tv Fox News Tonight FOX News May 8, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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fox. this is saturday and four eastern time. houston gamblers. come on , take on the birmingham stallion's touchdown, then sunday three the memphis showboats battle. the new orleans breakers, the real pro reelfoot bowl. bad week by usfl action heats up this weekend on fox. >> hello and welcome to fox news. tonight, and kayleigh mcenany. state of today in the state of texas, t democrats continue to delaymost a bill that would seem like common sense to most sure does to me. the bill, sb 14 outlaws a surgery that sterilizes a child, including castration, vasectomies, hysterectomy and vasectomies. lifed changing operations that would change a child forever more . leave it to th on it we media tf
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course, put their spin on it with the associated press describing sb 14 this way,. the gop controlled legislature is pushing to make texas the latest conservative state to crack down on medical care and get this, the rights of transgender people, the rights of transgender people, that is not what this is about at all. we are talkingwh about children, children having life changing chiloperations that are irreversible. contrast this with washington state, where democrats havetorst just made it legal for doctors to perform a number of these procedures without parental consent. mastectomies, without parentaler consent and without even parental notification. enif there are, quote, compellig reasons not to notify pathe parent, imagine if this were your child. some are calling it statme are e sanctioned kidnapping. if you ask americans there are e no two sides to this debate. a new washington post poll found that an overwhelming majority of americans oppose
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puberty blocking hormones for children . clear and let me, be very clear , even vasectom when you are doing a vasectomyy for lifesaving purposes, the surgery is life altering. r liit is permanent, cannot be undone, and it is emotional . i would knows because i had thie very procedure to save me fromae a genetic mutation that put me at an 84% chance ofncer breast cancer. .on may 1st. 2018. 1si followed in my mother's footsteps, choosing to get a preventative mastectomy. i was scared the night before. i fought back tears as ipiece of prepared to lose a piece of myself forever.e ne but the next day with my mom, dad, husband and by my side, . i underwent a mastectomy. >> it took me 10 years,courag a decade to build up hav the strength and the courage e to have this surgery, which saved me from the prospect of breast cancer. and i'll neverll never forget tt
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of my surgery just before goingt to the operating table wased the first time that i sawgether my father shed tears. but together, my mom, my dad and i prayed, and only by thee o strength of god and the support of my family was i able to do it as a mother to a sweet three year old girl.ynd h i hope my daughter doeops not have to endure the same journey that i did. upon an i wouldn't wish it upon anyoneys the decision to have aa mastectomy is a difficult one , not to be taken lightlymat and not to be made by an innocent child in the firm grasp of state government. no government authority carried my child from conception to birth. no blue governor will ever love my child the way that i do. no liberal state shouldg a pi sanction my child. losing a pieceec of herself. and yet that's exactly what democrats are enabling. last week, texasattorney gen attorney general ken paxton, he opened an investigatioonn intoin a major children's hospital called dels. paildren told children'sto's hoe me medical center. paxton says the hospital is a legally performing these mutilation procedures
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on children. the investigation comes after cd a social worker at dallasre children was caught on tape discussing transitioning children as young as eight years old. t dallas children denied all of it, saying that surgery and hormone therapy are- prohibited by the hospital can.r paxton is thal fore attorney ges from the state of texas.tivity he joins us now. wha so potential illegal activity, what exactly are you alleging? >> yeah, o i can't evenories you believe we're talking about this. i mean, just the stories you've already told the nine orwe wanty amazing that w pe want to know whether they are actually performing these surgerieg ths, puberty blockerss anything that we think might be in violatio anythn of state . qu this is merely an investigation. we've asked questions. they havestions e they have ansl by may 30th.ic to know ant to know what their policies are. we knowhat their experiew we wat their experiences. and as you've just is said , they've denied it. i hope that's true. hope ini hope that no hospitaln texas is performing surgeries c. >> on young children. oh, i hope not either.ope nolieh it's unbelievable to think about mrink . attorney general.i but when you look at this texas state law, doedos not ban a
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gender affirming care. that's what they call it.on it's a euphemism't ban it fo. they don't ban it for childrenml in your state. but you're alleging in a memeain febrof la released in february of last year that child abuse laws might apply when it comesthat to minors here. >> how is that so? yea, so we think we've doneild abus the research and we think that we we have childt do apply use t do apply to this. and i don't think it's a far, far stretch to say that if a you're making a decision for a child abou for a ctgoing their reproductive life goingfo forward and something that they cannothat thet do, whethers through chemical or through surgery, that under state law, t i think is child and we certainly put back the e in there to back it up.all ab >>ou yeah, you do. in fact, you cite the science. c i heard all about the science all during the covid-19 covi like dr.during fauci, who hailed the science during my time in the administration. bu ndt i find interesting is you cite the science. so here'its whate soci you cite society for science basedt they gender dysphoria, what they fin fd isd is that if a ch1
