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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 10, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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that is why they know they get here, step foot in the country, they are good to go in the short-term, at least. send it back to you. >> neil: bill, thank you for that. bill melugin. also getting the latest at the white house tomorrow. they are hammering out something, we are told, but nothing close to an accord. we will see. "the five" is now. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody. jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it is 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ liberals are such cheapskates. they'll promise to take you out on a date to a fancy five-star restaurant, serving 12 course meals. but the next thing you know, you are at a fast food joint staring at the dollar menu. and all of a sudden they forgot their wallet. california governor gavin newsom
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just did the exact same thing when you overpromise on reparations. not too long ago, governor slick was patting himself on the back of her what a great idea it was. >> i think it was heracles who said we do not imitate, we are a model for the world. that is a little braggadocio's. i like the spirit of what you guys are saying. this is not just about california, this is about making an impact across the rest of the country. >> jesse: that all sounded great, but then gavin newsom saw the price tag. $800 billion, with up to $1.2 million payments going to eligible black residents. it is no wonder gavin newsom is backtracking on the massive handouts, telling fox news digital, "dealing with that legacy is about much more than cash payments." now, newsom's team is clarifying those comments and says the governor "is not backing away from cash payments, but wants to wait for the report in its entirety to arrive on his desk before he makes any decision."
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newsom needs to learn the art of dodging issues from the white house. >> we understand there is a legislation on the hill currently on the study of reparations, pardon me, and we think congress is the appropriate venue for consideration on such action, and so we are going to leave it there for congress to decide, to let them go through their process that they are taking at this moment. >> jesse: greg, who did the governor quote? >> greg: pericles. >> jesse: pericles. >> greg: yes, yes. we all do that when we are desperate. i've got to hand it to gavin, the white man, very clever. he tricked the black man. he knew he had removed reparations from his pathway to the white house, and he said, commission a study, you don't have to act on it, make the promise, so you get the report but do nothing, and then let the absurd findings -- and they were absurd -- speak for themselves, so all of the liberals are laughing behind the blacks'
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backs, while we were trying to be honest to their fronts, if that makes any sense. one day, minorities will learn, the left will promise you everything but the truth. we always say at law and order works, handouts create failure, reparations, financially, are impossible. the education system is stacked against the poor, especially for minorities, the race card is no path to success. we say that to minorities every year, and we hope they listen, and the democrats tell them to plug their ears. and they sent this stuff instead. so, minorities will still be counted on to vote democrat, even though they are always going to be lied to do when in fact the truth shall set them free. this is my suggestion to republicans, to seize this moment with a plan. reparations are education. you get the rich, the billionaires will doubt private schools with uniforms, discipline, classic subjects, no indoctrination, no victim apology, no nonbinary hokum.
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it is a serious school. voluntary reparations, first-come, first-served. you build these schools and build a village around it where the people live, the families live, and then you link those villages with connective tissue, and pretty soon you have new cities coming from the heart. handouts don't do that. education does. gates and mosque and all of these tech titans, don't count on soros because he only seems to divide but that is where people will put their money. people want education and when you help blacks on education you help the whole country. >> jesse: you could read pericles at these schools. >> greg: i don't know who pericles is pure busy stoic? >> jesse: i don't know. >> greg: probably one of the old bald guys who wear a toga. when you love to wear a toga? >> greg: that would be so free and easy. >> jesse: i know. especially this beautiful weather. this hurt gavin politically as he pivots to a national profile. >> dana: he is trying to do a
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couple of things. 7 out of 10 americans say they oppose reparations with 3 out os something, right? what if progressives like to get it out there and get it going, now there's legislation, karine said there is legislation on the hill, probably other states thinking about this so these commissions, these studies are being done and part of that is to get that into the ether. now, one of the things gavin newsom knows right now especially for joe biden going into the election, african americans are not all that enthusiastic about the biden administration. so, if gavin newsom were to try to make some end-run around president biden to try to get the nomination, he knows he has to figure out a way to make sure americans that voted for joe biden in black america are still going to want to vote for him. the jury is out on that vehicle i think the kamala harris would probably have something to say about that. gavin newsom set up this commission during the george floyd aftermath, and then
