tv Outnumbered FOX News May 9, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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with mexico. just two days until title 42 is set to expire. illegal crossings are already surging to record highs and just this past week there're been nearly 55,000 apprehensions, more than 18,000 known guideways which means a camera got them, somebody saw them. but we can't catch them. that means the population size equivalent to the at&t center in san antonio has been able to sneak into the united states with just seven days, those guideways are really critical. we really don't know who is on them. the border patrol union right now is furious over this. it is going into the dhs with quite a bit of anger pronouncing publicly when and where the border patrol would be conducting target enforcement operations. essentially telling illegal immigrants and smugglers where to run and hide from the border patrol agents. i just spoke with border patrol council brandon judd last hour.
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>> this is when activism takes over law enforcement and that should never happen. we should always be able to protect the american people. we should always be able to protect ourselves in law enforcement operations. you do not give up to criminals when an operation is going to take place before it happens. if you do that, all they know that they have to do is flee if we are targeting those individuals that might be here illegally, that also have a criminal record, you cannot let them know ahead of time that we are going to come and get them. >> harris: and that's not all, fox news is learning from multiple cbp forces that border patrol sectors have been authorized to return mass releases of people into this country. if ngos don't have the capacity to hold them and we know that they don't, because senators in arizona, mark kelly and kyrsten sinema have been begging for money, got some to bolster those ngos to absorb some of the people so that they don't end up on the streets in american cities.
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all this means in the coming days we will likely see mass releases of people at bus stops, gas stations, supermarkets, and more. and one source has this morning, the dam is about to break. kayleigh, did you ever think we would be at this point? >> kayleigh: yes, because president biden is the commander-in-chief. and this was known to anyone who has two brain cells in a little bit of common sense that this was rolling back with all of the administration, you get an influx of people coming in, it's basic math, but i would say this, known guideways, if you combine that with a number of people remaining in this country under title eight, there perhaps as many as 3 million people illegal immigrants in the country, who are these 3 million people, we do not know, many are hardworking people who love this country and won the american dream, but others as we have seen illegal immigrants who have killed families. we saw that five people died, three of which were one of which
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was an 8-year-old i should say, so this is sad, but the dam is about to break. the human atrocity is are about to break, and a 35-degree refrigerator truck recently are the kind of conditions these people are enduring. >> harris: i want to pause with that 3 million plus number you gave, i don't think that people realize because of title eight, which the president calls title ix, might explain a lot, because of title eight they are allowed to go and wait for their court date, they are here illegally and we know it and they are allowed to roam around and most of them never get to port. >> in there is a backlog in the court system, so there is that as well. >> doug: yes, they are never going to get there, and on that last episode why is the government aiding and abetting known illegal, why are they aiding and abetting the known cartel, because if they know where they prosecute and round them up, that is aiding and abetting. if i know you are on the loose for committing a crime and a new, hate, the police are going to -- and i'm going to move you, then i am actually accomplishing your crime.
