tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News May 2, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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busy show today. we got a lot in there. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report." fair, balanced and still unafraid. because jesse is just back. i wanted to give him 10 extra seconds. put it in the bank. >> jesse: i'll put that the in bank, thanks, bret. ♪ >> jesse: ronald said the famous i'm from the government and hear to help. we let the media be helped by the government. >> this analysis that we made of the cia's media operations disclosed among other things that they deliver through cia couriers yesterday to print or ready to broadcast news. >> how often does the cia
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manipulate the media in this way, plant stories get their views in the media? >> it goes beyond your wildest imagination. the extent to which the cia has gone to manipulate public opinion with the objective essentially of manipulating the mind and attitudes of workers throughout the nation and the world. >> jesse: if you think journalists should be smarter than that, well, here's a story. >> i also was interrogator and, indeed, briefed the press. when we, the cia, wanted to circulate disinformation on a particular issue, we would pick out a journalist. i would go do the briefing. and hope that he would put the information in print. >> what was your percentage of success? >> usually, the journalist would go with it because it was -- it looked like some kind of exclusive and i would say our percentage of planting that kind of data was 70% to 80%.
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>> jesseof this about 40 years . but we have forgotten it. from w.m.d.s to russia collusion, to covid to the laptop. the population has been manipulated through the media. it takes us years to figure it out. but, by then, we are being bam booflted with another lie. just look at the last election. the fbi and the cia censored the media, the "new york post," and then lied to the media that the laptop was russian disinformation. so they could install a corrupt stooge in the white house. and the stooge played right along. >> there are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what this -- he is accusing me of is a russian plant. they have said that this is -- has all the -- four-five former heads of the cia, both parties say what he is saying is a bunch of garbage. >> jesse: so how did 50 spooks put their john hancock on a
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letter within 48 hours? well, the former cia director, mike morell, said antony blinken had them do it. >> the 14th posted the story, the 17th seen blinken current secretary of state. mike morell gets him. mike morell looks at this the next day, organizes on the 1st all these other people to sign the letter. the 19th the letter goes out. what about on the 22nd? joe biden brings it up and then after that debate, here's the kicker, steve row chety, chair of the biden campaign calls up mike morell and thanks him for doing it all it was a total political operation. >> jesse: so tony blinken got the cia to run a cover-up operation to win joe biden the election. again, let that sink in. the cia, 51 is spoofs, put joe biden in at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. they didn't do it honorably. they deceived voters to win an
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election. that he was what the cia is supposed to do in other countries. not our country. and the cia director, morell, admitted in writing a letter because blinken told him to. when asked why he did it, morell said, quote: because i wanted biden to win the election. now, remember, they didn't do this cover-up letter because it was true. they did the cover-up letter to win and payoff was huge. blinken became secretary of state, and the spies who will planting lies about trump since 2016 made him a one termer. but, now all blincty blink can do is deny it. >> i want to ask about the letter that was written concerning hunter biden's laptop, said it was russian disinformation. can you explain what your role was in that and if you incent sided it. >> well, first, one of the great benefits of this job is that he don't do politics and don't engage in it. but, with regard to that letter,
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i didn't -- it wasn't my idea. i didn't ask for it. didn't solicit it. >> do you accept that the laptop is not russian disinformation? >> again from, my perspective, i'm not engaging in politics. >> jesse: slick tony knew the laptop was real because he knew what hunter was doing the whole time in ukraine. hunter and blinky blink. they were having coffees. blincty olympic told hunter his assistant thought he was pleasant on the eyes after he stopped by one day. but when blinken was asked under oath if he ever corresponded with hunter blinky blink said who is hunter. >> he lied to us. we asked him point blank, did you communicate with hunter biden via text or email he said no. now we have emails between hunter biden and antony blinken and his wife her name is evan ryan. didn't make that connection.
