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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  May 13, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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think they left of it. yeah, they left for the day. they left. they left for st. louis rams. >> i thought i was going to quiz you guys. >> i don'tg think wtoe have it. i guess i was going to quiz you guys if you could. you know, this isn't foxs isn' and friends. well, you can't just decidet fo x to do a little quiz, okay? i don't think i have time, but that's okay. oh, the washington sports team is getting sold. we have rachel: we go straight to a fox news alert, the crisis at the southern border at migrants pouring to the us at record rates after the end of title 42. pete: the worst disaster any agent is ever seen and warns the worst is still to come. will: matt finish live in el paso with the latest. >> reporter: we are standing
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outside the sacred heart shelter, doesn't if not more migrants sleeping on the ground outside city streets inside the shelter, 140 migrants, mostly women and children. it is a very active area as far as migrants in el paso. this shelter and church bear the brunt of the immigration crisis in el paso. we spoke with the director, the court documents and immigration paperwork. we can't confirm how many were processed or how many got across the border. cvp sources tell fox news 83,000 migrants crossed into the us border at the southern border. the border wall, hundreds of migrants arrived on the first
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day after title 42 ended. as we have seen often for over a year those migrants are placed in single file, put on white buses and processed. it is not clear how many are released after that. cameras captured migrants in brownsville, texas after they were released, the white house insist federal judges are ruling migrants could only be released after they sabotaged. >> it is sabotage, pure and simple. that's how that reads to us. cvp is allowing or encouraging mass release of migrants and that's what is occurring. >> the government of mexico reports there were 26,000 migrants on the mexican side of the border. they were trying to make it into the united states and already attempted to.
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outside the sacred heart church. a lot of migrants, and some not. and the effort into the united states before title 42 avoided throughout the morning. >> the at&t football, the home of the dallas cowboys. and we try to contextualize these numbers throughout time, importing cities the size of waco, importing cities, whatever number we are trying to wrap our minds around. may be the word we focus on is importing.
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we are importing a new population on a daily and weekly basis. rachel: if i could translate for karine john pierre, she says this is sabotage, they are mass releasing them. she means we don't want to mass release of them, we brought a lot of people in to process of them. we don't intend to do that but it is happening. even with all the military they put out there and every border patrol agent focused on processing, it's not enough. pete: the surgeons to facilitate faster. it is reminiscent of bidenphil under the bridge a year ago. the problem the white house had was a pr problem, not a communitarian problem or border
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problem. where do they go? we don't know what paperwork they have. are they released? sticking their arms through the border wall to get a charger? absolute chaos and they want us to believe it is not and don't know where these people are going. it's a 0-sum game. if you spend time, money and energy on facilitation of illegals using fake asylum claims, where do they live? what social services do they rely on. who loses services because illegals are getting services, and the cover of the new york post this morning, the new york post says vets, military veterans kicked out for migrants, tell 20 homeless veterans to leave.
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there's hotels being used for homeless vets. good cause if there long-term lease on this long-term hotel is up because we need illegals. rachel: our memory is not that short in this country but a year or so ago stories about the only other group more vulnerable than homeless vets are foster children. and and the money for group homes, if they house illegal migrant children. that was a bigger concern for the reason you said, there was a pr problem. kick out the foster kids who are the most vulnerable population and put in illegals.
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pete: the chair of the tony foundation said veterans have been placed in another hotel with immigrants. one of them called me sunday and said he had to leave because the hotel extended stay is not available, then i got another call. didn't waste any time. to organize when and where to move them all, talking about homeless veterans. the beginning of the conversation, a 0-sum game, whatever analogy we pick, when you shove this many illegal immigrants into society, pressure gives a somewhere else. we are talking about homeless vets. neighbors have been trying to get out from under the thumb of poverty and violence, and it should be the case that martha's vineyard and places like that should suffer the consequences but the truth is it is usually the poor neighborhoods of america.
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rachel: chicago is one of those places. they were dumped in their communities. here is one. listen in. >> our specific frustration lies in the continuous and blatant disregard for the safety and overall quality of black residents as many migrants have been dumped in our neighborhoods without a plan in place to monitor long-term. they've intentionally created barriers to participation in the decision-making process around a public school building. we pay taxes to maintain. >> why would any leader put our black communities already riddled that crime with further risk by placing unvented non-taxpayers steps away from our seeing years. we've worked so hard to secure.
