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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 12, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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kayleigh mcenany. just go to the tickets are absolutely free. set your dvr so you never ever missed an episode of hannah dee and the meantime, let not your heart be troubled, laura is up next, we will see you back here on monday. ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is the special edition of "the ingraham angle" tonight from washington to american doe its integrating. despite apprehending over 10,00 people daily this week, there i still an estimated 155,000 people waiting in north mexico with the intention of making it into the united states. that number is likely to grow much higher. apparently no amount of america suffering that will result from
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the destruction of our sovereignty that could make leaders of the democratic party care. >> as is often the case with my extreme maga republican colleague sprayed they have a fictional argument about what's happening at the border. and than actually do nothing to solve the real problem. >> fictional? does he think the video is made up? people sitting under the ground camped under reflective blankets . the line of people. the environmental disaster that is left behind at the border? that's all made up, congressman? what a fraud. the scenario that he is paintin here, that somehow this is all fantasy, we see that he and his fellow democrats just don't car about what's happening to this country, the country they are t be serving. the department of health and human services announced that the migrant child died while in
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custody. my jeanette that hand fund unde trump. if you years ago, this would have spawned a million hashtags followed by tearful trips to th border appeared today it doesn' matter it's just an inconvenien story on a friday. under pathway to depreciating america. nearly a full day after the end of title 40 to, what do agents expect going into the weekend? for that we will go to fox news correspondent in brownsville, texas,. what can you tell us? >> i can tell you i just listen to white house press secretary give her update today where she claimed there are. ♪ 's release is taking place here at our southern border. i can tell you that is categorically false. this is the reality on the ground. we just shot here in downtown
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shown they have just been released from federal custody walking around town. you see some of them carrying their manila folders with their dhs paperwork after border patrol had dropped them off. this is near a parking garage for the ngo facilitates or her travel that was mostly venezuelans nationals. we cut up with one of those migrants who told us he had jus been released this morning very here is what he said. >> title 42 ended yesterday, my messages you could make it to the u.s. >> last night, we got a tour of the border with four gop senators and the border patrol union we went down to the edge of the river here in brownsvill and a major hotspot crossing area as the clock ticked to midnight and 42 expire. we didn't see a huge rush of migrants, but we saw big time fortifications from the state o texas with barbed wire all over the place as the state of texas
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is taking a much more proactive approach will show you what we saw from the mexican side of th river. after midnight after title 42 expired we went over to mena morris where there were groups of migrants gathering across th river, but you'll see when they look over to the u.s. side again , texas national guard there razor wire on a megaphone telling them do not cross, you will not be allowed in one guy ended up trying to swim across, but he was not allowed in. now were in a holding pattern waiting to see what happens ove the weekend. stunning numbers reported by border patrol, they see this week alone more than 83,000 people crossed our border illegally to put those numbers in perspective, that is like a full capacity dallas cowboys football stadium crossing our border illegally in a single week.
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>> with all the problems we hav here in the united states, why are we importing more problems? americans living far away from the rio grande are starting to feel the financial strain from the open border and i'm talking the bluest of blue cities, they are struggling. and the people's anger is growing. >> how are we going to help them ? how is this not going to overload our system? >> from what i've learned, it's a beautiful place, we are charitable and we are welcoming but we can't welcome them into these conditions. >> they are dangerous to the community and the people there. they will be dangerous here. >> watch what happened in chicago when residents lashed out at city leaders for trying to turn in old high school into a new shelter for illegals. >> what's important is that we really establish that this is a humanitarian crisis.
