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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  May 1, 2023 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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and started botox® sooner. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. we are out of time. that is it. thank you. [cheers and applause] >> trace: welcome to "fox news @ night." i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. ♪ ♪ enbridge and tonight, the pentagon says under the balloon of unknown origin spotted over wine airspace should not be shut down saying it does not pose a threat to civilians. we will look into how exactly the pentagon knows that. but we begin in texas as investigators continue their search for an illegal immigrant accused of executing five people including a nine-year-old. the suspect is considered armed and dangerous and could be
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"anywhere." the chief correspondent, jonathan hunt, it has the latest on the search. >> jonathan: it is an urgent search increasingly so. right now, the man who allegedly shot and killed those five people including the young boy you mentioned has simply disappeared. >> we don't have any tips right now to where he maybe. >> jonathan: according to investigators, francisco, a mexican national, was firing a gun outside his own home in cleveland, texas when neighbors asked him to stop so that their baby could sleep. minutes later, he allegedly burst into that neighbor's home and opened fire, targeting adults and children alike. >> three children that we loaded that night and put in an ambulance, they were covered in blood. from the same ladies that were laying on top of them trying to
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protect them. >> jonathan: four adults and a nine-year-old boy died. >> translator: he had no right. we never offended him. we never disrespected him. he was pointing his gun at me. he told me i was looking for you. i'm going to kill you. i'm scared because he can come back and look for us. we were hoping that police do their job and arrest him. >> jonathan: the police and the fbi say they need help to find the killer. >> that is what we need from the public is any type of information because right now, we are just running into dead ends. >> jonathan: or a peso according to immigration and customs enforcement is an illegal immigrant to have been deported from the u.s. at least four times and clearly had come back iinto the country at least four times. the search for him, trace, now underway both here and of course in mexico. >> trace: jamason, thank you.
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let's bring in john iannarelli. it is great to have you on. you heard the fbi agents say they need help. is it harder to find this suspect because he is a mexican national? what are your thoughts on the search? >> trace, this is what the fbi does so well. there's a lot of things they will be be doing including liaison in with their mexican counterparts. when fugitives are on the run, they need a place to go. they rely on family, friends, somebody is going to give information to law enforcement and he is going to be taken into custody. >> trace: chris of the texas department of safety said the following. watch. >> the fact that individual was in fact deported, i would -- that goes to show that there's no consequence and place at the federal level to keep individuals like this person that committed this heinous crime from entering the country. >> trace: and he is right.
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there do not appear to be any consequences. they come and go back and forth across the border. >> you are absolutely right. there are great people that want to come to this country. there's a reason we have laws and in situations like this where we want to keep a certain element at baker this person needs to be home and held accountable and it is a lesson for all politicians, address the border issues. >> trace: it is amazing because he served jail time. we know that he was deported as jonathan was saying at least four times got maybe five times. he cannot have owned a gun and yet the first instinct, the first reaction is we got to go after the guns. this gun no matter what lodge you those laws you had in place, it could not have stopped him from illegally getting a gun or getting it in the country. >> this person broke a bunch of laws including you are right, he could not legally own a gun. firing a gun in his front lawn is against the law as well. this is a criminal. he needs to be captured and off
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the street and held accountable, trace. >> trace: i want to put this up. this is ted cruz, what he was talking about. and it is a point. he is saying that now that we know it was an illegal immigrant space alien, i predict it will exactly the headlines. it kind of makes you think if this was a conservative, i mean, who did this, down in texas, msnbc would not take a commercial for two nights. >> i tried to be an agnostic in these things. i don't care who you are or what you are as long as you are obeying the law. we have to hold people accountable and especially something as heinous as this. five innocent people and a nine-year-old, for god's sake! let's get him and get him fast. >> trace: john iannarelli, thank you. the state of emergency is in effect in brownsville, texas senate with el paso about to follow suit. the decorations are just more followed from the crisis on our
