tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News May 23, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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i was on got filled last night, i didn't mean to be, watch here. [pause for clip] >> dana: his show didn't get canceled but i'm to show off these tattoos last night. thank you for joining me, i know you have another two hours on america reports.>> when i get my harley out of the shop i will take you for a ride. >> dana: i will look forward to it. harris faulkner is up next. >> fox news alert hit them with the fact that the battle plan for florida governor ron desantis he's at a high profile high-stakes right right now the civil rights organization, the naacp. that group has issued a travel advisory for florida telling nonwhite visitors to beware of open hostility toward blacks and people of color. desantis is expected to jump into the presidential race any day now and he showing america
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how to fight back. i am harris faulkner, you are in the faulkner focus the formal travel advisory tells african americans, people of color, and lgbtq individuals to stay away from florida. the governor's office says it's a stunt. and he's in good company. a lot of people agree. >> this is really stupid. it doesn't make any sense. i don't even know what the naacp is talking about. this is silly, it's done its political. >> it really is a fear mongering publicity stunt. i find it, they are very much to be in bad taste. with this is really about is the fight over whether or not to include the ap african-american studies program for florida high school students. >> the naacp president derek johnson cites the recent decision by the governor desantis on schoolwork you heard geraldo rivera talking about it. the naacp president claims it
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erases black history and says governor desantis has to go. >> the governor has perfected our status to gain campaign contributions. we are advising african americans and others that if you traveled to florida, beware that your life is not valued, we have the political landscape that could cause harm as we prepare for the 2024 elections. we have to care for the next election so we can get rid of him once and for all. >> you caught that, right? he said the political landscape. this is all about politics. it's a civil rights organization. they've got to work with the facts. the wall street journal editorial board calling out johnson "after all the huffing about political norms in recent years it will be fascinating to see if anyone on the left calls this claptrap out for what it really is.
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foxbusiness correspondent ashley webster is in florida, bring us up to speed and by the way, i was just reading this morning before you get started that on national aptitude tests in 2022, black eighth graders in florida scored higher than national figures and higher than the naacp headquarters of maryland, just gonna put some facts out there. if we want to talk about school curriculum, let's talk those facts. >> it doesn't play into the narrative, i love the word claptrap. florida governor graham desantis has been quiet on the advisory but that hasn't stopped his office from responding. governor kesman tweeted a mock travel advisory others on warning the public of listening to so-called publicity stunts saying and also for being openly hostile to the truth. desantis spoke at an event last night but he stuck to his script and ignore the
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ultrabright altogether which might be smart considering the numbers appear to that,. florida saw a record number of tourists the first three months of this year nearly 38 million people, that's up almost 7 percent over last year's record high. florida state republican leader christians eat has been more direct pointing out that leon russell chairman of the naacp board of directors has lived in florida for many years and tweeted this he says "if you think our state is so bad, the florida gop will help with moving costs". russell responded to the tweet last night, take a listen. >> first of all, bleep you need to understand it's not about money it's about people. it's about humanity. thirdly, quite frankly, we haven't told anybody to lead.
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in fact, the naacp is encouraging folks to stay here and fight. >> meanwhile, even some democrats were miffed by the travel advisory with both the mayors of tampa and st. petersburg tweeting that everyone is welcome and safe in their cities. the governor's refusal to buy is being seen as the latest sign he set to announce his candidacy for 2024 which could happen as soon as this week, maybe as early as tomorrow. we shall see. >> it's interesting. alexander ocasio cortez number the congresswoman from new york busted a move down to florida so she could get out of all the lockdowns appear. what is the left going to do? they seem to love florida and some of them like herself people of color. are they gonna go in costume? so people don't know who they are. >> it's ridiculous, half of new
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york it feels like is now living in florida so apparently they don't seem to think there is any problem at all it's purely political and how to bring it full circle, claptrap. >> harris: i know you like that word my team thinks it's hilarious when i say it out loud thanks to wall street journal and thanks to ashley webster. good to see you. gianna caldwell, kevin wiley, we see pictures on the screen of the governor who's fighting the civil rights organizations claims about his state, it is fascinating. i want to while we get the panel and play bring in similar effects, florida public schools reporting to the state education department are required by law to teach students about the enslavement experience, abolition, civil rights movement, the history and conservation of americans of the african dysphoria, and students shall develop an understanding of the ramifications of prejudice, racism and stereotyping on
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individual freedoms. by the way, governor desantis gentleman standby i started this on the finish with the facts, governor desantis just signed a bill to add to the curriculum the 1920 oh kauai massacre in which black floridians were killed by a mob. they are learning important schools all about experiences with the black community and communities of color but the naacp apparently does not first with your topline thoughts. >> you know the naacp has gone from a premier organization known as the national association for advancement of colored people to the national association for the advancement of the democratic party. it's absolutely shameful to stunt in which they are pushing i live in the state of florida i live in miami and i can tell you there are a lot of black folks who were here who are driving doing well and inviting their friends and family to come here and live. the facts are simply the facts.
