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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 5, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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too. monday on special report to begin a new series on education in america part one deals with how hope and change things not for the better. please join me for fox news sunday. my guess would be greg abbott o george arrington and henry cl clear. things are watching special report, and shannon bream in washington, the one, the only jesse wauters is ready for prim time and starts right now. things to expect. odder aeropackage and expect it gets delivered. hold the door open for somebody, which part a thank you or at least a nod. if you order soup, you expect a little bread on the side. >> and if somebody runs
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for president, you expect them to go out, shake hands and kiss some babies and most of all get on the debate stage. when it comes to joe biden who just told us to watch him, democrat party saying no debates for you. >> the sitting president of the united states of america is a democrat. a democrat that would like to run for reelection so much so that he has declared a reelection campaign. in that case, the democratic national committee will not facilitate a primary process. there will be no debate stage for bobby kennedy, marianne williams or anyone else. they're not going to set up a primary process for debates for someone to challenge the head of the democratic party. >> jesse: in other words, joe is running so voters should be thankful and not ask questions. 19% of democrats are already siding with his primary opponent, robert f. kennedy jr.. he's pulling the same numbers in
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the polls as desantis. he's nothing to sneeze at. if anybody deserves to debate joe, it's him. >> i think the political parties, both parties ought to be doing everything they can to convince the american public that we really have a democracy in this country and that, you know, our politicians are running, are talking to people, are doing retail politics, are engaging in debates and town halls, and it's not just a rigged system where the candidates are chosen by the political party the way that was done in the soviet union. >> jesse: mary an williamsson is not -- marianne williams is not doing too bad and polling at 9%. she wants to get in the ring too. >> in a democracy, it's important thomas mancino people have a right to -- that people have the right to see their option and important time in american history and anyone that feels moved to run for presidency, they should be able to be heard and the voters
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should decide who they want to be president. >> jesse: but the democratic party and their donors are the ones deciding and not looking for the sharpest capped date or the one with the best policy chops. >> it's really hard to run a country and most people aren't very good at it. it's not being run well. so you have to go well, who could do it better? could it be a republican or a better democrat? if it's not a better democrat, how are we going to get a better democrat if you don't let the president debate? they won't let them debate. it's not that democratic. >> jesse: maybe that's by design. it's not there and he hasn't done anything all week. there's not much going on this week. i've got the schedule here. on monday there's a photo opportunistic with the filipeno president. >> on wednesday there was a photo opportunistic with some visiting military leaders and then today they posted a twitter video, he popped in for a few seconds to an ai meeting that
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the vice president was hosting and never even sat down and that is it. that is historically the years i've been with biden and that's about as little as we've seen him in a week. >> jesse: he went to ireland and announce the he was running for president and forget he went to ireland and disappeared. you'd think he'd be on the campaign trail announcing a new policy he starts work off 10:00 a.m. but today not answering any press conference and listen. i think i'm doing a major press
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conference this afternoon. >> jesse: well, the white house had to walk that back. turnsout joe never had a press conference scheduled at all. the only thing on his schedule in the afternoon is getting taco withs kamala. you think he's missing out on to the for $5 cinco de-mayo special? of course not. later tonight he's doing first interview in 70 days with msnbc. on friday night at 10:00 p.m.. is they're not gonna ask him anything hard and no one is going to watch. this is the biden reelection plan. they're going to throw him back in the basement. since the media knows that worked last time, they're not going to have a problem with it. the bottom line is joe's been a running joke in washington for
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decades. the media has always own even barack when he was the vp. >> the vice president isn't here tonight, not for security reasons but thought the event was held at dullis airport apple bees. joe is elbow deep in jalapeño poppers and talking to a construction cone he thinks is john bay narrow angled. also true. joe biden is only one heart beat away from no one taking him seriously as president. sorry about that. >> jesse: everybody in washington snows you put snow on a debate stage with a kennedy. he's toast. we're not get ago free and fairy eleventh again in more ways than one. rachel campos-duffy, the cohost of "fox & friends" weekend. we talked about -- >> hey, jesse. >> jesse: hi, i'm just annoyed
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and never get annoyed but had a two hour commute into the office and i'm a little annoyed. what's annoying me, marianne williamson is right. i can't believe i'm saying in. she's some spiritual guru but i agree with her. do we have a democracy? rfk said the same thing. how can you assure the voters we have a knock seizure disorders if you never see the president -- democracy if you never see the president and he won't debate his opponent. >> yeah, it was breathtaking, wasn't t to hear simon sanders say no debates. the democrat party will decide who the candidate is just like the chinese decide, you know, that it's xi jinping. it's super on brand for the democrats, jesse, they don't believe in choice, not choice for education, don't think you should have a choice in what sex education looks like for your kids, they don't believe in choice in healthcare, doctors, they don't think you should have a choice on whether you get vaccinated and they want to control your speech, your guns, and increasingly they want to control elections. you saw it during covid how they did that power grab.
