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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 22, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> programming note, tomorrow live audience show and wednesday as well, tomorrow senator cruz judge pirro will be in studio. go set your dvr, never miss an episode. laura ingraham has a kicking show ahead. >> don't you miss me when i'm not in new york? isn't it like tumble weeds through there? >> i'm glad you've been coming up to new york. if you came up once a week we would do a segment. >> abandon my children? i wouldn't do that for you. >> i love your children. they're great. >> just give them a waurnl and
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carton of cigarettes and they'll be fine. >> those are the good old days. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" from washington everyr. where is al? that's the focus on the. this is only one thing worse than al sharpton claim to go care about black people, it's al and one of his protege's claiming to care about black people. >> first time we had convictions after police officer like that in tall years that i've been involved and this was monumental. >> you've said the template on how to do these cases. >> all of us remember you talked about get off our neck. you remember that was such an important moment and were you a voice for the people because of the press dent you laid down and many others.
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>> al sharpton? did he say a voice for the people? please. just remember, they always care more than anyone else, always, specially if it's police involved like the tragic case of george floyd. >> cared about the family the human price that people paid to lose a loved one. >> well you know people who lose their loved ones to police brutal friday crime victims and any prosecutor worth his or her salt is going to make their victim center so this is something i've felt compelled to do. >> neither keith ellison from minnesota more al sharpton are anything but racial opportunists. so if a crime can offer a political opportunity or financial payday they might get prominently involved and on the
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nuts and bolts issues that plague the black community the racial industrial complex is nowhere to be found or working the black community. how much is al sharpton devoted to the problem of black gang violence? minneapolis? >> my child can't play in the yard. i hear for gunshot a night. >> there's so much drug trafficking. there's so much gang violence. >> i don't think anybody has seen with it bad. >> gang violence in minneapolis is so bad the fedex got involved doj issued indictment for gang members alleging members of the gangs called the highs and the bloods engaged in a brutal unrelenting trail of violence over years including revenge killings and alleged trafficking in fentanyl and methamphetamine. our own mike tobin to and active
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member of the gangster disciples about violence in the city. >> these gangs are reckless, real reckless and it's not organized no more. it used to be structure no women no kids. now it's just a free for all. >> who knows how many black residents of miss gangs they've killed takeover years? by either drugs or murder but is reverend al? wasn't he or one of his students mentoring him to keep them out of the gang because there's no fame in it. not a peep from sharpton about this savage attack six teens on bicycles appear to beat a white man in l.a. the video is disturbing. [shouting] >> where are the parents? where are the fathers?
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who raised them? where is al sharpton? because the victim looks like was white does this not counts as injustice in the good reverend's eyes? the reeve the social justice warriors don't care to address ion black attacks in long beach 53-year-old said her attacker yelled racial slurs at her before punching her face. i thought i was going to die, too scared to share her name the attackers are still on the loose. again, this is wanton violence for no reason, broken families, a criminal justice system that's overloaded and too often treats criminals like victims and victims like criminals. so, does al sharpton and his pals believe that racism is the reason that teens under 13 in maryland are stealing cars? i looked and i looked and i
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found no sign of al sharpton speaking out last week after this story out of objection enhill, maryland where a 14-year-old orchestrated and attempted murder on a school bus and these problems speak to broken homes deadbeat dads and marijuana use at a yuck age. if al spent as much advocating for fathers as he does against policing he would really have made a huge impact. now, issues that hurt minority families, open borders it's a nightmare for inner city america. it uses services and crowds school but al wants to let in more illegals not fewer. >> i spoke to the head of
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homeland security mayorkas and said they must stop immediate threw deportation. >> from 2018 he thinks the borders should be a workers turn style and always spinning. >> corporations certain people who get certain rights can go back and forth across the border seeking out the lowest wages but regular people cannot go back and forth across the border seeking highest wages. >> the cartels can now. how is that working out for us? of course all an open border does other than fill or city with drugs is drive down wage's for workers in tons. hustlers don't care. to stay in lock step with democrats they support policies that would leave law abiding african-americans defenseless. >> i think that the real is what they're fighting about, which is still alive with two shootings just yesterday and where are we going to arrive and when are we
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going to arrive dealing with gun control? that's the issue here. >> now the real issue here is the democrats grandstand on race and don't do a thing to offer solutions and where were self appointed civil rights icons when fauci and wine garret enwere pushing for lockdown's during covid? minorities lost education mental illness depression. ies was easy to predicts as we did on the angle but not the not so reverend reverend. he just toed the party line. pot legalization has been a nightmare for states where tried and disastrous for black and hispanic youth. sharpton is all for it. >> the question of medical marijuana and the question of decriminalization it is a natural fit. it should be a civil right for
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people to maintain and enhance their health. blacks cannot be the ones that go the jail and others go to the bank. >> we see the pattern here. the fact is al sharpton and his kind have been crusaders for the left on every social and economic policy that has deeply wounded the black community and simultaneously inflame racial tensions all for their own political and economic benefit. it is sick and a twisted game they're playing and i can't help but hope that more black voters see through the charade before any damage done or lives lost. next time you see a horrific crime and ask, where is al? you might look in the msnbc green room. that's the angle. joining me pastor corey brooks ceo of project hood and senior fellow at the hoover institution
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and pastor you have seen so much and we have talked about what is really hurting inner city america today. is all sharpton addressing those core issues that really plague especially black families? >> well, you know, i don't understand why certain leaders, certain black leaders amid the chaos promote and prioritize other lives over other people, high profile cases seem to get attention when our community is faced with so many issues single parent household, bad educational system we are dealing, with we have violence that we are dealing with every single day there. are so many issues we are faced with but yet our leaders continue to try to make us think that white supremacy is the number one thing we aunt's to be concerned with when it's definitely not the number one initial the black community.
