tv Hannity FOX News May 4, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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and that's free lawrence. >> lawrence: right? i'll bring the dog, too. abby hornacek thank you so much for joining me. >> thank you. >> lawrence: and thank you so much for joining me tonight. i hope you guys have a great evening. the great sean hannity has a studio audience, i think. >> sean: okay, what's going on? good job lj. there you go it doesn't get any better than that. glad you're here, welcome to hannity. yes, another live studio audience, another day for your 80 year old commander in chief joey. biden, he starts work at around 11:00 with a daily briefing. he then has lunch around noon, then they call a lid on the entire day at 2:30 in the afternoon. there's something wrong with that. i'm working way too hard because he's not working at all. serious question, why is joe even running for reelection. now, get this. coming up tonight we're going to have a hannity hot seat,
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marianne williamson, who was to challenge joe biden for the nomination, will be joining us on the show. [cheers and applause]. >> sean: she's one of two democrats trying to unseat the cognitive mess known as your president. also curtis sliwa and terrance 2.0. this crowd has been drinking they're rowdy. they're going to respond to democrats who want to lock up a us marine for subduing a violently ill on a subway. no, ma'am due process. guilty send them to jail if you're a republican or defending yourself. we'll get to the bottom of that. in a moment we hear from the house oversight committee chairman james comer. we broke that news last night, really important new details from a whistle blower accusing joe biden of taking bribes when he was the vice-president.
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now, first we have big breaking news tonight from john solomon. moments ago he obtained this e-mail. take a look at this right here dated october the 19th 2020 between form acting director of the cia mike morell and former cia director john brennan. the topic of the e-mail soon to be published now infamous open letter from 51 intel officials discrediting the very true hunter biden laptop story only weeks before the election. 9:30 a.m., morell asking brennan, quote, can i add your name to the list? trying to give the campaign, meaning joe's campaign, particularly during the debate on thursday, a talking point to push back on trump on this issue. brennan responds 17 minutes later, quote, okay, michael. add my name to the list. good initiative. thanks for asking me to sign on. now, did brennan attempt in any way to verify the claims that
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are in the letter? he didn't ask a single question. he didn't want to corroborate any details. and, apparently, neither brennan nowhere morell cared if the letter was accurate or true. they only wanted to give joe biden a talking point in the lead-up to the debate with trump and she would joe biden during the debate and that's exactly what happened. take a look at this. >> we're going to have follow up. >> something true about russia, ukraine, china, other countries, iraq. if this is true he's a corrupt politician. so don't give me this stuff about how you're this innocent baby. joe they're calling you a corrupt politician. the laptop from hell. >> i want to stay on the issue of race. >> it's the laptop from hell. >> president trump we're talking about race right now and i do want to stay on the issue of race. >> and i have to respond to that. >> please, very quickly. >> look, there are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what he's accusing me
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of is a russian plant. they have said that this is -- has all the -- 4--5 former heads of the cia, both parties, say what he's saying is a bunch of garbage. >> sean: now, that was election disinformation but it wasn't from russia, it was from joe biden, the biden campaign, and former u.s. security and intel officials that went along. this was their in-kind donation to help joe hurt donald trump in the process and lie to you, the american people, in the lead-up to an election. nobody checked out that laptop. now, wait a second here. don't those people care so much about free and fair elections? don't we get that lecture a lot? that's what they say on fake news cnn, right? they claim to be so worried about disinformation, misinformation. remember in the lead-up to the 2020 election, these people including current and former government bureaucrats and officials, they work on behalf
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of the biden campaign to willfully spread disinformation about hunter biden's laptop to you, the american people. you have the media mob, big tech, the fbi, all these 51 people, all in an effort to shape the election and, make no mistake, they don't regret it one bit. anyway, here now with more, and he has breaking news tonight is editor and chief of just the, investigative reporter john solomon. sir, how are you? >> good to be with you. >> lawrence: all right. i have, this broke moments ago, you broke this story, you told me earlier today that you'd have it tonight and here you do, and that is that mike morell, in fact, told john brennan in october of 2020 that he's organizing this letter of 51 intel experts, by the way, tony blinken led the effort, about the hunter biden laptop being a russian influence operationally because he wanted to give joe biden's campaign a quote,
