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tv   Fox News Tonight  FOX News  May 23, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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support, scott, to take prideg in the fact that we are the fach constantly trying to perfectat his union, a country that once m considered him less than a fullh person, has a chance to makeim him the leader of the free world . for those of you who wonder if america is a racist country,oun, take a look at how people comekt together. all of god's people come together! blac black and white ones, the red wi ones and brown ones working together because love, unconditional love binds hearts together. >> we are not defined by theof r color of our skin. we are defined by the content of our character. >> and if anyone tells you anything different, they are lying. >> and yet we witness once again the harsh reality that ye you can be anything you want to be in this country except ex a black republic. anythingpt a black republica yot
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a black conservative. tim scott is not the only example of history,e only running to the left contrasts the way justice clarence thomas is treated. with the way justice thurgoodjuc marshall is treated. clarence thoma carsonbene is treated with the way coreys bush is treated. there are other examples, to be sure, but the contrast between those who seek the highestthose office in the land is >> tim scott will have to face his ancestors one day. >> i don't know what kind ofs at people they were, but he will have to answer for all the the choices he's made, all athe decisions he hasl of the s to essentially endorse. >> right. whitn.e power structure and he cannot step off that that that that team for not even a little . i feel sorry for him that he has to go to the history books this way. but apparently that's where he wants to be. this week, the sole black republican in the senate found it a stone fall when he said this. >> hear me clearly. america is not a racist country. >> there are two sides to every
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tokin, so thirsty for white cannot g. i could go into great detail a . refuting each of his asinine points has to be, but he did thn and moreover, a lesson i'veear c learned. white >> don't argue with people asinine points, but he did that behind. ue with peo and there's nothing quite like e the women of the view telling tim scothindt what it means to e a black man in america. it's one of these guys who , you know, he's like clarence thomas black , republican ,g who believes in pulling yourself by your bootstraps rather than, to me,like to k mal understandinike clarence thomas, black g the systemicme racism that african-americans face in this country. another minorities, he doesn'tsm get it. neither does clarence. right. and other min and that's why the republicans contrast the way senator barack obama was treated when he thnounced his run for the presidency with the waaty tm scott was treated with then senator obama. the media was hardly able to catch its breath to avoid fainting, to ignore the tinglerh running down its collective lege h to ask any serious
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questions with tim scott. the questions are all about someone else, not name tim scott. tim scott is treated one way, but if you're a democrat like ae kamala harris,st you are treate, differently. >> the night that kamala harris buarri made historys, y as the first woman, the first person of color elected vice president , the symbolism of having a mom, a mom of color up there talking about these situations, i think it is important for you . child of immigrants, first black first, south asian woman is going to represent us . >> remember, she is a first woman vice president . she's first woman of color.istoa >> vice president pamela harris is visiting. there is the firstperson of colu vice president , the firstt th woman of colorink it is to viss region. >> do you think anyone it wonmaa the medirris is a asked justicey brown relaxium whether she will vote for tiondia willm sco? president ? >> they should, and she won'tont vote for him. v ot nor should she vote for himtheye because they're not politically allied. so why not polit with the mediao tim scott about why he didn'ty d supporidt a judge with whom he
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is not politically aligned, is he supposed to support hert r version of history while she is not? >> or does history only run inn one direction?e direction. tim sc tim scott has been calledst of s things most of us will never wil be called. and even if we were called w vis would notinger affect many of us . if we are white,er the words doo not have a historical stain if uttered against us . prop, he's been called a prop, a token uncle tim sell out of a trail to his race. ?or what sin you might ask, is he call these things what? what offense did he commit ?what what crime off warrants such vitriol? he defeated the sons ofends a a popular governor and a popular united states senator to eve p n make it to the house he won statewide in south carolina with overwhelming support. heov haser authored landmark pis of legislation and shepherded other bills through the congress. he has endured car stops by theo policemen prevented from
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entering the capitol because of the color of his skin. and yet the harshesttal becauses enters or from those who claimeh to be the most progressive. whether or not you vote for or support tim scott is irrelevantv .an he captures the pain and thend progress and the potential and the promise of a nation of a union seeking to perfect itself. and that should be celebratesel. and. but it will not be not by theeda media, not by the left.n so the left can go right the on calling him whatever they want to call you . cal just make sure you call him and a united states hic and you call him a candidatean for the presidency and maybe one day history can run both that wou right. and that wouldld be some real progress, wouldn't it be ?t be joining us now, mr. murdoch, who is a contributing editor with national review, thanko you for joining us .g told i i am always open to being told i am wrong, but i promise you , it seems like tim scott is treated differentlyd wors and worse than other historically significant people