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>> victor, kamala harris spoke at the witt to a group of african-american small business owners, and this is what she said. >> we do talk about equity. we actually believe it is a good principle. in spite what some so-called leaders might try to suggest, we are proud of the fact that equity is one of our guiding principles. proud of the fact that we understand equality is not important but not everybody starts out on the same base. >> victor, once again sort of dangling the racial spoils system instead of pushing for a strong economy which we saw during trump. >> kamala harris especially al sharpton have a dilemma because never has the black upper class middle classes had more influence more visibility more power more success whether it's barack obama or the women of the view or megan, they're very successful and should be proud of the hard work that obtained
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that success but at the same time, the inner city black communities in a crisis and when you look at these spikes in violence the data show that young black males are double their numbers in the demographic as commiters of hate crimes inner racial crimes, yet al sharpton or kamala harris cannot talk about the crime area because that's a source, they feel of their demagoguic power and they can't say that people are not being succeed null the black communities. you got to remember one thing. everybody should remember the the list of sharpton whether crown rights or fashion market he got his star by judging people on the color of their skin or religion. he promoted violence in cases where people died and lives got
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ruined and characteristic of saying terrible thing about jews about gays mormons and whites. that what is what he practiced and ate and he last resurrected in the obama years and come full circle and back where he always was and people seem surprised. this is what he always did. there was his mode of success whether not paying taxes owing millions of dollars, with impunity so waits very successful formula but people are tired of it. >> pastor i want to bring it back to chicago because this is over the weekend, this flash mob of 400 teens crash the armed forces carnival. watch this. [shouting]
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>> pastor brooks, again, don't hear from sharpton, don't hear from other so-called civil rights leaders but we have a total breakdown in basic human behavior across all of society but just in the inner city it's especially acute on the racial issue and you're seeing it here. >> absolutely. you know we often hear some of our so-called leaders say we need to speak truth to power but i believe if we are going speak truth to power we have to confront these issues we are face wendy's every day. we have to learned how to guide our youth out of the violence. we have to learn how to promote education promote family values, we have to have a strong community that does something on behalf of people but we turn to leaders who lead us away from family values and education and never say anything about young people taking part in violence
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and down this cycle we are going see not only in chicago in philadelphia in new orleans. >> oh yeah. >> all these urban centers are going to continue to have problems. we need leaders with influence who will speak to the issues our community is faced with every day. >> lift people up. try to lift people up not rip people apart which sadly a lot of these leaders. get back to god faith and family. >> yes. >> sorry pastor, victor you see this re-curran problem with attacks on asian americans. i said anti-asian hate crimes and they don't get play but in the "new york times" this year earlier there's a headline, crime concerns drove asian americans from new york democrats worries about public safety caused some of the once reliablely block to vote republican last year. victory see this trend
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continuing. >> it's also true of jews. they've been inordinarily attacked. no matter what the color of your skin is or your group if you fastback and stereotype and use violence against a collective other group then you're a racist and certain people who attack people because of the color of their skin are racist doesn't matter brown or black or wierkts weefd said particular groups because a long history of oppression cannot be raise igs. yet when we have violent racially motivated crimes if they're attacking people on race basis or demagoguing people let's adds midit. they're raise nice pastor brooks, victor thanks very much. ahead of addressing the problems facing the black community the race scripters want to punish the states that are offering the best opportunities for
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businesses and families. so you heard about the naacp issuing this travel advisory for the state of florida claiming it's openly hostile to african-americans. >> we should not use race or other tools to weaponize against people and unfortunately for a large percentage of the floridians, that's what we have done. so therefore we are advisings african-americans and others if you travel to florida, beware that your life is not valued, that we have a political landscape that could cause harm. >> joining me now florida congressman byron donald. how are you doing with all this hostility? it's a difficult place to represent, it's so hostile to african-americans. >> listen. i think it's dumb. i don't know what they're really talking about. i think they're more mad because they don't have a voice per se through the legislature, the governor is not had you
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listening to this kind of stuff and he shouldn't. black americans have been moving to florida for a long time they're thriving in our state. they're opening businesses in our state. their kids are actually going to school being educated in our state. the sky is the limit the sunshine is bright. don't know what the naacp is talking about. >> i'll tell you what's going on, ron desantis is running for president. >> yes. >> i'm at the gym, i don't know why i do this to myself, this is on msnbc they have the ncaa fort lauderdale president marsha ellison. listen so what she says. she gives it away. it's political. >> what we want to do is advise anyone who is travelling to florida to know about the hostile and racist policies they put into place by by the governor desantis and his supporters. so it's important to know that because as you know in a few days, there will be an important announcement that he is seeking high office.