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he did what obama did to the entitlement reform. do you remember entitlement reform? obama said, okay, okay, let's raise the debt ceiling will pass this budget and i know that everybody -- i am concerned also about the future of entitlements. so let's do a study, and he has two senators, and they work their butts off, and then do hearings all around the country, this amazing report, they turned it in, obama goes, no, i actually wasn't ever going to do that. and those guys were mad. that is exactly what happened here. >> jesse: a famous line in politics, judge, you want to do nothing, start up a commission. >> jeanine: there is no question. that's what he did when this whole committee was developed. you know, let's have a committee and do something, study reparations. he signs a bill that allowed for it, and now, when they come up with exactly the issue that you would expect them to come up with, he is nowhere to be found, other than to say, you know, dealing with it this legacy of racism and slavery is more than money. and the truth is, the more we get into this reparations, i
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mean, if you want to talk about reparations, may be for the chinese, in california, there was no slavery in california but the chinese worked in california as they built the trans-pacific railroad, and there was a tremendous amount of because i slavery or servitude on the pare asian americans, and how far should reparations go? if they follow through with it, $26,000 taxpayer, nobody wants that. it is slavery is horrible, it is reprehensible, we had a war to end it. we continued with legislation, but what has happened, there has been so much stirring of the pot that white liberals say racism is a problem, ballooned from 35% ten years ago 61%. they just drive these issues of people like, yeah, yeah, and it is almost like they create the issue and in the end they can't deliver but they just make
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everyone angry, frustrated, and divided. >> jesse: do you support million-dollar cash payments to black residence in california? >> jessica: it seems like a lot of money on an individual basis. it seems like something that physically can't be done. the problem is always, how clearly you delineate what you mean. everyone, remember in the 2020 primary, everyone said they wanted a task force to talk about this bureau i think it was only cory booker who said straight up at that moment we sh reparations, and those are different than investments in community and i think that is where the conversation should really be shifting. not necessarily, greg, to your idea of creating new cities because i think people should be able to stay where they are but make those places -- >> greg: have you been to the cities? they are dead. >> jessica: i often live in one. >> greg: case in point. >> jessica: a zombie thing? i was looking at the details for this. they noted traceable lineage had to be part of this, but then also, five categories of harm
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included unjust taking of properties, devaluation of black businesses, housing determination, mass incarceration, and health care vehicles are hugely broad topics that you can't necessarily trace back to, where your ancestors enslaved? and when we think about enslaved in a particular period, but then there are folks who argue actually the end of the civil war didn't and a mass and patient didn't mean the enslavement of black people ended then. we still had segregation and jim crow. arguably until the fair housing act, was the deck not stacked against black americans in that way. these are just broad categories that we can ever meet. it's impossible. and so, laying out a plan to invest in these communities -- i agree, education first and foremost is a tool that gets people to the highest heights. but making sure that you have a jobs program, that you have social programs that are going to help people who have been negatively impacted by systemic racism in this country, but $1.2 million per person is
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obviously an untenable position. >> jesse: what are your thoughts on men wearing togas again? >> jessica: with underpants or no underpants? >> jesse: the question. >> jessica: i asked you personally because it makes a difference if you want to a togo. >> greg: can i offer a provocative question? a lot of the left ties crime to slavery. that is why we have this kind. could terms of crime get reparations? >> jessica: i think that was included in those categories. >> greg: white victims. >> jessica: i'm sure that we would get to that conversation. >> jesse: very clever, whitey. >> greg: thank you. >> jeanine: well done. >> greg: toga! >> jesse: up next on "the five," it sure does pay to be a bite in. republicans blowing the lid off the first family, raking in millions from overseas. toga! ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> greg: they cashed in on the family name because they have no shame. republicans revealing explosive new info on how the biden clan hoover it up $10 million in foreign cash from places like china and romania. hunter set up over 20 companies, 15 of which were done after dad became vp. top republican james comer also identifying nine members of president biden's family who got some of that tough, including some grandkids, not hunters love child, unfortunately. >> vice president biden was lecturing romania on anticorruption policies, in
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reality, he was a walking billboard for his son and family to collect money. >> for years, the left has said "no one is above the law." well, put your money where your mouth is. the biden family means to answer for this and the doj needs to get off its -- and investigate. >> it is very hard to come up with any legitimate business reason to conduct transactions in this type of complex way. this is simply not how legitimate business is conducted. >> i mean, guys, you and the press, this is easy pickings. i'm giving you pulitzer stuff here. >> the white house said this is a political stunt. >> we are giving you a memorandum with evidence. >> greg: suffice to say -- and i love saying that -- joe has got to mix planning to do, and answers like this i'm going to it anymore. >> the house g.o.p. memo about family. [indistinct] hunter biden's business associates millions of dollars.