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>> south shore residents responded with a resounding rejection. >> while this may be emergency for the city of chicago, it doe not constitute an emergency for the south shore community. >> incoming migrants have overwhelmed police stations by the hundreds. >> it is my turn. it is my turn. >> city leaders the details about the proposed respite center. >> joining me now is the former hawaiian congresswoman and now fox news contributor, the minority residents of these urban areas and right outside the urban areas, they are going to get slammed the worst it looks like. jeffrey counsel berg isn't goin
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to be bothered by that migrants and illegals, but those people are going to be bothered a lot. >> you know, this is so clearly an issue that is so greater tha the partisan politics. it's outrageous to see the leaders in the democratic party trying to make this partisan politics when this is a very serious issue and it affects al americans. we not only happen a ministration and democratic leaders who are failing to recognize the very serious risk that we are facing, they are complacent in escalating that threat and that risk through their open border policies. you have to brighten a ministration directly helping and enabling these cartels who are profiting off of traffickin human beings across our borders and importing fentanyl which is taking american lives. just like in any other situatio where you have those that are assisting and supporting criminal activities, they are
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criminally viable. those in the ministration who are doing this and enabling these criminal activities shoul also be held criminally liable no matter what position in the government. no one is above the law and it' true. they are complacent in this activity that's happening right now. >> congress has got to step in, republicans are in the majority and the house of representatives . i believe biden should be impeached over this as well, this is a catastrophic event an a history changing event a historical event for the nine states of america totally willful and purposeful. you might have seen that video replay from the chicago residents they are infuriated about what's happening with the illegals in their area. another man spoke at a proteste yesterday. once this. having 500 people in our community would completely wipe out. are you aware that there are
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immigrant applicants at statehouses all over this country who are advocating for noncitizen voting in local elections? what if that happened here? that would change the mindset o what we as a community need to thrive here in chicago. >> i was wondering when this wa going to happen. it sounds a lot like he was talking about some kind of replacement theory they are. imagine if anyone else ever sai that, but it is true, is it not when you're bringing all these people into the united states, at some point they cancel out other people's votes or at leas change the electoral makeup. >> this issue is one that it seems to be directed towards ou southern border states in in fact a lot of people are waking up across the country that many
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layers of these effects, he is talking about noncitizens being allowed to vote impacting our democracy and our elections. we talk about the stresses on the healthcare system. the stresses on our economy and schools in our national security . the commander-in-chief who is failing to secure our borders i central responsibility to defen our country we are seeing the ripple effects of the failures and there have been failures in congress and administrations, through both political parties have been talking about this fo a long time. i advocated for simple changes while it was in congress but unless they become serious abou actually solving this problem and not just throwing the political football back and forth, we will see the problem get worse and worse. >> trump had the right solution work pretty well in those last years. let's look at this split screen here, hordes of migrants for an across-the-board or on one side in marine vet daniel pending
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being locked in cuffs in manhattan today on the other. they charged with second degree manslaughter for defending his fellow americans. this side-by-side is stunning and it is disgraceful. those who hate what made this country great are obviously seeking to wipe all that away. they see the floods of illegals as heroes coming into what, sav the country? and they see those standing on the proverbial wall of the border, as villains, they are vigilantes for the charges against daniel penny orange and raging enough, the noxious figures who rallied the mob to come for them? >> a mental issue on a train is not to be sentenced with death. what you will do if you do not prosecute him is you will set a standard of vigilantism that we
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cannot tolerate rafiki aside from being one of the most instructive public figures in modern history, sharpton is arguably responsible for encouraging as much lawlessness over the past four decades as any person in this country's history. but he's the type of person who wields power and the democrat party now in the country. and he's not done, releasing a statement after the surrender saying charges against that young man who thought he was above the law is just step one in justice for jordan neely. they need to send a clear loud message that vigilantism has never been acceptable. think about what he saying. sharpton and his buddies would rather see a population living in fear wondering if they're going to be assaulted or groped on the subway at any given time than those same people feel unsafe. who cares who the real heroes
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and villains our as well as people like bragg and sharp didn't they get to pick them an live in peace and security and safety. who cares about everybody else. joining me now, horace, you see these people crossing the border . we don't know who they are what their intentions are, they thro there ids away before they get here so there's no way to check their background spray get this former marine is looking at second degree manslaughter whil these people get a bus ticket? >> it's remarkable that an administration that is so disrupted the entire american society with this demand that w comply with vaccines and go through steps like masking, but now is prepared to ignore horde of people coming into the country without any idea of who they are and what they might expose the american people too
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or even knowledge juxtapose tha with new york city and a marine someone who has stood up, defended his country, the way mr. has done. mr. al not so sharpton and we know the president of the unite states likes to talk about jim crow to point out, during jim crow one point out, there was a terrible record of agitators creating demands that prosecutors single out particularly black people and charge them rather than allow natural investigative processes to occur. shame on this effort. >> here is what the attorney said watch this.
