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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 22, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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at palm beach. it will be a beautiful day down there. as we heard from janice, rainy over the next couple days. >> what a shame. stay indoors, out of the sun and listen to the radio or bring your radio outside. >> everybody in palm beach is playing pickel ball right now. stay within yourself. >> dana: republican field is rapidly expanding. two heavy hitters are going to announce. bill is off today, good morning, brett. >> we're awaiting a campaign kickoff from south carolina senator tim scott scheduled for 11:30 eastern time. he will have a major endorsement right out of the gate from number two senate republican john thune. >> dana: senator scott has made his upbringing the centerpiece of his campaign.
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the party's first black presidential nominee. he has already made history as the first african-american elected to both is the house and senate. >> he promises voters the american dream is still real. >> i believe that america can do for anyone what she has done for me. restore hope, create opportunities and protect the america relive. creating opportunities and protecting america. to me you focus on financial literature in education and making sure the american dream is alive and well for the next generation of americans. to me it's about winning over americans to my brand of conse conservatism. >> dana: ron desantis is expected to announce that could be a grueling battle with president trump. >> bill: senator scott is about to make his announcement.
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good morning, mark. >> good morning. senator tim scott will launch his campaign from charleston southern university here in the gymnasium in two hours. he won't be in the state very long. he is heading to iowa and new hampshire, the early battleground states because that will make the difference getting into the primary. the senator is ready for the campaign. we sat down with him for an exclusive interview and asked him what this will mean for him, the moment heading into a pivotal moment of his political career. >> i want to be the nominee. i will support myself. i look forward to making sure i continue to have a conversation with the american people about an optimistic message anchored in conservatism. everyone running for president assumes they will win. i look forward to being the nominee. >> what will we hear from scott? he will campaign heavily on the economy, effort to create opportunities for all americans and expect him to speak at
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length about the need to strengthen the u.s. southern border and he is launching his campaign the same week ron desantis is expected to file his paperwork. former president trump the gop frontrunner is taking aim at both candidates. the pac for trump saying tim scott's interest and aggressive media purchase doesn't only kneecap desantis but scott sees the same thing as others, the path to second place is wide open. democrats speaking out ahead of the launch writing tim scott wants to govern from the far conservative right as the proud member of the tea party and his extreme record proves it. scott has friends in the u.s. senate. two senators from south dakota, mike brown and john thune are throwing support behind senator scott as he launches his campaign bid. looking to see if more jump on the band wagon or if other senators try to see where things go. trump has wracked up a number of
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senate endorsements. you have nikki haley's campaign launch ping in south carolina a few months ago. haley appointed scott to the senate ten years ago and now competing against each other for the same job. i asked him have you talked to haley in the last few weeks? he said no. >> competition. mark. >> dana: thank you. let's bring in kayleigh mcenany here to analyze it as we go forward. tim scott, a couple of things. name recognition not the best, right? 47% of people said they have never heard of him. of those who have heard of him he has a 30% approval rating. and a couple of headlines about tim scott's campaign. "the new york times" saying this. what tim scott's 2024 campaign could mean for black republicans. the hill saying black conservatives want tim scott to ditch color blind messaging for 2024 bid. axios, the rise of the black
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republican. i never get the sense that tim scott is always talking about he is a black republican. he is an american. what do you think about his launch today >> what you are about to hear today as i've spoken with members of his campaign is a message unlike anything you'll hear on the democrat side of the aisle. not wholesale messages. the message of faith. they tell me faith will be the bedrock. faith in god, faith in america, faith in one another. i will tell you, senator scott is unique in that i and the white house had the opportunity and the after math of george floyd's murder and i saw him come in and bring together the families with the sitting president donald trump in a way that was unifying and in a way that was productive forward police measures. can he get above 1%? i think he can.
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can he get to donald trump's lead may be tough. >> dana: do you think the faith aspect helps him in particular in iowa? >> no doubt about it. especially when you look at the issue of life, which is embedded in the faith issue. he has indicated a willingness to sign federal legislation. different from president trump who said i may not do that and been mum about it. ron desantis with the heartbeat legislation as well. these are issues that you can make inroads in the faith community. >> dana: it is not a national primary. you go state by state. let's ask about ron desantis likely to get in the race on thursday. a busy week here in the news. here is a possible match-up. trump versus desantis, call for number four. trump at 65%. desantis 35%. when it comes to tim scott 79% to 21%. now, once somebody gets in the race, it could change a little bit.
