tv Americas Newsroom FOX News May 10, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT
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haven't shown -- because they can't. also saying that there is no -- they are not able to say there are payments that were directed directly to joe biden himself, the president. so you've covered the story. i know you talked to the white house and tried to get them to answer your questions. what did you hear today that was new, different or that advances this story in your mind? >> i hear them. >> what's incredible to me the "new york post" reported that hunter biden was taking in millions of dollars from the romanians a year ago. it is a lot of it was based on information from anonymous sources and information we had from the laptop. in one sense it's good we're being vindicated by the financial records. hunter biden is not always the most reliable narrator. something i was surprised the committee didn't mention was all the meetings hunter biden had with his father in and around
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the same time he was working for the romanians. i will look at my phone for a moment and read some. the reporting we had a year ago, july 29, 2015, there was a 12:00 p.m. call with former f.b.i. chief working for the romanian businessman the same day hunter biden met with bide. he returns from a trip to romania and breakfast with dad. these are two instances all covered on his calendar in the hard drive that we did an extensive review over a year ago. >> bill: what comer said earlier today. the exact quote. i think this is important. it is very difficult to track the money in the accounts, john. and i think this is what they were trying to show. that this is the work they've been doing right now and it's needle in the hay stack kind of
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stuff. >> i would. why would you llc trance erg to llc and transferring to the biden. it makes no sense. if it is above board legitimate business why not transfer directly. he did business in china, romania, ukraine. not countries with good business practice standards or operating in canada or england. these are countries where being the son of the vice president would get you a lot of cache and it was assumed that was part of the deal. >> dana: former federal prosecutor andy mccarthy. your thoughts on all this. >> well, to pivot off what john just said i am reminded of the paul mon -- manafort prosecution. a lot of similarities what they allege there. we had a special counsel then
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who was investigating someone rather than the biden justice department trying to -- saying it is trying to investigate the bidens. but what they showed there was, their theory was that the work that was done for these foreign people and foreign entities should have been registered with the justice department under the provision that requires foreign agents to register. that in their view made the transactions illegal, which meant as the money transfers move from bank to bank or llc to llc in order to create this web that's hard to follow, each time the money moves you can call it money laundering. so that at least was what they did in connection with man for the. this seems awfully familiar. >> bill: jason chaffetz. give us what you believe your headline is after this. >> this is corruption at the
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highest level to not only enrich the biden family en masse but also corruption that is an intelligence security risk for the united states of america. if you look at the money and size particularly in china, we are talking about people with direct ties to the highest levels of the chinese government where hunter biden is involved and engaged in securing, for instance, one of the biggest cobalt mines in the world. so joe biden goes with hunter biden to china in 2013 and less than two weeks after they return from that trip, suddenly hunter biden gets all of this money? are you kidding me? what other evidence do we need of treason and those types of things. at one point joe biden is going on air force two with hunter biden and hunter biden brings his business partner jeff cooper on the flight and direct emails saying we want to do business when we land in mexico. as it relates to what is going
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on if romania, how in the world can they justify this guy in romania was convicted of bribery. so he engages the u.s. firm, just happens to be hunter biden, to lean on the department of justice to make sure that they can reduce the sentencing and the prosecution there in romania. free the former f.b.i. director says thank you to biden and deposits $1 hundred thousand in the biden grandkids' account. what other evidence does the media need and does congress need? if they just brush this under the rug and don't pay any attention to it and don't ask the president, that white house press room should erupt this afternoon. anything short of that is just so bad. >> bill: we've been watching the other networks. we were the only one who covered the entire thing. so your query is a good one and
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see whether or not you get your answer. thank you, gentlemen. john levine, more to come. andy mccarthy and jason chaffetz. thank you. >> dana: thank you. that press conference was ongoing and breaking news in the saga of george santos. the feds arresting the republican congressman on more than a dozen criminal charges moments ago. they took him into custody ahead of an expected court appearance at 1:00 p.m. today. alexis mcadams live in new york with the latest. hi. >> good morning. a lot to unpack here. this morning congressman george santos was arrested and in the courthouse in new york after he lied about every single thing in his past and now is facing serious charges related to his campaign finances. we can tell you congressman santos is charged the fraud, money laundering and making false statements in the 13-count indictment unsealed this morning prosecutors say santos used
