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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 20, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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the requirements to be served at elementary and middle school ,citing concerns over non nutritive sweeteners. oops, let's move. that's it for us tonight.t thank you for watching. remember, itthank is america n no and forever.tagram next see you on instagram podcast next week. and gutfeld taked gutfels off fe at friday. a what a crowd. >> love it.r gr i'm pete hegseth, in for greg gutfeld tonight. >> who's off d doingoing god kn. what? de >> anyway, let'spression welcome tonight's guest, his
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biden impression is so accurate, forgotten how to tien his own shoes. fox news contributor tom shalu . sh].e goes against the grain lie something someone with celiac disease. deputy opinion editor at "newsweek", botchy hungar, gar-a sargonrg when he asks women for their numbers, they they only give them one for the suicide hotline. e hoactor, writer and comediance jamie lizzo and her meltdowns brought a trademark bean suit from chernobyl. fox news contributorl. tim. >> all right, it's friday. so before we get to some news stories, let's do this. greg's leftovers. >> mm-hmm.t's it's leftovers where i read
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the jokes we did not use this week and just like greg does it, this is my first time reading these. >> so here we go . >> donald trump has announcediz a contest where the prize is a free dinner at his new jersey golf course. >> sounds good. >> former governor chris christie called itthen grandstandin askg, then askedhen how many times you're allowed to enter the contestte to visitm kim kardashian has reached outg to tom brady about buyingtion h a vacationom home near his place in the bahamas. in return, brady asked kim if she needed help deflating he rghter] . that's pretty good. it's pretty good. how bad was that? a left over jen's ears are upset at howard stern. after a compilation of his lewd comments towards women went viral. the comments resurfaced whens co
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someone googlemmentsd the phrase howard stern. ca >> it's about right. doing genealogical research h warneighs at the height ofs skyscrapers is causing manhattan to sinng manhak lowero the surrounding bodies of water. well, somee some scientists blae prher causes pretty good, pretty good. gooalec baldwin becamers a grandfather for the first time this week when his daughter, ireland, gav e birth to a baby girl. >> friends and loved ones are predicting her first words will be don't and shoot. this week, a two point a 2 two magnitude earthquake quake hit yonkers, new york . >> according to reports, the quake caused thousands of i dollars worth of improvementmpr
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lives god lives in new york . is it true? tom: you know, we'rnoe back to christian dior is paying johnny depp twenty million n to remain as the face of its new cologne, because if anyone knowsd, the importance of smelling good, it it'it's thes a guy whod a bed with amber. >> heard just the facts. >> just the facts. the pilots for southwest airlines have voted overwhelmingly to go on strike later this year.uppose now, the vote was supposed tak to take place weeks ago, but got stuck in phoenix. o the usda is banning is weighing a ban on chocolate milk for school lunches. they're concerned the added sugasugar mar makes it harder ty attention in class. but turns into.
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yeah, and finally, scientists have discovered an ancient text that showed the first t kissed n his kiss in history wased recorded nearl nearly five thoud years ago.i >>re i remembemer it well said . the president. write bravo to thers writers and gutfeld. n >>ew all right. now to some who so who will crack the most on a guy named ron or the dude namedr don ? >> did desantis.he he inedible when he said only three candidates are credible. >> desantis and trump arere turi turning up the heat in the race for the white house, whileev biden can't even find the starting line, desantis reportedly told his donors, all six of them on a phone call, that there are basically t three people at this point in the race who are credible in t the election. hebiden, trump and him sorry, a,
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okay, the democrats don't hold real primaries. >> just ask bernie. onl >> and of those three , desantis thinks only he and biden actually have a chance. even though polls show trump running circles around him like the tea cup ride atnnin the magic kingdom, so explain yourself, ron . only three credible candidates, including sleepy joe ,ing who shakes hands with magical magile. come on , what's that mean for tim scott? he's not credible. nikki haley. mike pence. not credible.ible they may be one percenters, s as as donald likes to say, butto s they're getting less interest thanay chris christie's peloton but aren't they credible? i mean, if you ask me, it sounds like ron's living ups nik to his sanctimonious nickname, kind of likena i did when
