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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 19, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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we keep them. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. what was the purpose of the hearing, but the tone changed quickly as whistleblower alleged shocking abuse of power by the fbi, former agent o'boyle had a chilling statement, watch. >> the fbi will crush you, this
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government will crush you and your family. the fbi has not and will not retaliate against whistleblower disclosures. fireworks flew throughout as jim jordan was accused of withholding a whistleblower prior testimony. >> i'm not aware you are able to withhold information from the minority we would need to use to prepare -- >> when it comes to whistleblower, we are not. i would remind the gentlemen from new york with the information we had. >> when you were part of the investigation with anonymous whistleblower. >> that just one of many tense
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moments, earlier this morning, kat cammack had this reaction with you guys. >> i think the most shocking thing was the revelation these whistleblowers gave us and how they had come forward, they had expresed dismay and concern about the tactics and directives of the fbi against american citizens and they were subsequently suspended without pay, their clearance revoked and left to languish. >> one you can hear more about are claims the fbi scooped up americans bank records without subpoena. we'll see where it goes. >> thanks, we had whistleblowers talking about protection and shouldn't be fear of federal government going after them and you have legitimate whistleblowers that talk about really corrupt action from the fbi.
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this is on the heels of the durham report. they talk about the fbi was essentially policing for profit and then of course the democrats, instead of addressing the merits of the claims they felt like it was their job to discredit these people. look at representative linda sanchez, who after this guy says, this is not my twitter account, proceeded with question about twitter account that is not his, watch. >> have you ever used twitter, yes or no? >> i have utilized twitter, yes, ma'am. >> is your account at marcus a970, 645? >> that is not my account. >> that is not your account. on december 25, 2022, an account under marcus allen retweeted -- >> that is not my account. >> you haven't let me finish the question. >> it might be the football player. >> you haven't let me finish the question and the time is mine.
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>> on december 25th, 2022, there was a quote that said nancy pelosi staged january 6, retweet if you agree, do you agree with that statement? yes or no? >> no, ma'am, that is not my account. >> do you agree with the statement this person tweeted that nancy pelosi staged january 6? >> no. >> nothing to do with, not his account, she should have stopped. >> a staffer got fired over that. that is you seeing in realtime how unprepared some of these representatives are, walking into a hearing, i worked on capitol hill, i used to prepare, i prepare for chairman jeff miller and i didn't put anything in front of him he didn't research and know himself. i just added to it. when she did that, i was like, she didn't prepare anything and can't pivot to a different
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question. that is embarrassing on the most basic level. either she doesn't under twitter, which is bad to be a member of congress, or didn't have preparation for the hearing and how you led into that, they are not attacking them what they are talking about, they are attacking them as human beings. >> ainsley: marcus allen is like jim smith. then a phone number attached to it, that is probably not his account. this fbi agent -- >> she did not think. >> ainsley: she didn't and kept going and said do you agree with some random person's twitter vessage? >> if we were hold accountable for every jones, we couldn't show our face. >> ainsley: you do have the same last name. such a common name. >> ebony ivory.
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the big question, do voters have faith and we have a panel to discuss. john, to you first, the former president of the united states, always talked about the deep state and them going after him. now we have revelations from the fbi, as well as the durham report. do you have any faith in our institutions right now? >> honestly, and i'm former law enforcement, we have to make a distinction between the low level staffing or cops federal management, none of us have a problem with the average officer out there agent, i think the criticism at the top, been politicized at management level, that is where the issue lies. >> do you have faith in the institution and if they went to the former president, who had power at the time, do you feel like they can go after you, as well? >> no question about it, the general population feels that
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way, now these agencies have become political apparatus items, they are not doing jobs responsibilitily, they are taking personal and political attacks at people at random. >> suggestion for libertarians on the hill that is time to defund the fbi, do you feel it is realistic or does the fbi need to be restructured? >> i think it is concerning what we're seeing and all americans have to say, if they can go after the powerful, what are they going to do to the working person. >> if you are accused of something, just defending yourself is costly. you will neverget your reputation back, even if you are innocent . i have witnessed senate hearings and congressional hearings and never see results. like to see action this time. >> lawrence: we learned fbi went after moms, as well.
