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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 6, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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trust?e th i don't think so. that could be the most damaging legacy of all of fauci wollensky and the whole crew. well, that u is it for us tonight. i'm glad you joined us . yo to set your dvr so you always stay connected with us. remember, it is america norememw and forever and gutfeld in the gang. >> our next great watch. oh, my god. oh, oh my god. oh, you're like. >> you're like a rash taking over my body. a good rash. happy friday, everybody. and it's friday, so you know what that means. first, let's welcome tonight's
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guests. unlike kathy hochul, unlike he's actually qualified to be governor . former new york congressman lizelle still bless your heart u and tearr your geary's apart. co-host of the bottom line on fox business. in mcdowell, he looks like your favorite applebee'sf fo manager, co-host of fox& fr and friends first, todied hiero, and finally, like a flash flood ,she shows up where she's not wanted and causes a lot of damage. a lofox news contributor catellr >> yes, those lupino poppers were called todd up. >> yes.e we all right. okay, before t we get to some news stories, it's friday,
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so let's do this. >> greg's leftovers, not bad upk but up. but it'ses leftovers't where usd the jokes we didn't us re this week. and as always, it's my firstm so time reading them. so i they .s out, we s will take one of the write. out, strip him naked and set him on fire. >> all right, here we go . j thiser week in new jersey, more than five hundred pounds of pasta was found mysteriouslye dumped in the woods. e in response, one enraged resident is vowing revenge. according to reports, cbs was supposedly losing billionsing. on james gordon's late night show. aughtet on caterinr]g. >> les being dating app. her told females to object to dating trans women, to delete their accounts and gop back to meeting other the oldpiu
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fashioned way while shopping at home depot. >>gh at least you'll know what equipment you're getting that came from here. >> a man with a self-proclaimed micropenis is going viral afterb revealinreg how he breaks the news to potential partners. mathe man added, it could be worse. >> it could be microsoft. i was just bracing for gre the camera to cut away to me. ak >> i don't know.e yeah, i thought you were going to take a shot of todd pyro, i bu tt i was coming. >> yes. all right.or new york city police nabbed a smuggler with three hundred thousand fentanyl laced pills. stashed in the fuel tank of hiss suv. adcops say the drugs had a stret value of nearly a full tank of gas. this week, the surgeon general declared loneliness, isolation as america's newest epidemic.
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iwhich is why we invited todd on the show tonight. >>. two stories, literally. >> g. oh, news coming. yeah, yeah, yeah. all right. funnyman man john mulaney revealed he was previouslye host offered the hosting slot on the daily show, but decided instead to stick with comedy. >> uber has published its annual lost and found list and includes items like a light sabelir, fog machine, pets, faks blood and teeth. dana >> and that was just from one ride with dana perino. t sh >>e' you don't know what she's . to after the show's nothing good. a federal jury ruledral jury rua that ed sheeran did not copy parts of a marvin gaye song. however, they did recommend a life sentence for barbra. that's pretty bad. las and finally, last saturday, president biden spoke at
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the annual white house correspondent dinner. biden said he had a great timeen and enjoyed talking to formertan presidents nixon and reagag n. yeah, could have been funnier. all right.elp jo did the deep state helpd joe biden's fate? it's true.a they signed a bogus letter to elect a pants sweater. >> newly released emails show former acting cia director michael morrell had ulterior motives when he wrote the twenty 20 letterop discrediting hunter's laptop. and the motive stink worse, enjoyed beilharz jog. i mean, assuming she jogs. oh, wait. >> there she is . so, you know, the latter.