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this is the number one place in the entire nation for black business owners who have employees. they are thriving here. how dare the naacp bring politics and so they can do biden's bidding. it shameful, shame on you naacp. >> harris: one democratic strategist praise the controversial travel warning on msnbc yesterday, let's watch, kevin that i will come to you. >> this is getting to the point florida is about to be a terrorist state to many of us here in america, certainly has a lesbian and a black woman, i don't want anything to do with the place. i think about all the other people who don't want to travel there either. i think it was very clever on behalf of the naacp, i think them for issuing this broad guidance. >> kevin, a terrorist state? this is now beyond the veil against the facts. >> i agree. i think these boycotts these travel advisories never really work when red states declare war on blue states, ã¦
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>> that's not what happening a civil rights organization, which played a role an important role in the 1960s is coming in to politics. this is not red versus blue, this is hate versus red. >> i think the naacp is trying to figure out a way to elevate this conversation and drawing an idea and views toward some of what the governor has passed in this last legislative session. >> what's the conversation? i just read to you everything from the education department and i didn't even turn this into bear with you but i said it was ashley webster, national aptitude test, that's how we scored children across the country black eighth graders last year 2022 and florida scored higher than the national figures and those in the naacp headquarters of maryland. what's the goal here? >> i think the goal seriously for the governor i think if the
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governor actually benefits from this fight with the naacp because it raises his profile on the national stage in light of his announcement in the coming days. back in february before the session started in tallahassee he was trailing the president by about 13 points former president trump by about 13 points now it's a 30 point gap coming out of this legislative session he was at a speech yesterday in orlando where he had a mention on the sidelines his abortion ban he passed. the governor i think is taking all the actions to audition for this upcoming primary campaign and we will see how it plays out both in his home state and the national stage. >> you pivoted beyond the conversation because it's tough to talk about the naacp on the left. >> how disappointing it must be that they really are not in effect going to chicago where blacks actually and people of color actually could use a
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voice in the fight against crime against them. >> advocacy absolutely we've got to be honest about this conversation. the naacp is doing a disservice to black people all across the country on this very topic. you have black businesses that might suffer being lambs to the slaughter because your political moves. just like the democratic party they push out policy and demoralizes and marginalizes black people talk about school choice talk about the koran and how they are not pushing forth policies that ensure district attorneys are going to prosecute crime.the whole country is under attack and black folks are suffering at the brunt of the democratic party and now the naacp has become an ally on that fight. >> mlb all-star game really really hurt. >> $109. >> when the left pulled outside we are going to boycott. those people were hurt they were hurt. people of color the naacp
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willing to double down and do something similar in florida. it's confounding and really bad politics as kevin laid out and helps up the governor of florida, good to see you both. >> thank you harris. >> right now lawmakers on capitol hill are looking at the true effect of president biden's raging order crisis. one of the witnesses is a mom whose daughter was murdered. the suspect a teenage illegal immigrant that crisis also has big democrat led cities struggling to deal with thousands of illegal immigrants sent there from one state texas, they are flowing in from the board because every community is overrun. plus, senator tim scott jumping in to the republican presidential primary during this hour about the same exact time yesterday. >> my family went from cotton to congress in his lifetime.