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has a gender issue, the time it resolves sixty one to 98% of the time, it resolves by puberty. not only that, you point out that the centers for medicare and medicaid services undercenii the obama administration declined to provide coverage fo rage forr gender treatment of ts nature. >> so when did the science change? i just i'd lov>> te to knohas w you know, that's a good question that i wish i knew scienc the answer to . but they clearlye the don't tak about the science most of the time. they talk about how the childin feels. >> but look, i've had four children. they're all they're all adults in their 20s. 20w and thand they change their they change their mind on allal kinds ofof issues.o is app and the last thing i would want perm to do as a parent is make itan sopermanent decision about something so important to their futures. >> yeah,eir are you amazed?u yoa final question for you , that you have places like associated press talking about the associated press talking about this as involving the rights of transgender peoplevolving ofr people, rathg wh about this as children, which is the purview in which we're looking at this? >>is i guessed i'm not surprised because it seems like they try the real to slant the issue away from what the reality is . the reality is we're talking wht
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about children. we're talking about children that are not mature and that nom they are having are hav decisions mae by the state, sounds like ins other places or by parents. >> and it shouldn't be . well, we hope you get to the bottom of it. attorney general ken paxton, thank you .e assault on this is good on children's is also happening incaliforn our schools. in california, a male teenage student was caught a male te one physically attacking a female classmatalee after the school. that's after the district allowed him to use the girls locker room, take a watchmartin to students arguing up martin uc luther king high school. it's unclear who startedlear w s a fight, but the tall student is said to be trans. there's pushing and shoving and eventually another student jumps in and fists fly. parents and students say the tall student identifies as trans. and that gave the studen transgt access to the locker room and bathrooms designated for female s. the last two fights involvence r this one trans student addinang fuel to the fire . >>mors of the trans student's
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behavior h. er roo he's also in the girls locker room using girls restrooms. he spit on my friends that areso girls, females, and he shows his in the locker room. >> unbelievable.>> meanwhile, in ohio, a man named darren glines was cleared of public indecency charges after exposing himself to women and children in a ymca locker. locker rooroom. the judge in that case that he w shockingly ruled that glines was too overweight for women to have been able to see glinesr .t is a former wow. tulsi gabbard, she's a formeprrn presidential candidate. w this " she joins us now. tulsi, this washington post b poll that i referenced atuse it the beginning of the show is pretty interesting because sr it shows the americaican peoplnh are with the case ofe sanity, shows that to the tune of 57%. americans believe a person's gender is determined at birth, e 60% plus do not believe that transgender individuals shouldo be in women's sports .me d and this one stood outo no to m. k-3 do not think we should be teaching gender id in k through three school. that's, of course, that florida
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bill that was so controversial.s >> what are your thoughts? well, clearly, this should give us some hope to see that there is still some sense of ofe common sense and sanitnsy in our society, because this is the real question that wee rc the americanan p people are beie faced with .cr we have leaders inatic par the democratic partyty, unfortunately, and those in our society who are are pushingk this fantasy. they're asking us to take eso something that is clearly not real and believe that it'smmin real. they're asking us to takeg that something thatery is very clearly a mental illness that createst this delusion where you have people saying, well, i'm a man in a woman's body and vicevers versa. a.and then doctors committing, n the case of children, especially this medicalturn t malpractise trying to turn thisi fantasy into reality. and creating incrediblyncredibl negative, short and long term consequences, both physically and psychologically. ps people t's really the question that we, the american people have to to ask ourselverselves to answer ie
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we going to live in a society of common sense and reality or are we going to buy into this insanity and this fantasy?um or are we going to allow and this is one of the reasonsir i leftty the democratic party, is because we haverati the democratic party of todac pa selling this fantasy andsyin catering to it and giving t credibility to this fantasy, these mental delusionse mental,l because they think it'll give them more political power. a party a party that is willing to do anything, especially things that are damagingan to children. right. all for the sake of political power, should be frightening to everybody. and that's what astounds me about this. i mean, look, this isn't left or right. this is common sense. these are kids.s these are children. this is sterilization. degree obut the degree to whichs and it's not just democrats,ra but the media coversge for this because those polling numbers i cited to that poll was commissioneds on in march.line it was not until may that wepos get a headline frocim "the washington post" citing the data that, in fact, the american peopl andpeople aei on the side of common sense. >> why is the media buying into?