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it was signed by fiftyapto one former intel officials claiming the laptopp was russiah disinfo, a claim as credible as a previous winning indianapolis 500 500.f it's the biggest lie since if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, which i told t my staff beforolf beforee elimig their health plan, burrell admitted drafting as a talking point for joe to use in the debate with president t trump. true, joe needed allal p the hep you could get with his talking heints. most ollf the time, he can't tak or point how he needs help with his talking points. >> morale urged cia boss john john brennan to sign the letter and admittedn the le he wasgn deliberately trying to help biden's 2020 campaign. and brennan immediatelnan immey. reported the corruption to the american public, though he did. >> just kidding. he said . add my namd e to the list, good. initiative and thanks fori be asking me to sign. i bet he blames russia when hesi forgetves his anniversary. >> so some of the highestintel ranking intel officialsp
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with obvious political motivations teamed up to help knocto hel k a guy they didn't byke out of the white house. it t was basically a silent coup by the deep state, a swamp deep enough to hold ted kennedy'sho car too soon. and while fifty one officials played along, some didn't. in fact, the cia's formerfman moscow station chief, daniel hoffman, refusesed to si. it because there was no evidence of russian involvement. know, he's jand he's just a forw station chief. what the does he know? in th they should have asked aoc s back in the dahey. >> she knew how to pour a decent white russian d. . >> i wonder what joe thinks.- lo no, nook -, no. look, look, i didn't even havene to tell me about that before the debate. >> i knew what to do. if you run into trouble,t. you you just put the blame it on the russians. >> that's what you do. - thlooking i do that. but they they were looking out thr me, my buddies, that fbi and cia is no harm, noer foul. i
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>>tt that's how i do it. i get by with a little help from my friends. yeah. wit a litti get high with a little from my friends. liti'm going to try with a lite help from my friends. >> do you need lee?. welcome back to the you know, i still wishn we you weren't here and governor, but what can we do? trump. so who's who was president at the time? trump, who developed this deepws state? why, to get rid of trump. how is this not considered a soft coup? >> exactly what it is . first, red flag. john brennan signs yes, i remember when something m would get signedet by former cia officials and we'd say, well, y. this has to be true. but go yeah. >> because there's no way thatc. they would go along with it because they are not political . >> they would want to protectint the institution as being bigger than politics. utioand so many differentleft institutions we see are being eroded by the left wing ketanj.e education. we could talk aboue itthe
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the criminal justice system, bu intellit we see inside the intelligence community. >> and now when people see ie s the future something signed by fifty one former intelligence officernor s, you no whener can say, well, this has to be true. i'm a former intelligencetellig officer . when i signed upen o to beffic t intelligence officer , it was for our country. yes,econal to protect our national security. >> it was love of our nation, ur our freedom. , if >> and unfortunately, they're eroding what we love. yeah, it's true. like ye going, you , if you're d to sign something, signon a petition to get like homeland back on showtime. .the show is terrible. same -- what are you talking? oh, i don't know. no, it wasn't.omelan homeland was a great show.a gre shyou don't want to go down thia road. carrie , the first season was amazing. > but then they killed brody and it was all done in it's being we intel, our intelligence officials are about. it's crazy and stupid as the w people on homeland. >> that's what bothers me aboute this is the complete lack of the common sense among these intel officials. >> hunter biden, there were
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photos in the original report. the cigarette. ye.ahhteah, yeah, yeah okay, hunter biden is a crack huffin corrupt or reallyad a reprobate who had to getpres a brand new set of teethid forld his daddy to run fortl president . so wye look slightly less repellent and you're going to vouch for in this letter and say it's not biden's laptop, you know, that's going to blow up in your face. like referring your nephew foroa a job at your employer. because you know that scathg tos is going to smack the lay on the and call her sugar you' cushions and you're going to get fired. >> it's the same thing. no sugar cushions. >> that was my nickname in high school. it's still is . >> but is it is . yes. so when i'm in high school,