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>> that is not true. >> greg: all right, so, jesse, you look at these businesses, and they offered no products or no services. remember they always compared to trump? there were actual businesses, but there is no products, no services, it is just about hiding payments. >> you could see a building in the sky with their own eyes. joe is like the guy walking around with cocaine all over his face and you are like, you've got something here. i've never touch the stuff. it is and the left is saying bribes are now legal. foreign nationals, they can donate to a politicians campaign. foreign nationals can donate to a politicians family, and that's fine. this would be like kamala harris being put in charge of immigration, flying her family to mexico, meeting with a bunch of mexican officials, and then having a bunch of corrupt
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mexican nationals wire millions of dollars to everybody in kamala harris' family, and then kamala harris' family trying to hide it from the irs. and now the media is saying they did not link joe biden to the scandal. really? joe biden is not linked to the biden family bribes scandal at all? really? he knows nothing about this? then why did he leave a voice mail for his son explaining he got away with that vehicle why did he fire the prosecutor? why, when he becomes president, he shuts down the fbi-china task force and then covers up the lab leak, and then lets the balloon fly across the country. why why why? you want more? what else do you want? this guy -- all of this money can go into every member of the biden family bank accounts, but if a single dollar doesn't go into joe's checking account, than it is clean? so you can have foreign nationals bribing politicians families? corrupt ones?
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foreign nationals convicted of bribery, bribing the biden family, but the media says joe is clean? you have to be kidding me. the guy is a walking black male operation. the department of justice knows the dirt, the fbi knows the dirt, china has dirt on them. the whole world has dirt on the biden played a the world has the country by the bidens. [laughter] >> greg: all right. i don't know how you're going to respond to that, but it does show that biden lied about the child -- there was no chinese involvement and there is millions there. i think you are in quite a pickle if you're going to try to defend this crime family. the biden crime family. >> jessica: got them by the bidens is good. >> greg: yes. >> jessica: so, i mean, it was more exciting, i guess, than your average james comer interview. he got to a lot of people instead of just being
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interviewed by ducey and kilmeade in the morning and pressing them, i don't even have anything. last night you would like, where other goods, 9:00 he did not have the goods, wait for 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. he didn't have the good spirits be removed along, jessica. >> jessica: i want the good spirit i want the bidens. the goods are a straight line from hunter biden's business dealings or any of the other nine that are listed there, or joe biden personally enriched himself. >> jesse: wait, wait, wait, okay, let me say something. >> jessica: let me -- >> jesse: a foreign national pays emma and emma spends all of that dirty foreign money on cars, on my child's -- >> jessica: are you saying -- >> jesse: college fund, how was i different than what they're doing here? >> jessica: let's try this game. >> jesse: my personal bank account? >> jessica: first of all, joe biden is not being accused of taking any money here. >> jesse: his wife and his son and his sons ex-wife and his son's girlfriend. >> jessica: few things that are relevant --
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>> jesse: why did the romanians wired joe biden's granddaughter $25,000? >> jessica: i think the audience deserves to know your points are easily refutable. first of all, the -- >> jesse: draw the romanian real estate tycoon a crown picture? >> jessica: so, "the new york times" looked into the romanian situation for years ago, by the way, these are old stories, and found -- >> jesse: "the new york times" said it is clean, i'm good. "the new york times" says it is all good. >> jessica: consult the paper of record and act like it is not real. >> jesse: trump colluded with russia. >> jessica: "wall street journal," in-house, looked into the china dealings. no role for joe biden. "the washington post" one -- >> jesse: what do you mean no role? flew hunter and his business partner to china on air force two. >> jessica: lastly about your point, the trumps, they make all of these things. i get it, the shoe line. let's talk about trump international. >> greg: we got to move on.