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>> harris: that's right! >> doug: so why is the federal government doing this? they are aiding and abetting, but it is like this government, may be joe biden in the brain cell capacity, if you turn it on, the water spigot comes out, shocker. i mean turn the water on top of the water comes out. open the border, people come in. >> harris: can i roll that bite with kay jp and the president? all right, so, our reporter star jacqui heinrich yesterday actually asked the white house press secretary karine jean-pierre, when the president spoke yesterday he did not focus on the big issues like what we are talking about, let's watch. >> we watched up -- talked about the memorial flight, heading into memorial day weekend, so it causes the question of is the president really focus on today's biggest issues when everyone in here is asking about title 42, debt ceiling, mass
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shooting over the weekend and we did not hear the president talk about any of those things. >> regular american families are thinking about memorial day weekend, they are. they are thinking about how are they going to travel with her family, with their kids, they care about what the president said today. so that does matter. >> harris: what in the world? >> emily: i watched that live and i was horrified frankly that the first thing out of her mouth is not what families are thinking about on memorial day which is the ultimate sacrifice to preserve and protect our constitution. so that aside, because it was not surprising to me, i keep thinking about how president biden is running ads or at least his team is running ads already about him running for president again, right? and the whole premise is i never leave anyone behind. no one left behind. joe biden leaves no one behind. joe biden is a union man. i'm first of all, the first thinat comes to mind is of course afghanistan when we
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left everyone behind including our service members family members and allies, but i thought about the president of the border patrol brandon judge who you spoke with. i think about the border patrol unions. i think about the law enforcement unions, and i think about everyone left behind, all of those americans in every border country and every border city and every border states and throughout the united states that has now experienced a triple of fence and all poisonings, a quintuple of lack of resources. and i think about how this administration continues to reassure us with their tired narratives and their woke talking points there is room for everyone, there is room for everyone. and then they say with a straight face, well, if there is not room in the ngos or the nonprofit, i guess we will let the illegal immigrants go free, because why? our tax dollars are not enough? correct, they are pushing the responsibility to nonprofits, to catholic organizations come to groups of faith, to nonprofits to absorb the surge, the 12 million plus surge of illegal
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immigrants in the country and contrast that by the way with the amount of homeless coast-to-coast is about half a million. can you hear the administration talk about that all the time. the amount of money we spend on that all the time. apparently this is 24 times that, you get nothing. the administration is ill-equipped, they are totally avoided being equipped for this and they have no idea, that spigot surge they refuse to acknowledge it. but to them i guess this weekend is just when you visit your family. >> harris: i want to go back to putting a target on the backs of our border patrol and how that breaks us as a nation, rachel, breaks us. they are down there trying to uphold the sovereignty of this great beacon of life around the world and our federal government puts a target on our border patrol agents and tells the drug cartels, because not just the people coming across, how do you think they got there to the border? the drug cartels where our men and women are going to be. >> rachel: it is shameful and there is a collusion, we are doing the last leg.
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we are the travel agents for the last leg. that's what they have turned the border patrol into. we are doing the last leg for the cartels. we are colluding with the cartels and child sex trafficking. we are absolutely complicit in that. and all of this is happening. who talk about the ngos they are in cahoots, they are making tons of money. i say this has a lot of shame as a catholic. the catholic church is making a lot of money off of illegal immigration system through the nongovernment where they are placing it. you wonder why when our churches were shut down, the catholic church was so quiet about it? the lutherans are doing and too, lots of other church organizations, why were they quiet when the fbi was targeting catholics and landmasses? why were they quiet? because they have government contracts. everybody is making money off of this. and the people that suffer are the border patrol, the children, and of course these border communities and now everybody is going to suffer, because the dam is broken.
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>> harris: you just want to jump right in. what is it? >> doug: it is, and it goes back to what emily said, there is a forgotten person in a forgotten element, and we have talked about it in general on the board, but it's going to be if you don't believe that this is real in her life, get ready, because i don't care where you live in the country, when they start being put into the streets they're going to go somewhere, it is human nature. and for those that cross the border, i will give them everything want, but it's the men and women in cities and states in the country that are going to see their services overwhelmed and the city there, they have to watch out for that. >> harris: it is frightening what you said in terms of turning over the border to the drug cartels. we cannot do that. and that's putting the enemy at the front door, and every whim and window is open, come on in. >> rachel: and we are destabilizing mexico as we and power that cartels, that's a national security problem. >> harris: we will move on. even the liberal media are now
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calling out president biden asking, why is he afraid of news conferences? [sound effect] because they are scary. ♪ ♪ the rec league's self-crowned pickleball king. do you just bow down? no you de-thrown the king. pedialyte. 3x the electrolytes. veteran homeowners making a big car payment every month? car loans can be expensive and the payments high. consolidate that car loan into a newday home loan and save hundreds every month. ♪ choosing miracle-ear was a great decision.
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♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: it's no secret that the biden administration likes to keep the president off of the podium, he has not held a solo news conference this year, but barring some news outlets for them being the same room as our commander in chief. wow, trump would've been skewered for that, calling him a "roger dodger" as they were banned from attending the
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remarks at the white house yesterday, they blame the snob on a lack of press credentials. "washington post" is calling on the president the editorial board writing this. president biden has not dropped a microphone. he appears to have lost it. mr. joe biden is turning into a news media of vader and its harmful to its presidency and the nation in the past 100 years. only presidents richard nixon and ronald reagan average fewer news conferences then mr. biden, should the president find that microphone we will probably see something like this play out. >> i am not supposed to be having this press conference. >> i'm not supposed be answering these questions. >> i will get in trouble with my staff. >> i will pretend it's an issue. i'm not supposed to take any questions, but go ahead. >> we need you to move, thank you, let them get on with the meeting. >> sir, mr. president. >> can i ask you a question? >> hi!