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>> who are we to look at someon and say they were house list so they must have been bad person. they must've been about to hurt us so we had the right to take his life. because our life matters more. that's not the situation we wan to live in, that's not the community we want to have. so their clients, his client including punching a woman in the face. >> why defend the family demand i'm talking about neely's family , why didn't they demand a charge for attempted murder? the very serious are biddle structure, the injury, the nature of it, how long she was hospitalized, it's amazing that we have a remarkably great medical capabilities and so she lived.
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using his logic, this behavior ought to have been held accountable. it is remarkable, and that is why we don't let the crowd decide what kind of justice ought to be served. we should allow an investigativ process. it is mr. bragg thought fault. >> laura: why are we seeing so many violent outbursts in schools, eve seen teachers even who have been brutally beaten. is an obsession with technology partly to blame for this? ke yous and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you make smarter decisions. for a more confident financial future.
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♪ >> laura: as a parent you often ask yourself what do my kids need? a loving family, a roof over their head, life grounded in faith and freedom, but you probably never thought with a really really need is a non- binary robots, but that's what paramount thanks they need because in transformers first spark, that's what they're giving them the series is made for kids ages seven and up and here they are introducing a character named nightshade last
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november. >> nightshades pronouns are the them. >> he or she just doesn't fit who i am. >> if you thought that was the end of it the creators saw fit to reinforce this message in a recent episode. >> like your pins, i am nightshade my pronouns are they them. >> thanks. emsam. i'm she they, but you already know that. >> we already knew that because the show is shoving these pronouns down the throats of seven -year-olds fred were lucky . >> them to spell the regular pronouns and get those straight. our children are being taught this in our schools and now, in the kids show, so what's next?
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this isn't normal, it's not trending, it's not cool, these are destructive and corrosive lies that will only end when enough responsible adults say cut it out, we are not funding this anymore, so don't be afrai to stand up and say that. this is going to be the last time. last time. you when you see will happen. that's our one florida dad reacted when his son was reportedly banned from riding the bus over the sons behaviora issues. where could he have personal possibly learned bad behavior from? if parents aren't setting good examples and throwing their kid in front of ipads and phones on top of it, what did anyone think was going to happen?
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they kids get obsessed with technology it's almost like a sickness in receiving violent outbursts and attacks on teachers when kids are told no, you can't do that with the screen here. you can't be on your phone in class. >> over a phone, this is crazy. to get this is out of control. joining me is bigger you personality and former trump hu secretary and the american cornerstone institute. doctor mike carson, you're a neurosurgeon and is there a connection that we can find her between what constant screen time desired to constantly be
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connected and the violent outbursts when that connection is taken away from you? there are a lot of theories about the. a lot of my patients come in in the parents would say is okay i we put them on these medication because of the behavioral problems i would say how much time are they spending in front of screens and i would say let' do an experiment for the next three months let's decrease the screen time and substitute it with time with you interacting and reading, virtually all of that would say we don't need th medication. so that in combination with the fact that families are falling apart the place where children are getting their values is not there anymore. they don't learn to be forgiving , they learn selfishness, it's all about me, my, and i.
