tv Outnumbered FOX News May 15, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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hotel after one day. sharon and their team scrambled to find locations, let those veterans know we appreciate them. we have their backs. >> kayleigh contrast, he said we've been planning for this transition for months. slap in the face indeed. >> no, you haven't been planning for this for months, clearly. these are our nation's heros, these are veterans, these are the best among us who deserve a helping hand, they put their lives on the line. i can't help but notice the contrast when you have a 24-year-old, a veteran had been in afghanistan, kicked out of his hoe it will room as an afghan national on the terror watch list is crossing the border in san diego. so, you're an afghan national on the national watch list, we'll let you in. but the guy who fought in afghanistan we'll kick you out of your hotel room. the big
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headline was no surge. and you read down five paragraphs down, unhalf crossings top 10,000 a day, highest levels ever. highest levels ever and your headline is no surge. that defies common sense, washington post. >> harris you had a phenomenal veteran, johnny joey jones. we'll play a clip. >> he spoke eloquently and passionately about his service, the travesty that this represents, especially in a state like new york, how is it they want get their act together with the tax dollars that we pay to care for 15, 20 vulnerable veterans contrast that with the scramble and the congressman articulated earlier. >> politics come into play and maybe money, one of the things we looked at last hour was the fact that it takes about
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88-dollars to really care for those veterans at a hotel. or anybody at that hotel. in upstate new york. and where we found out that the city was paying $190 per illegal immigrant, so there might be cash, you can do the math, you can figure it out on your own. really the rub here is what representative byron donaldson and others are pointing to, there is an initial crime people committed coming across. he and others say immigration and customs enforcement should be able to go out and arrest individuals saying they are here illegal. you wouldn't have collision problems at shelters. in one shelter, in the state of texas, in one shelter where they were meant to hold about 90 people in a room, 400 were in that room. the shelter itself went to hold 1000, 3000 were at that shelter. there is a whole lot of heartbreak, what are we
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going to eat, go to the bathroom, what is that like? if there are people among them that we literally cannot vet, decided to get some shelter because the weather was bad, if we can't do our part and protecting the sovereignty of our nation against those who might be among the groups of people who are well meaning coming here, we are all in a world ever hurt because we can't send anybody back effectively. so, donaldson and several other, mike kelly of pennsylvania, mark green of tennessee, they want to put something in place right now that gives us exhalings in addition to title 8. >> that annal except policy articulation that would help stymie this flow. i want to underscore, it really paints this vivid portrait of the abject appalling nature of these conditions that we are subjecting these people to, yet according to this administration we are the land of plenty, we are the administration of
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compassion, but the reality is anything but. now my team tells me we have that spot available. we want to make sure that johnny jones' point is important, let's play it right now. >> they know the veterans they are helping are on the precipice of turning their life around, have paid taxes, will one day, we don't know that the people they are putting in their place will ever become citizens or contributing members in our society. choose one desperate person over another choose the ones who are already helping helped to serve this country. it's not say these migrants don't deserve food, room and board, but this is a city of 8,000,000 people i think they can figure it out when that community is struggling to take care of 20 veterans. >> for some reason, under this administration it's an or -- we care for the migrants or care for homeless veterans instead of being put in a position, again
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to mayorkas, he has been planning this for months. why can't our policy and resources reflect a commitment to and. >> and stories relatedly over the weekend there were multiple weddings of american citizens disrupted, contracts were breached, your hotel guests can't stay here anymore, we are bringing in illegal immigrants. not just hard core border hawk conservatives, what are the priorities here? and what's i think especially astounding is to see the president and dhs secretary taking a victory lap over the weekend about the border crisis? it is absolutely wild. if they want us to believe they've implemented a new strategy and it's working it's true. bill malujian border crossings between ports of entry fallen dramatically in the last couple days, it's much more complicated than this, we did something and it's working, good
