tv Hannity FOX News May 17, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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i've enjoyed talking to you haveght about what it is in some thematic way to be a man. in our need to have a strong man coming up now is a strong man. he's the great sean hannity. he is the star of the network. and there is the crowd. there. that's what i want to hear. you want to say hi to .in well, say hi to . okay, i will. i will. ity" a thant k you .dience great job. s and welcome to welcome to our livt theye audiee show. and tonight, big lineup. house speakemcr kevin mccarthy,o he is negotiating with bidene bi on the issue of the debtng ceiling. he h join will join us . we will also hear from presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy is here. the one and only lawthe one ingram right here next to us in studio. coming up tonight. bu tt but first, we start with a top story. it's called reparations. now that would be takingin large sums of money and redistribute those funds to african-americans. that would mean every americanth
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would pay instead of, you know, spreading wealth based on need. money woulneedd be allocated to individuals purely based on the issue of race. racnow, the premise, according to the left, would be to compensate for the evils oflavey slavery. >> now, first, the country billn simply cannot afford the billions and billions of dollars and trillion s of dollars that it would likely take to allocate and ultimatelyn ,i t is a punitive measure and one that will even furthervi dividede a country thaty deep is already deeply divided. those who support reparationly o believe that america is an evile country filled to the brim with generous notions of bad people. and while no intelligent perso n ,let me be clear, deniese the evils of slavery, it wouldnl be a great injustice to ignore all the progress this country has made on racial issues and other issues. which is the beauty o our great constitution. it has provide d all of us a roadmap that we can right wrongs and correct injustices. o
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>>ng we've made a lot of progress. we still have a long way to go ,though.mmet >> but nryo doubt reparations is an extreme policy based on divisive racial politics. and if you think that it is a y far fetched pipe dream, you betterer think think again m common sense in america is nowin becoming a thing in the past thc common sense, i could say,ou for maybe half the country is pretty much dead. >> and now democrats in congress, they are planning a 14 listeners, not a million, not a 40 n trillion dollar reparations plan. >> watch this. our country was not founded on the principle that all people are created equal. the media focuses on this one kidnap person, usually white. the u.s. stole 12 millionople people. >> yes, this is an opportunity for congress to confront our nation's racist history of slavery, white supremacyp reme d
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continues to grow and fester within all corners. f of our country. syste our education system havm e trained us to love and worship our oppressor and our masters. and to do everything we canstem to work within its structure and its systems to uphold to uphold our continued oppression. so when we talk aboue ttalked a the descriptor impact of hearte disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stress, when we talk hiout it's directly connected to our historical oppression in this country. >> all right. now, keep in mind, the entires u us budget is aroundy. six trillion dollars, way too high already. they want an additional 14 trillion dollars just for reparations. and by the way, they're not going to get it from billionaires g. le if you look at the cumulative wealth of every single billionaire in the country, itin is a mere five trillion dollarss that they confiscated evercatey
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single cent. >> so make no mistake, thismistk money is coming from your pocket, every american's pocket, and it won't matterfirs whether you're a firstan o generation immigrant or a working class american or a native american or a low income earner from aroundntry the country. >> these members of congress want to penalize everybody in the country simply because you were born with the wrong ethnicity. >> now, it is not fair to ask why families in america that have no connection at all to any past generational involvement in slavery. why should they be forceould thd to pay massive sums of money o when neither they nor any familyfamily member in the pastd any involvement at all with slavery? now, of course, the city of san francisco, they have already drafted a plan. they want to give five million dollars to all 50 thousand black residents in that city. other proposals include grants to buy and maintain homes to exemptingomes african-americn businesses from paying taxes.
