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tv   Fox News Tonight  FOX News  May 11, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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lawlessness about to ensue. and that is president joe bidee . he is enabling the cartels,ch emboldening the child traffickers and incentivizing human devastation. inwhen i worked in washingtonr as press secretary, my boss, . n former president trump, had a clear plan to secure our border inor, remain in mexi, for example, that requiredn migrants to stay in mexico during immigration hearings instead of being released into the interior and the safe third country agreement allowedt of te president trump to fly asylum applicants out of out bordersafe thir to a safe third party country. t president biden, he did entir away with trump's policies. he dismantled the entire and system. and now we are on the cuspp of biden doing another trump era policy, just tossing it out the window title . forty two . it's a pandemis c erfoa order ti allows for the rapid expulsion of migrants. the numbers tell the storynumbee of biden's border failure. nearly six million migrantssn't
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have crossed our border since biden became president , and that doesn't even countwe the one point two million. 9 p.t as we approachhi tonight'ss lifting of title forty to eleven fifty nine pm this evening, more than ten thousand migrants are crossing our border illegally each day. that is thcorde most on record.a and the president of guatemala, well, he just told0,000 more a congressman that eighty thousand more are on their way to the border right now. i president biden wouldn't even take his call. what we ars e dealinteg with is unprecedented. but the bide in administration, they arefindin more interested n finding someone to blame. >> our current situation is the outcome of congress leaving a broken , outdated immigration system in place. the president is doing everything that he can with thee tools that he has in frontd cong of him. that's why he askeressd congresc on his first day. congress has been unable to pass immigration reform again. we're using the tools that areps available to us because -- as
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congress refuses to dot re latetheir job as it relates to t border. fundamentally, we needt. congress c to act. l >> congress, congress, but congress. there's nothin ag else to call that but a lie. the president, he has inherent powers to deal with the surge, but he's choosing not to usee ru blthem. g and as for congress, house cod republicans have been hard at work passing a bill to codify remain in mexico. in fact, that bill passed todayb along party lines, but biden his vowed to veto it.n, instead, biden has a mastert plan of his own street th releases, releasing migrants intoe sh the streets after i the shelters fill up. that is not a plan. that is abdication of duty. infawho suffers? the children and the infants being trafficked at the borderno ? the coalition against trafficking in women found tha6n 60% of unaccompanied alien children are caught by cartels and exploitedd through child and drug trafficking.
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that meanss that as many as 90000 children were exploited coming across our border last year.l go then there's the loss of life. the federal government will they refuse to publish the number of migrant deaths at our border? but bill meluzin tells me that mi his contacts found six hundred migrant deaths in 2020 one and eight hundred migrant deaths in 2020 two . this is joe biden's version of compassion. joe biden's lawless southern border. well, it's the antithesise of compassion. prev crue it is wrong, and it is preventable. l is steven miller is a former trump adviser. >> he join s us now. welcome , stephen .t to thank you .r bett >> i it's great to be with you. i just wish it was under betteru circumstances. outer i do, too, stephen , because whe for our viewers, there's something called outer oval. as you know, it's wherere you you stand outside before you go into the ovatol office desk and sit across from the president. i remember countless times during my time inolf wa the administration you were there. chad, wolf wass there.
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ken cuccinelli was there.d it you were going in becauser sout you had a plan and it wahes working to maintain our southern border. what is the plan of this administration? and do you even think that they have meetings lik aell had the ones that that you all. had? sur oh, i'm sure i have meetings, kaili, many of them. but the purpose of thoseey dem meetings is to figure ouolist how they can demolish our border and to bring as many illegal immigrants into this country as humanly possible under president trump, we had a flawless system. if you cross a the border illegally, you were either detained and deported. rwarded,you were sent, as you sh to a safe third nation or you were returned to mexico it. er under npp or you were expelled under title forty two . that's oth there was no othery option. circwere not under any circumstance to be released except if you're going to the emergency room in a truly exigent medical circumstance. when joe biden came ind, he switched the policy from detain and deport to catch and release what we are seeing now is then n
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end game, the final elemen wth s of the joe biden plan, which is to push as many illegalh immigrants into something knowne as parole, which means phone they will be allowed into the country. he abis is the new smartphone app they created. they'll be allowed into the country. they'lo appll be set free.e demandl be able to apply for work permits. and then mark my words, joe biden will demand that congress give amnesty to the millions of illegal immigrants that he has paroling intos been the country. this their p has been their plal along. crash this system, demand amnesty. >> and one night di texte you and i said, because justhear abouto remain in mexio and title forty two , i texted you and i go, you . was it just those or did he dismantle the whole system? and i mean, within minutese you sent me a list of 10cies th policies that were just dismantled. h so when he says this is onthat l congress, is he really that>> h helpless or can he justd reinstate those policies? >>e ever he could reinstate evey single trump policy in twenty four hours and the border crisis would end as quicklys th. as that.
