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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 3, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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confined to the houses and everything on social media, it all comes together, this is the platform that these individuals choose to go out there. >> and this is the world come as you say, in which we live. joe, thank you very much. we will stay on top of this story as it develops. in the meantime, here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody, and jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ a manhunt underway in atlanta after a shooting left one person dead and four others injured. police have i deed the shooter, but he has left the area. we are going to be keeping an eye on it and bring the updates feared in meantime, law and
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order is nearly extinct in liberal cities, take san francisco, were even more business are being forced to pack up and leave. high-end retailer nordstrom is the latest to close up shop after 35 years, they are going to be shutting down both stores because of the dynamics of its downtown have changed dramatically. sounds like corporate speak for crimes ran us out of town and it is not safe for our workers. and this comes on the heels of a flagship san francisco whole foods closing its doors after just 13 months. the place was plagued by violence, drugs, vagrants. the business made an astounding 560 emergency calls before throwing in the towel. so far, 28 stores have shut down in the bay area since 2020, and the ones that stay are forced to run what looks like a maximum security prison to sell deodorant and toothpaste. oh, and if you fight back against this type of insanity, you will be the one that gets charged, while the criminal gets to escape.
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>> [bleep]. [bleep]. [bleep]. get off of me. [bleep]. >> jesse: a shoplifter in new york city hit a walgreens security guard in the head with a jar, and it was the guard who was thrown into jail on assault charges. and big surprise, the thief showed up failed to show up to his recent court date. nordstrom so i'm sure you have dropped a pretty penny there. where are people going to buy high-end clothes? >> greg: this is where my mom and i would shout, but nordstrom in westfield on market street. we would go there, we would go there and get drunk and have fun, she would pay for everything. we would take a train back. but i can see how oppressive that is to have paying customers, right? i wish nordstrom's would had called me. i would have told them first, just so blouses, loafers, and mittens, and call yourself blm.
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and a board of supervisors build an iron rod gate around your place. not to oversell this but this is a red flag for western civilization, right? if you want to experiment with left-wing ideology which doesn't replace anything but just lets everything self-destruct, here it is. they just destroyed the greatest city ever. a city that survived earth earthquakes. a mayor assassination, mayor -- harvey milk. the epicenter of aids. taken down by angry, white leftists. you cannot let liberals protect or manage a liberal city. we would be happy to do it for you, and still keep it liberal, because we love these cities, we love new york, we love chicago, let us in and let us try and let us do it. to an obvious observer, these are not right wing companies. every liberal loves whole food and every white liberal politician buys their colorful pantsuits off the rack at nordstrom's so it is not the right driving this and it is not
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the right's ideas. this is in crooked cops or climate change or racism that screwed this city. it is all of the people that obsess over that that causes it to happen and if you ask the white house, karine jean-pierre know mike will probably say, nordstrom? i thought that was blown up. [laughter] >> jesse: do you think london breed, the mayor of chicago, is making any effort to retain any of these businesses? they keep leaving every other week. >> dana: i think they realized it too late. i believe for a long time people thought that the wealthy would stay in san francisco because it was an amazing city and it was where they were able to go to the theater and have drinks at one of the fancy bars, get together with friends, have people come into town, the ocean, everything was great. and then, slowly but surely, it started going downhill, but still people stayed. then covid hit. what happened was when you separate work from your home
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life and people realize, oh, i actually don't have to be here for my work, the outmigration from these cities have been very, very quickly. even if the mayor is trying to do something now, it is too late because they didn't stop the problems of law and order in time to prevent them from leaving. and these decisions don't come lightly for a company like nordstrom. they won, obviously were losing money, right? businesses do not close when they are making a lot of money and everything is going great. they are losing money or they are not able to protect their staff, not able to keep staff. this is one of the flagship places at the mall. have you seen them all when the flagship leaves? with left? spencer's gift. maybe they hold on. >> greg: novelty. >> dana: orange julius, you got to love that. it is not enough to keep foot traffic coming in. it is a good warning for other cities. san francisco realized it too late. hopefully others will not do the same. >> jesse: we can get to san francisco and a second but
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tell us about this scene with the security guard. so he is trying to prevent the theft, the guy hits him in the head, how did they -- >> jeanine: what happens with the security guard, the guy is stealing and he says to the guy, get out of here. the guy comes back a couple hours later, and then hits him in the head. so, you know, not everybody has the whole story on this. he hits him in the head with a jar. the guy who is a security guard then takes him into custody and they arrest the security guard, which raises the question, what is the security guard supposed to do? stand there and greet criminals and say, thanks for hitting us? i mean, it is ridiculous. i think that is the port authority. we're talking port authority. they are not the brightest cops around, and i will say it right here. let me be clear about what is going on here. every day in this country, we are descending deeper and deeper into chaos and anarchy. it is what is predictable, and it happened because of the left and the progressives.