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will: the mentions of high profile like martha's vineyard, where they quickly said -- rachel: it took 24 hours. will: those get a lot of coverage, our communities are struggling and here we are with other people. there are videos and pictures of the event held there, science saying build the wall. don't know if they were trump supporters or not. the consequences of policies like biden is pursuing touches every person's life in some way. whatever their views are, their communities deserve to be safe too. pete: people who can't speak english, their kids don't get the services they deserve as they try to go up and out. rachel: or their jobs. when you jump into these poor
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neighborhoods they are competing for jobs. you jump into martha's vineyard, they become illegal servants in the homes of martha's vineyard residents. they say we have enough servants, we really should play the footage of them in martha's vineyard. it is remarkable. will: to wrap up that point, these entry-level jobs into the job market are what disappear at the hands of illegal immigrants, teenagers, the unskilled, anybody trying to get on their feet. it becomes harder, anyone trying to make minimum wage where you have black market of labor underneath minimal wage it makes everything harder to pull your self up by your bootstraps as an american. pete: as shocking as it feels after just a few days.
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to another fox news alert, lori vallow found guilty of murdering her children. >> guilty of first-degree murder, answer, guilty. not guilty or guilty of first-degree murder of joshua jackson vallow, guilty. will: she was found guilty of conspiring to murder her former husband's wife. before alexandria hoff joins us with the chilling details. >> reporter: this is one of the most bizarre and tragic cases in recent years. not only was she convicted of killing her two youngest children but of stealing their social security benefits after they were married -- they went missing for months in 2,019 after vallow met chad dave vallow which was born out of an
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apocalyptic bond where the prosecution argued the two came to believe the children were possessed by dark forces. closing arguments, prosecutors said we told you this was about money, power, and sex. this was not about religion but money, power, and sex. they wed in 2019 following the death of his wife tammy. her defense claimed her husband was the force behind all of this. lori wants to tell you how much she loves jesus, but is she a leader or follower? she's not leaving anyone, she's a follower of chad. he is a follower of the storm. the biological grandfather of 7-year-old jj vallow shared this yesterday, thank you, what they went through, what they saw is mind boggling. i hope nobody has to go through this and nobody has to see it here, details of what happened
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to jj. we will have nancy grace help us break down the details in this very twisted case coming up at 6:30 because this is not over yet. chad's trial is months away. rachel: marine veteran daniel penney released on one thousand dollar bond facing second degree manslaughter charge for the choking death of jordan neely whose family called for more charges. penny's attorney said he intended no harm and are confident he will be exonerated. penny surrendered to the nypd yesterday morning before his arraignment. if found guilty he could face up to 15 years in prison. to a fox news alert overnight in the middle east, rockets launching from the gaza strip raining down on southern israel as palestinian extremist groups
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reject a call for a cease-fire. the israeli military releasing this footage of airstrikes that destroyed the headquarters of the top islamic jihad operative yesterday. israelis estimate islamic jihad has 6000 rockets in its arsenal and islamist hamas has four times that. a former intelligence officer says the cia did not have any evidence that hunter biden's laptop was part of a disinformation campaign. 51 former national security officers signed a letter before the 2,020 election claiming the laptop was part of a kremlin scheme. national intelligence officer for cyber telling fox news digital, quote, it looked like the kind of thing moscow might do but as unclassified reports to the public later indicated, despite extensive influence campaign there was no evidence this particular item, the laptop, was russian disinformation.
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the usfl kicking off hours from now, the maulers taking on the panthers at 12:thirty eastern time. after that game, catch the gamblers as they face off against the birmingham stallions and tomorrow, the memphis showboat will lookr fi loss of the year. catch both of those matchups here on fox. those are your headlines. will: climate change activists are coming for called, new regulations could shut down fossil fuel power plants if they don't cut 90% of emissions. pete: is a critical race theory or communist cultural regulation? kiss similar is between modern teachings in the us and authoritarian china. we break it down with a survivor of mao's revolution coming up. ♪
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1960s and 70s. under mao's regime you saw the reeducation of the masses. in in the us we are seeing school teachers and college professors pushing gender ideology. we are seeing social justice theory, race theory and marxist values being pushed onto our kids. in china there was the destruction of family values. today in america we are witnessing a push to end the nuclear family. under the communist dictatorship, mao persecuted those with different beliefs. in the us, cancel culture and censorship is running wild. in china, the removal of religion. it is a warning to the us as america faces a sharp decline in religious beliefs and rising attack on faith-based institutions. our next guest is a survivor of mao's revolution, cultural revolution and she joins us now. so great to have you.
