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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  May 22, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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trey jones iii is an outfielder for texas a & m and part of senior day. i might make that my one more thing. >> bret: that is really good. you take all the sports stories. i get this now. >> dana: it used to be bill. i threw a fit and now i have to read them. i'm not very good. harris faulkner is up next. >> harris: we look live now at the childhood hometown of senator tim scott. this is north charleston, south carolina. senator scott expected to officially announce a 2024 presidential run. the republican field, as you know from the gop nomination, is growing quickly. we're showing you the candidates that have declared at this point. former president donald trump, u.n. ambassador nikki haley, former v.p. mike pence, viv he
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can ramaswamy. larry elder. we take you to south carolina as the story begins. president biden and mccarthy are meeting today to talk about the debt. biden waited is long to come to the table to avoid default on trillions of dollars our nation owes. if they don't raise the debt ceiling to cover america's bills and interest it would send shock waves through u.s. financial markets risking possible bankruptcies, potential, irreversible standing to the u.s. standing in the global economy. politics biden style here. commander-in-chief is blaming maga republicans. the gop says biden wants a default more than a deal. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." ten days -- ten days drash re secretary janet yellen sending out a warning june 1st she says
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is the hard deadline to raise the nation's debt limit. the president with this. >> president biden: i've done my part. now it is time for the other side to move from their extreme positions because much of what they've already proposed is simply quite frankly unacceptable. >> would you be blameless if we defaulted? >> president biden: on the merits based on what i offered i would be blameless. on the politics of it no one would be blameless. >> harris: he offered something, he says. the republicans did. they passed a plan in the house. texas senator ted cruz fired right back. >> he could take default off the table. joe biden doesn't want to take default off the table. why? because he wants to scare monger. he wants to scare people into saying look at this bad thing that i, joe biden, am threatening will happen. the only result is to leave $32 trillion in debt.
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>> harris: polling shows most americans favor the spending cuts that the republicans want. a whopping 70% of people believe default would be a huge issue for our economy. hard to get 70% of people to agree on much of anything. republican congressman andy biggs of the great state of arizona in "focus." first let's go to senior congressional correspondent chad pergram on capitol hill. >> good morning. this is crunch week. even if there is an accord between the president and house speaker kevin mccarthy, they need to sell it to members. a chasm remains over what to spend and what to cut. >> i haven't seen the president today and we'll sit down and talk about it. the underlying issue here the democrats since they took the majority have been addicted to spending and it will spot. we will spend less than they spent last year. >> they talk at the white house late this afternoon. talks just resumed among white
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house aides and mccarthy deputies at the capitol. >> what are we expecting today, steve? >> just going up to work. >> how much further do you have to go? is everything going to hinge on the meeting this afternoon with the president? >> sorry, don't have any other comments. >> mccarthy believes that liberals like bernie sanders are pushing the president to extremes especially when advocating for more spending and using the 14th amendment to deal with the debt crisis. >> well, he really wags the dog. when aoc or bernie sanders said something he shifts the other way. he has shifted to the socialist wing of the party. >> the precise cocktail of votes to avoid default is tricky. mccarthy needs 180 to 200 republicans to vote yes or face internal problems. fox is told 20gop members may
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vote no on anything besides the gop bill passed in april. >> harris: thank you for getting us started. republican congressman andy biggs of arizona, also co-chair of the border security caucus. great to have you in "focus." let's start where chad pergram left off. 180 to 200 republicans must be a yes. would you be a yes? >> we don't know what they are talking about yet. we know they are meeting. we know that the president wants to spend more money. he wants to continue deficit spending and he doesn't want to bring the number down that you have to increase the debt ceiling that he is asking to increase the debt ceiling. all those pressures indicate that he is actually more intractable perhaps today than he was even a week or so ago. we don't know what we are even talking about right now, harris. >> harris: let me follow up. you want to bring down the number for the debt ceiling
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itself and yet we still would be able to pay our bills. explain. >> yeah. you have to bend the spending curve. people forget this. we bring about $4 hundred billion a month in tax revenue but spend $5 hundred billion a month. those are rough numbers. if you can bend your spending curve down so that you don't have to have a deficit spend of $1 hundred billion a month you might start so if you have to increase your debt limit, you can do it at a lower rate than otherwise. but right now that's not what this administration wants to do. in some instances they talked about raising spending. >> harris: i'm glad you explained that because that's beyond embarrassing that we can't figure out that when you bring in less than you spend. if run your household like that they'll get your house.