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for us. then you have to ask the obvious question that follows, why on earth did you not do that 2.5 years ago. >> they didn't do it. they didn't do it. >> 2.5 years and 6.5 million crossings ago. >> in texas which is where most of the drop ---we can't fact check that. when they say 50% i need to see that, i need to know that's true. it would not be -- it would not be out of the bounds of thinking because the weather was horrific. a rancher i talked to, the weather didn't stop anybody where he was in eagle pass, the rio grand sector. thousands were coming through. but the other thing is in texas along the border, look at what the governor did, he put you all that wire. the federal government didn't do that, they defied him. >> it's important to figure out the why. i'm trying to figure out, why is this happening, why is joe biden doing this, it is intentional. i believe the bottom line is, you talked about
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sovereignty that is not something joe biden is concerned with, he is a globalist. about un, world economic forum than his own american citizens. why are we asked in building the world better when our own country is falling apart. and you can see this in reality in the way that it's happening with displacing our combat veterans for illegal immigrants. had you a group of citizens in chicago, a bunch of black residents in south shore chicago suing, why are we putting the needs of illegal immigrants ahead of american citizens and so if you're the republican nominee there is a real opportunity to paint that sharp contract and you had mentioned, you know, why isn't the "and" important. i believe america first first. we focus on our citizens because we are going to keep losing as a country until we put our needs first, until we care about sovereignty, most concerned with building our own economy, our
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own country back before we are asked in the needs of anyone else, that is not the objective of this administration and that is why everything is falling apart. >> and reminder that every time the president ends a prepared speech, he always end it with god bless our troops, i guess that ends when -- >> he doesn't mean it, look at afghanistan. >> and look at this policy. >> president biden accused of stoking the flames of racial division, this time during a college commencement speech. to cut your monthly expenses. and the fastest way to do that? pay off your debts and high rate credit cards with a lower payment newday home loan. that can save you hundreds of dollars every month. plus, this newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value so you can put even more cash in the bank during these uncertain times.
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this message to the graduating class at a historically black school, howard university, over the weekend. >> stand up against the poison of supremacy as the most dangerous to our homeland as white supremacy. i'm not saying this because i am at a black hbcu, i say wherever i go. >> the most dangerous terrorist threat. >> he needs the numbers to back that up. so, we were looking at this issue today. and, you know, one of the problems with this is that he thinks because he is in front of a black audience that he can just say whatever he wants. i don't ever remember him saying with such specificity any of this in front of a white audience, maybe we missed that
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day, in delaware on a mystery weekend. this is really important because there is domestic terrorism in our country. you can look at the facts and see where that's coming from. you will also say two things are true, things can be a problem without being the number one or the only problem. but right now our sovereignty is at stake, like we are in the midst of history-making for all the wrong reasons. the blacks in that audience care about that. you don't think that we care about the economy? >> of course. >> come on, you don't have to victimize to reach us, that is what he does. no one is putting us in chains. >> look, guy, politically he has to shore up his numbers wrong black voters, young people, he was polling 90% with black voters now it's 60%. he has a big problem here. >> perhaps he has to go back to the well and suggests if you are a certain of a certain skin
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color, you are not really black, remember that from 2020? you brought that up. i had forgotten about that quote. you raised it, oh,ing yeah he did say that. i think that's a window into his mentality into the way his political brain works. >> that's fair. >> speaking of pandering, let me throw this back to you, when he said i'm not saying this because i'm here because i'm saying this wherever i go. >> where? >> is that not a pander to that specific audience. >> next to it on the digital websters, maybe. that is a pander. when he says i'm not saying that to blacks at an hbcu, i'm thinking does he know know the b stands for black, you are really double selling this, trying to put this out there. by the way, there are a lot of people who teach at hbcu's who knows who is in that audience. we don't know. in my own household people look like you. i'm pointing to guy in case you
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see that. >> good looking household. >> but my point with this is that if you wouldn't say it to everybody why are you only saying it to a certain audience? >> it makes no sense and emily there is a small matter that he promised us unit, take a listen. >> every disagreement, it doesn't have to be a cause for a total war. restore the soul and secure the future of america requires so much more than words, it requires the most ill will you sufficient of all things in a democracy. unity. unity. with unity we can do great things. i know speaking of unity can sound to some like a foolish fantasy. without june itty there is not only peace. unity not division. >> emily. >> i think his commitment to unity lasted to end of that