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i know education is very important to you, moms protesting at school board meetings, there was a memo to go after them. >> i think any sort of decent is now treated wholesale as though it is disinformation or going against this country's values and i think it is sociopathic behavior on part of the union which control the democratic party. they accuse parents of doing the same thing they are doing. yeah, i do think i'm super concerned and want to see more accountability. i don't want a journalist like matt taibbi being threatened when randi weingarten gets away with lying and you can was off. >> lawrence: it is interesting democrats talk about dirty cops and now you have dirty cops handed to you on a platter and they have no response. voters thank you. i will head back to you, guys. >> ainsley: excellent job.
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>> joe: hoe great is that group. >> ainsley: thank you for getting up early and being with us, we'll talk to them again coming up. >> lawrence: ainsley, i had a headline earlier in the show about california, palo alto, talking about gas stoves and we're all from the south and being coo with gas stove, that is how you get a quality meal. now they are making certain exceptions? >> ainsley: what is happening, they said no more gas stoves, there are environmentalists banning this in new buildings and you apply to build a restaurant, you have to have an electric stove. you have celebrity chef andres building a restaurant and said i want my gas stove, so he filed a lawsuit and plans to open. they said, don't sue us and you can have this gas stove.
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other people cannot have the gas stove. the simon property group received local approval before the city council revived building code. they got approval and then the city council revived building code and installed gas line. we paid money to establish this gasoline, we're going to build with the gas line. they said, you are grandfathered in, basically. >> joey: i want to make a prediction on this, they didn't take it to suit, somebody is going to and then it goes away. that has to be the case. if it is that obvious this is not something easy, financial hardship of people trying toerna a living and feed family. where does california get electricity? are they 100% renewable? i don't think so. you burn gas here and bring it over to electricity or burn gas in front of you when cooking your meal.
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this is asinine. >> lawrence: it is really strange any time we hear about something negative when it comes to california, they make rules, it is someone that is wealthy or well known that somehow finds a way to get an exemption. during the pandemic, we got to lockdown. you see the governor, literally at the restaurant eating in the middle of the pandemic, always the rules are for the average-day folks. people that hold wealth and power play by different rules, do they believe the nonsense they say they stand for? behind closed doors, they are doing something did different. >> they are different. >> we love this world and most of us love god and want to take care of this world, when you hear environmentalists tell you how to live your life, you have to have this car or this stove, where is the limit?
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when are people in america, when are we allowed to say i like my gas stove, i want to cook on the gas stove, celebrity chef saying this is important it me, you promised it to me and trying to take it away. we have politicians that tell you to use a paper straw, you can't have coca-cola too big, you can't have a big gulp. get out of my life. >> lawrence: if they truly believed in this nonsense, would have been in east palestine protesting when this forest fire happened because of the railroad, they have not been there. none of the animal rights people have been there. it is conservative area, they don't believe it, it matters if it is r or d in the area. ashley strohmier has headlines. >> ashley: "fox and friends first," pentagon walking back a claim it killed a key al qaeda leader. this is aftermath of the missile
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attack in northwest syria. family of the man killed said he was not a terrorist, father of 10 tending to his sheep. command says it takes allegations seriously and investigating to determine if the action may have unintentionally resulted in harm to civilians. shocking video shows pizza shop owner forced to the ground during a robbery, the two masked suspects emptied the owners pocket, stealing his phone and credit card. the owner of railroad pizza joined us earlier. watch. >> supposed to be comfortable in my own space and i turn around to see this gentleman behind me or in front of me at this point, and i couldn't, it took me a second to realize what was going on. it still didn't register until a few moments later. took my phone, my airpods, green card, id.