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southern border. as thousands of illegal immigrants continue to cross each day. and small u.s. border communities without the infrastructure to handle the influx are now bracing for the next likely surge when the pandemic related asylum rules expire next thursday. also known as title xlii. the defense department is now tracking a balloon of unknown origin after scrambling three fighter jets of space on friday in response to an unidentified radar signature near hawaii. the pentagon is advising against shooting it down saying that high-altitude balloon as -- has yet to fly over a critical difference infrastructure or any sensitive government sites and it reportedly does not pose a threat to civil aviation, at least that is what we are being told. there is also no indication that the balloon is being controlled by a foreign or adversarial source. moving on now, hunter biden was in an arkansas courtroom today. no -- child support payments he
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has been making to the mother of a four-year-old girl that he fathered but the implications of this dispute could lead to so-called other shoe dropping. with what has caused by the kevin corke's life in washington with more on this. kevin corke evening. >> kevin: good evening, trace. despite the efforts to delay it, hunter biden did appear in an arkansas courtroom today. now, this is a separate case from the ongoing federal probe into his finances. the president's son, as you yout in an try to get his child support payments reduced for his four-year-old daughter. today we learned that he is paying her mother former dc exotic dancer lunden roberts 20-gram a month. now, the case was actually reopened last september but hunter's legal team who claimed that he suffered a "substantial material change in his income and cannot afford the payments." that is something lawyers for roberts say is absurd. are giving legal filings at the president's son is living
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lavishly and has retained an $850 an hour attorney. tonight, fox news has learned that roberts did testify before the grand jury last year in the federal probe. with new accusations from house republicans that hunter's lawyers are simply trying to intimidate witnesses and whistleblowers in that case. >> we know that they have been contacted by the attorneys for hunter biden. we feel that this is really close to crossing the line. >> kevin: james comer has also been taking into hunter biden's finances. he is zeroing in on whether hunter had any offshore accounts. something that is getting a lot of buzz here in washington. meanwhile, the judge in the child support case has ordered written answers by may 12 and has set a deposition for mid june. both parties -- if both parties failed to reach an agreement, a trial day is set for late
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july and to be continued, trace. >> trace: to be continued in the. thank you. tonight we have an inclusive interview with second of state antony blinken while president biden's top of the clement is dealing with a number of foreign policy challenges. his name has been on the news recently for his alleged involvement in the now infamous letter from dozens of former spy agency leaders that sought to discredit the growing hunter biden laptop story ahead of the 2020 presidential election. here is a state department correspondent benjamin hall. >> with regard to that letter, i did not -- it was not my idea. i did not solicit it and i think the testimony that the former deputy director of the ca put forward confirms that. >> do you accept that the laptop has not -- >> from my perspective, i'm not engaging in politics. i have got a lot on my agenda. >> trace: yeah. let's bring in a member of the
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house judiciary and foreign for affairs committee dear eliza. congressman, it is great to have you on as always. i want to talk about that in one second. james comer, a colleague had made news today when he was talking about witness intimidation in the hunter biden thing. i'm going to play this and then get your response. >> it depends on your definition of intimidation. if you get a call from the lawyers and they remind you of your potential liability and some of these business schemes, then yes, i would consider that witness intimidation. >> trace: as soon as he said that, you had people tweeting. you have a lot of letters saying, well, this is getting very deep. what did you make of those comments? >> well, first year professor turley is somebody we all go to for advice. so i think his comments very seriously. but anytime you are -- you see ex parte communication with whistleblowers or witnesses, it is inappropriate. now, where it crosses a legal one, i will leave that to the
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experts. but where it crosses the ethical line, it has already crossed it and it is crossing it regularly and we are seeing it. we are going to have whistleblowers and the other committee in judiciary in just a couple of days and i have got to tell you, many of them are coming forward because they are already being harassed and they want to get it over with by just getting it -- >> trace: and quoting here if eric trump were a corrupt loser under an investigation who had fathered a child out of wedlock with a striptease dancer and continue to live in luxury while trying to cut his child support payments after having been forced to take a blood test to establish paternity, then i would like every other person in america cannot have avoided knowing the name of baby joan. of course, that was the fordow the hunter biden fathered. >> the $1.8 million that should have led to no lead to a criminal indictment he paid it but, you know, including this woman are going, wait a second,
