tv Outnumbered FOX News May 2, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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n, consolidate your debt with a va home loan from from newday. >> hello everyone this is "outnumbered". on emily compagno here is my cohost harris faulkner and kayleigh mcenany. also joining us today host of mansion global katrina captains and land commissioner and partner at michael best llp, george p bush. we begin with this.
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the crisis at our southern border nearing a breaking point. fox news has learned the white house has approved a plan to send 1500 active-duty troops to the border. to help prepare for migrant surge ahead of title 42's expiration in just 9 days. meanwhile, texas governor greg abbott resuming his blessing of migrants to several blue cities across the country. hoping to relieve just some of the overwhelmed border communities by sending migrants to so-called, century cities. i going chicago mayor larry lightfoot is asking governor but to stop sending the buses. writing a letter, chemically have no more shelters, spaces or read to accommodate an increase in individuals at this level. with a little coordination or care that does not pose a risk to them or others. in europe city mayor, eric adams suggest governor apis migrant buses are racially charged attacks. watch. >> abbott sent asylum-seekers to new york.
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washington, black mayor. to houston, black mayor. to los angeles black mirror. 2 denver, black mayor. he passed over thousands of cities to land here. i cannot ignore the fact that governor abbott sent migrants only to cities with black mayors. and is undermining our cities. >> george, the new york post calls that race baiting jujitsu. they put on the fact although cities have incentivized migrants by saying oh we will give you food, shelter, apple iphones, places to stay. i went they want to go there and why wouldn't there be room for such if that's with the mayor's tell us? >> mayor adam should be ashamed
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of their selves. race baiting does have no place in leadership. a true leader with and go to his own political party, go to his own president and say we need federal assistance. look, mayor adam says he spending $5 million a day to help address the problem in texas. very appropriate 4.6 billion for the last 2 years. our budget making process were looking at another 5 billion. we're sharing some of the pain, the suffering we encounter every single day on our own border and is time for the federal government to get serious. look, 1500 soldiers is not enough. the fact is 90,000 migrants have been apprehended just in the last several weeks. the anticipation is that figure will continue to exponentially increase. we need to get back to the trump policies of the remaining mexico throughout latin america to alleviate the pressure. our border patrol professionals to serve all of our thanks, all of our prayers for all that they are doing.even in democrat led cities and order led texas, he stood cleared a state of emergency knowing there's tens of thousands folks abusing our asylum process.
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we are a compassionate country. let's get serious about this this will be a national security issue on our own doorstep. it's time for the ship cooks a quick follow-up. your thoughts on the actual policy? you say that enough. the quantity of troops but it has woken up to. there's a slight knee down there. we know they were performed largely insularity and administrative duties. thereby freeing up border patrol 2 we assume, to enforce law. the law is not being enforced. we know the border patrol quantity has been gutted by both resignation and taking of their own lives. >> to put this in a context of the 90,000 apprehensions. we only have 19,000 border patrol agents. currently monitoring the thousands of miles along the us mexican border. texas has about half of that.