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of course that will lead to mor complex. >> once again, the breakdown of the family. there was a truly disturbing video, it seemed like all we do is eat stripping videos these days but this is of a student whose brutally beating a teacher's aide. this is just a few months ago you can see him charging at her right there he throws her on th ground he stomps on her than he just starts pummeling her. he was 6'6" and 270 pounds. he had three prior misdemeanor battery charges and the student says he attacked her because sh took his nintendo switch. i've never seen anything like this. and all my years i have never seen anything like the fury tha is building up in our young people today. >> it's unbelievable to watch some of these videos and recognize that these are children attending school in
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their attacking teachers and educators who are not there to deal with this sort of behavior. when you think of the backgroun in both instances having to dea with technology think of the effective technology on the brain these are children who at home are constantly getting dopamine hits for being on social media and watching youtube videos. when they're in school they're essentially going through withdrawal of not being able to have this technology and who's to blame? it's going to be the teachers and educators in front of them taking the phones away rather than the bad parenting that these children receive at home and the bad structure that they have in their lives. as long as we see this behavior continues you will see this content behavioral outburst fro young people. >> there was a speech therapist recently on social media describing how a student dr. carson she treated was suffering from these violent outbursts. watch this fair. >> i have a student who was ver violent, the second he had to b off any kind of technology everything broke down and i was
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talking with the parents in i said how much screen time does he get at the house. this kid gets unlimited access to screens while they're not in school. we know now that screen time is a drug. >> dr. carson, people look at m funny because i have a ninth-grade son in he doesn't have a phone and people look at me like you've got to get with the current times unlike i'm just not doing it. we have enough trouble getting our homework done without the phones. so we just decided not to have one. >> you're very smart because these addictions, which is actually what they are, similar to what people get from pornography, that same kind of release of dopamine, and they get so used to it that they are always trying to achieve that high. when you remove that ability to
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achieve that high, you see that reaction to that and it's usually a very negative reaction . for good thing is it can be cured. you have to wean them off of it it works very effectively, but you have to care you have to be willing to put the time in and you know, this used to not happen because parents were willing to spend time with thei children, they played games wit them, they went outside and had fun together and now we just pu them in front of the screen is soon as they are old enough to sit up. and we give them the tools to play with her to get exactly. as dr. carson noted parents themselves don't want to spend the time because the parents ar on the phone spread can get you can't just do this for the sake of convenience anymore were going to find that when these children grow up and they start having to participate in societ they're not going to have the chops to do it because they bee
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inundated with technology. parents need to sacrifice some convenience here to allow third tilden to grow as world children . >> great to have your perspectives tonight, thank you so much. >> thank you, laura. >> breaking news, biden has finally ended that national covid emergency. raymond arroyo hit the streets of new york to see how people are celebrating plus he gets another three wishes because it's friday follies and that is next.
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>> welcome to fox news live. the family of the man killed in the new york city subway earlie this month is pushing for tougher charges against his alleged killer. jordan neely died after marine venue placed him in a chokehold very today he was arraigned on manslaughter charges. neely family said penny showed no remorse in court and believe it was an intentional killing. they say he should be charged
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with murder. his lawyers argue he acted in self-defense. meanwhile the cia and veiling several new measures to address internal or sexual assault in harassment allegations. the changes come after multiple victims went to congress with complaints the cia is appointin a new psychologist to lead the program the agency also creatin an internal task force that wil be overseen by outside experts. new guidelines for reporting incidents will be announced soon . now back to "the ingraham angle." >> it's friday which means it i time for friday follies. for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. this week, we finally got to th end of the national covid emergency. gig went on the streets of new york to see how people work commemorating their new covid freedom. >> what are you going to do wit
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your newfound freedom? >> i think i still might want t use my mask just for protection for myself and i have bad allergies so i think i would probably do that. >> and won't be wearing any mask . covid has been over a long time i'm not sure you're aware of that. get it's been over long time? what are you going to do with your newfound covid freedom? >> live life, be calm,. >> gee, i can't even imagine. probably run down the street as opposed to walk fair. >> be and not wear a mask. >> what are you going to do wit your newfound freedom? >> still wear a mask? >> y? >> it prevents illness, the flu covid, it works out for us, that's what we do. and a timely travel or go to a grocery store or restaurant we take your maspeth. >> so you're not convinced the emergency is over? >> unconvinced it somewhat over
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but the thing is, it's still ou there. >> i read a study today in a psychological journal and it said people who see themselves as more attractive are less likely to wear the mask, but some, they just want to hold on. i think they want to hold onto the excuse of opting out of life . >> what did we weren't about three years ago? we warned about the institution of the new normal. we got a lot of grief for it, they said masks don't work, remember, everybody came down o us all the studies they're saying there's no real clear studies that demonstrate the efficacy of cloth masks. you have to wear them perfectly right. the whole thing turned into a scary situation. >> what time is it? >> oh, i'm massaging my magic lamp which also means it's time for raise three wishes.