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this to this is yet another >> jshingtonev, of the collusion between the permanent washington democrats, the mainstream media. we see it in big, big tech and social media, people beingao banned from different accounts because of, quote unquote, misun sand gendering someone and frankly, just not going along with th e the insanity. and that's where it's critical for us , even as we see how pervasive this has become. for the american people to have the courage to stand up and sayl ,no, w we live in the reale care world . we have common sense, we care about our children, and weho art will stop those who are trying to abuse them from being able to do so.very role is a very rea real battle t each and every one of us has i a role in fighting to protecttue our kids and to protect our future. came into that. holistic. showa thank you .ive wave shocking new video shows a massive wave of single maleo s migrants pouring into texas. this comes as titls as title 42, is set to expire on thursday. x more on thatt. next.
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the sheer number of people hasrh overwhelmed border patrol who don't have the resources to address the crisis. fo has beenmeluzin covering the story from brownsville, texas. >> here's what he found.ound wot one of the biggest single groups of migrants we have everg seenrant crossing the border illegally, hundreds upon hundreds of them gathering in a line for processing, almostl t all of them single adults, moste of them adult men , not seeing a whole lot of families orlittl little kids anymore. an brbrownsville, the hot spot on the border right now is the rio grande valley sector. is dealing with thousands ofgs illegal crossings every single day. but administration is not about worried about the collapse of t our southern border. the white house has told the public that president biden would veto a house gop rell that aims to restrict asylum and build more border wall . they literally want our border secured. . senator tim scott of south carolina has worked a loworkedt on this issue and he joinsank y us now. senator scott, thank you very much foruch being here. ank you you know, atit this point, absolutely. thank you .
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it seems a n excusable forthing the biden administration to do nothing. i watched the press briefings br the prs secretary say this is today. in the i heard the press secretary say, you know, this is in the hands of congress, but overa your side in the senate, you have kirsten sinema and thom tillis, a bipartisanbin bill to extend expulsion authority and in the house hasat plannt is thehey pla on passing this week. >> so what's the excuse? there is no good honestly, the bottom line our is simply that our borderime fo is unsafe, insecure and wider open. it is time for us to reinstate h title forty two . lei havegi legislation coming uo very soon. that would use the health care titlis, which is pheno to reinstate title 40 to as long as we've had ie hat savd more than two million illegal crossings. president biden and the radicald left obviously want an open border when the vice president goes down to the border and tells us it's safe the one time she was theret and that it was secure. y you can'ou cannot believe a worg out of their mouths. they want us to believe.
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they say, as opposed to what wee see with our own eyes. we can secure our border. republicans and democratsand der coming together in the senate c and congress to do what everyto american wants. every county is a border se county. let's securecure our border to p the mexican cartels and let's els and save american lives. you know, senator scott, ou tal you talk about compassioabn a lt and have such a positive message. and look, i have a heart foressh a lot of these illegalbord immigrants who come to our southern border. they want to be herebe here,. they want to work hard.ese ch they want the american some of these children, you see them in your heart, can'ist help but break for them. but how is impassionatt compassa to incentivize a quarter of a million minors to come to the border to be trafficked, many as forcede now are in, labor in this country? and joe biden's government has left them behind and doesn't knowdon't kn where they are?i co >> how is that compassionate? there is nothing compassionatebn about that. the bottom line is exactlye you as you just described, he is complicit with creating witha humanitarian crisisr so
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se the other side of our southern border by sendingna a false message that come to the border and you can false get in. wmu thatst is false.n ou and we must stop that nonsense. on our southern border. and frankly, the nonsense coming out of this administration that sends a negative, false, unrealther expectation to the world . there are seven billion people who want to call america home. we must secure our southernif yd border. it's kind of lik't ce atonfe hou you don't control your back door, you don't control you your house. if you don't controlryo your southern borderu don't , yt it'srol your country. >> it's that simple. it's so true.mple and senator scott, it's nothamph lost on me thairt you are in new hampshire right now. nt accordiand you have a majorae announcement, according to reporting on may 20 seconds. any chance you want to previewo] ? >> wquite. i certainly want to preview absolutely.t toreview it abso lutei believe, what america cano for anyone. but she has done for me. we can restore hope, creates an opportunities and protect