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so the question is, do you wants these policies in your state? >> why doesn't she leave? why is she there representing the naacp because it's awful? >> florida is awesome. at the end of the day, what do we support, school choice giving every child white black hispanic doesn't matter giving them an opportunity to find the place they want. number 2 have the opportunity to raise your kids in peace to be able to walk down the street enjoy your community. that's what florida brings. you're going say that black people should be careful coming to our state? >> you heard the previous segment with pastor brooks and vdh. this is all they got. >> it is. >> this is all they're offering african-americans despair decline and the country is racist and i'm sorry. pot, despair and the country is raise igs. knob jobs. >> democrats know they're losing
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black man. their pockets aren't getting better. the economy is squeezing black families more. >> open borders kill it. they off area borrowings because we need more abortions. that's all they offer and tim scott running for president, the pleasant gals at the view had this comment. >> one of the issues that tim scott has is that he seems to think because i made it, everyone can make it ignoring again the fact he's the exception not the rule. [applause] >> until he's the he should stop talking about systemic racism. >> the clarence thomas syndrome. would we still dining out on that line? >> whoopy made it with a last name goldberg.
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sonny is doing good there. are black people in our country doing well. black families are forming at that time highest rate in 40 years. that's a good thing but they're haters because they're liberals first and foremost and cannot tolerate black people in this country saying i'm done with democrat policy because it doesn't work when you look eight because the democrats understand without black voters being loyal to them then they lose. period. >> how did barack and michelle make it? how was he a two term president with majority white vote? >> gave a good speech. >> how did he make it? >> the democrats, this is the only game they have because if you look at their policy whether you want to talk about currency economy border foreign affairs, crime, education, you look at the points they're losing the
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country but they weaponize race unfortunately against the american people to continues divide politics. >> byron donald always great to see you. thanks for coming. debt ceiling fight next, and road to orlando, 2024 next.
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>> pretty well divided house. it's not any different in the senate so we got to get something for both sides. >> they woke him up there. it's important to remember that the house has already passed a bill that would raise the debt ceiling. they did so in april. if it's the debt ceiling that represents a true threat to the economy i think the business community would be pressureing the senate and white house to pass the house bill even if it agrees to spending cuts. i understand those are not popular but isn't this a threat to the economy? >> how much are americans going to suffer if president biden and
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congress can't reach a deal? >> i think a lot of people have heard. this this would be a generational economic self-inflicted wound. we cannot allow default. >> joining me editor-at-large for spectator, ben mccarthy said they were getting closer to the deal. what's the take? >> i think kevin mccarthy has been outmaneuvering the white house. obviously it's a small majority in the house but the white house understands estimated him from the beginning of this expecting he would cave and wouldn't be able to get anything through, they expected that mitch mcconnell would force him to go along with the whippet and none of it happened so the white house has to reevaluate things cutting short trips overseas, bidensi think scrambling to figure out what to do or rather
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his team is. >> i was going to say. >> that's too much for him at this moment but i think one of the things we have to say at this point mccarthy has put himself in strong position and there's no reason to back off. >> absolutely not. >> he passed that bill and demps have to give up more than they expected at the beginning of these negotiations. >> so this idea that you have to work a little bit to get a federal benefit, just like halftime. >>. [laughter]. >> the fact the democrats are so opposed to any work requirement and it's a minimal effort that you have to put in to find there are so many jobs open today what do you think about that? how does that make sense and box the democrats into that welfare position? >> i think it's tough for the biden witt to sell that type of idea at this time given there are so many openings of people
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trying to seek outs employees who want work. i think it's unfortunate in the sense the witt could have if they had wanted to do this they made a mistake early on. they could have changed things up back last year but chose not to in an election year, now they're dealing with the questions. >> john fetterman actually spoke and it was about the constitution. watch. oh. we don't have it. here's the sound bite. this is reason why the 14th amendment exists. >> this is an absolutely desperate thing they've thrown in here. it's more desperate than mintzing the platinum coin which we heard in the past and i think it's a silly approach to say you're going to use that in this scenario and they have something. they need to negotiate. joe biden had water carriers in the media saying he was going to be to be a negotiator and accomplish things and now he has
