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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 18, 2023 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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>> brian: here we go. we begin with a fox news alert. in a matter of moments, the house subcommittee on the weaponization of federal government will hold a news conference ahead of the hearing with two whistleblowers. >> ainsley: two who lost top security clearance will talk about the retaliation and abuse they say they faced with the bureau. >> brian: it is happening now. >> steve: sustained campaigns of humiliation and intimidation, they say, and one agent says he
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was placed on unpaid suspension on the first day of a new assignment. congressman jim jordan is expected to take the podium any moment and we'll take you there live. we know there is interest in what is going on there. >> ainsley: one agent lost his security clearance yesterday. >> brian: so much going on. think about this, a whistleblower comes out and says, i cannot knowledge the irs is not moving forward with the investigation to hunter biden. now other whistleblowers are saying, i have a problem with the way this group -- this is law and lack of order and in the backdrop of all of that is the release of the durham report and all the different ways the fbi let america down during the
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trump years. >> ainsley: and some were investigating child abuse cases and claim the agency said, those are not your priority anymore, you need to focus on january 6. >> steve: as soon as they take the stage in the house, we'll take you there live. meanwhile, one case that captivated since may 1 is the case of daniel penny, the former marine who put a fella who was harassing and getting in people's faces into a headlock choke hold that ultimately killed him. the medical examiner did rule it homicide, aoc said murder. the da in new york, alvin bragg, decided to go ahead and charge him with second-degree manslaughter. we're waiting details on indictment and trial. people are taking sides, whether or not what he did was
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appropriate or inappropriate. >> ainsley: one lady on the train is a witness, she's lived in new york for 50 years and she is a woman of color, she said they are trying to make this about race, she said it is not about race, he's a hero. she said, i'm sitting on the bus and i hear someone spewing rhetoric, i don't care if i have to kill an f, i will. i'm looking at where we are in the tube, meaning the subway, in this can and we're in between stations, there is nowhere to go. the people on that train, we were scared, scared for our lives. >> brian: that is why, after waiting a while, reportedly danny penny takes action. she says he is a hero and saved a lot of people that day. mr. penny cared for people, that is what he did, that is his
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crime. nobody wants to kill anybody. mr. penny did not want to kill that man, he was distraught and very visibly distressed. he didn't run. he didn't go, he didn't run, he stayed. he went back with the cops, back to the station and got a lawyer and he gets a call after a few days of protest, alvin bragg says, okay, i'm going to get a grand jury and look at this. he changes his mind and lawyers get a call and he has to report a week ago tomorrow and gets trotted in, cuffed and brought out in a big show of force, i guess, to settle down the city. you should not be intimidated toic taking unjust action and that is what it seems like. >> ainsley: the witness said three passengers thanked him and she waited for the police and gave a statement to police and talked to fox digital this morning. >> steve: she also, you can get it at, read the entire interview.
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she says the da was wrong to charge him. he was a hero because it was self-defense and ultimately that is going to come into mr. penny's defense when you have this person who obviously fox news knows who it is. his defense team will undoubtedly call her, she says he was a hero and did what had to be done because other people could have gotten hurt. >> ainsley: she said she was worried about her life and he was threatening everybody on the plane saying he was going to kill them and he would go to jail. that is a threat. >> brian: rationally thinking about this at home, with others, this guy has a history of violence and just punched a 67-year-old woman in the head and she still has vision problems. he attacks defenseless people, tried to kid nap a girl and has
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a history of violence on subways, so if anybody thought it was overreaction or the idiotic statements from jordan neely's lawyers, why didn't somebody ask him, what is wrong, what is bothering you? that is how you would have handled that situation? not a person on the planet would have walked up and said who is wrong with you? >> ainsley: that is not a new yorker that said that, we see people walking around spewing hateful language, you avoid them, you go to the other side of the sidewalk, avoid them, don't make eye contact, it is scary. imagine if that happens and you can't escape and get out. >> brian: 15 minutes after the train stopped, too. >> steve: his defense is he acted in self-defense for himself and other people on the train and unfortunately and this is symptomatic of new york city, he was in a headlock, because
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there were no cops. had there be cops, that young man probably would have been alive. we are going to trial. >> ainsley: i would be shocked if he was convicted. >> brian: now al sharpton wants to go after the two men holding his arms. maybe he was pounding penny in the head, let me grab this guy's arms, you try to grab the guy tighter, he got choked to death, sadly. i'd like to find out what is in his blood and what is al sharpton going to do today at jordan neely 's funeral to calm things down? he won't, he will talk about race and racism, none of which apply here, in my view. >> steve: it was probably the protest after the death of mr.