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sentence because we've seen divisiveness and spoke iing and in send carry rhetoric. i thought that speech was fantastically degrading. it is so degreating to paint a portrait for based on an assumption of the box checked by everyone sitting there and their families and essentially that there is apparently zero drop of anything else impacting those families that the most important thing facing them is this enemy. and that that will somehow define their trajectory, define their existence by the existence of something else. when i graduated college, i was looking for inspiration, i would think for my president i would be looking for policy. i would want to know exactly how my community could be lifted up, how that tide rises to lift up all votes, when i walk out of there i feel more educated, more inspired, more equipped for my divine assignment. after that i would feel victimized, i would feel
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afraid, judgmental and critical of my neighbor based on a box they checked. this commander in chief is anything but a unifier and that speech was appauling. >> lee was feeling unity in joe biden's america. >> saying it as a joke. >> he is the most divisive president. pit neighbor against neighbor, against each other. every marxist you have to have someone to blame, intentionally divide society. he did this during covid with the unvaccinated like me don't spend christmas with your unvaccinated family member, they are dangerous, they are unclean. he did this heading into the midterm elections with ultra mag a standing with the military flames behind him labeling 75,000,000 americans as enemies of the state. he is doing this with white people and the irony of it joe biden has probably made some of the most racist statements of any president in
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american history whether palling around with segregationists, saying obama was the first black american who is bright, articulate and clean. whether it was saying you have to have an indian accent to go into a 7-eleven. so, i he has actually made blatantly racist statements then has the audacity to sit there and intentionally divide americans, he is trying to prevent a distraction and have a group of people for everyone to blame with their problems. >> quickly, you can absolutely say and we should, that white supremacy exists, it is a fringe, it is a scourge of evil. >> on all sides. >> i feel like that's also developing that racism is everywhere. >> white supremacy lisa, at the same time he gave that speech in washington d.c. and it is laughable that the biggest threat to anyone in that city is white supremacy right now. and there is a lack of self
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awareness on that point as well. >> that is a good point. >> i would love to have him focus on the terrorism in our nation's schools that we talk about each and every day. coming up why women are among the gun owners in the country next. age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at introducing astepro allergy. now available without a prescription. astepro is the first and only 24-hour steroid-free spray. while flonase takes hours, astepro starts working in 30 minutes. so you can [ spray, spray ] astepro and go.
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afraid to shoot and it gives them a little bit of community. they spend 1 to 2 hours in the classroom, we like to answer all their questions. then we come to the range and give them a sample of how to shoot. >> i'm jane millhands i am the firearm instructor today and also on the board of washington state rifle and pistol. women are the fastest group of gun owners in america. a lot of that has to do with the increase in crime especially in our area in washington state where the crime rates are real high, especially here in the peugeot sound. >> safe direction and not putting your finger on the trigger you won't have this gun
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going on. >> i give up my time to help women so they can safely protect themself. modern sporting rifle can adjust to fit our smaller frames. there is little recoil compared to the other rifles so it makes it safer for a woman both in a home defense situation or if they are shooting on rifle league or something like that. >> this bill prohibits the seam, import, distribution or manufacturer of any military style assault weapon be the state of washington starting today. i'm happy to say that. >> they are targeting the wrong person. they are targeting us, the law abiding firearm owners instead of the criminals because criminals will get their firearms, they don't care about the laws, there is already over 88 pages of laws in washington state and 237 on the federal level. and criminals will buy their rifles through black market, drug deals, straw
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purchase, whatever, illegal means and so the law won't impact them. for a lot of women it's taken away the personal protection option of choice that works best for them. and, you know, so the law's clearly discriminating against women. >> that was really fascinating learning all that. >> fascinating. what that comes down to especially we mothers, we want to protect our little loved ones, our sons, our daughters. and when you read articles like response times and certain cities, 1.5 to 2 minutes, on me, it i have seconds to protect my little baby. these women, i'm proud of them for standing up. this day and age you have to. >> what do you make of this new law in that state that says, we think it's only new purchases, if they went to womens houses and took guns away. that would be on the front of every paper. >> you deserve the right to