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you mentioned the conversation that we had overti texason t ret ,in additionhe to dismantling remain in mexico, dismantlinge the safe third's and dismantling title . forty two . he also canceled everycanceled e trump asylum reform, which made it clear that you are not asylu eligible for asylum justm, because you're a poor. ust you are not eligible for asm just because you come from a failing state. sostate. w we stopped asylum fr, stopped forum shopping and president trump empowered ice to conduct arrestser and removal operatioationsn of e who violated our laws. whereas my yorkist has ordered pre to exempt the vast majority of illegal immigrants from enforcement, we alsoement to prosecutions to record highs, worksite enforcement to record highs and issued opinions outimr of the department of justice to make sure that our immigration judges t had to stay within the confines of the law. systas a systematic, emcomprehensive executive refori of our laws, whereas joe biden,i as i said before, this is his end this is what they've beenash aiming at all along, crashedthr
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the system, flood our cities,eah bring in millions upon millionsa of illegal immigrants, breakcour the morale of cbp, breakcongresa the morale of ice, break the morale of the country, wbreak the morale of congress, and then say all we can do nowd is give amnesty to citizenship to the millions we've let it's a sad day. you stephen miller, all the hard>> work you've put in dismantled. t thank you very much.he well, chad wolf is the former he acting head of homeland securityn . he's been at the border in el paso. we spoke to him yesterday. he joins us again tonight to share the situation from the ground. welcome , chad.oks like you were there yesterday. at we spoke. what it looks like a little bite ex different of a scene. what's happening thereo now and what should we expect to see at eleven fifty nine pm tonight? well, kelly , what you seeda today is a few less illegall pa immigrants here along the streets of el paso. and why is that? it's because they did anthey enforcement operation here a couple of days ago and they offered individuals notices to appear. on abd so el paso, they has alwaysn
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a way station right in visuals a ,don't want to stay here.p they want to be able to travels elsewhere in the country. and so what cbp and dhs were handing out a few days ago were those notices to appear, which allows these illegal immigrants to travel throughout the united states and eventually get work permitwhich ist theys, which isl they want. so that's why you see fewere lat and fewer folks here in el paso2 over the next over the lastt couple of days. but again, as title ene two exps at the end of the at midnight tonight, i think you're goingt to see, again, another rush s of individuals towards that border. e you will likely see the streets of el paso and other cities along the border, again, proce crowded until they're able to process them out again. thisan administration wants to process. they don't want to solve the crisis. they want to try to managetry ph and process their way out of it. w and it's not going to workyo.u a there's no doubt about it. know, i saw you say that bidenou has inherent powers. ha could you list out to some we're of those inherent powers? he has to stop what we'reoned seeing. nl
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well, stephen mentioned a few of it, right?presiden there's a number of policiest that that reside not only with the president, but with the secretary of dhs.e 20, soprocedure that w the the t we established in 2018p and nineteen twenty , we didn'ts have any help from congress. and so this ideais - that only congress can solve thishere issue is a i have to call itt th what it is . it's a arn dothere are things that the secretary can do todays cris to solve this crisis is just takes leadership and it takesng will to do that. >> and he's not doing it,a lo unfortunately. and we heard a lot about this. eleven fifty nine p.m. time. you know, that's when it expires. but should we expect to see a mass rush of those thirty five to forty thousand individuals, as you said , are in ciudad juarez, or will it be a trickle? is this going to tak e a few days? a i think it's going to be a rush, but it's also goingg ovh to be a trickle. it's going be a little bit of both. you're going to see people starting overnight, buu've got t got texas dps out. we were on the ground with theng department of public safetyrive of texas. they are lining that river