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we have a fantastic in-depth conversation on this. i was so taken aback by the similarities. schools were shut down when you were a kid at the start of this revolution. explain why. >> the cultural revolution started really soon, the school was affected, administrators, one day, in my case i saw my teacher wrote on the blackboard, no school for three days and lasted for two years. in some cases four years, no school. rachel: they went henry indoctrinated some of those teachers, made sure they had the right stuff to teach the kids and continue with the indoctrination. you talked about a protected
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class which sounds interesting with defund the police, who gets arrested. give us a little bit on that. >> to have a revolution, who are the enemies? the enemies of those classified as the black class, they were the property owners or the children of property owners but increasingly people who felt -- fell out of favor of the party and of mao and people accused of holding incorrect views, those with the enemy and whoever is on the other side, they are the good ones and they were the ones carrying up the revolution but the target kept changing. anyone at any moment can fall into the black class and become the enemy of the state.
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rachel: what are the parallels between the red guard and what you are seeing? >> you want to have a revolution you need revolutionaries. he had an army to follow his order, the kids from schools even as young as elementary schools, high schools and colleges, those kids call themselves red guards and red commander in chief. they are the ones to carry out the revolution and doing the cancel culture, destruction of the temples and everything you saw that is happening here. they have a different name that i called blue dogs. rachel: blm and antifa and people on the other side
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turning another people for trespassing the ideology that is in place now. let's talk about the family. the chinese family is known to be strong and it is a threat to the state, correct? >> children from a very young age, the chairman mao and loyalty above all is to the party and chairman mao. so many kids turned in their parents and the family totally destroyed and also, we see parents turning in their children. rachel: you mentioned religion, the need to shut down religion because that again challenges your allegiances to the state. there is more information on this. we go into deep depth with xi
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vanfleet. one of the most fascinating podcast we've ever done. xi vanfleet is a national treasure, i tell her that all the time because she's raising the flags on what is happening in america, the parallels are just really uncanny and hard to deny. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. rachel: a marine veteran is released on a one hundred thousand dollar bond after being charged in the torque job at a show called death of jordan nearly. our next guest is an attorney and veteran who says he could see himself standing up for passengers on a subway if he were on that position and explains next. basic solar, massive tornadoes touching down in nebraska. we are tracking that severe weather threat. stay with us. s say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh?
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will: massive tornadoes touching down in nebraska yesterday, bringing punishing winds, leaving several farms damaged and knocking down powerlines. pete: 3 dozen tornadoes across the great plains, no injuries reported so far. the extent of the damage still being assessed. rachel: severe weather shifting to the midwest and south texas. let's check with adam klotz for our fox weather forecast. >> reporter: those storms on the move and we can see where they all line up. yesterday afternoon across nebraska and farther south, a tornado report in oklahoma but it is around the center of the country day after day after day. it is a shift to the east. you see that activity, thunderstorms across texas, a little bit of flooding and the risk has always been in the afternoon with the heat of the day. we will see that again today. through early evening, there's
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the severe weather in portions of illinois back into iowa. everything the red box is a scale of 2 out of 5 for severe weather threat, could mean severe thunderstorms but isolated tornadoes possible with this as you look at possible, the same region from st. louis across des moines and large portions of iowa. a better chance of isolated tornadoes, some hail with this where we could see more damage with this system. texas kind of right there on the same rating. we could be seeing an opportunity for severe weather. you can follow all of that. on the fox weather apps. will: games are canceled in texas. pete: another story, marine veteran daniel penny released on $1000 bond after being
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charged with 2nd ° manslaughter in the death of jordan neely. rachel: penny's lawyer says the former marine is handling the situation professionally. >> dealing with a situation like this, integrity and honor, characteristic of who he is, the united states marine corps. will: great to see you this morning, you see these charges brought by, alvin bragg, you understand them so far, do you think daniel penny would have been charged in most big cities or districts, most criminal jurisdiction areas in this country, or is what just happened in new york the outlier? >> it is an outlier. everything i've been able to
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see is a clear case of something related to self defense which is defense of others. it seemed they weren't going to charge him in new york until there was this outrage. i look at what happened here and the way this guy was acting on the subway and new yorkers who are used to this type of behavior, emotionally disturbed people on the subway, oftentimes ignored. when i came off of active duty and went to new york to go to law school, seeing this kind of stuff on the subway, if you are not used to that in that new york city environment you could easily sit there and say this is a threat, something dangerous. i could see them doing this. will: i would give slight pushback, he's from queens, he's familiar with this area.
