tv Hannity FOX News May 16, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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>> if i want to eat wood, i would be begin. >> will: it's she would rather eat the wood than the bugs. andrew rule, always good to see you. thank you for watching fox news tonight, i will be back with you tomorrow night, in the meantime, here's a great sean hannity. >> sean: is either wood or bugs. i pick -- i'd rather eat you, i'd starve to death. welcome to hannity. pay attention 539 days away from either november 5th 2024 -- races beyond critical, great constitutional republic slipping away. during report confirms our
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biggest fears. we know the fbi's politicized. doj has been weaponize. both organizations work hand in glove with the democratic ready to achieve one common goal and that is keeping conservatives out of power. people ask me all of the time, what are conservatives, republicans supposed to do. long story short, one option and one option only. they have to win the elections. nearly impossible to make any sweeping changes on both the senate and the white house who are controlled by democrats. how did it democratic party get so much power. they don't nominate or sell candid heat. let's be honest, joe biden is essentially a shadow of his former self, kamala harris is one of the least likable people on the planet earth. next to zero leadership policies, sadly newest member of the u.s. senate is mentally not
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fit to serve. take a look. >> is a staggering responsibility that the head of a bank could literally crash our economy. it's astonishing. that's like -- they also realize that now guaranteed way to be saved by no matter how. should we go on and bailing and saving regardless how there's conduct is? >> sean: member of the u.s. senate for a few reasons, democrats during elections focus on the process of elections above all else. they're not out on the campaign trail, kissing babies, shaking hands, taking selfies, giving spacious, doing town halls. joe biden, john fetterman, katie hobbs, that they did none of
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that. katie hobbs didn't show up for one single debate, not one. it's democrats focus on hundreds of millions of dollars in negative ads. they focused on early voting campaigns, mail-in voting efforts, many states unbeknownst to many of you have legal ballot harvesting. they focused on that. they enable third-party to collect and turn in seal paper ballots on behalf of of another voter. 24 states and washington, d.c., permit this practice, 11 other states don't have laws regarding legal ballot harvesting. democrats are taking full advantage. they don't trust that voters will turn out on election day rain or shine. they force the issue and bank as many as possible time. over half a million democrats
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have already voted before election day giving federman a commanding early leader. they should learn, should adopt, organize, outperform with these efforts of the democratic party. aggressive voting campaigns, aggressive mail in campaigns or republicans are screwed. they're just going to lose. with that aside at a disadvantage, you cannot start out election day and race behind it by 100s and thousands of votes and expect to make those votes on election day. what if it rains on that day, snows, cold. many states and republicans have been reluctant, resistant to vote early and vote by mail. in the great state of florida, works out great for them. republicans in florida have embraced in early voting in voting by mail.
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republicans around the country need to adopt the same measures if they want to dramatically increase their chances to win. another reason that democrats have been able to consolidate power -- that has to do with her controversial politics. not talk about morality, the politics of abortion. i happen to be pro-life, many of our viewers watching tonight are also pro-life but many are not. republican candidates in a swing state like pennsylvania makes banning abortion a central focus of their campaign without any exception for or or the life of the mother, that republicans politically speaking is probably going to lose badly and drag the entire party down with them. for example, look at the last election. i interviewed him, he had an energy following. most voters believe that his stance on abortion is too extreme. net loss of 15-point.