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with concertina wire and pushing people back the bill . malaysian's had some good w reporting on that today. car and so the cartels are having he to move people around a lot and they're doing that here inmo el paso. and so what we bhe saw is they't acting over to new mexico because the governor thereas goo is not taking the same actions as governor abbott here in comiv the state of texas. and so we see large groups her coming over the border in new mexico, but eventually they end up here in el paso. d so there's a number of thingsan going on . it's very dynamic. but the plan that the administration has laid out. is on. it'smy focus television talking today. it's not a robust plan. no not going to work. and it's it's really too late. they continue to talk about a chaotic scene they're expecting. it's almost like bystanderthey're bystander's in this situation instead of players on the field. singlea well, lastdu question, just ten seconds here. are you seeing mainly single adult males or are these h unaccompanied children for whom earti have a big heart for you y it's almost exclusively here. gs
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el paso males, some of them are in groups, some of them by themselves. >> but i would say almost 90%ry are males. , wewow.ground chad, thank you very much. the we appreciate the on the ground reporting. on the white house press corps apnnot be counted on to report on the border crisis. their questions today were absurd. aprishl ryan , for example, sher spent the day tweetingac and spreading a debunked conspiracy theory that border patrol agents whipped migrantss . that was aotn abject lie. o pointss clear reporters cannot be counted on to challenge the big demonstrations, talking points. they'vge in allowing t the administration to get away with statements like theses in. >> te want to do this in a safe, orderly and humane way. process is safe, orderly and humane, all while protecting our dedicated workforce and our communities. again, a safe, orderly, humane way of our approach to build lawful, safe and orderly pathways for people to come on h to the united states and to impose tougher consequenceo chos
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on those who choose not to use those pathways. works again in a safe, orderlyry and humane way. >> i don't believe your eyes. everything is fine. marie harf is a fox news contributor. she joins us now. marie, i have a lot of respect for you .um you stood at the state department podium. i stood at the white housepodium podium. we bot. power h understand the power of words. nd and i just why t don't understay the administration continues to say orderlye images when thet just seem to debunk that. >> why do you think they used, t that word?'s great to well, it's great to be with you tonight. and i have both stot those podiums and have both dealt with situations where its is hard to distill what's say happening into talking points. right. where, you know, there is a problem, where i would say a there is a crisis. and i think the goally, lawf of the white house is to have a safe, orderly, lawful process. i think that'se a goal. and you've also seen secretary mayorkas be pretty forward leaning surging about the fact t
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they are surging active dutythey military troops to the border. they're opening processing centers. they're actually bringing back a rule thatve a loty of progressives hate. the transit rule where you havet to apply befor e you get to theeaking. border. so, look, this is a terribles situation. da is heartbreaking. it is it is dangerous. but i think when you stand atlit that podium there outlining the goals, they're outlining the policys an that they're worg towards and we will see how that plays out ove.r the coming days. so the word orderlye imag is aspirational, it seems, because the images seem to be anything but that.tent t bualt what i don't understand is this consists in talking l point we hear of congress has had 20 years to act. be better. b and look, could the system be better? sure. it always could have beee n better. as hap but the surgpee thatne we have l has happened exclusivelygive to record high levels under0 bes joe biden's administration. look, i'll give yoe u 20 , 20 , because the pandemic shut down. not a good representation of numbers, but 20 to one hundred sixty nine thousand encounters at the border thatw.e the second to last year of myoso administration, two point n ifhangtwo million.