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if he made a quick four, five, six camilla dollars and to tell the irs, that is money that in fact should have been considered for child support. so there's a lot there that has not come out completely. >> trace: antony blinken saying he had nothing to do with that until later. he was not going to talk about the politics part of it. but he said, nope. it was not me. >> first of all, all the presidents have been engaged in politics. all the men that were involved in this which includes the attorney general and the secretary of state when they were campaigning, as mike grella said, why did i do it? because i wanted biden to a win. was it accurate? well, we think it was act with the way we said it. and if you look at the nuances, one could say that letter was but that is not the way the public got it. that is not that is not the way the spin got it. people believed that that laptop was disinformation, misinformation and fraudulent
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when in fact was truthful and the fbi knew it and did nothing but let it happen. >> trace: i got 10 seconds left. do you think there is more common? do you think it's next few weeks like mr. coomer kind of indicated that there's more coming in this hunter biden case? >> absolutely. when you have a crime and you have a campaign corrupt and then it continues with the administration, what you have is what we saw in watergate, what we saw with nixon, the fact is, just keeps coming because it can't stop because the crime was real, the corrupt was real. to the politics were real. and now this administration is doing things that are wrong. >> trace: congressman darrell i so, thank you. meantime, hollywood writers are bringing news have just called a strike in the last few minutes with no contract agreement with the doors between the writers guild of america and the alliance of motion picture and television producers. the main sticking points are over pay and distribute residuals. the work out the work out is the first wga strike in 15 years with more than 11,000 television and film writers walking off the
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job. now for an upgrade to a story we brought you last week here on fox news at night and the massive push back against a plan by democrats in oregon to decriminalize homelessness and public spaces. jackie ibanez is live with the latest on that developing story. jackie cain good evening. >> reporter: hi there good evening, trace. a new bill introduced as you said in oregon is seeking to decriminalize homeless camps. the bill states the criminalizing the notion that allows local governments to redirect resources from local law enforcement activities to address the root causes of homelessness. but critics say this bill is not the way to win. >> a bill like this isn't coming forward is a really scary thing. we need to be unified on the idea that this is not the answer. >> reporter: so here's just a few components of there. it would grant the home was the right to rest in public spaces and seek protection from the
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diverse weather condition that also allows homeless people to use and move freely in public spaces without discrimination and time limitations. and here is the kicker. and one whose rights are breached are entitled to compensatory damages or $1,000 per violation, whichever is greater. meaning the homeless can ensue if they are harassed or told to leave. the bill is scheduled for a public hearing may 4th. >> trace: to be continued indeed. thank you. let's bring an attorney kelly heirman. i want to read part of this. it says, quoting here, represent are experiencing homelessness has a privacy interest and a reasonable expectation of privacy in any property belonging to the person regardless of whether the property is located in a public space, but the problem is that these people are violating the public's right to have access to their own public spaces. sidewalks, storefronts, all these things. the public has a right to go
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there and they can't just say, okay, i'm taking it over. what you say to this? >> you bring up an interesting point. we need to look at it from a legal perspective and this is a bill. so it has not passed. it is not into law it. there's no ramifications of a law itself. it only applies to people in the state of oregon. secondly, when we look at this from the standpoint that we have to look at what other cars have done. now, according to other ports, they have said that the fact that there is some type of criminalization is a violation of someone's eighth amendment rights. that means that it is unconstitutional because it is cruel and unusual type of punishment. we are going to have to see how this plays out. going to be the public hearing and i think it will be interesting debate on both sides of the out. >> trace: i talked to a woman today. she is the mother of seven and she is very concerned about this issue and she is concerned about her kids and i was supposed -- posing the question that oregon doesn't want to become the sanctuary for the homeless and she said this.
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>> i think that is so true. i look around me and i have traveled in and out of the state over the last couple years and realized that as much as yes, it is absolutely up and down the west coast, it is very unique to portland that we tolerate it to the level that we do. tribe in new york and california is doing similar things, right? allowing people to maintain their property and public spaces in the space. but she makes a point where she is kind of saying, hey, listen, you know, what do we do? what recourse do we have as the citizens of oregon if this thing passes, which you make a good point, has not yet. >> that is why is up to the public and if people disagree, they can speak up as well. it is important to see that some type of solution for this, for the homeless, which is an issue that affects all of us in different states. and trying to come up with some kind of solution that works for everyone. roman breaking news. the writers are striking. it is going to happen one minute after midnight.