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jordan neely, the reason why the da has brought the charges and mr. penny will wind up with his day in court. hope he has really good lawyers. we know he has $2.5 million in defense funding. it is ultimately up to the people. >> brian: alvin bragg gave in three times, on donald trump, did not want to charge him and that book gets published and he caved. with the bodega worker, he put him in ryker's island and "new york post" put this story on the cover, he let them out. now this guy still feels threatened everyday, the bodega owner and you have this situation, everything was fine, he gave a statement. he sees protest, you have a grand jury, no, i will arrest him. >> steve: as you can see in the corner, migrants have arrived on a bus, presumably from texas and we have been telling you, we'll
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take you back to capitol hill. congressman jim jordan is live there taking the podium, let's listen. >> congressman jordan: when politics is driving the agenda, if you don't believe me, read the durham report, they outline, you had the fbi and justice department start an investigation with no predicate, no evidence, no probably cause whatsoever. today it is worse. it is not just going after presidential candidates and campaign, today it is the american people. if you are a parent attending a school board meeting, pro-lifer praying at clinic or going to mass, you are a target of the government and fbi. and maybe even worse than all of that, if you are one of the thousands of good employees, brave whistleblowers willing to come forward, if you are one of
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the folks willing to come forward and talk about what is going on, you get attacked. today we'll hear less than an hour from now, hear from three individuals. we have talked to over two dozen whistleblowers. we have interviewed several of those individuals and three of them are willing to come forward today and testify in the hearing. y'all have a report that outlines what we've uncovered and what the whistleblowers brought to us and today you will hear from three of them. you will hear how they talked about the things i just mentioned, the school board issue, the catholic memo, this effort to inflate and make every case seem a domestic violence extremism case. you will hear how the fbi retaliated against these guys, mr. o'boyle was moving, they
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kept his stuff locked up, wouldn't give his children his clothes. wouldn't give him access to records to get employment, fbi admitted they were wrong to do that. we think it will be a powerful hearing, powerful testimony from some great americans who have served our country and been retaliated against because they were willing to give us valuable information about the targeting of american people. with that, i'd like to turn over to the gentleman from florida, mr. gates. >> thank you, chairman jordan, the fbi has been victimized by political capture and that has manifested in targeting of americans who never deserved to have this government weaponized against them. whistleblowers saw bad actses, stepped forward and retaliated against and crushed as consequence and our work will build on the work of special
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counsel durham who said at the fbi there is confirmation bias and overwillingness to rely on individuals connected to political opponents and action without appropriate objectivity. one served in the military and served as a cop, garrett o'boyle. this is his testimony. >> do you believe the fbi has become political? >> i do. i think most people out in the field trying to avoid that politicization of the agency, which is good, but it has gotten to a point, it seems to me, it's like a cancerous point where the fbi has let itself become enveloped in weaponization that
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i don't know how to even begin to fix it. >> one group saw that weaponization work against them were catholics. the fbi field office in richmond put out memo that said extremists find catholic adherence and extremists would show interest in catholic congregation over the next 12 to 24 months leading up to the presidential election, interesting coin dense and called for the fbi to develop sources within congregations to obtain information about the folks. another group that saw weaponization turn on them, parents that attend school board meetings. steve friend worked for the fbi and found himself ridiculed because he was a parent who attended a school board meeting. this is steve friend.