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protect yourself. if a woman feels more comfortable having a firearm inside her home to protect her little babies she should be able to do that. >> gun owners in america, talk to me about the second amendment and what they are doing in that state. >> that will face a legal challenge, obviously. a state law cannot infringe on a fundamental right. so, i think we'll see a lawsuit and i would not be shocked if laws like that make it up to the supreme court. anecdotally i will say, the stat that we saw in that package about women being the fastest growing group of gun owner that is reflected in my life among my friends especially since 2020 and the chaos of that summer, that was an inflection point for a lot of women in my life who went from not really sure, squeamish about guns to i don't have a choice anymore, we're warming up, getting trained, we're figuring it out. it's an equalizer, far too many places, women don't feel safe because they aren't. not as safe as they should be. so, they have taking
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matters into their own hands and they have a right to do that in this country. >> it's interesting what gun owners in america is pointing to. that's what the administration of biden is not picking up on. the economy is doing this, and crime is coming down, we redesignated things from misdemeanors on down and blah blah blah and women and men but particularly women are saying they don't feel safe. >> but joe biden wants to ban beguns for nefarious reasons just like every authoritarian a disarmed population is easier to control, that is the overall objective of joe biden. it's for personal safety, i like the idea of being able to take my own fate into my own hands and not reliant on the police to help me out. i did my carry, you don't need it in florida. you have constitutional carry. we live in an increasingly unsafe world, you pay attention to the news, you see in neighborhoods that terrible things are happening and people just don't feel safe,
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i've shot ar-15s, they don't have recoil and so i can see as a woman why you would one. harder to carry in your purse. but i can see why women would want to own an ar-15. >> also fits smaller frames. there is a whole host of reasons why that is a preferred firearm for women. it's not an equalizer however when the laws ban the manufacturer, import and sale. anecdotally so many comments are fascinating, nothing prevents a criminal from getting these guns illegally. all this law prevents is from law abiding citizens from protecting themselves. what has changed in the last couple years that spiked female gun ownership, crime is not only at their doorstep it is in their doorstep. when you read all of these stories and be ec dotes about women who say when my husband is not homie no longer have a dog, home alone with my children, et cetera, there is a rash of carjackings, home
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break-ins a rash of violent crimes in my neighborhood, in my neighbors, that is why they want a gun in their home because crime is no longer in the bad areas or on the subway, it is in everyone's doorstep and because the police are not able to protect us because they've been under funded and under supported by this administration. women will protect themselves. >> real quick, now the left also wants to make self-defense illegal. so, not only do they want to disarm you, they are releasing crimin criminals ceede criminals. >> coming up, the stunning number of young people who if they had to choose would give up the right to vote for the right to post on social media. no, that was always part of the plan. three kids?! this was never part of the plan! these kids order the lobster mac 'n cheese! what if she wants to play golf?
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>> right to vote is a fundamental freedom here in the united states. many people in countries around the world do not have that same freedom. nor did many americans in centuries past. womens sufficient raj movement took nearly 100 years to win the right to vote in this country for women. we saw these people in iraq, showing they had voted in the country's first free national election in decades after the fall of supervisor dam hussein. and we saw the same images out of afghanistan when afghans went to the following stations even after the taliban cut off fingers of at least two people who dared to vote. that is how important the right to vote has been for people in america and around the world. yet a new
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survey found this, shocking, nearly 60% of young adults with tiktok accounts said they would give up the right to vote before the right to post on their social media accounts. lisa, i can't even believe it, it says everything. >> i don't want those people voting, can we make it so those people can't vote. the country is a mess right now, history's report cards are the lowest since 1994. obvious -- but i think that is also with intention. i think there is a real intent not to educate children because it's easier to in doctrine ate them, that's what we are seeing. when you look at covid there was a lack of critical thinking. children are intentionally being taught not to be critical thinkers. they want them to be dumb and stupid and susceptible to indoctrination. >> taking away the voting rights, might not be too popular