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okay, what's first. to get that certain performers would not use every occasion even a writer strike to go into their act. ♪ the writers create the storie help them out now. >> that was randy patinkin, thi started as a protestant ended a a one-man show. imagine if i doctor started doing examinations at the drop of a hat or opera singers just broke into song where there is time for everything. the picket line is not the time for you to audition. just hold the sign and move along in solidarity, please. >> wasn't mandy and his wife, different they have some thing he did last year or the year
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before, weren't they going bananas, what was it about trump ? >> they were losing it and goin mad over his election. >> he is quite colorful. to get my second wish, laura, and i hope you granted, i wish that the speed when harris writers would go on strike or whoever is responsible for these . >> please rise and i will administer the oath. please raise your right hand an repeat after me. my mother would give us a hard time sometimes and say to us i don't know what's wrong with yo young people. you thank you just fell out of coconut tree? you exists in the context of al in which you live in what came before you.
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>> she is black, female, and riddle writer, that you don't have that for vice president often. dianne feinstein is learning al of her speeches should she not be able to make a reappearance. >> i'm still trying to figure out the coconut tree comment. one more wish. >> one more wish, okay, the other day, the view got into a discussion of how many underwea people packed for trip. there is a limit to what we nee to know, and i wish certain broadcasters would leave unmentionables unmentioned. >> we talked about really deep things here. and this is one of them and it is so hard to discuss, but i'm going to bring it up. it is the great underwear debate , i don't wear underwear so it's not a question i have t think about. >> it's a 14 day trip.
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>> i still don't bring underwear . i'm not kidding, ipad like mip my pants twice a day on the trip . >> we will be going commando aren't hurt or something i didn't need to know about ever. >> move over, the discussion just went to the highest of hig browse. i am glad i ate several hours ago, so thank you for that. >> have a great weekend. >> thank you so much very good to see you. memo, if you thought electricit was going to be the cheaper energy source, you better think again. what is behind the purposeful destruction of his own energy alternative? we will tell you, and that is next.
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♪ >> laura: all you voters who supported joe biden in 2020 wha you got was skyhigh energy prices from the pump to your home heating bills, and they kept piling up, but have no fea because there something much more exciting on the horizon if biden wins again. first let me ask you, do you
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suffer from too much accessible electricity? do you find it annoying to have working refrigerators that keep your food from spoiling? well, if you have those symptoms , you're in luck because of biden second term is just what it's going to take to cure you. johnny, let's show them what they've won. blackouts, that's right, blackouts for the biden administration just announce th first regulations to limit greenhouse pollution from existing power plants the wall street journal editorial board sums it up as writing the proposed rule amounts to a deat sentence for fossil fuel power plants and if those plans don't shut down they will be forced t implement other technologies that aren't currently cost-effective or feasible and may never be. their cost of generation would double being the less competitive. now, if this seems insane, and it is, the epa is here to calm your nerves.