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worked at the state department. basically acting as a conduit using personal email between hunter biden and antony blinken. >> jesse: everybody is lying about everything. blinken lied, cia lied, hunter lied, joe lied, the media lied, and half the country still believes the lies. but the media, who fact-checked trump's crowd size claims just print cia lies to win democrats the white house. and they don't even blincty blink. the very thing we were warned was happening 40 years ago. >> even some journalists who don't realize there are some who are whiting but some who do not realize they are being targeted by the cia when they come home from a trip overseas. they might talk to somebody and they don't realize at least right away who they are talking to and then it turns out that they have been the source of information which was used by the cia. >> jesse: these dumb little journalists fresh out of college
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meet a guy at the bar feeds them an exclusive. run it and get clicks. just an intelligence op. the only reason we uncovered this in the first place because we had a church committee, remember? senator frank church exposed everything the government was up to in the 50's, the 60's, the 70s, cia mind control, assassination plots. domestic propaganda, illegal wire taps. it all came out. and then we forgot it. we forgot the government was capable of doing such things. whether they are not being watched. so we'll leave you with this from senator frank church. >> if a dictator ever took charge in this country, the technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny. and there would be no way to fight back. >> i don't want to see this country ever go across the bridge and we must see to it that this agency and all agencies that possess this
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technology operate within the law and under proper supervision so that we never cross over that abyss. that's the abyss from which there is no return. >> jesse: let's bring in florida senator marco rubio. he is the vice chairman of the intelligence committee. so, senator, as the vice chairman of the senate intelligence committee, how does it feel to be lied to by the intelligence community? >> well, here's what's happening. this is important to point out. these are all former intelligence officials who are trafficking on that. okay? so we have this revolving door in government. blinken used to be in government. he wasn't in intelligence but the state department. morell, clapper and all these guys. they take that title of having had this position and now they are outside of government. it gives them the credibility to band together in the eyes of the media and do things like they did with this letter about the laptop. so they come out and they tell people this is all russian disinformation and because all these people signed. all formers trafficking on their former service. and let me tell you it's not
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just that they put the letter, they have every write to put letters out there. it's what happened after the letter that we're forgetting. facebook refused to allow you to post the "new york post" story. all the other media outlerts refused to even report on it. there was a complete and total systemic blackout on the issue because these people, this unelected, unappointed committee, self-appointed committee of formers signed this letter. it turns out not to be true and none of them have apologized for it. >> jesse: so intelligence officials are interfering with american elections. that's what we have now. >> so these guys traffic in the former title. right? look, this happened during the whole russian disinformation thing. you have clapper. >> jesse: the fbi wasn't former. the fbi was telling facebook and twitter that the thing was russian disinformation. that's not former. that's current. >> that's different. that's separate from the letter. that is now them going to the media outlets and saying and we are learning more about that every day and saying to the fbi and others saying this has all the markings and hallmarks of disinformation. that's what we need to get to the about the of and learn more
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about how that was operationalized from that side. i think that's an important question and key one that we have jurisdiction and oversight over, especially if it was fbi counterintelligence people that were doing that. >> jesse: right. >> but, on the issue of the formers, this is a big problem because television screens, cable news, is full of these formers, some of whom are paid, others who are not who come on television and use their title to give credibility, these are the same people that told us, that basically flat out told us these formers, that trump not only colluded with the russians but the russians basically ran his campaign. >> jesse: you're right. and, senator, they're all being paid by cnn or nbc news or abc news. you turn on the sunday shows, you turn on cable news, all these former spooks are being paid by these broadcast companies, these cable companies and how do you know what they are saying on television isn't a lie? how do we know it's not another intelligence op.? we don't. >> we don't. and that's the problem. and then the secondary problem to it is how the media reacts.
