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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 6, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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shows monday through thursdaouy if you want to be a part of the program, head overre to hannity. .com ition for more informationt on how to get free ticketsim. that's all the time we haves fo left this evening. thank you for letting mein join you , as always. thank you for joining us . >> have a great weekend. and wrangel is up next. good evening, i i'm laura ingram .s "the i this is the "ingraham angle" from washington tonight, a growing unfathomable biden created crisis that d cr our southern border, tens ofiset thousands are poised to bursto through when title forty two officially ends next week. stre as tens o of thousands of our fellow citizens are dying on the streets by fentanyl's smuggled across the border, the biden dhs has been sabbatf harshing what's left of the country by ending all of
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the trump era policiestrum that actually work to keep the border secure. but ignore what you see with your own eyes, everyone,se because secretary mayorkas, he e has it all under control. >> the border is not open. op it was not been open, and it will not be open. >> subsequent to may 11th, ball ,it's been catch and releasee at the border for more thabon wr two years and millions more waved right through. e wavelord knows how many got as there have been. it's an obscene subversion of our national sovereignty and it's purposeful and what was president biden doing today? well, he's so serious. he visited a local taco joint for cinco de mayo that tells you all you need to know. and now they own it. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle. now, the same people who supported the fauci approach to cover the lockdown, social distancing backs,school
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mandates, work from home. all the school closures are nowt bemoaning the results of their own policies. >> about one in two adults in thesica is reporting levels of loneliness, and these numbers are even greater among kids. but you also find is thatct loneliness has serious effects on our mental health and our physical health, raising our risk for depression, anxiety, phy and suicide, but a increasing our risk of heart disease, stroke, dementia and premature death. >> yeah, yeah. well, who would have predicted this? well, the lingering effects of, getting kids out of education,,l sports , even socialthey interaction with other kids, they have been horrific. our we couldn't go to our first homecoming. i couldn't have an eighth grade graduation. >> you felt if your son had still been in school, he wouldy still be alive. do you still feel that way?st >>en 80%feel>> when conditions t meant to be socially isolated, it's just not ha supposed not go lockdown.
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he would still be here because he would have gone into sai lacrosse practice. he said , mom,d, m just don't kw what to do. that said .st thing he. to me, it's heartbreaking. and of course, we human beings b are social beings. we naturally want to be communicating and collaboratingg with others. >> the places that user, youdwht to bring people togetherhe, whether it was churchesn and synagogues and temples and mosqueor whes or whether it, you know, volunteer organizations in your community or whether it war unity ors part associations in your kids schools, participation in a lot of those organizations tion has gone down. >> you don't say >>, well, look, we all know that church attendance was declining long before. it started, but we also know that it accelerated the fall off. and we know stories of youngn be people, especially in sto blue states, who just stoppedpot playing sports altogether after bidest two years without them. biden's medical cartel chief
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repeatedly blame school athletics for the spread of the virus. s for thf thwell, it was constr mongering, but finding out that it's the the team sports wherert kids are getting together, ow you know, obviously many without maskobviousls that are a it rather than in the classroom spread whed.n you go back and kk e a look and try and trac where these clusters cases are coming from in the school. >> it' juss just that these peoe advocated policies that ruined education and sports for countless children and remember, they urge mask ev. ing even on preschoolers now, some kids today aret mask paranoid about math to this day. school. mask next year. not. i hope not. i n, i hope not. you guys are at the age where you had to deal with covid pretty pretty personally.u it's how cavalier and patronizig . yeah, i'll say it's personal. yeah. kyp when children, including
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my own, struggled with forcedd h online education. no w we found out last fall that math and reading scores for nine year olds in the u.s. fell between 2020 and twenty twenty two by a level not seen in decades. and this week we saw similar stats among eighth graders, new test results revealing an all time low score in historyt and a first ever decline in i civics again. agl due to the democrats needless and inhumanaie covid lockdown's and watching our brilliant educatio n secretary miguel cardona, have to say about all this. that is very alarming. it's disturbing, but it's notot surprising keeping in mind, ove a year and a half ago, over half of our schools were not open for full time learning.: no th now, thisw, has put schools n a total bind. the mental health struggles, anxiety and poor performance. >> it's a triple threa t. schools nationwide have beenf trying to hire more staff, bur