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>> at epa, we are working every single day to ensure that all people realize the full protection of our environmental lies for today we announced tha its only solidifies our commitment to protecting those who are most vulnerable among us . the good news is our work is no sacrificed for these art restrictions as some would say, this is about seizing the moment . >> what they are really seizing is your ability to live in comfort the comfort we've come to expect because we earned it. we innovated, where the most powerful nation in the world, joining me now is daniel turner daniel, wow, this epa administrator is quite the piec of work. he seems to be way over his schemes if we can still do this key analogy and not offend anyone. it is virtual's virtue signet ring with lies in subterfuge bu
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what does the nation need to understand about this? >> this is very concerning because we are just following the examples of countries that have done this faster and it hasn't turned out very well. quite frankly, what they're doing to the country is what california has been doing for a long time. here's a great example. and the last decade before bide messed up the energy market so that from 2010-2020, utility bills in america nationwide onl climbed about 1.6 percent in california they climbed by 25 percent californians doing this most of all it's very expensive to use electricity in california because of these types of mandates. i don't care about their intentions i don't care about seizing the moment ultimately when you're trying to pay your monthly utility bills if you have to sacrifice to keep the lights on or the ac on, that's all that matters. what they're doing is making th california model national and that's not going to end well fo our country.
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>> the epa administrator is als discussing how they intend to use taxpayer money to keep pushing their agenda of the money they got by the way in biden's climate bill. >> at epa, we have built environmental justice into our dna and we have some very concrete metrics that are attached to this $27 billion to be sure the disadvantage communities and those that are disproportionately impacted hav access to this capital. >> you can't build something into your dna, you need to tell them that cover its is your dna. but the environmental justice looks like wet, rolling blackouts, higher electricity bills for certain people, what will happen with that? >> the blackouts are inevitable because again, we are looking a other states that have john thi faster than the nation has california, even the great stat of texas to show this is
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bipartisan stupidity, texas has embraced wind power faster than the technology has allowed that we saw the deadly storms in 202 i think close to 700 people froze to death in their homes a a result because wind turbines don't work in certain weather. so what they're doing is taking reliable fossil fuels, reliable coal and natural gas off-line with the goal of achieving political outcome but the political outcome is not going to bend the laws of physics which are immutable, so what's going to happen is we will have rolling blackouts and brownouts more commonly and nationwide. and we have to remember it's no normal for the governors to sen you a text saying hey, everybody , don't charge your phones tonight, don't do laundry , and you get those messages regularly. this is the stupidity of the green agenda. >> don't you think that is a really powerful campaign argument to defeat biden.
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he's coming for your gas stove, he is coming for your refrigerator and ac. obviously, you are going to hav to have built into your normal life, a series of blackouts every season. any time they decide you're using too much energy they will take your energy away from you. i think that is powerful even i california is an argument. >> it is powerful. a goes back to the reagan line than you're better off that whe you work for years ago if you look at energy which biden made front and center of the first day his first executive actions were all to punish the fossil fuel industry and what is the result? the result has been higher prices up all goods and services , food prices, utilities , so do we want more of that? i don't think the american people will go for it. >> that is the first thing that president trump or ron de santis, when they are asked why should they be sent to the white house, i think with their
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first comment should be because i'm going to get gas back down to about $2.30 a gallon. that is music to people's ears very daniel, you are such a voice of reason, thank you so much. >> thanks, laura. >> laura: a special mother's day message when we return.
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>> laura: happy mother's day to all the moms out there, you are special, you are unique, yo have such an important role for raising your kids great i miss my own mother every single day so if you still have your mom and you're lucky enough to have her blessed enough to have her, do something wonderful for her my own kids, they will have something wildland. i hope they garden with me it all goes by fast. from the time there little unti they time they leave the house, i'm on the cusp of that with my daughter now and i'm already starting to ball on a regular basis. i feel very blessed to be a
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mother in to have the influence i hope i have for the good on these three beautiful kids. it's the best gift just to be a mom i don't need any other gifts . thank you all of you moms for watching and dads, everybody else in between. greg gutfeld and the gang, they take it all from here. ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ oh, yeah. >> you go. it's friday, which means first, let's welcome tonight's guest. this bear doesn't in the woods, probably. host o


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