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>> harris: ten tim scott officially launching his bid for the republican presidential nomination that was this hour yesterday. his announcement highlighting his own personal story while still hitting president biden. stop is the latest declared candidate in the growing gop primary and still there are more likely candidates to come to announce. just this morning senator tim scott out with his first campaign add. >> indoctrination in our schools inflation in our economy, crime in our neighborhoods, victimhood in our culture, to the radical left that says we are an evil declining country, i say the truth of my light proves your lies. >> and op ed says "scott's measures of freeman and hope and opportunity would be formidable in a general election if he could break through the gop primaries. senator scott has a point that
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he may be the candidate the far left fears the most, successful and inspiring black republican whose life refutes the notion that america is a country of bigotry and hatred. tim scott republican from south carolina 2024 presidential candidate, good to see you, thank you for being in focus. first of all, how do you make it through the nominating process?can you beat trump? that's the big question because he has such a huge lead. >> the good news is i continued my faith in america tour, the one thing i heard all across the country people were starving for a message filled with hope and opportunity but also you have a have a backbone and had to be conservative message. i have a consistently conservative voting record i believe without any question america can do for everyone what she's done for me that's why we are focusing on restoring hope and creating opportunities but also affecting america. that starts at our southern
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border. what you will find for my candidacy we attract more people to the conversation we have to learn to persuade the american people. i'm uniquely qualified having been on both sides of the for proverbial track to have that conversation about why in fact my life does absolutely refute the lies of the left and the cultural victimhood being spread by the radical left is devastating the most vulnerable people in this country. >> two quick questions and i have to go back to the former president because his lead is so mighty. how do you take on someone who literally fights to fight? donald trump is a master at it, what is your game plan? >> my game plan is simple, i'm running for president of the united states and i plan to do the nominee.
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good news for american people you will have a stark contrast between me and the rest of the field. i look forward to being the messenger that actually adds to our party without diluting our conservative values. >> harris: what about president biden? he at one point enjoyed 90% of the black vote now it's fall to 58%. he jumped the gate over new hampshire to south carolina, your home state. do you think you can pick up some of that lack of vote maybe some of it is independent maybe some of it is republican. what is your message to them? >> what i said yesterday i think stands still to be true today hopefully saturday when i go into the african-american community into a church i said i would have my message with gymnasium filled with friends and i would also take it to an african-american church filled with skeptics. i look forward to having a conversation about why the conservative principles that have made me possible, they are just american principles. everyone black or white agrees if you are able-bodied you work if you commit a violent crime you go to jail. these are not conservative or
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liberal principles, these are what i grew up with as american principles. we need to get back to the place where if you take out a loan you pay it back we don't ask mechanics we don't ask waitresses to pay off the student loans of lawyers and doctors making six figures. these are core principles that we as a party must go where we are not invited if we want to have the game of addition built on conservative principles, they will work anywhere in this nation it's time for us to take our message to where people are. >> harris: the liberal media as you already aware of, wasted no time coming for you, let's watch together. >> that was a great speech for 1996, i don't know that that speech to 2023. >> one of the issues tim scott has is that he seems to think because i made it, everyone can make it. ignoring again the fact that he is the exception and not the rule and until he hit the rule
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then you can stop talking about 㦠[multiple speakers] >> what is your reaction when you hear that? >> both of those african-americans on the tv screen, they both have made it. i'm not the only one. actually the rule is simple. the four of us actually, harris, you as well. the future of our country is not defined by the color of our skin is to find by the quality of our education. the radical left has been bought out by big labor unions in education trapping poor kids and failing schools and trapping poor kids out of the best future they have. so what can we do about that? african-americans around 68% hispanics around 70%, the majority of the population over 80%, all agree with some form of school choice. let's bring opportunity to these kids if we do that the american future will not a
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colorblind future but will be respected and appreciate every unique individual for the content of their character, not the color of their skin. we see the radical left is quaking in their boots because when an african-american conservative who believes in the future of this nation stands up to be counted, they push back. that's a good sign with the right message. >> it could get bumpy, bad and the new york post reads tim scott says america is a land for all races and dentate import.let's move to this, and look at what they are doing in florida of the naacp, people are frightened by just the field in general they are acting not based on the facts. let's talk about the ever widening gop field, florida governor ron desantis is expected to make it official this week.we will cover the news as it happens.there are also several others weighing their options axial's reporting virginia governor lynn young