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make no mistake. if you end up having no bail, no cash bail, the least restrictive bail, you defund the police, you put discovery mandates on prosecutors that are so tough that they have to dismiss murder cases, and you are down 600 cops in san francisco alone, you raise the age of the criminal, you raise the amount of time for a theft, you are going to get this fee of every city in this country is going to end up in anarchy and chaos. they didn't put all of that money into the infrastructure and create that store so they would have to leave because some bombs and thieves entered by criminals decide they want to take down a city. let's be real clear about one thing. it is the big city, with the democrat mayors, where they are having this problem. now, you can see it as a republican states, and here is my message the republican governors. if you have a big city in your
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state, you better make sure you get rid of the d.a., or else you are going to be blamed in the next election asked the governor of a red state where the blue cities are committing all the crimes. and one more thing i want to say is that the governor has a right to remove the d.a.s, and if the governor doesn't do that, it is just as much his fault. chesa boudin, who was thrown out as the d.a. and san francisco, replaced by brooke jenkins, she is a good d.a., but she cannot do it without the cops. she can't do it without the courts, and she cannot do it without the legislature. we are going down. >> jesse: how farther to we have to go? >> jessica: i think this is a good place to level out. [laughter] completely devastating. i love san francisco. dana is right and has been deteriorating a long time. i was there for 2018 for work, my mom came to spend a few days and was followed around union
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square, the shopping center, by a junkie who was holding a knife, and we had to duck -- she didn't realize what is going on and i was like, you have to make a left here, and there were no police around, either. not that we would have necessarily gone right at that moment, that might have inspired him to lunch at her or something like that, but it has felt dangerous for a while, and i visited during covid, and they were shut down, one chicago, other liberal cities, people who were out in restaurants, are sitting outside in the cold are complaining. why are we here anymore? and it is going to become a huge money problem for london breed, for the mayor there because tech companies want their people back at work. where you want to do? if everybody left -- and they left for good reason, right? this isn't just come i want to see what it is like somewhere warmer. they are moving their families somewhere where they feel it is safe, where the schools were open, taxes, et cetera. they are going to have to figure out some way to accommodate all of these high wage workers that keep the city's going to make
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sure they can go to the office, 3-4 days a week, for the new hybrid schedules. in terms of a shoplifter, it is weird because i would have thought having everything on video would have made this so much easier, right? we say that, thank god there are things we saw on video, like what happened with george floyd, right, that change the course of how we talk about criminal justice reform in the country, but why would everyone can see with their two eyes the security guard was attacked by this guy, knows the story, doesn't not make any difference in terms of how it is prosecuted? just turned them all off, what is the difference at that point. and law enforcement -- >> greg: like you are becoming enlightened right before our eyes. those videos don't matter. the george floyd ones, those matter. but when the criminal or suspect is in the wrong, those things just go away. and the cop is in the wrong, you are going to see that video 100 times on cnn. >> jeanine: in addition to that, this criminal has not been arrested. the thief has not been arrested.
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he will never be arrested because they don't have a squad that goes out and says, we are going to make sure you execute warrants on these -- >> dana: 347 commit all the crimes. >> jessica: 6,000 arrest and rearrest in a year. >> jesse: really good conversation. >> dana: did you enjoy that, jesse? >> greg: you know why, jesse? you were not involved. you were just asking questions. i think you're good at that. [laughter] >> jesse: coming up, joe biden's boring 2024 campaign run needs a shot of adrenaline, so they are calling it a doctor. jill. ♪ ♪ we start with sustainably grown cotton from the rich red soul of north alabama, here on our family farm. then we partner with family owned mills from maine to mississippi to manufacture
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♪ ♪ >> jeanine: biden 2024 is off to a rocky start. democrats are less than enthusiastic, and the bad headlines are piling up, as well. his campaign is said to be "slow out of the gate," with donors showing a lack of enthusiasm and close allies are having to persuade the rich that joe is not too old to run and has vigor. yikes. and now we are learning it was dr. jill's fault. she is apparently the one who convinced her husband that it was a good idea to run and helping joe "get to yes on running for reelection at 80." not a big surprise given that she is his biggest cheerleader. >> he's not done. he's not finished what he started. look at all that joe has -- has done, has accomplished.