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this is going to cost to the first time in 15 years these writers have strike. it is going to cost companies billions of dollars. what is the remedy here? i mean, isn't just a solution? or do lawyers get involved and say, okay, we are going to get these people back to work? >> we have to look at why there is a dispute in the first place. the writers are asserting a lot of time now that shows are going livestreaming and because of livestreaming, there's only, look at the eight or 13 episodes a year rather than 22 and because of that good since the writers are paid per episode, economically speaking, they are not making as much money as they used to. so that is one of the main reasons because of the streaming economically, is why they are striking. hopefully they can come up to some resolution because this is going to affect all of us. people that watch daytime soap operas, that is going to create some serious issues. night, you know, night shows, whether it is "saturday night live" or talk shows. they will be affected by that as well. the longer it goes, not only economically for the writers and
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that shows but for the states and everything. is going to affect all of us. determined it will start as early as tomorrow. first up the tonight's crime round up, of new evidence in the crock -- trial of the so-called cold mom accused of killing her own children and her husband's first why. analyst who survived that lori vallow's dna matched a hair found on duct tape. authorities in oklahoma found seven bodies in a rural property near henrietta including two missing teenage girls. one report says the girls were traveling with a convicted rapist also believed to be among the dead. a warning to this figure from oklahoma is disturbing. >> do you know what you did? >> put your hands behind your back. >> oh, my god. >> that is the moment an officer responding to a domestic violence call, attacked by the
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suspect who slotted her unconscious. until a witness intervened. allicot as you saw on body cam footage. the officers suffered serious injuries. the suspect was apprehended shortly after the attack. and this woman was arrested for allegedly stealing human body parts from the medical school cadaver lab where she worked. and selling them to the man on the right-hand side of the screen for thousands of dollars and shipping the parts to him across several states using the u.s. postal service nonetheless. they faced as you might imagine a laundry list of charges. two men got into a verbal argument outside a business in new york. it did not take long to escalate. one of the men said pedestrians scrabbling by. opening fire on the busy street, hitting his victim multiple times. and finally in san francisco, the whole foods have recently shut down because of crime made 568 emergency calls over its 13-month tenure. the new york times reports the story dealt with people screaming, fighting, stealing to
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run for, firkus all to security code 20 to advocate deprecate on the floor and overdosing in the bathroom. one of the nation's biggest candy companies is under fire tonight for so-called vocal employment practices that include promotions based on race. and later, many couples are considering a sleep divorce. do see, sleeping in separate bedrooms could actually save your marriage? or your relationship? let us know on social media. week or instagram @tracegallagher. we will read the best responses in the nightcap. ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin? for softer clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free & gentle downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle. hey, man. you could save hundreds for safe driving with liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance. so you only pay for what you need! whoo! we gotta go again.
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only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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from it first up, but light is out with a new and that is set at a country music festival and notably, comments on the ad have
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been disabled on youtube. this is the second and released by the company since marketing executive took a leave of absence after the dylan mulvaney controversy. both appeared to cater to a conservative audience. shareholders of coca-cola for the against a proposal to conduct a survey into how state laws restricting abortion impact the company's business performance. the proposal came from an activist nonprofit group that promotes esg policies. nearly 90% of shareholders voted against it. oguama governor kevin stitt signed a bill that would make it if only for healthcare workers to provide children with transgender treatments including puberty blocking drugs, hormones, and surgeries. the aclu said it will take legal action to prevent the law from going into effect. loudoun county new ginya public schools plan to spend at least $11 million on a pilot program creating floor-to-ceiling bathroom stalls and five schools to accommodate transgender
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students. this comes as loudoun county is under investigation by the education departments and virginia authorities over accusations it did not properly address sexual assault and two of its schools. >> the bigger problem is the principle of sending our girls potentially 13 and 14-year-old girls being sent into the same bathrooms with high school boys up to 18 and 19 years old. term of the districts as it plans for construction to take place this summer. and bralen senator ben cardin says he will not run for reelection next year. the announcement from the 79-year-old to the term democrat will likely trigger a highly competitive primary to replace him in the blue link states. ♪ ♪ where the fox news @ night fox news @ night commonsense department could not make the
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met gala in new york tonight but it did notice there was a tribute to the late fashion designer who passed away in 2019. folk editor-in-chief and the chair of the met gala and the winter called him a friend, concert artist and a paradox. who carly says he had a kind heart. kind? heart? really? isn't carter loaded joe she the steals the same one who called princess diana stupid and that adele the singer was fat? he also famously said nobody wants to see curvy women and he said what shocked him most about the me too movement are the "starlets who have taken 20 years to remember what happened." kristen stewart, praised the me too movement has changing society says lagerfeld "is who is for a reason." is the theme that it is okay to the spirit and as great as long as you can whip up a fancy outfit or two?