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the america that you and i love . may 22nd., 11:00 a.m. north charleston. >> stay tuned.and i will be watching. and senator scott, your positive message,message your uplifting message is exactly what this country needs. thank you very much. h.well, when joe biden took office, he promised to restore the independence ofentl the department of justice. that apparently does not apply b to cases involving his son ,joee hunter with hunter. joe biden is more than willing to insert himself into an ongoing federal investigation. >> so there is something personal that's affecting you , your son, while there' s no tiesrtment to you, could be charged o by your department of how will that impact first your presidency? >> first of all, my son has of l done nothing wrongl . i trust him. i have faith in it.. impacts my presidency by making me feel proud of you . >> great. his so biden trust his son , hunter. good, hard hitting interview grea at msnbc. meanwhile, today, the white house press office bannedh the new york post, which broke the hunter biden laptop story from attending freedom o
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president biden's event. remember, didn't they just celebrate world freedom of the press? takebuck sexton is the co-host f the clay travis and buck sexton show. >> sexto he joins us . hi, buck. what happened to theoes not so independent doj?n we hea doesn't sound very independent, given what we just heard from the commander chief. >> well, you know, clearly the full scope of justice department weaponization is on displaon y for everybody here because it's twofold, right? two things happening on the oneo ,you have the ongoing special counsel investigation of donald trump. you also have a number ofof alr already criminal probeeas of donald trump meant to obviously subvert his chances of beingdona president in 2024 .he tim so many, in fact, that we don't have the time to ascribe all the different possible prosecutorial weaponizatio weane avenues they're taking against trump. and then you have the currenn t president , son , right? millcurrent president son got millions of dollars, didn't payy taxes on them. there's a money launderingun and tax evasion investigatiodern
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underway. those are not difficult things d to prove. that's not a did it or didn't. we can't figure it out.also t it's pretthey clear .y of l and then there'syi the possibility of the lying on the federal form when itng fa came to buying firearmrms while he was a abuzecor of a controlld substance. donanotice, caliphate's, they weaponizes the doj against trump, but they also speciallyth protect those who are important to democrats. funny how that works.fu you knownn , last week we heard from colmer about this whistleblower and from grasslets y as well, this fbi document, and apparently it directly shows joe biden as vice president , giving a political favor in exchange for money. alle is the allegation from the whistleblower. oj offic so i talkeiad to a former doj official today, and this comeso. after kirby has said , i refer you to doj to get that documentj or to get an oy information on it. here's what this former doj official told he said either garland or special counsel for the biden document scandal, we know his name is rob her would be the one to have the document doj
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want as a matter of custom release the document perhaps, snor should they . but he said this is what doj should answer right now. does this expand the scope ofe the special counsel's mandatet e or is this something, this o document, something you are allowing a political appointee in the form of merrick garland to handle? i think it's a great question. what do you suppose is happening? >> well, you know,>> kelli i, if you were trying to come up possible for a special counsel. it would b possible for a special counsel, it would be something like a president who has a son who's involved in possible federal money laundering tax evasion, and maybe even siphoning moneyo to the president as he sits well before he was in the whiten house. but the point is , co the bidentting a corruption family here is getting a pass on all of this. once again, i think that what you're likely to see, because we are coming to amoment momente of of decision time, ifg they bring a charge, it seems like it's reasonably, you know, reasonably high probability, it will be the absolute minimum situation. hunter biden situatio will not face anyobable
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prison time and he'll probably turnup paying a fine and pleading down to something very minor. >> and then they'll turn around and say, see, this is what justice is while they go after donald trump for a whole range ri insanity that we can't even get into right now. but a numberumber of of criminak against donald trump that are either ongoing or i think are goin ain the mong to be ongoingn the months ahead. so the justice department is not supposed to be determining elections, but once again, democrats can't avoid using their favorite toy to bring the outcome to one side or the other. >> lasr.estion ot question for . i only have a few moments here.c so house oversight committeeh tweets out today, must watch press conference on investigation into the biden family's business schemes.e e new info to be revnew info to be revealed. so everyone's looking to the state. ? is there a risk of of hyping this up too much or doit's imp you think it's important to gauge and to push this this kind of passio n to see this moment on wednesday? >>day? i'm talking about hunter? biden and whether we should the oversight committee, whatte. was it?