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overall about 2 thirds of the apprehensions on the texas border alone. we need more agents. we need more immigration judges. we need more processing. 1500 active-duty soldiers is going to be a drop in the bucket in terms of processing. look, if you had a president vice president that will step up and maintain their constitutional duties which is securing our border. instead of these manicured press conferences in el paso and other parts of our border. actually talk to officials. they will tell you title 42 his last running tool they have the push folks back. in the meantime congress is a step in a reform our asylum laws. as long as you are stepping foot on terra firma you can abuse the immigration asylum process. we know the backlog is in excess of 2 million cases. which is doubled since president trump has left office. i was proud as land officer, i'm proud of what the governor is doing to secure the border and doing what we can at the state level. we are stepping up in a big way. we need help from this president. i'm not to confident this is going happen. >> harris, that's what the governors argued in court. title 42 is our last hope. with its hats and 9 days we have mayors that are currently shut iii eye to the realities that george p just outlined and
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instead are blaming the governors down there for trying to alleviate the problem created and exacerbated by this president paid. >> jan mark to bench the attorney general of arizona. we saw him. he was one of them. we saw the same thing in the state of texas with a high legal level people making the argument. that was about drugs mainly not about people. this is about to be an onslaught like we've never seen before. you already know it because her building tense down there and the people haven't even all arrived yet. we are getting ready in the weirdest of ways. inside were preparing for an invasion but we don't want to stop the invasion from happening in 9 days. like you have time. 1500 people wouldn't do it. we have many, many more than that. senator joni ernst of iowa who served was saying what they're gonna do is circle to follow the cartels orders they're all going to bake for asylum. that slows down the process so much. that's we need the military as a backstop not at the border to
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secure it. just to relieve some of the pressure for all of them processing they will have to do. i think part of that is a fantasy. we don't have enough people going through checkpoints to sneeze at. everyone's going around. go down there. those cameras are like going crazy with all the sensors and everything from people crossing in every direction and taking off her clothes at the water. because her soaked from swimming across the rio grande at putting the dirty clothes on that other people left behind on. getting away from cameras. it is a pandemonium down there. that's today. 9 days from now let's check in. >> kayleigh mentioned fantasy. the white house spokesperson, the solicitor the fantasy she is putting forth. watch. >> we actually deal with the immigration system in a humane way. in a way that is deals with what what were seen at the border. that's why you see the pearly program be so ssful. it has when it comes to illegal
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migration you see it come down by more than 90 percent. that's because of the actions this president has taken. we know more action need to be has to be legislative action. we will continue to call congress to do that. this is important to this president. on day one, on day one he put forth a legislation to move forward on this. >> down 90 percent? what fantasy limit she living in? >> chuck ross from the washington free beacon calls this, perhaps the biggest life in the white house podium thus far. i have to agree. we have the data. she knows the data. all you have to do is call my argus. as griff jenkins laid it out, it's very clear. fiscal year 2022, 1.3 million
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illegal crossings. fiscal year 2023 so far, 1.4 million illegal crossings. that's an increase of one 36,000 and some change. at a time where we are ready at historic records for illegal border ssings. she knows question is, where the fact checkers? i put in 3 google search terms, cream trump here, her statement and fact check. guess what came up? zero results. that's what my google said. the fact checkers are asleep right now. they need to wake up. they're totally derelict in their duty. this is equivalent to the other lines we heard. republicans wanted to fund the police. republics want to defund border patrol.then there's this whopper. republicans are fighting to put fentanyl on the streets. do you know a single republican that wants children to die and is putting fentanyl on the streets? that is what she said. i'll leave it to the viewers to characterize that. >> katrina at least there's 5 check factors here. you're on point. what is interesting is now the
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democratic mayors are feeling the pain. another speaking to it. we know this is not only a republican or democratic issue. it's an issue we have basically in the united states of america. we need to do something about it. last week when i came in for the premier.i arrived at the airport i saw all the migrants on the floor. women, children.that's what hit me. it was like in all moment. we talk about it so much. it's different to see it. and see people suffering. >> seen those deaths a photograph or video doesn't capture when you're there in person and you see the depth and the breath of it throughout the entire state. and as far as fennel, all 50. coming up where partisan push to protect children from social media. what those changes will look like as the damage being done to kids israel. that's next. veon muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ this is going to be great. taking the shawl off.
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hill. rare as it unicorn a sweater vest. when it comes to protecting children on social media, senators marshall blackburn, republican of tennessee and richard blumenthal democratic in connecticut think we should act now. for our kids sake. they are introducing, bring introducing i should take their kids online safety act today. which would ban children under the age of 13 from using social media while those between the ages of 13 and 17 would need parental consent to create an account. i would also let parents disable addictive features and opt out of recommendations made by algorithms. the 2 senators speaking with our own congressional correspondent aisha haas nick. >> this is how their meeting strangers.this is how the meeting drug dealers. it's how they are learning about how to commit suicide and
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music to commit suicide tube. and eating disorders and it is just, it is heartbreaking. >> we talked to many parents who have lost their children to suicide. to many parents who have found that their kids are failing in school or suffering from bulimia, eating disorders, suicidal ideation. and the kids themselves. i think this idea is not red or blue. it's not republican or democrat. >> you have children under the age of 13. a parent in general would want to know more about this. it sounds like a good idea. and you say what?>> i'm in support of the idea. i do support the first amendment and social media platforms should have the flexibility of protecting political thought from all sides.