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>> jessica: the most popular hotel when trump was in office. >> jesse: the romanian money dry up after joe left the white house in 2016. >> jessica: what is this -- >> greg: an episode -- judge -- >> jessica: that's another good one. >> greg: let me simplify this. >> jeanine: let me simplify this for you. this is an organized criminal enterprise. >> jessica: [indistinct] >> jeanine: i've done this for 30 years, okay? this is how they do it. what you've got is the hallmarks of corruption, the accounts, the llcs, the evasion, and the money laundering. the partners come in, collect the foreign money, and then distribute it to an llc, to an llc in incremental amounts. joe biden is the front man.
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hunter biden is the back man. okay? joe biden goes into foreign countries, lecturing them about anticorruption, and he is representing the freest, greatest nation on earth, and is wrapping himself in the flag of the united states, while his son is collecting the money at the back door. this happened in romania, and this happened in the ukraine. joe biden uses his position as a vice president of the united states, to tell ukraine to get the prosecutor off the company where hunter is a member and making $80,000 a month, or he is going to withhold our taxpayer money a million dollars. this is point man in energy and a point man on anticorruption, and his son is right behind him with the bags. now, let's talk about why so many people are involved in receiving the money. so many people are involved because you can't put that money
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in one account. so, we've got the wife, the daughter, the husband, the sister-in-law. that's why it's worked out that way. and why -- why did paul manafort spend years in solitary confinement for being a lobbyist and a foreign country, when this guy has been a lobbyist in ukraine, in romania, and china. why is every dime that came out of china connected to the chinese intelligence or the chinese communist party. and talk about the grandkids, why did the head of the fbi give $100,000 to joe biden's granddaughter so he could go into business with hunter to reap the money from the foreign countries? >> jessica: i'm going to get dean in here. >> jeanine: i want to say one more thing about this. nobody has paid taxes on this money, i guarantee it, so you've got corruption, foreign agents,
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and you cut taxes. they got george santos, and i don't care about him one way or the other. when a couple of months, they've got him on 13 charges. hunter biden, five and a half years, they can't figure out how to get him on a criminal charge. this is a corrupt family. it is the biden crime family. >> greg: all right. >> dana: great point about the george santos time frame compared. i think there is no positive argument for them to make that the president or the vice president or members of his families receive millions of dollars from foreign companies. and if your argument is, well, there is no direct line to joe biden's personal bank account, that's your defense? >> greg: yeah, come on. you can do better, jessica. >> jesse: i thought you're going to something else. >> dana: i don't mean jessica, that is coming from the white house counsel office and from their lawyers. they are saying there is no direct line to joe biden. okay. >> greg: in your face. >> jessica: i honestly feel great about that block.
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>> greg: your little liberal upper west side cocktail parties but not here in "the five." up next, even joe biden is telling americans to brace for chaos at the border. ♪ ♪ a ballet studio, an architecture firm... and homemade barbeque sauce. they're called 'small businesses.' but to the people who build them there's nothing 'small' about them. that's why at t-mobile for business... you'll save more than $1,000 versus verizon. and with price lock guarantee, we'll never raise your rate plan. so you can keep your focus on toe-turns and making sure the sauce is extra spicy. at t-mobile, there are no small businesses. ♪
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>> we are doing all we can, and the answer is, it remains to be seen. it is going to be chaotic for a while. >> jeanine: joe biden for us to finally admit there is a disaster at the southern border of his own doing. it is about to get a lot worse when titled 42 ends tomorrow. agents are already overwhelmed and border cities are struggling to deal with a massive flow of migrants feared apprehensions shattering records and averaging more than 10,000 per day. that number is expected to go way up. the brain behind this mess, of course, is blaming anyone but himself. >> our current situation is the