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>> why the explosion, if not had for a change in policy? u al well, we've had spikes throughout every administration . i mean, you all lived throughmeo that as well and not tie bd to s never meant to be permanent. you know, it's amazing. this is like the one covidcovi restriction. republicans liked title is expee forty two . but i think there are a number e is trysons for this. and experts have looked at that. one of the thingss of made the administration is trying f e to do that is often made fun of by people on the righte reasonis going after the root ce is going after the reasons they actually come to the is actu whborder, because thathe roo is actually what we have to do in the long term is to didn' get people doing that didn't understand the root causes. i mean, that's and look, i knewi i knew saying that it would get a reaction. but here's the deal.ti congress doesn't actually haveog problemscomprehensive immigration reform. one of the biggest problems at a the border today is the lackck of processing centers, beds, judges, places to put people while they're being adjudicated for asylum. congress uld pass could pass additional funding just for that
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one piece. kaili, not the whole thing.sive not this whole comprehensive package that none of us know will ever happen. certain pieces of it that anybody in the congress could mayorks is asking for let quick point. republicans did pass .li they modifieked remain in mexic. so let's say you don't like that plan. that's that's a trump plan. arge the democrats would say even worked. i would argue it's still compassionate. let's say you don't like that plan. lkirsten sinema, a democrat, is now talking about the problems. title forty two . mak we've heard jon tester. we've heard even manchin make comments. and cinema has a plan with republicans bipartisan plan in the senate. why doesn't kamala, the border czar, get over to congress and pass t? en's it's bipartisan. it would increase president biden's power. why not lead on this issue with people in your own party? >>the part well, criticism is ai not a democrat anymore. i would point out. but i say we are we are. a lo yes, i agree. look, and mark kelly in arizona right. liste there arnie a lot of democratsgn who represent border states or districts that we are listening
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to , and they're going to bearie a part of the solution, i can guarantee you that. >> well, mireya , i would love to get together as two partiesot and come up with a solution. that is what we need. all right. t thanks very much. the fbi is refusing to turnt in over key documents that allegedly outline joe biden's involvement in a criminal d scheme. what are republicans goingo abou to do about that? the chairman of the house oversight committee, you know him, james comey. he joins me next for g-day. he joins me next for g-day. never miss a beat to order store to big prices. keep going up. keep going up. but experion is here to help you see on personal loans, ian.m credit cards or car insurance. credit cards or car insurance. experian, help m fourteen hundred dollars a year on car insurance. start saving now free at
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new friends. communicate for free, skip the hookup dating apps and try app today. >> we have an update for you on the case involving former marine invol daniel penny. el py >> brian yoenis join.s us with the latest. good evening. twenty four year old marine veteran daniel penni will turn himsell turnf into the nypd tomm morning at eight a.m.. the manhattan district and attorney's office says penni is expected to be arraigned tomorrow and charged s with second degree manslaughter. d.a. alvin bragg chose notno to go to a grand jury before charging penni in new york .ckls manslaughter in the second degree is described as the reckless cause of death of another an person. rece if found guilty, penny could receive three and a half to 15 years in prison. da afterges come 10 days petit put 30 year old jordans on neely in a chokehold, reportedly for f about 15 minute on the subway train.a
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neelys death was ruled a homicide leading to protests. witnesses say neelsy was aggressive, screaming and threatening passengers before pey hadtal illnd him nearl esa criminal record , suffered on n mental illness and was reportedly on neeww york city's top 50 list of homeless peoplea who desperatelney needed help. tonight, penney's attorneys say penny will be absolved of anyy o wrongdoing, reiterating that he risked his own life in safet oyt for the good of his fellow unine passengers. and the result wasd an the unintended and unforeseen death of neely kelly . you .an , thank>> kayle the fbi has refused to turn over an informant file on hunter biden to congress at a deadline yesterday. comer issd last week, house oversight committee chairman james colmer resped that legally binding subpoena, but the fbi responded with a lengthy rebuttal stonewalling combers request tht it's the latest politicization sy of our justice system by federal law enforcements comt james comey is the chairmane. of the house oversight
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committee. he joins me noe ins mew. welcome , chairman. you know, i asked jim jordanougs this yesterday, and i want your thoughts on it to a formerh doj official told me thatrecord the question doj should answer i on the record a no excuse, not to , is whether they are d handling that document, thatocum e document that would, show biden giving a favor in exchange for cash , that dojl an has political appointees. are they handling ittees are or> in the realm of special counsel? >> dhao you haveve any updatee on that? we hav e done we're completely wor in the dark. senator grassley, who's workwitt the doj and the fbi for decades, is completely in the dark. t we know that this document exists. . an >> the fbi knows we know ans whether document exists. and instead of answering that simple question as to whether, or not they have investigated this allegation and what their findings were, they simply explain to us what the document was. and we're very patronizinging as as t didn'o why we didn't need,h