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including tutors and psychologists, but fath teacher burnoutno and a shrinking pipeline, many schools face a teacher shortage ,especially in rural areas, and those with more low income families and students of color. ra: tht's right. atespecially hard hit are color students of color. bubut don't try to blame randi. >> do you regret not pressing l fullfull schoo in-person school sooner? >> i regret covi d and i regret that we didn't know sooner what was key to keeping people safe and keeping schools open. what wschoole were trying to fih out was how toow reopen schools and how to do ito safely. >> that woman is a completee. menace and an unrepentant liar. arwho shouldn't be allowed withn one hundred yards of any child y
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. and today we learn that cdc latector rochelle walensky is stepping down two years too l late. think of o all the damage thatae she inflicted in tandem with her pal randi. w >> well, the truth is , we knew early on at southern schools and states like nebraska, south dakota, that s only locked down for a shortne time. we're doing just fine, keeping thhools openopen. bue t weingarten never cared about the kids. she was too busy catering to her natural constituency. the democraticnstituen party.t ifth liberals regret anything about the covid years, it'st soe the political consequences that some of them fel them t wasn't a union just doing its a jobr and advocating for teachers that didn't feel safe . or do you think that their moves harmed our children? schools are about children.oolsa were demonstrated over and over again that our schools were safe . we put a hundred millionmillio dollars into retrofittingtting classrooms and the learning loss is real. clbut the union needed to work t
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with us and they never would. >>th here's well, lightfoot may r job if shet he had really stood up to the unions. it's all good after the fact. but that's not in the democrat's dna, is it? they're all disingenuous. aldil these politicians should be forced to live with the consequences of their actions, not t our kids and majorin blue states, including in placesaces lik like california, washington state and beyond. th population. new irs data showing thatt 105,000 people left illinois in one hundred and five thousand people left illinois in 2020 one . new york lost two hundred sixty one thousand seven hundred eighty five people and a revenue whopping twenty four point five billion dollars in revenue. and the golden a state started losing luster with thirty two thousand taxpayers leaving and along with them twenty nine point $1 billion. now, meanwhile, florida b and texas, they benefited with a big influigx of money
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and people who were fleeing from liberal lala lands fromm new york , from california, new jersey and illinois. >> the decline of blue lockdownt n states is most apparent, though ,in their cities. the lockdown's plus the remote work option offered by s.g.esg- 11 companies. >> it'los killing commercial reh estate. the analysis by the "wall street journal" thurg. lin the u.s. office e vacancy rate reached a milestone in the first quarter when it rose to twelve point nine percent, exceeding the peak vacancy rate during the 2008 financial crisis. depressed building values couldt hurt cities, which depend on property tax revenuh e and weigh on bank balance sheets, leading to less lendingb throughout the economy. hom >> staying at home to improve b your work life balance. now, that may be good for the core power yoga studios nearby, but there are bigt th ripple effectser. "new york times" columnist maureen dowd, a liberal stalwart, she wrote , as i
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write this, i'm in a desertedth newsroom in the times dcly office. and the last year there's been only a smattering of people. row whenever i'm here with row upon row of empty desks, i'm mystified when i hear that so many of our twenty somethingr news assistants prefer to workt at home. at that age, i would have had a hard time finding mentors orde friends or boyfriends if i hadn't been in the newsroom and i never could have latched on to so many breaking stories if i hadn't raised my hand and said, i'll go . of course, she didn't really link the empty office problems to the d.c. government. oblems td.c.draconian, draconiag of the pandemic. but we know that she knows the truth. back in 2020, the angle worn blue states that they'd be lefto behind if they did not followd n georgia and florida and open up quickly and left behind.ic they were without foot traffic b or office buildingui workers. other businesses are suffering as well. now combine that with reimagine policing and you have a recipe
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for disaster. criminals begin to run the streets with impunity. retail sales are replaced by drug sales. and as we saw last weeko, it' reporting in san francisco, it's bad when you get hookeddru? on drugs. >> w your 16, 17 year, you want to get you want to get off them. well, look at me like guns. medication, like guns. on my open heart surgery. i h soad t once i had that, i got addicted to , like, my pills. oxy noriko' you got to get clean cleanroom . you got to get clean. i have to get clean. but since i've beenn on on the street because that's why i just barely started. using. bu tot to me being on has been like something that's keeping me alive. if ilps t wames me, think about