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on the lef hit. as you that's absolutely right. and look, as you say, you don't have to be a supporter of tim scott.brate the fact that we hae to celebrate the fact that we now have not just him, but alsoo larry elder. you have two black men running for the gop nomination. people have said , oh,the g.o.p. republican party's lily white party. so now i have two republicanlitr two blacks running for president . so their token. so which is it? which? nev they're never happy with you know, i remember when i was growing up, we talked aboutl the civil rights movement. you always hear the song we shall overcome. come" th beautiful song, veryatio meaningful. well, this is an indication that either we have overcome or ov we are overcoming. if the republican party canrepu have a not jusblt one or two black republicans run forp. the gop nomination up for house or senate for the highestffice n office of the land, and peopleao across the country shouldss tco be happy about that, whether they agree or disagree with them. but instead, these folksbu t stead thon the left don't sayn you're wrong, you're mistaken. we don't like your tax plan. co you know, please spend more onpr the poor. you're bad black person. k pere a token. rsonyou're a traitor, you're ata sellout, this sort of thing. larry eldeder was called white the white face of sorry,he the black face of white supremacy. i mean, thisface of is appalli,
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disgusting, hideous rhetoric. and it's what you expect from wa the left and what these want is they want black folksp and bq to just line up, be quiet, for democrats. >> if you think independently, they'll attack you for that.y, e you knowy , tim scott, when heie was when the house was on the ways and means committee, that's the tax writinn to g committee.lieve in the he was on finance, i believe, in the senate. he was of one othe thf the thrs that wrote the tax reform bill . i remember being ate the restaurant with him and he received calls from other senators saying, we want this in the bill. t this iwe don't want that. so, of course, he's invited. to the bill signing ceremony. i meanould be., he should be hes one of the three officers.he t and then you look at sociall mea media and he's called a prop me. no, other senator was calledp. a prop. seemsit jus to me you can be almost anything you want to be in this countryta except a black man or who black woman who happens to be a republican and conservative. >> and i jus t i don't get it. >> i don't understand it. criticize the policy, butit i don't get it. we have we have two black we ha democratves, democrat men in the senate. cory booker is one.
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raphael warnock is the nobodyros calls them tokens. i mean, only two shouldn't there. blacu.s.nobody cal is thirteen t black . we have thirteenk senators thr black senators. we live we haveee three togethe. so a t the democrats aren't tokens, tokens, but the republican is .e and by the way, the tim scotta k was the first black senator to be elected out of the souths since eighteen eighty one . he was appointedointed by by ni when there's a vacancy and they went on to win those seats comfortably. the democrats, at any point the party could have had a black democrat on the south. they managed to get around that to that until january twenty twenty one when raphaenuarl won georgia. that special election down in georgia. so if this partyf this p so blat how come they didn't get a black democrat in from democrat in from tthe south, frn eighty one until one hundred and forty years later in 2020 one ? shame on them. by the way, tim scott had to defeat carroll campbelld to a son and strom thurmond son to fr win that house the seat . one other example.ot i watched it. i couldn't believe i was listeng to it when i watched it, it came referees and deservedly so with the nominee on the democrat side to be it, the r of the house.on the deservedly so. side, b
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he earned it.nald byron donal's is nominatedbush h and corey bush calls him a prop. >> same office, same office. and i just and the left just. they're okay with that. they're okay with using these words. well, i thinng these >> ik one that scares them is that they see s black folks, particularly folks black men, starting to think twice about this whole idea of being wedded to the democrat party. donald, trump , a 19 percent of black men, one of the five black men voted for donald j. tu mptrump . at the moment, biden's numbers among black support has fallen frommen. 82% when he came into office down to fifty two percent today. that stays fallen do there. wil there's no way that mant reel is going to get reelected. so these people are terrifieecdo what the democrats do. ratherer t thahan trn y to offe, something positive, they just stir the racial pot, hoping black people run back into their arms. >> t try murdochk is a sensitivy topic. it's one always i'm passionate about. i'm not objectivt objectwhen its to tim scott, but i just thinkoe we can do better than using these wordese words when we're g about political opponents. but thank you for joining us live. thanks veru y. >> see you soon. well, the border is still in complete meltdown. s stiland the biden administrats
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is only making things work worse. we check ie, wn with senatorsir kyrsten sinema and james lankford to hear their ideass crisis about how to solve the crisis. plus, a man wa arrestes arrestee trying to take over the white house today. the media has injected race. >> more on that next. hi, i'm norma and i lost 53 pounds. and once i entered menopause, and once i entered menopause, i did not like the fact that i had gained body fat aroundtli. my waist. and i thought, oh, no, that can't happen. with ti've never had that p. after starting golo and taking released, i immediately saw an improvement in my waistline with the goal of plan. they don't restrict you . they teach you how to enjoy the foods you love in a healthy way. other and taking release actually worarging yk. >> why do vitamins and supplements cost so much o more ? now other companies are am less and lesericans.s, and we he less and lesericans.s, and we he that.