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you can't live like that. >> no individual, no company can last very long. it is only in this make believe bubble that we have here where we keep spending money and think we can just keep spending money. >> harris: the president says he has done his part. i still am not clear what that is yet. he says he is blameless when it comes to the debt ceiling talks. very different narrative than this campaign promise. let's watch. >> harry truman said it. it means no excuses. it means taking responsibility. the ultimate responsibility for the biggest decisions in the world. >> harris: your reaction. >> oh my, oh my. >> harris: you are laughing. >> what do you say to that? here is a guy that refused to negotiate at all, harris. and then when he refused to negotiate, so the house said
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we'll go ahead and put a plan out there. we put a plan up and he said he still won't negotiate. the house put a plan out about a month ago and he refused to negotiate. chuck schumer should have taken it up. that's what you do with legislation. he should have taken it up. had his vote. done whatever he thought should be done, and then we would have a conference committee and on our way. that's not what has happened here. he has basically said i'll use the 14th amendment, which is bogus on its face. then he said we'll spend more money, then he said we'll spend less money. he doesn't know what his position is. for him to say he is blameless is absolutely utterly ridiculous. >> harris: that part you just mentioned that he doesn't even know what his position is. that is toxic and powerfully working against what the nation needs right now in this conversation. look, they have just resumed their talks, mccarthy and biden's deputies and what you
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are saying is we're not getting realtime reports on that conversation. maybe it wouldn't help if we did, i don't know. to have too much public. the fact that it is clear to you that the president doesn't even have an articulating position on things is frightening. all right. the f.b.i. is facing fierce criticism after special counsel john durham's scathing report found no basis for the russia collusion investigation and whistleblower retaliation. jim jordan said this. >> in the end, money always gets people's attention. so what we'll have to do is say f.b.i., you can't use federal tax dollars or the american tax dollars for this kind of activity. we have to limit how they spend the money and we have to exercise our authority, the power of the purchase, to limit what the federal government and f.b.i. and justice department are doing to the american people. >> harris: a new op-ed says the
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f.b.i. gets an f in trust due to the recent scandals. but show absolutely no remorse. it argues with its credibility at rock bottom each day brought the fresh scandal and yet from the bureau's public statements there is no remorse. congressman. >> that's exactly right. so you've got whistleblowers who the democrats in congress are saying are not whistleblowers even though they have done everything they are required to do to be a whistleblower. the f.b.i. saying no problem. not only did they come under intense scrutiny under durham's report, don't forget they also blew up fisa over 200,000 times that they had mistakes and errors in fisa compliance. so they are spying on american people. they impacted the 2016 election and impacted the 2020 election
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what they chose to suppress and what they chose to provide as disinformation to the american people. that's on the table and what they want is they want a $4 billion new taj mahal facility for their headquarters. they don't want to have any restructuring at all. no reforms at all and then they expect us to just continue to go along as sheep that they get to spy and abuse. >> harris: give me a number on the building the f.b.i. wants. >> $4 billion. >> harris: we found $3 billion extra for ukraine. we have a lot of money. i haven't seen the changes the f.b.i. will make. their ability to change for the better. let's move forward. i want to keep you for this breaking news. this is a live look here from our fox flight team. border patrol rounding up a large group of illegal immigrants along a rio grande. agents are dealing with thousands of people waiting to
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cross into the united states. we know it's ticked back up and seen massive groups waiting in mexico since title 42 was lifted earlier this month. look, the weather, just like a lull. look at this now, congressman. >> harris, that lull that you saw was the cartels trying to figure out what our reaction would really be post title 42 going away. they will open up the floodgates again and something we predicted last week. i'm just going to tell you they are not vetting these people. they are releasing them and we found more people on the terrorist watch list of those that they do -- were able to vet. you can only vet those people because of certain databases. most countries don't share with us. we don't have that information. we have no idea whether these people are coming in have benign intentions to the united states. >> harris: the gotaways are in