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no exception to rape. not only did republicans lose their government race, ended up losing what was at winnable senate race with dr. oz. in michigan, abortion was the top of the ballot. it republicans got wiped out. it may sound simple but it is true. the g.o.p. has got to understand the electric and every single state nationwide if they ever want to retake power. first trimester -- 15 weeks where mississippi law is, whether country is politically on abortion. i'm stating the political reality if republicans want to win elections. the question tonight with our country slipping away will
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republicans learn from their election mistakes or are they doomed to repeat them. here's a reaction from the former chief of staff, former head of that are in situ, along chairwoman ronna mcdaniel. we talked about this a lot. if you disagree with anything i just said? >> i agree with everything you said it, the rnc has been doing this, florida didn't just get that way overnight. rnc invested, north carolina, ohio, pennsylvania is a state where cultures republicans top of the ticket, don't vote by mail. we have to encourage voters to bank their votes. we need to do that. two part -- we are securing their votes, 80,000 poll watchers recruited by the rnc in 2022, they need to know we are watching the process and then you got a banker about early so you can get out and pulled watch on election day. it's an initiative that we're going to lodge, been doing that,
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ballot harvesting, 20 million more voters. we have to invest early. democrats -- >> sean: democrats are killing the republicans with early in voting and ballot harvesting. they are killing them. on election day -- why are they starting the race is by 100,000, 2,050,000, 500,000 votes before election day even started it. why they self behind it? >> two numbers you have to point out. democrats spent 600 million mourns in soft money in 2022 and the senate candidates -- six top senate races -- that's all outside groups. here's what i'm going to say,
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republicans or wait until election day, they have to invest. you cannot wait. you cannot wait. it we need to be getting people on their permanent absentee audiophiles in pennsylvania and wisconsin. you cannot wait until the candidates are picked. yyet to invest in the process. need to change the pullback in the party. i'm not acknowledging that. we are investing the states, minority outreach. >> the eight ball appeared thus my point. >> we are not behind the eight ball. we need resources. also the democrats are out racing us 100% because a process and i talked to voters and donors all the time, they want to say who the candidate is, weight until the nominees is. yet invest in both. >> they don't account for
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between five and. i see the republicans are being outplayed outsmarted by democrats. the hide in their basement they run a negative ads. they don't do any traditional campaigning. don't run on better ideas, they don't have better ideas. they invest and ballot harvesting and efforts are far superior to the republican party or run out right? >> i think you are both right. i think that ronna and the buoyancy has never lost to the dnc had to head on fund-raising, what we got -- i want to clarify it for everybody, we got a soft money hole in the g.o.p. side that has to do with superrich, major donors that are invested in something very different than the republicans are. abraham lincoln said find every wake and find the poll.
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in today's language, it means you to spend a lot of the data, targeting, a ton of money where thousands of people in the doors across the country and then it means to delivery of ballots, early boats, absentee ballot voting, election day voting, will be got getting back to the point that you and rana are are both making is that we have people who are investing hundreds of millions of dollars who what i call candidate crazy. are party candidates are crazy. we love candidates who want to go to done and it with them, go to the rallies, event. the democrats and their superrich soft money donors, their process crazy. they're excited about things like voter registration, why is it when you go to the dmv you see a group of league of conservation. they are there. >> will: if robert co,
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republicans are not investing and ballot harvesting, they are destined to start out election n a big huge hole in the odds of them losing are that much greater. >> there needs to be two things that need to happen in. segments like tonight where we educate our voters to end this stupid mentality they need to be waiting for election day which is ronna is doing and the second thing is that we have to do is convince our liberty donors that instead of getting $50 million to a candidate in the primary to get that $50 million and invest in boring stuff like mechanics -- voter education, but it registration, teams on the ground are going to collect these ballot. >> sean: so you're saying acknowledging republicans are behind. i'm just facing a reality. democrats are not starting election day down 250,000
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voters. >> you're comparing apples to oranges. i can't take a $50 million check to the rnc. they're doing for soft money groups. i can't even engage with soft money my they are. illegal. >> you're asking -- you're comparing the rnc to these outside groups, that is not the right to comparison. we need more outside groups, i encourage people to get involved in that. rnc is limited what we can raise -- we are still turn out 4 million voters. we still run in every battleground state. >> here's where everyone is correct. on the hard money side, rnc always beats the dnc -- what we do we need is about to -- $300 million in a bucket where
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people running an outside groups that focuses on where they're boring stuff is what we know win close election. you have to be able to go toe-to-toe on the offensive and defensive attitude win the race. that bucket needs to be filled in a third-party effort across the country, not just a few people here and there and a happy talk, hundreds of millions of dollars. >> sean: this got to be fixed by the end of this year in my view so republicans are ready to employ these new tactics. vote early, both by mail and the match and surpass hopefully the ballot harvesting efforts by the democrats. we need to come you did this discussion, we appreciate it. we help republicans find a way to win elections and have the courage to take on the swamp because your government is broken, pure and simple. democrats have their thumbs on