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they take it as t gospel truth. one thing article. trump people say this but biden has 50 formers who say that it's not. okay? they didn't even rank the story. of the whole thing was blacked out. nescience parts of this country never heard about the laptop because it wasn't -- you weren't allowed to post on facebook about it. they would take down your post. you weren't allowed to post about it on social media. they would take down your post. it wasn't that they just put the stuff out there, the first amendment gives people the right to lie. it happens all the time in political campaigns. >> jesse: right. >> but what becomes a problem is when systemically across the board the entire media co-includes some to basically cover up the story. today there is an act of justice department investigation on the laptop because it was real and it was true. but obviously that would have been very convenient to have out there in october of 2020 as opposed to after the elections. >> jesse: that's why people are losing faith in these elections because they are all getting screwed with in our institutions. it's why we need a rubio committee, like a church committee, but a rubio committee to smoke these counsel have
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dress out thereof, all right? let's get to that. >> we have got to get the majority here first. we take that part of it very seriously. i want to be fair. i travel around the world and i meet the -- these people are working out in the field for the cia. they want no part of this stuff. this is a washington centric group of people who are looking for the exits because they know there is a big job waiting or they want to get back in so they get close to one of these campaigns. >> jesse: if we do it overseas you are not allowed to do it here. that's the line. thank you very much, senator. >> thank you. >> jesse: well, aoc and matt gaetz have just joined forces. i know, it's weird. gaetz is here to explain what the hell is going on. ♪ ♪ asthma isn't pretty. it's the moment when you realize that a good day... is about to become a bad one. but then, i remembered that the world is so much bigger than that, with trelegy. because one dose a day
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>> jesse: for years certain members of congress, i'm looking at you, have been making money insider trading. here is a great example and it's right out in the open that regional bank, remember, first republic, the one that just went belly up. just days before first republic imploded florida democrat lois frankel dumped her shares in the company. unleaded $34 a share. four days later the stock was trading at 12 bucks apiece. but frankel wasn't finished. first republic just got bought up by jp morgan and guess who bought shares of jp morgan right before the bank scooped up first republic? that's right, florida democrat lois frankel. shares are up nearly 15 bucks since then. frankel is on both sides of the trade right before the news breaks both times. it's almost like she knows something no one else does. well that's exactly it. but she won't admit it. her team released this statement from the congresswoman, quote: my account is managed
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independently by a money manager who buys and sells stocks at his discretion. okay, sure. it looks like this democrat has inside information that you don't. and instead of helping us make money, she is helping herself. and then you have fellow florida congressman former dnc chair debbie wasserman schultz, 2022 was a tough year for the market. s&p down nearly 20%. but while everybody else was losing cash, somehow debbie came out on top. debbie out performed the s&p by over 50%. little debbie diamond hands. nobody compete with the wolf of washington herself nancy pelosi. nancy has been in congress three decades and she is worth now 300 million. but her salary is only about 200 grand. nancy just rolls over and of course she goes to bed just whispers in pauly p.'s ear. paul takes care of the rest. is nancy okay with this? let's just ask her. >> should members of congress
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have their spouses be banned from trading in mutual stocks while serving in congress? >> no. no to the second one. we are a free market economy. they should be able to participate in that. >> jesse: okay. well, "primetime" has been on this beat since the show launched. our friends over at unusual whales, they have done a great job tracking the trades. now the republicans took the house. someone is finally stepping up and doing something about it. but it's not just republicans. republican congressman matt gaetz has joined forces with democrat alexandria ocasio-cortez gaetz and a.o.c. banning owning stocks. restoring faith in government act. and nancy is not happy about it. florida congressman matt gaetz joins me now. so, congressman, tell me the significance of you joining with a.o.c. to get something like this done. >> a.o.c. is wrong a lot.
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she would probably say the same thing about me. but she is not corrupt. and i will work with anyone and everyone to ensure that congress is not so compromised. we should disallow congressional stock trading for the same reason we don't allow the referee to bet on the game. and this is not a small amount of money. $788 million worth of sciewshts traded by members of congress last year. about one in every four members of congress is ts and it's not exactly like i'm elected with a bunch of gordon geckos and bobby axle rods. take lois frankel how just mentioned. she has been a lawmaker since i was 5 years old. and i'm supposed to believe that all of a sudden she is making moves like she is warren buffett in this congressional stock trading has all of the fairness of like a lia thomas swimming competition and i think we should put an end to it. >> jesse: you got to stop working on their portfolios while at work. tell me what it's like when you are crafting legislation with aoc. are you guys hashing out the
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details together in a back room filled with smoke or how does that shake out? >> well, we did negotiate heavily over. this and my colleague brian fitzpatrick roger also working with us on this. we wanted to make sure that members of congress couldn't have a veneer to have a family member trading the stock for them. so perhaps it's the pelosi provision of our legislation that does not allow spouses to do these trades on behalf of their family members and would require any blind trust to very quickly sell those stocks so the american people know we are working for them. not our own pocketbooks. >> jesse: i heard someone threw a drink on you? >> i did have that happen. but, you know, it turns out i'm not for everyone, jesse. but my wife ginger and i have happy warriors we keep going right along and undeterred. >> jesse: was it a cab? was a chardonnay? because i heard from sources that you opened your mouth when the girl threw the drink. >> no, no. it was a white wine. so i would not have been very
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interested in that. i'm here for the bold reds. >> jesse: thanks very much, congressman. tell a.o.c. i said hello. >> we'll do. >> jesse: abc news caught doing r.f.k. jr. dirty. ♪ ♪ ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership.