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i make like ten years's all right. pyro. >> hi. what's up? sugar cushions? no, still sell selling some real estate on the side. >> no,te a mt the will continue we go . we work for coldwell banker. you know what's amazing? we joke is we all look like real estate agents, or at least he does on a show five weeks ago. >> yeah,>> t yeah.heas that's a call back to the media salivating over smoking gunsatfn on trump. and they neverd one, found one , right. and now here's the smoking gun, this letter. but it's i under biden and somehow not interested. i mean, you can'tt you can't betray your media bias more clearly, but it's also t that instance of, hey, we'rethes doing the thing that is so we're going to accuse the other side of doing the thing that is wrong, even bu is no evidence of the other side doing that thing. but i think we really hinail ot the nailhead on the head when he talked about the top levels of betrintel agencies, basically betrayed the trust that america has put in those agencies over the course of decades, all to winbate tal a debate talkingt
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because they were so consumed with not having trump ruinedfoua their institutional power for anothehink wr four years.t they whd i think we need to break it down to that base levey l to see what they did and why did they do it or one they wanttwo,t to jump up to .e left there ar fe no consequences to anybody on the left for doing that. u thincan you think of one prosecution that any of those people who did anythingive ha to trump with the russian collusion narrative has been pus? don't knt? >> oh, wait, i don't know.there and that's the problem. there arecons no consequences to the upper levels, there's nrs consequences to the criminals on the streets of new york city, our country'sto descending into chaos and it's wrong. >> yeah. god's and you know what? they act like it's god's work that like even though they knew it was wrong, like that dude, peter strock, you know, the insurance policy, dudeeli,cd it's like, oh, oh, w but we aree are we are doing the right thing. of we'll be rewarded somewhere . >> cat yeah. ut to just that all the rest ofyo us got to do all of our debates and arguments on our own. >> yeah. yeah, yeah, yeah.i'd lo
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how many timesve i'd love to be like oh yeah. boo memo from the feds. >> that's true. you know, i got to be coming up grth all this stuff all by myselegf. that's true that's true.e it's crazy. he straight up says i'm trying to do this for the campaign. right. i'm doing thise to tryo infl to influence the election, to go the way that i wanuet itth to go. he straight upt- s sayays s thar is very different from wha stas, the letter said . like,the letter was so like, w, you know, like it was like,l thn you're an idiot if you don'tk think yeah. sown they all thin k we're really it' stupid and we've obviously known that for a while. but it's completely ridiculous and unfair. all settand i'm just saying we'g this for the campaign and all those people did it. >> that all.y no, i mean, that's crazy. ning i yeah. well i guess well they're all of those people that signed it. we're looking forwarrward tod to getting some kind of work somewhere else. so they knew that if you got people like brennan in charge, like anybody asking you , you have to maintain thoseips so those relationships. so your influence, it' influenss
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got to be illegal. i don't know. what do i know? no. i'm not a lawyer. >> no, but you probably woulda o be if you got a memo from g the fedsre. exactly.p all right. up next, lib's calling a bluff since they made reality bad bade enoughno. >> if you'll be in the new york area, like tickets to see gutfeld , go to fox film and click on the link to join our studio audience. >> with allegra. >> we live life our way. allergies don't hold us back. allegra starts working two times faster than claritin . and unlike sirtex, a won't make us drowsy. allegra lasts all day up to six times longer than benadryl. allegra gives the fastest non drowsy twenty four hour allergy relief so you can live your greatness. blackstone, you deserved a better way of and you
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fooled. like when biden filmed himselfd in the fake white house set built during the pandemic. and like the virusirus, the fake white house said was likely made in china. tit's in response to an rnc video that portrays a dystopiati biden victory in 2020 four .x an so sit back , relax and enjoy the nightmare. >> this just in.ntial we canra now call a twenty, twenty four presidential race for joe biden this morning. in both china and taiwan. financial markets are in freefall as five hundred regional banks have shuttered their doors. border agents were overrun by a surge of eighty thousand illegal yesterday evening.l yest >>er shows closed the city offri san francisco this morning. wellsc, mad , thank god my bunka has enough caviarenk. caviar >> but why do we need guy ai to to make up that world when realp life democrats are doing a perfectly fine job of creating a real hell on earth? visit anywhere that votes