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outcome of congress leaving a broken, outdated immigration system in place, for over two decades. smugglers have long been hard at work spreading false information that the border will be open after may 11th. it will not be. >> jeanine: you know, dana, what is amazing about that is mayorkas gets up and blames congress and says the border is closed. if anything, what they are proving is, number one, they are liars. and number two, remember, kamala harris said the border is closed, do not come. nobody listens to them. >> dana: no, and it's interesting, the same day mayorkas says the border is closed and we are not worried, super prepared to come everything is fine, president biden himself said it is going to be chaotic for a while. what does a wyoming? and it has been chaotic for a while. 1500 national guard troops. the border patrol will take any
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help they can get but not there to help them on the ground, they are only able and allowed to actually process with paperwork. i think the images you are seeing on your screen now are starting to be seen in other media, as well, and remember, 60% of americans get most of their news from social media. mostly through images. so, these images are being shown over and over again, and i think that is one of the reasons president biden's poll numbers are 32% of approval on immigration. you have to wonder, who are those 32%? the other thing is, this is a moment when the white house is also floating the idea they are going to rehabilitate kamala harris yet again, and they are going to put her out front a little bit more. what better issue to prove that you've got what it takes? and instead, she's not talking about it, either. >> jeanine: interesting, interesting. you know what, jesse, if joe biden says that it is going to be chaotic for a while come into years, 4 million people have come in, 4 million illegals, 1 million got-aways,
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now seeing 10,000 a day. tomorrow, when 42 is lifted, how much worse can it get, 5 million in a year, in two years, i'm sorry. >> jesse: and imagine a generation from now. that is what they want to do here. they want to make texas a democrat state. and you will never see another republican in the white house after that. i thought they had an app, judge. remember the app that biden unveiled that was going to make everything orderly, just make a reservation at the border and get right in. apparently that broke. what about all of the deals we kept hearing that joe was cutting with the mexicans? there must've been three or four deals they said they cut. i don't think i ever had a deal. and what about the commitments kamala had to hunker down things in guatemala? also, that never existed. i was stuck behind a bus of illegal immigrant families on my way to work today in midtown for about 20 minutes. i would like to make a request to governor abbott.
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he needs to start sending them to chicago. or philly. somewhere where i don't live. because now it is starting to really affect me, and i had to get out of my town car and confront the bus driver. i said, how long is this going to take? i was speaking for the hundreds of cars that were behind me. you can't have this in midtown manhattan. we are full. >> jessica: so now you can tell if they are undocumented people inside a car? >> jesse: we saw them coming in and out of the boss. a whole school bus of the legal immigrant families. >> jeanine: you want to answer that? go ahead. >> jessica: i think everybody knows what i think about that. >> jesse: so you don't care about traffic, that's fine. >> jessica: i care more about undocumented people than i care about traffic appeared to be when you obviously don't live -- >> jessica: i don't live in the city. >> greg: actual traffic with human traffic. >> jeanine: all right, 58% of
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voters disapprove of how biden has handled immigration. i mean, you agree with the bad? >> jessica: yeah, everybody does give everybody i've talked to does. one of the missed avenues is the humanitarian crisis of. talk to democrats about it in a language that they will understand, say, these people are suffering, right, the images are complete and heartbreaking. let alone if you know about the trauma going out on these journeys, what's happening to women, what's happening to children, i think that could be a major avenue for discourse about this. secretary mayorkas did announce this new rule, you can't expel migrants who don't take legal pathways and don't qualify for asylum, so essentially expanding the program we already have for venezuelans, cubans, and haitians. i don't know if it will make a difference. it seems the numbers are too -- this is going away tomorrow, but obviously there hasn't been good enough preparation for something like this, and they fought for it. >> jeanine: good enough preparation? i mean, they prepared for this.