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talking point to push back on trump during the last presidential debate of the 2020 election. that doesn't sound like intel officials caring about the truth or caring about telling the american people the truth. >> they didn't. listen, the cia director's club is an exclusive small club. people that this country trusted to run our entire intelligence they derive their credibility from the american people, the trust we place in them. we the american taxpayers give them to run the biggest spy in the world. this e-mail between two cia directors to try to create a political outcome in an election, and then portray it as an organic intelligence warning. 51 people who carried the power of the united states signed this letter without an iota or sled of evidenceed that the hunter biden laptop was russian disinformation or russian
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operationally so joe biden could have that moment to lie to the american people that there was no there there in the hunter biden scanned. when that moment happened you're going to have james comer on, the fbi already had a confidential informant saying hey joe biden might have the pay to pay scheme. they had the laptop. they knew it was true. these very reverent trusted cia officials took the credentials and deceived the american people. since i broke the story, about an hour, there has been a lot of condemnation coming out from career professionals who didn't sign the letter. i want to read you one if you give me the chance because i think it's a powerful statement. >> sean: i think i have this. you're talking about retired intel chief kevin brock. >> yep, yeah. >> sean: let's put on it the screen. this is important. let's show our audience this. >> he worked for bob mueller, one of the most trusted fbi executives in the community. everybody trusted this guy. this wasn't just a tossing point to toss back to trump it was a premeditated and admitted line to the american people designed specifically to deceive and hide
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the truth. and for what? to help elect a politician? what a steep and sad cross to the soul for such a meager goal. what a rebut from someone who practiced the intelligence rules the way they were supposed to be, who didn't sign the letter. our spies intervened in the 2020 election to help joe biden and to hurt donald trump, there's no other way to read this e-mail. >> sean: the fbi had the laptop in december of 2019. you told me that they verified the authenticity in the spring of 2020. okay. then why was the fbi, in the months leading up to that election, why were they meeting weekly with big tech and telling them that they may be a victim of misinformation campaign and it may be about hunter and joe biden? did they know that rudy giuliani would likely leak that? >> well, remember something else, they also tried to fool senator johnson and grassley. they gave a bow gus intelligence operationally trying to throw chuck grassley and ron johnson
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off the scent of the hunter biden family. the entire intelligence community, fbi, cia, former retired people all working to create the falls illusion that hunter biden and joe biden didn't have a problem. the problem now, all we're dealing with while he's president, they worked together to try to deceive the american people. american spies influenced the 2020 american election. not russian spies not iranian, chinese, north koreaian americans did it and they used the tactics they learned, falls realities, propaganda, sigh op. they did it to the american people, they fooled us into thinking we shouldn't trust the laptop. >> sean: john solomon phenomenal work all week. thank you very much >> major developments involving the biden family syndicate and new details with congressman comer. now a whistle blower is telling congress that the fbi and the doj are in position of a documents detailing an alleged criminal scheme involving then vice-president joe biden taking
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money from foreign nationals into exchange for policy decisions. in other words, that would be bribery. now, house oversight committee chairman james comer has now issued a subpoena for that document based on what he and senator grassley are calling a, quote, legally protected and highly credible whistle blower discloser. now, once upon a team the media, democrats, the mob, they loved and revered whistle blowers. even hearsay whistle blowers. anyway, in fact, the first impeachment hoax against president trump, that was based on an anonymous whistle blower who never, ever, even testified. but now liberal hacks like adam schiff and john king and fake news cnn aren't interested in serious claims of government corruption. take a look at this. >> a stung allegation joe biden taking foreign money to shape u.s. policy. also stunning i would argue more stunning, the republicans making this claim admit they have no evidence, just an unverified
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tip. >> i wouldn't give much stock to this but i'm not surprised they push out these unsubstantiated allegations. they've been doing it for some time. >> do you think the american people should hear from this person and the fbi should answer questions. >> at this point it's the most rampant speculation. we don't know if there is such a document or what the document pertains to we just have someone's representation and it doesn't even sound like he knows what it pertains to. >> sean: remember, this is the same cast of characters breathlessly day after day, night after night, they're the ones that pushed the russia hoax for three years, no evidence, no facts, no truth, just hope and a dream. just a reminder. take a look. >> the question has shifteded from whether the president is working with the uggs ares to what evidence exists that the president is not working with the russians. >> we are looking at the possibility that the president of the united states, and those around him during an election campaign colluded with a hostile