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blue with your camera and pack your bulletproof undies to democrat run cities are already such nightmares. krueg they'd eveern make freddy krueg. vote republican or move to florida from new york to chicago to san fran murder s. ss, fe that's homelessness, fentanylnt poisonings. everything's a mess today. isoningsthe safest way to travel is hang gliding offaper a skyscraper. .it's getting so bad it's enough to even make leftists scream. imagine the best. what you've done. show us what you're time's, i guess you to supervise. hey, you let him bleed you ,ming jenkins. >> oh, i'm telling you , with bongo's. amazing. so dig in.,
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i think the dems are making a point for the wrong reasons, right? creaon't t neehed to create a dystopia. they're doing it way better than any artificial reality could. >> no. yes. on that point. also, you can use animationmerca to create that very commerciallu . you don't have to usesome artificial intelligence. and why would they want to shutt down something that might help them? >> gcan use a.i. to maybe fix kamala harris. yes. you take think about the raise your hand. >> who doesn't love yellow school bus? >> don't you love a yellow school bus? bus? >> they could use a guy to turn that woman into oprah. yeah, or even at a bare minimum, hillary clinton. hillary clinton is a grumph. bucket, but at least people are afraid of. she do >> yeah, that is true. that is , she does scare me.e
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toddyo, do you worry that somedu i will take your job? i mean, i'm not worried, but yeo i think if i werw e you , i'd be worried. ook, well, yellow school bush. i look, obviously there is thati concern, but i would go a step further when it come s to the democrats being worried about guy within the context ocampaigf campaign commercials, maybe focus. oh, i don't know. on a i destroying humanity. like, yeah, yeah.on t ifhe you're going to regulate i, focus on the ways that i can destroy us , can help china .isdestroy us that should be the focus. and i understand to the lefte ca that losing power, which is the, reason you're complaining about these commercials in the first place, is akin to death. but in the rest of the worldn ru that we all live in focus f on regulating a.i. to protect humanity. ro we havfrom what we have no ideaf is coming our way inivrs the intervening five , 10 and 15 years. arat's going to take some work. i know the folks there in dcyou, aren't smart enough to figure it out, but get experts ine on there that can help you because
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this is serious stuff and your focus shouldn't be on exact one campaign ad from ronna mcdaniel. exactly.makes me t funny you can do ai. but it does make you think how funny you could do a i.s you see dagan's idea, which is show what a real joe president looks like, and then you show real joe biden likein what if joe biden this is joe biden. twenty years ago or something? that would be funny. cat, what do you think? shouldn't i just be used to replace all actorsat d and actresses and make better movieso yo and just leave the reality to us? >> well, m i just don't democ understand how this democrats saw this ad and was like, we sat to get on this. people are going to be confused. they're going to think this stuff is real. yeahilthink this, this was all n the future. yeah, i'd be worriedd . anybody who thought that was real, you can't get footage of the future guys like anybody who thinks that's like living in the first half of an intervention episode. >> so i understand why they were like, this is the thing. >> it lookd pretty similarsimi to reality. >>s is the fbut it's it's like e future. they're like, we need to label it so they know it's not real.
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i think this is footage from the future does a pretty good job of that. true. >> am i overestimating humanity? yeah. yeah. >>h.not we're not.ourself. right. speak for yourself. all right. so, leigh, i want to ask you ,en because you know, we're it'sn'ta some really weird times. and after this subway death,nt i want to bring people down. >> but governor hochul just told citizens that it could have been them and she meant it could have been them in a chokehold. those citizens don't look that. way. they could have been targe his targetcould because they've always been his target on the subway. beyou could be the it shouldhe l be you could be the bystanders, not you . n.could be the homeless felon right now.u >> youthat's what new yorkers arew desperate for. >> they want that type oan typfr leadership. place on >> there was just anotherork ci stabbing, by the way, since this took place. ason a new york city subway. >> as we're going throughds u the campaign in memory of jose albag , ends up getting thrown into riker's island. and we're out there sayingther .