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to me, that heightens his -- he is used to what a lot of people i used to, these potentially violent interactions on the terrain and he felt something different this time. the threat had escalated to needing to be neutralized. being a new yorker give some greater perspective in this moment. >> to a certain extent that would be true. if you look at recent events in the country, the mass shootings or stabbings or people with a hatchet in new york city, when somebody comes in and says i don't care if i go to jail or get shot, you have to take that seriously. i could see a marine saying let me be proactive instead of waiting and regretting that i didn't defuse this before escalated. will: witnesses are saying we are glad he did it. one witness said i hope he has a great lawyer, i pray that he
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gets treated fairly because after all of this ensued i went back and made sure i said thank you to him. it feels like a case of public pressure where the mayor got blowback from activist groups. he said trust the process, pretty soon this marine is in handcuffs. do you think part of the charging of second-degree murder is had they gone to a grand jury they might not get a charge at all? >> it in an interesting they decided to go with a complaint instead of a grand jury. i would assume he probably put in notice that his client wants to testify before the grand jury which could result in no charges being brought at all. this is a situation where they would ordinarily first go to the grand jury. if they don't arrest him on the scene with a criminal complaint, if they are going to wait they go to the grand jury and come with an indictment, they don't here which indicates
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to me the decision to charge him on a complaint was driven by politics and not the best interest of the criminal system. rachel: the witness you talked about was anonymous. here are these people being threatened on the train, thankful there is someone that doesn't but scared to publicly say thank you and show their face because that is the environment in new york city. thank you for joining us this morning, really appreciate it. will: our other top story, and open border, a migrant teen has died in us custody as we learn a 4-year-old child from honduras died under hhs care two months ago. former dea special agent on the deadly consequences of biden's border crisis next. ♪
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but it went unreported. here to react is special agent and global director of counter narcotics technology michael brown. thanks for being with us. you hear these two stories of these two children who died in custody, what are your thoughts? >> these are the foreseeable and regrettable consequences of cartels controlling the border and their ability to flood thousands of children across the border, who knows what their medical condition is and until we have a better policy that can detailer them from this human trafficking wave, we will see young children die. pete: these children, 8672
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unaccompanied minors, in hhs custody. so much talk a few years ago about the conditions, kids in cages, here we have kids dying in custody. someone at some point somewhere has to be held accountable. >> in 2022, 130,000 unaccompanied children came across the border, what strategies in place to safeguard those children and if there is one, why isn't it used to manage this 9000 children that are coming across the border already? will: is an uptick in smugglers across the us border. title 42 ends, we will see a flood of 26,000 people who amassed before the mexican southern border.
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here is president obrador who says there are more smugglers than usual, a lot of migrant smugglers offering to take migrants to the border saying starting today they can enter the us freely and that is a lot of manipulation. is it a lie? is in a manipulation? we don't know how many are released or got aways, don't know what the cartel is selling, falls bill of goods, a lot of success in what they are delivering to illegal immigrants. >> they've been doing this a long time, experts in the field of human trafficking and narcotics trafficking. they are even using social media to get the word out that the border is open. regardless whether it is open or not, tens of thousands of individuals believe it is open and they will be coming to the border. will: you see on the wall
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behind me the southern border where some of these ports of entry are experiencing greater numbers of illegal immigrants coming through. title 42 just ended, we are seeing a surge. what's your prediction for what we will see going forward in the coming weeks and months? >> we will continue to see the numbers increase but more portly we will see a dramatic increase in the production and distribution of fentanyl as cv p resources are drawn away from the official checkpoints to manage the administrative overflow. it is an opportunity to smuggle in millions of fentanyl tablets which may raise the overdose rate and death mortality rate associated with fentanyl usage. will: michael w brown, thank you. pete: we begin with this on the other side of the room.