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can reconsidering a young after he was focused on leading his state in april and some of those who are potential declared on the left announcing soon and then those who are potential. your quick thoughts on navigating that field, not focused necessarily on donald trump but what do you see? >> what i see is that the proof of my life actually disproves the lies of the left radical position on victimhood and disproves the lies around agreements, we are a cultural greatness and it allows for me in a republican primary to stand out as the person who has lived the american dream from one side of the tracks to the other side of the tracks. the reason why focus on the issue of education as a kid who went to four different elementary schools by the fourth grade i understand when the weight of the world seems to be on your shoulders as a young man i understand when you
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are facing not having the ability to turn the lights on because you don't have a switch because you can't afford to keep them on i understand the pain of the average person in the country today who has less than $750 in their savings account we need to make sure that they know that this america works for them. him not to focus on the other candidates in the race, i'm going to focus on where we should keep the focus is on the american people. too many of us spend too much time talking about ourselves. >> adding you to the mix now, we have one of the most diverse fields and that is a stab at a left narrative. you've got nikki haley a woman ããit's interesting what looks more like america for its ideals i guess you have to do a side-by-side on the other side you really only have bided because he even give it kennedy 15 minutes of his time. apparently. great to have you. in focus, right after your first day 10 interview, thank
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you for coming in focus. the age issue for president fighting. it's becoming sticky. grim new polling shows a majority do not believe he would make it through a second term. plus, leaders in new york city suburbs continue to push back on mayor adams. he wants them to take illegal immigrants bash who came to his city he wants to kick them out. >> they are the ones that want to call himself a sanctuary city, they welcome them in its an utter lack of leadership they haven't been able to take care of them passing the crisis onto other communities. >> new york's democratic governor now suggesting some of the leaders are bigots, it is on, dim on dim crime. ben ãis next. how do we decide what hotel to book?
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white house and congressional negotiators on capitol hill right now for more talks on the debt limit and as you know, we are up against it, june 1 is what we are hearing from the treasury department is a hard deadline for being able to pay some of the nation's biggest bills like interest on all the money we owe. united states at this point is waiting, all of us, president biden, house speaker kevin mccarthy met again last night trying to sound optimistic but the speaker afterward said there's no deal and they are at odds on some big issues >> we literally talk about where we were having disagreements and ideas. so to me that's productive, not progress but productive this is not how the republicans wanted to work. when i got elected speaker as
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early as january 15 i requested a meeting with the president regarding the debt ceiling he told me for 90 some days they would be with us that's why we are where we are today. >> 97 days. biden likes to cut it close i hope he's good. treasury secretary janet yellen sounding the alarm repeatedly calling june 1 the dreaded x date. it's only nine days away now. but the president of the speaker say they could still reach an agreement before the date. biden's border crisis is pushing large democrat led cities to the breaking point so he's got multiple crises going on, take a look at this video. talk about a breaking point. cities across the country starting new video shows chicago police station filled with mattresses and dozens of illegal immigrants sheltering their. officials there say they cannot afford to rent hotel rooms each and every one of them more than eight dollars and people who come to chicago after crossing our border, they are pushing for more federal money to cover
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the cost. in new york governor kathy hochul is considering using a jfk airport hangar to house new arrivals. that sounds clean. she says there are more than 40,000 individuals in city shelters at this point and in a news conference she took a shot at suburban officials resisting mayor eric adams efforts to expand housing for illegal immigrants beyond the city. >> we are identifying additional shelters the city is overflowing with the mayor has used every odds of creativity with him and his team to find space we are asking for more space but we also want to say the parts of our country and our state who are enacting bigoted policies based on fear and intimidation, join us. >> harris: one suburban official fired back, the governor over that.for about an hour north of the city rockland county executive ed
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day is here. >> kathy hochul and others are not attacking the problem they are attacking the symptoms. how in good lord's name can you continue on this let's find places to put them when the key right now is to get to the border and even if you can shut the border down, slow down the immigration of people for a time being so you can get a handle on the crisis. >> the state of texas is showing them how to do this. they are securing large loss to the border with what the governor is doing with the wire building a wall of wire so people are being slow down. ben domino's fox news contributor and editor at large for the spectator. your thoughts? >> first of, i think in a certain way what kathy hochul is doing and what mayor adams is doing is turning to all those people in suburbia across america have the rainbow colored signs of further houses
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saying all are welcome and no person is illegal and calling them on their bluff of course their bluff the original bluff was named themselves as a sanctuary city to say they can handle anything when it came to taking of these migrants and the governors who actually responded to that both governor desantis and abbott and others by sending busloads of the same migrants they essentially were saying fine it's not a problem that can be confined to just one state it's a problem that affects all of america and with the flow huge massive editions of population we've seen across the border under president biden is a problem that all the communities are confronting and especially if you are these localities in suburban county or something like that you don't have the kind of resources you don't have the inability to entertain the idea of sticking a bunch of migrants in a jfk aircraft hangar. you don't have the same level