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speak up on this guy's alvin bragg is throwing himrs into rikers island, open stab and asking for hundreds of thousands of dollars, putting a murder charg pre on him. and the person who stabbed him gets charged with nothing. was kathy hochul say it's outside the purview ofhe the governor. she's not going to get involved. what people are getting pushedog in front oetf subway cars day after day after day. where was kathy hochul? and sh te was awol. people are getting harmed. they had this absence oft and soadershipto and to step up, to finally speak out and to be speaking out on behalf of someone who was arrested dozens of times and was out there subw getting these people fired upns in that subway car before. >> since then, it has made it joally just people off more like whersee they were. sl. >> you josé alba elbows gettingo thrown into rikers? i no, it's o i mean, i swear on the five. f soiv you're okay. all right. up next, did a zune call uncover her secret lover?
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oh this is find a billionairehe gets caught walking into her shot. and so the background over zoomh call was a torv anchor. >> his downfall newly released footage from 2020 shows cnbc reporter hadlee gamble having an awkward zoom call. when somebody showed up in the background who was supposed to be there to present a tax rate on corporate 55% it's around. p >> hey hon, is that room service? i've worked up a real oh now background boy is billionaire gop donor tom barack, whosep hotel suite she was filming in,t which is weird. do you think a guy that rich wouldn't have to split a room ? h you know, but what a typicale ye seventy six year old billionaire you cailn score
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younger women while not knowing how technology works. pre had interviewed him months prior, leading her coworkers to suspect they were dating. the same thing happeneappened wn i interviewed erik estrada. o cc >> now, company investigation was launched to check out this improper relationship and why do i bring this up now?, well, you may recall that last week nbc universal ceo jeffrelan shell resigned over an inappropriate relationship with an employeewh. >> who was that? and hadley was also accused by the russians of being some sort of u.s. government operative. yes, a so-called object sent to seduce vladimir putin. object this is so not fair to . objects. just just because we're doesn't mean we're spies. gabble has also been linkedn so to billionaire david bonderman. so clearly sheearly sh has a ty
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i guess that's why they call her icy hot . they they always find her all over. elderly man. yeah, still, you know, thisthe is the worst thing that'spened happenedto to a media personaliy on zom, but walking into the background of a zoome call, it could happe n to anybody.f >> take a look at the stock market has, of course, beeny a hot topic lately,ager with investors eagerly watching the eblyb and flow of the market in anticipation of economic gains. >>ion of economic but what exac this market momentum? well, it's certainly a good question. shd there are a multitude of factors at play here. ifn consumincluding shifts in cr behavior, global supply changesa ,eruptions and political instability, just to name a felw . and these factors createc econom a complex and dynamic economicof
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landscape, with market analysis scrambling to make sense of the latest trendsuse] and fluctuations. any ques now, before i ask any questions, whoever gets the best answer wins a specialre prizs e. so todd, has this ever happenedv to you? zomeaneryb, everybody likes to pretend they had embarrassing zoome call, but it's always aboualwayst, look, a little adorable. >> baby crawled over. oh, my cat landed on the keyboards. >> i'm talking real embarrassment. yeah. i'ing toobin, i did not have a hand in my ownave demise. tha thank you . i'm winning. i'm wi what's in that bag?yo i play rough voice. no, because you know what? >> for that joke you've won.- yeah.reg: i will take this to applebee's.
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when i pick up that second. o as what is that? this wasen the . i win oh, god , no.d -- oh, that was the . they call it a dance belt. oh, that. i was i was a dancinn'g sally.dancing, yeah, it's more like a codpiece . i would say.y take. oh, you touched it is an autographed. ve yes, i should have autographed it. it's only been markazi thing.e n oh. anything else before i move on to cat or you know, me, juste the factual part of thisve is whenever i did a zoome callli during the pandemic right. ngi have a background that is a wall and i am a foot away frome this wall . >> so unless the kool-aid man comes burst through, ol-aid i'm covered. >> yeah, mg i wis h i was covered . ketanji true. most billionaires pay to have you stay away from them. >> they just don't talk to me t? at all. which is a shame. yeah. i think that this man did this on purpose.