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the tens of thousands with the influx. i hope and pray that the border states are ready. we know the governor greg abbott in texas is mobilized and building his own wall out of wire and it is helping to stem the tide in some area. arizona, too. your state is doing as much as it can. wouldn't it be great if the white house would help? thank you. a live look in. senator tim scott set to take the stage at any moment. officially to say he is running for the white house in 2024. there are a couple of remarks coming up. this beautiful national anthem. kellyanne conway said republican candidates should stay focused on a single objective. >> don't forget that joe biden doesn't deserve a second term and that should be the way we begin and end every paragraph about the 2024 primary election. >> harris: she has told me no
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matter who the nominee is on the right, vote. that's what she is saying. the sitting president is facing challenges from within his own political party and some, one of them, a kennedy, could pose the threat to a biden second term. lee carter in "focus" next. ♪
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>> ron desantis made some huge mistakes, i think, focusing on the woke issues rather than what he has done in florida why he was so popular to begin with. i think tim scott with his
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message of optimism saying he has a plan to restore the american dream. bring us back to where we were before, he has a real opportunity. people haven't heard from him yet and why his polling is so low. donald trump will be difficult to beat, no doubt about it in a primary. he is sort of impulsive. unpredictable. anything and everything that happened -- i think tim scott will carve out a unique lane for himself. >> harris: you think senator tim scott knows his lane. my brain just breaks when you say the other candidates can't find their lane. you have to go through trump. you have to take him on. we haven't seen desantis do it and hasn't declared. maybe it will change in the next coming days to a week reportedly. we haven't seen anybody take him on. certainly not his former employee, his cabinet secretary of the u.n., ambassador nikki haley. she said some things and kind of gotten around it, but visually
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you have to go through him. >> no doubt about it. whoever everybody is reacting to is the one that's winning. everybody is reacting to donald trump on the right and left. if the rest of the field doesn't take him on and show why they're better and trump is unfit it won't work. >> harris: the debt ceiling helps in terms of the conversation how people will suffer and what's at stake. he is better positioned right now to probably talk about that than anybody in the field because he has had the job before. >> that's right. one of donald trump's things he keeps saying none of this would have happened if i was in office. we wouldn't in the situation in ukraine. the economy wouldn't be where it is. it resonates with a lot of folks. they want things to be better than they are. 80% of americans are saying they are worse off today than when joe biden took office. >> harris: it's not just a feeling they're having.
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in the 21st century russia had not invaded a neighbor under only one president's watch. that is president trump. russia did what it wanted in other president's watches in the 21st century. not like people are wrong. >> that's right. when you look at joe biden's approval rating. immigration, he is underwater, gun reform he is under water, economy under water. not a single thing theme are saying that he has done well. donald trump can say i did better on all these issues. you will feel better if i'm back. >> harris: i want to bring in leo terrell. we know him as a civil rights attorney, of course. we also know him as somebody who watches a lot of politics. leo, thank you for being with me. i want to talk a little bit about what this does to biden. because biden really, really made some people angry, particularly in new hampshire, do they even put his name on the ballot to put south carolina first so you could get the black
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vote? leo, how does senator tim scott getting in the race in south carolina as a black man complicate things for biden. >> i think it makes it very difficult. biden is relying on the black vote in south carolina. you are right how he skipped over new hampshire. i think what biden has tried to do is demonize black voters who are republicans. tim scott represents the best of black voters and a black politician who happens to be a republican. harris, black men are leaving the democratic party and joining the republican party. i would submit to you that tim scott would hurt biden in south carolina because black voters have an alternative. the alternative is the republican party. >> harris: quickly, lee, you are nodding your head. senator scott is walking onto the stage. we don't want to miss the top of his comments. real quickly. >> there is no doubt republicans
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are making progress with black voters. >> harris: let's watch. >> hello, south carolina! wow! [cheers and applause] god bless you. thank you so much. thank you. thank you very much, thank you. all right. thank you, thank you, thank you. i can't dance, you know that already. how is everyone doing today? [cheers and applause] i will say you all look fantastic. what a great place to be. i will say without any question i am so happy to be back in north charleston, south carolina. [cheers and applause] and i can't tell you how much i mean this from the depths of my heart. i am so proud to be an american.