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of resources absolutely ridiculous they are turning around and saying now that we have this problem we are going to hit it off to you and you have to figure it out. >> it's nimby all over the place, not in my backyard that's what it is. as you said what you call yourself a sanctuary city that means everybody plays in that pool if you are 50 miles away and they bust them to your city, guess what you are sanctuary too you're in the state of new york. it's interesting to watch kathy hochul the governor's staff at other democrats for not doing what she wants them to do on this issue. it's amazing. >> why won't you do what i want you to do you bigots, key. [laughter] >> literally. >> it's utterly unacceptable. >> mother of kayla hamilton with powerful testimony at a border hearing just this morning, i don't know if you've seen this, tammy noble's daughter 20-year-old kayla who had autism was killed last july outside of baltimore, police arrested an illegal immigrant teenager and suspected ms-13 gang member for her murder.
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years tammy noble's mom a short time ago. >> kayla had autism but she was determined to live independently and make her way in this world and my baby paid the ultimate price. murder itself is already taboo then you mentioned ms-13 nobody wants to touch it if we have stricter border policies my daughter would still be alive. nothing will bring my dog nor the pain or fix the pain of not having her here i want to prevent this from happening to someone else's child. this is about protecting everyone here in the united states. >> i want a log on all the calls from president biden to the family suffering because of his border policies. must be calling them and saying i agree with you. i understand. you must be doing that, right? that's what a leader would do?
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>> he's lead so far into the visor and she for all but this is an area he doesn't seem to have empathy he doesn't seem to understand that his policies are precipitated this humanitarian crisis deduction for choice of the policy choice to move away from a secure border to get rid of these policies because people on the trail page think it's a good idea and they won't have to deal with the ramifications of the way that flex communities that testimony is heartbreaking and what she said is absolutely true, no policy can bring her daughter back but we can do what is necessary to prevent this from being an increase factor in our communities across the country. and i think that the ramifications of this policy under president biden are going to stretch out for years to come as we see so many of these migrants embedded in communities across the country and given court dates that are oftentimes years and years into
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the future that of course they are not going to show up for an it's an absurd approach it's not one that is in any way humanitarian and it's one that falsely presents itself as being empathetic, it's actually the opposite. >> whether it's functional or an actual human being coming across the border government who is killing, we are going to call the white house and ask for the call log i want to know who he's reaching out to. we will move to this, former democratic presidential moderately hillary clinton reacting to this latest stumbled by president biden it happened during his visit to japan last week for the g7 summit. >> we've had presidents who fallen before who were a lot younger and people didn't go into heart palpitations. his age is an issue and people have every right to consider it. >> that felt like a job remember when she fell and what
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if she felt that way then he's just another national poll shows a major concern however for people a significant majority say they don't think the president would make it through a second term and the vice president kamala harris would need to take over 50%% for president mental fitness for job 65 percent thought they were just too old for office even senior citizens agree telling the daily caller we need a younger guy! >> i think joe biden's age has to be considered as a major issue in this campaign it's one of the biggest challenges i think he's going to to convince americans that he can survive and get through another four years in office. no one wants to see a commander-in-chief who is incapable physically or mentally of doing the job we are facing too many risks here at home and around the world. in order to have someone who's incapable of doing it and no one i think honestly has faith that kamala harris is up for the task at this point in her career. i think this is a major issue whether democrats have a plan to deal with it or not i really don't know because the more we
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see a president biden i think the more the doubts will only increase. >> maybe nikki haley presidential candidate hit the nail on the head who said it's about an acuity and mental health test to see if you can do the job. have other people who are also, trust is only 3 and a half years younger than fighting with the vitality and trump says yes let's all take the test. biden has to be open to that that would solve a lot because either you pass it. again, i have to let you go, thank you good to have you. >> good to be with you. >> gas stove ban autocracy opposed in california seriously stop telling us how to cook our food. democrats have to follow the rules and actually richie rich people who don't have to follow them. how nice for them. trust america's crime crisis getting even more shocking in a democrat led city. edits caught on, we have to warn you it's pretty
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disturbing. [pause for clip] >> harris: he didn't see that coming even the police were stunned by this attack. sadly it seems like this have been playing out in blue cities across america for months now, adjacent renters and focus. there's more than one way to treat your sleep apnea. if you struggle with cpap, look into getting inspire. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at you're in a hurry. i'm off to america's best i heard what you said about not overpaying for glasses. two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just $79.95?