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young people, they might be fine with that. >> i will say that, you know, i agree with you this reflects that social media is such an opiate. it's a sedative, it's an addiction that's why these kids they have zero respect for and goth appreciates for how sake he had voting it, you read in the intro what a sacred right it is, and when people get it in other countries that haven't had in their lifetime it's incredible. and people walk miles to do so. people feel so honored at that opportunity to vote in a free election. because by the way, the other half of the world, many elections don't have a result that you can have faith in. and so here i think that it's just a gross reflection of this indoctrinated culture, sedated culture, kids have infant gratification being fostered by schools and parents that have no idea about it instead of saying how you critically think and difference between a right and a luxury and
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a right and privilege, the right to vote is sacred. everything is else is a joke. >> i like sedated. i like that, that's a good word for it. >> harris this is a new york post. all great change in america begins at the dinner table. that might be the solution. >> you have to keep people who have each other's best interest at heart around each other. that's how we build each other up, make for the wider high tide, we have to start at home. but then home has to be a place where you feel like you're seen and you're heard and that's difficult right now when you look at the numbers of domestic violence and such. it's tough, it's not impossible but it's tough. prayer helps. i would say this, i'm a little soft hearted when it comes to these people because i understand that they don't really know who they are. and they don't realize in this country that one vote can matter. they don't believe it in anymore. i put some of that at the feet of politicians because they haven't made us feel like
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when they say something they are going to do that same thing that they say. often enough, that our next generations obviously feels it matters that they vote. their one voice might make all the difference on social media and unless they are elon musk and a few others i don't know if that's true. education does change it. lisa's right. >> and gun owners in america, china i am not going to -- guy, china, i am not going to separate them out of this. meanwhile china tiktok is patriotism, encouraging voting. >> educational tool and that sort of thing. when i first saw the story likely lisa, you have genzers who are willing to sacrifice their vote in order to keep posting on social media, my response is, your terms are acceptable. i'm okay with that. but look, this is america, they don't have to choose thank goodness, they can do both. to pushback and maybe i'm wrong about this, in let's say middle
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school or high school, the rage was aol instant messenger, many were, i wonder if you pose the exact same question to 17-year-old me and my friends back then you would give up that, you give up video games or vote. i wonder if the numbers look all that much different. >> you voted at 17. >> moving forward in the future, would you rather continue to do this thing that you really like in exchange for your vote? i think a lot of people might go that direction. >> i would increase the voting age then, i don't know. >> i would want instant messenger, chatting it up with boys. >> kayleigh. >> yeah, 14-year-old kayleigh. coming up, why the cost of the cheapest taylor swift ticket right now the same as some mortgage payments, that's next.
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michael as is here. >> gavin newsom's recommendations for reoperations. leo terrell will talk about that. pulling the trigger on a presidential run, political panel with the over and under. and if you haven't seen taylor swift yet, get he set to mortgage the house, kennedy looks at one woman industry that taylor swift has become. >> it seems taylor swift fans have no problem paying a high price to see her live. her tour is smashing attendance records and on pace to be one of the highest grossing tours ever with estimates suggesting it could net the pop star $1 billion in revenue. tickets for nose bleed seats in massachusetts will set
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fans back more than $1200 on stub hub. the most expensive in new jersey was going for 11,000 as of sunday afternoon. well i'm glad i got my girls tickets early, this was a 16 16th birthday present, it is an important year in her young life, it's all the girls talk about, did you hear shouting out to her fans, protect them with police and cars, i am answer in the news, of course i heard, what do you think. >> my sister went, not a big taylor swift fan, i'm not a huge fan, my sister went within moments i was just totally mag any advertised by it. i was like why? is. >> she said she was extremely authentic interacting with the could you had, sings to the heartbreaks and love stories we all as women deal with, something about her is connecting in a big and profitable way for taylor swift. >> i have to tell you, guy, you can buy a lot of tickets see a lot of concerts and not see one