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the oversight committee, they're investigating. they say they have say the nonew information. i info, look, it depends what the information is , right? e'vewe've been hearing about hu biden for a long time, butce i a corrupt system doesn't care the clear the evidence is or how bright line the violations are.t poli poweaw. this is about politics and power. and so the democrats are goingh to make sure the systemare im protects those who arepo important to it. the question is really, can so hunter biden be considered somebody that is abovet is a thw based on the need for bidenoplee to look at biden's recent polling, people are asking a of a lot of questions about the biden's in general, a lot of questions. >> all right, buck sexton, tstr thank you . for years, democrats have beena opposed to constructing a border wall . the reasons, while they were never very clear , but today, karine jean-pierre or she explained her bizarre conspiracy theory as to why walsmaizarre c why wallsn work. we'll share it with you next. you seriously have got to put your life on the line if you're not willing to do that,
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the adversarial press seems to have fallen into an abyss today. white house press secretarymp karine jean-pierre said a borderear said wall would be an we windve because it would blo over and the wind the bill, h.r. two , would be a disasterer for border security. >>ity y dism and a christmas mot for human smugglers. morninit would lead to more unll migration by blocking off lawful pathways to itd would trample on our nation's core values and international obligations and a boon to dictators around the world. and instead of providing the needed resources for more border security, technology and asylum officers and judges, it would wastee taxy taxpayer dollarser on an ineffective wall . again, an ineffective wall thati can't even withstand heavynd winds. >> the wind. nowher where are the so-called fact checkers? kaey are nowhere to be founde . well, karine jean-pierre might have been referring to is two extreme examples. ing to twhere the weather weake. a part of the border wall .
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one of these cases, the concrete had not even beenrs cured. this isn't the first timt timee has blamed the magical powers of the wind for something that embarrassed the administrationn . remember when biden fellbi dowdn the stairs to air force one ? fu >> thaltt was the wind's fault, too. so the president to take a fall on the stairs, is he doing okay? so that's you knowg , it'sok prn windy outside. it's very windy.dyde iom i almost feeing upl coming up the steps myself, he is doing a 100% fine. up th >> i'vose walked up those same steps. i can tell you the winstd neveey bblew me over or my boss, foris that matter. as you may remember, thingwesref were a bit differentfe when bri i served as white house pressef secretary in that briefing the amer peoplecan deserve an adversarial press. interested in the truth. i do not mean sensationalism, shouting or interruption that serves none.o one . what i mean is tough, thorough, policy based questions. you deserve accountability in in washington. and since the pres washingts by andseems unin large seems uninterested, we will provide that accountability rightll provilite
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on fox news tonight. each and every night this week, a new poll from "the washington post" shows that voters are dissatisfiedob with president biden's job performance. the president's approval rating fell to rating a new low, just 36%e lowest of his presidency. according to biden. >> it's because the media doesn't give him enough fawning coverage. think >> why do you think you don't get more credit for it? why do you think your polling pe where it is ? >> well, i don't think people of every major point who won reelection, their polling numbers are minor now. but polling aside then, sentiment in this country, despite all these wins, is not. very good at all.>> presidethey've heard as negatis for three years. >> everything is negativ e and i'm not being critical of the press. you turn on the television, no longer are you going to gethinge as if there's something. negative. >> qe. k fact check ther his approval numbers are actually the lowest since harry truman, but lostterr on presidet biden. apparently, the poll also founn d nearly two thirds of americans believe biden doesn't have the mental sharpness to serve as president. sharesidentiel th, the rnc chairwoman, and she joins us with reaction to these
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numbers. a bite in negative numbersers don't necessarilthe joe y trans into republican victory. int in some ways the midterms. what are your thoughts? how do we translate that as a party? de while i samoy this all the timen democrats are always investingd inpr process. you don't see democrats sitting around whining that they justho lost the houseuse are or compl, they nancy pelosi is not the speaker. they're already in pennsylvania. re alrean pennsyorganizing and e on the permanent voter roll. and i think republicans havearie to recognize we can't wait till primaries are done. we can't wait until we havenves the candidates. you have to invest now. you have to invest in things like voter registration and ballot harvesting and ballot collecting and lawsuits. that's whauits that'st the rnc does. but we need it now, not later.ud later.tructu you can't builredwhy the infrastructure. that's why i say text wind eight zero eight one zero. kayla, you know this better than anyone. we build the roads so the carst. can drive on it. demodemocrats are always buildig the roads. they're doing it through outside groups. they're pourine pouring money into states now. they don't care what biden's poll numbers are. they don't even care even care who the candidat e is .n they care about power