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al qaeda prisoners at guantanamo bay called me lieutenantaeda haeg. >> waterboarding. then you got this whole disney they up. disney just announced they are pulling one billion in investment from floridne billiar something the trump camp is hitting him on saying, quote, ron desantiums is havingo a no good, very bad week, bad letting disney steamroll him. everything he's saying is exactly what consultants tell candidates to manipulate and bamboozle them. >> it sure does feel like establishment republican candidates are running ron's show right into the ground. the closer his announcement get gets, the lower his numbersh go . >> is it too late for hillary to run? o just a picture? n for go is it too late for her to run for governor of florida? she could at leastd at scare awl the alligators to .ntis so what's old joe think ofd this? trump desantisforth? back forth. >> no, no, no.t it don't let them fight it out.letm
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let him pound each other. >> i don't it's good for me, so i feel pretty good. >>y this is you. my poll numbers against? orangeman bad. i'm up. i'm heidmai'm .n. s hi i'm in this house. since that time i accidentally borrowed one one hundredonraws straws. >> put it my insurer. put i kick. a oh not a you joe biden everybody so buy you . >> let mwithe start with you. d what do you , what do you make of to say it to saying there are only three credible candidates. >> i think the mediay three is really thirsty for this. desantisthirst trump match up. i they really want to seene something that along the lines e of hillary versus bernie, you know that the voters are some somehow divided on this issue and ready to fight. but i really don't see it that way. i think that desantis has h a point, evee n though he's ver sanctimonious. i agree with you. i think the point he's trying to make is that the trumt g tote is not going to go for a nikki
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haley or tim scott. the trump base is then so american working classld that hs been sold out by the elites ofln both sides. what they are looking for is a candidate who says to them, the way president trum, p did in 2016, they stole everything from you . ey stolei'm here to get it backi now, the problem with trums p a is that he spends a lot of time these days sayinstg they stoleen everything from me and i'm going to get i back . and i think that that is the opening for desantis. he can learn from that, trump's strengths, but also hissses. weaknesses. >> so maybe credible was the wrong word. thjamie , does desantis have des a chance in 2020 four ? >> i think he has a chance. bu rt as i hear and well, i use to like really be behind him.bu, i think he's been losing me recently. but man, the lengths that thisst man will go to not have to take his kids to disney world , you i heard he's filingla a lawsuit against chucky cheesei and build-a-bear. >> yes.e. yeah, i think he's got a chance. i think k i think it's fun
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to watch. but i've been i've been at disney recently, you guys. it's it's a madhouse. >> i saw a lot of kids. on leashes. >> yeah.a havele you seen the kids?'s f and i, i think i don't thinki tn it's fair to the kid. if i , i think if you are a kids put on a leashho you shouldto be able to on the ground. >> that's just hoista the parents clean up right: behind the back. >> right. yes, absolutely. yeah atom , is that is the stra, disney's strategy, a right one becausone?e desantis is lear into it hard?i th yeah, noin, i think it is . ayou .here's i don't i look a at what's going on . i know there's a lot o f headlines this week. >> oh, big loss for desantis. no, disney continues to hurtnati their brand. onantis they're not a good player on the national stage. and desantis knows . so i think he's playing it exactly right. the one who's gettintting g wead by this battle is disney because people are unhappy wit with them. trtrump now, let's talk about
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i'll get to desantis when he finally announces when he getsce in the race, i'll be rough on him. but i'll tell you who had a badm week. buttrump , because he keeps trd to run to the left of desantis. >> i'm notes impressed, okay?fog when he when he comes out inlast the side of disney, forget about it. k when hand last week when he ts pro-life people under the bus because he said that t? a heartbeat bill was what was the word he used? >> t hooe said it was it was too harsh and he said it wasn't good for women. i'm not impressed whene le trump tries to run to the leftfi because i'm right wing. >> and ight f you're maga, you d trump's feet to the fire , right? don't let him. he's goinghe's going to run against desantis and he's going have to win my vote. >> you gotvo thayou got trump .m >> now, you told me in the green room you wish gang of eight more years of trump ine addition to the four we've already had. , no, i said i think jeb bush i is going to be the guy. but hold on . i mean, it's been it's been amazing because you've got a boat. he wins reelection by a massive