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expand your team with a fiber freelancer. this is a programing alert. florida governor ron desantisti is expected to announce his bids for the white house tomorrow id ae tomorrow and he will join us right here nitorrow night in his firs television interview after the announcement. >> we hope hop you tune e inf the consequences of a porousst border and a flawed asylume to i system continue to impact areas all across the country to uspoli senators with different political backgrounds and different political profiles. >>tiand recently toured the border.serd they served together on a commit committee of jurisdiction in the senate. what did they find and what aret their ideas for reform? joining us now, kyrsten sinema, an independent from arizona, james lankford, a republican from oklahoma. thank you both for joiningd us a >>rt we will start with you, yo senator sinema. tell us what you foundu and how you would fix it.x it well, that's a tough question.ys the reality is that intucson the tucson sector, the border,
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we're seeing an increasinglyin large number of individuals couy who seek to enter the country while evading detection from whi authorities, which means thereof are still lots of individuals iw who want to comeant to this country, not for good purposes, not seeking asylum, butry and to sneak into the country and engage in whatever activities they're interested. we also know that this sector of the border has massive amounts of fentanyl coming inf between ports of entry being in smuggled in through the desert. so ithe desert.t brings up two d number one , the nee fd for increased border patrol agents, increased technology, manpowerth and the ability to actually interdict both folks who seek to do bad in our country. and ad itrand the trafficking o. and then second, thiths again for s the fact that the administration was not prepared for the end othf title two. and we as congress must take tak action to change the asylumcoun system in our country, to stopt it from exploitation
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by international criminal cartels like sinaloa. all right, senator lankford, senator , senator , mentioned the asylum processr lankford, ao system. you and i have spoken on that before, in the past and in helping those who face realt by danger and real threat. but eliminatin e g the fraud, f i am i mean, how do we do that? i think if i'm right on the numbers, two thousandy and eight, the asylum seekers was a really small number. there's like two thousands likea percent increase. how do we fix that? >> >> senator lankford, right now, the loophole is being exploited by the cartels that are out there. one knows, and the cartels exploire, one knel exploits t t if you cross our border, no a matter where you're coming from in the world, you crosscrrder al the border to border patrolmy agents. i fear in my country it'sicke the magic ticket to be able to get in.that they ar the administration has announced that they're making changes on that, bute makingn tr been no shift here atr on the border on this. we're still seeing immediate releases of individuals frome all over the world, as senator sinema mentioned on this, just n in this sector in tucson, there are two hundred twenty five thousand people just this fiscal year that have been interdicted her beene. are
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but there's one hundred and seventy thousand that are tot they just saw, an them but couldn'd t actually gee to them. and we have no idea who they on are. the aon the asylum process.just it's not just mexico. it's not just people frome bordr central america anymore. the border patrol agents wspoke spoke to today said they're increasinglyaid they concerned r the national security risk that's actually happening becausea security e these are individuar from west africa, fromom west the middle east, from pakistanaa from russia that are comings across our border. and within hoursthe border beind out into the country.e and we have no idea of their criminal background. we have no history for thesefoa individuals. so these folks being granted an asylum hearing years from now in the future, the ability th to travel anywhere they want to travel in the country. we have no w criminal background insight on them and they're just being immediately released. >>eleased. i colleagues in the n and senate are watching the two of you all differenttical profil political profiles. one's an independent, one's a republican and acknowledged it is an issue. sometimes people prefer