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>> ashley: nypd is offering an award for information leading to arrest of the suspects. florida governor ron desantis returning to new hampshire today, expected to announce plans to run for president this week, the governor doesn't seem to be worried about the competition telling donors, two have a chance to get elected president, biden and me. based on data swing states, people are not going to change their view of him. those are headlines, back down to you. >> thank you, ashley. joey has exciting news. >> joey: listen, i've been told for years, when are you going to write a book and tell your story. when people ask me about writing a book, they ask about my story. i've been on camera for a long time now and tell my story verbally, but i have a story i want to tell "unbroken bonds of battle" and this book took pete
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hegseth's "modern warriors" and profiles 10 individuals who serve the country and one gold-star wife. these are people in my life, from my best friend growing up, an army veteran to my best friend in the marine corps to the widow standing beside me to the commander of my best friend's units, a gold-star brother who went on deployment and was injured after his brother was killed. wesley hunt is a good friend of mine. we talk about race and going to west point and what shaped his world view. nate boyer and i messaged back with kaepernick when all of that was happening. this is about my life and how they go through their own battles and struggles and triumphs and they were there for me as i was recovering, some
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before injury, many afterward. aaron hill blinded byie d, climbing mountain and lost his hearing and has twins that are new to the world please buy the book and read their story. >> ainsley: comes out in june, if you go like we've done to fox news, his book is at the very top. congratulations. you have been through so much, i know you were probably at a low point in your life, thinking i've lost both of my legs, now you're on television, so humble and have a book about your story. we'll wrap this up, i don't like talking about myself, there is video clip of me laying in a hospital bed and i said, i don't remember saying i was given a
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second chance at life and love to say there were low moments, i don't remember them, i was grateful from the day i woke up that i lived through it and i was there for my son and my wife and my daughter, my mom, my sister, everyone there, i felt so much love and responsibility to them and that is what the people in this book talk about. everything they went through is responsibilities they had to others that kept them going and something all americans, you don't have to go to military service on or be blown up to understand and appreciate it. >> lawrence: such a powerful message. >> ainsley: we wouldn't have our freedom if not for you and soldiers, thank you. >> joey: people say thank you for serving, thank you for being worth serving. >> lawrence: coming up, china takes center stage at g7, as u.s. lawmakers call to cut economic ties with the regime,
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lieutenant governor winsome sears how virginia is pushing back on the communist country's influence. >> ainsley: saddle up, boys for america's top professional bull rider abby and ladies live at pbr super bowl in texas. what is coming up, abby? >> we talked to the commissioner and ceo of world pbr and those competing in women's rodeo, all that and more is coming up after this break. we have a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing a loan. we want to do whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. we're the ones that are there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult,
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dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love. it's a noble service. and that's what we're all about.
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we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch.
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>> lawrence: as china takes
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centerstage at the g7 trip, at home, urging the white house to cut ties with the communist party, including virginia, where they rejected 3.5 million dollar battery plant last year. relationship with the chinese battery maker. virginia lieutenant governor winsome sears joins us to react to that. thank you for making time this morning. i was just in michigan where they were dealing with the same thing and trying to push formers out of their land to build battery plants and if you look at contract they have with china, they have to put the communist party first. how dangerous is this? >> of course, it is extremely dangerous, china is former adversary, in virginia this past session, we passed legislation that you cannot sell farmland that is surrounding military
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bases to any foreign adversary, that would include the ccp. not talking about chinese people, talking about the chinese government. think how dangerous that is, you saw that when the balloon came from china, traversed alaska, came across the lower 48, did multiple figure eights that olympians would be proud of. what about this do we not understand? >> lawrence: when it comes to the battle that we're having with china right now, i know they make things for cheap, it is slave labor there. it seems like there needs to be some sort of patriotic front of
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made in america, no chinese company should be able to build in america and not sure there has been a national leader to do that. >> you know, i don't know what some of our democratic friends don't understand and i'm talking those on the ultra-left. do you know who is not getting rid of their budget when it comes to defense? that would be china, also russia, also north korea. what about this are they not understanding, we shouldn't be cutting national defense budget and should make sure that the chinese companies are friendly, they are not having to answer to the chinese government. in virginia, we had to get rid of tiktok being downloaded on government computers, phones, etcetera. my god, we could only find four
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democrats in the senate who would agree with that. when we already know there is proof that tiktok has issues with china being part of that company and access to data. i'm telling you, sometimes, lawrence, common sense is not common. >> lawrence: some would say some have been bought and paid for, even when common sense is there, lieutenant governor, i look forward to hearing, i hear you may have an announcement soon about you potentially being next governor of virginia, i will stay tuned for that, ma'am. >> i haven't made an announcement, one person who can't run for president, that would be me, i can tell you for sure. it would be an honor. >> lawrence: appreciate it. we have a big show coming up, 9 p.m. eastern time on saturday, just got back from san francisco, still a mess, l.a. still a mess and talking about what is happening on subways of
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new york and the daniel penny case, tune in for that. still ahead, will artificial intelligence take over? a former google chief warrants ai see human as scum to be controlled. we need to protect skilled labor or face consequences, he is here to react next.