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amount in florida. >> he's got a successful book tour, huge media coverage, lots, of money. and trump gets rated prosecuted and a cnn town hall wherel wh they were supposed to get and he got them and his numbers. go up. >> i mean, it's a very interesting dynamic. well, you know, who else hadng w a lot of money?e >> jeb bush, likhae he was anpposed to be the guy we have. a lot of us are sitting on myheu lap . jeb bush is the guy i like people even remember him. >> he probably can go around ino public without anybody, be like, what's your name? bay go ad inwhat's yi think whas really interesting because he attacked santos on policy. ttac right. instead of he generally tendsn to attack people more on personality like low energy jeb, for example, and with how what desantis is doing, which i haven't liked what don't he's done for doesn't even though i don't like disney,ved n i just don't likeness t the government to be involved in business in that way. theias far as their tax status, i don't even believe in taxes at all. m my my opinions are relevant on that. bu ou know,t, you know, he he saidt hey, this is bad for business h
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and i'm a business guy, whicimh is what people liked about him kind of all along. now, he did title the whole't ra thing. president trump is always right. so he hasn'tll really he's not like more seaspan friendly thana before. but i think that talking on policy, i think that's probably a better strategy for trump . well, i'm sure he'll take your advice. oh, yeah. oh, yeah. >> prone to doing p that.etg that>> yeah. kat it always does.ete: g >>oo all right. good discussion, folks. well, up next, biden'sbiden' diversity pick has a prison lock pick as a cardiologist. when i put my patients on a statin to reduce cholesterol, i also tell them it can deplete cutin levels. i recommend taking kunihiko q10 . qnol has three times better absorption than regular cutin qnol. >> the brand i trust so musty in here, everybody daffy everybody daffy debrett drop in the tab, attract and trap
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biden's nonbinary former nuc nuclear expert and alleged luggaglee thief, was arrestedfui this week for being a fugitiveve from justice. >> he's also facing two counts of being fabulous, but i thought he would have been arrested for mixing stripesav with plats. >> it's like i'm doing righte br now. >> you look good, tom .he's thank god he's being held on grand larceny. charges after an africanr an fashion designer reported her luggage stolen from reagann national airport in 2019. the womanth says her suitcase was full of original designs that she planned to show at a fashion event. she apparently she recognizedd o her clothe fs in news photos ofe britain after his firstr to arrest. >> he's lucky he wasn't charged for culturally appropriating a cross dressing. >> matt damon. that's right. whoa. >> for a nuclear engineer,ea britain isn't exactly
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a criminal genius . >> it's a good thing he's lgbtq plus. otherwise, the alphabet mob would be going nuclear with charges of a hate crimete jail won't be fun for britain or will it? don't >> but at least he's usedm. to wearing clothes that don't belong to him. the only dangerous waste, waist he's where he's going is the toilet in his cell. >> after taco tuesday, turns out his next government job will be making license plates. >> tom , have you ever considered shaving your head growing a mustache and wearing women's clothing? no, no. itng could?>> t get youom a jobo administration. i know i have considered stealing people's luggage, but . i didn't do it. whole that's the whole thing. that's the difference between ta me and him. t' me and i look at that luggagk i think i wouldn't mindt mind stealing it, but i don't do it. you're the reason whyreelin
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they check the bag tags aty the airport to leave. >> yes. t they shoulags.d. mis sometimes it's just by mistake because the luggage, you know, you've got to make sure sometime s they grab a bag and ie an think it's mine and it's not mine. bu mit okay. >> all that being said , this guy's a total freak. a totai mean, we knew that he ad appointed him. he didn' lt seem like the most stable guy. and we wers e likegoin, i don'ta this is going to turn out well. and they were like, oh, you're racist or whatever . they said at the time. but th you know, we couldn't criticize his pick, but then he proved himself to be a total, criminal lunatic. and now this there's just kind of silence from the administration. thisn. this is where they're supposednf to stand up and hold a presserea conference and apologize for being so irresponsible. i mean, this guy's in like i don't know what his exact position wass , but it was something to do with nuclear policy. and i can't imaginicy ane a morb irresponsible thing maybe, if you like, hired a narcoleptic watch over the nuclear button, like make no one pushes that and don't fall asleep next. maybybe e that maybe that is the
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second cat. >> same question. katquestionhave you ever consid shaving your head, growing a mustache? >> yeah, i would save a lot of time that i currently spend in the makeup chair. >> yes. i saw it before the show. o >> i don't know how sam brintont thought that they couldow sam get away with this because noti really a person who blendsth inn i don't mean just in terms of looks and i do looks. it's certainly of a large parta it. but also juslso hot how do you d like most people don't go into a restaurant being like, oh, my pronouns, are they them ? and i'll have the avocado toast and then at the end of the the shift, everyone realizes all the coats in the closet are missing. so, i mean, you can't you're not going to make a good fugitive. but also , this is someone who is stupid enough to think a that you can be doing crimes in an airport, which is like the most surveilled location in the country, second only to onlo