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[inaudible] >> god bless you all, may god protect our troops, thank you. [indistinguishable] >> kayleigh: wow, harris, two things going on, the press has their credentials, called hard passes renewed and they tend to be auto renewed since 2017, but now they are having to reapply for them with the use of standards that are pretty vague, so some saying this could limit press access as he recalled president trump did try to take credentials from two reporters and they sued and ended up winning, but it was on a due process claim, so within "the new york post" reporter who i find to be a very good reporter has kept out of it and bent and traditionally other than covid when i was there, they had to reduce the number of people, but typically you would have a post reporter in there. >> harris: so on the first one with the passes, that should get extra scrutiny to you. like we should take a really
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good look as journalists why the rules are suddenly changing now with the president who his approval rating is 36%, the president who has lost from 90 percent to 50% black support among those in the survey recently as well. when you start to look at the politics of the situation that's when i think it's fair to ask why are the rules changing? because those are the questions that reporters want to ask about and a whole host of other things. on the second point about being kept out of an event, let's think about that for a second. it was not a news conference, but there was other media there and free to come in, the daily mail by the way is reporting that there was more than just "the new york post" report kept out. so i need to make my facts and know what those other groups were, but that's just worth noting too, but the bigger issue here is that there were 20 empty seats, so there has to be a reason why you would keep an outlet out, it can't be space, covid is overcome a title 42 is coming, so that's coming to an
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end, so what is the reason why you would keep them out? >> kayleigh: hunter biden? >> harris: that would be on your feelings and i'm hoping that the white house and the press secretary are less about their feelings and more about their jobs. >> kayleigh: i hope so, emily, but president biden called them russian is filamentous information. >> emily: i have no faith and not being a reason, they can dish it but they can't take it. that's the bottom line. they are hypocrites in this administration, they can stand there all day and preach about inclusivity and the importance of having every voice at the table and how everyone's voice matters, but when push comes to shove, they cannot handle tough questions. they can't handle specific questions, they can't handle being pressed. they would rather those 20 seats be filled by tick-tock influencers. so here is her talking point and amplify it to all the kids out there, because although we care about is being a robotic perpetuation of our initial narratives. the distinction as well, as he pointed out, between
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ronald reagan and nixon, but this president is that ronald reagan went on to win, so when you contrast again is hiding from the press as though a wall post says, absolutely it is detrimental to the nation's sovereignty, this is someone that the white house correspondent sooner said this is like always, come in and make some prepared remarks and then i cheerfully walk away, scott jennings at cnn said he is not laughing with you, he is laughing at you. >> kayleigh: he is and we have the proof. let's roll it. speak i know they will be really excited when i asked the press to leave. thank you. >> so i can answer any questions. >> thank you, guys. thank you, thank you. >> thank you, guys. >> stay tuned. >> my first two years in office. i will talk for 10 minutes, take, take zero questions and cheerfully walk away.
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yeah, i know, i just announced my reelection campaign. speaker wire reporters and ranged? >> rachel: when there was a reporter from an african outlet who complained about access, the rest of the press corps told him to shut up and sit down. again they are in cahoots with the biden administration. they are all -- they went to cover for him and that's what they do every single time. look, i have set for a long time, i think that this presidency from the beginning was cruel, i did a podcast on the cruelty of jill biden to put her husband in this position. he is obviously deteriorating before our eyes and i believe that while we are starting to hear more from other outlets about it is they want to move him on. they understand from the numbers you brought up, harris, that this thing -- the wheels are coming off the bus right now and they need a replacement. i've set for a long time i think it will be michelle obama.