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it is official, nbc universal's former head of advertising will be the new twitter ceo. elon musk says linda yaccari starts in a few weeks. musk will serve as chief technology officer. as soon as the ceo is ready, there will be a virtual chat on twitter where people can, quote, ask them anything. now to an update on jamie foxx, the actor's daughter, her dad is on the end after an undisclosed medical complication. my dad has been out of the hospital for weeks recuperating. he was playing pickle ball yesterday. calling all kyles, the city of kyle, texas is involving everyone named kyle to visit next weekend for the fourth
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year in a row. >> i am kyle park calling all kyles to come to kyle, texas to break the world record of the most kyles gathered ever. pete: 2305 kyles will need to turn out to break the current record for the largest same name gathering. people of all ages are welcome. if you don't have a id that proves your name is kyle, your mom and dad can vouch for you. bring your mom and dad to say his name is kyle. i know a few kyles. how far is kyle, texas from a major port? will: i'm not sure where kyle, texas is. pete: we will let you know so if you are watching, you can be a record-breaking, could be in the guinness book of world records. calling all kyles. climate change activists are coming for call. new regulations that could
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will: the environmental protection agency proposed new pollution standards this week. it sounds nerdy but it is important. under the clean air act, new rules would drastically affect new gas and existing coal-fired power plants over the next 24
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years, limit 617 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, like cutting the annual emissions for roughly half the cars in the us. it also requires natural gas plants to update their technology to reduce 90% of emissions by 2035 or be forced to shut down. what does this mean for the future of fossil fuel power plants? let's ask us oil and gas association president tim stewart. i say nerdy, that's not the right word. it is a lot of talk of percentages and reductions but it is radical stuff in the implications on our country. >> it really is. it will kill the coal generation we have and force natural gas plants, in ten years, to design or develop or implement new green hydraulic technology which costs four times as much or shut down. these are technologies that don't exist yet or if they are,
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in the early stages and are not cost-effective, natural gas was supposed to be the bridge fuel to the future but what we see now, 60% of the reduction of co2 over the last we 10 years, the botnet ministration burning the bridge in front of us, crossing over to greener technologies. this rule is likely going to break the grid. makes it far more unreliable. pete: burning down the bridge before we crossed to the other side with no technology yet. reliable enough or cheap enough to make it something we can use. you say break the grid. as we push toward electric we don't have enough power generation? >> a great point. several parts of the north american grid are at elevated risk of shortfalls. what the administration is doing is a confluence of events ahead of us in swinton -- in ten years. 60% of our % of our baseload
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generation including natural gas will be replaced by technology that doesn't exist yet and automakers are told in 10 years, 75% of your vehicles will be powered by electricity on a grid that doesn't necessarily exist yet. we may look like a third world country where tens of millions of americans will be subjected to rolling brown outs every day every year. pete: does it scare you they want it that way? they don't care there is a non-plan on the other side or have to live with less, that's how we contribute to the climate battle. >> we should be scared, that is it. we want to give the benefit of the doubt but the actions they've taken the last two years really shows they prefer to blow everything up and build something up better that is different than what we are used to. pete: and rely on other countries like the communist chinese to fill the gap. >> for the gap with energy and technology too, our entire grid
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reliability over to the chinese for the next 15 or 20 years is disturbing to all of us. pete: these are the types of rules the get rid in the middle of the night that don't get a lot of headlines that have massive implications in the future and are driven by the radical climate administration. thanks for fighting back, appreciate it. you know what the world doesn't need right now? woke robots. we have enough humans, robots of gone woke, the latest indoctrination your kids could be watching and you might not know about it. watch this. >> pronouns are they/them. >> he orgy -- he or she doesn't fit who i am. can see if it may qualify for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee. all it takes is eight minutes to get started. then work with professionals to assist your business with its forms and submit the application. go to to learn more.
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ever seen. and warns the worst is still to come. rachel: unbelievable. matt fi finn live in el paso wih the latest. reporter: good morning. the sacred heartture and have this church has beared the brunt of the immigration crisis here for well over a year now. there's been so many viral images and videos that have come out of this city block showing countless migrants here in downtown el paso and we want to show you right now before the sunrises there are about two city blocks in which migrants are sleeping and taking sheller and many have red cross blankets and cvp tells fox news record 83,000 migrants crossed into the united states this week here at the southern worder and yesterday here in el paso, we stood right at the gate or


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