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maybe i don't like a military base. >> so i'm starting to think not smart, second only to c the streets of new york city, where you could alsoouldso claim a two hour car chase.yeah >> yeah, right, exactly. just say, yeah, what jamie , if you declared yourself nonbinaryc ,would peoplome actually start coming to your shows? >> i think either way, they wouldn't come. i'm going to be honest with you. i'm still a little shake wn from the matt damon splitscreen. >> oh, my god. mr. jason bourne with a. a yeah, those are >>d they said they saidon. situation. humanity. >> imagine how confusing this how confusing the interrogation. what about when the luggage goth taken? you know, the cops like,
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you know, who took the bag and he's like they took it and they and they go, so you're denying it. >> he goes, no, , i just said , they took it. and so that'cos whnfusiny they four cop cars. >> they thought it was this is great. i didn'tw, i'm going to be completely honest. i did not know what binary meant. if ad to google ithad . i didn't know if anyone doesn't know, it means like it could gen be you could be like gender fluid. der could be like a man one mine . >> you could be a thief the next minute. and this freaked me out. i thought gender fluid was was why we grabbed the towel after and then it's becauseo you haven't been to elementary school recently. that's why you don'tol r minor, by the way, not to not to pile on or not to pile on . >>t shouldn't you , like, look at the picture with the mustache. don' must shouldn't you start. you're like your section. he started with sections like from the ground.
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i mean, you got to address mercantile, get him to address the parts that are sticking ouuo of your clothes. w t you want to do. n >> when i look at his picture, i want to run a magnet over his face and move that model. >> yeah, yeah. oh, my god. that's a good well done. good luck.done barcia after that, huh? >> how do you think he's going do do in prison? should that happen? i mean, i don't know how i'm gue going to follow that, but i guess i'll say, you know,as this is what happens when you judge people based not their on the content c ofir their character, but the color s of their dresses. >>es right. fact >> i mean, it's a deeper was problem than just the fact thats thisai person was, as you said , like he wasn't hiding it. he would go to like democratic fund raisers wearing stolen clothing. right. itre i. ut there irin the open i just feel that the sort of the woke agenda is it's it's
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like a society is regressing. they're trying to pullsing, th l away from dr. king's vision like that. finally, as american we're als are allo be on board with this idea thatth everyone deserves to be treated with dignity, and then the lefts says, no, you have to respect a person who's literally the stealing clothing from other g people. like that's the standard to noet get called a bigot. and , you know, all good americans have to say no to that. yeah, that would. it yeah, yeah. we'r ae search with identity. t they pointed and somebody said , let's hirbody se for the nuclear. >> allcode right.all ri upgh next, a soap maker proclaims, we need chubby characters in video games. >>y out my health products online, arenn shipping process was painfully slow. then we found ship stationgo to now we're shipping out orders
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eating all those cupcakes. e dove the hygiene brand, not the bird, is in hot water. in h for releasing an ad catering to plus size female gamers to encourage body positivity. nothing says positive body bod positivity, like telling fat gamers to keep sitting on the couch playing video games. yeah, the company famous for viap, they make soap, says women in video games have been underrepresented and over sexualized for too >> too skinny, too beautiful. too bad has forgotten how serious male gamers are about avoiding soap. >> gamer you know. you know, your grandson seems like a demo ripe for ads for cleanliness. i don't know about you , but i want to see this ad. >> rolet greg
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>>turns out the inclusiveness cash grab has backfired. >> even dylan mulvany wa ds like this gracious. righ i can't get the tone of that voice right. dove was criticized online for its half hearted attemptve to appeal to the woke demographic with this time honored tradition of ruining things that people otherwised op enjoyed. if dove wants to target plus size customers, then you should
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make shampoo that smells like te ranct h sh >>ou oh, hi, that was in the leftovers. many female gamers chimed in online to say they enjoy c playing as characterharacts whoe pullactive and fit or as male gamers call it, pulling a hexa . i didn't write that one either.e yep, just greg's christmas cards. >> nobody asked for this. do you got that one ? we're talking about that santash is not shorter than greg and oh. ,i don't think we need that many presents and it misses the entire point of video games as escapist entertainment. it's fantasy. perience