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they used emergency powers from covid to change election rules and you see the dirty tricks and they use the doj and use the fbi to sully up their opponents or you saw the letter that came from the 51 so-called intel officers claiming that hunter biden's thing laptop wasn't real and russian disinformation so they could alter that election. this doesn't surprise me at all. i will tell you, jesse, i have a theory and my theory is that joe biden is able to get away with this because he's a place holder and we know the real power behind the thrown in this administration are the obamas and i believe they chose chicago as democratic convention and odd
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choice thinking about the condition of chicago who would want to highlight that. the second is susan rice left the administration and she was the policy director for joe biden. she left the same week that he announced his candidacy for his second term. there's that and the other thing is the third thing is michelle obama is out there and on stage with bruce springsteen and doing events with oprah and trying to get oprah fioed and a little more likable. like oprah. >> jesse: there's millions of women running for president in that case if you don't stop talking about men pause. >> she's appealing to suburban white women. this is my theory and break it down on my podcast, jesse, i'm
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sharing it here with your viewers because i believe this is no pun intend, the trump-appointed card on the democrat side. >> jesse: that's a possibility. i'm not so sold on it because she's a fruit juice tycoon. if you saw her somehow last night, she's going to make like $50 million selling sugar water to america's tykes. putting that aside, let's say joe is the guy. what happens going forward in the next election or the next election where you realize a winning strategy is never leave the white house, don't do any interviews except maybe one every 70 days on ms nbc at 10:00 on a friday night and make big event of the day grabbing tacos with the vice president.
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the mainstream media isen a arm of the democratic party and no pride in themselves and just look at correspondence dinner to know that they've, you know, are totally subservient to ideology and will do whatever they want. i brought up china and rfk jr. with the soviet union and in so many w ways acting like the propaganda prep and more increasingly like that and democrat party consolidating more and more power and that's why, you know, everybody says the next election is the most important one. you know, it truly is. this will be the obama's fourth term. whether joe biden runs or michelle obama runs and wins, either way with either of those
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candidates, barack obama will finally fundamentally transform them to lose the country and every one of the viewers knows >> jesse: are you columbian i forget. >> my father is mexican american. >> jesse: i got it right. i wished a guatemalan woman this afternoon happy cinco de-mayo and got nervous because i didn't know if she celebrated but white people celebrate it too it's basically like thanksgiving. >> if you like mexican food, celebrate it. nobody has better foods than mexicans. >> the italians will get mad about that. >> i don't care. mexicans win. >> jesse: that's the most controversial thing you've said and you've said a lot of
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controversial things. have a great weekend, rachel. >> you too, bye, jesse. >> jesse: watch her on "fox & friends" tomorrow. hunter biden's invented a new way to make money. are you ready? you just give him the money. wait till you hear this, next. ♪ (vo) if you've had thyroid eye disease for years and you go through artificial tears in the blink of an eye, or...your eyes feel like they're getting kicked in the backside, it's not too late for another treatment option for thyroid eye disease, also known as t-e-d. to learn more visit that's
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>> jesse: biden doesn't have any problem spending your cash and the bridges 200 bill to ukraine and write the checks, baby. don't worry. we're good for it.