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>> one of the republican candidates is calling for mental competency tests for politicians over the age of 75. what do you think? >> ridiculous. look at what he is doing. his energy level, his level of passion. [laughter] i would love that costume. come on up, joe. [laughs] >> jeanine: but democrats are falling in line and saying biden is ready to go. >> joe biden is agile, capable, incredibly sharp, incredibly probing, incredible command. >> let's not forget more americans voted for this president than any other president in history. >> people are on fire for the biden-harris ticket. >> polls will go up, polls will go down, but what won't change artifacts. >> jeanine: i don't even know how to start, but dana, i'm going to start with you. of the energy level, the level of passion. the fact is that jill biden is
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the one who wants him to run, and i think she signaled at some easter egg roll before he announced that he is not done yet. what isn't he done doing? >> dana: well, remember that all of the state of union address where he kept saying "finish the job." i think it is very curious. i did not understand the communications decision for wanting this story out there. if you want credit for being influential, you would put it out there, i guess, but you're also the one that could be the one to blame because biden, for the whole time come has been saying i intend to run, i'll tell you when i'm ready. now we get the story she had to convince him to? i'm glad she is his biggest cheerleader, i think anybody who is married should have that, in their relationship, that's great fear i think there are some things the president is going to have to do himself. it is not enough for people who like him at our friends with him who work for him and are in positions of power because of him to tell us he is agile and that he is sharp and on his game.
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americans have to see that for themselves. we do not see it. remember when he came home from ireland and took the rest of the week off? part of what he did then was recorded that video that announced his reelection. and since then, we have seen him at the white house correspondents' dinner, yes, that was great, but now we have all of these stories about how he only does events from 10:00 to 4:00, they called a lid last week at one of the morning satin 9:45 or 10:45 in the morning to meet her how to do that, you can say the president is busy and call a lid at 4:00 like normal people do. weird. >> jeanine: jesse, she is relishing the roll of hanging out at the super bowl in the women's final four, always at dolce and cubano, you know, why give that up for a dreary life on the beach in delaware? >> jesse: i am with jill, you do it for the perks. if you have the chef come of the jet, i don't know, she obviously planted the story because she has had bad headlines.
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she kissed dougie fresh on camera, she called hispanics tacos. none of the fashionistas ever say nice things about her outfit, so she was dying for good press. she thinks this is good press. every wife counsels her husband, that is nothing new. i was on paternity when he announced his reelection, and i didn't even hear about it. it did not break through at all. a lot of other news broke through when i was away. that didn't breakthrough at all. and think about that. the guy made no splash, and it is probably because he took all of the drama out of the announcement. remember the last ten months? yeah, i am probably going to run, just haven't announced it yet. okay, that's exciting. him and he told al roker at an easter egg roll he was going to do it. when he finally did it, everyone was bored. permission to make an analogy. joe biden is like a nose tackle.