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video games allow users to experience hyper real worlds and embody supernatural beings, all without drugs. >> and in many cases with drugs. >>y case how can you relate to g a blue hedgehog or an italian plumber? anit captures the imagination like nothing on earth.h >>mo jusnet think how much money video games could have saved. >> hunter biden. nobody plays a video game cha to act out making mortgage payments with a character who's got bad knees and a fear of commitment. >> it's just another attempt at normalizing unhealthy behavior,r like being overweight or worse. >> watching cnn period. s just >> is this just a female thingr or. o i don't feel like i see a lot of overweight men , superheroes in video games either. >> no, they're also like, totally enormous and built
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on exactly what women want to look at. you know, like tak e a break from, like all the men in your life and look at them. >> you know, that's the plight n fictional. wow. right. ghtotally not about women, but i think also even worse is thiso fight was actually waged and won within the video game industry about ten years ago. so there's this big revolution h . a lot of com women playing videh games were like, how come all of the characters, you know, are e so overly sexualized? and there was a huge effort put to make more realistic looking, but still attractive femalbue characters and avatars. wha so what does the left do? the they wait until the war hasthe a been waged and won, and then they swoop in and act like heroes and they do that alltheyr the time. e n soow they're doing that now with the racial question, right? americh tha, finally, americans overall agree that racism is terrible. l agreso the left swoops in andn oh, my god, we're the site of sy anti-racism. you're all racist, right? they do with rights. suddenly all americans finally amink that every american should live in
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dignity. and the left swoops ine wi and saysth, you're bigots and we're on the side of the good. >> i think that'd s whatwee ths is really a part of. for sure. >> good.i thin it's just very c. to me. >> jazmín executive somewhereome at dove said we sell sreo sosoap we're going to run an ad aboutg female gamers. >> maybe they'll want to buy mor more and feel better about themselves. feel betyeah, like or they're lr they're bigger. maybe they need more ., mayb so yeah, the whole, the wholethi animation was just i was like this is she'd be out of breath . >> she'd yeah. i don't know.comf sorry i goortat uncomfortable. n i want to be like you said, i want to be when i play video game i want to be somebody wan different so i don't want to bef myself in life. right now, you know, like lik
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i want to be. and then like e some i just feel like it's tactless and likeg ab some of the games they were thinking about coming out with for plus sized women. >> i don't like grand theft auto, lose some weight. t. >> i just think minecraft macaroni and cheese in and then this last one , just space invaders. i was supposed to be a fantasy ,so that could be a fantasy lik like a movie. and it was like if it was me,e y the pizza guy goes to the door and the lady just pays for it and shuts it. th deliver the rest of these pizzas with an. oh, right. okay, you never been accused of being a space invader. >> what about the other side? you knowno. >>t th, thin, right? i yeah.ante if i wanted to play a videoe i game character look like me,
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i'd have to go with , like gumby, but i've never bought them. the gumby video game aty anim my animal crossing character cr curvier than i am, and i'm okay with that. >> and thean soap thing is weir' because i kind of don't want my soap to be thinking about my body at all. >> like, i don't want to have to shower like that. i loved a lot of the female gamers who weighed in like thisr is my favorite tweet about it. so as a female gamer myself, itd seems you want us to play as unattractive, dumpy looking female characters and then just simply, i don't think so. >> maybe they don't want what: is . yodon't think son't thin.k you've gone too far , dove soap . what a stupistd timeupid t to be it, tom . time itto really is a stupid time to be alive. soap is telling us how we >> tom vertue signal about
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our weight. >> t ihet is amazing, but they'g been on this fat thing for a long time. the people haven't. >> it seems like they come up u with these campaigns. jus >> but jamie , i think you're right about the it's just real estate we're talking about here, right? e like scott's turf. they want guys, big ones. they don't want some little skinny patch of grass. right. but the i don't i can't believe there are there's such a thing as female gamers. i mean, i really thought thisdok was all just kind of a dorkydon' thing, but i don't do much of gn the gaming thing.try but if i'm playing a game, reall sexyn't even try to get the really woman becauseed i'm like, oh, she'd never be impressed with me. o i justwa i wander away from the action and i find, like, the librarian who's likett sitting by herselfing . i try to impress her so, you know, and maybe she'd buy dove. >> so. al l right,all righ we are.e dirtll right. coming up, would you rather leave a dirty room than pick upr a broom?