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how do you think the ron desantis folks set themselves up after going through the legislative session to talk about accomplishments going into this. >> they've set him up well. a tough battle. real clear politics has trump up by 36%. a state by state race. look at the iowa trip. you have governor desantis not in the race racking up 37 legislative endorsements in iowa as the key barometer. ted cruz had 13 by the time he won iowa. desantis not in the race with 37. they view it as a state by state race. can you overtake the momentum of a former president? at times ben carson led and bernie sanders had a double digit lead and hillary clinton won. the key difference is we have a former president in the race. how much weight that will carry remains to be seen. >> dana: one last question about nikki haley. she got in the race about four months ago but her numbers haven't budgeed. you have two other candidates
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getting media attention. what is she to do? >> it will take from her especially tim scott. you see 22 million cash on hand. he raised $42 million for republicans in the 2022 cycle. it takes away resources out of south carolina. i think a real uphill battle for nikki haley. >> dana: there you have it. we're getting ready for a big week. >> i think so. you look at tim scott, the potential for chris christie even this week. you've got ron desantis. the field is starting to fill out. then we have that debate. we have the first debate gop primary debate in milwaukee in august. by that time, who knows who will be in there >> dana: i'll be there with you now this. >> we expect to be unable to pay all of our bills in early june
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and possibly as soon as june 1st. i haven't changed my assessment. so i think that's a hard deadline. >> janet yellen reminding us that time is of the essence for the federal government to raise the debt ceiling. ten days to go. president biden and kevin mccarthy are set to resume debt limit talks today. both sides conceding they are still far apart. gillian turner is live on the north lawn of the white house with the latest. good morning, gillian. >> good morning, bret. this week is make or break time for the debt ceiling talks as secretary yellen reminded everybody yesterday. now here at the white house all eyes are on this meeting the president will have with the house speaker later this afternoon. nobody knows this hour, bret, who is going the budge in order to ultimately get this deal done. >> would you be blameless in a default situation? >> on the merits based on what i've offered, i would be blameless.
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on the politics of it, no one would be blameless. i think there are some maga republicans in the house who know the damage that it would do to the economy and because i am president, the president is responsible for everything. >> president biden and house speaker spoke yesterday via phone. the speaker seemed more optimistic coming out of that engagement than he seemed in some days. >> we can solve these problems and he understands what we're looking at. i've been clear, we have to spend less money than we spent last year. >> overall the american public's view now not so optimistic. 21% of folks polled think the country is headed in the right direction. 78% of them think it is headed in the wrong direction. on the issue voters care about the most, the economy just 24% think it is in good shape while
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a whopping 76% think the economy is poor. here is the rub right now, bret. the president wants to keep spending across the federal government stagnant between 2023 and 2024. he wants d.o.d. to share in the proposed cuts coming if republicans. republicans say no dice on that. >> thank you. we've been through this before, the fiscal cliffs and we always go up to them. it seems like as the closer the negotiations are getting the farther apart they are as the debt clock continues to tick up. $250,000 per taxpayer. >> dana: it does feel the republicans led by kevin mccarthy who has been able to keep everyone together have an upper hand and democrats haven't realized they actually lost the majority and they will have to work with the republicans. they have the 14th amendment idea floating out there put aggressively by progressive
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members. "wall street journal" editorial board saying what the 14th amendment says, biden must pay interest of the debt or violate the u.s. constitution. and i got to tell you, they know that it wouldn't pass constitutional muster. you had biden flirting with that yesterday. it won't be something they can rely on, bret. >> i agree. it will be challenged if you go forward down that road. the bottom line is they have to get together on the compromise and there is just not a lot of time. so mccarthy keeps saying you had 97 days until now. that's powerful because he actually passed something. >> dana: biden was correct to postpone his trip to australia to get back here. imagine if he were over there and we were in the situation. lots to come when biden and mccarthy will meet in the oefb all office later today. more news here. >> the government promises to protect its citizens and punish
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criminals. this is the social contract we have forged. but what happens when the social contract and the government fail to protect us? >> dana: the former marine charged in the subway death of a homeless man. >> you look at the price tag, $30 million comes nowhere near what this city is paying for a national problem. we are projected to spend 4.3 billion, if not more. >> new york city mayor eric adams says his city is carrying the burden of the border crisis and calling on president biden to step up with a solution. >> dana: golf fans going ballistic over a one in a million tee shot. the guy who hit it stunned himself. >> it gets better. a hole in one.