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but we will see what happens here. but there is clearly a lot of concern and alarms going off on the democrat side that he is -- he is not ready for another four years. >> kayleigh: we don't have time to play it, i will paraphrase, saying he had an press conference coming up. it was an msnbc interview. >> doug: that's tough, and the slogan is why ask, but did you watch to that, we were sort of laughing, that's what the world sees. that's not a "saturday night live" skit, that's a president in the united states. they are going into an election cycle, i agree and they are trying to hide this, but they don't have a good alternative. they don't have a vice president put forward, another candidate to put forward, so you watch this white house and the media and you will see this for a few months and then shut down. they said "the washington post" said, we did in an editorial about that a long time ago. now we are and where we don't know what to appear political, they don't want to -- the worst thing they can do, let him speak and then we have to
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spend il-5 cleanup for the rest of the week. >> harris: please tell me she will not come out to that lectern and the white house as press secretary and mentioned after she talks about politics all the time. >> doug: i'm not going to lie to you, yes, she will. what else is she going to do? >> kayleigh: we will see at 1:00 p.m. today. the war on kitchen alliances is not over yet, the green team is attacking your dishwasher next. ♪ ♪ if you're the spouse of a military veteran, i want you to know something. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. a va home loan is unique. it's different than other loans because it allows you to borrow up to 100% of the home's value. that extra borrowing power may allow you to pay down debt, lower your monthly payments, put cash in the bank, and give you the peace of mind that every veteran deserves.
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appliances, first gas stoves, than incandescent light bulbs, then washing machines, and now coming for your dishwasher. with the new rules that dramatically cut the amount of water juice per cycle, and that means just with washing machines that folks will have to run their machines more than once to get everything clean. congressman, what is next? >> doug: who knows at this point, and nightlights, i'm scared of the dark, they will take away my night-light. but they are coming at these chipping, chipping, chipping and it's not for this generation, i think what this is is again some of the issues we may talk about us or the gun and younger generation that are downplaying and saying and then minds of kids will see it put into more common dishwasher is about, saving the planet. so they are training the next generation to learn that this is okay. this is right. we are in control and we have everything under control for you, don't worry about it. the problem is whenever they
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come at this in a liberal government solution comes, it comes with a bigger price tag than what they say, more water because he can wash in the sink, you will have to wash it twice, it's like the cars, ethanol, all of this playing in effect that we know better and they are training us to depend on them. >> emily: that is right, and your beautiful family, demanding xyz, and legislating xyz without providing for the transition, and they don't realize what they are demanding of household families is shooting them in the foot with what they are trying to accomplish. >> rachel: it is interesting you said that it's going to affect the next generation, it's affecting me right now. i've two dishwashers and i've always had two dishwashers and have a lot of kids. and 20-year-old dishwashers in my house and i keep trying to get them repaired, because the green ones don't work. and like you said coming have to do it again and again. this is a war on modern life, this is a war on families, and they want to lower our security
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to say you will have less and you will be okay. remember they said he won't own anything and still be happy. this is the green religion that puts green and trees and by the way, a lot of rift and everything else ahead of real human beings and our way of life. and this is what this is an attack on. >> emily: while it is being painted by the left as some far right ideology and refusal to embrace any flexibility, the reality is a million groups have sued over this including the restaurant association. and more. that would be deeply and negatively impacted by these ridiculous orders and legislation. >> kayleigh: and biden may regret this because of a lawsuit, they call it biden's green gamble, because they say americans are resistant to top-down force, and they point to the vaccine mandate and how much backlash there was, there's a lawsuit and part of that was struck down. so biden may find this is not all that popular electorally.