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and putting these bad policies p on the americaeople.n people. opernt to know about that infrastructure you're building. and i've seen your data operation. i worked at the rnc for b three years. it was second to none,ut buthale the challenge seems to be this.u now, you mentioned pennsylvania, the rnc memberntie from pennsylvania said any party that votes for 50 days,ot5 meaning the democrats, areou ara going to beat the party that br votes for 13 hours. i know you're a big proponent er of making surely we get outn he and vote early. but you know, john fetterman, he had nine hundre00 mald sixty thousand mail and votes on just two hundred thirty four thousands just. ly d yeah, we have to invest early th and we have to teach our voter s the importance of banking those votes and not waiting until election day. what can happel ay what cappen tn on election fa day? there might be amily e storm .mn there might be a familyt's emergency. so getting thosepart o votes ind and that's part ofpennsy our education right now. pennsylvania's the moslve most e example. we do much better thannorth ca the democrats in florida and north carolina. and ohio.tate l and we havike to bring that same structure in to states like pennsylvaniia. a. but this is critical and this da is why i say democrats are focused on process. candid they don't carate about fettermo being the candidate. they care about powewer
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r and ,e you know, if they get thatlot ot person in position,imwo they're going to win. a lot of timesuld sa republicany ,well, i want to see who gets the nomination and i want to see who the candidate is .. by then. it's too late. and that's why the isre bui on the ground already in theseld states . we're building our community centers. we're in voter registration. we're in fifty eight lawsuits right now fighting democrats who are trying to compromise the election integrity by getting rid of things like voter idi.d. and signature matc. so that's why it's so criticaln to invest in the party and theo candidate to run it. we're both part of it. yeaha , democrats will get behid an empty suit. i mean, that's very clear thatqc with fetterman just really quick, i only have fifteenliti seconds here, but politicocal reporting that joe biden is counting on a nominee in the republican party picking a fighght witht with the debatee commission and then he won't. have to debate. in other words, the basement strategy . t we mig when i was with the trumpe campaign, we had to try to smoke him out of the basement, but we might have to smoke him out of the oval office. so are you prepared for a joa je biden that will not debat potentially? joe biden doesn't show u up ow u pto anybody. i mean, that's why we createdntt
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fact check. biden, .com, he's going to hidet in the basement. he doesn'tin front o want to st front of the american people. we wand wat to debatnt te our co . we wannet to debate.e go everyone is comfortable going up against joe biden, buing t again, the media will give himpt a free pass like they've done the past two years and allowthat him to sit in the basement. bee american people will not stand for that. and the republican party will be there to debate. >> ron mcdaniel, thank you . wi well, the media continues to insist the economy is great, but ten major retailers haveporm filed for bankruptcy recentlyay in the latest jobs report may tell a different story. more on that next. >> ninety nine dollars for coupet. >> ninety nine dollar room sale. ninety nine dollars for hardwood. >> okay, i'm getting new clothes from empire to empires. ninety nine room sale flooring for ninety nine dollars. when you pay for bedding, an installation. nine dollars at empire today. ninety nine on sale. it's true. like i say, even in color,
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who almost had tearsr in her eyes about the state of our country. and she said to me, i worked ov entire life, my 401k. i wanted to roll iert over intog an ira to give moneyra to my grandchildren. but i've now lost twenty two thousand dollars that the reality people are feeling well, they feel that because they're caught in a tough spot. ded what i mean, the one hand you'vet an got, the inflation whichon is eroded. what you can the other hand y buy at the mal. ri to ghe other hand , you've got these rising interest rateo s. i so if you need to go take out a loan, you want to go buy a house, you feel like i can'tld even do that. d and then you've got householdeb res and thisrd level is what gets people. so they feel like they're living on borrowed time. that they know how to deal with the inflation. they've had to put it credi on the credit card. you've gott over one point thio two trillion dollars in thisun country on credit cards. right now. so when you're talking to people out there right now, forget about the definition off recession. they feel likethey they're in the middle of one because they're so pressed by all these financial realities that acknowl the president won't acknowledge. >> you know, to that pointed. , dis
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you call it economic reality distortion. pr in the white house. t and i would add to thatmericans the media i mean, you watch msnbc, this interview at a time when americans say we only give your economy a 30 something percent approval0% rating ofy is steffanie, rule out there g saying, we know the economyreat is great, we know ecovering you're recovering. >> the message is getting out b there. i mean, do people buy this?is? well, it might be great for her. i don't know her situation, buteel i th for the vast majority ofink n americans , they feel like they're on the edge because they are they have no margin. i mean, that's that'samerica rio the reality of life in america right now. if shing goe goes wrong,w. you're going to feel it. h soav when you look at these banks, we've had three bank failures in the past monthut and a half. let's just stop for a second th. and think about that. that is a massive reality thatot americans have to deal with and think about because that's where their money is . you know, they're wondering, can i get it out or not? banks and when they're seeing banks sw fail, they sayai, wait a secondm if this is a strong economy,y why am i feeling like i'm one minute away from needing to take my money out of the bank? soth, you know, the media may e sayingat, but average americans are saying, i don't