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>> you think so. he just not know she was on tv. i feel like you would mention if you're having a secret hang . >> yes. he was probably sick of all of his friends not believing him that he was banging her. yeah, he was like, oh, i can'tei tell him.en well, i'm telling everybod hy h. a great answer. i guess you're happy that twas w i already gave away the prizere it was a really good answer. i'm yeah. yeah. come on , zeldin, i really want to throw this at you .e in the huh? well, you're in the public eye, so, you know, one of these things could destroy your . we'l oh, here's a good question. do you think we'll ever look back at jeffrey toobin as kind of a folk hero in the sense that he was like the canary in d the coal mine, like he took it, he made the mistake first.t so we all learned, you knows in what i mean? it's like he's the guy is one of the guys in the gang
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who jumps from the roof ontouy the swimming pool and misses. >> and then you guys never do it because he's dead. maybe i'm the real outsiderre. here. i doi don't think i'll ever ref. to jeffrey toobin as a hero of mine. >>u know, with with cats, with >> theory. s i mean, maybe that wasn'twas ju actually tom barrack back that maybe that wasst tryin i maybe u just trying to bolster her, you know. >> yeah. her what do you call it, credentials. and if this was to happen, i mean, in all seriousness,appee the first thing you do, you shutd,you do i the the connn off, dagen everybody. >> everybody's working from home now. so this means we're going to get more of these things, huh? a girl can in dreamg from h. >> yes. back and connect the two been tr to this so women can'to get their men to keep their hands off their packages. so why would you expect the women to control the whole package? >>e wo we're not miracle worker. we can't keep them. favor we can't keep these men in
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line. but my favorite part of thisend whole story is the relationship ended right around the time. >> the sceptered visionary and billionaire got arrested. oh, fbi. arian sobi it wasn't true love aftere. all. i mean, should shouldn't it be a tip off that our last name is gambol? las >> but wait, you're taking a gamble to the party or the tip off is all the interviews are all like, hey, hey, how are you ?ntervi you know, and it's truewe that only happens in interviews with really rich men.i' hey,m i'm a praying man.her. see what noise i make when my legs rub together. hereall right.>> greg: your legs are rubbing. here you go, david . all right. cl up next, will uncover a new tale using the latest viewer mail to two point nine percent
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coventry direct .com usfs kicks off with a week for tomorrow at 1:00 eastern on fox broadcast that the houston gamblers take on the philadelphia stars sunday at 6:30 on end that's one stop. birmingham stallion's battle, pittsburgh, maula. see you later. real pros real football for real fans week for usfl action heats up this weekend on fox and that's one way it's oh, you want. >> yeah. you okay? we're fine. my serve and maybe we should stop what pickleball can't stop for no. huh. oh, we got our melons check. >> she had a concussiondon't admittinmeg i was wrong is worse than losing at pickleball. saving a brain is a definite don't mess with your melon if
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you hit it, get it checked. yep. you're watching mailing it in. >> geah, we're mailing it in and you write. i read you write that we open ad and breakfast in vermont. you think i'd forget. no, never. b.l. and asks if you could i go back in time and repeaton one year. i like this question. what year would that be ? and why? i'm going to let you guys go tou the i guess the youngest persong here, todd, i'm actually not.ha >>th i know that's the joke. i'm like, oh, i talked about jeffrey toobin had i want to write what you would you go d hick to why? 1996 year i graduated high school. i think ita such a fun time.s s i feel like the late ninetieswa were just when was happening,e you know, with the nineties arew right now with my seventiesmy
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becaus 70'e people look at the s like it's music and it's entertainment. the way we used to look at the seventies. it's a very weird thing or thin. maybe the nineties or now the eighties, because everybody like talked about the big hair of the eighties. no th w they're talking about grunge in the 90s. i find that very interesting how we all get nostalgic for approximate, approximate time backward, like i'm still a 70s person. but the 90s, you had grunge.m an you had seinfeld, friends, melrose. >> i was i"seinfeln the first. that's right. g oh, o.j., o.j., right. i loved orange juice. cat what about you ? it's that stuff he just askingyo me, like, what year wouldlike you like to repeat that's worse. in your life is now. yeah. seq you're like god , you've got sequentially better, way bettero . >> o i mean i guess sophomore year of college because you were just a maniac woman. >> i saw a three seven but yeah. lee what year was the new