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the issue over the solution. i know that does not i notnc ine the two of you , but sometimestn politically they do. so thank you for working together. in joithank you for joining us tonight. >> look forward to seeing you both real soon. thanks very much. >> t thanks, ray. lets al let's solve this. crushed a last night, a missouri teenager crashed a rental truck intoin the barriers outside the white house. i can tell a 19 year old frome, missouri flew to dulles international airport in virginia and rented a u-haul truck, which hroote then drove to washington and crashed outside the white house. la e.w enforcement says can doize a plan to kill the president, seized control of the government, can do littlem e no weapons. tr aside from the truck. but heuc wass armed with armed y which police say he waved as he exited the vehicle. d and will he's been charged. he will likely be convictedll te and sentenced to prison, pre threatening to kill the president or anyone else is serious.side else's serious and criminal. and it i criminal. med it is , to me at least, evidence of a significanntt mental health issue can do so. you can see on your screen wason waving a flag synonymous you with hate, with racialred
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superiority in the mass killing of people based on race, religion, nationality,i wonder and disability. i wonder if mr. candela has any idea how he would have fared. germany won the war. h issues his mental health issues may ev be even deeper than a hatred of joe biden and include a hatred of himself. now joining us now is vinces vince a gonzalez, the editoriaunlr director of the daily caller and a radio host.ler" at leayou fo andr joininhost, t i may be in the minority, at least on this one . issue. m i don't spend a lot of timear trying to ascertain the motives of people that i think are mentally ill because the motivee almost assumes a rationale. and there really ally is noll the rationale for trying to killtak the president, take overment wit a government with a u-hauly truck. but let me pla y a clip froment biden otheesident biden on the threats facing our country and ask you a question on the other side of it. >>r id i said it before and alle my colleagues here know, according to united states intelligence community, cording to tates domestic terrorism from white
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supremacists is the most lethal terrorist threat in the homeland. >> ye you i suspect if you and i went outside and asked 10 people, what's the greatest threat facing our country, we wd get 10 different answers and they would all be correcctt in the eyes of the person. so how does one president biden or the fbi or anyone else go about quantifying threat or danger?wh when there are so much to choose from? yeah, i mean t, the reality is n terms of actual death threats from from anybody around you , mostly it's me, people fromho your own community, people who look just likest you .chanct that's the reality has always been. and the chances that you actually die due to murder are astronomically there's a fearri mongering going on here. but the point of tha, but is to accrue more power to the government. we should always pay attention to that. it's notwe should always pay ati it's just a realistic point. this thi s guy who drove intoo th the barricades at the white housee last night is one ofs i'e the most bizarre stories i've ever heard. and you're right to assessu arel must be the product of mentalilb illness because thisec young mae
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of indian descent can doulas his last name. he drives intoscst name, the boe outside the white house at hou five miles per hour in an emptyh hall, except for the only thingg he's got is a flag. and then law enforcement takes the flag out, which is very unusual for the practiceth ofndd collecting evidence and then lays it on the ground, spreads it out, almost irons o iut,t oue >> time for tons of peopled it i to take photos of it and it's just strange is one ofgest the strangest things i've ever seen. >> and yet here it is in washington, d.c.. yeah, i am not sure how mr.d ins kennedy did in his historyto class, but i don't know that hea would have fared well had germany won the war and to fbi, the fbi, look, lots of things or are threats, lots of things or threat to threats to our well-being. as you pointed out who clmu more, you're much more likely to be killedai by somebody who claims to love you than you are a stranger or u a white supremacist. but, you know, in my own homerew state, there was a white supremacist who drove to a church in charleston and kille d
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black men and women at a church because they were black . the gun purchase was obtained because the fbi botched the background check. soe black, and i i would settlei doing what we have asked them t to do. do which includes backgroundificatn checks and pontificating a little bit lesg a s on reinki, the dangers when everybodyra would rank thenk them different >> right. and remember, we have fbi whistleblowers who have been s coming out lately. steve friend is the one who'teve is soms in saying this. he said that what's happening bn is that the the bideng to administration has been trying t to pad the numbers on domestic extremishem events in order to justify that as the most the biggest threat to the average american person. he talks specifically abouhe tat january six , a very unusual practice. the fbi normally considersractin one event to be one case. and instead, on january six ,y e they divided this up into hundreds upon hundreds of separate cases as different points out, again, an fbi whistleblower in order to pad domestic extremism numbers.behar that is not appropriate for behavior for any law enforcement agency.