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comes in's wonders whether same celebrities who can't wait to push the cancel button on twitter also can't wait to push for narrative on who is truly kindhearted. common sense has long heard that absence makes the heart grow fonder but who knew? it also apparently makes the mind grow weaker. look at coach kenny morris is on the wrong end of an equal employment opportunity complaint and accused of illegal hiring and training practices. let's bring in one of the attorneys behind the complete. america first legal vice president and general counsel gene hamilton. gene, it is great to have you on. your group says the following year, quoting large brands m&ms a three musketeers, alexa ayers and so many others have been a part of americans lives for generations. it is said that like so many other vocal corporations mars has degenerated into a sad purity of the great company it was. mars needs to stop trying to socially engineer the country and go back to focusing on
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making chocolate. what specifically is america first saying here, jean? >> thanks for having me on. it is great to be here. we are pointing out what your viewers know is happening in almost every major large corporation across the country today. which is hiring decisions based on race and gender things that we thought were going away for a long time but apparently they are back. other employment decisions, trained decisions based on race and gender and so when you see things like what we have with mars where they say, we really want black percentage of our workforce or blank percentage of our management team to be made up of this composition or of this report we want it to reflect the statistical proportion of these different races and ethnicities in this community than what that actually requires than on front end is racial balancing and it
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requires racial composition test to look at different applications for different applicants, what is the person's skin color? if they are white, i'm probably not going to advance them. if they are asian, and probably not going to advance them. that is wrong. all racism is wrong. and so what and so what we are try to point out here to these companies and in these letters asking for the eeoc to initiate investigations to do their job is to just enforce the claim letter of the law. criminal want to put this up. this is marza seeming to rollingstone. mars is an equal opportunity employer. we do not engage in the signatory's employment practices inclusion and diversity have long been priorities of us and we use lawful means to pursue our inclusion and diversity objectives. would you object to that? >> are most certainly would. look, there is no way that you can achieve some kind of numerical balancing of race, racial composition of your workforce without affirmatively discriminating against one group or another. it is wrong. it is all wrong. would need to look at his
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objectives. i very much question their statement about their commitment to especially when they have other commitments to saying, we're going to give a billion dollars to diverse suppliers. what does that mean? that means that you are judging your contractors based on their and build characteristics and you are reserving money set aside for them. that is not the way it should work. you should look at marriage, a look at the present. don't look at their skin color. >> trace: i got to put this up. master comes as many of us can probably agree that the great eminem is only a scapegoat to the situation, america first legal has nevertheless latched onto mars as the perfect example of local companies discriminating against white americans. i have do i have to 10 seconds for you to wrap this up. >> we are just putting out what we see at what every viewer at home knows to be true. this is ongoing across the country. needs to stop. we need to fight for equal rights for all. >> trace: gene hamilton, great to have you on. thank you, sir. >> thanks very much.
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>> trace: of the country music biggest music stars prancing ghost says he plans to stop the stage for a higher calling. up next, ranger smith will tell us what is prompting him to leave country music. first, a playful baby black bear is charming in its keepers. and can you spot nasa's rover on the surface of mars? the day's best viral videos next. ♪ ♪ safelite. we'll replace your windshield, and recalibrate your advanced safety system. so automatic emergency braking and lane departure warning work properly. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ scout is protected by simparica trio, and he's in it to win it. simparica trio is the first
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and only chew with triple protection. oh, fleas and ticks ♪ intestinal worms... wow heartworm disease, no problem with simarica trio. this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection. go with simparica trio.