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they created this. all right, greg, let me ask you. they have something called street releases. and what they are doing, as soon as people come in, they are going to start blocking off portions of streets to house the migrants. they are going to -- and now, the biden administration is going to be responsible for even more homelessness of illegals, and by the way, if 2 million are waiting -- they are behind 2 million in terms of the courts, none of these people are ever going to be vetted or ever going to go before the courts. >> greg: one of the interesting things about the migrants, they are rarely homeless, because they always know somebody, and usually when they get here they work, so they are not like our homeless, right? but to jessica's point about the misery you see, we have talked about the misery every day here for i don't know, it doesn't matter. when we talk like a parent or a
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responsible person, you are accused of a lack of compassion so you have to go through people are suffering but we have already talked about that. does not work. we have warned the white house about this and they refused to engage on this issue because it comes from bad people. we are the bad people, republicans are the bad people. the dems would rather side with coyotes and sex traffickers than "the five" because they just can't see anything else but through the prism of politics. that is why this is a problem. we are the most powerful, free country for now in the world and we are led by a walking bedpan who has no idea what is going on. he is not capable of handling this crisis, much less a complete sentence. i normally wouldn't say that because it seems cruel, right? i am always trying to out stretch my hand but the problem is nobody on the other side does because they don't want to,
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unforced laws already there come on the street or the border, you end up with chaos because they see that somehow laws are oppressive and when you talk about the laws, they say look at the misery. i want to see the last person in that mind. where is the end -- >> jesse: there is no end. let them all in all over the world. >> jeanine: they talk about the republicans cutting med medicaid. we don't have to cut medicaid, we have enough people coming into this country that there is not going to be any left for anybody. coming up, teachers union boss randi weingarten pushing to save yourself and other liberals from embarrassment. ♪ ♪
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>> jessica: could this drive a stake through cancer culture? teachers union boss went randi weingarten saying "our union is here for you to future proof your social media. this powerful tool scans your social media to catch forgotten posts that may not reflect who you are today." day now, oh, my? >> dana: the best scrub tool is you don't have to tweet ridiculous things. the left invented cancel culture, and now they need a tool because they can get confirmed by the united states senate because they say ridiculous things? this is absurd. >> jessica: i kind of think it is helpful. no? >> greg: no. you've got to first observe the timing. just last week, she brazenly proclaimed she wasn't pro lockdown, and then on twitter she was humiliated by her previous tweets, including the community notes, that just exposed her for her hypocrisy, her double-dealing lies. she was pro-lockdown.
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this is a very selfish, sad, pathetic person. this should be about students. i know it is a teachers union, but it is the students who really deserve second chances on social media. they are the ones who have lives ahead of them that they need to deal with that get counseled. she is an old left-winger, man. just go. go away. nobody cares about what you have to say. worry about the kids that you abandon, that you screwed over for the past three years. >> jessica: judge, what do you think? >> jeanine: i absolutely agree with greg. i think she not only is selfish and sad, but i think she is sadistic. i think what she did to kids in this country was very sadistic. that she has the chutzpah to come out in may and say we tried really hard to get the kids back in school and learn in person, that's another lie! because she never cared about what metric would be used to open up the schools. she denounced plans by trump and
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devos. kids will suffer in the next generation because of what this one woman did and her political aspirations and her supporting -- her desperate attempt to support politics. >> jessica: okay. jesse, take us home, politely. [laughter] >> jesse: i've got nothing polite. you know where she is right now? ukraine. >> jessica: yeah. >> jesse: why is randi weingarten are in ukraine for the third time? >> jessica: it's beautiful this time of year. >> jesse: that's what you've got? >> jessica: i am leading the block, i don't have to defend it. >> jesse: you should! i just think lives of tiktok is going to be out of a job. we have shown these undercover videos where they go inside these classrooms and you have administrators admitting they
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hide crt, they deceive the parents, change the words around, and now this is another way to make the truth secret, and i don't like that. it looks like they are hiding something, and we know exactly what it is. they are all freaks. you've seen libs of tiktok, they are all freaks. >> jessica: i am actually not a libs of tiktok aficionado. >> jesse: you should check it out. >> jessica: i will go right home after the show and check it out. >> jesse: no, there will be traffic. >> jessica: i'm taking the subway. whatever. americans are ready to rock at concerts this summer. find out which ones "the five" are going to next. ♪ ♪