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he goes at short yardage situations to plug the holes to prevent donald trump from getting into the end zone. that's it. he takes up space and he is there on 4th & goal, and then he waddles back out onto the sideline. the guy is not an offensive star, he is not dynamic, he is not going to put points on the board. he is basically a wall around the white house so donald trump can't jump in. he doesn't do anything, he just sits there and blocks. that's it. and that is how he has always been. i am not shocked he can't raise money. if you were a democratic donor, will you give money to joe now or would you wait until next year? i would wait until next year. >> jeanine: okay, i'm going to ask you, since you are a new mother, now a senior biden advisor describes jill as a wife, a mom, a nanna who does everything she can to defend her family. what kind of nana doesn't recognize her seventh gran grandchild? >> jessica: asked and answered. no one thinks that it's okay that this kid -- sorry, just
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hit -- >> jeanine: you took the lid off it. >> greg: there is a mother lid. >> jessica: lid at 5:21 on "the five." it's silly come at this point, it seems like it would have been an easy win. people's families are weird and strange and you just say, my son had a kid with this woman, and this is my seventh grandkid. >> jeanine: but the question really is, why not admit it? i know what you think they should do. >> jessica: they obviously made a calculation it was not going to be help for them, or hunter said no, i don't want this, i'm not doing it, and they tiptoe around him. they have coddled him through all of this and just said, my son is perfect, my son is perfect, instead of talking about it in real terms, that the average american can understand. we have a son who struggled with addiction, he has overcome this. >> jeanine: okay. >> jessica: can i say something about the politics since i'm just repeating myself for that? to jesse's point about he is just a wall keeping donald trump
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out, i obviously think he has done a lot more than that, but it is important that he is the gatekeeper for that and there have been a slew of polls that came out this week from republican pollsters, sean insights, people who work for ted cruz, real conservatives, that show donald trump losing to joe biden every single swing state and on a national level but ron desantis winning, and there is a chorus of moderate republicans, even people who were pro-trump before that just say, we will lose if we renominate donald trump, and he is a front-runner right now by 30 points, on average, and joe biden being the gatekeeper, keeping donald trump out of office when it looks like he is going to be the candidate, is what democrats care about most and why he will have all the money that he needs and all the support that he needs for this race. >> jeanine: greg, how would you wrap this up? >> greg: one thing, jessica, joe will lose to trump if inflation doesn't get under control. or we go into a recession. he will lose because you need someone with an economic sense that joe biden doesn't like.
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eight i am more chopping a joke, though, can i try it out? >> jeanine: yes. >> greg: why is joe biden like a bat open casket. >> dana: why? >> greg: because you have to keep calling a lid. see, i don't know. i love the so-called positive adjectives that are used to describe joe, like he is capable, something you would say about someone with a head injury. he sure is capable ever since, i mean, the head injury, it is surprising. he is very agile for a man with no feet. it is something you would say so it makes you think he is incapable and bumbling just by mentioning those but i've got to talk about the most amazing thing about dr. jill is how truly amazing dr. jill is. not a single negative story ever appearing about her. how can somebody be so perfect, right? you know nothing about her. judging by the media, she is joan of arc to melania's lizzie borden. the media always protects its own and jill belongs to them.
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i don't blame them. she has a doctor, which is great for joe in case of a medical emergency, she can read to him. >> jeanine: she's got an education degree. i will get 100 emails saying "why did you say she is a not a doctor?" she is a doctor. i had, the biden and administration is sticking it to blue-collar workers. in the name of their green radical agenda. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> greg: the biden administration doesn't seem to mind if blue-collar workers lose their livelihoods if they get in the way of their green agenda.
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defending the decision to shut on a northern minnesota mine that was going to create thousands of jobs. >> jobs for blue-collar workers of this nation are valuable resources. why should those things, for millions of americans, be sacrificed in favor of your agenda for radical climate change? >> senator, i know that there is 1.9 jobs for every american in the country right now, so i know there is a lot of jobs. >> wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. you are telling me we've got too many jobs in the country? >> greg: you were just saying you really admire what she said. >> dana: i think it is one of the things, remember when obama said "you didn't build that," and other republicans use that again against him on and on? this is one of those moments where you can see that. the media the last two years did not do anything to cover biden's cabinet, but the only reason you're getting these people on
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the record now is because republicans won back the house and they can have hearings and so they have to show up at the hearings and be questioned by republicans who can ask them this. there is a big ultimate fighting championship having right now within the democratic party and i am here for all of it. it is the greens versus the unions. today, the united auto workers, which is very politically potent, they decided they will pause on endorsing biden because of the push for evs that is going too far, too fast. the greens want it, the union workers do not, and as the parties realign, there might be an opening their four republicans to say, we are actually the party of the worker. we need to be smarter about this going forward. i think this big fight is going to be amazing. the last thing i would say a biden is pushing these electric vehicles, she is the one, haaland is responsible for the mines, where we could actually do mining in america in order to get the materials we need for the ev's, but she is not playing