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have the breathing room. this president promised mesed me breathing room. and all i hear from him,y wash he's coming after my stove, my dishwasher, my washingmy lif machine, my car. he wants to get more into my life. i just want to live my life.resg i want to be able to afford these things. mr. president , get my life>> there. apparently also coming for rify' is le, which is like feedingre m half of the world's population, which is really it doesn't say it doesn't surprise me. >> there's the not a thing in ts economy they don't want to regulate, which is why it feels so oppressive. all the time, especially when they're at the podium saying everything's okay. >> it's no. t we're not buyingch it. well, thank you very much, brian . good to see you .th america is in the grips of a mental health crisis. details surrounding the gunman who shot at a texas mall this weekend underscore that sad factkend. d was re mauricio garcia, a thirty three year old security guard, was removed from the army in 2008 over mental health concerns. he's the latest in a string of high profile criminals plagued by mental health problems. we need to address thesead-on if problems head on . w the and if w e want to make
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the world a safer place for our children, we must. dr. courey, myers is a criminologist. he's also a retired sheriff. he joins us now. et you you know, dr t. meyers, i met you this weekend. you had a long conversation.this and one of the things you said, and it really stuck with me, you call it the advent ofman th the feral maatn, that somethingn deep and very dark is happeningr in our country right now.t you i think whenme you look at the rate of mass shootings, you see that. what do you mean by thaty ? well, in studying criminal activity, for as long as i'vest been a criminologist, you have to look at causal reasons why crime occurred. and i, i believee that the thren reasons are a lack of faith,y a family informationform. those three things aresociety the pillar in our society, thdroctheir bedrock on what we t on . and we were suffering from a lack of familyf. we have fatherlessness that's occurring across america today. we're not connected anymore. we're having higher and higher divorce rates through all sectors of the environment. we have a disconnect with faith
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. and i'm not necessarily talking abouy talkt a particular particr type of religion, but juste of faith in general. we're seeing more and more people not connected drive to any kind ofs faith life. and that drives us to behave inc a certaiern pattern. and last but not least,ion, f formation, formationor plays be a huge role in how we're going a to be formed as children going into adults. and it continues on evenadul ino schools and colleges and our adult behavior when we don't have these things, in my opinion, that's when the dark side can kind of bubble up because it's not there to temper who we aree areo and what we are. so these dark psychological traits can foster and foment inside our bodies that comes out and we end up becoming wild and we come. therrell, this you and i referred to it as the advent of feral man. >> wow. you know, dr. myers, you andanio
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i also had a discussion about this manifesto in the nashville shooting. six people died, three of themhe children. there is much material. would that manifesto your criminologist, would that manifesto help you in your work to protect america's children? >> the release of information that occurs in crime is extremely important to go to the publiblic not jc, not jud criminologist, although i would certainly look at it and look at it for for research and study. and in order to framen th appropriate public policy inpu the future. but the publicblic needs t neede aware of what is in manifestoo so we cason understand what is going on in america, understand specifiamc threats, a and then be able to respond to to the threats, not only personallts onlyy, as you i have situational awareness when we walk around and payif w attention to detail. but imagine if we don' t have this kind of information, how can we make sure that we're we necting our our schools and our systems and all pre things that we need
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to protect from a force protection point of view? if wote don't know reasons whyn people are doing certain things thso it's extremely important. nashville, i want to compliment them. number one , they did a fantastic job responding to the scene so quicklynd and their initial response and public information was perfect. but but they have now beenho reluctant to show the manifesto . >> and i have a feeling that it has to do more about problemsas with political correctness as opposed that they reall oy don't want to releaseink th the information. i think they're probably being pressureey're probably bse thede the information. >> and we know law enforcemente leav is saying we'ring e leaving thap to the district attorney . so no indictment of law enforcement here, bute mani i'm continue to ask it every day. where is the manifesto? dr. currey myersfedr. curry mye. a christian tv series called the chosen has been a tremendous success on streaming platforms. strumentlatforms i'md about thi. we'll talk to the show's director , dallas jenkins, next