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anement agencyand itand it's de. to the government. the politics of crime statistico . so i'l tall have to have you bak on bench to talk about that as a whole other segment . >> in the meantime, thank you for joining us tonight. than k you , sir.y: >> whatever happened to the of zodiac killer and did the bureau did the fbi drop the ball there as well?? we'll look that next. >>♪ prices keep going up, but experion is here to help experion is here to help you save on personal loansance. credit cards or car insurance. credit cards or car insurance. experian help me save over fourteen hundred dollars a year on car insurance. start saving now free at experian. .com or get the app now, if you're on supplemental oxygen, heavy and awkward tanks are a burden. now you can leave home and leave the tanks behind with energon one , the portable oxygen concentrator. you can take almost anywhere with this little device.
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and for a limited time when you buy one , you'll get a second one . >> absolutely free your sleep and even better and cooler too. and you're looking good. >> feeling good. i knew you would. it michael .com. america is listening to the fox news rundown podcast. we cover the day's top stories seven days a week with an in-depth team of reporters all across the country. >> start and finish your day with a fox news rundown podcast. america is listening. >> the zodiac killer is knownpeu to have killed five people,of although the real number of victims could be in the dozens vi . no one was ever arrested, but gary francis posed as long is suspected of being kill the serial killer who vexed law enforcement with his cryptic letters and signs. this case has beene has be profn movies, a miniseries, and captured the attention of those fascinated by crime,rs calle including a group of volunteers called the case breaker's. case breakers are an eclectic group of investigators stigatorsd and journalist mility
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personnel who seek to solve crimes. di.d the fbi have the chancere to catch the zodiac killerjoini before he died?us joining us now is eric kleinsmith, who is with the, thn case breaker'sk . those thank you for joining us . for those perhaps not familiarae with the zodiar,c killer, telld us what he did and during what which time period? sure. thanks.e, thank thanks for having me try. zodiac killer was alleged toougr have killed five people an force different attacks fro nineteen sixty eight to nineteen sixty nine . and he's really been seenen as kind of seen asf th the the d of cold cases, probably througho his name and his taunting of police and investigators over over the next several years. profession consumed amateurs and professional sleuths alike for over. you know, now we're upor o over 5 over 50 years. .>> tl right evidwhat new evidence? well, don't leencet me presume e new evidence. >> has new evidence been found? and look, i wasn't aroundmy back then, but my guess is murders, violation of state law. involve the fbi would only get involved
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if asked what did lawcement enforcement have a chance to do something and did not do so,e or whether it be state or federal law enforcement? yes, yes and no. the tea and that's really beenr an the frustration of the team that wne have put together. and we've been working this form several years. the case was brought to us fromr a previous case. we've been working on the d.b. cooper case, but the what you have is is a you know,e is you have several differentt local law enforcement entities that are not reallhat aryt commc communicating with us and as well as not communicating to tao each so you have san francisco, you have the potential for napa vide police. you have the whole county, napa valley. and then we've alleged that there's a , you know, other v victims to include cheri, cheri jo bates, and donna larc, who we think was murdered up in the lake tahoe area. i do you think using probable cause as the standard, do you think that there was enough evidence to arrest post? and then i'll get you to sayn cd whether or not you think he would have been convicted beyond a reasonable
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out? ? there is there is there was substantial evidence, but again, it took us years to puttu together 50 years afterr the fact. and he and our guy, garyguide e francis, he passed away in 2018. now, he was arrested in 2016 for abuse of his spouse. the they should have taken his dna a and put that into codis. that never happened. so there was a mistake on procedure from that area.. could he have been convicted? could he have been convicted ? it would have taken a lot more on it and we're down taken to the point where it probably would have taken dna for a casee this old. we're reallyg now talkingd an a more about a historical case than an actual live case that t can be brought to trial. any explanation fo triar why his dna would not have been entered into codis? i , i think it was just i really can't answer that. i think it was jus a mt a mistaf on the local part. and you know that,ro you know,ta from that point on , it's justcd been difficult. now, we've received we've been n able to recover his dna throughe neighbors that have volunteered and family members who have volunteeredand fami t
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some materials that we need emi to pull. and then we verified that foth a blood relative. and we also have former military intelligence, counterintelligency ine experts like myself who has had contact with members within the bureau that said that since 201orough6y francis post was their suspect.s you knowuspect, it's amazing wht you all are able to do., th i mean, law enforcement hase access to tools that i assumes v as private citizens you do notas have access to the fact that trg you're willing to do this and try to bring some somesome b i don't want to say closure, but bring some peace to thectim victims. and their and their family members. kudos to you, eric . smith. you >> thank you ., thank you . appreciate it. the fbi between it. and house republicans continue as the bureau refuses house resto provide certain infd citing an ongoing investigation . speaking of ongoingin investigations, how long doevess it take to investigate a lyinga and buying case?