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along with that. she is happy to have that done in china appeared to be there that's a great point. >> dana: thank you. >> greg: judge, it has always been the case, this is not new but blue-collar jobs are always what the elites and intelligentsia has sacrificed first vehicle they are probably trump voters. >> jeanine: that is the point and that is the fight. dana is right, but it is also the elite versus the blue-collar worker because it is the blue-collar worker who is struggling. haaland knows that, that's why i made it so clear. we are now outsourcing every thing to china. fossil fuels to china. and also the mining, we are talking about nickel and copper and cobalt. solar energy and bbs. now, we've got a ban for 20 years on the mining of these minerals? it's crazy. why does it always seemed that we shut down our own independence, our own ability to create and empower china to do it, so we pay them more, on our knees to them as they try to create themselves as the number
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one power in the world. the job market is losing momentum. we have federal reserve raising interest rates yet again. interest rates are high enough -- hiked up on those who have the better credit rating, and fossil fuels are shut down now that minerals are being shut down. i mean, this is crazy. it's like in crime what we are doing is creating anarchy and chaos, and then as it relates to the economy, we are doing everything backwards. it is almost as though you wanted a crime to take down america, this is it. this is the way to do it. >> greg: r, jessica, it is getting harder to figure out how we are going to do alternative energy when we can't even do alternative energy. why do you hate the heartland so much, jessica? >> jessica: we talked about this yesterday, jesse offered me a ride on the tractor and i declined. >> and that was a euphemism. >> jessica: you are gross, obviously. >> jesse: why does it have to be? >> jessica: you made it by
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saying -- >> jesse: ride the tractor. you are sick. >> greg: i don't even know what you're talking about. >> jesse: me neither. >> jessica: what are you talking about? okay, so, as somebody who can give off a bit of a tracy flick vibe every once in a while, what may go to the side but i have this number that i can tell you that this is actually what is going on. it doesn't always help your argument. the facts matter, but also, communicating -- your communication strategy probably matters more than them, especially this kind of scenario where you talk about the fact you don't want anyone to be losing their jobs, and you obviously care about blue-collar workers and you understand that people who were in minnesota, and is not that easy then to just relocate to whatever other state they are going to be new jobs offered for you and i think that is where the major failing of this conversation comes from. she is right that there are more jobs than people who are looking for work at this particular moment. >> dana: but not those particular jobs. the ones that lost their jobs on
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the first day of the administration when they counseled the keystone pipeline, this morning, he is going to come back hopefully tomorrow, we have breaking news this morning -- very little work since then. >> greg: that is a reverse tease. teasing for something that already happened. >> dana: he will -- >> jessica: bugsy will be back. >> greg: can't get enough of bugsy. jesse, do you have a euphemism to describe this? [laughter] >> jesse: i think i can come up with a euphemism pair of i will tell you this. when i was interning at the stock exchange as a teenager -- >> greg: where they are? >> jesse: they told me the way to be successful in life is to see how everything is related. if you raise rates, this is what it does to oil. prices go up, hits transfer patient know my transportation, earnings hit wages, if you can see that you will succeed. deb has no understanding of cause and effect. deb says i am going to shut down
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the mind because greenpeace wants it shut and does not see how that affects china come our labor market, our competitive advantage. has no clue, just as mine shut down, i shut. she was a social entrepreneur before she became interior secretary. she failed that's also. how hard is that to fail let's also? at salsa. >> greg: the dance or the condiment? >> jesse: remember, they can get jobs making solar panels. where is compassion? they only have compassion for ukraine. people are obese, hooked on fentanyl in this country, they don't care! schools are shut down, they don't care! bodies pile up in san francisco, they don't care! they don't care about anything. >> jessica: michelle obama's entire -- >> jeanine: oh, boy. >> jessica: to get moving because she cared about obesity. >> jeanine: michelle obama? >> jessica: he says we don't
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care. >> greg: got larger per. she thinks she got the move into the fridge. but anyway, are you done? >> jesse: i could go on. >> greg: but you could. >> jessica: but don't. >> greg: let's move on, learn to code beer bob next, how convenient is this? lawmakers caught dumping stock just before a huge bank went belly up. ♪ ♪ ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. findings show that repeatedly gripping small and thin can fatigue hands.
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♪ ♪ >> dana: not sure where that song came from, but well done. members of congress dumping stock just before a major bank failure before first republic bank faltered, five lawmakers sd their personal stocks and trades that potentially save them tens of thousands of dollars, but an unlikely duo wants to stop congress from crashing in. matt gaetz teaming up with aoc, pushing a bill banning lawmakers from owning and trading stocks.