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i hope you are. are you proud to be an american? [cheers and applause] i can't hear you. i can't hear you. i can't hear you. [cheers and applause] oh, yeah. america is the greatest nation on god's green earth. [cheers and applause] and our greatness doesn't come from politicians. it doesn't come from the government. it comes from we, the people. [cheers and applause] we, the people. and i'll tell you, when i think about the greatness of america, i have to start with my favorite american, my amazing mother. [cheers and applause] where is my mama? [cheers and applause]
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i love you, mom. it is hard to find your mama in a crowd this big. and so diverse, too. let me say this to my mother, thank you for your hard work and your dedication. thank you for believing in me when no one else did. i tell you, that before -- the longer you shout, the longer it goes. i don't mind, this is good. i have to go back to washington next week. this is all the fun i get to have. i will say without any question that when you think about -- mom, come up here for a second. when you think about the miracle of america, it always comes down to someone who loves
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unconditionally, who goes the extra mile, who is tough as nails and puts it all on the line. and for me, you be careful back there now. for me it's my mom. [cheers and applause] now, if you've heard my story, and most of you have heard my story, i will tell it again anyway, by the way. i can't believe my little buddy took my best line, by the way. it's amazing. but i will say this, mom. i love you. thank you for your sacrifice. thank you for standing strong in the middle of the fire. you should thank her, too. [cheers and applause] amazing. i also say this, though. when i was growing up in a single parent household, there
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was a guy from the citadel john. he was the mentor i needed at that time and one of my mentors, larry ellison is with us today and i have so many different mentors in the house. there was a guy named john who mattered so much. and i think janice is with us today somewhere. janice is over here. come here, janice. so for those of you unaware of this, when i was a kid growing up and failing out of school and my nephew told a part of the story, it was janice's husband, then, john, who caught me at the right time, who helped me survive some really hard times. and for those of you who wonder if it's possible for a broken
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kid and a broken home to rise beyond their circumstances, the answer is yes. [cheers and applause] and for those of you who wonder if america is a racist country, take a look. at how people come together, all of god's people come together, black ones and white ones and red ones and brown ones working together because love, unconditional love, binds hearts together. we are not defined by the color of our skin. we are defined by the content of our character and if anyone tells you anything different, they are lying. [cheers and applause] i wanted to present both of you.
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thank you, jordan. jordan is janice's granddaughter and my mother gave her flowers when she was first born. i wanted to return the favor to these two women who made this possible. [cheers and applause] all right, let's get the speech started. this also means going back to the beginning of the speech. there you go. we live in the land of opportunity.
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we live in the land where it is absolutely possible for a kid raised in poverty in a single parent household in a small apartment to one day serve in the people's house, and maybe even the white house. [cheers and applause] this is the greatest nation on god's green earth. today i'm thinking back to my grandfather, born in 1921 in south carolina in the deep south. by the time he was in the third grade he was forced out of school, his education was over and forced to pick cotton. he lived long enough to watch his grandson pick out a seat in
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congress. [cheers and applause] that's the evolution of the country we live in. my family went from cotton to congress in his lifetime. [cheers and applause] and it was only -- it was only possible because my grandfather had a stubborn faith. faith in god, faith in himself, and faith in what america would be. he looked beyond the pain of his present and he saw the promise of his future. that black man, who struggled through the jim crow south, believed then what some doubt now in the goodness of america. [cheers and applause] i was seven years old when my parents divorced.
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we moved in with my grand parents. my mom and my brother, we all three shared one bed and one bedroom in that 700 square foot rental home. my grandfather said to me son, you can be bitter or you can be better. but you can't be both. you see, he chose patriotism over pity. he focused on the wind shield shield of his life and not the review mirror. and today i'm living proof that america is the land of opportunity and not a land of oppression. [cheers and applause] amen, amen, amen, amen, amen. but you see, this isn't just my story. it is all of our stories. the circumstances and the
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situations may be different, the details may change, but every single one of us are here because of the american journey. where there were obstacles, they became opportunities. and our pain revealed our purpose. if you believe that, can somebody say amen? [cheers and applause] but unfortunately, under president biden, our nation is retreating away from patriotism and faith. the fewest people in 30 years believe that their kids will be better off than their parents. and the radical left is pushing us into a culture of grievance, instead of a culture of
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greatness. my mom worked 16 hour days as a nurse's aide changing bedpans and rolling patients. it was hard work, not glamorous. those 16 hour days put food on the table and kept the lights on and empowered her to move her boys out of a place filled with pain into a home filled with love. my mom's work ethic taught me there is dignity in all work. that's why -- [cheers and applause] and that's why i know if you are able bodied, you work, period. everybody should go to work if you can. my mom said to me son, you can
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be a victim or we can be victors. she chose victorious. [cheers and applause] but under president biden, our nation is retreating away from work and dignity. millions and millions of people have dropped out of the workforce entirely. and the share of working-acknowledge men choosing to work is the lowest it has ever been. that's pathetic.anyone from
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anywhere at any time could rise above their wildest expectations and imagination. but first i had to take responsibility for myself. he told me in the most loving way possible to look in the mirror and to blame myself.