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>> jesse: as soon as joe biden opened his eyes this morning he called a lid. the president has no events scheduled today. into the single one. he has nothing to worry about. hunter is probably going to get pardoned. the economy is the best it's been in 60 years. remember, inflation is at zero. the feds have his back so 2024 is a lock. joe doesn't even think he has to shake hands and kiss babies because the democrats and the media are rigging another primary just like crooked did with bernie, remember? debbie wasserman, diamond hands? but this time r.f.k. jr. is getting the treatment. the man is a real threat. only two weeks into his campaign and he is at 19% taking a huge
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bite out of biden's base. even if r.f.k. jr. doesn't get the nomination, which we doubt biden is going to be wounded as teddy kennedy kneecapped jimmy carter back in 180s. kennedy is deadly to democratic incumbents. r.f.k. jr. isn't just going up against biden. is he taking on the entire establishment. not only is r.f.k. jr. antiwar, anticensorship, if you know anything about him, is he anti-big pharma. not a big fan of the vaccination. he has been outspoken about shots for years and then the covid vax came along and he didn't like how it was sold. when you invite r.f.k. jr. in for an interview you novak scenes are going to come up. you need to be prepped with the facts and follow-ups. abc news invited r.f.k. jr. on for an interview. and they haven't done their homework. >> you said in the past that there is a correlation between vaccines leading to autism.
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that's totally been debunked. >> wait a minute, who debunked it? >> we have not seen any kind of scientific connection from the cdc, the world health organization. the national. >> those organizations are captive agencies, lindsey. >> you think they are all in co-hoots. >> yeah. they are all. >> jesse: cut, cut, cut. you can't say that you can't say the government is in the pocket of big pharma you can't say fauci gets royalties from pfizer. you can't say pharmaceutical companies staff the agencies that regulate them or the agency heads leave the agency and work for the pharmaceutical companies? you can't say that. on abc. now, this interview wasn't live so r.f.k. jr. and abc, their anchor, they talked a while about government corruption and the medical industry. but then abc decided the audience wasn't allowed to hear that. they could only hear one side. so they cut it out. and then called r.f.k. a liar. >> we should note that during our conversation kennedy made
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false claims about the covid-19 vaccines. data shows that the covid-19 vaccines prevented millions of hospitalizations and deaths from the disease. he also made misleading claims about the relationship between vaccination and autism. research shows that vaccines and the ingredients used for the vaccines do not include autism including children and associations american academy of pediatrics and advocacy groups autism speaks. we have used editorial judgment in not including extended exchange in our interview. >> jesse: that's not journalism. it's the anchor's job to council to the interview prepared. and if r.f.k. says something that she doesn't think is backed up by facts, she can challenge him. the audience deserves to hear both sides of the argument. and then they can decide what to believe. if a guest makes a misleading claim, you say why the claim is misleading. and then you let the guest respond. he is running for president. voters have a right to hear what he has to say. but abc is so lazy and unprepared and unprofessional
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and so scared of their advertisers, that they hacked the interview to death. and then slandered the candidate with a cheap disclaimer once he was out the door and couldn't respond. now "primetime" doesn't know if what r.f.k. jr. said about vaccines is true or not. we don't even know what he said. but we do know this. the media censors things all the time that turn out to be true. remember? little lesley stahl what she did over at "60 minutes" to donald trump right before the last election? cbs edited out what trump said about hunter's laptop, they said it wasn't true. so they edited it. it was a good thing trump was rolling on the raw. remember? >> i think it's one of the biggest scandals i have ever seen and you don't cover it. you want to talk about. >> well, because it can't be verified. i'm telling you. >> you want to talk bin significant things. >> i'm telling you. >> of course it can be verified. excuse me, they found the laptop. leslie. >> it can't be verified. >> what can't be verified?