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>> please help me. please help me. >> this is not your bike. >> please help me, help. >> that video got more than 4
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million views. new york city hospital worker arguing over a city bike rental with a group of young black men. she is six months pregnant. placed on leave from her job after this video went viral. her lawyer says critics were quick to wrongly convict her. the video sparked outrage including this now-deleted tweet from ben crump. a white woman was caught attempting to steal a city bike. she tried to weaponize her tears to paint this man as a threat. exactly the type of behavior that has endangered so many black men in the past. it was up tore days until a woman's lawyer appeared on the show. >> this receipt show she rented the bike. there is no question the bike she is on in that video is a bike she reserved. >> do they allege it is racism? >> that's what the media portrays. she has been called a racist, a
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thief. there are reasons defamation laws exist and we plan to pursue them. >> that interview that bill did was really something because it was plain spoken and laid it all out there. this is the problem with clips of videos that get interpreted one way and people weigh in on them. >> dana: one of the things bill asked why does she need a lawyer? what he said was one, they were going after the media for defamation. they wished no ill will toward the young man. a miscommunication about the bike. the media jumped to conclusions. his advocacy for her. she was under the threat of possibly losing her job. we might get more today. he said the reason we're doing this is to make sure her reputation can remain intact. the defamation piece must have made ben crump think having that tweet up there. >> it was up there for a number of days. we love at the covington case, all kinds of cases that led to legal cases against media organizations. >> dana: all right.
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bret, thank you. a new york grand jury could hear the case of daniel penny as early as today. the marine veteran is charged with manslaughter in the may one choke hold death of a homeless man on the new york city subway. penny's attorney says the man was acting erratically and threatening other riders. penny broke his silence telling the "new york post" this had nothing to do with race. i judge a person based on their character. i'm not a white supremacist. >> mayor adams says the cost of housing migrants bused in from the southern border could run into the billions of dollars. he says other cities need to share the burden. alexis mcadams live in new york city with more on this. good morning. >> good morning. the mayor has been sounding the alarm for months calling the surge of migrants a crisis. now just over the weekend he said that the migrants shouldn't just be sent to new york city but to every city across the country. listen. >> we have 108,000 cities,
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villages, towns. if everyone takes a small portion of them and if it is coordinated at the border, it is not a burden on one city. >> my grants continuing to arrive in new york city by the bus load. the city said 900 migrants showed up every day last week and as of today at last check more than 70,000 migrants have showed up in new york and 42,000 are still in new york city's care. the mayor said the city is carrying the burden of a national problem here. pushing for even distribution across the country is a process that should start at the southern border. city officials try to find places to house the migrants, the leaders in counties surrounding new york city are fighting back working to stop any migrants from heading their way. leaders in long island promised to hire a lawyer to pursue legal options to block migrants from coming to their area. >> we cannot stand by and allow the residents of suffolk county
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to deal with this crisis. >> we expect to hear from the mayor of new york city and the governor of new york pushing to have the migrants paperwork to get jobs in new york. the mayor has been a critic of the white house repeatedly and i says they need to give the resources and money if they want this problem to be fixed in new york, bret. >> thank you. dana. >> dana: the suspect in the brutal stabbing death of four university of idaho students last november is due back in court today. he is expected to enter a plea after a grand jury indicted him last week on murder and other charges. matt finn in moscow, idaho, this morning. hi. matt. >> in just a few hours at 9:00 a.m. local time the accused killer bryan kohberger is scheduled to appear in the courthouse to be arraigned on
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four counts on first degree murder. at this point the court liaison is not confirming whether he will appear in person or virtually. this morning's arraignment comes unexpectedly. he was initially scheduled for a preliminary hearing next month but it was canceled after the grand jury last week indicted kohberger on four counts of murder. he is accused of stabbing to death four university of idaho students. they were all found dead on their shared home november 13th. kohberger will be given the option to plea. the judge could set a trial date this morning. the parents and victims will have the opportunity to watch on a private feed.