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>> jesse: you hear that, hunter, daddy doesn't like deadbeats. too bad because hunter doesn't like paying debts unless to escorts. hunter didn't pay his taxes and sugar brother bailed him out for about 2 million. he's broke and can't afford the payments for little navy biden. the little love child with the former stripper. that can't be true. congressman james comer said bidens made millions overseas and whistle blower laid out the whole bride scheme. >> we're very confident in the whistle blower and look, this fits a pattern of behavior that the bidens have done and we've already identified millions of dollars in to non-different family members. what they did to receive money and there's no businesses and the business was the biden creating different l.l.c.,s trying to hide who the source of the transfer was and see the irs
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going back into the biden's back pockets and receiving this money. >> jesse: whatever happened to all the ukraine money and chinese diamond money. what about the 2 million for biden book deal or hups of thousands in art sales. you can't tell me he smoked that all. did the big guy take more than 10%? >> maybe there's another reason his pockets are empty. tax and gunship since 2019 and 4-year-old criminal case is a white shoe lawyer's dream. he hired high profile attorney abe loyal to help out and abe does not work for free. trust me. hunter has to keep the lawyers happy and kicking arnold of starting a legal defense fund. hinter biden's legal defense
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fund and even democrats don't think it's a good idea. hunter biden soliciting money from anyone, anywhere, what could go wrong. it omelet works if it's extraordinarily transparent. that won't be a problem because when i think about the biden and money, first word that comes to mind transparency. steven miller afters high priced lawyer. steven, i heard when you donate to the hunter biden legal defense fund there's a t-shirt that says i donated to the hunter biden legal defense fund. you can also hear checking a box like to which case you want to have the money go to paternity case and tax evasion case and it's a beautiful website. >> earmark it. >> earmark for drugs or prostitution and sex trafficking and is it crept art schemes and
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makes an exciting opportunity for investors. you have to get in now. get in now and get the ground floor and become a founding member and the biden mansions. . >> jesse: best part -- steven, it's tax free. you can actually see the donations to the hunter biden defense fund against your taxes. it's a win/win >> think about the exciting opportunities in china in the ukraine and ethiopia and you could get on it. there'll be ate almost skimming compared to credit cards and
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bank fees and that's a deal, jesse. that's a deal. i recommend to any family member. >> jesse: biden wanted to get rid of all the junk fees and that's very important. the legal defense fund and make sure that none of its used on drugs or maybe a malibu mansion. >> i think susan rice in the market for a job. perhaps they can hire her as a comptroller. >> jesse: people looking at where the money went for the teacher's union during covid and looking where the money went for the hunter biden legal defense fund. >> they'll be accounting for every pun penny and rest assured none of your business meetings with hunter will be secret reigns leading recorded on the laptop and viewed later. there's a commitment and hunter cams will not be turned on during all of your closed door business meetings with hunter.
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it's a special guarantee being made. >> jesse: if you're a foreign national, not allowed to donate to the defense fund. >> if you're a foreign national complying with the law, that would not be allowed. if you present yourself at southern border and tell a border agent, i'm here to support hunter biden's legal defense fund, you will be taken to the nearest financial institution by your choice of that afternoon and given a free install. >> jesse: defense fundraising more money than the defense fund and i've seen more money >> jesse: happy cinco de-mayo. >> jesse: liberals want you to shut up and take it.
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out here, you're a landowner, a gardener,
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a landscaper and a hunter. that's why you need versatile, durable kubota equipment. >> jesse: liberals don't care about the details. instead protesters hit the streets of new york last night threatening to burn it all down. listen. they're even out to get mayor eric adams and only person handling this d of grace or maturity.