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>> joey: we're back, another former google chief speaking out against ai, just weeks after the godfather of ai issued a warning about the tech future. mo gadat telling podcaster john murray, i've lived among those machines, i know how intelligent they are and i wished i hadn't started them. how high is ai likely to think of us as scum? very high. host, narrative -- one of my heroes, mike rowe, joins us now,
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thank you for being here, we were talking in the green room about everything we have in common. on the issue of ai, you probably know more than i, what is your take on it? >> i spent a long time on "dirty jobs" dealing with ai, but back then it was artificial insim insimination. to see this in the headlines now and hear guys like that just saying straight up, tap the brakes. okay, i'm all for tapping the brakes, it is tough to get the poop back in the goose, especially with a thing like this. yeah, i'm concerned, but i don't know what panic is really going to do for the average person looking at how is this going to impact my career, my life, my ability to provide for my family, then i just retrench to the same old broken record i've been, which is learn a skill
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that is in demand. learn something that can't be replaced with a robot or artificial intelligence. those jobbing are open to pipefitters, mechanics, article in the new yorker this week, like 4000 words. 17 or 1800 people, many of them making six figures, all in the skilled trades. i use any opportunity i can to pivot and tap the country on the shoulder and say, look, let's worry about the things we have to worry about and get back on track over here with something that makes sense. >> joey: algorithms and how information is sent is what people worry about, you are telling the truth about hard work and what it takes to build this country. we can do two or three things at one time, one thing should be to
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worry about the unintended consequences of new tech, brother, we took shop class out of high school and we are reaping the whirlwind of that and we started telling people the best path and most expensive path. stop. we stop or perish. >> joey: thank you for what you do and your foundation, trades are a passion of mine, i decided i didn't want to work that hard for a living, mike rowe, thanks for joining us and telling us about ai. i ordered your book, everybody else should, too. >> joey: watch "how america work" monday on fox business prime with mike rowe. coming up, sliding support, the biden campaign hopes to win back latino voters, will it work? we go back to the voter panel, right here next. there are too many options.
