousands of fans outside and i was booed by about thirty . 40% of the people booedlittle b a little bit. i had just announced i wasit verying and my wife turned out to be a very great first lady.
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people love her. her melania said to me, i've never heard you booed before, ever. i've been with you for a longn booe time. you've never been booed befored. i said welcome to partick. s liy but it's true. i wasn't booed. i was really liked by everybodyt . i gave uo dop a lot to do this. i have to do the right thing. i mean, i know what's popular, what's not, but i also know itot has to be done.. and sometimes that's unpopularvu and you do get booed. >> but i gave up a lot to do this. >> i was really like, baby , when you see some of those letters, when you see rosiennele o'donnell's and other people that truly have you believe them, they hat me now.e me.t >> now, i could give you namesle of people that i think actually love me now, but they don't say it. but and they also love paying ae lot less tax. you know, that that's sorte thef i guarantee they went in there, >> they voted for trump. r and even ieceivef they don't sa you received a letter from barack obama the day you you bee president and you left a letter
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for joe biden. they he became president . yeah. never talked about them. >> i think it's a very personal thing. receinit's thek, for them to tak about, actually . joe biden said it receives a letter ver is a very nice leti he did. and i just think that it would be for them to release it if they wanted to put a letter from obama to you. yea yeah, it's been released pat cipollone, but it's the trump book stores everywhere. >> amazos ton, hannity, .com, tk you very much that. >>, thank you ,se charlie. appreciate it.e >> thank you so much. thank you very much.hope you said it well, when you see that man, you have a bit more hope, don't you ? i certainly do more of this hannity special when we return. >> ron desantis tried to cut seniors benefits in congress. the senate voted three times to cut social security, even to privatize medicare worth. desantis wanted to raise the retirement age to 70 ron desantis would make us work
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12:00 am
we'll be back on monday with a live audience show kayleigh mcenany and freedom. mark levin, jimmy phyla and clay travis will all be joining. sean will be doing audience shows monday through thursday, next weesean wk. you want you want to be a part of the show, head over to hannity .com for more information. e ino again, thankrm you .s team my thanks to sean and hi s team. and now the angle is up" >> i i'm laura ingraham. this is the "ingraham angle" from washington tonight. thanks for spending some time. with us. or with us. or focus of tonight's annuathl failing us on all fronts. democrats are lying to the voters again, this time about the so-called conservative book fans. >> this republican majority wants to talk about bannings tob books. >> they start banning bookan bo banning books to stand
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