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>> in your law enforcement background, is knowing you could be investigated for speaking at a school board meeting? >> yes. >> you had attended a school board meeting and you were nervous, is that correct? >> yes, my colleagues teased me about it. >> those who attended no crime and attended a rally saw the fbi weaponized against him. george hill was an fbi employee in the boston field office and he talks about the pressure that the washington field office was putting on boston and when they tried to get predicate evidence, they couldn't get it for an interesting reason, this is george hill. >> they said, no, we are not opening up cases about a rally. and said, happy to do it, show us where they were inside the
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capitol and we'll look into it. to which he said we can't show you the videos unless you tell us the exact time and place the individuals were inside the capitol. to which the ssa responded because and i had the conversation first hand, why can't you just send us the 11,000 hours of video? because there may be, may be undercover officers or confidential sources on those videoings whose identity we need to protect. >> marcus allen, an fbi analyst who did work around evidence, sharing with folks saw videos that concerned him about the federal government involvement in january 6. here is marcus allen. >> the video indicated potential
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problems with the investigation as far as informants were concerned and our organization's forthrightness about utilization of informants on that day that might have some impact on our cases and subjects looking up and just general awareness overall for investigation as a whole that there might have been some kind of potential federal involvement with the activities on january 6 and i thought it was important enough it wanted our attention. >> so much of the good work happening at the fbi throughout this country and a lot of rot the committee learned emerges out of headquarters and out of the washington field office, garrett explained that as the washington field office put
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pressure on other field offices to engage in law enforcement work witpredication. >> did the field office pressure to keep other cases open? >> i would say they pressured us to open cases to some degree. one example i have personally, this is one of my protected disclosures, i'll touch on it a little bit, but i received a lead about someone based on an anonymous tip in law enforcement anonymous tips do not hold much weight, especially without evidence you can corroborate pretty easily. i wasn't able to corroborate anything they said. even after speaking with the person they alleged potential criminal behavior, i'm trying to
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figure that out, i get a lead from another agent and they essentially tried to get me to violate policy or law. >> trying to get people to break the law without sufficient predication is weaponization of our government and all americans suffer when resources are misallocated, when stats are padded following 9/11, set up entities to look outward for people who might seek to our country and authorities were turned to our own people and result was stat padding for the purpose of fbi officials trying to convince congress that violent extremism threat was more enhanced than it was and got critical testimony from mr. o'boyle. >> as an agent, i encountered similar stat padding or case bolstering. truth be told, it was one case,
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but the fbi had me open four different cases because they had me open a case for every individual that i had factual basis there may have been potential federal law being violated. in a criminal case, say working like a gang, this case was like militia, like a gang, you have a case open on gang and have a sub-file for each person in it, like john doe one, two, three, all have their own subtitle. my case, john doe, one, two, three, four all had their own case, they go back to congress and say look at all the domestic terrorism we investigated. it was one case, the fbi will say, he actually had four, to give us more money, look at the threat and all this domestic
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terrorism is. >> padding the stats to try to showcase a problem that is overemphasized, political capture and infection of law enforcement, these brave patriots spoke up about it, they'll be testifying to our committee today and my colleagues will discuss the intense and depraved retaliation they had to experience and i'd recognize my colleague catastrophic to share thoughts with us. >> good morning. i really can't say that this today, what you are hearing and will be hearing more of in this hearing in the coming hours, it couldn't be overstated how important this is. i think representative gaetz laid out why this is critical. a lot of people back home are wondering, we hear about
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weaponization, you get up here and investigate and nothing ever seems to happen. think about this for a minute, why this is critical we are investigating weaponization of the fbi and department of justice. if you are a parent and you attend a school board meeting, there could be an fbi agent in the parking lot scribbling down your license plate number. this is not a conspiracy theory, this is testimony these brave whistleblowers have given us. that is not america that i know. if you are a catholic and want to attend catholic mass, perhaps there is an informant inside reporting on what you are doing inside. this is the thing that novels are written about. this is spy movies. if you think about the fbi whistleblowers who have come forward bravely, this today will
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demonstrate the pattern the fbi used in retaliating against them and their families because their families have served just as honorably alongside them. these men served in law enforcement and united states military. furthermore, as we have seen, these are decorated individuals led down a path only to find themselves left out in the cold, iced out and this was by design. when the fbi was questioned about this, the word that kept coming back, it is coincidence, that they leave the people in position where they cannot seek outside employment, cannot access personal belongings, despite the fact the men served their country and loyalty to the nation has been questioned. this is truly the weaponization of government, whether you're president of the united states you have seen in the durham report, whether or not you are a parent, concerned about your child's education, whether you
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are just someone who wants to go to mass. you could find yourself a target of the fbi. this fbi certainly knows no bounds and we're seeing that in every single interview, every single piece of evidence that we uncover and this is just the tip of the iceberg. i would like to reiterate, this is not about the good men and women about the fbi, rank and file who do their job honorably. no, this is about political corruption at the very top that has seeped down into every field office across this nation. if you don't tow the company line, you might find yourself a target of the fbi, whether you are an outsider or an insider and that is what we seek to uncover. one of my colleagues here today will outline some key retaliation points, so i don't want to belabor that point.