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and it's not jus t san francisco . it's i n california. now you've got new york ,develo new jersey and illinois. they are all developing similarl planars. accord and this mightin soon become a reality, according to the democratic party. >> i tt is the it is the least the evil american taxpayers can do. >> now, ultimately, it is aike o political ploy from democrats. why? s because they like to see america divideamd. rac they want to divide us on the issue of race and age and ee and gender in order to energize their radical base. this isn't aboutt truth.irness it's not i about logic. it's not about fairness. it's not about's a it's about winning electionsin n by vilifying, in many cases here, innocent people. over the weekend, we witnessedit joe biden you went down to howard university and proclaim thaoclaimt white to supremacy is the greatest terror threat in the entirr the world . >> here's what he said . stand up against the poison white supremacy, as i didsupr my inaugural address to a
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singleem as the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy. i'm not saying this because i'm not a black bcu. . >> i say wherever i go, that's the same joe biden you might all recall. i talked about it during the election in 2020 that partnered with the former klansman robert kkk. mer klanbyrd, and he tried to sn the integration of public school pubs because, in his wor, he did not want public schoolsal to become, quote, racial was jungle's. >> that was joe biden. e so maybe he could pays is t the reparations. now, it's not isishe as the biggest threat. it's not al q it's not gang members inaedaneig chicago. hbshootingshooting dozens of int african-american african american citizens every weekend, according to joe. and most democrats,
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the ambiguous threat of white supremacy is the most dire crisis of our time. >> now, no doubt about it,y is white supremacy is evil. mostmost ame americans see it a, and most americans believe has no place in america. >> but democrats now are mognifying this for political gain. most americans see white supremacstricans seey as ignorae ,and in turn they are ignoring real problems. look at the decades ofik democratic rule in places like baltimor philadee, philadelphia, chicago, new york , the quality r ma of life fony ir many is abysmal. where have the democrats span?na is widespread violence erupting in cities like chicago, in new york and and shootings of people murdered every single weekend? what are they doing to fixminori a failing public schools oesf many minorities in this country? i'll take the city of baltimore, for example. twenty three city schools and not one single student proficient i n math , not one . we have failed these children.
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many minority children, and they don't lift a finger to help fix a system. long as the democrats don't seem to care so long as they are winning elections, keeping power. and for the left, that's allt e. that matters. anyway, here with reaction, he co the chairman of project 21, horace cooper,op along with fox news contributor, our friend leo 2.0, terrell0 , welcome to . hi, horace, let me start with you tonight. this this is not juste now california anymore. now it's going nationwide. now they're talking abouthey'rt 14 trillion dollars, more than double4 trilli our annual entirt for the federal government. vernmenti don't know how they pi to delineate who it wouldbl be eligible, who wouldn't be eligible. i don't know how they justife oy some people paying if their families have no history of being involved. y of beiin the trade. havihat's your reaction? well, first thing, sean ,
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thanks for having me on the program. i want to say that i love leo 2.0 far better than the old leo terrell. >> so welcome . good to see you . but let me point out that the grift that we've seen in california with their reparation scaeparatiom is onlyt by the greater grift that we're seeing in the country. by the way, these con artists, these grifters, they're going to sell their books. they're going to hold their little sessionns and ts, e and they're going to tell us that the biggest problem thatm americans of color face is that there are some pointy p headed, headed people going around threatening to burn cete. our house down, stopping them from voting, et cetera. >> nobody believes that. but why does joe biden join them? why is the national party of democrats joined them? they do so because they knowy that they have failehadking-c
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black america, working class america, middle claslasdecide americans , and they have decided that let's just scard ei the living daylights out of black america and then let'se tm bribe them the same way. then that nigerian prince email works. give us your votes. it the sign ove wr what's valuable to you. we'll use the way we can and we're going to promise you several million dollars. there is no several million dollars coming. there's no nigerian prince. this is a con shame on our t president and the party foher lying in bed b with those con artists and grifters. >> i mean,k gr to point out, ths came up a lot during the election. the fact that joe bidenth partnered with the former grand poobah of the ku klue x, passed robert byrd, who said great things about him when he passedd away, but also partnered with him to stop the integration of public schools. mi
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again, hisne words, not mine,ic that he didn't. >> on public schools becoming racial jungle's. now a >>nd let me tell you right now, you might recall in 2020, that's when i left the democratic party because joe biden, you mightu might rec said if you don't vote for me, you're a black . joe biden is the most racist president ever. he's the imperial wizard of the . ithis is a guy who is the reas why i left the democratic party. i't let's talkta about these reparations. i want everyone on your show to know one thing i would be the first lawyer atpreven the doorstep to prevent any type of reparations ever i passing. it's illegal is racist. llegal, it'sit's unconstitution. and the old black progressive ti who are talking about reparations. look how this racist country benefite racist coud them. alth car they got a government job. they got health care. their kids don't go to the same school as the blacks who are being exploited by them. hemthey use these progressives, use black voters and they exploit them. they don't live like them. they they don't live in these crime
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ridden cities, but they talky in a good game. and i thinricansk mostare not black americans are aware that these individuals are not looking out fo hour us .ll that they are professional shakedown artists. and that's all they're doing. and it's not going to work. not one penny of american taxpayers dollars will never, ever, ever be spent . reparations castlemilk it back to you. you know, on this show, since20w 2009, we have squirreledmany o the names many of the people's names that we scroll areamerican african-americans that are shot ,shot and killed in in cities like chicago and new york. i have not seen these are democratic run cities, never democratic states for decades. >> i've never seen s anyone lift a finger to help solve the violence that is going on in many neighborhoods of color in this country. of i have notcolo seen them go ints the school system and help resolve the failinhoolg school system. >> now, almois tl ofhe a sudden, they think money is the answer
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. >> well, the left is alwayse of thought money is the answer. as long as it was somebody. but i've written two books. the the first one was how trump is making black america great again. that showe shod how many black americans were employed at record numbers, that showed how many blacks got to go offmao to college and how many off their parents and families were able to pay for it. i wrote about the achievements that were unparalleled. the only thing is when donald trump was president , everybody prospered. now, here's the story. the reason i wrote my secondnd book, how biden's policies harm black america. it's called put your back in chains. it is because these woke policies destroy communities because they're more interested in their green people,rrio their eco warriorsrs a, their me interested in the lgbtq community. q americans aret the back of the bus.