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some of the trauma that i've been through when i don' t get it, likee oh i can't breate sometimes have anxiety reallyt n bad, but when i immediately come down, i immediately calm down. oh, okay. and even the biggest brand retailer pull up stakes because of high crime. nordstrom announced tuesday it was leaving san francisco because of the constant theftvi problem. and last monthng sanncisco, whon said it was closing immediately. so i went therg e to myself forg myself to find out how it was impacting folks. moment >>s. more on that in moments. now it's infuriating to see these things happen to good people, but liberal policiesterl are literally killing americy a and illegal aliens gunned down five in texas over the weekend. hit and runs devised by illegals are off the chartsnd and biden's open borders are already flooding beleaguered chicago iner new york ,k ca
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new york can taknne more . the we can we're pointing the finger. we should be pointin itg outtional our national government. this is a national problem. ther probleme is no more room in new york . >> the liberal: th mayors know t democrats and biden own this p crisis, just like they know big city pro criminal mayorsprob on the crime problem. but they'll nevelebut thr take y responsibility or point a finger at biden. they're never going to do that because that would be tellinge t the truth. and they know that the truthh wo de voters free,ratul free to vote for someone else in twenty , twenty four . ang >>le and that's the angle.r part now, for part three of, we my series, san francisco sabotage, we you t showed you te drugs, we showed you the crime.e >> and now it's time to see how both of those things are hurting the city and its residents. esidentseconomically.ago, >> just over a year ago, wholehi foods open this store,p on
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a flagship on market street inn san francisco. san and now it's closed. now the company says it'sng temporary, but we know what's going on in the span of one year, 911 receivedut five hundred and sixty eight calls, about wha wht was happening in the store. a there weressault assaults on employees with knives, attempted shootings, a machete, attacks almost every day. and people just didn't feel safe . this is all the result o ofciest policiesha that have beene terrible for this city. the failure to enforcefa crimins law, and that'tos resulted inlie stores like target, walgreen l and others putting a lot ootf their toiletries behind plastic and thick plastic shields. otheshr stores also closing like nordstrom and saks. fifth closing as well here. what is the loss of retail
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going to do to san francisco? and when will peoplencisco wake? even if you go to like a walgreens, there's like securityont guards at the front trying to prevent people from stealing, like basic necessitie basics. like basic necessities are like boxed up in plastic boxes. what does it feel like when you go in a store and likeke toothpaste behind thick plastic slclosures out? i'm kind of used to you getting you do just get numb to what'spe happening around you . i mean, people around the blockg shooting up. i'm like six and seven .a so you got to feel liket to you wanted to improve. yeah , i don't think anyoneple ge really likes living like this to get n o. ing what's going on here in the city with obviously no country, but people are aware of it. >> and to talk it,ut you know, it's goes likell especially since covid reallyma is reallinlyy the shift.ha it's kind of changed.
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and i'm worried about this feature of the city overall. i was here when it actually opened. >>u were here when it opened. yeah. i and i really miss it because i live right here, like m you said, it was easy to just go get my milk and my groceries, anything i needed even late night.. and eventually it started closing earlier and itd was jut like that was already a problem and now it's just gone. i'm how worriera: hod are you at that and how it might changet the city without retail? i think it's going to bein horrible. i mean, it only gets worse.rse it's been getting worse since i got here. everybody's just complainingt cp about the crime. it's terrible here after lik end a six p.m., like walking around d at night. >> are you afraid after 6:00?aua can't do i: t the ap is reporting thatis i florida governor ron desantis is going to launch loo a presidential bid next week. so what better time to look at where the polls sit, not just between desantis and trump, butl how they would fare againstd wi biden? a full download with analysiths >> our pollsters next. he wanted to be like the normal
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we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch. give your small business one tech solution that checks all the boxes.on. it's all here with the comcast business complete connectivity solution. peace of mind with cyberthreat security. the power of the largest, fastest reliable network. plus, save up to 75% a year with comcast business mobile. the complete connectivity solution. from the company powered by the next generation 10g network. get started for just $49 a month. and ask about an $800 prepaid card. comcast business. powering possibilities™.