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here's what he told jesse. >> we should disallow congressional stock trading for the same reason we don't allow the referee took that on the game. and this is not a small amount of money. $788 million worth of securities traded by members of congress last year. lois frankel, you just mentioned, she has been a lawmaker since i was five years old. and i am supposed to believe that all of a sudden she is making moves like she is warren buffett? >> dana: he had some good lines last night. it is a stocked game, stacked against you. >> jesse: letting referees bet on the game. insider trading is illegal everywhere except congress. so, good for these people to get together and get the sleaze out of there. here's what i don't understand. if you are a member of congress, you are going to make money when you leave congress so i can you just wait? you already have free transportation, free health care, free gym, free food, taxpayer-funded junkets, donor-funded vacations, due to
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go terms, be a lobbyist, and cash in. you can't wait that long? >> dana: that is your solution? spiel this is going nowhere, he dies the senate. >> dana: it is interesting, the media covered a lot -- kelly loeffler and david perdue in georgia, everyone looked at theirs but nobody looked at, is it paulie p? >> jesse: paulie p. >> dana: nancy pelosi has defended people being able to play the stock market on the hill. >> jeanine: nancy pelosi said but we are a free market economy. isn't this a a contradiction of what a free market economy is? nancy and the lawmakers can get ahead of what everybody else knows, get ahead of the curve and then profit off their own personal information. it is disgusting. >> dana: what do you think? >> greg: i smell a romantic comedy. a beautiful left-wing communist -- congress, a dashing right wing male fresh off a wrongful allegation of sexual misconduct. they come together to fight one of the most corrupt practices in
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politics and they fall in love, they can't help themselves. she's got a french poodle, he's got a strange hairline, but somehow they are going to make it work and then they're going to leave politics and start their own business. it will be like a bakery. a vegan bank reappeared a vegan bakery for pets. >> jesse: he's happily mar married. speeder he's going to leave her. >> jeanine: he's married. >> greg: dalton gruen! >> jesse: she's engaged. >> greg: the real scandal is caused by politicians who vote for increased spending and increased printing of money which is their method of -- ataxic spending the money supply which makes each single dollar worth less so we all get screwed because the prices go up instead of down to it as a double whammy in a capitalist society that shouldn't happen you should have -- a government spending so everybody is guilty.
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every time they vote for spending or printing money they create more inflation. what am i doing? >> jeanine: i don't know, but in the story, can i marry them? >> greg: the number one show. we should be doing cameos. >> dana: i feel bad for elon. before they were going to end up together. jessica, last word for you. >> jessica: your favorite abigail spanberger and geoffroy had a bipartisan bill around this. >> jesse: roy and spann berger, hey now. >> dana: not a romance there. >> jessica: i don't think so. maybe this is getting closer. it might not die in the senate. >> greg: most politicians die in the senate. >> dana: all right, i just swallowed the worst joke. [laughter] >> jesse: dana! >> dana: to be repeated in the commercial break. dodged an out-of-control car.
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the he heart stopping video in "the fastest." ♪ ♪
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trinet. people matter. i was hit by a car and needed help. benefits. payroll. compliance. i called the barnes firm. trinet. people matter. that was the best call i could've made. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is let our injury attorneys know he how much their accident cget the best result possible. ♪ ♪ >> jessica: welcome back.