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thiswhen black americans see this, they get upset. so what does the left want? do they pretend there's a c a chance we're going to givehaou you a million dollars, keepkingt giving us your vote .o we're not going to fix mar our schools. we're goinke g to destroy the job market. we're going to destroy the economy. america knows righ wt noe arew e in a recession. pres and yet thisid president wants us to believe it's the greatest time ever. they're not fooling anybody. and reparations. i join with leo. our organization will also suel to stop this from ever happening. >> it's illegal. it's unconstitutional ors horace cooper, we have to point out. carroll, thank you both. all right. we turn out of the washington swamp where joe biden is , quote, confident that a deaiden is l will be read on the debt ceiling so we don't default as a country. so we're just two weeks to go.ij is mister my way ooer the highwe joe biden finally negotiating or is it too little, too late?
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>> here with more, houses becaus speaker kevin mccarthy is with us . >> mr. speaker, thank you know that i over one hundred daysre ago, i started reaching ouachint to you and saying, mr. speaker,c any update on the debt ceiling?p mreake. speaker? >> any update you had that one meeting, one hundred and four days ags ago, and joe biden said he would not negotiate. >> you reached negotia out to hs almost daily, if i'm notta mistaken. >> so you knew the debt ceiling deadline was coming. >> you passed a reallyble bi responsibllle bill . tell me how the negotiations goe going and do you think your caucus is willing to give up a really good bill in exchange for joe biden betting that you'd never get that bill passed? >> well, first of all, sean ,d thank you for your and thank you to allpublican the viewers and especially to all the republican members in the house and in the senate, because they have heare bed held firm together. you were rightri.on feb on february 1st, i satru down at the president's less negotiate a debt ceiling increase. buint also changed the trajectod
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of the money that we'rineg spending. we got to stope to this runawayu spending. and he ignored us fore we u one hundred and five days. but because weni united , wete were able to pass a bill.meetin weg. got into where we had a meeting. the president said all along he would not negotiate and you'd had to just increase the deb cet ceiling. . he and chuck schumer said that yesterday was a breakthrough. they acknowledge that it's no longer a position they can hold and now they've appointed two of their administrative people to work with our staff, to work to try to find and solve this problem. but, you know, we've been very clear , shawn, you can't keep raising the debt ceiling. dit cd it's like having your child have a credit card in year after year after year.keep >> e you keexpp reaching the lit and you just keep expanding, cr expanding it. well, there comes a point where your credit card now cost more than all the money. you make in a year bigger than your entire economy. >> your responses forpendin paying it. but shouldn't you actually look how you're spending money so lih thmit, save, grow.