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the family of madison mogan will be in court today. they plan to make the accused killer uncomfortable. we'll be here throughout the day and keep you updated. >> dana: thank you. >> 30 tons. 30 tons of the explosive chemical ammonium nitrate have disappeared from a rail shipment out west. the chemical is used in fertilizer but also used in the deadly 1995 terror bombing of a federal building in oklahoma city. the company shipping the chemicals says the train left wyoming last month and arrived in california with one car completely empty. the company says it is investigating. >> dana: president biden meeting with ukraine president zelensky at the g7 and announcing hundreds of millions more in military aid for ukraine. will it be a game changer on the battlefield? we talk strategy with general
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jack keane next. healthcare turning into a luxury for older americans. what a study says about inflation's influence on the cost of prescription drugs. o. hey, guys! free bags! i've become a bit of an expert in suncare... an spf-icionando if you will. my bottle of choice? neutrogena ultra sheer. a lightweight blend that protects 6 layers deep with a smooth dry-touch finish. this round is on me. neutrogena ultra sheer. my little family is me, aria, and jade. just the three of us girls. i never thought twice about feeding her kibble. but about two years ago, i realized she was overweight. she was always out of breath. that's when i decided to introduce the farmer's dog to her diet. it's just so fresh that she literally gets bubbles in her mouth. now she's a lot more active,
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and the payments high. consolidate that car loan into a newday home loan and save hundreds every month. >> president biden announcing an additional paid package for ukraine. the president met with president zelensky at the g7 summit in japan yesterday promising the u.s. will stand by ukraine's side in its war effort as zelensky compares destruction in his country to. >> i am here for we hear the call of unity. instead of cities there is a wasteland. instead of houses, only rubble. we dream of rebuilding our cities now in ruins and every village where not a single house is left intact after russian
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strikes. >> let's bring in retired four star general jack keane. good morning. what is your takeaway from the g7 and that speech and the meetings? >> well, for the g7 i think the major thing is the focus itself, bret, was on china and russia. and the reality is they want to stop china from getting advanced technology. they want to push back on china's economic coerce around coercion around the world where the united states and leading democracies have less influence in africa, in lot latin america and middle east and they want to push back on china's militarism in the south china sea and the aggression to taiwan on a regular basis. with russia, there is absolutely a commitment here to support ukraine and visibility they gave
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to zelensky underscored that. secondly, they want to make certain they are curbing the sanctions, those countries participating in it. over time, countries have a way of getting around the sanctions. that's become visible now to the united states and others and we're going after 20 individuals, 104 entities in 22 countries. it is pretty significant play here to try to close the loopholes that are there. those are the major takeaways. >> there is disparity in between what the russians say about the offensive operations in bakhmut and what president zelensky says. as we look at a map of ukraine we've been talking about the possibility of this counter offensive. where are we right now as far as what's happening from your perspective? >> well, in terms of bakhmut,
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listen, the russians chose this as symbolic to achieve a victory ten months ago. they wanted to use bakhmut as the entry into taking the rest of the donetsk region. it is not an industrial base or port but they committed themselves to it and took huge amounts of casualties. ukrainians decided to stay the course even though it didn't have military value because they were destroying so many russians in the fighting that was taking place and knew they wouldn't have to fight them later. in the city now, ukrainians have some small part of the city left. they've been on the outskirts doing count he attacks to prevent the russians from using the city as they planned initially as a start point for something bigger. that will not happen due to the casualties and also due to terrain. ukrainians are occupying. big picture ukrainians are
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getting ready for the offensive in a couple weeks for sure. we expect them to retake territory and be somewhat decisive and being able to do that. this is a big play solely for zelensky to liberate his people and maintaining the support he has from the united states-led coalition. >> last thing. there is a lot of concern on capitol hill not just from republicans but others about making sure we know where the money is going, where the weapons are going. now you have the pentagon saying there is an accounting error, not a small one, $3 billion. national security advisor was on talking about that. take a listen. >> not one penny of u.s. dollars will have gone missing or have been misallocated. it will all be provided in the form of equipment to ukraine on the battlefield. of course it would be better to get it right in terms of the accounting up front. in the end, though, the pentagon discovered the error, the
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pentagon corrected the error and ukraine will get what it needs and the american taxpayer can be confident this money is being spent effectively and appropriately >> you have been accounting for things inside the army and elsewhere in the pentagon. $3 billion is not a small mistake. >> the thing about the pentagon is, bret, everything is big so even in accounting it is hard to get your head around a $3 billion accounting error. when you deal with the pentagon size is a factor here. they caught it, they are fixing it, and let's get on with helping the ukrainians. by the way, the ukrainians are working hard on making certain that there is not corruption, which they've had in the past inside their government and their country. they are holding people accountable who have misused some of the equipment, pushed contracts in the wrong way. they are facing criminal prosecution and they've been fired. that's a step in the right
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direction. i'm not saying there couldn't be problems but they are facing the realities of what they're dealing with. they have to make certain the equipment and money gets to the right place. >> general keane, always a pleasure to talk to you. thanks. >> take care, bret, thank you. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: a memorable week at the pga championship ending in the best possible way for a golf club pro from california michael block. he made an incredible hole in one. asking rory mcilroy if it even went in. >> the fairytale story. it gets better [cheers and applause] >> no way.