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>> we need to be extremely clear that from day one of this administration i focus on we cannot have people with severe emotional illnesses on our subway system. you can't have people on the system that need care and ignore them. >> jesse: neily didn't need the die. if new york city took the mentally ill people off the street and institutionalize it like we're saying, probably wouldn't have happened in the way it did. it's the broken system that killed neily and politicians are enabling it. and they're to blame. neily was arrested over 40 times and multiple cases of assault and one time he attacked a 67-year-old grandma. broke her eye socket and nose. tried to kidnap a 7-year-old kid. the people on that subway were at risk and thanks to aoc no cops around. but don't tell that to al sharpton. >> he can't say self-defense. he was not at risk. to let this go forward in any
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way is to sanction vigilantism in the city and therefore have national ramifications and we cannot let this guy. >> sharpton led to criminals and this is all from the backseat of a protected private car and don't think al's been on the subway for awhile. if a lunatic does attack you, the left want ws you to sit back and take it and don't want you to feel bad. >> i was hit at one point sitting on the subway by a man who was having a mental health episode and sat next to me and el boying and flailing around and m mitt me in my -- hit me in my face and everyone on public transit saw this happening and seen me struggling. my fear is not the primary object of what we should be
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focusing on right now. it's the fact that this person is in pain. >> jesse: we're going to get punched in the face and it's okay and we have to consider your attackers feelings and wabc radio host and author of citizens, syd rosenburg joining me now and joining on the street and justice and burn it all down and alvin bragg sees that and will get intimidated to charging this guy and getting history. >> he didn't want to charge president trump in the first indicates and did it because of the pressure there. the folks with this kid. i do too. 14 years old and his mother was not bad. that's a lot to handle.
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i get it. i get it. years later, 40 arrests and the marine and the subway platform didn't have week pediaand didn't know this kid like you and i at the age of 14 and there's a crazy person yellow, screaming throwing garbage and not going to let someone died on the subway platform today. >> jesse: lean into the punch and say you poor, deer hunting ranged schizophrenic drug addict. people to blame are people in charge of mental illness in the city. governor adams had a nice plan and hasn't materialized and this marine doing a lot what new yorkers should be doing every
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day. >> jesse: would you do this, sid rosenburg, would you step and you happen put someone in a choke hold that was threatening someone on the subway. >> see my body? of course i would it. is where the story goes bad if you ask me this three days ago without hesitation i would have said you bet, jess, i'm going to jump into the middle of that. now, if they arrest this guy for murder, i'm not doing a thing. >> jesse: open season on the subway. >> same with cops, if you want to aid another citizen or cop doing your job, you become the bad guy. there's something wrong with that. >> jesse: it was a horrible accident that neily passed away and upsetting to everybody involved and we hope we figure this thing out next week. >> isn't it amazing as you play that had piece that mayor adams is the voice of reason. governor hochul, she continues to be evil. the worst governor ever, even worse than cuomo. mayor adams is now the voice of reason this week in new york. >> jesse: you said that because yo.
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>> that's true. two nights ago. >> jesse: coming up, is big juice poisoning our kids ♪ as someone living with type 2 diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? that's the point. get real about your risks and do something about it. talk to your health care provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. learn more at ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for...
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>> jesse: for the longest time we were told diet and exercise. you couldn't turn on a tv in the 1908s without being hit by some workout video, remember. >> ♪ grapevine over here, touch, give me some snacks. make it snap. give me energy. i'm here for you. >> jesse: i thought we were going to watch suzanne summers. all right. over the years something weird's happened. the left changing roles in health and beauty standards and they're lowering them. forget diet and exercise. we're being told being overweight is healthy. rather than asking people to better themselves, we're lowering expectations and the washington post is in on all the
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action. the washington post calling for end of diet culture. arguing that it's mean to make people feel bad about being overweight. let them be overweight. who care ifs it leads to diabetes or obesity or even death. big sugar, big juice, big cereal, that's the worst. they're colluding to hurt prophets and rigged -- profits and saying frosted flakes are healthy. probably tough and they're using things like celebrities like michelle obama to get kids hooked on sugar from the jump. >> she's working with a private equity company that specializes in junk food driven by celebrity partnerships and they do for instance the rocks energy drink that's loaded with sugar and went to her and her pitch was simple. you'll be a billionaire like the rock if we follow a tr tried and true business strategy getting kids hooked early on sugary drinks. >> jesse: letting them fattedden up our kids to make money. the juice industry is a scam.