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>> the laptop. >> jesse: now even cbs admits the laptop is real and so does hunter. but the damage is done. and millions of voters were denied both sides. now, abc news is going down a dangerous road here. are networks just going to start editing presidential candidates calling damaging information to democrats or advertisers disinformation? >> politicians lie all the time. but the media only edits politicians that they don't like. but sometimes editing isn't enough, remember? there are some stories that the media thinks you shouldn't see at all. >> had this interview with virginia roberts we wouldn't put it on the air. first of all i was told who is jeffrey epstein no one knows who he is that's a stupid story. then the palace found out we had allegations about prince andrew and threatened us a million different ways. it was unbelievable what we had. clinton. we had everything.
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>> jesse: so abc had the goods on epstein and bill clinton and they spiked it to protect their access to the royal family. and the next person they thought would be president, hillary. epstein went on to rape for three years after they killed the interview. just so abc could talk to prince harry. that sounds a lot more dangerous than talking about vaccines. steve krakauer is the author of uncovered editor of fourth watch. this is dangerous what abc news did. do you think this is going to be a trend? >> i think so. i think it already is a trend. in "uncovered" i write about auntie speech activist and rise of hunter biden atlantas and continued on. covid was a big example of this. not just that robert f. kennedy jr.'s points are bad or wrongs or incorrect. it's that they are dangerous. and when you elevate speech to dangerous. you start to see the embarrassing coverage that we just saw with abc. it's u.s.a. a great just
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position amy robach. that was a leaked tape. instead they are actually putting it on the air. i cannot imagine that the anchor was not embarrassed to say we talked about r.f.k. about covid vaccine but we are not going to show you that we don't believe you should even see that that is afundamental distrust in their own audience to be able to weighed through points of view to determine what is drew and not. and shows the laziness on the part of abc that they can't even do that in real time that they can't actually fact-check and push back. no, we are just going to cut that out. >> jesse: does it show laziness and weakness or does it also show conniving and corruption? >> i think it's both. i think on one level the laziness you see is the fact that they can't do an interview live. >> jesse: they can't. if i were running for president, i would never sit down for a taped interview with abc because they would chop it up. >> absolutely. no. i think everyone should see that unless you are literally joe biden. and i'm sure they would do a tape on joe biden and make it look a little better.
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>> jesse: make him look better and everybody else they make look worse. >> exactly. i think that the audience is starting to see, this also. because i do think there is a conniving to it. we saw this with so many of these covid stories. the complete clampdown on, look, robert f. kennedy was one of the disinformation dozen essentially a collusion effort on the part of the biden administration but also the media that forwarded this. and treated these people like they were pariahs and they were so toxic that we can't even speak their names. they have deserve to be deplatformed. that was the point of view of the media. a media that should be about free speech. free expression of ideas. push back against it. the only way you are going to be able to claim he doesn't have the right points of view air them and dispute them. they don't do that anymore because they can't. >> jesse: you are exactly right. they can't because they are not confident in their position. steve, thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: move over bernie bros, the biden bros are in town. >> if you are not supporting president biden, you're not supporting america. he has been one of the most productive presidents in
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only work six hours a day. and even that's too much. today, nothing was on his calendar. he didn't even have lunch with kamala. and joe's numbers are down with key groups like young people. so now joe has decided to pay kids to like him. that's right, the white house has hired an army of young people to tell you biden's cool. >> president biden has announced that he is running for re-election in 2024. and his announcement video is one of the best i've ever seen. >> the choice for the 2024 presidential election is already clear. we have president biden who is a good man. he's past historic policy and he cares about the american people. and in 2024 we're going to reelect president biden and we are going to finish the job. >> and if you are not supporting president biden you are not supporting america. he has been one of the most productive presidents in american history. >> jesse: that was harry sisson like the shampoo vidalia isis
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soon. is he fawning over biden because is he paid to off and on. fawning. they don't like joe because of the aviators they like him because they ever paid to. does this kid even sound real to you? i'm riding with biden 2024. inflation reduction act. chips act. this guy has been phenomenal. as it stands right now he is the choice for president in 2024. >> republicans love to say that gen z is week and ineffective and lazy. if that's the case why do we keep beating you. >> if they think they can give the middle financing tore our generation and get away with it. they are sorely mistaken. >> that guy is better than binder except he doesn't shatter. host of the clay travis and buck sexton show he joins me now. this thing can work, clay. are you nervous? >> nobody likes joe biden, jesse. no one. into one voted for him.