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political contributions to line his pockets. illegally applied for unemployment benefits during the height of the pandemic and lied to the house of representatives just to name a few things. although calls for his resignation continues to grow he said he will run for re-election. here is what he said in march. >> it is not the first time that somebody has told me i don't belong and shut up and sit in the back of the room. i refuse to do that. >> yesterday capital police spotted him inside his office in washington, d.c. the f.b.i. and d.o.j. have been investigating santos for some time now. he represents long island and part of the bronx. dan goldman says he doesn't belong in congress. >> as a prosecutor for ten years i look at his campaign finance disclosures and i certainly would have investigated that because there were glaring red lights. >> but republican house leader
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kevin mccarthy has said he is withholding his judgment and won't urge santos to resign until he sees more of this investigation and what plays out in the courtroom behind me. if convicted of these charges santos faces a max penalty of 20 years in prison for those top counts. he is set to be here around 1:00 and see if he talks to the media. >> dana: alexis, thank you. >> come thursday at midnight those 50 or 60,000 individuals for the most part will be released into american communities an top of the 100,000 or so released every month. we have another wave and surge that will be impacting american communities that's very concerning. >> bill: it is coming. 36 hours and ticking now. disorder on the border about to get a loss worse. as he mentioned title 42 expires at midnight tomorrow night. already migrants surging toward the border in droves overwhelming agents on the front lines. the border patrol getting ready
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for tens of thousands to cross daily when title 42 goes away. keeping a close eye on the latest developments as it unfolds. senator thom tillis has reaction and a new idea with a bipartisan bill he is introducing with kyrsten sinema. to the border we go with bill melugin live in brownsville, texas and what's happening at this hour. hello. >> bill, good morning to you. just a few moments ago i was able to confirm with multiple cbp sources in the last to days in a row border patrol has apprehended more than 10,000 migrants who have crossed illegally each day. i'm told these are the highest single day totals ever recorded in u.s. history and it is only expected to go up from here. look at this drone video our team shot here in brownsville late yesterday in the evening showing an absolutely enormous group of migrants who crossed illegally. we've seen this every single day
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since we've been out here. as you watch our drone camera move you will wonder when does this line ever end? it never seems to. it is almost all single adults, redominantly venezuelans. as of yesterday border patrol facilities are 140% capacity as they are completely overwhelmed by these large groups showing up every single day. take a look at this second piece of video. we have our drone down by the river looking into mexico where they are crossing from. look at all the trash, clothing and rubbish at the edge of the river by the migrant camps in mexico showing where the migrants cross and then they got to the u.s. side and dropped trash and clothing on the u.s. side as well. a long stream crossing illegally. the u.s. side of the border in brownsville. it is a non-stop flow of illegal crossings. it is happening on the other side of the state as well.
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look at this other piece of video from el paso. 3:00 a.m. this morning another group of several hundred migrants who crossed illegally into el paso's lower valley, the border is blowing up across every sector right now. numbers we have never seen before and title 42 has not even dropped yet. lastly in the meantime human smuggling remains rampant. dash cam showing troopers going after human smugglers, illegal immigrants bailing out of a vehicle. the black bags on the illegal immigrants back. they were filled with meth. this was a bail-out. you can see the meth in the bags. taking the human smuggler into custody and he was a u.s. citizen from houston. the sort of thing that happens day in and day out down here on the southern border. back out here live cpb sources confirmed to me that as of this morning we have 28,500 migrants in cbp custody.
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i'm told that's also an all-time record as major stress is being put on cbp system and we still have title 42 waiting to drop. we'll send it back to you. >> bill: remarkable in the coming days. bill melugin back on the border. >> dana: in chicago mayor lore eye lightfoot declaring a state of emergency as new video shows hundreds of migrants take shelter inside police stations saying the city's resources are stretched to the breaking point with the arrival of more than # thousand migrants since august. chicago has been advertising itself as a sanctuary city for more than five years. it is not ready to handle all the problems involved with illegal immigration when so many actually do arrive. >> bill: also in florida today the governor ron desantis appears to be restarting his program of sending migrants to northern democratic run towns. the state's division of emergency management paid three companies to execute the relocation program.