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that's a debate we ordinarily see. when it comes to our children, i think this is a special category. when it comes to the delete trees and the influence we see online especially as it relates to her children. just in texas alone we've had a vast amount of overdoses for fentanyl. i'm not here to name individual social media companies. when you see that there are drugs and fentanyl being traded online and social media companies and are not being held accountable. that's problematic. i was come back to the fact as long as we are empowering parents in these decisions we are can have good public policy. whether that's educational curriculum or whether it comes to school choice. now online. i'm pleased to see this. it will come down execution. states attorney generals of the local level need to make sure that the holding social media platforms and holding them to the account that the law is drafted. >> a quick follow. are you confident this administration and democrats in general on the left are on
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parent sides when it comes to decision-making right now? we've got a situation with the trans gender surgeries. leave the parents out. we have a situation with crt and academic study curriculum. leave the parents out. we see republicans win on these issues. glenn youngkin now governor of virginia. >> yes. on a wide range of matters that's why i'm always skeptical when it comes down to legislation proposed legislation we are seeing like this in congress. rhetorically it sounds great. this always comes down to the committee level and the testimony that hopefully states like texas will be able to present to our nation's leaders. this is an important piece of legislation i know that in my campaign for attorney general was a top 3 issue. particularly as it relates to human trafficking, fentanyl and the fact we need a whole social media companies that are extremely influential and powerful more accountable when it comes to our children. our most precious resource. >> that's so interesting the trafficking piece. we see the cartels jump on social media. it's unbelievable. they manipulate the very platforms that are young ones are using. emily, talk to me about the laws on behalf of the media companies you mentioned it. you know my chill free speech. >> that's right.
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they always argue that they are divorced from responsibility of the content. they always argue they are merely hosts. i think personally this is a step in the right direction. it's not enough. we don't know what we don't know. the success of this particular piece of legislation is incumbent upon parental participation. my fox true crime podcasts i have an honor to speak fbi agents and multiple liaisons with the national center for missing and excluded children. as you know that's a nonprofit but it has every single federal agency apart through legislation passed by bill clinton. it enables this nick mick acids:to use federal resources in terms of stamping down human trafficking with children on complied sucks offenders would be shocked at the data. you would be shocked at what occurs underneath the noses of parents. every person i talked to, former secrecy was agent jeff james amore.
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what's your message? what's your piece of advice? parents, get involved. look at your child's phone. note where they are. know what platforms they are on. no with your user id etc. and etc. have them write down their password-protected away. this and i support your privacy but, if something happens, enable me to get in. the point is there's a limit to that. it is vital crucial advice and it will result in so many successful teen suicides and the like. i wonder what goes on the dark web and what goes on with the teens i don't have the parental involvement. we need another step as well. >> that's interesting. even beyond those things we made know about, parental controls. blocking their ability to be accessed by others from the dark web . may be some ip, i don't know how you do it. you block, on instagram you can click private. so others can't see that person's account. what you're saying is as a whole that child needs to disappear for everybody on the outside world.