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to deal with the situation in front of him. >> another subject china. the administration has been begging for a meeting with china for months now, even after the balloon fiasco. so, now we've agreed to china's request to have a meeting between their commerce official and our commerce secretary. she's going to sit across from those killers? >> when the president gave me this job as commerce secretary i wasn't slur what a commerce secretary do? i manage the national weather service so you want to know the weather give me a call. >> so they goet to choose who we send over there. is this a surrender caucus? yes or no with china. >> it's absolutely we have been
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so soft in our response since the balloon, in the context of this debt you have the cut short visit that was supposed to have a coming together on china with our alice the biden administration has done such a terrible job managing the situation it's having that xi jinping wants to see at this point. >> we have a segment that was bots and paid for it. it's bots and paidz for from last year. ben thanks for coming. >> things heating up in the 2024 race, next up ray arroyo joins us from orlando whamts does that have to do with ron desantis? stay there.
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>> am i running for president of the united states of america? >> senator tim scott today
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jumping into the race joining nikki haley and others but other eyes are on ron desantis. he's expected to announce his run and starting with a major address at a evangelical camp gathering in orlando. >> i actually just got back from being in early. >> in florida i pledged a governor that we would be the most pro-early state in these united states and delivered on that promise. >> the state of florida stands in defense of the family and in the defense of our children. >> i was fortunate enough to sign the heartbeat bill which is the strongest pro-life bill florida has seen in its modern history. we got it done. >> that is humane. it is the rights thing to do. >> we flatly reject the inclusion of gender ideology in our k-12 schools.
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>> if disney doesn't like that, well here i stand. i am not backing down one inch. >> fox news analyst raymond arroyo was at the rally. why was this important for desantis before he announces he is running? >> first of all it allowed desantis to step on tim scott's announcement and make a play for one of the most important blocks in the republican party. evangelicals make up 25 percent of the entire electorate, 81 percent of them voted for donald trump last time laura. now here's how they reacted to be desantis' outreach to them today. >> the main issue i think one of the dividing issues of this general investigation going to be parental rights whether or not parents have the role the god given role to direct the up bringing of their own children. he's got a finger on that pulse.
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>> very encouraging to hear and listen to somebody that is dressing the issues that we as conservatives that and latinos, and mexican americans that live here in this country like me that have worked hard and have to build a family and to live the american dream. >> leader for the future for the country so we are super excited about supporting the things that he does. >> ray else's what did you hear from the evangelical leaders there? i know there's been a split among them in the last few years. >> well, look. i spoke to a pastor of a very large church. she had the two burning issues for evangelicals are life and early. you heard ron desantis make a play for both of those. interestingly enough donald trump tonight during the desantis graes giving an interview to john solomon where
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he promised a peace corps for adoption. the curtain has gone up. let the games begin. >> i love the adoption angle. this is exciting. raymond great job. thanks so much. about to enter race and trump the frontrunner who is going to be stronger against presumptively biden and the battleground states? joining me chris bedford common says s sense editor. start with georgia, 16 electoral votes trump lost it by less than 1 percent in 2020 so what are the polls telling us now about how trump would do there against biden? >> donald trump in almost all the polls i have seen done so far granted it's early is behind joe biden. joe biden is running badly against republicans, scott or desantis type figures but is beating donald trump. that's part of the reason probably because trump as well as biden are so well defined in
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american minds. most have some of the same issues. they're well known. they have age concerns. trump is extremely well defined so we are seeing him behind but we are seeing folks like ron desantis beating joe biden in different states. >> let's look at the polls desantis head to head against biden. now this is georgia. >> this is georgia. this is a good sign for general republicans to look at because as you said georgia is a state that was just lost, georgia has democratic senators now, to see republicans leading except for donald trump leading joe biden so weak necessaries. >> look weather the a.p. poll i think today came out showed that the economy and immigration are the two biggest issues, two biggest concerns for key voters and so i mean that's got to be republican territory and especially a state like georgia that's getting hampered. >> i walked into the grocery