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one of those chosen is the company that carried out last year's migrant flights to martha's vineyard off the coast of the commonwealth of massachusetts. >> dana: the countdown is on for the expiration of title 42. two senators are teaming up trying to fix it. they would temporarily extend the pandemic-era policy. let's bring in thom tillis, a member of the senate judiciary committee working with the democrat or independent curse tan sinema and how you help here. >> we're trying to extend the policies president trump put into place in march of 2020 when the pandemic hit us. it was designed to limit the inflows of people who could be infected but also provided the ability to return people, expel them from the country on an expedited basis. this goes away thursday. all we're doing is proposing the plain text of the title without
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a pandemic or emergency health enablement. we can get this done. we have to get it done. you saw that report. that report is an average report. we've been seeing the massing of the border in the past. what that report points to are all the people waiting until thursday at midnight and they'll cross over at 12:01 and paying the cartels hundreds of millions of dollars to do it. >> bill: you need 60 votes to get it passed, right? i don't know what conversations are like in the hallway. we're putting up numbers that are extraordinary every day. we show it to our viewers and other networks choose not to. that's their decision. the definition according to u.s. law on refugees in asylum goes like this. status or asylum can be granted to those who have been persecuted or fear they will be persecuted on account of race, religion, nationality or membership in a certain social
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group or political opinion. our reporters are down there and they are talking to migrants and i don't know if we've even heard an explanation for why they crossed border that would fit that definition. it all seems to be economic. so you go back in your rooms with your other senators, republican and democrat, what do they say about that? this is u.s. law. >> right. but keep in mind under democrat presidents, republican presidents, democrat, independent, republican judges. 80% of the ones who finally choose to say they satisfy asylum requirements are determine not to have a valid claim. 80%. so the people that we're releasing into the country and taking 4 or 5 years if they ever show up for a hearing they have a one in five chance of
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satisfying the asylum requirements. even worse if you look at chinese nationals, russian nationals. in order to get to the united states you have had to have come to a country where you could have claimed asylum and actually requested asylum in the united states. the immediate challenge is title 42. we have got to get this passed and having positive bipartisan discussions. i hope we're successful. >> dana: when would you be successful? is it possible you could get it passed in the next couple of days? is the white house saying if it got through the house and senate would the president sign it? >> frankly i think biden was hoping there was some way title 42 could stay on. he has gotten a lot of pressure from progressive liberals to end the title. so i don't think he would actively work against us. the problem is timing. it would probably in our best day would take 3 or 4 weeks to get it done. we have to negotiate this with the house or get it out of the
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house. it is critically important. border communities are suffering. they're dangerous. >> bill: what we don't know we can't predict is what happens in june or july or august or next fall. so we'll see whether or not your idea gets pushed. thank you. thanks for coming on. >> yi had close ties to the highest levels of the come knifed party and operated an energy company. we'll discuss how the bidens received millions of dollars from this individual. >> bill: that was last hour. james comer releasing major findings in the investigation of the biden family's business dealings. we'll have analysis whether or not there is a smoking gun contained in that evidence delivered today. >> dana: plus southern california law enforcement targeting dealers for selling deadly fentanyl. >> bill: so you say there is no time to get in shape, huh? so you say there is no time to
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indictments. authorities have arrested 13 people accused of selling fentanyl-laced drugs that resulted in at least a dozen fatal overdoses here in southern california. in one case a man is accused of selling fake percocet pills resulted in the debts of an 18-year-old man and 17-year-old girl. another case another one sold fentanyl laced pills to high school schools hospitalized. authorities tell me they don't expect a slowdown in this criminal activity any time soon. >> cartels in mexico have ramped up production and large amounts of fentanyl increasingly come into this country. >> also i got a rare look inside the d.e.a.s drug -- there was fentanyl disguised to look like black tar heroin and fake pills laced with fentanyl. more than 100,000 fentanyl pills
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in this exhibit alone. forensic analysts tell me they believe it all was manufactured in laboratories in mexico to look like oxycodone and all pills were seized in one drug bust in los angeles. the father of 16-year-old danielle is now working with the dea to spread awareness. he says danielle is the one of many teenagers who died in the los angeles area after he was sold a fake fentanyl pill. his father is sharing his heartbreaking story, just devastating. l.a. and d.e.a. officials seized more than 38 million doses of fentanyl in the past years. it is enough to kill tens of millions of people. >> bill: thanks, i think. tough news there in los angeles. thanks. >> the president is now using
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the federal government to run interference for his families and his own role in these schemes. >> dana: moments ago stunning claims coming from house oversight committee republicans tying the biden family business dealings to foreign nationals. the white house calling the evidence absurd. dagen, start with you when you heard about all of this and the crime and we have the chart and -- the money moving around and what does it sound like to you? >> well, if you want to hide who is behind a certain transactions or even, you know, fraudulent activity, you will very often use a limited liability company, an llc because it gives the person or people behind it anonymity. they can maneuver in secret. if you move money from llc to llc to llc to llc it makes it
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very hard to track that money. they are very easy to set up. in most states it's possible to form an llc just using a lawyer. so you never -- if you want to know who owns your building in new york city you go and you aren't going to find out who owns it. it could be a foreign entity. i will just note that if you in delaware, for example, just a few years ago all it took was 90 bucks to set up an llc, one-page form and three questions. all you had to have was a p.o. box. it took more information to set up a get a library card according. >> bill: you have to follow the bouncing ball. takes time. that's the case here. asking comer for the evidence and he came out with some of it today. in addition what they talked about was moving money between business accounts and personal accounts. >> yes. that's the point. to co-mingle these things.