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the scale of systems of justice and elections. reports have confirm what we knew some time, there was a collision. clinton campaign, fbi, foreign nationals from russia, u.k., all colluded to influence the 2016 election and keep donald trump out of office. that's much to do about nothing according to america's most trusted bureaucrats, listen to them, there is nothing reported yesterday in the durham report. speak out with john durham, a big fat nothing. >> a preacher sad ending to an investigation that should have never taken place. a continent of vias trying to build a case that somehow wasn't. we see the result today and the results are clearly that he didn't come up with names. >> we knew the beginning that john durham was going to conclude and that's what we saw today. this was never a legitimate investigation. a political erin to exact some
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retribution on donald trump's perceived enemies in the fbi. if that's durham has done. >> sean: that's why in 2020 we saw the same thing's up the pie didn't campaign it was the politicized fbi working with big tech. might be disinformation coming from his home country about hunter or joe biden to debunk the laptop that was very real before the news broke and of course already working on some new speak on 2024. we know exactly how to spot the new hoax when the congenital liar john before his mouth mo moves. who could forget his love affair with russia collusion, take a look. >> ample evidence of collusion. direct evidence and the emails from that russia through their
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intermediary offering hillary clinton and describe writing. >> i can't go into the evidence -- >> yup something hard i can't be revealed? >> we haven't seen an actual proof of cooperation and collusion. what am i missing here? >> you have to look at the pattern and chronology, russia offered help from our campaign accepted help. the president made full use of the help. pretty. certainly say with confidence that there is significant evidence of collusion between the campaign of russia. >> sean: and former advisor of -- now head of the truth of the social, devon, you went head-to-head with them not only did he tell a lie a day after day, you were proven correct what you were telling the pu
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public. he's clinging to the russia hoax lie in comments he said earlier today. >> he will continue to do that, running senate in california. now in the lead appeared every buddy has to take a step back. what really happened. you have a corrupt doj, cropped up yet i worked with the clinton campaign to launch this hoax that still continues today. they got away with it and they're getting with it now. i think it's going to get worse and worse and you see it and is what had that you would hope that those guys who had spared that were played. the fbi guys that were involved with this in this hoax. you see what they are saying. this would be a time that to state back pick instead, they are doubling down in. no remorse. that's why you see many people
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in the united states congress and many people all over america saying look fbi is hopelessly corrupted and that's where it is at now. >> sean: calling fbi to be defunded and may be a new premier law enforcement agency will come up in its wake. stephen miller, unfortunately, so politicized and weaponized i'm not sure that you can even fix it at this point. >> let's not mince words. from what you saw in 2016 continuing out through the entire trump presidency was a coup by an unelected bureaucracy. to throw donald trump out of the white house and continuing unrelenting attempt to undermine his presidency every single day he was an offense and then to jail his staff and his advisors. that effort has now continued
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and become the series of prosecutions including the investigation now by doj for the purpose of keeping him out of the office yet again. you see it in banana republic and third world states. the task of reforming the security state and federal law enforcement as a matter of survival for american democracy, to continue the self-governing by the people not their elites, corrupt media, not the corrupt bureaucracy choose our leaders. >> sean: it continued in 2020. fbi had hunter biden's laptop in december of 2019. john solomon said it was verified as authentic in the spring of 2020. at why were the fbi agents in the months of leading up to the 2020 election, why it where they
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meeting weekly with big tech companies warning them that they may be victims of misinformation campaign and there may be about joe biden and hunter biden at least to the missouri case which i have cited often in. is that relevant? they knew that this document would come out, they knew that his laptop would come out because rudy giuliani had a copy of it. >> they hid that, it was a scheme. they thought the russians were something else, releasing kelly clinton's real emails, nobody found, nobody saw them, that's why they created the scheme. 2020 they did the same thing. what they've done is poison millions of americans minds where you have so many people out there that will have half of the americans that trump in
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america have something to do with russia. anything that had to do with russia was hillary. >> sean: at the best overwhelming majority about independence, republicans and almost 50% of democrats see that things were not run right in 2020 especially in the light of the hunter biden investigation. >> you see the poll look good for donald trump. still, two-tiered justice system in this country and republicans in congress have a hell of a job to do in the future because not having a trust where they doj in at least two banana republic, stuff you see in the third wo world. >> must be accountability. >> sean: that's the sad part. nobody is being held
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>> sean: more bizarre twists involving the biden family business. irs was a blur using the peds giving hunter biden preferential treatment and has been mysteriously removed from the case along with his entire team of investigators. whistle-blower attorneys are calling it an illegal act of retribution. the scandals of the biden family don't stop there. according to emails of hunter biden's email, he has arranged
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interview with "whitey" bulger and hunter's father who was the vp at the time. it just before hunter and whitey nephew embarked on a lucrative business venture in china and today fox news revealed that chinese nation to the university of pennsylvania far exceeded what was previously known generous gifts with hunter shady dealings. classified documents were discovered. his reaction, author of the soon to be a best seller, trial the century, fox news and rose gregg jarrett and new york post john levine. they just been wiped out, who wipe them out and how did they get away with taking away those very legal protection. >> it's all very disturbing.