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yorker in me.'86. >> goes back to eighty six .wl. the mets are winning the world series. the giants are winningly the super well. it was a good year. i mean i was i was only six the years old at the time, s so i didn't get a chance to really appreciate it, the same wayi that c i think i would if i coui go back and do it again. >> and of course, the serious answer the american me wouldrld. want to go back to 2001 and like save the world. but you couldn't.t yeah, you're not allowed to touch anything if you gobe ag back . you can't likeoo, prevent 9/11,o even though that would be a good thing to do. you wouldn'te be allowed to because then you would change everything. so your time travelers d youo ni try to prevent anything, especially my birtal h. don't give my dad a . >> taken ninety four because i plucked out my eyebrows ou know because i didn't know what i was doing. i didn't have a lot of friendsid in new york city at the time. nobody told me that was a bad idea. and because i really didn' ht have any eyebrows and i wasn't
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filling them in, i couldn't catcrsh a dude no likei five years. so i didn't have until like. ninety nine because i didn't have any eyebrows. still >> so you'd go , but i bet you can't change it. you still have to do that. so i just wouldn't play. well, not necessarily.eyebro i'wsd go back and not pluck my eyebrows out and get laid. >> all right.d go b aci would go back to like i gue- what. okay, so i was sixty four like when i was nine because i , you know, nineteen seventy three . great. eadisaster movies. are right. all irwin allen movies. you people are too young yet.. earthquake towering inferno. a and then you had like disas the oakland raiders which were also like a disaster movie.g. they were just destroyingu ca everything. you'you could letterer peopln ee don't remember the 70s, so a you'd pull up to a drive through like a w the only drive through and you get your food and you'd eat. you throw you out the windowp
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and in that commercial with theu indians showed up and ruined everything. also, candy was super cheap like you guys saw in the 70s. like you could go with a quarter. i sound likeu can go a really o. you go to it with a quarter and you get five candy bars. all right. what's this? what arty panels, man? i don't know. panhandle's panhandle, marty. that's a great nickname. t hey, i'm panhandle. marty, we need any sugar. just come on over. >> what hobby or favorite thing. from your youth? from >> these are pas yt questions. have you kept have you kept throughout the years? let's go backwards again. what hobby of your youth or now thing you like to do tha?t , arason, not rw you like racing, not racing,hato but nascar. >>. oh, that's good. >> yeah, that's a fun little hobby there. i've have a winston cua winstop
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in my apartment with a faktierei tire around it. h oh i had one of those. yeah i had, one of those. it's great. you can pull the tire off. it tells you can you can hide in there. >> yeah you can. yeah.>> yea h,you know it's stupid to flush stuff down the toilet when that dotcom's just put in the ashtray. >> no one ever looks. that's true. we ignore what i said. >> i would say, you know, you get a little bit nostalgiclc watching your tires ine ri the ring. i meanng. i , i used to loveyou ha wrestling when i was a kidve. o otheeah. and , you know, now it's it's evolved, got ufc and all these other new ways that they i wrestle around in the in the ring when i was growing up, they only had on uhf channel forty four in san francisco and it was lik pat pate pat pat, and the something samoan. . the angry samoan. i think that's what he was called. i don't know. i where they all agree, i haveer no idea. but they were allis the wrestlers. that is not samoans so i don't samoans do not send your letters to me. >> send them to todd pyro. you know, my mom lived in
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>>waii for a year and she taught samoans that was the best experience of her life. y mothis is a fact we don't nee. >> yeah, yeah. o she yeah. >>ah. gyou hated my comment about my sainted mom. so yeah. jodhaa. what did you , what did you do as a kid that you still f do now. i throw football, i love throwing a football as a kid.sta i was alwaysrd a standarddy qua quarterbacrtk, steady quarterbae on both sides and now as an adult i throw the football even now in my office to get ready for shows to get myself inne the zone. clearly we got to do it before : today's show. but no, i just wan yt hannitye to just start tossing the ball. you know, i'm here at a different time. asean. yes. maybe i'll just go to his house, go to his house. gd at all.n just knock on the door. t hey, anthony . o going to put his address up on the screen right. kat, what hobby or favorite thing from your youth havee ye you kept throughout the years? >> whearn n i went back home frt