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at t-mobile, your business will save over $1000. what are you going to do with it? i could use a new sign. with t-mobile for business, save more than $1000 versus verizon. and with our price lock guarantee, we'll never raise your rate plan. ever. >> trace: a rotating soup are still in oklahoma look like a moving painting as purple clouds spun in the sky while lightning sprinted down to the ground. the storm chaser took this 20-minute time left and called it one of the most impressive thunderstorms he had ever seen. a baby black bear and virginia seen content during wrestle with her handlers. rosa -- teased the staff around. the bear is wet life center's first couple of the year and
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because the hope is to release her into the wild when she is gone, only a limited number of staff, to play with her. that way, she didn't really get too used to being around people. here is a sneak peak of the festivities we expect for king charles' coronation saturday. thousands of military personnel plan a full-scale rehearsal for the big day. the group included the uk purvis army navy and air force. and the event will be the biggest military ceremonial operation in about 70 years. this close encounter with a killer whale was caught on camera in scotland. the door, swam up to a peer to get a breath of fresh air while killer whales are known to this area of northern scotland, they rarely ever come this close to a short. meantime much further out to sea, humpback whales studied by researchers were spotted on camera exfoliating their skin. by using the sand of the ocean floor. the wheels were attacked with small cameras where you can see
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them scratching their backs. the underwater team help remove bacteria from their skin along with barnacles to unclear exactly when the mani-pedis take place. now off to mars. do you see it? looked. nasa's perseverance rover is visible in the new picture taken by nasa's extraterrestrial helicopter ingenuity. the chopper flew 40 feet into the martian air to snap photos of the martian landscape. perseverance and ingenuity have been on the surface of mars for 2 years. and if you have a viral video to share, send it over @tracegallagher or at fox news @ night on social media. ♪ ♪ well, disney's recent battles with ron desantis are having an impact on both parties and the cultural and legal reckoning force has motivated some to find different family-friendly entertainment. here is the chief religion
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correspondent, lauren green. >> while the house of mouse disney is water -- culture wars in florida. >> no corporation is above the law. >> reporter: faith-based alternatives are coming into their own. >> we are realizing if you take some of the way for our children, what do we give them in its place. >> part of the academy of ministry production house for me to sold out shows at the resume of the bible in dc and other locations. it is one of several others promoting hopeful conservative content like the christian string cite peer flicks whose membership has doubled in the past two years while disney+ lost some two and a half million members the last quarter of 2022. its themepark has been accused of going well, no longer using the words boys and girls. right now, these outlets are more payments to the goliath of disney but larger-than-life puppets created for stage productions like chronicles of
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narnia rivals any hollywood special effects. for them, disney is no longer the house that walt built. >> when you trusted the brand for so long, it is difficult to remove that from your lives. we can all say how much we don't like the way it is going. >> reporter: disney sued the state of florida in federal court, accusing it of its relation to so-called "don't say gay" bill. trace? >> trace: thank you. country music star granger smith surprise not only his fans but every music exec from austin to nashville last week when he announced his upcoming tour will be his last. the award-winning singer-songwriter has 11 studio albums top 10 and number one singles. 12 million social media followers and building online video views so the big question is, why is he moving on from the
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country music industry? well, let's bring in granger smith and find out. granger, thank you for coming on. we appreciate your time. you have a different calling. tell us about this. >> yeah, trace, thanks for having me. i have a calling to ministry. and that is something i have been wrestling with for the last few years. and i thought that you would think that this is something that i could just go and go into ministry and be in country music and use that stage and platform for the greater purpose. but i could not reconcile that together. so i'm going to -- for but it is amazing story. you know, your upcoming tour is called like a river, named for their three-year-old son who tragically drowned back in 2019. does your son's passing have something to do with this transition from music to ministry? >> yeah, sure, it was the catalyst, no doubt.