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this is so pathetic, the one things that these kids know is cringe, right? every single one of those videos you just played i think works to trump's favor because they are so profoundly inauthentic. and everybody knows joe biden has dementia. everybody has no idea, as you mentioned he only works from 10:00 to 4:00 every day trying to convince gen z that joe biden is better even they understand 40 year inflation stinks. he finally realize lied to them about getting rid of all their student loans. joe biden is the worst president in any of our lives and that even includes the ignoramus you just showed us who must be 18 or 19 years old and all their friends know too. it ain't going to work. >> jesse: when clay travis was 18-year-old ignoramus and a hot shot politician waived a cash in his face and said say good things to me and i will give you
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the cash. would you do it. >> probably. i'm not going to lie. i'm not going to judge the 18-year-olds. i probably would have done the same things. do you know what would have worked on 18-year-old clay travis. hot chicks. i haven't seen hot chicks for biden yet. i would give him a tip. i don't know i would go with the dudes. i would go to smoke and try to appeal to boys that probably would have worked on mes, jesse. >> jesse: i would have done the same thing and taken me something probably less expensive than hot chicks. clay, tell me what this smacks of. is this desperation or is this smart? are we under estimating joe? >> i think it can be both desperate and smart. i have argued for a while every election gets dumber and dumber and eventually one candidate is going to mic emoticon vote for me i'm the mile smiley face. that smiley face makes good arguments. joe biden can barely smile on demand.
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barely drink from sippy cup on demand. i tend to think that it's probably smart because there are a lot of dumb people out there. and the younger you are, the less of a total interest you're paying. look, this is important. tiktok is being used by young kids now like we used to use google go in. kids typing in who should i vote for in the 024 election. and knuckle heads come up paying. i will say they tried to pretend this was over began nic campaign. wait a minute, this doesn't feel real and it comes out that these guys are getting paid. i think it undercut and delegitimized any of it. but you have to be careful. look, biden will do whatever it takes. democrats just elected john fetterman. and he is the worst candidate probably ever elected to statewide office in any of our lives. and if you question whether they'll electricity biden, i would just point out that they elected fetterman and he can't even speak.
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legitimately cannot speak and they elected him. not only that, jesse. they said if you don't vote for him, you aren't willing to accept people who are challenged, right? they said it was actually a benefit that he was recovering from a stroke even though he couldn't do the job. they have no shame. they will say the same thing about biden. >> jesse: we will see biden out there with a hoodie and some shorts probably in pennsylvania. [laughter] >> jesse: all right. clay travis. just throw some cash and women at him. he will say whatever you want. i will see you later. >> that's right. see you, my man. >> jesse: dylan wants jesse watters arrested. ♪ ♪ at adp, we use data-driven insights to design solutions to help you manage payroll, benefits, and hr today, so you can have more success tomorrow.
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>> jesse: don't call somebody by the gender they don't like because they want to throw you in prison. >> even worse in my prison are like the articles written about me using he pronouns and calling me a man over and over again. and i feel like that should be illegal. i don't know. that's just bad journalism. and i'm reminding myself that those people, they feel like they are doing the lord's work. they believe that they're bulling is the right thing to do and i'm the one to blame when i'm just over here trying to live my best life. >> jesse: did you hear that dylan wants watters in prison. dylan, watters wouldn't do well in prison. trust me. it's just not the pronouns, drag shows for kids, perfectly fine. hollywood agrees. actor kevin bacon and his wife said if you have a problem with drag queens and kids you have a
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problem with bacon. drag queens dancing for kids isn't just a privilege. it's a right. >> drag is an art and drag is a right. drag is a century's old art form of creativity, express and self-exploration. it's an opportunity to educate through entertainment and it's not dangerous. at 6 degrees we believe in amplifying the voices of those that are experiencing injustice so join us in supporting the aclu drag defense fund by shopping our bonfire campaign or making a gift. >> jesse: so kevin bacon is partnering with the aclu and drag defense fund. so what's the drag community think about that? >> kitty a drag performer from los angeles and joins me now. so, kitty, we don't have a problem with drag. it's when they start doing it in front of the kids in that graphically sexual way that people don't like. how do you feel? >> hi, jesse, thanks for having me again.