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we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch. house for ninety million. i think you could say right nowt it's it's a two man race.s i mean, evenfa though desantis'y is far back , he's way ahead ofw anybody else. >> you see thaeet between 70 and 80% of republican voters are picking either donald trump,r r who's the big dog, or ron desantis, who also getsthin a pretty sizable chunk of people. i think that's becausethblican
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republican voters like what they've done while in office. >> now, in thin thiss two man r trump has a commanding huge primary lead. new polls published by mcglaughlin and cbs news yougov show that trumpg desant is beating desantis by thirty six percen36t in par notyw the former new hampshire republican party chair even noted that the former president's organizational skills adding that by comparison, the desantis people are rookies. now, for its part, the desantiss team rejects that, sayinguilt fue machine is built full of rocket fuel and ready to launceh . well, as far as th e polling goes, they say that o their candidate is the only one who can win a general. and for evidence, they're pointing to a number ofw battleground state polls showing that trump is struggleip vs. biden while desantis wins all the hypothetical match ups. >> so where do we stand at this point? joining me nowme is chris wilso pollster for never back down, a desantis aligned super pac, , and robert garhwal, a senior strategist and pollster for
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the trafalgar group, which is not affiliated with any campaign. gr are, first round to you poll battlecry polls in thisl matc hypothetical match up reallyhu enough to go off of right now to proclaim that desantis is the only one who can win this? >> well,th that's the case. go to ron desantis. baads to joe j bidenoe in every single important battleground state and intt fact, trump losesos again to joe biden in all those states , but not just in thoseoe states . i mean, one of the most alarming things i've seen recently is numbers came out ofo texas yesterday from the university of texas poll that actually had trum p down to joe biden in the lone star state. and look, if he can't holdth texas, then you probably shouldn't be the nominee. and let's look aattions the implicationst. of that, the ramifications of a joe biden victory, which right now not even givin agg jo joe biden texas. if you still keebip that inmp the trump column, if it wa as a trump biden race, you would have a wipeout in the electoral college, similar to what occurred between barack obama and mitt romney and i think if
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that happens, then you're looking at a democrat taking h the house back .g thei democrats would expand i their lead in the senate. they get rid of the filibuster, they stack the supreme court. c washington, d.c. becomes a state. ar it's just the list goes on and on the problems that are created by the donalmp as thd, t by donald trump as the nominee.e and that's why it's sonomine important that ron desantis is the nominee. and i would sa y thator if you look at the organizations being put together by never loo back down, the preparation is there, in fact. and when you begin to look at the early states , iowa,, new hampshire, south carolina, nevadath, the desantisrong organization there, i think will be very, very strong. >> all>> right, robert , nowpols you were very famous forte being the only pollster to correctlyyt inll trump's win in 2016. i don't think you got it right in 2020, but you say that theres are some things that trumpom ham definitively going for him ines these swing states . explain why. >> yeah, actually we have the lowest errore rate of any pollster in 2020 as well. just a little difference i0 as n the final outcome. but noome.w what we're seeing it
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is easy to rely on some ofn wi the you know, you've got pollsg that are showing that trump cant win the swing state and that saying they can't. but it reall iy depends on who's doing the polling, what their incentive is . university of texas, they've neve r won because it could win texas. so i'm not going to fool with that. fbut there are numerousthis republican candidates who can wi n this general election.e of and donald trump is mostone of certainly one of them. thingone of the things that pes really upset about and worried about these days is with, you know, putin and she and those guys getting together. it's made people very scared more than even at any pointd during the cold war. woulso if you ask a simple question, would russia have invaded ukraine if donald trump was president ? every one of those same swing states majorities say no. and then one of the most famouse reagan no. trump, robert , go . itt but the number one issue is it not is the economy.'s it's the inflation crisis tru and the economy. that's where trump hasmp ann unbelievable record .