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dexcom is the number one recommended cgm brand call now to get started on dexcomates seven . well, some ignore the dirty plates, hoping they'll hop get washedl ge b by roommates or your wife when comes to cleaning americans . look at housekeeping the way gen z studentsat look at paying their loans. le let someone else do it. that's what greg does with hosting help when he f skipped out on fridays. why? we're al hyl here. >> and that's true whetherout oy you're living in a mansion or living out of your car. >> a new poll shows roughly 50% of americans pretendno not to se a mess so others can clean it i up. come to think of it, it's been a while since michael moore took himself through the self-service car wash. .
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>> meanwhile, the other 50% wish they had been cleve50rhad e enoughen to think of that. but ignoring problems may work for our southern border, but it doesn't work around the house. e but in the end, probably doesn't matter because after cleaning, it apparently, s th according to this study, only takes the average home. twelve day ts to get dirty again unless you give your roomba some met givh, it only takess tw two days io f you live with someone with terrible hygiene and very low standards. >>hygien i've seen will step rit over a mess. >> a in his office as if those bodies are going to bury themselves. y ki chds i love you , will . that's why i put my kids in5 of charge of cleaning the house. soin if only 15 of them pitch i. we're good cat and someoneu who famously never cleans. >> dtho you relate to this? so i used to i can look at
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messes around the hous teat's b and ignore them, but that'ecs because i was missingse understaffs in. >> and what messes in the houses really are, which is leverage. those aren't dishes ine ther the sink. those are leveragee'. >> next time there's anyourse argument, you never clean up after yourself eithelf r. that used to be directed at me.o but if i do the dishes, i canra. no longer be because i have that leverage. >> what'ges the new leverage?rae >> because there's alwaysarning leverage. there is always leverage. it's all about earning point po >> see what's out of the equation. you're on there. >>, as adivorcede divorced dad who lives alone, possibly in hi as car , who cleans up the mess when you pretend not to , you know, it's funny.e >> i really did live in my car for a little while, but i would announced right here that weanno just closed on a minivanun. yeah, i don't get this article.y
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>> it was really long. and you talked about, like,initl how people don't clean and whate they call it definitely servedkm its purpose. l >> if itik was supposed to make me feel like a filthy judge, , thst like it was saying that it said that. people i think it spe said men, like v few people spend less thang 40 minutes cleaning a room, 40 minutes cleaning. i don't knowdon't kn one . >> i don't think there's one guy that spends maybe oj. i sorry, too soon.soon? even though i am really you know, i am really a divorced dad guy and ii likee to joke about it, but sometimesd to get serious and offer upbe ty like some advice. so i did thelp record somethinge >> so maybe try to help some of the single dads out there. >>d the those lessons tips from a divorced dad. .