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foreign power to undermine the basis of our democracy. >> donald trump is afraid, a political hurricane is out at sea, we'll call it hurricane vladimir if you will. the russian thing. >> this cloud about collusion with russia will hang over him no matter where he stands. >> certainly say with confidence that there is significant evidence of collusion between the campaign and russia. >> sean: all lies. democrats, the media mob, they don't care about truth or justice or accountability or transparency. they just want to win elections at all costs, consolidate power against the american people. but now, more than ever, checks and balances are critically vitally important. joe biden is a corrupt, dishonest greedy career politician who is not to be trusted. here with the very latest is house oversight committee chairman james comer is with us. sir, how are you? >> i'm well, thanks.
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>> lawrence:. >> sean: let me go to the letter that you and chuck grassley wrote to the ag, very clear on what you say a legally protected highly credible whistle blower and that it came to your attention, and grassley's attention, that the doj, the fbi, possess an unclassified form, an fd 10 23 very 23 form that describes an alleged criminal scheme involving then vice-president biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions. what can you tell us, congressman comer? >> well, senator grassley and i have both reviewed that discloser. we find it very credible. we are very concerned. we have a lot of questions as to whether or not the fbi even looked into this. we know from your previous reporting that you've already stated on the show that they turned a blind eye to anything
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pertaining to joe biden, and they just assumed the worst when they look into anything that pertains to former president trump. so we're very concerned about this. and i'll tell you why, sean. as you know i possess bank records from the biden family now and there's a consistent pattern of the bidens using llcs to receive payments from our adversaries around the world including the chinese communist party and many other countries that go into various llcs, and then they transfer them around in a type of money laundering scheme and then transfer the money back to different biden family members. we've identified nine biden family members that have received these type of payments from adversarial countries around the world. now the question is, what are they doing to receive these payments? then we get this very credible whistle blower come forward and we have again reviewed this specific disclosure. so now we're requesting that
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disclosure from the fbi and we want to know exactly what they've done to verify whether or not this allegation is true. >> sean: congressman, you've said twice you've viewed the disclosure. i want to ask you about that. have you seen this document, this evidence, that the fbi and the doj have? are you sure they have not destroyed it? >> i think it would be very difficult to destroy. it's my understanding that it is submitted within their database and it's very difficult to take that out and destroy it because i had that same question. >> sean: have you ever heard of bleach bit? >> yeah, well, we're seeing it all with respect to the fbi unfortunately. but we're very confident that this does exist. we're very confident in the whistle blower. and, look, this fits a pattern of behavior that the bidens have
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done because we've already identified millions of dollars into nine different biden family members and we don't have any idea what they did to receive that money. there are no businesses. that's what the biden attorneys and their friends in the media said. well, these were legitimate investments into different biden business interests. there are no business interests, sean. the business was the bidens creating different llcs trying to hide who the source of the transfer was and then deceive the irs, and then go back into the biden's back pockets. so what did they do to receive this money? and, again, we take our whistle blowers very seriously. as you know there have been two very credible whistle blowers come forward in the last two weeks. we're doing everything we can to protect these whistle blowers and try to encourage more to come forward. but we have credibility evidence and we want to know exactly what the fbi did to verify this. >> sean: let me ask you something. you talk about a foreign
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national, do you know what country this foreign national is from, a, and, b, you talk about the exchange of money for policy decisions, do you know how much money and do you know what the policy decisions were? >> i know the country and i know the policy decision. but i'm not at liberty to say right now. again, we're waiting. >> sean: i'll buy you lunch if you tell me. [laughter] >> sean: i'm teasing. you'll be the first to know sean. >> sean: you're talking about a vice-president being bribed and he's now the president of this country. you know, a balloon flies over our country and nothing happens. a drone is taken out of the sky and nothing happens. is it because the president is compromised? i worry about that. am i wrong to worry about that? >> no, you're exactly right. that's why we're investing joe biden. the media wants to talk about hunter biden. look, we've already disclosed that there are nine biden family members.