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he said don't blame your mom who is working those 16attended fou
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elementary schools when i was in fourth grade. my nephew shared so publicly, wow, little ben, my little buddy, gosh darn, thanks so much for that. by time i was a freshman in high school i wasn't doing well. i failed four subjects, spanish and english, world geography and civics. [laughter] now, for those of you not familiar with civics, civics is the study of politics.
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[laughter] i will say this, though. i will say this, i will say this, though. after ten years in the senate, i am not the only one failing civics in the nation's capital. i'm not the only one failing civics in america's capital. [cheers and applause] but that is where i found my unhappy self. my mom was a tireless encourager and she still is. but when she saw my report card that year at the end, come on, come on, she said. come on. i wish that's what she said. but she had a different approach. she introduced me to a different form of encouragement. it was applied from right about here all the way down to here.
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y'all know what i'm talking about? good. then you realize i went to summer school, caught up with my class and never failed another subject for the rest of my life. [cheers and applause] thank god for a good mama. i started college on a very small football scholarship at a christian school. that's where i learned that jesus was my life and football just a game. i found my true hope in the words in ephesians 3:20. god is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or imagine. i graduated, hallelujah, i graduated with a degree in
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political science from charleston southern university. [cheers and applause] home of the bucks. you see, i have lived the closest thing to magic in america is a good education. but today the far left has us retreating away from excellence in schools. they're letting big labor bosses trap millions of kids in failing schools. they are replacing education with indoctrination. they spent covid locking kids out of the classroom and now they are locking kids out of their futures. in biden's america, crime is on the rise and law enforcement is in retreat.
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the far left is ending cash bails, they are demonizing and defunding the police. i grew up in neighborhoods alongside people who ended up incarcerated or in the cemetery. we needed more public safety, not less. we cannot have innocent people at risk. police officers getting ambushed and attacked and seniors locked in their homes from the time the sun goes down until the sun comes up. joe biden and the radical left are attacking every single rung of the ladder that helped me climb and that's why i'm announcing today that i am running for president of the united states of america!
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[cheers and applause] thank you. thank you. thank you. you see, they are attacking our american values, our schools, our economy, and our security. but not on my watch. not on my watch. that won't work. i cannot stand by while this is done to america. she has done too much for me. our nation, our values, and our
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people are strong, but our president is weak. america is not a nation -- >> harris: he is looking for a live microphone right now. we aren't sure if it was happening in the studio. we just heard no sound for a while. let's listen back in and see if they can track anything that he is saying. let's watch.