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>> the biden campaign is desperate to reverse democrats sliding support among latino voters after republicans gain ground with minorities in the last general election. axios revealing plan to spend 7 million on bilingual ads, narrated with different accents. is this what it takes to win over the voters? good morning, panel. anyone hispanic here? what is your reaction to this? i'll start with you on the front. without question, the most important thing to latino voter are sensible things, good education, economic issues, inflationary impacts, kitchen table issues and the immigration
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issue, out of control is not making democrats, not making latinos more sympathetic toward democrats. don't assume that basically is in the bag, it could be a nail in the coffin. >> ainsley: daniel, what do you think about this? open borders, does latino community like that or say wait a minute, i did it the right way or we waited a long time and did it the right way? >> i think immigrants from latin american know this country is full of opportunity, if we let everybody come in, everybody will come in, everybody who can. we should have some kind of criteria, i want a candidate who continue offering educational opportunities america offered to me. it has changed my life. i think tim scott supporting the act bringing school choice across the country. everyday now a new state has
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school choice, in states like new york and california, we don't have any. would be great to have a federal solution for that problem. >> ainsley: you have an incredible story, you came from another country, got accepted to harvard and ran for state elections in new york and been on the show a lot. johnny, what do you think? they are spending on spanish ads and boot camps. >> there is a tsunami going on right now. >> ainsley: what do you mean? >> they are leaving, exodus out of the democratic party. one of the driving forces, i think, it is like cultural war going on in the country in history, especially what is going on in our schools and i think it is catalyst for this. how the curriculum and elementary schools are being bedded with oversexualized material and mainstream media is too politicized, one sided and a
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lot of hispanics are following a lot of conservative voices coming to the forefront. >> ainsley: are republicans doing enough to get the hispanic vote? >> i agree, republicans have to come out to the hood, it is assumed it is democratic, that is something a lot of people tell me, i wish they would come. hispanics are not homogenous, we continue to be conservative, family values and stuff and gop has to come to the hood and the communities, something the democrats have taken for granted. >> ainsley: talk about issues important to you, start on the front. natalia, what is affecting you most now? >> free speech, censorship, what we saw as parents and public school parents when we stood up for children, we were called
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white supremacists and racists. we were not just standing up for our own children, we realize if our society didn't value children and all children couldn't about back to school and normal, nobody would go back to normal. this kind of attack continues, the gaslight continues and democrats were saying it is time for amnesty, but nobody has asked for amnesty and they are doubling down in hearings are sham hearings. i attended a hearing when randi weingarten testified and asked insighsive questions and by the way, i'm a registered democrat. democrats timed out time to ask questions, they were trying to bury the facts. >> ainsley: bill, how about you, what is most important in your life? >> the economy is important and the border, recent bias, the border is wide open. it is so unfair to the american
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people, the american workers, taxpayers, it is hurting our own social support system and it is just beginning and unfair to the migrants, as well. they are told to come here and be welcomed. what is the plan? it seems like it is being managed by chaos, let them in, no plan, how do we house them, educate them issue feed them, what is the long-term goal? it is not stopping. plan first. it looks like the same mistakes they made in afghanistan. >> ainsley: joe, it is a big week next week, ron desantis, tim scott may put their hat in the ring next week, out of all the candidate and a few entered, including trump, have you made up your mind who you would vote for if the election were tomorrow? >> yes, if the election were tomorrow, i would vote for trump. >> why? >> as we were talking during the
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break, arguments could be made if you like him, don't like him, too boisterous on twitter, but he as a president, what he did as a country was second to none, one of the best presidents we ever had. everything was for the betterment of the country and the people. i think he is the best, would be in the best position to save the country. >> ainsley: how does he reach women? he reaches men well, what about women? >> that is a tough question and -- >> ainsley: have to ask your wife. >> i don't have the answer to that. i think what he does reach women is to provide safety to be hard on crime. crime is a big problem right now and all the problems that everybody is speaking about, 99% stems from crime. if crime goes away or lessened, everything else may fall into
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place, i don't think you could have economic recovery when it is not safe, i have two boys, 19 and 21, we live in staten island, they went to high school in manhattan, 14, 15 and 16, they traveled by subway, by ferry, by walking to get to manhattan. i would not let them come now. and do all that traveling. that is a big issue. something the other day, we went to hudson yards and they have a balcony that overlooks the vessel and i was out with my son and my son said from up here the city looks wonderful, it's a great place. on street level, it is not safe, it is much different and needs to be cleaned up. >> ainsley: donald trump was one that left, moved to florida like a lot of our friends did. >> i am thinking about selling our apartment and buying in florida. >> ainsley: a lot of people work here, making plans for retirement to go down and save
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money. thank you, you did a wonderful job, love talking to y'all. check in with janice dean for fox weather forecast. >> janice: name and town? >> evan. >> maria reid. >> marcus. >> meridith. >> michelle downs. >> raleigh, north carolina. >> north carolina. >> charleston, south carolina. >> janice: you did great, quick forecast, looks nice in new york city, 57 degrees, potential for showers and thunderstorms, severe weather across texas and oklahoma and track this coastal low that will move up the east coast over next couple days., will keep you posted. what is your name? >> rene, houston, texas. >> janice: hito anybody at home? >> hi, alley brown. >> janice: do you love fox and friends?