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prime time talked to a juice insider who had some pretty explosive allegations. hopes not really -- pump's not really pulp and it's not organic it's sugar water. they can take one orange and reuse 100 times. juicing it and freezing it and it's an endless cycle. remember from concentrate and now it's juice essence. i mean, if you actually knew what was in your juice. you'd get sick. >> even though something contained 100% fruit yous, it may be very processed and refined so what ends up in the glass is not what came from the fruit itself. for example, apple juice. it's processed very highly and it's basically sugar water without a lot of nutrients. >> jesse: what would you tell michelle obama who's getting into the fruit juice game for
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toddlers? >> fruit juice is not nutrition we have a powerful opportunity with nutrition to give inputs to our body and tell genetics how to express and sugar is not the way. we, you know, we have a very toxic food industry. these foods are designed to hijack our brains and highly addictive and so if we're allowing our children to make the intuitive decisions, can we trust they're getting the nutrition they need from the processed food industry. it's really i think quite danielous. >> jesse: like giving kids cocaine? >> some could say that. >> jesse: it hooks you and it rewires your brain. this sugar at this age? >> yeah, it hijacks our brains that's how the food industry makes money. they're designed to make us want more and more and so to allow these foods into the house when i'm not saying never allow kids to eat sugar, kids are pretty resilient and i ate a ton of sugar in the 80s and 90s and
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here still alive but we can educate and empower our children to make healthier lifestyle choices through movement, getting outdoors, eating more real foods. there are other ways rather than just completely avoiding the conversation completely. >> jesse: but not everyone is bleblessed with good genetics le you and not everybody can eat tons of sugar growing and you happen be a fitness guru like yourself. hi-c and then they have health issues in their 20s and start losing their hair. what advice would you give to people who are just inundated with all this garbage. >> jthat's a really good point. i ate life cereal growing up and i'm here and i think genetics is a piece of the pie. it's more about having the conversation and what's happen asking we're avoiding the conversation because we're avoiding the fat shaming, which is not okay. fat shaming, bullying is not okay. but normalizing obesity is not the solution.
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>> jesse: where is the line -- where is the line between fat shaming and normizing obesity? can you fate shame a little? >> i don't know that i can answer that. it's a very pervasive issue that really affects all of us. we all have a bit of bias but again, educating our kids on how to get outdoors more and how to eat just a few more real foods and i think it does exist in the doctor's office and getting rid of weight and numbers completely is not healthy. one in three american haves prediabetes, 88% are met bollically ill. that's an issue. >> jesse: we shouldn't fat shame we should skinny encourage. got it. thank you very much. >> we need to encourage to eat real foods. >> jesse: i would agree. have the tacos nice and lean for cinco de-mayo.
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some jerk steal it is off your porch. so annoying. and delivery guys are sick of it too. one amazon delivery driver in -- delivery driver in norman, oklahoma, had a enough of the stealing and took matters in hiss own hands and dropped off a package and two porch pirates swooped in and snatch it had and the amazon hero and chased them down and layed down the law. >> jesse: it's happening all over on subways and backyards in oklahoma.
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this is what happens. the driver got the teenage thief to give up his police and got the package -- teenage accomplice and got the package back. >> jesse: give that amazon guy a raise. who's the guy that owns amazon. bezos. bezos. double his salary. up next we're playing sink or swim. ♪ i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant...