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>> harris: i don't do nasty, and so i really detest the idea that something is going to tell me to just deal with eating off on clean dishes and clothes that might not be as fresh. i live with athletes. i need fresh clothes. i live with human beings who like to eat sticky food. i need a dishwasher that does not turn me into a human dishwasher, since we actually own a dishwasher. i agree with you, it is for the future generations to live with less and still be happy. i love the way that you put that. i'm happy now. >> emily: the level of volume conveniently forgotten by the administration, the hospitality industry. >> harris: i feel bad for businesses. >> emily: none of this at all makes any sense. it >> kayleigh: i might lose the hispanic vote when we can't turn our tortillas on gas stoves. another thing to consider. >> emily: parents in colorado
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are suing their children's public school district after they say that teachers and staff allegedly pushed students to join an lgbtq club and keep the details secret from their parents, that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ me, it's time to cut your monthly expenses. and the fastest way to do that? pay off your debts and high rate credit cards with a lower payment newday home loan. that can save you hundreds of dollars every month. plus, this newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value so you can put even more cash in the bank during these uncertain times. ♪ ♪ ♪
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and she says her sixth-grade daughter was urged to join the schools/straight alliance by other teachers. speaking with harris last hour to describe what her daughter told her about one of the meetings. >> we gave consent to attend art club that day, but when she got there she learned that it was gender and sexuality awareness club. and not just that, but the art teacher had invited in an outside presenter into the classroom that day, and this woman did absolutely unthinkable things with the kids, she talked to them about the purity blockers and cross sex hormones, she said that their parents might not be safe, that they don't have to tell parents where they are, not just for this meeting, but for a future meeting she holds in the community. >> emily: this interview was fascinating and everything she articulated to you is present in her lawsuit against that school district. >> harris: the part that was probably most during fermi we learn later in the interview and
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that was that the kids have been told don't tell your parents even about that initial meeting. and a lot of the kids adhered to that. they did not know any better not to go home, and she said for some of them it was a year later before those parents learned what those kids -- and they had been going to these meetings. i mean, that i believe it's close to the definition of indoctrination. come a long periods of time, learn something counter to maybe what your parents would sign off on, memorize all of the rules in and out of the club, that sort of thing. and a lot of it was gender transitioning. i know you talk lgbt, but it was more than that. it was more than the community of lgbt, it was about changing your body and that whole process. without parental knowledge, not just consent. >> emily: indoctrination without a minimum, in the definition of unacceptable. the suit alleges that students that came out as transgender during that meeting were rewarded. this is quoting here, children
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who came to them and came out as transgender awarding prizes such as toy flags and other swag, they defended it feeling pressure to do the same and wanting to receive the prize is, the student mentioned in the lawsuit, did as well. >> rachel: and some of the kids come out confused and have suicidal thoughts, this is serious stuff, one of them said that they attempted to drink bleach because she was feeling depressed and confused. just imagine for a second if this is not a gay-straight alliance club, but a christian/atheist club and they were secretly baptizing children, imagine the uproar and what they would be screaming about parental rights. this is an effort to separate children from their families, from their families values and turn them into activists. and parents need to wake up. this is exactly what this is about. it's classic marxist communist up.
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>> emily: all under the secret in guise of don't tell your parents. >> kayleigh: my sister works at the organization api, just want to put that out there, but there are states that have statewide secrecy policies, so this is not an isolated incident. wrote about one in california and florida. and as ken paxton told me last night, running an investigation into texas, citing some scientific data that 62-98% of the time these kids resolve their feelings of being a different gender by puberty. that's a science. i don't know what happened to it. this is not about lgbtq, this is about parents rights. that is what this is about, parents being kept in the most important decisions of their children's lives. >> emily: you spoke about nomenclature in the indoctrination that the pushing children in the next generation to absorb and then wrote to lee spit back what the left is telling them, and impart the lawsuit alleges what they said to the students were guarding