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online. that's a big ask. that's very interesting. katrina? >> i love the fact this is a bipartisan bill. the fact that they're putting our kids first. i too are worried about the ability to implement it and execute it. i do like emily, as you mentioned, the putting control back into parents pants. what comes to mind is yesterday's picked up at the airport by young lady. she was my driver and she has 3 kids at home, one-year-old, a 5-year-old and a 7-year-old. she was literally almost crying when i started to ask her about her children. saying i work so much. she's a single mother. i work so much a barely see my kids. she comes homes and she has that guilt factor. i think it so difficult these days with the inflation and the cost of everything rising. being a mother and being present. you have to constantly be on guard as a mother to protect your kids. they're just as in enough time the day. that is a huge issue that needs
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to be addressed. i don't know but the answer is. we're all working so hard to be able to provide for our families. >> kaylee, it used to be we could count on teachers and that village concept of people looking out. when the government says your children belong to us and the teachers unions. i don't know about lean to hard on that direction. they may not hold my values. >> right . we have a national tragedy in this country when cdc data says one out of 3 young girls are contemplating suicide. young men it's a problem as well. i would point to the example, jack read he was a 17-year-old boy and a new jersey school. he committed suicide tragically. there was a horrendous remark that was false that circulated on a social media up about him. his father william reed said this. he recalls his son saying to him, dad will this ever go away? will it ever get off the website? that's jack reed. william reed went on to talk about the insidious nature of one of rumors relates on a social media app. it's a tragedy. i'm so glad to see blumenthal partnering with republicans on this. a bipartisan effort. that's exactly what we need.
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our children right our suffering with 81 percent of parents report that their 8-year-old to 13-year-old is on a social media app. an 8-year-old. think about it. meanwhile you have app developers are looking at creating apps explicitly targeting for age 13 and under. national tragedy and i applaud those working in a bipartisan fashion. >> tiktok, i will name a company and specific because the chinese communist party is basically running that one. you don't think they target our kids? of course they deal. we talk about this all the time. this from our team and our control room booth wants us to reiterate this. the kids online safety act requires social media sites to default to stricter settings for users 16 and under. it gives parents the tools to limit content on their apps. it does not ban kids for using social media. again as emily was point out, it parents gotta get involved. the machine can only do so much. until i guess ai decides it wants to do it all.
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are we scared? no, it's time for commercial. anyway, punished for good behavior. how president biden's mortgage redistribution plan. they don't call it that. that's what it is. it could force you to foot the bill for people who refuse to work as hard as they can for good credit or just can't manage to get good credit at all. working to pay for that if we do the right thing. that doesn't make any sense. next. er. that's why america's beverage companies are working together to deliver more great tasting options with less sugar or no sugar at all. in fact, today, nearly 60% of beverages sold contain zero sugar. different sizes? check. clear calorie labels? just check. with so many options, it's easier than ever to find the balance that's right for you. more choices. less sugar. when i first started ancestry, i had no idea what to expect. ethnicity inheritance.
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loan. makes a ton of sense. the role changes are part of the federal housing finance agency's effort to provide, chemical equitable and sustainable access to homeownership and to strengthen capital at freddie mac and fannie mae. those are the federally backed home mortgage companies that guarantee most of the mortgages made in the us. gop lawmakers are introducing new legislation to repeal the policy. oklahoma congressman stephanie bice says this. we should not punish individuals who have made sound financial decisions or have the government incentivize lowering credit scores due to reckless spending and high inflation. interest rates have rb increased significantly and the last thing we should do is add more fees for homebuyers we cannot continue a culture of dependency. katrina, i seem to have remember a time of the federal government intervened in the housing market did not work out well. the subprime mortgage crisis. >> it did not work out well.