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it isn't just about the president's son, it isn't just about the president's brother. it's about the president's entire family. let's be real. does anyone believe they're getting this money just as coincidence? there are countless transactions from many countries, countries that no one else would ever do business with, even some of the biggest companies in america that have a huge international footprint don't even do business in some of these countries, what are they doing to receive this money? this fits a pattern of everything our very credible whistle blower has alleged that joe biden did when etches vice-president. that's why we want to know what the fbi has done to verify this claim. we know they have the claim, we want to know what they've done to verify the claim. >> sean: please do not let them destroy the evidence. chairman comer, thank you. we appreciate it. >> all right, here now with reaction, former senior visor to president trump stephen miller,
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tommy lahren, and gregg jarrett. greg why don't i respond to you you can respond to congressman comer and also the news of john solomon tonight which is big in my view. >> yeah. if the accusation against biden is true and there's evidence to support it, sean, it constitutes the crime as you point out of bribery under federal law as well as a separate felony under the foreign corrupt practices act, which makes it a crime to use your public office to confer a benefit on a foreign entity or government in exchange for something of value, money. but beyond that, it rises to the level of impeachment. the constitution specifically states the president can be removed for treason and bribery. so representative comer is right. given all the other compelling evidence of biden influence peddling schemes, it should surprise nobody that there exists this smoking gun document hidden in the vaults of the fbi
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linking joe biden directly to a quote, unquote, criminal scheme involving the exchange of money for policy decisions. hunter biden's laptop is filled with similar lucrative deals selling access to his dad and future influence. so you're right to ask the question, will comer be able to get his hands on it or will the doj and fbi stonewall and destruct. given their shameful track record they may refuse to cough it up claiming it's now classified after the fact. that's a common trick to conceal damming records. >> sean: so stephen miller, we had the irs whistle blower immediately thereafter. you get all these rumblings if you will of an dement of hunter biden. is that a coincidence? now we have another whistle blower coming forward and apparently now they're talking about vice-president biden and a foreign national and money
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changing hands, money for policy decisions. seems like these whistle blowers are doing a lot of good work for the country. >> yes. well, i salute the whistle blowers who are standing up to expose this corruption and this wrong doing that is threatening our national security. and i salute james comer, who's doggedness and determination in pursuit of truth is nothing less than extraordinary. let's be very clear, sean. if biden's department of justice refuses to provide james comer with every single document he is seeking, and if there's any defiance of that subpoena, then merrick garland must be impeached. that's without question, because that is obstructing the will of congress to get to the heart of the question of is joe biden compromised by a foreign power? is he putting the safety and lives of the american people at risk to pad the bank accounts of the biden family? so if garland does not cooperate and the entire biden
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administration stone walls this you begin by impeaching merrick garland. this is a fundamental matter of whether or not the highest office in this land is bought and paid for by a foreign power. we must get all the facts, sean, every detail must be known and must be made public. >> sean: wow. stephen miller powerful. tomi let me go to you and i want your take on that but also the important story, tony blinken, you know, set up this intel operationally and now we have mike morell telling john brennan, oh, we need to give joe biden a talking point to push back on the hunter biden laptop story. and it turns out that none of them knew a thing and they signed this document anyway. to me that's election interference. >> well, it is. and, sean si know you have a great studio audience there in new york city. >> yeah! >> not average but exceptional americans. and how can they and all of us not feel completely punked by all of this? completely punked.