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their bodies is in their talk that they are not completely comfortable in their bodies and it means they are transgender. they also have the children discuss what gender they were are attracted to. so it's a guise of questions were here are some answers coming may have questions to begin with, it squarely became this means xyz. and what they go away from identifying with under the guise of secrecy. >> doug: when you bring them in and you say, think about this, it's all about indoctrination, bringing you in and taking government control, we know best and what is right for you, we know this and this, and think of the stories we have had today. it's all about government control. but how many times do we tell our children if you see something, tell somebody. if something comes after you, tell somebody. and we communicate and they are saying no. this frankly borderlands on an almost colt-like activity, don't tell anybody, if you can't tell
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anybody, then what is wrong? if this is an open environment that you want to put out there, than why can't you tell somebody? it's because they don't want their views challenge, when it is challenge they have to think. and when they think, they get put down. >> harris: a little breaking news, i don't know if they were watching the interview last hour, but can bond the former prosecutor attorney general for the state of florida is working along with the person that you said you know to fight this and take this lawsuit forward, so put her school district now has a response. i can't read at all, it is quite long, but i will start. valuing all students in the right to be supported and welcomed in their buildings, the guidelines adopted in january 23 aligned with state and federal laws for supporting students in research back ways that aim to prevent the discrimination and harassment of transgender and nonconforming children. in the process of evaluating the lawsuit, the one led by pam bondi, former ag of florida and
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others with that coalition, that said we believe that the district's practices around supporting all students including those who hold the lgbtqia+ identity line with current state and federal law. these guidelines are publicly available on our website. by law students have the right to be free from discrimination and access to a safe and inclusive learning environment. and i would say after interviewing pam bondi last hour along with her clients, this does not hit the nail on the head. because this was not about whether or not they were being state compliant, this was about why did you not let the children tell their parents? why did you highly suggest and incentivize this with gifts in the secret club that it is absolutely okay to have these types of conversations as a minor, sixth-grade, what is that? ten, 11, 12 years old without parental consent and knowledge. so as the district would like to hit us again with the new statement, i am here for it. >> rachel: that is a legal
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thing, but why don't they talk about childhood innocence and what they are robbing them of. >> emily: they can hide behind the talking points, but i'm sure the judge and jury will find it differently. more "outnumbered" next. yeah,we love our house, but the cost of home ownership has been a struggle. with utility prices rising and... [ sad violin playing ] sweetie, can you practice that somewhere else? anyway, like i was saying, it's getting harder [ somber music playing ] and harder to make ends meet and... hon, do you mind? well, on the bright side, new customers [ angelic choir singing ] who bundle and save with progressive save over 20 percent on average. sorry, we let them practice here on thursdays! sounding good, friends! hi, i'm jill and i've lost 56 pounds on golo. hi, i'm barry and i've lost 42 pounds. jill and i are a team. if she tells me to do something, i usually jump on board. golo was doable, it's realistic, and it's something we can do the rest of our lives.
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to an agreement or are we headed for thought, charles payne with his thoughts, and what will happen on the border and why are democrats lining up against joe biden? talk into a renter on the frontline of the customs and immigration service, why did the white house keep "the new york post" out of yesterday's event were joe biden? does it have something to do with the papers were reporting on hunter biden and what does congressman james comer have in store for tomorrow? new guidance on breast cancer screening, moving the timetable ahead a decade, nicole saphier with her advice and the jury in the jean carroll case deliberating. will we get a verdict today? john roberts, come join sandra and me at the top of the hour for a gm to pack "america reports." >> kayleigh: welcome back. that time of the year, college students graduating and heading out into the real world for the first time. but instead of offering tips for a long and lucrative career, super bowl champ harrison booker, the kansas city chiefs kicker gave this advice to
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george or a tax graduating class. success in bar the bank money have far less meaning than getting married and having a family. >> our culture is suffering, it does not matter what you said on or whether you are a deep faith of not to. people with eyes can see that something is off. i can offer one controversial antidote i believe will have a lasting impact on generations to come. to get married and start a family. [applause] my confidence as a husband and father and yes, even as a football player is rooted in my marriage with my wife. as we leave our mark on future generations by the children we bring into the world. how much greater of a legacy can anyone leave than that?