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no way. rory, did it go in? >> dana: the crowd going nuts after the ball went in at the 15th hole. block was the only club professional who qualified for the major to make the cut. his celebration with mcilroy well deserved. he got invited to something for next week. >> he got invited to the colonial in ft. worth, texas. he gets an exception. we have video of him seeing that. >> if you tell me i'll start crying right now. >> i am going to tell you what i'm about to tell you. we would love for you to come play in our golf tournament and we have an executive available and love for you to be there this week. >> dana: that's great. i wonder what kind of pants he is going to wear. >> such a great story, dana. it was incredible. brooks koepka won but the story
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line for this local club pro to not only finish but finish 15th so he gets invited to the pga next year. then he gets the exception to colonial next week. it was an awesome story to watch. the hole in one was fantastic. >> dana: i understand he has to buy a round of drinks for everybody with the hole in one. i'm sure he was happy. >> he got the biggest paycheck of his life. >> dana: check this out now. >> they say regarding the hostility toward african-americans in florida, do you feel hostility? >> no. again, this is so dumb. i don't know what we're talking about. the only hostility i feel is inflation hitting my pocketbook, i'll tell you that. >> the naacp issuing a formal travel advisory against florida. what's prompting that and how governor ron desantis is responding. plus the f.b.i. is being accused of using a powerful surveillance tool on everyday americans and wait until you hear who was targeted.
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(funky electronic music) (narrator) benefits. invest in.ompliance. believe in. move in. grow in. build in. thrive in. all in north carolina. ranked america's top state for business. >> the spacex dragon capsule that launched yesterday docking now at the international space station after a 16-hour journey. the passengers include two saudis including the first woman from saudi arabia to go to space
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and an american businessman. this is the second commercial flight to the i.s.s. the crew will spend a week at the international space station conducting research that could one day help cancer patients here on earth. >> dana: the naacp is calling for tourists to stay away from florida issuing a travel advisor over policies like restricting school investment in diversity, equity and inclusion program. they said florida is openly hostile toward african-americans, people of color and lgptq plus individuals. state of florida devall use and marginalizes the challenges faced by african-americans and other communities of color. byron donalds fired right back. >> i don't know what the naacp is talking about. this is silly and dumb and political. it makes no sense. we should be focused on making sure people have the opportunity
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to achieve, which florida is actually doing and thriving in way better than other states let's say new york or california or washington state. we're doing a significantly better job helping black americans succeed. it is not just about pe but all the millions of black people that live in our state. >> dana: dave rubin is host of the rubin report. you moved from california to florida. your take. i think the naacp is looking for publicity. they're getting it. so is ron desantis. >> look, every word that the naacp put out in that statement is complete and utter nonsense. it is true that we are eliminating diversity, equity and inclusion from our institutions in florida. but that is racism when you whittle everyone down to their skin color and decide who can get into what school or what job or whatever else it might be. byron donalds is completely correct. if you want to come to florida,
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regardless of the color of your skin and you want to enjoy our fresh air and good weather and low taxes and strong infrastructure and safe cities, things of that nature, you should be here. there is absolutely nothing racist going on in florida. there is far more racism happening in new york and california. the naacp might want to look at how many people were shot in chicago this past weekend. 21 people shot in chicago this past weekend. i'm sure they were all black. that did not happen here in the free state of florida. >> dana: call for number two. florida tourism are off the charts. 137.5 million tourists visited florida last year and spent $120 billion in 2019. dave, can i ask you, they include the lgptq plus community in this. why? >> first off, dana, there is no