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♪ allergies don't have to be scary. (screaming) defeat allergy headaches fast with new flonase headache and allergy relief! two pills relieve allergy headache pain? and the congestion that causes it! flonase headache and allergy relief. psst! psst! all good! >> jesse: sink or swim. last time around dr. sapphire
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killed. it was ugly. tonight we have segal and he calls himself a doctor. going up against kennedy. are you trying to put a spooky spell on it. >> i'm never going to win this. >> jesse: you're a phd, a medical doctor. >> 20 years more schooling than i have. >> your among base is very diverse and mine is not >> jesse: no medical questions and you might be in trouble here. category is four finger. which legendary golfer flipped off a fan on the course this week. john daley or phil mickelson? are they right? both have phil. that's daley. >> dang it. >> jesse: that does not look like mickelson. i don't know if he can grow a beard. >> he can still drive 500 yards. >> jesse: he'll drink some beer. >> he had a few bottles in the day. >> jesse: just a few before the first tee. screw and tell. that's naughty. we all know gwyneth paltrow is a
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bit of oversharer and crossed the line by ranking sexual prow is of a list lovers. who is better between the sheets, ben affleck or brad pitt? both you think ben is better in bed. >> yes, i don't think that . i never tried him. >> brad was like the sort of major chemistry love of your life kind of like at the time. >> jesse: okay. all right. so we'll see. category is as seen on tv. which former, former, cnn%ty showed up on another channel and apologized for his performance at the network. don hellen or jeffrey -- lemon or jeffrey tubin. >> i didn't know other people were on the zoom call and watching. it was not an intentional act on my part. >> jesse: he didn't
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intentionally masturbate. >> lemon should apologize. i get half credit for that. >> he had consent. >> jesse: he gave himself consent. >> lemon welcome here any time to apologize. >> jesse: you're down, siegle. knew this could happen. last category, give me sugar. everybody knows you're not a real celebrity till you have your own drink line. which famous first lady coming out with her own brand of fruit juice. melania trump or michelle obama. who is a fruit juice tycoon? both saying michelle. who is it? >> we can make products that are tasty and healthy and good for the bottom line. and i'm putting some skin in the game. >> jesse: so i recollects siegle, you needed to go with a different one than she had but it was impossible. >> i would have lost by two. >> i can't believe you didn't go with a different one. no matter what you d i was going
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to say the opposite. >> i tend to agree with the person that's right most of the time. >> jesse: okay. spoken like a true doctor. all right, thank you very much, dr. siegle, kennedy, have a great weekend. >> she deserves to win. >> i got to get on the leader board. >> jesse: put her on the leader board. show some respect to kennedy. >> i want another chance. >> jesse: we'll get you back. my commute into the city from jersey is usually an hour so today it was two hours so we need to talk about something. why are people going into manhattan from jersey at 4:00 in the afternoon on a friday? i was looking in the windows. it wasn't people trying to party or single people. it was regular middle-aged people. some of the elderly. why are they going into the city? stop going into the city. if i have another two hour commute, you'll never see me here again on a friday and that is a guarantee. so mad. let's do texts.
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leon from pennsylvania. let's hear it. >> i just want to say congratulations on your daughter. i just had my first granddaughter and, you know, retired police officer 24 years but i just wanted to say congratulations. >> jesse: well thank you, leon. sounded like you were going to get a little choked up l. i know, i am too about my commute. tom from florida, let's hear it. >> jesse, you only got one week off your your paternity leave and pete buttigieg got two months. you're back, pete got two months and you got one week. god bless you, man. >> jesse: by the way, it was paternity. i didn't deliver the baby. i wear. but if i did, i look great. marsha from new york. >> hey, you are so handsome. i love to know what you look like when you wake up in the
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morning not with me -- >> jesse: you know, we should do photos. next week i'll put a photo of what i look like when i wake up in the morning. i promise. we got one from canada. >> good morning on the sugar deal jesse. water is the most important drink. we don't need the sugar. >> jesse: was that a canadian accent? i don't remember the canadians speaking like that. maybe a french canadian. the oklahoma kid, least hear it. >> i'm a republican but i really like that obamas are making some money. this is a capitalist country. let them make some money. at least they're not taking from the government, they're paying taxes. so give them a break. >> jesse: give michelle obama
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>> give michelle obama break. never heard that before on fox. wendy from idaho. >> jesse, this is a dial becaus i don't know how it happened, but i am telling you, i love y you, and you go for it. >> all right, we got but i'lls, i love it. see you next week. this is my world. >> good evening, look at the fo news tonight, i'm lawrence jo jones. president joe biden is 80 but you don't need me to tell you that. his age has been on full displa since he took office. the media and democratic party have done their best to cover a his decline. but even that has become harder and harder to do. earlier today joe biden without the equal demaio, to lunch with kamala harris. they went out to get tacos. it reminds us of that time joe


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