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we limit how much we spend in the future. we save money by pullingnt back that covid money that wasn't spentrk. is only fo we put in work requirements. wiis is only for able bodied people with no dependents.rty to it helps them take them from poverty to jobs, helps them get out of that poverty mess. and then w we look at places tht we could cut the red tape so wen could build things in america,. get we become energyings independent. that's just a few of the things. and we'v we've e also shown remember what we put it here, cutting those eighty seven thousand irso agents, a lod t of good ideash to be able to raise the debtdeet ceiling, but actually put an economy that's stronger, less dependent on china. n speaker, you were ablee were able to pass this by abi margin of only two votes. you don't have that big a margin to play with in the house. so you only have 14 days to gosi . >> and iblu ra thinkise the but is really responsible. you raise the debt ceilinge deb you bring spending back to twenty, twenty two levels. you reduce baseline budgeting increases to , what, one percent a year. tho scores it out at
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four point eight trillion saved over 10 years. that8 trillit's me to me is fisl responsibility and all the other things that you mentioned. >> now , let's say that biden says this is my final offer and you bring that deal backo to your caucus. >> you thinkyour you're going to get a majority in to your caucus to go along with this last minute deal after he wouldn't even talk to you for one hundred days. >> sean , i believe we can if we come to a good agreement, because think of this.e was weno the president said he wasnt going to negotiate. we were just going to raisell w the debt ceiling. first of allhaveus, we have jus. been able to have a the president can noe pr longery that. so, no, the debt ceiling will not get raised with no changeos. if we get a fundamental change d where we get a cap and what we're spending, that'sin trillions of dollars saving.tory if w we e change the trajectory where we get work requirements . that's the biggest welfaread reform we've had since since bill clinton signed the bill. if we'rele t ablo gee to get sas where we're spending less, that
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will be the biggest cut since ronald reagan. a this is an idea thatsub toge republicans have stuck together in the house, the senate. we're going to have to realize yhen we can declare victor and show the american public that we stick together, we can win and make america stronger. >> all t i think inhe large part and i gt to give credit to s in the senate, they have stood by you and your bill and said it'll be speaker mccarthy and joe biden that negotiate this. rs you have forty three senators that signed a document sayingigt they'd stick by your bill b. john kennedy didn't sign it,y yo but heur said he would stick by your bill . >> so that's 44 reallsoyened t forty four . so it'hey are knocs not going ti they're not going to get a bill out of the senate? no, basically, it's going to be your bill. and any changes you might makeme where might you think about making changes to what i think o was a really good d bill that that you passed in the house looks on . >> that wa?>>s a really d goooed bill in the house. . we have to pass the house and the senate were sitting with the president . no w, we told them we havenego to spend less. we don't we're goingtion off to negotiate only off our bill
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. and so we're sitting int this the room trying to get this done. be able where we can get this de to be able to move forward,r in to stop the inflatiofln, get usn off the dependency of china and get america working again. we combine that together. republicans have shown that we can lead just like on the border. the president ignored this problem. he ignored the border. but no, we also passed h.r. to secure our border. and we're looking for places that could we put something of that in this bill as well. i and by the way, inflation is transitory. i will say this, mr.wispea spea yei appreciate the fact that ate this late hour, willing to negotiate with them after he abandoned you and the entire republican majority in the house. >> however, i will say that if t there is a default for the first time in the history of this countrjoy thate will be on biden, that will be biden's default. >> biden, do you think it would be his. all right. spspeaker mccarthy, thank you .i we appreciate it.ns coming up, a major cit change in new york city after outrage over illegal immigrants beinr ga housed in public schools.rt sarah carter out on the road
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reday gives us a full report. and vivek ramaswamy will joipon us as well as we continue rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself. what you know about the korean war may not be the full story. this was really the start of the cold war, but grew and that became a parallel and unauthorized look inside attacked soviets and their allies everywhere. the political forces. macarthur looked at truman with disdain and the consequential tests for america . the unauthorized history of the korean war streaming now on vaccination. >> sign up today. on the left, your mouthwash with a burning sensation. and on the right close is the alcohol free, gentle mouthwash that works without the burn closes. mouthwash is fresh and breath improved. >> gum, health and strength and teeth. this works without the burn glasses. >> at donz.
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now and we'll include a bottle of nugenix thermo x, our newest ,most powerful fat incinerator ever. absolutely free outrage is growing tonight over inage ig new york . city's plan to house newly arriving illegal immigrants inri school gyms all over the city. but after a series of protests by concerned parents, dozens of illegals have just been removedn is from one school in brooklyn. p now, here's what these parents told our very own sara carter earlier today. >> take a look at this.s as a parent, what is yourhappen biggest concern about whatin is happening right now atof your school, especially when you when you see the number ofn migrants and the gymthe gy beint
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taken? >> my biggest concer n for is safety, not only for our kids, but also for anybody,. for us . >> as parents. our issue is you want us to trust you when you say short term, but you couldn't trust us enough to tell us what's going on . he to this. r it was a surprise for us . so you ram this. no surprises with this and now you're telling, trust us is tha going to be short term. >> we're not going to believemir that is either. either the immigrantantsthe ormind the children. so we shouldhi makche up o yourw which one do we want at here?a this is a school.shelte it's notrs a shelter. they have a lot of shelters all over the place. >> it's why in our community, yu what is your biggestr bi concern as a mother about whatl is happening here at your school? >> mggest comy biggest concern t the moment is the safety off my kids. i have two young kids at refuschool and i'm also concerned for the refugees. you know, school gyms are not homes. >> this is a building forpl learning. it's not a shelter. it's a place whereace where thio learn. it's not a place for people to come and stay and sleep and spend long term stays. >> it's the school.