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the idea that if you work hard you can achieve "the american dream" is being challenged everywhere you look. instead now, socialism is been introduced. you see it in the housing market. what happened to accountability? what happened to consequences? as you mention this is exactly what got us into the mess in 2008. giving credit to people who shouldn't have homes in the first place. the idea you have to work hard to get a large down payment. by the way the penalizing people to have a large down payment as well. and a higher credit score. basic human psychology tells you you reward good behavior and you punish bad behavior. it's challenging and upsetting. coming into spring season which is normally our best real estate time. the time basically the housing market has a time to rebound. your introducing this. it's irresponsible in so many levels and i don't understand it and makes no sense . >> georgia former obama official calls this a president not the way to do it. >> if we interact a lot with
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this agency. it's telling that some of obama's executives at that agency are coming out against this policy. it is every distribution plan. this is what led us into the issue of await. as we suffer from a program sponsored by the biden demonstration and as were turning a corner looking at the q3 and q3 for recovery were going to penalize those folks to timely pay their mortgage month after month and did the right thing. which is steak within the limits, stay within the means. under the trump we had more homeownership among minorities, communities of color. we did it in a responsible way. there was responsible underwriting upfront. this is a political employee. he is furtive ¦ here we are going to repeat the mistakes of the past. this again, should be bipartisan. this should be just logical
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processing. as we saw this past weekend with the first republic bailout. this president with the cozy relationships will benefit those that support him politically.>> i just want to jump in with something you said. that responsibility. i think it was incentivized after what we learned in 2008. by transparency. what we learned about those adjustable-rate mortgages. oh you could get it really check in 8 years, who keeps a house for 8 years and bob loblaw. the rate goes up. what's happening? we have biden -sized inflation for 2 years. it is coming down so slowly that the fed keeps jumping into a pool of excuse me, p. that's what's's not clean water in the pool. they keep keep raising the
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rates.with adjustable mortgages sent some people's mortgages are conical by thousands of dollars. so to offset that pain they want those of us who saw that transparency and understood what happened after 2008 and decide, we will buy something smart we can afford so we don't need a rate reset in a few years that might not go our way. we will listen and we will learn from the past. now we get penalize. i don't understand it. i don't understand why this and you said it, this of industry should don't they love "the american dream" enough to protect it? >> right, emily, richard stern, he described this in one sentence because it's important to understand what this is. though it might sound good on his face pic he says this, it's a mechanically attacks increased to cover an increase in welfare. that's exactly right. >> absolutely. you guys, this is asinine. everything about this is an tight pedicle to achieving "the american dream". to capitalize im to
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incentivizing herbert. you're telling me if i put 20 percent down on a home, if i have good credit, i'm penalized? that's exactly what is happening. i spoke with a virginia realtor this weekend. when i brought it up to hurt you katona face she was like, oh, the weight of the world. she said i am dreading this implementation. everyone is dreading this. the irony she said is those with bad credit traditionally failed to qualify for a loan. the welfare distribution is essentially rhetorical. as conceptual in nature and so that menstruation can pat themselves on the back and say they're pushing this narrative. actually real time doesn't redistribute the wealth. it just doesn't in an academic classroom. think about the punishment of levy towards hard-working american people that this administration continues to levy. blue-collar workers have to pay for elite college education. secondary degrees they are paying for. in new york city parking tickets and speeding tickets you pay more if your income is higher. now if you dare to have "the american dream", if you dare to save up and spend more in the home your penalize. >> maybe we should send the president a book on the 2008 crisis. >> he was there. >> he probably forgot. >> he doesn't remember it.
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new episodes airing at 9 pm eastern on wednesdays on foxbusiness. check it out. coming up a michigan school district is finding itself in legal trouble after it forced 2 students to take off the let's go brandon sweatshirts. more on that. [music] ugh-stipated... feeling weighed down by a backedup gut" miralax is different. it works naturally with the water in your body to unblock your gut. your gut. and your mood will follow.
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this is what you want for your family portrait? good point. we bundled the boat with our home and auto first. -hey, team, get on in here. -team? oh. fun. now everyone say "24/7 financial protection with progressive"! 24/7 financial protection with progressive! okay. let's get some singles of me on the bike. honey. yeah. [ leaf blower whirring ] >> 2 students at michigan are taking legal action against the school district. after effectively banned them from wearing sweatshirts with the slogan, let's go brandon.
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that phrase of course is a euphemistic insult to president biden. the mother of the students filed suit last week after sons were forced to remove the sweatshirts several times to the course of last year. the students say the school violated the first amendment rights. the lawyer say this. criticism of the president's core political speech protected by the first amendment. schools can't pick and choose which political beliefs students can express. a publix school district cannot censor speech because it might cause someone to think about a smear word. harris, this is a thought crime. the school district says it's a vulgarity. there's not an actual one in the phrase so it's a thought crime that it alludes to that. >> how do you know what people are necessarily thinking based on what their shirt size? i have teenagers every now and again the put on something and i literally have to say, i can see the tag. i don't know the children necessarily think about these things the way that we do. what kind of message does it put out into society that were going to be looked upon for what might be in our heads for what's on our heads? where are we going here?