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to worry about the document that to trust them, they would, look into it.right. >> right.e quest. interesting response there from them. bu yout one question i have foru you . you issued these four subpoenas to the banksyo and it's beenioni four months. you gathered a lot of information. about intrigued, rainian particularly about the corrupt ukrainian that we learned about yesterday. out yestmore to learn. but at what point do you subpoena members cas of the biden family, nine of >> cash ?now got >> well, we're buildingg to the case because obviously the biden family is not going rt to cooperate. we've requested documents. we've requeste questd answers te questions as to what the biden family members were doingm to receive these massive amounts of moneyforeig from forn nationals. and obviously they haven't responded. sowhen tho i when those subpoene issued, they're going to fight them. they're goin g to try to tieikely. i them up in court. you will subpoena themo come more than likely if they refusel to come. what we're doingl th is trying
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to get all the evidence firste a to where if we subpoena them and they refuse to come, then we can win in court. it's all about winning in court and we have a lot more leverage today because we went the backtg door and subpoenaed the banks to get the bank records fromwerp the people that were wiring the money to the bidens. so they were expecting us to subpoena the bidens on daye knew one . we would have gotten nothing. we would be in court. but we knew whores from the intermediaries were that were receiving the wires fromo the foreign nationals and then laundering it down to the bidens. weir ban subpoenaed their bank accounts. t the wire fromwire t the foreign and saw the wire s to the bidens. and so, yes, we subpoenaed them. so that makes sense.u hold your strategy makes sense. will you hold them in contempt of congress the same way that we saw the january six committee do that>> to members and the other partypr ? i absolutely want to do that. that'll be speaker mccarthy's call. bu call.t let me say this publi. speaker mccarthy has let me do
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100% of what we've asked speaker mccarthy to do.e remember, when i issuefice has a subpoena, the counsel for the speaker's office has to sign on to to that subpoenast because they were the ones thats represent us in court.d with so the speaker's office has geti botted with us 100% on things investigation. they're committed to gettingf te to the bottom of this and to finding the truth out forered a the american people. congressmaot in james omar, you have uncovered a lot in wish four months. i just wish the media wouldjob o dig. i wish the doj woulde do ding,ob that you are doing. thank you verystration much. the biden administration is planning to release migrants it into the streets once detention centers are full. that's right. to st.. release. that makes sense. thi the state of florida just happei announced a lawsuit to stongp this from happening. more on that next. >> topanga's tough to kill and it can spread. it's time to start using maximum strength. bongino is so powerful it cures
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but one republican officialornee who is is floridnea g attorney attorney general ashley moody from my great home state of florida. hom fmoody sued the biden administration today to blockrat the release of migrants intoid e the u.s. after title forty two expires. she also said thes administration was, quote, making a mockery of ou"making rm of justice in our constitution. attorney general moody, she joins us now. h: you kno welcome .3 great to be with you know, we are three hours and some change from title 40 to going away. as chad wolf said , the surgenswe of migrants. i mean, are you expecting an answer tonight because the clock is ticking? you know, i expect an order any moment from the from what wealre got back from the judge already. you can tell h e is looking at this policy. into t, heid where they're going to mass release people into the united s stateso and he says this looks very similar to what i just told w you twaso months ago was illegat and , you know, florida wente to trial. we won that trial. early o a judge said that they have done made a mockery of oury im
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federal law and our public sy safety immigration system. st arewhat they were doing by ms releasing people into the united states in violation of law. they could not do any more , vacated that policy.or and here we go on the rights before title forty two is goingt to expire, they release a policy that's basically what s he just found was illegal. so i'm sure the judge is upset as we are. is i'm upset not just for florida,y i'm upset for this country. >> kaylei thought biden respectd the courts. we always hear, oh, i respect te the independent branch of government. doesn't seem like that's the case here. ment hhe hasn't from the momente got in office. now he will blame title forty two for what is about to happena . but understand that bidene and mayorkas, they are masters at manipulating and mayhem. releashe moment he got in office, he started releasing people. trump , in his last month in office, released 17 people. by his first month in office, ra biden had releasedt on