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what are we talking about? this is a school, right? the city now says it is lookinga at housing illegalnd immigrantsn and office buildings and maybe evenot i'm not making it up.otos the notorious prison at rikers i island. great conditions. i'm sure i'll get thiss .ofow 5 as of now, 50% of alllled w new york city hotel rooms areit filled with illegal immigrants paid for with your tax dollars. >> it was more our very own sara carter. >> wow. i really feel for theseeccent parents. you sarid off scy you get off tl to get an education. >> here's the here's the biggest danger to me is not one person that's coming into this country illegally. egally hhas been vetted. >> we don't know about any radical backgrounds, associations or views. >> they do not nothinghi absoluy fine. f so that was the biggest concern for a lot of parents. scho one of the schools where we stopped the schoolgrans that actually is now removingine immigrants. apparently there were all men in the school gym.
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it was about ten feet separation between that gym and the school. parents were very concerned ver because the men were loiteringyo out front of the school late at night, drinking, smoking,g clea one of the neighbors said , i spent my whole morning cleaning up the beer canni and the cigarettes. i tried to talk to some ofut ofh othemen as they came out of the gym. some of them told me they werer. from venezuela, others from ecuador. but the issue is this. i contacted, you know, a border patrol, obviously, no brandon judd. he's the president of the national border patrol council. and right now we have sixteen thousand in custody at the border. people right now in custody at the border. we have about fifteen hundred known got aways every single day in our country. cand they are unable to propery vet them, which means thatdo a b they can only run a background check on them if they had committed a crime in the united states . oror if they ping an interpolt e database. other than that, have no i we ho idea who these men are. and we've seent the tragedy oyf that. a young lady was just inape it alabama by a wn illegal migrantr
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of course, it could happen with anyone, but these are preventable tragedies. ethat are happening now across the united states . you've chronicled the huma chron trafficking, the fentanyl, the methamphetamine, the heroitn ,the opioids. >> and ir chilt is killing are our children also because the borders are wide openby the and this is goin eg to be by the end of year three .t esti >> i can we caman now estimate around seven and a half million illegal immigrants because the presidenc visit is aiding and abetting lawbreaking, period. >> that's abetting drug traffickers and human traffickers really the middlemen in our immigration system right now. the president hastem rigesidents the human traffickers and the head of the drug cartels, the middlemen for our immigration policy and our system. and completely unacceptable. these children are abused. women aren e abused, our children are dying.t we havfenne counterfeit federal pills. all over the streets. one of my family members right now lost a very close friend
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who took a pill that waserfeit counterfeit, graduated lawe ahe school, was ready to see his whole life ahead of him. and they died. they died because they took a pill on the streets that they thought was a the so i think everybody needs to be aware. this is probably the biggestan nationaly security and humanitarian crisis of modern times. >> sirs., great reporting. thank you . right now, democrats like to say they care about illegal immigrants as human beings. but once in a while, they slip op up and reveal their true reasons for wanting open borders. take a look. >> tourism, construction, agriculture. agrian, you're going to have vegetables rotting ine the fieldsting i. you're going to have lie construction sites that will lie dormant or certainly will struggle to get workers to be able to to help make sure that they can make progress. >> those folks who are cominprog across are the ones who are helping to put food on our table. without them, we're not able to eat immigrants, pick
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the food we ea>>t, clean our homes and look after the most precious inlies our families. and we havese a shortage of workers inda som our country. and you see even in florida, some of the farmers in the growers saying, why are weu shipping these immigrants up north? >> we need them to pick the crops down here. all right. here now with reaction, 2024 republican presidential candidatale vivek ramaswamy is back with us. >> sir, how are you ? good. how are you ? the all right. we had the border under control . i'm afraid about the drugs. abouafraid about the human trafficking. i'm afraid about the cost. we cannot afford to feed house ,educate, offer health careeverb and assistance to everybody. odthat is entering this country. but also, what about thosele on people on the terror watch list that we caught? but what about the people we didn't catch? they're building terrorist cells right here in thisin country and that means they're plotting, planning and scheming an attack to destroy and murder
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americans . >> do you agree with that? i fully agree with that, sean . and if you also look, you were just talking about the fentanylo crossing the souther n border that is also killing overmerica two hundred americans pensr day. on american soil. and so that's why i think we need to take this to the nextilg leve tl. building the wall alone is notfe sufficient. this is killinntg americans onim american soil. that is a justification foeroilr using the u.s. militaryy that to actually secure our southern border. that's why i was the first someidate to sayfirst candid ife our military to secure somebody else's border somewhere else bor we can certainly use our own military to secure our own southernow border. on tha >> and we need leadership to actually deliver on that. this is not absolute. on what do you think the motivation is ? why? why have they adopteadoptepolicn that they're going to leave the borders wide open and thenan bordy the borderd save is secure, which if i hear being one more time, i hate beingbetwe lied to .th >>ey but jus between mayorkasli and biden, they lie constantly . >> well, it'ite s likethe de the democratic party of 2020 three . 2023 esean , i really mean, this