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i mean, 2019, twenty , eighteen versus today. s to me, that's his strongest argument for winning. butrongestt to chris's point, ik chat desantis is going to say, chris ri, you can correct desantis is going to say something like, well, trump's policiesome were awesome and wt i'lute donald trump, but i'm going to win this thing. i'm going to win women. i'm going to win suburban women. i'm going to win independents. and for those people,e' he's toxic. that's whas t i bet desantis is going to argue. say so what does trump say to movern these polls of the independents and the suburban women towardto him to combat what i believe we, desantis is going to argue? can well, i can't speak to what trump's going to do, but what i can say is when one of the questions where you ask is the, you know, the reagan test, are you better off nowr than you were four years ago?r absolutely. teagthat's another one of those tests where they then this economy is a leading indicatorer and people say they're better off with the trump economy. we've never had two guyswhy neve
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who have both been president in our lifetime run and have a full comparison. american to very good with a b choices. and i know thai knt some oow sf the people with desantis and other candidates will say, well, trump has beenen demonizeh and we have a better shot. well, remember when the liberals all liked elonup musk? he speaks up for for free speec. and all of a sudden he's a pariah. it doesn't matte r who the republicans nominate, they're going to go after himgo with the same vicious vigor that they have. and so anybody who thinks anyote of the other republican candidateblicans, wea it'll be a fantasy.itm and everybody just can't waitote for them to get elected,d. no >> that's not real. oh, now the press is going to savage anyyou're republican nominee, i think, robert , you're absolutely right. cht chris , one of the thingsced that the big donors ar e clearlo concerned about is the focusknow on the cultural issues. i love wha what desantis is doig on the cultural issues. but since the number one issueeb the country and those independent voters is the economy,ec do you see desantis n
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a general really shiftingving to economic concerns and perhaps moving away from these other issues? y fromgown that people like? thknow i love that stuff, but those people who are wary of them, abortion, peter thiel, one of them said he could support desantis but wants the focus to be on the economy . sure.n te well, it'srm like i'm right thee with you in terms of appreciating what he's done and taking on corporate capitalism and making florida de or what goes to die. t but i think to look at some oftd what someone is going to do in the future, you have to look at what they did in the past.n in donald trump won in 2016.0 an they ran against joe biden inthd 2020 nine . he w. what happenedy cl with ron desantis? well, he won a very close election in 2018. what happened to the state of florida? orida?well, you saw and massive change in registration. they deficit of to registered republicans to a to a surplus of over 30000lus o you had people moving in fromto blue states across the country to get down to florida. it became the free state of florida. and what happened with ron desantis not only did he win an overwhelming
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record setting historical victorn y in 2020 two , but he a did so in a manner that sweptfie republicans across the state oft florida into office. now, i'll point out,, laura , c did that in the same time where we expected a red wave to occur nationally and it didn't. 2023there was a study wh jacobson 2020 three that shows that is directlyer attributable to donald trump, where there are racethere ars ih there was not an incumbent, pe nevada, , georgia, arizona. arizt on those impac races cost associated states .ee and in fact, inaf you look ats. another study by ballot and others from 2020 one in which they quantify the impact ,donald trump's endorsement trup and record and hel'sp and on, top on senate races, iitt cost us 15 seats in 2018, ten inn th the house and five now. so. we certainly thinkf the impactth the trump candidacy is not just damaging nationally, but it's damaging >> l to the state level as well. >> and certainly the housecert and senate certainly helped the vancainl in ohio and ce helped, i think, i on new york o some ousf those house races we
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won. but your response to thosee todd charges, robert , about whatow. trump does down ballot? e woul >> well, you know, it'sno interesting that he would say that trump is not effectived down ballot. and again, i'm not here to defend the trump campaign. y inm here to suggest that many republicans have a shot. but in t the year when donaldbln trump lost, the republicans picked up a lot of seats in congress and didn't have the impact that everybode impayt assume if therhee is lots of president , they won all the way down the ticket. >> so, i mean, that's what happened last time. the factlast is , we should have won all those states ande the fact that he couldn't win when republicans, the houscoine were losing, i think shows just what a weak candidate donald trump is . >>s. aura: we well, we're goingt this is going to be fascinating. and chris and robert the, we and appreciate the analysis. these polls do movlle and they'i mul over the place and this is early. >> so,ch chris and. robert , thk you so much. thank you . >> thank you .de biden turns to aei for presidential answers, and raymond has three wishes
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friday night smackdown at 8:00 eastern on fox history in the making this morning in great britain as we await the coronation of king charles and queen concert. camilla, hello. i'm jackie ibanez live in new york . you're looking at live pictures from london where the crowning of king charles is expected to get underway at eleven o'clock a.m. local time ,six o'clock here in new york . just a short while, king charles and camilla will travel by horse drawn koch along a broad tree lined mall from buckingham palace to westminster. abbey as part of the king's procession, the coronation service is largely a religious ceremony conducted by the archbishop of canterbury. this coronation of kings king charles comes seventy one years after that of his mother, queen elizabeth , who died last year at the age of ninety six . fox news channel will bring you a special coverage of