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a cash source from a foreign en entity. it looks bad. if you have a lot of money coming in from one place that is suspicious if you disburse that money between entities and accounts it is much less of a red flag for the i.r.s. that's the point of something like this. also to your point, it is so complicated to understand and that was part of its design was to be complicated to have so many levels and so many entities and businesses and so many people like where does rosemont seneca begin? it is hard and that's the way it was intended. >> dana: one of the things they'll say at the white house is nobody in the house republican conference today showed that the payments actually went to president joe biden himself. >> they will say that but i will refer back to a piece that andy
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mccarthy wrote. this was in late april. and he raised this issue when joe biden was in the white house as the vice president is that it's an issue of national security. andy said this several weeks ago. this is a joe biden issue. it is a side show that when president barack obama put biden in a role for american foreign policy. those regimes that people around those regimes suddenly thought it was expedient in their interest to pay millions of dollars to hunter biden and to the biden family. that's the issue. what did they think they are buying? he said that last hour. and biden's corruption is enough to disqualify him from office. now, they keep raising the issue of criminality. it doesn't have to be criminals.
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when congress got the power to impeach a president. fear of foreign corruption. >> dana: kennedy, mtv closing upshot? >> mtv news. this was started before the 1992 election and you can look back at the impact that had and a lot of people cultural commentary has shown it's what pushed bill clinton over the hump. you had one years of reagan bush and energized the youth vote. a lot of kids under 18 talked about bill clinton. mtv news made its mark. kids today don't know what mtv news is and they get their news from tiktok. >> i know something. kurt loader turned you into a libertarian. >> that's true.
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[sirens] >> dana: sirens blaring as a series of rockets are fired into southern israel. palestinians militants responding for the first time to a series of israeli air strikes that killed 16 people including three senior military officials and at least ten civilians. trey yengst live in israel on what's happening there today. hi, trey. >> good morning. over 200 rockets were fired today from factions inside gaza targeting southern and central israel. along the gaza border and in the second largest city of tel aviv sirens were sounding. beach goers ran to bombshell tears as the israel missile defense system interfered with missiles. the israeli leader said we're ready for the possibility of an expanded campaign and harsh strikes against gaza. some explosions in the distant.
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the israeli military targeting positions in the gaza strip. israel killed three senior leaders and ten civilians. half a dozen other palestinians have been killed. the israelis are call the operation shield and arrow. the defense minister of israel requested emergency procedures be put in place within all civilians within 50 miles of the gaza strip. there is concern islamic jihad will expand the rocket range. >> bill: from california gavin newsom weighing in on the reparations debate going on and on. he is saying he does not support cash payments. jeff paul has more in california now. hey, jeff, good morning. >> good morning, bill. governor newsom called the task force findings a milestone but
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doesn't commit to reparations one way or another. he says in part dealing with that legacy is about much more than cash payments. following the task force's submission of its final report this summer i look forward to a continued partnership with the legislature to advance systematic changes to insure an inclusive and equitable future for all californians. he signed the bill that created the task force in the first place. >> i think it was someone said we don't imitate. we are a model to the world. that's bragging a little. i like the spirit not just about california but making an impact in a debt across the rest of the country. >> the nine-member committee met this past weekend giving a nod to a long list of recommendations. one of them being cash payments which could end up costing the state roughly $8 hundred billion. that's more than 2 1/2 times the state's annual budget.
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depending on the individual circumstances a single person could get as much as $1.2 million. some people like mary elder who sought to replace newsom questioning the finances of this reparations proposal. >> from where is the money going to come? they will have to tax people. by the way, most people in california aren't even white. they are people of color. >> this heads to the state legislature in six weeks. bill. >> bill: thank you. we'll see where it goes, if anywhere. >> he is ready to move forward. this case will be up on appeal and see what happens. >> dana: former president trump ready to appeal the civil case. can he convince 2024 voters to support him at the same time? - two - when the national debt was larger than gross domestic product? world war ii - and right now.