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sounds a lot like the democratic party of eighteen sixty three . just listen to some of those clips you played using short term economic justifications to justify illegal and immoralwd behavior. nee the vegetables will rot ind the field. we need people to pluck our crops. this is thsayinge thin ig thatuy democrats were saying in the south in the 1860 to justify a different form of immoral and illegal behavior in the form of slaverf immoray. ts nobew they're using that justification for illegal immigrants to be able to turn the other way and abandoned the rule of to st sean , i refuse to stand by ando watch this idl ty and actually go into the south side of chicago. fridaon friday. not a popular stop for many republicans on a campaign trail ,but america first includes all americans . and even though that is s aae black community that mostly votes democrat on the south side of chicago, they to they a plagued by the same trend where high schools are being taken over and turned into ill encampments for illegals crossing the southern border. thr anand they're every bit as o about it as the people in i new york . and so i think this is a unifying american issue to say e of law in reporrul
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this country, whether it'st the durham report, whether it's nele, whether it's the southern cross, whether it'shat we the crossings on the southern border, the deeperdon th answer is that we've abandonedte the rule of law.d and if i'm elected president ,p i'll telwel this. >> we are going to restore it once and for all in this country. all right. . ron foreman, thank you very just much. all right. fo to bob, thisw obse found a new obsession. women's bathing suitssss. wait until you see the latest h marketing stunt from adidas laurt here next to me, laura ingraham. >> when we come back , and greetings to you. thrill seekers, conversationalists and music lovers all across the i'll be full and optimistic fruited plain. it's the rush limbaugh program here on the excellence in broadcasting on american nation
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>> this is from the adidas website. apparently, the company has a person who appears to be a male modeling a women's swimsuit. >> by the way, for the record, that is not me. chest hair and all. now, the photos were widely panned on twitter and social media with former ncaa swimmer riley gaines writing that, quote, campaign is like this or about erasing women. and south carolina congresswoman nancy mace wrote , quote, i'm old enough to remember when women actually modeled women's bathing suits, not men . >> anyway, let's give a warm reaction. >> we welcome the host, the angry manguel, live in studio. laura ingraham, oh, man. wow. how are you ? then? oh, oh, oh, oh.
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you get the . i don't at that reaction when i walk and it should be . oh, thank you . can you explain this to me now? >> last time you had a great show and you had on this group of women in a hot sorority, university of wyoming. hey, kappa kappa gamma, the national chapter kind of forced them to admit a man right into their sorority. you know, everyone says biological man. i find that redundant. so i just say a man, okay, i like to keep streamline. so a man was allowed into the sorority and the girls are just describing their life in their house where they're usually just so relaxed because they're all with each other. they're walking to the shower to get showered and ready for a party. and they see some schlub sitting on the couch kind of leering at them, silent and but it even got a little more. yeah, well, there's a time when you delicates i'm not going
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to say it, but. but sam is watching. so samantha is my senior producer. and if she had written a word teleprompter and i wasn't quite ready for that word, but it's something that men had share. i'm not saying it now. because it was a shock to me, but it was. >> yeah, no, no, no. yeah, i don't know. i think now you don't know me if you think you can actually , you know, peer pressure is going to work on it. but anyway, it was just horrifying for these girls. and so they're filing a lawsuit against the national chapter. and their their point is they're really brave. right. and their point is , you know, we came we came to the university of wyoming and joined the sorority and we're paying our dues because we want to be in a sisterhood, a true sisterhood in the shadows that shatters that sense of safety, security, and togetherness as true sisters in a sorority. >> so you are leaving out a really key detail. it got a little weird guy, the the man, let's say, came
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inside excited, excited, and it was visible to one of the one of the young ladies. >> why would any young woman in college have to go through that now? >> let's go back in time. not a long time ago, i thought we had a movement where men didn't treat women. >> this way, that that was, you know, the metoo movement, et cetera. now they're advocating it. they're helping it. they're aiding and abetting in the identify for a period of time. >> is something that then is politically correct. and , well, okay. and so suddenly you get a lot of benefits and you get the benefit of the doubt regardless of how it makes other people feel. so the girls rights don't really matter. their sensibility is ignored and dismissed and meanwhile, the the man and their sorority ,he just gets to do his instagram and is influencing on social media and see how great everything is . >> what's not great to these girls. all right. let's talk to get your general thoughts where you see the twenty twenty presidential election go .