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we've got our law enforcement and our intelligence agencies not working on behalf of the american people, but working on behalf of democrats. we've seen it with hillary clinton, now with the biden crime family. how does the average american not look at this and feel completely and totally screwed over by these agencies that's supposed to have our best interests and our national security at heart. and another thing that really concerns me when we're talking about the laptop and the payments to in the biden family. if this were maybe one it would be bad enough. everyone needs to realize this is not one payment it's several payments spanning years. what did this family and potentially our president, then vice-president, have to give up to keep getting these payments year after year and year, and huge sums. that's what i really want to know. because the heart of on you are national security's at steak here and every american should feel cheated and lied to. when does it end? who's going to be arrested?
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who's going to be impeached. i think the american people are so sick of this evidence piling up year after year and nothing happens. >> sean: tomi lahren stephen miller all of you on your a game tonight. when we come back a subway man killed after a choke hold after violent threats. we have that when we continue. ♪ that feeling you get... when you can du more with less asthma. it starts with dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. can you picture it? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain,
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acting erratically a mentally ill homeless guy with a long history of violent crime was subdued by a bystander 24 year old marine vet. the homeless man's name is jordan neely. he lost consciousness, and later, he sadly tragically, he's a homeless guy who has mental problems, but then you have far left politicians like aoc wasting no time at all rushing to judgment politicizing the death saying he was murdered in cold blood and now demanding that da alvin prorex cut 'em loose brag press charges. but he was not the innocent street performer that aoc and her friends want you to believe. he had over a dozen run-ins with the police over the years due to very seriously and apparently untreated mental issues. get this, the guy had 42 prior arrests according to reports and
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efforts not performing on the subway. he was threatening passengers, making demands saying that he was willing to hurt anyone on the train, and go to jail for it. aoc, where have you been by way? people are murdered every single day in new york city and in the district you represent. crime is out of control, but you say nothing and your silence up to now has been deafening. when mayor eric adams called for calm and asked people not to rush for judgment, aoc and her friends clapped back, protesters gathering in manhattan last night chanting f eric adams who by the way should not be the mayor. this guy next to me curtis fled wood should be the mayor and here now with more curtis and leo 2.0 terrell. all right, 42 arrests. all right, so 42 priors. i feel sorry for anyone with mental illness. with all my heart and soul.
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but he's getting out of control and it wasn't only the marine that stepped in to prevent a possible tragedy. there were other people trying to restrain this guy. okay, now you know i do mixed martial arts, i've been training five days a week, an hour and a half a day for 11 years. even though this guy's a marine and put him in a choke hold, he may not know the danger of that hold. we don't know that. i'm just assuming he thought -- he kept saying call 911 one call 911. what do you think in this case. >> 15 minutes, no police responded because we don't have enough police. we're down to a dangerously low number, 32,000. so he did what we want citizens to do, intervene. and as you mentioned there were other citizens, unbeknownst to one another who jumped in. you have an emotionally disturbed person who, by everyone's description, is schizophrenic. a warrant was out for his arrest. he had hit and knocked out a 67 year old woman in the streets. so law enforcement was pursuing
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him. but as you mentioned, over and over, released and living in the sub ways. these people need help, medical help, and they leave them in the sub ways. they're a danger to themselves and everyone else. so who do we blame? a hero who has done his service the united states marine corps for our country, risked his life. we don't give him the benefit of the doubt? by the way sean --. >> sean: by the way who is going to want to intervene again? >> nobody, they'll run away. but alvin bragged cut him loose and talked to everyone on that car they made the decision to release him. but because of aoc, crazy alexandria ocasio-cortez. >> sean: just for the benefit for the people who are not from new york can you say that again, aoc all-out crazy alexandria ocasio-cortez and her mini mes call it an all-out lynching and murder and so now alvin bragg is