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the coronation with martha maccallum, piers morgan and easily earhart starting atha 5:00 a.m. eastern. i'm jackie ibanez. now back to the intermingl good nie. >> it's friday and that means it's time for our friday follies and that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. arroyod axios is reporting thatt biden himself is experimenting fascinated thed was by the tool. >> well, laura , he's apparently conversant with artificial intelligence, >>ict h i guess beats having no intelligence at all. >> the president has beedentn extensively briefed on chat and ha bs been and knows how its works. >> so i can confirm that laura , i wonder what the president is asking chatgpt . hmm. and too old to be president .t'e let's see what the answer is .t >> age alone does not necessarily determine one's
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ability to perform the duties of the office. to focuitnt tsrtant on the individual's overall health and mental acuity. >> oh, he seems to like that one , laura . >> lr tothought you'd have tommy voice that over to do that. >> tommy boy. >>interpretation. >> oh, okay. you're doing it. well, okay, let's see what >> l typing out. >> okay, what is what's the best way to hide your illegitimate granddaughter? answer is concealing existenceo of a child or attempting disco to prevent others from discoverinheirg their identity could have legal and ethical. implications. wers >> by the way, law. these are real answers fromra: h what chatgptat chatgpt? >> yeah, these are reall an answers. okay, whswers.y is kamala harrip asking me if i support kam the twenty fifth amendment. >> answer is discussions about the twenty fifth amendment should not be interpreted as a sign of a lack of confidence or trust in the president's ability to carry out his duties
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. you know, laura , i think biden but biden kind of thinks of the these as a as a those magic eight or one of those fortunekt machines. you know, you kind of astevek it whatever you desire in it. tellstells you which directionl or what's going to happen next. >> so you have you actually p download the app. >> have you downloaded that app onto your phone? o,no, i didn't. but but our our erstwhile staff did. it oh, i got it.okay. erstwhile.l okay, alril right.ght. it's time for your three wishes. >> you always get with three with no genie. i've laura watching events of this week, i've been thinking about this one . all my wishes involve celebrities. when a star gets dressed up in an outlandish outfit for media attention, i wish they would act like a human being once they get it. an is your cat at the met gala who so who made. wow. so what are you excited to see in there today? wow. is it your first mad ? wow.
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wow, wow. >> you know what i would haveth' told her, laura ? there's a scratching pos post in the corner with your name on it. >> sweetheart, this interview's over. this sweart. m gives me pause i way. >> couldn't havecouldn't couldne thrown down some kitty litter for dogcatcher. n wouldn't that have been nice? but really, let me really make>a let's make this i was going to drop laura . >> that was the kitty litter. >> a little little kittyne litter. all right. what's the second one ?? yeah, my secon wd wishesis that stars would stop telling us who they slept with . >> telling and reading the perfs of the people that did so iney the sack. >> i give you gwyneth paltrow. okay, we're going to play a game. >> brad or ben, who is a betterv they were both gosh, i have to remember so far back, they were both good kissers. okay, who is better in bed? b brad was like the sort of made your chemistry love ofhe your life, kind of lik te at the time, you know, and then
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like ben was like technically excellent. your g >>oo keep your goop to yourself, lady. i mean, this woman is peddled a lot of stinky stuff, laura , but this could be a stinkiest imagine if a man sat around a male celebrity and rated the people he slept with .people >> i hold on . i'm doing something. he sho what she should have done. can that can i hold this up?t can you get this? this you should have held she you should have been like, held up like a nine point three cards, like the gymnastics. >> you should have actually hadi you could never out. yeah. ke you could call it shtupping with the stars. >> yeah. st's a whole new game show will unveil my guest. >> laura , if you are a public figure who embarrassed yourself by performing a zoome call, i wish you'd stop talking aboutp it. here's jeffrey toobin discussing toubon, let's talkn. about the incident itself. >> yeah, it wa ls a disasteret'n my life. self-inflicted, self-destructive. what exactly happenee incide
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d? ? was it just you just left open the screen? you know, i'd rather not go tooh the grisly details. the only thing i'll say about it is i know other people were were on the zun call. i didn't >> were watching what? well, that's sort what happens on a zoome call. people can see you . look, he's on news nation. know they were pushing a book, but surely after cnn parted way ways with him for this for behavior, they wouldn't have him back . >> never, never. bri i want to bring in jeffrey toobin, former federal prosecutory and the author of a new book, home grown. ot o raymond raymond. there was a lot of things home grown, too much growing. >> okay, we don't know what this is .s this is a pornified three wishes. i don't i totally i'm trying wishesy the culture of the fortification law to help do that. i'm going to be in nashville at the cool springs, barnes noble signing copiesgoing to of
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the unexpected light of thomas alva edison saturday. tomorrow at 11:00 a.m.. i hope everybody comes and i promise we're not talking about paltrow or toobin or anything like that. >> all right. all right. all right.altr raymonow thing lid, great work. and i hope you get your wish. to all right. the establishment doesn't want biden to debate. >> why is that? glenn greenwald tells us the real reason next. wenatchee valley is a great place to raise a family. >> it's seemingly a close knit kind of community. and i think that's what kind of made things go off the tracks. >> over two years. >> forty three people were charged with twenty nine thousand seven hundred and twenty six counts of child sex abuse. >> what i hope people learn from our story is who was really responsible for the child abuse? where in america the best quotes come from sharpen
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and i think you will do.