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♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh? ♪ bye, uncle limu. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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when a truck hit my car, benefits. payroll. compliance. the insurance company wasn't fair. trinet. people matter. i didid't t kn whahatmy c caswa, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to k how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou ♪ ♪ >> dana: america is ready to unleash at summer concerts after covid, demand is cranked up to and 11 this year. that is a music reference, right? i can't believe i am reading that. selling like hot cakes, but you may have to pay thousands of dollars a ticket. someone who sadly will not be on a summer stage is country music superstar morgan whalen. had to cancel six weeks of shows
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to a vocal cord injury, judge and jesse were supposed to go to that one. did you see the comments from people who were so mad he had to cancel? >> jesse: did people think it was drugs and alcohol? before they were mad, paid a lot of money and want to go to the concert. >> jeanine: physically incapable. >> jesse: i am not going to lose my voice on the show. >> jeanine: does that mean you are done talking? >> jesse: go-ahead. >> jeanine: i'm sorry i'm going to miss that concert but there are a lot of good concerts. >> dana: they are expensive. >> jeanine: they are expensive. remember the one i wanted you to come with me? >> dana: we had to fly to wisconsin. >> jeanine: i may still do that. >> dana: we may do that. a concert i want to go to commit look into it, you want to take a family, it's a lot. >> greg: who would take their family to a concert? you go to the family to get concert to get away from your dg family. this saturday, vegas fairgrounds, six new world,
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amazing concert, i'm going to go but first i have to find a dog sitter. who is headlining? korn, not a big fan, death tones. but if you go down the roster, the melvin's, who invented grunge, right -- shut up, jesse. mr. bungalow. check out the album "california," like the beach boys meets zappa. i sent this information to the producers and it is not showing up. if you want to listen, get their new album. killing joke, death grip spirits before big summer plans. any summer concerts, jessica? >> greg: never sent things to producers. >> jessica: my husband is a big deadhead so i'm going to see dead end company in san francisco and then also see them here. >> dana: we hope you make it back. speeder how do you injure your vocal cords? from running?
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>> jessica: strain. >> dana: my goal is to see the dierks bentley concert this year. >> greg: i bet he is thrilled. didn't he file a restraining order? >> dana: the judge that she would defend me on that. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ trition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete .
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♪ >> jesse: time now for "one more thing." we had a feeding frenzy. ♪ velveeta teamed up with chocolate brand and created a new product trufels. the first ever chocolate cheese truthfullies. they consist of sweet white chocolate paired with velveeta. >> dana: i love velveeta. everybody? come on. come on. velveeta chocolate.
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>> greg: is it smooth? >> dana: does it taste like cheese? >> jesse: tonight on "jesse watters primetime," the biden family took bribes while joe biden was v.p. >> greg: that's how he got the vocal cord injury. >> jessica: a 9-year-old girl from brazil became the gougest golf player to qualify for the u.s. open. three times over since learning to play at just 2 years old. and although she wasn't one of the two qualifiers that advanced this year you can expect to see more of her. she still has a few more chances of snag the title of youngest golfer to ever qualify for the tournament. >> jesse: looks good. greg? >> yeah. okay. tonight joe mace, k.t. mcfarland. kat timpf, tyrus. this is going to be a great show. why don't you tune in and watch. let's do. this greg's frustration corner ever get stuck in those little
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doors? i know dana does. check out this wombat trying to get home from wombat work. he is doing 12 hour shifts but he can't get in. he is having a hard time. so we're just going to watch this for an hour. here you go trying to get. in yo, the wombat wants to get home, relax, watch some wombat tv and eat some wombat steak, you know, it doesn't happen. if you want to watch more of this come over to my place. >> jesse: dana? >> dana: you might recognize this behavior where you tell the kids time to go home and they say no, five more minutes? check out this golden retriever. his name is achy. he is 2 years old and just is having so much fun. does not want to go home. he wants to stay at the dog park and have a blast with his buddies. sweet. >> judge jeanine: that's so cute. >> dana: they're just like us. >> judge jeanine: why is it when people are drunk and driving drunk they have to prove it to the police officer? this is what happened with a body warn and dash cam footage
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shows the officers speaking to man outside his vehicle and he ended up giving the officer a clog dancing lesson. the man informed the officer he was on his way back from a night of clog dancing and when the officer said she never heard of it. he decided to show hurt ropes in the middle of the road. and then she arrested him. >> greg: did she? >> jesse: come on. give him a break. >> judge jeanine: why, he is driving drunk. >> judge jeanine: that's illegal. >> greg: i didn't know he was drunk. >>es: howling should we eat into bret's time? because he has been eating a lot of time into my show. >> bret: fine. it's in the bank. >> jesse: "special report" suspect next. >> bret: all right. jesse, thank you. >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier, breaking tonight house republicans are taking the gloves off and are now going after president biden over alleged corruption. chairman of the oversight committee says there is evidence of what he calls


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