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probably nervous getting george soros call i didn't give you a million dollars to do anything like this, i want you to rethink this and now the pressure is on from the left. so there is a possibility he'll be arrested, and then they would have to put it in front of a grand jury. none will find this marine guilty. >> sean: this is new york city, not a normal city. >> but these are subway riders. now, when it was white versus black. if it had been black on black white versus white there would have been no attention given to it but this had the ingredients the come busability of gasoline on the fire. you have a white ma enradio, aoc hates the military, hates white men, obviously hates public safety and being forced to put a head lock on a black man who was acting erratically. >> sean: i don't know who aoc hates or doesn't hate but why is she silent when every day we have people murdered in new york city. there is an inconsistency in all
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of that. all right, leo 2.0 terrell [cheers and applause]. >> sean: let's get your take on all of this. >> let me tell you right now, very simple. aoc should shut the blank up. i'll tell you why. she's not a prosecutor. she's not a prosecutor. she's not a district attorney. she's not a medical examiner. and she has already called it sean a public execution. so she is inflaming these professional agitators right now. that officer, that marine, served our country abroad. he served our country at home. there is no evidence to charge him with any crime. and when you have a person who's a career criminal -- aoc doesn't take the subway. aoc has private security. so it's disingenuous. she is playing the card of trying to attack the police. trying to attack anyone who represents the establishment. aoc has no business even talking about this. >> but there are other people --
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everyone acknowledges he was threatingening people on the subway, 42 priors, he had mental problems. it's a tragic scenario here, however, when other people also got involved they were trying to protect the other people on the subway. >> absolutely. >> lawrence: why rush to judgment without knowing any facts. >> because aoc is simply about power and control. this is a head game. the democrats aren't interested in justice. they don't want law and order, they want chaos which is why you saw those professional agitators. they want chaos sean if you're looking for law and order, we've got to get trump in office. >> sean: leo 2.0 terrell, mr. mayor you're my mayor. straight ahead biden refusing to debate his primary challengers. one of his opponents marianne williamson is here. she'll respond when we come back. ♪
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♪ >> sean: time for the happy house seat. if you watch joe biden's reelection announcement video you may have seen something very interesting at the end. take a look at your screen and see what it says on the bottom. paid for by the democratic national committee. so the dnc is all in for biden, and they've rigged the primary before it even starts. remember, they're going to bypass new hampshire go straight to south carolina. they're not even holding any debates despite the fact that a majority of democrats do not want joe to run for a second term but joe isn't the only one running. robert f. kennedy jr. recently entered the race, by the way, and he's up to 19% in the polls, that's a pretty big number i think, and author marianne williamson ran back in 2020 if
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she did it longer than three minutes and didn't have to tape it and she's asking joe biden to debate her. she joins us now from washington, dc tonight, the swamp. maryanne how are you? >> i'm fine thank you. thank you for having me. >> sean: i am going to start out in agreement with you. i think we'll disagree on other stuff. i think it would be fair for joe biden to debate you and robert f. kennedy, jr. why do you think he's not debating and do you believe he's in a steep cognitive decline? >> i think in a democracy what's important is that people have a right to see their options. i think this is an extremely important time in american history and anyone who feels moved to run for president should have their say and the voters should hear what they have to say, he should hear their agenda and the voters should decide who they want president. >> sean: part two of my question, do you believe he's in a major cognitive decline? >> i'm not a doctor or someone testing his brain.