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>> good answer, over to you. >> ainsley: southerners out there. give them all big hug for me, i'll try to run out there and see you outside. thanks, coming up next, saddle up, abby hornacek live in texas for professional bullriding finals, first check in with dana perino for what is coming up on her show in 10 minutes. >> dana: ainsley, we need to get on abby's assignment list. >> ainsley: she's such a good athlete. >> dana: remember last week, you guys were great. so good. for us, governor ron desantis is in new hampshire this morning, we wonder why, analyze what his prospects are, his announcement tease for next week, plus president joe biden and democratic party have a tougher race on their hands than they thought they would. lawmaker regrets her vote to legalize marijuana as more testing positive at work, can
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pandora's box be put back together and the lawyer for murderer of bob lee will make the case his client is innocent . all you need to know for the weekend, see you at 9:00. ahhhh... with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy, long lasting relief in a scent-free, gentle mist. (psst psst) flonase. all good. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you.
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>> lawrence: professional bullrider world finals happening in fort worth, texas, with $1 million on the line for the winner. >> abby hornacek joins us with dakota lewis. tell us about it. >> abby: that is a lot of money, a million dollars, you ready to win tonight? >> oh, yeah. >> abby: dakota is competing tonight. you have a story, walk me through your journey to get here. >> fifth generation cowboy, growing up in montana, dream to be a bullrider, dreamed to be at pbr world finals, grew up watching my dad and truly blessed to be here talking to you right now. >> abby: we've been talking about the type of mindset you have to have on the bull. the chute is here, but for us, we don't know what is going through your mind. what is going through your mind?
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>> for myself, just a lot of self empower movement, just knowing i have capability of being here and have capability to win against any bull and to take it all in, for me, this is dream come true. you never know what is going to come tomorrow. >> abby: are you able to stay calm? is that a dumb question? i would not be calm. >> you know, it's one thing i have to work on, i like to get fired up. i love what i do and when i make an eight-second ride, i let people know i'm excited. i keep my numbers level until they let the gate open. >> abby: someone excited to see you is your son, he is five years old what does it mean for you to travel around with your little boy? >> oh, it means the world to me to have my son there. it is a dream come true for me to be here and show him that if
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you work hard and go after something, to have him here watching and cheering me o >> pbr draws millions of fans throughout the world and an exciting sport to watch but has to do with the values. what are some of the values you've noticed competing in the competitions? >> the values i've noticed is for one, respect, the respect we have for our peers and for the animals. we wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for the great animal athletes. to go against a 1500, 2,000 pound bull and come out on top is rewarding. >> we're so excited to see you compete tonight. good luck, not that you need it. watch him tonight. also check out last cowboy standing on fox nation. it explains what people go through to get here and it truly
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is a spectacular series. tune into that. thank you so much. >> tough guy, dangerous sport. >> a crazy dangerous sport. a guy who took bombs apart for a living i will tell you now i'm not getting on a bull any time soon. >> just a mechanical one. >> pbr has team riding now. a good friend of our show had their draft yesterday. >> more "fox & friends" in a moment. ou need appliances... ...that work as good as they look. that's why we carry... ...a suite of lg appliances. so you can get the most... ...out of your kitchen and dollars. and now... buy more save more up to an additional $1000. from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have
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>> i wish new york would choose if it would be hot or cold. it's bipolar. >> i loved working with you today. we'll be watching you on saturday. >> we'll be on "the five" this evening. >> bill: good morning. ron desantis, the governor, raising eyebrows today. he all but con firming he is running for president while taking his biggest swipe at the former president donald trump. where we start today. here we go. it's friday. i'm bill hemmer. hello at home. >> dana: good morning, i'm dana perino. this is "america's newsroom." and the republicans might finally start to see a little bit of a primary race. there are other republicans who have hinted about getting in. nikki haley is already in the race. there hasn't been too many people willing to take a shot at


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