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chaos, caught on camera and democrat led cities across america, violence spiraling and some areas out of control. lisa los angeles are calling the attack you are about to see simply shocking. some viewers might find it disturbing. a mob of cyclists pummel a man smack in the middle of the day. there are more people watching than there ever would be helping but how do you jump in? now of course if you do jump in, who pays? because that's where we are in america. to be down doesn't and when the victim falls to the ground, the biker still kicking him as he
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tries to protect himself more mob mayhem this in chicago hundreds of teenagers turned and armed forces carnival into a slugfest. [pause for clip] teenagers in that flash mob jumping on cars running to the parking lot brawling police couldn't break it up in time so they canceled the event.crime in chicago has surged over the last two years, gianna caldwell told us earlier this hour and the story is the same in many other democrat led cities. why is that? what in the world are they doing? jason rantz, seattle radio host, you talk about this all the time. we bring these videos in, some even from your own journalism. are we changing as a nation? and how do we go back or go forward better? >> i think the level of violence we are now seeing is the new norm for the cities. that's the unfortunate reality we see these images we might be
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shocked or disgusted and alarmed but it's not necessarily surprising anymore a mob of juveniles chicago causing that kind of chaos i'm not surprised by that because we've seen it so often and we've seen it because we've allowed it. these cities have allowed lawlessness to pervade, we see lawlessness and society to the point where it becomes a snowball a when you allow it to go without punishment guess what, it's just going to continue and escalade dominic escalate. the only way to bring her back is through overwhelming force, which we will not do, or incremental changes which take a long time we got here really quickly back take decades. >> harris: and with the liberal das we've seen you can kick them out but reversing the policies doesn't happen with the flip of a switch. critics are calling out the left hypocrisy on gas stove ban after celebrity chef got an
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exemption from a citywide rule she stepped palo alto california no ban gas cooktop section. but it will allow them and chef josc andres new restaurant because he is special i'm sure the food is good because it's cooked on gas. city leaders say his place was in the works since 2019 well before the ban happened, critics aren't buying it. new offense says in part to get what i would like to spank chef andres for so ably exposing the rank hypocrisy of the authoritarian officials who seek to ban gas stoves for everyone else be kept many critics also point out the cost of the neck down on homeowners and even more so on restaurants and 37% of homes use gas powered stoves and washington state for example a report finds the ban would add $6000 to building costs, 76% of restaurants use gas stoves.
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are they making money on it? one new york city chef says you would have to invest $200,000 or more to switch to electric. jason, this feels like a hit job. >> it kind of does because it is. this is the equivalent of someone telling you you shouldn't fly a plane and now let me get on my private jet to tell people you should fly a private plane. >> like john carey. >> like every celebrity who likes to lecture us. it's so transparent we have rules we are going to put it on you guys leave emc fans are the ones who have to succumb to our authority but of course we are going to sit here our script on a gas stove. its rank hypocrisy and the more this occurs the harder it's going to be ultimately for them to pass on the far left there climate change, i'm an environmentalist and share a lot of views on detecting the environment for what drives me nuts is that the fringe members
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on the hypocrites make it very difficult to pass reasonable policy. >> i don't blame chef andres he obviously has some good legal representation and they are fighting this and winning. but what about everybody else? what about the mom and pops? and by the way, they will be able to get the attorneys or pay the bill to switch to electric, it's a lot of cash now you are hurting small businesses who are driving them out completely for the pandemic of hate for gas stoves. good to see you, thank you, break.
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