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>> listen, guys, if you just>> m gotten divorceied, you're sad and depressed. just look on the bright side. that's one less personss you're going to disappoint. >>'r your part, jamie . li can be really hard to care about cleaning when you liveve. alone, right? yeah, i'm serious. i never diserious i did.d reall the first time my husband came over. estain like this pasta sauc staion then on the floor.long they've been there for a long time. he's like, what is that? waswh i was likeat i, i don't know.i i think itli was like he's like i wasn't asking what kind of se pastaty.a. e kn so he knew what he was getting into and might have felt. >> that's a great point. like when you live alone, like i remember one time i was like going to take the clothes on the dryer. and i was like, whwas liy don't i just why isn't this just thing be the dresser? >> i did the same thing..same i think. and then they get wrinkled. you just turn the dryer on . yeah, i'll be honest, i don't>>t relate. if i lived don't r alone, everyn
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my house would be at a right angle. oh, i've got ocd . >> i keep my friends in o college. i used to just move things likey this. my oh well i do that, i it whene i put them on the dashboard, s you strike me as a right angle kind of guy. >> tom ,t o i know everybody thinks neat and i'm not that. neat. and i think that with a study, i'm not sure whether i believet that people see a mess messy and choose to ignore it, because if you're a mess you jys person, you just don't see it. ' you don't see it as a mess.d so if the if the bed's kind ofs my bed doesn't look like that,tn you know, there's not stuff allh over it. be but if i'm not going to , you make the bed like tuck into an actual photo of ketanjit . yeah, it was way worse than that. : itbut if you're a neat person, you want to be tidying up alle c the time. i do like to cleanle, buutt the whole point of cleaning to m ye is you clean it, you go on a rampage, it's totally clean and then you proceedk to mess it up for the next weeka and then you can clean again. tht tidy people like to keepinit tidy all the time.e tru
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>> true, there is a difference between tidying and cleaning. yeah, you can pick up, but notng actually it's not a tidier. but if it comes down to scrubbing in like b cleaning things, we have to actuallye to scrape the gunk off of. >> doing that.ofke mm . tidy cleaning or messy. well actually you just solved a problem i was having because i thought it was really mysterious because you know. ko 49% leave messes for others. but we know that men make up 50% of the population.tion >> right. but i mean it's the men right now. i was like, where'ser the extra one ? hepercent? and it's right here. i am itth is the one problem, the 1% and then or it's me another wayr around, right. i know feminin. so it's confusing. it is very confusing. well, well done solving that. >> all right.very c onup next, dubai wants visitors to swoon over an artificial.
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>> i would have indicted this case against the bid
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touches in seconds and holds up to heavy traffic. let fresh air in geebung available at a retailer near>> s you . >> a storyto in five words. e -- >> a fake fake, a fake to moon on earth. . >>at that''s thes the story. >> tom , a developer wants to build a five billion dollar nine hundred foot replica of the moon in duba
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i. ms it would have four thousand hotel rooms inside an arenaa in insideside a spot where people n walk around and experience what exe to actually be on the moon. >> thoughts. that'>> toms what they're doing with the oil. >>g oil price >>are up and they're spending five billion on the big moona f on a fake moon.e wh i think this is going to be terrible for people who think we faked the moon landing. they're going to look at that picture. we arab country builnot a fake moon. we know it's all k fakw ite nowt i? what do you think? look at that a thing. look at that thing. i got five words back for you .v humans don't belong in space . i love this. go seehu dubai, dubai and enjoyi the experience. >> the moon without leaving earth. >> exactly>>. batya jamie , you've been known foeter mooning. g. i'm really excited about this. mostly the part you said. did you hear what he said ? t like the lunar colony wherehe there will is zero gravity. >> i'm like, oh, my god, to finally be able to keep it up. lly be i feel lik ae for so like,
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you know, don't touch it,on't you know. touct like plastic fruit, you know, you can look at t it, but it's not, you know, i can't wait that really went sideways.n cat trip to dubai. o >>du so we're sorry. i was going to say whatr jamie said. you know, it looks so bright. it that is we supposed to liken that with sunglasses on . i don't t get the logistics need to be worked out. >> what do you do if you have t a room on the top? doo be the windows only go up? and if you're miserable, you can make it from being up for five days. you have a psychotic break . a ps plus you can see the moon.break. if you're in daylight, you look up and see the moon do like jupiter or something that you can't see moone that be mort exciting, right? yes.ha no, dave, you're right. 'v they've done everythingith th conceivably possible with their oil money, with other like juset the .
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