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that is the hinge points in my life. it was the thing that shook me up as a thing that woke me up absolutely. that is what started this past. >> trace: it is amazing to me because of what are your book is coming out and it is called like a river coming out in august. and i wonder what you can tell us, what is the message, the book is in the right-hand side of the screen if you can't see it. what is the message from the book. what are we to take away from this? and what is the message of you going in to become a minister? >> well, after i lost our son had tried everything to get better. i mean, i got deeper and deeper into rock-bottom, tried every type of self-help thing i could find to put myself out of it to fix myself and make myself better and it only got worse. and i know there's a lot of people hurting, a lot of people grieving and so this story is the process that i went through to finally figure out that i could not help myself. it was god only god alone in
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surrendering to him that was able to pull me out of this and send me on a new prospect and so now my mission is for a higher calling to show people that threw surrender, you, too, could find peace in this. >> trace: when you find peace, granger, would it be too much? a defense and stuff, would they be asking too much if they said, maybe you could maybe tour a little bit here and there, put a little music out every once in a while? is that something you might work toward at some point in time? >> i don't think so. i have thought about that so much. and as much as i love tour, as much as a lever for the fans, for me to get on stage, it is always has to be about me. i am the product. when you are singing, you become the product and so trying to sell myself and sell the songs when in fact the bible is going the bible is going to tell me to deny myself, take up my cross and follow and so through all this process, i just can't reconcile going on stage and
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selling myself like that. >> trace: granger, you are a good man. you are a great musician and a great family man and we very much appreciate you coming on. >> brother, thanks for having me. >> trace: is your partner the reason you are not getting a good night for sleep? have you considered a slim divorce? many couples say has saved their marriage. what do you think? would you benefit from a sleep breakup? there's still time to weigh in on twitter and instagram @tracegallagher. the nightcap crew next. mist
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♪ ♪ >> trace: we are back with the nightcap crew. tonight's topics, sleep divorce. married, well are sleeping in separate rooms for the sake of better sleep. if your partner snores, or just kind of wakes up in different terms, your doctor believes sleep divorce can actually improve your marriage. certainly improve your sleep. so what do you think to separate birds into the time you got to start with jackie ibanez because she will give it to you straight. sleep divorce? >> reporter: you know, your topics are so timely. happen to me last last night.
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my boyfriend was snoring in the middle of the night. i tried to wake him up. i have been pushed. he did not work. i grabbed my earplugs and put them in. and boom. >> trace: really? was the next step of the earplugs don't do it, the next up you get up and you go? >> reporter: no, she is going, trace. determined that it. >> reporter: i don't play like that picture when he is out. not kelly hyman, your thoughts? >> good night's sleep, on a firm base firm believer to stay in the same -- earplugs headphones and driving to work. >> trace: you got to fight it out. you got to stand your ground. abbey, the snoring is greatly. you have not slept in three nights. yeah, to stay and we got to fight in. >> take long nap. >> traveled the night tadpole was very close. we don't get them this close. yes, when you leave your marriage bed and sleep someplace else? twitter 19 -- twitter, 61% say
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yes. instagram, it is almost right down the middle. it is kind of amazing. kevin corke your thoughts on this? >> kevin: i don't like it. i think you just got to figure it out and stay in the same bed because he started sleeping in different bedrooms, i just don't think it is a good idea. i got to say, though, my wife who i was telling jonathan, my wife was a little under the weather and she was -- could not breathe very well. when that happens, you can't read, in 10 to get a little out. and so i moved and i moved. jonathan hunt? >> jonathan: never. we would never sleep in separate beds. we live in -- >> kevin: are you shamings me? [laughs] >> jonathan: with a 26 children. i just will not sickness is different. i will give you that. >> david, we have stepped apart for 15 years. better rested. randy smith, just get a bigger bed. lee says, we have a hybrid
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approach. my wife goes to bed before i do so my snoring does not keep her from falling asleep. the intimacy of sleeping together can be replaced. okay, great. everybody, thank you, kevin, kelly, jonathan, jackie and thank you for watching america's late news, "fox news @ night." en trace gallagher in los angeles. we will see you back here tomorrow night. ms. bring more. ♪ do more. ♪ see more. bring bring more , h more if not for you to grasp, still see more . got my baby sitting by me shining like and be more only silver linings in the clouds. silver linings in the clouds. >>e. made from feels like sometimeseu
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