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we want to keep whistle-blowers safe, whistle-blowers are protected by the federal statutes. you don't want to undermine process. you want people to see if you have a safe legal way to come forward. if they don't have it, you will see a prospe -- you can't retale against her was a blur, that is illegal, but that happens, their entire thing as a matter of congressman jordan and his committee to weaponize federal investigation. >> sean: was a boy say that the entire team has been removed by the hunter biden program. the key is retaliation here. letter sent to the house and judiciary committee, what is going onto year. looks to me it's more either doj interference, iris interference, some interference from some high
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bureaucrats. was going on. is anybody a surprise. iris supervisor follow the law according to the whistle-blower statute. notified the inspector general, notified congress -- in fact, biden appointed a blocked prosecution of hunter. the whistle-blower and his entire team have been kicked off the case and it reeks retaliation forbidden by law. john is right. a stench of corruption. it's a felony. it is anybody by this? it's a pattern of conduct. use all means to punish people and come forward with adjournment evidence, the law
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be. tax evasion. attacks were brought in. anybody else will be prosecuted long ago but as joe biden famously boasted, no one apps with a biden. i guess that means our irs as. >> sean: me ask you this, bottom line question is how much money did the biden family do in business with countries like china and russia, and kazakhstan and ukraine. how much money did they profit in these adventures. , it has taken so long to get to the bottom of what should be simple accounting methods. they have them now. they discovered 20l overseas. why can't we get final numbers. how much money to the biden
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family do with the communist chinese and the russians. how much profit did they make and did joe get a cut of that. did they follow a federal law and regulations and did they pay taxes on all these things? not complicated. >> very down so deep in so many different levels of ops appofcertification. house democrats have completely stonewalled at every turn. there is $10 million of foreign sources like places like china and romania which went through different 20 llcs. it would go to one llc, and then second one, finally get paid out to either hunter. >> sean: pay big sums of llcs,
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what their grandchildren did to those money? >> i can't explain what the grandkids i did. i can't explain what hunter biden did. unlike jared kushner, involvement with foreign as w well. hunter didn't make anything he doesn't sell anything and at the time of these transactions he was a active and alcoholic. it wasn't a legitimate reason earning millions of dollars unless he was selling extracts. >> sean: uncooperative, happy eyes of turning over information that is wanted by commerce committee, oversight committee, how long did they ops advocate this? >> very skilled, their own corruption and their corruption in the biden family these phone calls have we learned today connecting joe into his son's business partners and clients is more evidence that the father
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not only knew his son's business dealings with malign foreign actors particularly china but for joy biden was an active participant and there's the pen biden center, millions of chinese donation -- huge red flag and blazing with the word corruption on it. joe biden continues to insist that he is sergeant schultz in the family. records are lie. documents show that he was the plan and a fishery of a megadeal with the chinese communi communist party. tentacles reach deep in the beijing government with the biden family. >> sean: his own son implicates his own father in terms of making payments to pops. paying his habit of income to pops.