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and step into cusack's. get 15% off today. tv usfl kicks off with one box. this is a saturday at 4:00 eastern in houston. gamblers, come on , take on the birmingham stallion's touchdown, then sunday at three , the memphis showboats batted the new orleans breakers three pro football career week by usfl action heats up this weekend on fox fox wednesday, five . it's the biggest messinger showdown of the season, unmasking it then only one more episode until the farmer wants a wife finale. can we be done now? has real love passed one of them by the hawks been telling me. >> i'm going to take a second. i made the wrong call
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wednesday. it's an all new mask. >> singer, followed by an all new farmer wants a wife on fox . the gospel story of jesus christ is now a streaming sensation. the chosen is a christian tv series that follows the life of . >> it's now on its third season. here's a clip from what i said . everybod>> nobody, that's not a. how do you see greg? , the show has been a tremendous success. you can watch it on netflix, prime video and fox nation. you can also watch it on chose e the chosen tv or the chosen app . jee thoughnkt we'dins talk to e show's director , dallas
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jenkins. he's also the co-writer of the chosen dallas. i am so honored to speak with you. i i think i saw on the chosen facebook something to the effect of, you know, i usedd-wh to see the gospels in black anda white, but now i see thetm in color. and i think that's whatdone f the series hasor done for me. by but this began in an unlikely way. you ha what a boxd a box office failure and then your wife brought two messages to you. yeah. on. thanks for having me on .me alo yeah, i wanes home alone with my wife after the biggest disappointment of my career. the movie that i had made that got hollywood attentio gn and distributed all overs the country in theaters, completely bombecompd. h and i went in just a couple hours from being a director with a bright future to a director with no future. t and in the midst ohe midstf thao my wife felt like god was justwn laying it extremely powerfully on her heart, almost as clearblo as though it was aicn audible voice read the story ofto the feeding of the 5000. and so we dug into the story of the feeding, the five thousand and the gospels. not quite sure q why . reading through it, we had this
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phrase in our heads to impossible math . another thing that my wife felt like god was leading to her leading in her heart was that he does impossible math . we're tryingible to figure all o out, wondering what that has to do with a box office failurea and across the world that night at 4:00 in the morning, a random person i've never met facebook message me. and all he said was, remember, it's not your job to feedprovid the five thousand. it's only to providee the loavh of fish.y d wow.yo and so i'm like, why didy n my t you say that? he goes, well, god , laid itrly there' on my heart to tell you that i'm going, okay, clearly, clearls somey something importat here. and that led me to believe thatt i wasn't responsible for the results. i wasn't responsiblewasn respong to have some big success. my job was to make the best if them d fish that i could god deemed them worthy ofo thin acceptance. that was it.k that allowed mwille to think, oo i'm willing to do this short film for my church. it was about the birth of . and lmed it on my friend's farm in illinois, twenty minutes from my house. and that ultimately led toen anm the chosen and me e talking>> i
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to you right now and led that mo impossible math , which this wauts crowdfunded project . you had a mereso solicitation on social media to provide funding. from what i read, you got nineteen thousand donations. ten million dollars from was imp the get go . that wasosma the impossible math amazine seriesg. this series has changed lives. i see it every time i got he t on your facebookhi. >> why do you think this is so. life changing? well, what's >> interesting is theentury t story of the first century, galilee. this man who camman who mee alog and came to the jewish people in the midst of significant thpression, poverty, and they lead expecting him to takeem ovr the world to fight to be a big religious leader, to be a messiah, messiah thaten he sa they expected. and when he said actuallctually i'm here not to fight tolitical battles, not to figh wars, but to change your heartul and to demand that you followow me and that you surrender to me. that message, for whatever reason, is resonating rs more than ever today. and so two thousand years later, we're seeing believers and nonbelievers who love
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the show saying, i never realizedsaying how human these s were. and i realize that thi s applies to me, too. what happened two thousand years ago. >> it'en a ts beenre a tremendos success for believers and nonbelievers. succesitlike you can check it ot the chosen tv. dallas jenkins, thanthe chk you. well, thank you for watching fox news tonight. have a great evening. the grea t sean hannity, he takes it over from here. >> by the way, i have watched thl three seasons of the chosen angels studios, .com, i think, is where you can download the third season. >> you're it'szing an amazing series.erybd i highly recommend iy.t to everybody. great job. kelly . >> good to see you . thank you . and welcome to hannity. glad you're with us . tonight. we are at the start of what will be a terrible week for your president, joe biden. his approval ratinspeak tog is y already now at an 80 year record low. he's losing to both trump and desantis in a head to head match up most americans don'tntl even think joe is mentallyly fif to serve most democrats. they want someone else to bet
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