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such thing as the lgbtq plus community. the ls, gs and -- the trans activists, radicals who want to deny biology and cause damage to a kid who might be a 15-year-old gay boy or a girl who grows up to be a lesbians or straight. there is no group out there that is more anti-gay than the trans movement. so there is nothing going on here that is stopping gay people or even trans people, by the way, from living fully actual lives in florida. no laws about what adults can do with their lives or in the privacy of their own home. the only thing desantis has done related to this that has gotten the entire mainstream media in an uproar he doesn't want doctoring per formers putting on sexual shows in front of
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children. that has nothing to do with sexuality or anything else. there is a reason you have age of consent and things of that nature and unfortunately, dana, the media just lies about absolutely everything. black people are flourishing in florida and gay people are flourishing in florida because it is a state of freedom. the amount of tourism that comes here and 1200 people a day who are still moving here regardless of their skin color or sexuality. >> dana: we'll see how it plays into, if at all, governor desantis, planning to announce for president this week. thank you, dave. >> thanks. climate protest in italy going very dark. taking a dip in the fountain and dying the water black there. plus recreational marijuana among teens not as harmless as
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many seem to think. dr. marc siegel joins us next on the scary findings in a recent study.
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activists climbing into a fountain in rome. one of the city's most famous tourist attractions. poured charcoal into the water to turn it black. police waded into the water and dragged the protestors out. >> bret: a new study shows how inflation is affecting healthcare for elderly americans.
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one in five were delayed in taking prescriptions last year. dr. marc siegel, good morning. this is a big deal. >> good morning. this is a big deal. it has a lot to do with the fact that as people get over 65 they are on a fixed income and with inflation, they may not be able the afford the co-pay or the co-payment they may have or even with a reduction or some kind of discount card they may not be able to afford it. the problem is that the formularies are restricted now. what was really interesting about this study out of vanderbilt was actually when they were asked they said if our physician would only get guidance to alternative medicines we'd take it. 80 to 90% of seniors surveyed said that. doctors have restricted time and may not know the answer and generic alternatives may not be
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available because they may be short. >> bret: that's another part of this. the drug shortages. you have the national active drug shortages by quarter over the last five years and you can see quarter one in 2018, 2021, 2023 and the numbers are going up. some of these drugs are not available currently. >> not only that, this is another piece of the seniors' problem. the intermediary is sucking up the profit. the pharmacy benefit managers are negotiating with generics from off shore and even in the united states and saying here is the price. as long as i get my profit we'll get it across and get it into the hands of the people who need it the most. the generic companies shutdown if they aren't guaranteed they have a buyer. 300 drugs short in the america right now. that's twice what the fda says.
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chemotherapy, antibiotics, heart drugs, these are crucial, lifesaving drugs. we rely on generics not made in the united states. supply chain issues and not available. huge public health crisis. >> bret: another topic here, casual pot. a new study finding that use of it can be harmful to teens. the teens who use cannabis recreationally were up to three times more likely to be diagnosed with depression and suicidal thoughts. we talk about efforts to legalize and say it is not a big deal. this study suggests otherwise especially for teens. >> i think this is hugely important. this is in the journal of the american medical association looking at 2000 teens. here is the headline. it is not just cannabis use disorder, it is not just teens smoking pot every day. it is people that are using it
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and probably using it more than they're saying, three times as likely to have depression, suicidal thoughts, problems with school, and you know what the real reason for this is, bret? because pot isn't what it used to be. now the amount of active ingredient or thc has gone from 1.5% to 30%. kids think they get something they can deal with and they really are not. it is on the side of the buyer, the cartels that are pushing this stuff and kids are in trouble. depression, suicidal thoughts and problems in school as a result. >> bret: you add fentanyl and it is a dangerous situation. as always, dr. siegel, thank you. >> dana: the marine veteran charged in the subway death of a homeless man reportedly threatening passengers speaking out for the first time and a grand jury could hear the case as early as today. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. bill hemmer is off today. good morning, bret. >> bret:


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