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home repairs to pops. 10% to the big guy. john, greg, thank you. they stalled as the democrats are now refused to rein in their spending also biden has once again bowed to the ccp. senator ortt marco rubio react and share his details of upcoming reports on the origins of covid. that is breaking straight aheadn tsto.t ♪ ♪ we've spent a hundred years developing treatments to help unlock humanity's full potential. these are the greats: people living with, thriving with — not held back by — disease. they motivate us to fight diabetes and obesity, rare diseases and cardiovascular conditions, for generations to come. so, everyone can meet their moment. because your disease doesn't define you. so, what will? novo nordisk. driving change. we're carvana the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100 percent online now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car
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whether it's a year old, or a few years old we want to buy your car so go to carvana enter your license plate answer a few questions and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds when you're ready we'll come to you pay you on the spot and pick up your car that's it so ditch the old way of selling your car and say hello to the new way at carvana
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>> you said you were this week is still very far apart. >> yes. >> you want to see at the end of the week. do you think it's still possible? >> possible to get a deal at the end of the week. not too difficult to get into an agreement. >> sean: joe biden vetoed a bipartisan resolution protecting u.s. solar panel panel manufacturers from chinese competition. maybe his way to thank them of this bible and adventures. it went unpunished. tariffs will not get an force on chinese solar panels. reaction to that and exclusive details on a soon to be released bombshell report on the origins of covid. florida senator marco rubio. debt ceiling -- my take that joe biden and the democrats about that republicans in the house would never agree because
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at this small majority of the debt ceiling increase. they came up with the plan and raise the debt ceiling, go back to 2022 spending levels, other measures to energy independence et cetera. scores out of the cbo at four-point chilean. trillion. how do they agree with him in 14 days? in default, i would blame joe biden and not talking to him for 70s while he was begging him. >> giving him credit and praise by delivering a reasonable product. work requirements, some basics about holding the line of future
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spending and the like. unspent covid money that money is still sitting out there. the pandemic is over. at the same time, the answer is very simple, had to be a deal between the speaker of the house controlled by republicans and the president of the united states. spent the better part of the month he wouldn't negotiate anything. playing a game of chicken with the u.s. economy and i would agree on 100. there was a default, if there is one, the blame would be falling on the white house refusing to talk about with anybody and refusing with republicans. answer here is for the speaker the house and the president to reach a deal that's how all those things have happened in the past and biden being late to the game or being around it. >> sean: your findings of the origins of carbon and your investigations, i think everything that we can glean about the communist chinese was their travel ban end.
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very early on in the pandemic if you lived in wuhan, lived in that province, you are not allowed per the chinese government to fly into any part of the china but fly to any point of the world. other people were not able to fly to wuhan province, does that tell us that we need to know about what the chinese hid it from the entire world? >> we are going to release previously unknown information that builds on investigations i happened last year -- not included a part of it. it begins to outline the things we are going on in china in august, china, they had a drill and one other airports that we are drilling against a novel covid pandemic. coronavirus. using terminology that were not familiar until march of next year. all sorts of it internal communication.