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to those that are concerned we investigate and there is no action, everyone standing behind me agrees, we have to present the evidence. we have to deliver that evidence. we have to take action that make sure there are consequences and that this never happens again. that is why in this particular case, i'm glad the treatment of these whistleblowers is being referred to by the u.s. office of special counsel and inspector general for further investigation and i encourage you in today's hearing to witness the treatment these whistleblowers receive who will seek to discredit them at every turn. i would like you to keep in mind contrast during the january 6 testimony of how their whistleblowers were treated. with that, i'd like to turn over to my colleague, from great state of wyoming. >> thank you. thank you, everyone. whistleblowers are protected by
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law and the reason is simple and understandable. we must be able to count on disclosures from rank and file employees in order to conduct our oversight and hold people accountable for wrongdoing. the whistleblowers we will hear from today identified and described egregious abuse, misallocation of law enforcement resources and misconduct within leadership ranks of the fbi. in short, the leadership in the fbi is politically corrupt. they are ruining our flagship and law enforcement agency by targeting politicians, parents and ordinary citizens. the eye of soran has been turned on the american people and it is a frightening time in which we live. these fbi whistleblowers have come forward at great personal
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and professional expense. they have faced retaliation from the fbi for disclosures which have blocked them from working inside and outside of the fbi. and then -- >> brian: impactful series of testimonies about what is coming up a little later. also understand, too, pointing out fbi agents who has a problem with what is going on in the fbi and to stunningly the fbi has no problem retaliating against agents knowing this was going to be front and center and they would have a chance, their day in court knowing they will have to answer to retaliation, the fbi feels cavalier enough to do that to the agents who step forward. >> ainsley: they are seeking whistleblower protection, they have not received it, one was steve friend and you heard him saying he was ridiculed for
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attending a school board meeting during the time they were calling parents domestic terrorists. >> steve: the hearing will kickoff in 35 minutes and you will see it on fox. switching to something we were talking about over the last ku couple days. parents admitting they charge their 19-year-old daughter rent and are thanking one financial expert for his tips. we've been big friends of dave ramsey for years and taught at our local church and something we instill in our children, you save, you spend and you give. you spend your money, not your money spending you. have a spot so you know where it is at when you need it. >> steve: there you go. folks who wharj their daughter rent and she paid it nine months and the guy they are talking
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about, his ears were burning, dave ramsey. hi, dave. >> good morning, steve, how are you, my friend? >> steve: doing okay, the hashtag parents charging rent on tiktok has been viewed 60 billion times because people are like, i can't believe they did it. it is a good idea, what did you think about this? >> we inspired parents to teach kids to give, to spend wisely and to save. and as parents, it is our job to get kids to brush their teeth and learn to work and learn how to give and save and how to spend. this 19-year-old daughter was well prepared by parents who had good, loving, kind, common sense. they were using the rent not to make money off their kid, using it to give her a reason to go ahead and leave the nest and she did.
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she was there for a few months, set up her own house and she was capable of doing that because she had a good mom and dad who coached her. >> steve: exactly. that is key. you have been coaching the mom and dad for a while, they are big fans of your show. there are too many kids who leave the nest, leave college, go and get an apartment, next thing you know, they are calling their parents and friends, you can lend me $200 until payday, they do not have the same point of view as this family did. >> exactly. and we have got a group of people that have 28 year olds living in their basement, helicopter mom taking care of everything and playing "call of duty," i mean, think about this. this is crazy. you are not doing your child a favor when you allow them to have a hammock in your house. you are doing them a favor when they have a safety net.
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sometimes grown kids go through hard times and need to return home for a bit. i would take care of my kids that i wa. they will not live with me indefinitely because they do not have dignity when doing that or sense of confidence how to tackle the world. >> steve: the parents said they are following your system, three envelopes and every time you get money in the house, you put money in know wo of three envelopes. what are the three envelopes and what are they for? >> we have done that for years with product called financial peace junior and it is a give envelope, save envelope and spend envelope. not that the child will change the world with any one of those things, we are developing muscles, make them do homework, put dishes in the dishwasher, they will build muscles of things that give them life skills. my job is not to create great kids, grow kids in way they become great adults.