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it's time for "the fastest." first up, a pulse pounding moment when an out-of-control car goes over 120 miles per h hour. whoa he is right. a police officer narrowly escaping serious dress after a car careened across the highway and right towards him. turns out it was a 17-year-old driver behind the wheel. amazingly everyone walked away okay. judge, a miracle. >> jeanine: it is. there is nothing else you can say other than it was not his time to die because right there, how do you get away from that? it's amazing. >> jessica: anyone have anything besides amazing? >> jesse: it is a seven series it hit so it is a very heavy vehicle and he was just in the perfect place right in between the two cars. >> dana: i would say he was very agile. >> jesse: more agile than the president. >> greg: i would like to do something horrible to th
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17-year-old because i hate - 17-year-old is that he didn't kill anybody. he was going 120 miles per hour, had friends in the back, i think the windows are tinted, if you can see that. it was a little rocket. he is probably going to -- are they going to take away his license permanently? they shouldn't they should. he didn't kill anybody, he will be back doing it again because we let these freaks do whatever they want. i used an f word. >> jessica: okay. up next, can't believe i still have to say this, but please put on a shirt during resume meetings. >> senator parker. >> yes. [laughter] >> jessica: a minnesota state senator cotton voting shirtless while laying in bed during a legislative meeting. the representative is a truck driver who did not get wake
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might go to bed until 4:00 a.m. >> greg: rested from his other job, lying in bed, you cannot see the rest of him which is really good. >> jessica: great. >> dana: i very much appreciate it is bill sitting on capitol hill, "schoolhouse rock" behind him, that's a great look. >> jesse: i thought he was in his kids bedroom. that is a graphic? >> jeanine: he put hunting eyeglasses, couldn't put on the shirt? put on the shirt than the eyeglasses. >> jesse: you like seeing skin stuff. [laughter] >> jessica: not a bad looking guy, actually. >> jessica: okay, let's go. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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>> woman: why did we choose safelite? we're always working on a project. while loading up our suv, one extra push and... crack! so, we scheduled at we were able to track our technician and knew exactly when he'd arrive. we can keep working! ♪ synth music ♪ >> woman: safelite came to us. >> tech: hi, i'm kendrick. >> woman: replaced our windshield, and installed new wipers to protect our new glass. that's service on our time. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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♪ >> jesse: time now for "one more thing." jessica? >> jessica: so, two hawaii tourists pulled a michael scott and pulled their g.p.s. boat ramp and on to a harbor. luckily the sail crew was on the dock and dove in to save. the woman made it out of the water uninjured but the car submerged completely and had to be removed by a towing, maybe just ask for directions next time. >> it was a woman driver? that is surprising. >> did i see the gender. >> jesse: have you heard me talk about this before, greg. dog, the judge hasn't had problems with this. more dogs than ever are coming across marijuana, eating discarded marijuana. and they are getting very sick from it. vets in big cities are reporting a 300 percent surge in cases of canine cannabis. >> this is a psa and i have a percy update. percy his first year i think he was high maybe 10 times.
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he was overnight in the hospital twice. these are very expensive vet bills. it's very distressing for a dog. but here's the thing. we engaged with a former canine handler. is he a dog trainer and his name is sean stuart. he has been working with percy to get him off the scent of pot and i'm happy to say today he is six months pot-free. thank you, sean stuart, but be careful. this is a really serious issue. >> greg: piece of advice tell peter to wrap it tighter. >> jesse: he can't handle his drugs. >> dana: if you are out there smoking pot put it away appropriately. >> jesse: this in west virginia went dumpster diving did he find a raccoon, squirrel or dinosaur. that's a bear inside jumped right out and bolted right out of there. tonight "jesse watters primetime" whistleblower accusing biden of being bribed, big time. greg? >> greg: i once had a bear in a
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dumpster. that's a euphemism. tonight, kayleigh mcenany, the great comedian harr loan williams, kat timpf, tyrus. that's an all timer. greg destroys with adorable news featuring both babies and puppies. i am so sick of your cute stuff i can do cute stuff, too. kids following a dog like zombies the dog is like flipping around and look at the kids they don't know what to do because they are stupid. kids are stupid. the dog is just having fun. isn't this adorable? aren't your teeth hurting. >> jessica: my ovaries are exploding. >> greg: i don't know that was possible. >> jesse: boom, everywhere. >> judge jeanine: two things on me i'm on hannity tonight and i want to show a fascinating video from utah. it shows a construction worker using dish slope to slide a
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5.3 million-pound bridge over 100 feet. during the moving process, crews placed the bridge on steel beams with low friction pads that had a bit of dish soap and slowly but surely the bridge was slid into place. the city was replacing an old bridge and looking to do it as quick as possible. do you know what they say? dish soap moves bridges. >> greg: that's what they say. >> jesse: sounds lube judge, "special report" is up next with bret. >> bret: i'm not going there. thanks, jesse. good evening. i'm bret baier. russia threatens retaliation for what it says was an assassination attempt on vladimir putin. ukraine denies it. the federal reserve raises a key interest rate again and the fed chairman talks about the likelihood of a recession. and officials at the southern border prepare for a massive influx next week. ♪ but, first, breaking tonight, allegations that then vice


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