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store first time since covid i heard that cliché in these difficult times, talking to shoppers how high prices are or have risen. >> arizona another state trump lost, 11 electoral votes. what are the polls saying about how he would do against biden? >> a lot of the same thing. all the numbers have shown in 2016 donald trump hit the ceiling he's going to get. didn't get the popular vote but one in the electoral college. a part of that was due to some of the democratic base not activated. they're activated now. so while trump has solidified his core he's not seeing a gain in new voters. he's a well established person. >> desantis vs. biden in arizona. >> another good sign for desantis or the g.o.p. >> this is one poll, 500 arizona
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voters taken as plus 4.4 margin of error. >> it is a broadser trend. matchups between ex-republican usually wins except when it's donald trump. so for republicans if you add this state to georgia, that beats a loss in michigan. that might beat a loss in pennsylvania. 27 electoral votes between the two of them so republican able to win those like some generic polls are showing they may be able to get the white house back. >> looking at one of the primary states new hampshire trump has a long lead over desantis, about 24 points on the rcp average. that's stunning. >> yes, this is a poll that more than anything we have talked about probably will matter most in georgia in arizona who gets out of the republican primary. in iowa new hampshire donald trump is dominating. he's bringing crowds. he has six months to have the stage to himself and never run against someone part of the new right not part of the tim scott
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republican guard so it's going to be interesting when desantis comes but it's hard with that rock hard base that is going to be voting trump. >> let's say trump wins new hampshire and south carolina, is tim scott a factor in south carolina? >> you have two home sons, tim scott and nikery haley. >> two establishment republicans where is that work something. >> that's interesting. it shows the republican party how little they've learned from desantis and trump only people running the populist slate out of them but you get that respect for the hometown candidate people don't like to run against folks in their home statement they don't usually put money there. >> how did jeb bush do in florida? >> pretty well done. >> hometown advantage. chris great to see you. awesome job a. professor gone wild. the cause? pro-life students having a table display. the shocking video and the student at the center of their
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rap is next so stay there.
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>> just when you thought college campuses couldn't get nuttier? something happened when students at hunter college encountered
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rodriguez. they say she's a professor. >> what are you do like and friday trans? >> we are talking about abortion. >> this is violent. you're triggering my students. >> i'm sorry about that. >> no you're not. you can't have a [bleep]. you don't know what that is. get out of here. >> unbelievable. joining me exclusively is the student you just saw patrick ruby a rising junior at hunter college. patrick, what set her off in your display? now, this is a professor at the college. what is she professor of first of all? do you know? >> i'm not sure exactly what she's a professor of. she's in the arts department. >> oh, shocking. okay. what was she so offended by? >> i think she was mostly
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offended by our general presence on campus. our tabling was mainly about chemical abortions, harms of chemical abortions for moth and for the children involved. but i don't know if she looked at our supplies before she came and started to be rate news is we reached out to the dear professor. we didn't hear back. hunter college said they take this matter very seriously. the proceed videos has open an investigation into the action. you have the vape. she called you guys violent. then she violently cleared your table like a two-year-old. her grammar wasn't so hot and her language was profane. i can't imagine if that was some type of i don't know transtable
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and some conservative came in. can be imagine? they would be locking hunter college down in protest tonight. >> yeah, absolutely. >> absolutely. >> patrick an hour after that happened a student actually stole a model that you had from your table. it was a fetal model. >> correct. >> and then it came back after what? it came back in white type of shape? i'm not trying to make something out of nothing here but this is pretty gross and we will play the sound bite. here goes. [ring] [beep]. >> "kill your self". >> so trying to mutilate your little exhibit.
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>> absolutely. so that student had come along when we were tabling and it's my understanding she did not say anything before she proceed to take two of our fetal models and put them in her mouth and start to chew them in front of us. >> what? >> yes, yes. >> oh my god. >> she chewed them in her mouth and then left but then she came back and returned our fetal models, except she had colored red all them and come up with a sign calling us fascist. >> and said die. which kind of fits for the pro-abortion movement. patrick, you're very brave and we appreciate you very much. what we come back, the last bite.
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>> democrats have no streak of economic wins for america but at least corey booker is in good shape. gutfeld next. [cheers and applause] >> all right, all right. thank you. thank you. thank you. all right and well, happy monday everyone, huh? let's get into it the naacp has


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