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surging crime and staffing shortages plaguing american officers. thousands of law enforcement pleading for the support they desperately need. griff jenkins with more. >> good morning. it's one of washington's most important memorial. the national law enforcement officers memorial. on the walls are inscribed the names of more than 23,000 law enforcement heroes who died in the line of duty breaking up behind me an event just ended honoring f.b.i. agents. in the last hour we can show you video, attorney general merrick garland laid a wreath alongside the deputy attorney general lisa monaco. he met with the fund that you played the sound bite coming in. and it comes by the way when police departments are suffering across the country when it comes to recruitment, retention and funding. here in d.c. let me show you just how bad the situation is.
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you've got crime, violent crime up 10%. homicides up 15%. robberies up 12%. yet we lost some 450 cops on the d.c. police force in the last three years. we spoke moments ago to the police union representative for d.c. police and here is what he says. >> we need to bring the rhetoric down regarding policing and make it a more attractive job again. we do it by having fully supported by our elected lawmakers. we aren't seeing that right now. >> it's not just d.c. across the country the marshal project reporting a nationwide loss of 18,000 law enforcement officers since 2020. i can tell you, when i'm down here, dana and we're talking with some of the people that come along the wall, family members and friends to honor their officers, they all say the same thing. they really hope that the local political leaders whether
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capitol hill and in the communities will begin to really back the blue. that's what they want most. dana. >> dana: indead. thank you, griff jenkins. >> bill: former president donald trump says he will appeal yesterday's verdict after a manhattan jury finds him liable for battery and defamation in a civil matter. what impact does it have on the upcoming race? martha maccallum is with us here today. how are you doing? "wall street journal" editorial board. trump loses a sexual abuse suit. a jury finds for carroll, will gop voters care? weigh in on that. >> that's a question, isn't it? there is an interesting piece this morning by alan -- about the appeal. the statute of limitations extension. use of the access hollywood tape. a number of things.
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i think that this is going to be seen, as we know prior issues have, two impeachment, january 6th, as an attack on president trump by his stalwart supporters, right? the question is if you are ron desantis or glenn youngkin who is maybe considering down the road getting into this race, right, desantis looks like he will do it very soon, you have to ask yourself about evangelical voters who peeled away from president trump in a fairly substantive way and ask those about the suburban women voters in places like atlanta, in phoenix, in chicago, in michigan, in wisconsin, all of these places, right? does it change how they feel? it is very interesting, right? he was not found liable on the rape charge. he was found liable on the battery sexual abuse charge. there was a time it would have
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leveled a presidential candidate. we don't live in that time right now. we live in such a divisive time and you can already hear it. you hear trump supporters saying it is just another attack on him and he says he doesn't know this woman. i think there are areas around the edges. when you look at the match-up, 38 to 44 for president trump right now against biden and he is strong in the primary race as well. we'll see. >> dana: ronna mcdaniel said this yesterday. you were there but want to make sure our viewers see it, too. >> people vote based on what's happening in their lives. investigations and all the things happening around president trump since before he was the president. i started when he was a candidate. it has been going on for 5 or 6 years now. they want closure and move on and talk about what's happening in their lives. >> dana: you mentioned suburban voters. track record back in 2020, right?
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biden at 59% trump, 40. important issues, crime, immigration. abortion is an issue the republican party needs to deal with. you could see a close election shaping up if it ends up being those two. >> absolutely. it is interesting to remember you have 70% of independent voters say they don't want it to be president biden running again. 60% say they don't want it to be donald trump running again. there is room out there i think for movement on these. i think it lies in the places we're looking at here in suburban woman and evangelical vote. you see the other candidates trying to rally those voters, tim scott, nikki haley. >> dana: do you think desantis would be able to do that? >> yes, he is meeting with a very big evangelical fundraiser. those are the areas.