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five hundred and seventy one times more than that. whathey blamed it on whatretio, they called prosecutorial discretion. we have discretiontion tleas toh people as we see fit inlaw, foud violation of the law. soundsliar l very familiar, liky new york and portland and chicago sto. ou could and they also started telling congress we don't need detention. you could cut our detention. asd they cut their detention inn lae half, their detention capacity.i they asked again later for less detention capacity. violati so think about this as they aref mass releasing people into the u.s. in violation of federal law all along over tr the last two years. d they're reducing their detention capacitycapacit it's crazy all along, asking for less money and at the same time, my caucus is saying the border secure. jp sayyss this is a it's a total lie. you don't actually want to get this in here really quick. because you did something that is pretty interesting. our own bill meluzin reporteeled about these street releases.opl so if these facilities fill up, we'll just release peoplecret on the streets. but you uncovered a secret memo that detailed this long ago.g in
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was this just hiding in plain sight? this was always the plan. o whenabsolutely. t a year ago when title forty two was about to expire, and wey said this cannot happen becausee they've broken down any semblance of security at the border. this cannot happen. weuncored thise called uncovere. we called it the brokenat araminta memo, meaning if all goes to , what are you goingletv to do?ne c and you know what their planom >> tha step back , let everyone come in mass . really amazing. still their plan today.ntionalw it's like it's intentional. attorney general, we await that order. we hope it comes down your way . thanks so muchall count will . the current border crisis affects citizenscity all across the country. e many new york city mayor eric adams is one of the many sanctuary city politicians who wants to reward illegal immigrantscian even when the law is not on his side. a state judg mayore recently bld mayor adams plan to provide for illegal immigrants at taxpayergo expense. democrat mayor had hoped treds o to transport lodge hundredsn rok
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of migrants in hotels in nearbly rockland and orange county's plan. sounds familiar, doesn't it?dest kind of likeis desantis and abbott who are being thw criticized for doing the same thing anyway. the plan was only thwarted a bya suit filed by orange town supervisor theresa kenney. she join s now. theresa, it sounds a lot like the desantis and abbott plans.mi he's just taking migrantgrans f. new york city and shipping them over to you.d it >> yes, that's exactly what it was. and he did it very deceptively .d he he basically downplayed this plan that he had that hemigh miu be putting some immigrants in hotel room s only to find out that he was looking to set up a shelter right in our town. a basicall y homeless shelter right in our town. >> how d do you find out about this? tthe mayor did call me on at wae friday afternoon last friday, and he very downplayed again, it was like it may happen.couple it may not you may you may get a couple of migrants and they would be in a hotel. and but when i tried to drill down on the facts, he basicallyt punted. he said someone from my office s will get in touch with you later.
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and they did. bu t i was also getting callsmattro from residents that there was o hundreds of mattresses outside w of a local hotel, hundreds of people. and then we starte d one of themp to was going to be adult single men only with capacityg to b three hundred and forty. and as we started to learn more , we realized he was goingr to be opening a center, a city s run center with caseworkers t and social workers and medicalhe staff. toe went, hehy w to court. so when you spoke to mayor adams, he likes to kind of grandstand and say biden, doo something. and i appreciate the pressure from within biden's own partyn on thith caress. do you get the sense he really h cares about this issue? is he frenzied about it because of the number of migrants coming into new york city? what was his tone?o hihistons was very calm, but i p think that he is panickedink th and heis is desperate. i really do. i think this is a desperate move. i mean, the degree that he's going to to still try to do this, i think we given mentioned that orange county, u after he had given his assurances, he was going to pause it. obtai
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he went up and two buses showed te up later this afternoon. we didy rest obtain a temporary restraining order against the hotel because it violates our zoning codes. and rockland county obtained a temporary restrainin g orderpartme against new york city.nt >> because you need to again, you need to have a health department>> kayleig license ton a shelter. but your neighboring county, he said , i give you my assurances i won't send the migrants there. but he did it anyway. dec i did it anyway.eptive so deceptive practices, very ads deception here. i thought mayor adams rantheres, a sanctuary city. doesn't appear to be the case. yeah, interesting. theresa kenney, thank you . title forty two is set to expire in a matter of hours. west havrae a live report from tijuana straight ahead. plus, the media had a complete meltdown over trump . cnn town hall. >> we break it down next. >> oh, hello, relaxium . >> woman okay, i've had enough inflation, undue inflation with dish. good. the same tv bill every month for three years.