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i can be the window change. >> u when joe biden finally announced his 2024 reelection bid last week, he might have expected a pretty easy go of it. after all, is an incumbent he' probably a glide path to theon. nomination, but instead what he him.d was that nearly one third of his party is aligned againstc him. ra20% of democrat voters are now lining up behind robert kennedy jr.. now, that's a stunning showing for a candidate who has no real campaign operation. and even poor old, sh marianne williamson, she has nearly 10% of the vote. you'o things are so unsettled, right. you would think that this is going to be a real robustn cg debate season coming up for the party of democracy. righf t. some of my progressive friends who would like to live in i a fantasy land, they need to come back to reality. realthe reality is this. the sitting president of the united states of america
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is a democrat, a democrat thata would like to run for reelection. so much so that here-ele hasct o a reelection campaigcrn. a in that case, the democratic national committee will not facilitateat a primary process. there will be no debate stagebob for bobby kennedy, marine marianne williamson or anyone wi. now, that's not justa fo some random pundit. biden that's a former senior adviser to biden, who seamlessly transitioned to the administration's press office at msnbc. joining us now, glenn greenwald. we've missed him, pulitzer prize winning independentgreat journalist. glenn , great to seeto you tonight. that see y was a wild comment.y. i was in the gym. i flipped on all the cables and i'm watching. and i said , what did she just say that? and it wasbr so brazen. like, don't even think there's m going to be a debate. whate of do we make of this?t fm >> you know, even if you look at it from the perspective of, k say, like some partyrt apparatchik, which he is even though she now wears a journalism hat and as at msnbc, if you see polling that o
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is showing that 30% of the party is ready to backas another candidate, as you say, even ones who have no campaignw operation yet, that shows a lot of concern and dissatisfaction. with joe biden. you would think if you have any respect for your voters, you hav the last thing you would do them is to tell them you're just going to have to swallow this. there will be no debating, no fo dissent, no opposition from you . you'you're going to sit there and silently and take it. and yet thate is thei r messagingh because they believe and i think with good reason than tema democratts at the last minute always snap into line. >> areare they more afraitheydf the candidate or his ideasinfort since all this informationecomin is now becoming accepted about the money shot? and of course, alledical the suppression of dissenting medical views at the for the really first two years of ii covid, i think it's a great point. marianne williamson, i interviewed her. i didn't really find huge differences between her and biden. there's nothinbiden.g saying tht
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would concern anyone in democratic party circles. but eric jr. from the beginning of the pandemic has been a very strong dissident about things that he turned out to be right tuout. and dr. fauci and the democratst turned out to be wrong abouthavg and they the last thingf they want is having all ofth tht revisited and whether oppos authorities can really be trusted. he's also opposed to biden's proxbidey y war in ukraine, whes marianne williamson is is in favor of it.that's w and that's the thing that forced lyndon johnson in 1968 to not seek reelection. antiwar sentiment in the partyse grew. i think you're exactly right. it's notent. just fear of bidens age, but also the kennedy allure combined with the ideassn on which he's running. and speaking of biden's age, b glenn , we're not supposed to talk about it, right. because that's mean.. but i need to play a prettyo shocking moment from today. >>hockin i think we've got a lof work to do. >> i'm and i'm doing a majorhis ae press conference this afternoon. so i i love you all. s
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>> and i'd like to ask you to leave the united states saying this is news to us, that he would have a press conference later today and answer more questionsater tod, glenn , there is no was no press tod conference today. so he was referencin.g an interview on msnbc. i guess that was down, but counoo much to ask that the commander in chief of this country actually knows what's going on . >> i mean, that's a that was weird. you know, i that's the firstp. time i heard this clip. and i found myself almost ready to laugh. and then i realized that's actually cruel, likeed i i feltn morally wrong from having that reaction. i think it's almost like a form. of elder abuse.le itt really is .me let me just make this one pointt or you , even though, as you say, they try and make this taboo. i wrote an article in 2017th documenting the fact that we'rep 2018, that the people who firstr raisedaised the issue of biden cognitive decline were democratic party insiders. e werescared that he would win the nomination because of his name recognition for being at thre for eight years. they were the ones who wentody h around trying to warn everybodye