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are we going to be able to control people's thoughts? then, will i be punished for thinking whatever that consenting view is?isn't that where we are ready are though? >> it is. emily, it seems to be a first movement violation. the students do not shed constitutional rights first freedom of speech.>> that's especially applied to political thought. the warrant arguments as a school district says this is vulgar, this is profanity. we have a ban against profanity. they say it's thinly veiled. the counterargument to that is it's not. it says let's go brandon. that's editing out a swear word from a music song. you can play that of the possible game. the district argues well it hints at the profanity but the counter is but it doesn't. what were looking out contains no profanity than in the
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context of tear point, a political thought. that's wearing there needs to be insurance but this indeed is protected. further they argue this is desperately applied. they say how is it my american flag supporting trump with taken away but another student can have a rainbow pride flag at the same rally or whatever it was. clearly they say this free speech, the protection is been disproportionately applied. always in favor of the democrats. >> georgia doesn't seem it about the vulgarity if they also took away a mega flag. >> is critical and the lots lots was me critical it's must be equally applied. and whether it's on the protest, the ticker case and 69 with the armbands for people that were protesting against the vietnam war. in this case a child that's wearing a playful shirt. at some point we have to protect this core value. remember serving texas work turning point usa was banned off the campus. if we can protect first amendment diversity of thought then what kind of country are we moving towards? it's a slippery slope that is dangerous for the future of our
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country. >> dangerous in deed katrina. >> is a double standard. it's confusing our kids. if i tell my 5 robe horse cousin something they don't like or don't agree with the call may mean. we teach what life lesson just because you don't agree with me doesn't mean on being mean. everyone has a different point of view we have to respect each other be kind to each other. >> whatever happened to civil discourse. the clinic crusaders have targeted your gas stoves and gas cars. now they want to take away your gaspar lawnmowers a leaf blower coo. that's next. [music] next. di[music] because you can't shut your eyes, or...if your itchy eyes have you itching for a fight,
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plus, stocks thinking. a growing banking fears as a federal reserve is gonna hike interest rates again. this is a dilemma to raise the debt ceiling is a quickly approaching. katie pavlik weizen. republic and lawmakers say hunton by vince child support case may aid their investigation into the president's son. representative dara i saw the latest on washington. tom horgan, douglas murray and mark come join us live as american reports at the top of the hour. >> is at a dance move? our floor manager is getting down. all right, the next climate change battleground could be your yard. literally. the left's latest target is landscaping equipment. it might be some of what you used to keep your lawn looking good. they want to do away with things like gas powered lawnmowers and leaf blowers in order to save the planet. well, places like california, washington d.c. and burlington vermont have hardly begun banning the small agent machines.
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denver colorado is considering a crackdown as well. i can't cook with the gas stove. >> no? >> no. now maybe i should put on the fake golf grass. >> good answer. you know will be have hypocrisy slow squirrel on this route scrolled work democrats were hypocritical. it was long and you put music to it on the faulkner focus. we need a slow squirrel all the things that democrats want to ban. everett was steak last week? their playmate race for 10 percent of global emissions when rice is a staple food group. for about half of the world i believe. we're gonna ban the point and not be able to eat, not be able to cook, not be able to drive. that's the endpoint of liberal america. >> that's insane and alerts will look plasticky. >> yes they were. >> before come to you guana show you what joni said of iowa. now that military could go electric vehicle.