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it's not a complicated commodities scheme. odity schemeit's literally wheto on an application to purchase a firearm. these cases cannot be that i used to do them, but d they were that i wouldn't have beenem able to a . the house gop does have a tool in its arsenal to gain to ga compliance. it's called appropriations. but will they use itt will the? james gagliano is a retired fbi supervisory special agent and he joins us so. so the house wants documents. a. the fbi says, no, this is where i'm torn. prosecutor. i used to be a prosecutor.ation. i understand ongoinge in t investigations. i used to be in the house.he hou i understandse, rstanding ca yoo your job without access . what happens now? trey? >> you know that sourceat documents. you can you can redact names on them and the ten ,e fbi twenty three , which is the document that the fbi is being asked to turn over, essentiaa is essentially a statm a confidential human source. we understand thatnfidential hue uncorroborated. we understand that you're not n
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going to make your case on oneot single going to make sol source. they're part of a bigger invest investigation inigat this instan the fact that the fbiin director is not turning this over to congress. look, you went through thint tsa with the ack ig holder back inwr the day. this is something where. yes.e ye pt could contempt be on the tablely ? impeachment, sure. i thinhment?surek the director's to to pass this. he's trying to be very carefulnd . but by the same token, why hnd couldn't he meet in closedthis e session? beis doesn't have to be done before the television cameras and like i said, you can you could protect sources and methods. e ways to do this,. trey. >> you've done it before.can be you know how i dt works. a it can be done. if you could actually just brief the chairpersons, there arbrief the che ways to do there are times when an ongoing investigation can be jeopardized by sharingeopardf information, especiallyhere are with people who are known to leak. >> but there are other times when, at least in my opinion,y doj hides behind an ongoinge
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investigation because it's embarrassing. ence? so how can we tell the difference? i don't know how you will ever l tell the difference unless you look at the underlying data . >> yeah, i agree., hundred percent and congress has the right to compel as you n said , you control appropriations, you control the fbi'appropriatios budget. and there are ways to do this. the sensitive compartmented information facility, which you which you mentioned by the skip there are ways to do this. i just feel like in this instance, the fbi's received a black guy after black guy after black guy after 2016, that you would think that theref would be an abundance of asansparency. they want to be as transparent as possible while protecting w sources and methods. >> and trey, that doesn't seem e to be happening right now. yeah, i'll tell you whatjames, i mean, james . all we all the other the institutiol around us seem to be crumblingti system eustice systecem if we cannot look at that justice system, it even whenwi wth it e disagree with have respect for
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it, i just don't think we're mak going to make it as people. h and as you noted, it has been le n a terrible last seven orug eight years for the bureau and the department. and that'sdepart coming from two people who used to work for the department of justicane and the bureau. so i hope they get their act together for the country. country's sake, james caggiano steak. servi james gagliano, thank you for f your service to our country. thank you foorr bein beig with tonight. >> thanks for having me, eric . debt ceiling negotiations have washington and gridlock moralido out right aften r the break. ♪ >> election will make five dollars, please. had enough inflation. undo inflation with dish. good. the same tv bill every month for three years. supply chain issues the three year tv price guarantee only from dish. >> there are more ways than ever for identity thieves
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anti in the i mean, this is this is violent. you're tripping my students. i'm sorry about that. mno, you're not. i mean, you can't even have me. so you even know what that is . >> you know, this is it's it's a lot of beeps. assaulteen there's our professor assaulted a reporter with a macheta repord and that's something you don't get to do very often. use the words art and machete in the same sentence.nce. >> w e can find. ro >> ls let's get out of here. you can't do that. >> her employer said they wereed they were a gas and took action. i don't know if that means she was given tenure or she was fired. s firewad. , she wa the debt limit drama continues c no unfold as speaker mccarthy, president biden meet but do not appear to be near a resolutionts . this mosost recentt re iteratiof a familiar drama is but a symptom of a larger disease,rs