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he's not well, he's not, ain is you know, anything like what he. was. his brai n is declining. ey sai and then as soon as he got the nomination, they turned around and said, how darraiseitv you raise questions about his cognitive faculties? and that was five years ago. so imagine how much worse it is now and how much worse it'lle be again in twenty , in twenty four . >> glenn , thank you . we'll be covering all aspects. >> great to see you .up up next, a very, very sadone of goodbye to one of our most esteemed and knowledgeables experts in the covid realmin. the last bite will explain. >> age-related macular degeneration may lead to severe vision loss. a multivitamin alone, you mapryi be missing a critical piece. preservation preservation erodes to containssk oto advan y clinically proven nutrient formula recommended by the formula recommended by the national institute to help reduce the risk of moderate you to advanced and progression preservationpl is backed by twenty years of clinical studies. so ask your doctor about adding
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stage as raphael devers and the red sox take andre turner in the fifth. oh, what a catch for the orioles look to continue their strong start to the season against ronald kunu jr. and the braves. it's baseball night in america saturday at 7:00 eastern on fox for mother's day. >> life gets busy. mother's day is the perfect time to slow it all down and show mom just how much you care. if mom is thoughtful and custom mother's day gift, she'll never forget the fast shipping ordering is a piece of cake. see our mothers day productsaleo and more syndicate .com. s and more syndicate .com. s send a cake .com attention. medicare has expanded dexcom coverage for peopleis cov with diabetes. if you have diabetes, anery ymea befog seven is the single
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now we're shipping out orders five times faster and we're saving a ton. go to ship station .com tv go to ship station .com tv and get two months free. jefferdoy treatment. >> join the millions playing royal much today. download now the coronation of king charles . >> the third fox news is live from london. watch the transfer of royal power ushering in a new era for the british monarchy. the coronation of king charles , the third and queen camilla. special coverage starts this morning on fox news channel. >> she wrote that we made the world a safer place. i've never been prouder ofng i'o anything i've done in" my professional career. those are the goodbye wordths of cdc director for the biden administration, rochelle walensky. bnow, you may remember that it was walensky who was part of
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the team who confused everyone about what the actual vaccine sorry, the experimental mrsa shot would actually do what it prevent you from p transmitting the virus, getting the viru fros. >> everyone ended up confused our data from the cdc today suggests, you know, that thatt vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick. >> our vaccines are working exceptionally well. but what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission. >> all of that stuff that they they maintainecad when they came into office, it was all wrong. so rochelle walensky might havea a great degree from johns hopkinm johns s university. she might be a delightful s just one ofled ex doseries of so-called expertspe who tookwn us down a really badu path, hurting our kids, hurting our economy, hurting the public's trust in science. scwhen you hear cdc today, whate does that make you feel? b
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trust?e th i don't think so. that could be the most damaging legacy of all of fauci wollensky and the whole crew. well, that u is it for us tonight. i'm glad you joined us . yo to set your dvr so you always stay connected with us. remember, it is america norememw and forever and gutfeld in the gang. >> our next great watch. oh, my god. oh, oh my god. oh, you're like. >> you're like a rash taking over my body. a good rash. happy friday, everybody. and it's friday, so you know what that means. first, let's


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