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>> steve: i know one of your kids issue part of the ramsey team, she is fantastic. members will be live on "big money play book" at 1:00 on fox business. thank you for joining us live and inspiring that family down in texas. >> thank you, brother, good to be with you. >> steve: good to have you, as well. we are monitoring that news conference happening on capitol hill from select subcommittee on weaponization of the federal government outlining a whistleblower report and you will be able to watch those proceedings on senator ted cruz on that coming up next on the show. look. that's why we carry... ...a suite of lg appliances. so you can get the most... ...out of your kitchen and dollars. and now... buy more save more up to an additional $1000. we know patients are more than their disease. that's why, at novo nordisk, we've spent a hundred years
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>> brian: back with fox news alert, another bus of migrants arriving in new york city earlier this hour. it came from el paso, texas. another bus expected later today. 4500 last week. officials bracing for daily arrivals since title 42 expired last week, 65,000 have arrived in new york city and nowhere to put them. group of democrats led by cori
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bush asking for reparations. each recipient would be paid $300,000. she is on the record wanting to defund the police. today three fbi whistleblower will testify about retaliation and abuses they reported and are now facing. >> politics is driving the agenda in too many agencies, if you don't believe me, read the durham report. it is not just going after presidential campaigns, it is the american people. if you're a parent attending school board meeting, a pro-lifer praying at a clinic or a catholic going to mass, you are a target of the government. >> brian: this is a preview of the what is going to be hearing today and we just watched matt
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gaetz and you heard from marcus allen, steve friend and gloss about what they are going through since they stepped forward. senator ted cruz, not sure if you had a chance to see this, it is disturbing what we witnessed 20 minutes ago. >> it is very disturbing the corruption and weaponization in the fbi and d.o.j. more and more whistleblowers are going to the committee and house and coming to the senate and raising concerns that under joe biden both the fbi and the doj as a whole have been turned into a political weapon to target the enemies of the white house. i just had last week jim jordan my guest on my podcast, verdict with ted cruz. we did a deep dive into the evidence of how the doj and the fbi has been waebized, been targeting, for example, jim referenced it now, the fbi had a
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memo out of the richmond field office, directed agents to target catholics, tried to get priests and clergy to spy on members of their church. it is absolute abuse of power and it continues unabated under the biden administration. >> brian: if you are an fbi agent, there are good people in the fbi issue the problem is washington, i believe seventh floor. they say, i have a problem with this, stop pursuing child sex cases to do january 6? why would i do that? they speak up and retaliation is transparent and they know the guys will come forward and they did it anyway. what does that tell you about the empowerment they feel knowing this is about to become public knowledge? >> well, the politicization has become normalized and you are right, numerous whistleblowers have come forward and political
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leadership responded by retaliation, which is illegal, doing things like stripping security clearance. if you are fbi and you get your security stripped, you are not able to work. there are heroes within the fbi, there are heroes within the doj who signed up to catch bad guys, catch child predators, terrorists and instead, they are being used as enforcement arm, the muscle for the dnc, it is wrong what is happening under joe biden. >> brian: insane what is going on, durham report comes out, 300 pages, doesn't read like a legal document, very readable. people interpretation is off, one of which is adam schiff who should realize no collusion between trump and russia, that is what horowitz found, mueller found out and durham found out. adam schiff has been saying there is, he is a disgrace, he
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is not saying that, listen. >> this investigation that started in a flawed manner, conducted in a flawed manner and conclusion is flawed conclusion. >> brian: now this guy wants to take his lies and become a u.s. senator, will he be forced to deal with reality and apologize to the american people for lying? >> he is certainly an expert on handling an investigation in a flawed manner. we saw adam schiff, perhaps worst in all of congress, lying to the american people. taking information he got in a classified setting, leaking it and leaking in a way that is dishonest. at this point, it is clear that the russia investigation was always a crock from day one. it was based on the steele dossier, bought and paid for by hillary clinton and dnc and the doj and fbi knew that.
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doj knew that because associate deputy attorney general, his wife worked at the firm that put it together and he was a major conduit for this. this was all about hard left partisans who burroed in to career positions at doj and fbi, who hated donald trump and were willing to use entire machinery of government to target him. if hillary had won, we would never have known any of this, the plan would have worked except the american people had something else to say, whether schiff is held to account, i don't know, that will depend on the voters of california. schiff so far seems to have prospered on the far left by trafficking in lies on daily basis. >> brian: hope he doesn't become a colleague of yours in the senate. you are member of the commerce committee, and you want to investigate what bud light was doing with dylan mulvaney, it destroyed a brand that may not recover. what is your focus?