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me are actually entering the u.s. legalot others, howeve, are not.wher i want to showe you ai camp ji nga few miles away from where i'm standing here. people are stagingstaging betwy the fences to enter the u.s.. in many are already in border patrol custody and some will be deported to mexico. rsothers will be flown homehande and others will be released ins the united states . and how the u.s. handles thatg o question going forward is goinr to do a loift to determine if we incentivize more individual calls from around the world to take advantage of this opportunity. s know, you have peopt we don't have birth certificates of any biographical information. you know, a lot of people from t africa, a lot of people from india, they don't have birth certificates. >> and so they are trying to save themselves and save their families and they'll do what they ca tn in order to seek that safety.n and that might mean crossing through irregular ways that could further endanger themselves and others inhers. tijuana. tll, thw, it's like a lo of other border cities,
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pae shelters are full. the processing facilities on the otherckedd even side, the packed. and even as more migrants areg so arriving daily. sost beginning tonight, we're going to find out. the clock startsle are g. boardv what i mean by that is people are going to be going into the border patro72l and they'reo going to only have 72 hours to decide whether that person goes to ice or is actually released, because by law, they only have that amount time: . 34 minute caylee, three hours and 14s, minutes. william, thank you .is outra the liberal media is outragedge that cnn broadcast a town hall with the gop front runner.e president trump. they want to issue a total blackout of the former president . >> take a look to the point about whether or not cnn should cover him. >> of course they should covert. him. jourourse, he's newsworthy the. >> but this was nonat journalis. last night, hea tr played to the crowd. it felnot t like a trump rally,t a town hall. and that the images that are being broadcast across the nation last night is a supportive crowd for someone who is, frankly, insurrectionist candidate.
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>> thin s event last night was bad for the media. it was badt forwa cnn. last it was bad for american democracy. whatt i saw last night at least, was as chilling as anything i've seen televin on television. january the 6th. >> wow.e tr hyperbole much. t the truth is thatks again president trump skewered the network's partisan attacks against him last night. st and and they just can't stand it.a u miranda devine is a columnist at the new post. she joins me now. miranda, i don't know. you can take your pick as to who is your favorite, but that c joe scarborough won. i mean, come on om, likely thatp was just hilarious. and they are so upset. as donalm they are so insecure because that was donald trump speaking unfiltered to the cnn audience that has been brainwashed foratl the last four or five years. that donald trump is a monster, that he's worse than hitler. and here were three million
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viewers back home watching as he talked without a script, y as he batted away the toughs an questions, as he was humorousiec and as the audience loved him, he got a standing ovation when he came in.chee they laughed at his they cheered him. that was thaoft was like a daggr to the heart. becausederanged they just want to keep their audience. they want to keep halfld trump r of america in the dark about our who donald trump really is . >> i'd presi love to see our cut president and the same i format he would have been justjoe, withering. but my favorite you know, i mentionee mid joe joe scarborough. he might have been outdone by joyless hart. take a watch. a buudt what i didn't know was thp the audience would be filled peo his cult and saw a bed stand up comediapln with a bunch of people in his cult who love him. and that is not american, as far as i'm concerned. that is no t american. they were all un-americanists cultist miranda, this is just
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typical from joy , the horror ad of this sort of hatred that the anti trump and never trump crowd go on with because they cannoy cannt stand people thinking for themselves. they think that they are superior and that they have pronounced that donald trump is beyond the pale and he musty ca be just disappeared and they're doing whatever they can with their lawfare and its stupidprosecut prosecutions. b and it's not working. there he is bounced back . c he's as populaher as ever. and the audience was cheering. r and it's just a sign of theirr own insecurity. accounbecause their candidate is biden and biden can't compete one on one . t they know thatha. u just said , to donald imagine joe biden on that stage next to donald trump is worse now than he was three years ago. yeah, for sure. do you think in all seriousness ,that cnn, msnbc, any of thesepd guys will invitein
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president trump back ? >> look, i think kudos to cnn for actually doing that. they were fair. they invited a republican leaning audience. they gave donald trump athus platform. i think, though, thattcomp their phones must have beelan melting down with complaints because they cut it short by 20e minutes. so i hope they do, but maybe they'll be scared off. >> yeah, maybe the invitationthi is fair. but i will say caitlynring commo that that performance less than inspiring this front. miranda devine, thank you . o someone made a mistake of putting a microphone in front of vice president kamala harrispuof. i thought we learned that wor wasn't a good idea. she blessed us with anotherd sa ibizarre word salad. we will play it for you next. for this day. never missed a beat any day
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>> should we see a doctor? i can't tell a happe i slipped on a toy. is oh t, i had a concussion. >> most happened doing ordinay things. et it ch sometimes the tough thing to do is to get help to prevent serious. i like your sensitive side. don't mess with your melon. >> if you hit it, get it checked. do you know where you are? i'm in a dream in my dream, we no longer have any hope of increasing our numbers. tell me why you went today. no way. you're lying. >> i take it then that you are yourselves among the afflicted . we don't consider ourselves addicted. good to see you here. good to see you here. well, then let's get started. someone made the mistake of putting a microphone in front of kamala harris again. she ende d telling us how shes ab feels about coconut trees. >> my mothers. used.