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>> kayleigh: first i loved us, and second he read my mind, harris, i was coming to u.s. at kansas city chiefs champ and i saw your phone. >> harris: look at that. this is family values, and even harrison was a bit surprised that he would get some applause, because right now in our society we would rather be canceling that. it is that part of us that keeps us hole, it is that celebration of family. and i look across this couch at my friend rachel and her husband sean and i always get the number wrong, but i know it's like 19 children. >> rachel: close. >> harris: but it keeps a -- takes a lot to keep a family together, and in today's society i don't feel like people root for us as parents together. so he is rooting for us and reminding us of who we are and whose we are even at home. >> kayleigh: rachel, nine children, right? >> rachel: this is very
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countercultural message, the opposite. everyone is saying that children are bad for the environment, they are inconvenient, they are expensive. they are messy. focus on yourself it is a very narcissistic culture. but if you look at happiness studies, all happiness studies will say that having a family and having kids, those people who have those things are the happiest because they are looking forward to the future. so good for him for giving this message that i think it is really powerful in the end, careers are great to have, but they don't hold your hand when you're dying, your corporation won't be around you on your deathbed. your children and your family will. >> kayleigh: well said, emily, and said he had to call this controversial. >> emily: i will agree, but the best commencement speech ever was in austin, that was amazing. and it's faith and perspective, and that was the root of his speech. it was finding your sense of purpose and your mission. he said the thing that is most important to me was my wedding
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ring, not my super bowl ring, it's being a husband and father i was raised in a family of capable overachieve workers and the whole world is filled with miserable capable overachieve being hard workers, but those that have the sense of purpose and fulfillment when you find your mission as a family man and husband as a father and a man of god is what brings you purpose in that service, so is always that the message is being construed and unfortunately diluted, but the actual purpose behind it and the message unequivocal and i wholeheartedly agree. >> kayleigh: for this generation that is dealing with depression, this is what they needed to hear. >> doug: god made us to be relational creatures, not only with him, but with each other. and when you break the world into ideology or jobs, that's what they are taking us away from. we realize that the most important things are the things you can put a price on, yes, kids are missing, they are bad, and they get in trouble, but it
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would not trade those moments with sitting on the couch. these are the things that we need to remind people that is not controversial, that is real life. >> throwing up on my close at church, but i loved it. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with cpap for their sleep apnea. but stephanie got inspire, an implanted device that works inside the body. there's no reason to keep struggling. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. out here, you're more than just a landowner.
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i struggled with cpap every night. but now that i got the inspire implant, it's making me think of doing other things i've been putting off. like removing that tattoo of your first wife's name. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at ♪♪ ♪>> last but not least, time to come clean. have you ever snooped through somebody else's phone? a new survey says a whopping 82% of americans have done just that, and the most likely snoopers are a romantic partner or an ex. kayleigh. >> blake doesn't have a phone yet, it's a fake one, i have nothing to snoop on. answer is no. >> all right, doug.
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>> if you have kids, yes. i mean, when our kids, they had the phones, you would look because again, being a parent, there -- especially when -- but we have a policy, my wife and i have been married 35 years and our phones are open to each other. we don't -- because it's a transparency issue, ok. but anybody else's phone, no, leave my stuff alone. >> 35 years ago when you got married. >> thank god there was no cell phones. >> i didn't want to be unkind but there weren't. >> "charlie's angels" had them in their car. >> we put down our tablets. >> i had a car phone, instructed to use for communication, not conversation, we could use it if the car broke down or whatever, that was important. >> yeah, we talked about in law enforcement how the standard advice to parents is know what your children are doing. it's worth the friction for that child to know exactly what they are being exposed to with the internet, and so much worse. >> i mean, i have teenagers so i
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have the right to snoop in their rooms and phones and we also, my emails go to sean's and i can go on to sean's and look at his emails and text messages. i hate looking at my email. a lot of things sean catches i need to see. >> i'm the same way. i hand my phone to tony sometimes, can you look at this? my brain is -- can't take any more. all right. be sure to tune in tonight, you know we've got you girl. kayleigh is hosting again, fox news tonight, and all this week at 8:00 p.m. eastern. kayleigh, what's in store for this evening? >> as our hearts have broken on the couch over the school shootings, marsha blackburn will have a talk mom to mom, glenn youngkin, the model how to win in a blue state, and fentanyl. to border ranchers talk to title
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42, and emily will join me. we have some food to talk about. >> are you bringing food? >> maybe we should. >> it's about dinner time. >> i'll bring the chick-fil-a, or just the chick. we'll watch you tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern. thanks everybody for being with us. when you can't be with us at noon eastern, dvr the show. here is "america reports." >> we are not negotiating on this. we have been very clear. it is their constitutional duty to take action. >> america should pay its bills. and avoid a catastrophic and dangerous default. that's not a partisan position. >> i think we should pay the bills and then negotiate. >> there is no plan b. our plan is for congress to act to address the debt limit without conditions, just like they have done 78 times in the past. >> sandra: for months now the white house has refused to meet with republicans on the debt ceiling and now that is about to
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