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christmas, i toomak a bunch of t my brother's old toddler clothes i found in the basement and i've been wearing theme ba as crosemeg thp tops. that's pretty good. that's pretty good.orit i hobby your favorite thing wel from my youth that i kept throughout the years. well, it begins with"m music. oh, not to tubin sick man. >> no, i still have turntablesll that i still play vinyl because it's kind of fun.memori i like doing i don't know what brings back memories of being a child . pl you know, being alone in a room with no friends, playing solitaire, wishingyo you weretio invited to parties butn you weren't, and then startg experimenting on squirrels and that moving up the ladderagt to cats and then all ofring i a sudden the vagrants start disappearingn hborhood in your neighborhood and they look at you and then you have to move. you have to move far away. >> up next, a jedi with the
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dagen. congressman adam schiffck is getting mocked for tweeting an a.ied. generated picture of himself as a jedi captioning. itf may the force be with you .u >> yesterday. >> what are your thoughts? broadly speaking, there ar eome. certain things you should enjoy in the privacy of your ow home. star wars fetishize pork rinds . >> yes, yeah. >> because pork rinds have little hairs on them. >> that makes's oh w, i know. it's weird. and they smell. yeah t, they smell. they do smell. we know, todd, that star wars fans are annoyingy don' and persistent, but even they don't deserve this kind of abuse to be associated with siff. >> yeah, t hhee is literally, literally the worst. >> thank you , emily. companya, right. right. so i'm invoking my friends emily. but look, i mean, it'sthat doe one thing to have a joke that doesn't land.
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i mean, that's my brand. havlizi you need to then havone the self realization to kind of like unwind it and make that the joke he has no self realization that that was such a stupid comment. you know, much g like he has no self realization of telling the truth or just being a decent human beingde, you knos ,it is kind of pointless fortle him to pretend he's funnfoy, but he always tries. a there's something that says hehn never wanted to be a politiciatn . >> he wanted to be in movies orn something. d to bauthee wante a writer and author. >> yeah, he's he was a great fiction teller, story teller.. e as as chair of the house intelligence committee with real power. he was using it to try to telle. his stories, to try to take down a sitting president in all the beeps and whistles. r2 d2 would be saying, dear gods ,don't do that. >> that would be hise five words. looking atwords look that shiftn do you know what star wars is ?k fahave been very consistent on the fact these people are losers and i gotth thr a bunch of death threatsea for peopw years ago now. i'm like, was that you ?
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but and people will reach outifu to me like, oh'r, did you mean me? like, i'm like, well, if you're actually reaching outg od to me about being offended over, a movie, then yeah. >> i mean, you allu. right. there you go. i think we settled nothing. don't go away. >> we'll be right back . we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. now, thanks to our new sun set a retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade in just sixty seconds. it's twenty degrees cooler under the sun center and we get instant protection from harmful uv rays and sinclair for pricing starting at less than one thousand. transform your outdoor living space into a shady retreat your family will love. when you call, we'll rush you a special 200 dollar discount certificate with your free awning idea kit, you'll get your sunsetter for as little as seven hundred ninety nine dollars. >> but this is a limited time offer for over twenty years. sunset has been the best selling retractable awning in america. >> call now for this free
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>> we are out of time, thanks to dagan mcdowell, lee zeldin, todd piro, i am greg gutfeld. ♪ >> all eyes on england. >> charles the third is now king. >> i am deeply aware of this. carley: he fulfill his destiny, the oldest president to become king of england.


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