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i think every american citizen has to listen to the president. >> sean: does he seem like somebody who has the strength and stamina and is articulate to be president. >> i wouldn't be running if i didn't think i was a better candidate. i think i have the energy and certainly i have the answers. >> sean: yeah but you have to answer my question. >> because i'm not going to come on fox news and talk to you, sean, and say something like that. i'm not going to. >> sean: okay. >> i think every american can decide for themselves. >> sean: but if you believe it, you would tell us, would you? >> my mind doesn't go into that -- i don't believe that the energy is being demonstrated that i believe will be necessary in order to take on either desantis or trump in 2024. and if i did --. >> sean: all right. you said that we need an economic u-turn in this country. >> yeah, yeah. >> sean: what system economically do you report? i'm a capitalist, i believe in limited government, more freedom, lower taxes, and energy independence. what do you want?
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>> you know, i think our capitalist system has lost some of its soul over the last 50 years. i believe that capitalism, you know, adam smith who was the main architect of free market capitalism said free market capitalism cannot exist outside an ethical contest. i think public policy has to have ethics. so i believe the american people, our safety our health and our well-being, should come before short-term profits for huge corporate entities. i believe that there are other stakeholders besides just stockholders. >> sean: you're throwing out a lot of cliches. >> i don't think so. >> sean: i want to dig down deep here. what do you think, i want for example, lower taxes, more freedom, less government bureaucracy and i want energy independence. i want borders secure. >> okay, let's take one at a time. >> i want law and order. what do you want. >> let's go with each one. take each one at a time. the first one you said was lower taxes, i want lower taxes for middle class people. i want higher taxes for people who have huge amounts of wealth
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and are living at the expense of public policies. >> sean: how high? >> how high? i want to see a wealth tax. i think people who -- first of all, i think we should -- look, in 2017 we had $2 trillion tax cut. $0.83 of every dollar went to the very richest americans and very richest corporations. >> sean: let's see how smart you are on economy. what percentage of income taxes do the bottom 50% pay? >> i'm not going to talk to you about the middle class, the bottom half i'm going to talk about the upper class, the one percent. you asked me what i want to see. i want to see 50 million or more, i think people should pay an extra 2% in taxes, wouldn't affect their day and if someone has a billion dollars they should pay an extra --. >> sean: you want it based on their need from each american according to their ability. >> you know, talk about cliches. come on. i think we should have fair taxation. >> sean: is that a statement that you agree with? i'm asking. >> you know, as a concept.
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but once again, we should talk about what's real in this country. >> sean: that's carl marks's country. >> thank god i didn't say yes or you would be calling me a marxist. >> sean: you kind of did. >> no, i didn't sean. >> sean: would you support me in this. do you support energy independence? and we ought not be importing oil from countries that hate us and countries like venezuela would you support me on that? >> i would support you that we should not be getting oil or selling arms to countries that hate us but i also want to see a habitable planet in a hundred years. i want to see massive investment in green energy. i want to see a just transition from a dirty economy to a clean economy. >> sean: how much money? we're now spending over $50 billion every government agency is spending something on the climate alarmist religious consult. >> oh, come on. >> sean: how many billions of dollars do you want to invest in it? give me a number. listen we have $858 billion right now in our military
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expenditure every year and they are the largest institutional emitter of greenhouse gases and the congressional office hardly a liberal organization says we could take out a trillion of that over the next decade and cut greenhouse gases. >> sean: natural gas is a clean burning fossil fuel. i have to ask you about some of the weird stuff you've said. >> okay. >> sean: okay. you have said your body is merely your space station from wence you beam your love to the universe. don't just relate to the station relate to the beams. everyone feels on some level like an alien in this world because we are. we come from another realm of consciousness and are long from home. what the hell does that mean? >> i'm surprised to hear you say that because i would think that you would recognize that as a very traditional religious and spiritual perspective. that we are spirits. that god created us as spirits and that is what we are and we are here to love one another.