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urgent need of bio security needs of both the wuhan for allergy and institute of health. you add a mountain of circumstantial evidence that no single piece is determined in. they have not produced the animal at that there originator. it comes to be really compelling and why some of our agents of government believe. the fbi have said that they believed this was a lab accident. we have something to contribute that that furthers build a case tomorrow. >> sean: it what about dr. fauci's role? they funneled money into the eagle alliance and gain of function of research to place in the lab, they knew that coronavirus research took place as well. they try to deny it, hide it, do you think that if ouchi lied to
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the american people? >> i don't think that dr. fauci knew that was a lab accident, but he would have known that was a real possibility. they knew there research going on there. they didn't deny it, they smeared. they actively look to smear. and destroy any scientists and anyone who would dare raise that proposition. we need to remember that there was a time in the united states of america where you went on facebook or went on twitter and you said this was a lab accident, they would take down your post and potentially close your account something that today is a d50 proposition in the minds of any serious observer there was a time in america that you would be wiped out, it would close your account and take down your post if you dare say that, you were saying as a conspiracy theorist. >> sean: we have this report tomorrow, senator, thank you we look forward to reading it. straight ahead another beer
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♪ ♪ >> sean: bad news bud light is not the only beer company going woke, miller lite and from march has recently gone viral after all about apologize of their history of nonpolitically correct ads. you decide to. >> look at this. wild. today, miller lite is on a mission to not clean up their sleep, but the whole industry. miller lite has going the industry of buying a bag so they can turn it into good women should. >> sean: and pulling sops from their dilip mulvaney disaster in an effort to winning their base
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by bud light will reportedly rolling out camouflage aluminum bottles with images. providing scholarships to family of fallen soldiers in a statement provided to our producer anheuser bush century long commitment to supporting the military and its relationship. emily upon you, for me good to see you both. i'm not sure why beer companies are even evolving themselves in any social issue or any politics it makes no sense to me. memorial day weekend, for the, . having a good time drinking a cold beer on a hot day, somehow is that sexist, do they need apologize to those or is this
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the woke mob putting pressure on yet another company? >> is some woke mob putting pressure on another company with a few decision-makers are capitulating to that. the problem i have with that revitalize and revise miller lite commercials at that will excite things as it and order. saying that the women brewers have absolutely nothing to do with girls in bikinis or that kind of marketing. sean, my family has a small family run winery. my father is a veteran, owns and operates it. i date in the dirt, i get in there and do agricultural work. i was an nfl cheerleader and as it raider ads, i was by coors light. two piece uniform, we were the spokespeople, on those ads for coors light. you can be both. we make a love bikini ads and can also brew their own peers but yet again, this is creating this binary fold down might choice to consumers debt to be a woman you must not love bikinis.
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shooting themselves in the foot by knowing their beer drinking women loving bikini weighing audience. >> sean: i don't think i can say it any better. >> i just love how it miller lite comes out with this and it takes a picture in bikinis and throws it down and cusses, bud light is like they got a point, let's put a guy in a bikini because everybody is going to love that. we will advertise with a man. i think this is ridiculous. to filling your audience, which audience really prefers to have you in a bikini, sean, what they rather have me in a bikini. >> sean: it you really put me in the position? i could speak to my entire audience, no, not me. it's a matter of what is reality. americans on memorial day weekend they're going to slamming the beaches, they are going to have beer, being in
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bathing suits. they're going to be having fun. i don't think that americans want to have politics in their beer, in their sports, just stay out of politics, sell your products and make it better than the next guy and you will do a lot better. why subject yourself to those? speak out nor do they want a manufactured concept of what it means to be a woman of femininiy shoved down their throats. this reminds me of the whitewash eminem went through when apparently having high heels are wearing high heels was no longer acceptable. putting sneakers on her. it removes at that control and the agency of putting that women -- i love wearing high heels, i love being. i love finding myself effeminate but according to these commercials and the woke mob, they stripped down that definition and that identity and chose away from me. i will celebrating their sacrificing their lives for this country but when i drink beer i will be drinking of old armor,
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drinking it old fiber. i don't need to drink miller lite or bud light anymore. >> sean: i will not be way bikini or any of the above, just to me it gets to the point it's beyond silly and now they open themselves up to boycott campaign which i don't support, that hurts all the workers in the factory, hurts the drivers who have their routes, i will give you the last word. >> absolutely. i like that they saw the top gun maverick did well and they decided to do that and push that direction. >> sean: everybody, have a great memorial day at the beach and if you're not comfortable in a bathing suit, you can wear your sweat pants and a sweatshirt, good luck not going to help your tan. ♪ ♪
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tomorrow and thursday this week. few in studio guests clay travis, kaleigh mcenany, laura ingraham will make an appearance. tickets are free. that's all the time we have left. thank you for being with us. thank you for making the show possible. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. laura is here. don't tell anybody what day you're coming. you're coming tornado or thursday? >> laura: you saw that guests on your show. that's a lot of blond on that screen. [ laughter ] >> sean: you talking about the miller lite ads? you talking about steve miller and devin nunez. >> laura: we got to go. i see yo
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