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>> let's see if this one works. all right. under joe biden, our nation is not a nation in decline. under joe biden we have become a nation in retreat. retreating from our heritage and our history. retreating from personal responsibility and hard work. retreating from strength and security, even retreating from religious liberty and the worship of god himself. they say opportunity in america is a myth. and faith in america is a fraud. but the truth of my life disproves their lies. [cheers and applause]
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the good news is, all we need to do is turn around. on my first day as commander-in-chief, the strongest nation on earth will stop retreating from our southern border. [cheers and applause] if you don't control your back door, it is not your house. and if our southern border is unsafe and insecure, it is not our country. hundreds of people on our terrorist watch list are crossing our borders, chinese nationals are flooding to mexico to break in. joe biden and kamala harris are doing nothing when 70,000 americans lose their lives to fentanyl. every county in this country has
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become a border county. the left shut down -- the left shut down our schools and churches in the name of slowing a virus but they won't secure the border to protect our families from fentanyl. when i -- when i am president, the drug cartels using chinese labs and mexican factories to kill americans will cease to exist. [cheers and applause] i will freeze their assets, i will build the wall, and i will allow the world's greatest military to fight these terrorists because that's exactly what they are. [cheers and applause] security starts on our border
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but it doesn't end there. we have spent decades getting deeper and deeper into debt to the chinese communist party. their goal is not just to surpass us, their goal is to beat us. i am reminded of a bible verse proverbs 22:seven that says borrower is slave to the lender. it goes beyond our finances, though. it is about our supply chains, it's about medicines and micro chips and critical minerals. it is about china buying american farmland infiltrating our airspace and tracking our kids. about president xi siding with putin and iran. america can win this competition but joe biden cannot. [cheers and applause]
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better looking brother. 85 years of combined military service between them. [cheers and applause] when i'm president, our service members will have every tool they need and our veterans will have every resource they deserve. [cheers and applause]
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and we will not try to be the world's police. not our job. but we will always defend america's national vital interests and our people. wherever they are. and we will win the next century by the strength of our economy. china started this new economic cold war but america, we're going to finish it. [cheers and applause] i was the lead -- i was one of the lead authors of the republican tax reform bill that slashed taxes for families, brought jobs and investment back from overseas and created my signature legislation, the opportunity zones that brought billions of dollars back into the poorest communities that have been left behind. we created high employment, low
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inflation, and the fastest growing economy for the working class people we've seen in 50 years. that was just one bill. imagine what we could do with an entire agenda. [cheers and applause] i will be the president who ramps up research and development, reclaims our supply chains and reenergizes our manufacturing base with opportunity zones 2.0 and an entire made in america agenda. [cheers and applause] i see an era of exponential innovation where new medical cures and cheaper drugs and lower healthcare costs become the norm. lengthening the lives of our
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citizens. where law enforcement has advanced equipment to keep each and every one of them safe. [cheers and applause] where americans, where we have huge new american factories creating high-paying american jobs, running on plentiful, cheap, american energy. [cheers and applause] but america cannot be safe or secure if we sink into a cultural quicksand here at home. as president, i will rebuild and restore every rung of the ladder that helped me climb. [cheers and applause] because i want my story to pale
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in comparison to your stories. as president, i will motivate, inspire, and require every able-bodied citizen to take responsibility and go to work. [cheers and applause] we will back the blue, secure our streets, and finally make it a federal crime to kill, ambush, or assault a cop in this country. [cheers and applause] i will lead a revolution for excellence in our schools. less crt and more abcs. i will not rest until every
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family has a choice. and every parent has a voice. giving every child a chance. [cheers and applause] and no child -- and no child should be forced to attend failing schools simply because they live in the wrong zip code. [cheers and applause] i will be the president who destroys the liberal lie that america is an evil country. [cheers and applause] i think back a couple years ago when i addressed the nation and i said america is not a racist country. we need to stop canceling our founding fathers and start celebrating them for the geniuses that they were. [applause]
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they weren't perfect but they believed that we could become a more perfect union. finally, my grandfather's stubborn faith was not just faith in the goodness of america, it was faith in god himself. [cheers and applause] i will be the president who stops the far left's assault on our religious liberty. i will preserve one nation, under god, indi visible, with liberty and justice for all! [cheers and applause] yes, i will. yes, i will. we'll be the nation where we
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honor our creator and respect every innocent life. [cheers and applause] this is who we are. this is who we can be. this is the freest, fairest land where you can go as high as your character and your grit and talent will take you. i bear witness to that. i testify to that. that's why i'm the candidate the far left fears the most. [cheers and applause] you see, when i cut your taxes, they called me a prop. when i refunded the police, they called me a token. when i pushed back on president
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biden, they even called me the n word. i disrupt their narrative. i threaten their control. the truth of my life disrupts their lies. [applause] i will proclaim these truths from the highest mountaintop and i will proclaim these truths in the deepest valleys, i will take our message to the boardrooms, but i will also take it to the classrooms. i will take it to a gymnasium filled with friends, but i will also take it to an inner city church. i have lived the american dream. i hold these truths to be self-evident that all men and women are created equal endowed by our creator with the right to be free. our party and our nation are
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standing at a time for choosing. victimhood or victory. victimhood or victory. >> victory! >> victimhood or victory. >> victory. >> grievance or greatness. i choose freedom and hope and opportunity. will you choose it with me? >> yes! >> will you join me as messengers of hope and visionaries that believe that the strength of our ideas can change our nation again? i will. let's go!
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let's go! let's go! . let's go! let's go!


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