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>> well, populism is going to win in twenty , twenty four . and i think you see changes. i'm going to talk about this next hour, but you see slight changes happening even in urban america. and i know people you get depressed right now. you see what happened in in chicago. you elect brandon johnson. he's worse than the other one . you know, it's horrible. and worse than lightfoot. yet you start seeing minority voters. let's go . wait a second. this isn't what we bargained for. we thought we were going to get more rights and maybe more respect and more opportunities. instead, they're getting shafted. and that's what liberalism is doing. it's shatters every institution, every tradition. it's steamrolls that. and i think a lot of people in middle america and people working class people feel like they're being steamrolled by the left. and i think you're going to see gradual changes. but republicans have to show up in an urban america 10% have to show up. last night i got into this for mcdaniels. >> republicans better embrace early voting, voting by mail
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and they better duplicate and surpass what democrats are doing in terms of illegal ballot harvesting. >> yeah, by the way, we have plenty of billionaires on our side. and instead of having another building in doubt in your name at a fancy institution, yeah, why not? i mean, why don't we save the country? how's that for a change? that's what we should do with our mar-a-lago. i know you've got a great show tonight. how great is laura? we love having laura is going to throw us out. all right. coming up, questions circulating around prince harry and meghan marfa's alleged catastrophic car chase last night. kayleigh mcenany and clay travis join me on set to discuss when we come back for the you seriously have got to put your life on the line.
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station. the number one choice of online sellers go to ship station .com slash . >> try and get two months free . i'm desperate to stay in the spotlight. prince harry, meghan markle are now claiming that they were the victims of a two hour, quote, near catastrophic car chase while riding iwall rn a taxi last night involving prpaparazzi ambush, which is exactly how harry's mother, princess diana, died. new details now are castingthes doubt on these claims. accordine ding to g to an nypdeo collesperson, there were no collisions, no tickets, no injuries, no arrests stemming from the incident. and harreincident ay imogen's ct told the new york post, quote, i it was not scary what happened t when i had them in the cab,e pr though he did noteevio that they were previously in another vehicle. so what exactly is it about this that made it near catastrophic? anyway, here to weigh in,ayleig our founder, travish outnumbered, co-host kayleigh mcenany. good.
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so i'm a little sensitive about rushing to judgment cause we whatt fully they have cameras all over new york . >> so we will piece together. l >>em but here's my problem. this is is lookua couple that hs claimed over and over again they want privacy. they had privacyrivacy. in monte california, and one ofni the richest, richest areasa. ofn california. they had it then they doet a netflix deal . then they doh aterview n oprahto interview. then they do a book.inerythi you know, they're doing everythingng t they can do to make money off being public. so not buying this victimhood that they claim. >> yeah, for all the privacyt ty they want, they sure love the spotlight. that's very clear . they were at thisss massiveive v event, like to get their picture taken. theyan, g that'sis cra what was happening here. but, john , the part that was crazy to me, the new york post had this quote from a security detail. they sai apd that apparently there, scoo were about a dozen vehicles, cars, scooterste and bicycles chasing them in a high speed chase. >> so bicycle'.s scooter at a high speed chase in new york city.
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>> bicycles are.e faster than a car, i can tell you . there you go. you know, what do you think? >> well, caylee came in and sher was like, hey, i knowassi you're probably really excited .mi this is embarrassing to admitt as a heterosexual man, butis avo i love the royal family. >> i love all of the drama. i can't get enough. han oh, waitnity, do we need to reexamine the program? no, i think it's plausible that they need to open my mind a little . i look., i think that the first of all question and i asd k thid they're dressed nicely. onunderstand if the paparazzi are chasing you and it's 6:0 y0 in the morning and you've got kids on your hips and you'reuper juying to get out there dressed super nice, why not just posste for three or four minutes to allow them to take the photographs and then to giv give yoe peace? me bu t as this story continues to come out, i've watched the crown. >> i've watchedit's the documentary. they put on that. wait a minute. a watch the crowd. >> it's a great show. it is a really great show. i can't i can't look away.that but the the story that that souh soutpoh park did was i thought o great. you know, they came outpeople and said, we want privacy.