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would sad give us a hard time sometimes and i don't know whaf wrong with you young you think you just fell ouconut of a coconut tree? you big in the context of all in which you live and what came before you hands are so big, it's unclear what compliment by any of that's. more importantly, why hasn't she been to the border? the white house says she's been very busy working on thisng with the president .dent the president is is closely has been closely consulting with the vice president on this. they have had severalhave conversation had seral s on this issue. comes to and so, again, when it comes to issues that matter to thee at american people, they're very much partners. and a all know kennedy, the host of kennedy on fox business and guidance in the host of the guy vincent show on fox news radio. they join us , tiriac kennedy, did they not learn like vin diagrams, french accents, the meaning of time meaning e dt
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ever work down plan.ignifi right?canc the significancepass of the pas. of time. i don't understand wha t she's saying. ever. and i would love to be your speechwriter just to sort of drop in a few of thesegs so things. so sheshul wouldd ju jusstt none words for no reason, like arugula. right? and people that might make more sense of what she's doing now. they might they woul.d perfectly into a word salad. s >> she also likes the oneine wh recently where sheat says we cay imagine what could be unburdened by what has beenhs . she loves that one .antl she goes to it constantly. does it communist style? yes. english it you know what, guy? >> i can't get out of my mind m some of the task she's beeng rih given, like their enormous, like voting rights legislationts and police reform, like bigy fa task. but my favorite is putting hervi in charge of stopping the ukraine war. how did that wor k out? and now i mean, these are big jobs. >> and the border czar, as you degrrenced and i think there is some degree of consternation in her camp, they believe that
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be they were sort of set up to fail because they just handed tougher stuff like good luck and it's played outally had exactly how people might expect. i actually had this moment about two or three days ago where i happened to be at an event and they were playing a montage of older political clips and kamala harris, senator harris was featured several times. she has absolutely gotten worse. i think she hatical ves whatever the political version of the epsa when an athlete forgets how to play. play. she was neverhings good and i never agreed with her on most things, but she was nort of oft this sort of oratorical mess. even a few years ago, so i feel like something is in her head on this now where she's almosta. leaning into this character. >> well, what she needs to do is stop free styling. and you're absolutely right,she because when when she was in the senate and she was going quo after brad kavanaugh, she had a prepared question in front of her and she stuck to it. and she was in this sort of prosecutorial role. ry qui but then that fell apartck very
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quickly when she ran for president . and people saw right away thatl there wasn't reallrigh whole lyt there. and , you know, shapere was an ideal candidate on paper. t then wbut then when she went on the trail, the paper completelythe paper dissolved. h and so now we're left with someone who has even lower poll ratings than a president who , according to one poll this week, was it 36%? wilds polling worse than that. it's hard to wait. . fires are more popular thanli wildfires. i love political . yipes.tica gonna use that that is a really good sport i'm going to use that.s that is a really good sports analogy. but, you know, the poi to sort a task now. they're like serving her up. abortion is are on a platter. i mean, i would say that's probably on the easier side foro her to makune these arguments ta with young people in the party. >> you think she can handle that one ? so far , that seems to be an area where she's been resonating a little bit more with their base and she speaks with passion and obviously makes more senseoi for her to be taking the lead on that than joe biden. lo but broadly speaking, when h you look at biden's futurewillin and people are speculating, can to teally see really going
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to dr six moreo this? do they really want to make him president for six more years? th the democrats the dem want to that direction? the second you start thinkingar about otheting abor options bey, the first name that has to come up is hers. >> is the sitting vicelay clips president and a woman of color. and then you play clips like woe just opened the segment. >> there's just like, well,e. expletive deleted and karine jean-pierre said that biden has talked with kavala to stop title forty two tonight. the mess we're going to see. great. all right.o over to sean hannity. kelly , by the way, group of people have a message for you . >> what is it? yo, robert christgau, thanks. ac welcome back to hannity. we're back witgrh a greaeat rowy live audience tonight. we have late oh, now we get it loud. okay, we have mayhem tonight at the southern border. we'rwe going te going to take ye live as title.ess than >> forty two now set to expire in less than three short hours. also, manhattan d.a.again. alvin bragg is at it yet a


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