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and we don't feel deeply at home on a spiritual level on this planet because this world is not based on love to the way it should be. >> sean: all right, that's a fair answer. i'm a christian, i believe in god the father that god created every man, woman, and child on this earth. i believe in jesus christ his son that died and resurrect -- came back from the dead to save all of us from our since. that's what i believe. so, anyway. >> i respect that. >> sean: i appreciate you taking the heat you're welcome back anytime >> straight ahead tonight she's doing such a great job as border czar biden is now letting kamala harris take the lead on artificial intelligence. you can't make that up. straight ahead. ♪ but i wonder if you just take
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a few seconds to pray with me real quick. in the name of the father and son, holy spirit. amen. lord jesus, come to us now. help us to surrender ourselves completely to you. help us to listen to your voice. even when we're distracted or tired, we pray this in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit. amen. thank you so much. i just want to encourage you that if you want to join me in more prayer, check out hallow it's the number one prayer app in the world.
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♪ >> sean: all right, the green new deal cult continues to push their radical agenda including trillions of dollars in spending all in the name of the climate alarmist religious cult. now, earlier today senator kennedy grilled biden's deputy energy secretary on the plan of the administration and their excessive climate spending. take a look at this exchange. >> and how much will that cost? >> so the cost that i focus on even more is all the cost -- >> no the total cost. how much would it cost to get us carbon neutral. how about $50 trillion is that right. >> it's going to cost trillions of dollars no doubt. >> you don't know do you? >> sean: here with reaction host of the michele tafoya podcast michele tafoya and fox news contributor lisa boothe. we're not talking about billions, they're talking about
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trellised. we have $31 trillion in debt here. tell me what the alternative is? >> well, the alternative is this is all dumb right? he couldn't answer the question because they don't actually claire about the climate. it's not about reducing emissions they don't care about the issue it's about societal control. aoc's former chief of staff gave it away the green new deal said it wasn't about the climate it was about how you change the entire economy. that's the objective here, right? they want to do what the world economic forum say. they want us all to own nothing, shut up and be happy. they're trying to impoverish american citizens and make us dependent on the government that is the objective. and meanwhile they'll fly around on their fancy private jets to davos and laugh at all of us. that's what's going on here. >> sean: great point. we can't eat meat or have air conditioners and you are not taking away my stove. >> i will go to jail for my air
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conditioning. >> i'll go to jail for both. >> but here's the deal. you know, the amazing part of that testimony is when kennedy said to him, if we spend all this money, $50 trillion, by 2020 or 2050, how often will we lower the temperature? he could not answer. he would not answer. and kennedy kept saying how much? he said all i can tell you the cost is greater if we do nothing. that's always the straw argument. i'm not saying we can't get there and i'm not saying we shouldn't look toward cleaner energy but the fact is this plan apparently reduces the investment in nuclear, which is the cleanest safest energy on the planet. >> we just had marianne williamson on, she won't answer the question is joe in a cognitive decline. why won't she answer? lisa. >> because she's still part of the team, right? i mean, that's the biggest problem with our society today is too many people want a pat on the back, they want to be part
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of the crowd they don't want to be ostracized for speaking the truth and doing the right thing and she's part of the problem. that's one of the biggest problems we face in th and too people want a pat on the head. >> sean: everyone sees it, china, russia, iran, they see it, north korea sees it. >> i talk to people on the left side of the aisle who see it and believe it and know it. >> sean: i try to avoid that. >> well, i know. i try to be open hearted, but i'll tell you what, they see it, they know it and they say if you love his policies, couldn't you find someone a little younger and if you don't love his policies then don't vote that side. >> sean: michelle, lisa. thank you both >> when we come back, more hannity coming up straight ahead. ♪ f light. ♪ ♪ (engine revs) ♪ the energy of light... everywhere. ♪
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to the crowd. they are just naturally having fun. programming note. live audience shows next week, tickets are a million. tickets go on sale next week. it will be on save on your dvr so you never miss an episode. let not your heart be troubled, you know what? guess who is next? [chanting] >> laura: it says -- it says 9.8. that what i'm rating your joke, okay? about the million dollars. i'm rating it 9.8 because it's original. >> sean: 9.8. what do i have to do to get a 10? >> laura: jell-o shotsyoll
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