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how do i feel about it? i think it's disgusting. and i think people like kevin bacon, they are not looking at what the real problem was. they are avoiding discuss thing the real problem and the problem is we don't want children involved. i as a gay man, i want to go into a gay club, have a mimosa and a drink or brunch and see a show and not hear kids crying. as a drag performer, i want to walk in and be comfortable and in my adult space and not have to worry about if i'm going to indoctrinate or offend children or anybody. and this is why kids do not belong in drag. this is an adult venue. it's an adult gainment and i don't understand why anybody pretends it's not. >> jesse: can drag queens dance in front of children in an educational way, a respectful way, in a nonsexual way? because that's what some people are claiming is happening and then you see the video and it
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doesn't look anything like that. >> no. because drag queens get their training in adult entertainment venues. this is -- this is where they get on the job training. this is where they go to practice their drag and to fall in love with drag in the first place. and, also, if they want to sit there and talk to kids about drag, why don't they tell them about the true history of drag that it's actually comes out of misogyny because women were not allowed to perform on stage so men played their parts. that is where drag came from. i guarantee they are not sharing that with children. >> why do you think kevin bacon into drag queen for kids deal. >> personally i think it's because kevin bacon lost all of his fortune during the bernie madoff fishing skim, like so many other people who exploit us for profit. >> wow, bacon, you take that
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pole out of that pond and put it where it belongs and let kitty have her mimosa in peace. thank you, kitty for joining us again. >> that's right. >> we appreciate it. >> thank you, jesse, you look better than the last time we were together. >> i'm on maternity i'm. >> congratulation, have you selected a gender yet. >> that's how we do things. thank you very much, kitty. >> goodman. goodman. >> just announced a sixer center, that's right, now he is injured but the sixers still won last night up in boston. stole one away. james harden dropped 40 something. it's crazy. i think we are going to make a deep run. i am not worried about the nicks, i am not worried about anybody in the east. this is our year and i'm feeling good
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about it. let's do some texts. >> joe from salt lake city, utah, the degree of level of corruption makes the nixon administration look normal. tom from florida, great hit on stock training, didn't martha stewart wear orange for the same thing. when you are in congress you are allowed to trade on information. if you are a celebrity you go to prison. didn't james comey put martha stewart in prison for that? but he let nancy run wild? of course. john from tampa, florida. how long before charles schwab changes their slogan, trade like a democrat. 1 inch taller than yours, the competition is on. listen, size doesn't matter when it comes to hair. okay. and apparently it's
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pea body. did i say pea body, i know oshkosh is a real place. it's just a ridiculous name. bethany from idaho, these kids think they love joe biden when they start paying their own bills will they change their tune? well, biden will bail them out. eric from georgia. if you go to jail what happens to johnny, johnny has to come with me. wherever i go johnny goes, i'm sorry. is he going to have to commit a crime. ted, everything johnny does is a crime though. ted from new jersey, i can't wait to see the jess watters mug shot, should i smile? gotta smile on the mug. cheryl from kansas, do you really have to say things like what the hell? i know your vocabulary is better than that. it's better than that but i am not better than that. i'm sorry, mom. michael from yonkers, new
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york, congratulations on gigi, first word on watters and this is my world. to say things my wife doesn't like because she has been playing game with jesse junior. always remember i'm watters, this is my world. welcome to lawrence jones. welcome to fox news, i'm lawrence jones. everyone knows i'm a texan, if there is one thing you need to know about texans we think it's the best state ever. we got guns, food, low taxes, everything. so, every morning kids in texas pledge allege apse to the american flag, guess what? they do this every morning. we do this because we acknowledge how power full and great our state is. but we
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