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but the former president has been tough on these issues. because i think the current president has such low numbers and has disappointed so many people, i think you would see a fair number of suburban women voters say i want somebody tough and stronger and who can stand up to china. those kind of issues might be more persuasive to them than these suits. >> bill: desantis goes to iowa again this weekend. keep an eye on that. maybe we get news before the first of june. >> could be. he is making all the moves. changing around his pac situation in florida and making all the moves he has to make to do that. >> dana: we'll see you on "the story" this afternoon. >> good to see you. >> the question we must address is why are we affirming the mental confusion of this boy and putting the safety of women in jeopardy by allowing mentally confused men to use the women's spaces? >> dana: california teen
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speaking out against her former's schools policies. she is getting pushback and we'll talk to her right after the break. get powered by innovation refunds can help your business get a payroll tax refund, even if you got ppp and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. i went on their website, uploaded everything, and i was blown away by what they could do. has helped businesses get over a billion dollars and we can help your business too. qualify your business for a big refund in eight minutes. go to to get started.
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welcome to an align gut. >> harris: they're ready to show the evidence of the biden family business deals and it's criminal. title 42 border restrictions gone tomorrow. americans in border state witnessing a tsunami of illegal immigrants. border patrol union v.p., steve moore and others, power panel. >> we're waiting for title 42 to expire thursday night at midnight. secretary mayokas is making his way to the border today. you can see from the images. every time we go to this story we see more and more and different pictures of different migrants. they have all amassed on the southern side of that wall and
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they are getting ready to come on through. that will start, we expect. overnight thursday night into friday. here is a live look at brownsville, texas. you can go up and down this border for hundreds and hundreds of miles and the scene doesn't change. so as we get ready for that we'll see what secretary mayokas has to offer today. stand by. more coming up. >> there was an incident within our district that occurred recently regarding a transgender woman who really is a biological man having an altercation with a young woman at mlk high school. it was infuriating when i saw the video. this man is and has been using the women's restroom and locker room. >> dana: that was california high school student meghan calling out her school board over its transgender policies saying the district allowed a student biologically male to use
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a female bathroom and resulted in the assault of a female. you used to be a student there and decided you had to say something. >> yes. although i am no longer currently a student at mlk high school, i believe that as a woman, a real woman biologically down to my dna. i have xx chromosomes and have the capacity to give birth. i there are only two genders. because of this incident the safety of women is being jeopardized ultimately and we're at the cap re for humiliation and degradation and dehuman i station. the school board is telling us women specifically that it doesn't matter that you were born a female.
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it doesn't matter. this male can have male genitalia and doesn't matter. i can claim to be a female and therefore it's okay to just enter women's spaces despite how the majority of women feel about that. >> dana: the feedback you have received. i'm sure you've had blowback by people against what you said. have you heard from students who might have said thank you because they might be afraid to speak up for themselves? >> i have not heard that personally. surprisingly a lot of people at my school have not really recognized me. i have had two students come up to me and say that hey, you really spoke out on behalf of women. we're proud of you, you go. but on a personal level i have received a lot more hate, a lot more criticism. i've been called a white supremacist, a bigot, trans
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phobic. telling the truth is male will be a female and a female a female and you are supposed to be going to a male or female space, then i guess i am a trans fob. i guess i am a bigot. if that's how you see me i can't change how you view me and how you view the truth. >> dana: where do you get your strength? >> well, i personally have experienced something similar to this. i have not been a victim of assault by a male but i am an athlete. i play volleyball. i have competed against trans women and it is so sad to see that we've come this far in society just to be told that we are nothing. it doesn't matter what we do. they can just take our awards just like what happened with riley gaines and lia thomas,
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that's so unacceptable. it is totally wrong. it is stealing and, you know, i personally do not stand for when we have people in power that are in charge of running our country that are basically telling us that your logic, the ability to critically think about this is not important at all anymore. and it further induces people to think and especially children to be confused on this matter. they are ultimately creating chaos. >> dana: meghan, i often talk in my books young women finding their strong voice because it makes them feel more confident and express themselves. you already have that. we thank you for coming on the show and hope you will stay in touch with us. >> for sure. thank you for having me. >> bill: very impressive. we're waiting for secretary mayokas to have a briefing in washington, d.c., 1500 national guard troops were assigned to the border.
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governor abbott said it was a drop in the bucket. you need 150,000. >> dana: they are not able to help the border patrol aside from doing the paperwork. this is a real mess and doesn't seem like they're ready for it. see what mayokas says. >> bill: the drone on the left is over brownsville, texas. the line grows by the day. we'll see where we are tomorrow. >> dana: mayokas will be speaking. >> harris: any moment now a live update from homeland security secretary mayokas. the white house knew our nation would face this. where is the plan that actually works to secure the border now? title 42, which helped stem the tide put in place by former president trump during covid expires tomorrow at midnight. immigration helped make this country great, we know that, when people do it the legal and correct way. what we're now experiencing is
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