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i don't know how many peoplean r saw it, buklt they called out meghan markle and here is my my thought in general.e i'vea got three boys. couple i know you've got a couple of kids. >> i know you've got young kids to the idea that they would ever marry someoneorce the who basically tells them you need to divorce the rest ofs your family. >> it actually is one of acink abou the most crippling things to think about as a parent, because you do your best jobg th to raise them. and i'atharry anm not saying the and william had an ideal existence. they certainly didn't. but the idea that she wouldose e basically force hir m to choose her or the family, if you're in a relationship and this is kindo getting serious all of a sudden. but if you're in a relationship and somebody ever says it's the boyfriend or the girlfriend or it's your family, to me that's a relationship you shouldn't be in. >> and i just i don'int want ultimatums like that is right.1a >> it's about work. i don't try to acclimate if this is a person you fell inis love with . that's right. this is the life that he was born into. ge is very different than the average person. yeah, but she knew it. . she was getting into and , you know, it's i see bothwatchi
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sides. >> where areng o you going to sh yeah, you know, what i wasand going to say is i i was watching another network briefly and i heard them. >> i heard them say i was it between nine and ten ? no, never, never i never. hei only watch you .k at but i heard them say, look, the family the royal familyhey r hasn't called harry and megan to ask them how they're doing. e doinmaybe the royal family isd to their antics. maybe they saww this biography that came out. maybe they are used to seeing i all of this because i watch the netflix documentary twice. >> i will say i doubled. i do that. bottl i was on paternity leave.'s a so doing a lot of feel. so as i watched it, there's this moment where megan's like lamenting the fact that the paparazzrazzi chi are chasia her and you think this is really dramatic and you feel bad for her. no one shoul a d chase. not and then all of a sudden they flash back and it is not a chaotillc at >> okay, so i've been a fox form twenty seven years. yeah. i have never once been to a white house correspondentsd to dinner and i will never allow that record to be broken. >>e broken it'll be the longesty
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thou yeah. if you don't want that, t you don't go to those places. >> you don't go to thoseyer ma events. unless my employerkes makes me,i can' which has happened a few times. >> i can't stand that environment. >> yeah, i get it.around and i just come back around again who i feel sorry for. >> harry, he seemed likedude who a totally normal dude who had come through obviously a very difficult childhood. l to >> but to end up with her, she she seems awful to me. and i imagine a lot of peopl and i imagine a lot ofsame w the people out here feelay the same way. >> and you can never get into any marriage. right. you never know exactly what's going on there. but but wait a minute. >> when you i'm going to takea d a little listen to this, because does harry not havehis w a mind of his own? does harry not make his own decision? ndoes it feel like he wants to abolish the first amendment? so i get in that mine. >> it feels to me like he's desperate to be loved and he's willing to give away everything in his life. to find someone who loves him. f and she's taken advantage of diagnosing his personality in that way. >> you know what i think?
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i think they're both made for each other. otey're both publicity hounds. and to say otherwisehe, it's a charade to me because they do everything possible to get media attention. te the the exact opposite of willia mmn and kate. kate is dignified and kind. being a mother and just doesn't seem to be seeking anything, just is doinjug her job. >> you know what you're getting into. that's what i keepgett cominin back to . you never harofamid anly wasy it the royal family was about until now. >> she meghan markle seemsfake to me 100% fake in that way,te just in the sense that when the you date the second in line to become the king of england, l the idea that you would be likye ,oh, the royal family, thiswe ko reseind of a big deal w . yeah, we know. did you do no research at all? she didn't date him when he was hiding and pretending to be someone else. she knew what she was getting into. everything about her. o you have an encyclopedic the m knowledge on sports and i'm learningorni you watch the crow >> i can't figure that part out. you only show it really is a good show. >> sean , great to see you both play. thank you . sean hannity with allegra
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warrior series, preorder today at fox news books. .com . all right. haprogram we know we will be doing another live audienceve show you guys like you have fun tonight. >> tomorrow night.ur guest and a few of our guests include judgee pirro, dagen mcdowell, tommy larin, kellyanne conway, linsey graham in studio. if you want to be a part of the show, go to hannity .com. and the tickets are a million dollar piece. now they're free anyway. here's laura . >> let not your heart be troubled. wow. it's almost late tonight. how are you ? well, wait a second. you know, i noticed when i was on your show about eleven minutes go , whatever it was, you conveniently cut out my perfect spirals to the crowd. i mean, where was the video of that when you guys noticed that? >> wait a minute. do i look like the guy that's pushing the buttons and they're giving all sorts of signals? >> yes. you think i'm giving signals? yeah. you threw a perfect spiral
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