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i am just wondering on a battleground. battlefield how you get that done? here it is from last hour. >> when it comes to the department of defense there trying to take our non-technical vehicle fleet and transition it to all electric by 2030. instead of focusing on the legality of our men and women in uniform who have gone woke with our vehicles in the drg. >> emily is shaking her head. you can't make this up. >> it's laughable if it were true. as a former servicemember myself who deployed to afghanistan. i think it's ridiculous when you think about the long-term marathon we have with the chinese and potential conflict abroad in preparing for the next conflict. the fact is you have secretary of energy trying to invoke her socialist ideas into things like national defense. i remember when i was lancashire had to file a lawsuit because we were protecting i think the lesser prairie chicken that appeared
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on military base in fort hood. the largest military installation in north america. it was affecting national readiness of our military. we lost sight of what's important. i gotta say i'm the president my neighborhood hoa. there was a motion to ban lawnmowers. >> of course you are. >> i've got a jump in on that. we looked at it and it would've dwarfed our budget. there's no way we can afford it. it will be 3x r whole budget to transition to these electric mowers. >> are you serious? yorty looked into this. that's fascinating. we are better for it. you were shaking your head emily. >> oh you guys. look, to your point it would be laughable. okay guys were in the middle of a conflict, everyone stand by and let me plug in real quick. are you joking? you think for one second we
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would still be our global dominator, freedom preserving, democratic producing country? hey guys, got a plug-in. i am astounded. although not shocked and certainly not surprised by the level of stupidity for continuous to arise out of the democrat party. hey, let's preserve the per chicken but let's cost everyone 8000 times to do it. as everyone drank all my milk but of does not take 8 gallons of water per pound? that takes 10 gallons of water per plant. let's stop rice but oh is of their global food famine so how are we supposed to feed everyone? none of it makes sense. it's an abomination. i swear if they touch our military cars i will freak out. i can't. >> last summer we couldn't plug in our regular cars. they have nothing to do with military readiness. as you said, the unending global power potentials around
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the world that don't include us right now. russia, china having meeting that were not even invited to. >> i think this is indirectly attacking "the american dream" of homeownership.their techie homeownership in so many different ways. we have high interest rates. what we just discussed in the last segment. now, curb appeal. several state professional first thing you tell someone is make sure your house looks beautiful on the outside. to attain the best price. >> to comply with codes and get the brush in the lawn back. if your lawn is not well maintained and you go inside the house as a buyer you can look to make sure everything else is in order and say oh, they don't trim the lungs and they're not doing other things in the house. i thank this is an agenda. >> really interesting. electric vehicles, the military. okay. do you have anything good to tell us? please tell us. we need some sunshine. [music] ♪ the thought of getting screened ♪ ♪ for colon cancer made me queasy. ♪ ♪ but now i've found a way that's right for me. ♪
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♪♪ >> last but not least, our very own kayleigh's new book is out, called "serenity in the storm, living through chaos by leaning on christ," and shares lessons of hope and faith in the challenges life throws at us. >> three phone calls in my life, december of 2009 i was called and told you have gene that puts us at 84% chance of breast cancer, and then in 2020, a call from the president to be the press secretary. and a call that took place about ten blocks from where i'm sitting right now. i started my career at fox us, i
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love being here, started with mike huckabee, i was a producer but feeling lonely one day, going through a bad break-up, in hindsight i laugh at, now i have the best husband ever, but i went back to my apartment, ten blocks from here, trying to call anyone listening. and i said god, if you are out there i have to hear from you right now. i kid you not, the church i was going to called the journey church and said we feel we need to pray for you, how can we pray for you. i was in a storm in my life and i got serenity, the risen saviour through one of his emissaries spoke to me. much bigger than a call to the united states, it's a call that changed my life. >> and part of the book is we need to get back to god. >> i talk to pastor x, underground church in iran, told me christianity is on fire in
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iran, and china, and afghanistan, belief in god is in decline. when we under appreciate faith, family, freedom, that causes the social ills we face we talk on the couch every day. >> great reminder, when things are the toughest we lean on god, and we are going to go through tough times. we have to be ready. >> we can find serenity in the storm. >> congratulations, we cannot wait to read this book. thanks to everyone. here is "america reports." >> sandra: thank you, ladies, we are watching the selloff on wall street, dow off over growing concerns, first republic the third major american bank to collapse in a matter of weeks. three more banks are selling off sharpl
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