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>> listen, i can't think of a company in modern times that has more alienated the customer base and had so little understanding of who it is that drinks bud light. this week, i sent a letter to the ceo of anheuser-busch, along with senator marsha blackburn because the ceo is chairman of the beer institute, which is the regulatory body, the industry regulatory body that regulates itself and one rule, beer companies are not supposed to market to kids. remember joe the camel thing, same here. dylan mulvaney, a massive percentage of dylan mulvaney audience are kids and budweiser was trying to target teenagers. look at things dylan mulvaney has online, days of girlhood, another video, dylan mulvaney is singing "my name is eshg eloise,
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and i am six," this is aimed at children younger than teenagers, calling on the beer institute to investigate the degree to which anheuser-busch was marketing to children in going down this road. >> brian: you never stop, senator ted cruz, thanks so much, appreciate it. not even 9:00. straight ahead, fox nation gives viewers inside look at criminal justice system with new episode of "cops" we'll speak to the show's producer next. ♪
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♪ >> calm down! >> ainsley: the son of john langley, creator of "cops" bringing new episodes to fox business prime. producer of "jail" and "cops", morgan langley joins us now. tell us about the new episodes and iconic ones. >> we are super excited and have brand-new episodes on fox nation dropping every friday night. we are out there coast to coast, crews all over america, shooting 33 new episodes, that is super excited. we have "cops" marathons on fox business, those are great episodes, never seen on cable for viewing now. i love doing "cops" marathon
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thursday nights on fox. >> ainsley: everyone loves watching them, you start watching and get hooked. "cops" debuted in 1989, aired for 24 years, we grew up watching the show your dad created, then paramount got "cops" and pulled the show because of the george floyd case. that was a mistake, wasn't it? >> there is adversaryial relationship between media and law enforcement and everybody is seeing that got worse after 2020. paramount network made a silly call in 2020, "cops" is more relevant than it has ever been. it is important "cops" offered unvarnished portrayal of what the men and women do everyday.
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>> ainsley: glad they are backs on fox, watch new episodes on fox nation and catch fan favorite episode on fox business prime thursdays 8:00 p.m. eastern time. coming up, royal experts are questioning what was called a near catastrophic car chase involving prince harry and meghan markle, new report contradicting their claims, next. and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises.
5:51 am
big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. and the people of old dominion never turn away a promise. or over promise. or make an empty promise. we keep them. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you.
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we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch.
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>> steve: hearing that will focus on the fbi, stand by for statements from the witnesses set to begin 9 a.m. eastern time. big news on the election front, the republican field is getting larger and the mad chase in manhattan that might not have been as advertised. dana and i will see you top of the hour. >> ainsley: well, talking about this, royal experts questioning what is being described as near catastrophic two-hour car chase involving prince harry and meghan markle in new york city. >> steve: that is what they said, new information contradicts the claims. >> brian: todd piro gets to the b bottom of it all, tell us what is true. >> todd: experts are having
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trouble believing the encounter. the office of duke and duchess of sussex describe near catastrophic car chase at hands of ring of highly aggressive paparazzi. police say they were never in danger. there were numerous photographers that made transport challenging, there were no summons, or arrests in regard. a taxi driver, who had harry and meghan in his back seat offering less account. >> started taking pictures and flashing and they never gave location of where they were going and security guard told me to circle back. you see the paparazzi car following my car. prince harry and his wife, the lady, they were nervous and looked scared. >> todd: the investigation is underway. >> brian: he couldn't get out of his car to do the interview.
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>> steve: he's a taxicab driver. brian, we were in the same cab as the sussex's. >> ainsley: they could have the crown jewel, limo, horse and carriage. >> brian: what security bricks you to taxi for safety. >> ainsley: never heard of a high-speed chase lasting two hours in new york city. >> steve: might not have been true. we're stepping aside. back in two minutes. f your kitcd dollars. and now... buy more save more up to an additional $1000. what are folks 60 and older up to these days? getting inspired! volunteering! playing pickleba...!
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>> as you look up in new hampshire, reminds you of summer and our own summer concert series kicks off a week from tomorrow with three doors down. you can listen right there. he will join us, too. >> i remember todd, i saw you jumping all over the stage. >> bill: the hits keep coming for the f.b.i. right now. you are looking live on capitol hill inside a hearing room where while we're only 72 hours removed from the durham report. several whistleblowers are about to testify before congress. it could be explosive. we'll watch it together. good morning. it's thursday, live in new york city i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." you'll see two different realities collide at this hearing. the weaponization of government subcommittee touting the
6:01 am
witnesses of proof of wh


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