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person perform 44 songs. >> people getting their lots of money worth i guess with very long sets that she is playing and from what i have heard from friends who have gone, it's a really good show. and if you want to know why tickets are so expensive, it's basic supply and demand. when you have the extremely powerful alliance of teenage girls and gay men wanting something, prices are going way up. that is basic economics. >> i have to let you speak for both because -- >> i don't know much about teenage girls. that's i wills to that back over to you. >> i will check in with bell and danica. >> i hate she likes her music because she is such a lib. when i hear it, it's catchy. 11,000 -- i don't like anyone much to spend that much money on anything unless it's family, that is three plus months of rent that absolutely insane, sweet 16, i popped in my head,
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my dad took me to new york city for my sweet 16, i remember being in time's square, this is awesome, i am going to move to new york. when you move here, time's square is the worse place ever, avoid it like the plague. >> especially at night. >> i'm just really glad we got these tickets many months ago before the scandal even with the whole ticketing thing. >> i love, it's sweet to me, what a sweet sweet 16 gift that you have given your daughter, i know that is going to be an amazing evening. for me personally i would rather be anywhere than that concert for all the reasons that were articulated, i'm all for capitalism, in those seat prices let's break it down, remember the tlc behind the music best one of all time, for every dollar spent here is exactly how much it goes to the radio execs or record execs, record company execs, talent, how much goes to insurance for big venues, how much -- you know, et cetera. let's dig into and if she is making a billion dollars, yeah,
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good on her. but she is one that said she is committed to service and helping others. i wonder if i was an artist how do you have a free show maybe, remember during the pandemic when there were so much online content that people could digest from their home couches and they still make a lot of money and then it would be accessible to everyone, i can't imagine her liking the fact that only her rich fans can attend or only the ones that got the ticket early. >> she is a liberal though. >> and you sit in the nose bleeds. the popcorn seats. >> i just bought concert tickets the other day, billy joel because i am 65 years old. >> he is great at the garden. >> he is fantastic. we should go together. >> music. >> maybe someone will go. >> exactly. >> when morgan is back on stage, i would love. >> this has devolved
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♪♪ >> last but not least, "sports illustrated," famous for iconic swimsuit covers is making headlines and history with the latest edition. at 81 years old, martha stewart has become the oldest cover girl to pose for the publication. she says she wants to show that a woman her age can still look and feel good. harris, i think she looks fantastic. >> harris: i love you came to me first, i'm 57, oldest on the couch. if you have it, rock and roll. >> emily: absolutely. right, kayleigh? >> kayleigh: absolutely, you don't have to be a perfect model in your 20s, she looks beautiful, looks great, i'm all for it.
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>> am i the only hater? i'm going to be a hater. i'm not down with it. like -- are we going to put 90-year-olds on the cover? >> harris: why not. >> like putting obese people -- i don't want to give young girls complexes, i understand we don't want unhealthy perceptions, and like saying lizzo is healthy or something, you are not. like the movement of we have to have the oldest, do this, i'm not down with it, i'm sorry. >> kayleigh: my memaw was so excited to go to the pool, black with blue glowing flowers, and she looked good. >> emily: you can be beautiful at any age, celebrating that. >> she's 81. no, no, not the way you mean.
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like -- she looks really good, 81 years old, that's sort of like blows me away, good for her. >> it was the tone, i thought you were with me. >> harris: you were out numbered, embrace it. >> i can stand alone, i'm comfortable. >> harris: i wonder how they got her to do this. this is not -- she's known for making the rest of us do stuff that makes the whole family feel good, food and whatever. i wonder if it's her jam, maybe this was her idea. >> emily: would you feel better -- do you feel "sports illustrated" is relegated to a certain look, or maybe on the cover of "women's health" or "town and country." >> there is this whole thing now, she's attractive, but like we are told beauty is someone who is objectively not attractive, like we are in this weird -- i don't like the societal stuff right now. >> i think it's tasteful, she
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looks beautiful. >> not her specifically, but like told hairy armpits is attractive, it's not. i want to live in reality, that's all i want to do. >> emily: reality always resides here on this couch. >> nice transition, emily. >> emily: everything we talked about. don't forget to dvr the show when you can't watch us live. and here is "america reports." >> they need to pay the money. stop playing and help the people that they did wrong to, all the work they got done free, they need to pay for that. >> fix the issues versus trying to put a band aid on something for a subset of people. >> 1.2 million is nowhere near enough. it should start at least 5 million. >> john: after recommending the state hand over $1.2 million to every qualifying black residents, the governor's reparations task force has tried to change how housing decisions
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