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which is spending. spending. it is almost always easier politically to spend than itthoh is to cut. even those who wano wantt to cuo not want to cut their owne othe portion, just the others with a cumulative now over thirty trillion dollar spending has proven to be almost addictive. but is that sustainable? a one party advocate for cutscutse while the other party's spends more and still survive?e steve daines is and a senator fm the great state of montanastatem and he joins us now. welcome onta, joinin, senator .r is wonderful to see you're anon expert on this. what are the drivers ofdata? our debt? es >> wha the deft makes the defict and the debt be what it is ?deba well, first of all, if we watch the white house is doing this is a crisis management driven operation., this they try to lead by crisis. open up the boith the border. it's all self-induced. they open up the border. a we've gondt a border we crisisa it leads to a crime crisis. then the only spending. have an inflation crisisw we
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. now we have this debt ceiling crisis. butht the important word in the debt ceiling debate is the b debt. this is a symptom of c the biggest problem, and that's the crisis of the debt. deb i 'rt,e thirty one trillion dollars plus in debtdo. not t i didn't think i'd live to see the day to have this kind of onk debt showing up on the books. you if you look at all, of cour, the next ten years, treh right e now, according to thedget congressional budget office, our debt is going to be pushingst in th nearly 50 trillion dollars just in the nex t 10 years. 10 years is not that far away.y. this creates huge additional crg inflationary pressures and that's the destabilization that we know at some point.e pon >> you can't keep running upkeei this debt. >> you can't keep running do trillion dollar plus deficitst f every year and expect the rest of the world to come in world k eeand keep buying our debt. that's going to create higher interest rates. and this is ths is te biggeste a challenge i think we face as aon
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nation. and the existential threatd exie crisis will hit when this debt becomes such that it's no longer sustainable. me sucas a country. all right.rey: i mad econgoing to do an economics and i will prove that to you. po right now. so the two options to me sayingn we can cut spending, which politically unpopular, it is hard to do it. i used to work is politically unpopular, it is hard to do i i used to work with you. it is hard to start cutting.lefn the other option is what the left wants to do, which is to raise revenue by raisingtn taxes. i don't think you can raise y taxes enough to even balancebudt the budget. and there doesn't appear a to bo a tremendous appetite forw the cuts. so how do we get outdo o we outy ,increase revenues?se treis we've seen reven that hapn to john f. kennedy. n e, it happened under ronaldald re reagan, it happened underagan trump , and that is when you lower tax rates to creates o more economic activity,ate more economic activit the democrly increase tax revenues. the democrats have one thing they want to do, and that is raise taxes. if you want to slo ww somethinag down, you tax it.if you want to slow this economyloc down, you taonx that be exactly the wrong thing to do. and it doesn't solveo do the problem.
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it is truly a spending problem. you're looking at spendingndin versus revenues as a percentage of gdp. we are clearly cavenue, and in territory now that says you can't raise taxes high enough and solve the problem we have with ourt. deficits and our debt. so the answeso ther is you've gl to reduce spending, pay the very first bill thatl introduc congressery is pretty simple.if simply says if congres congs doesn't balance their budget, you don't get paid. >> i spent twenty eight years in business business as well,.ib you know, if you don't balance we have gets in business, cou don't have a business. we've gongt to hold memberresss congress accountable and let them work through all the imagination's in terms of priorities of defense spending on other programs that aregimpob important. a si >> but there's not a single person i've yet to meet who says, you know, there's no room to improve efficiency in the federal government. there's no roo m to to to somehow cut some spending. of course, thereroom is .e is >> of course there is .. and we'll take a wild guess, a d senator , that your bill,
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the one that you introduced, does not become law.t it doesn't make it into law. i don't know if i co-sponsoredi the bill or not when i was your colleague. te >> i support it now. i promise you that. even though i'm not there. wellll, i'll tell you whenack hi i'm back home in montana,i talk antalk about that not only to folks stand up and cheer that te jump on their chairs and start cheering. that's exactly put i put the pan on members of congress, like business owners have that painue . family businesses managing your family, household. u the pain goes on .the those who are trying to balances put the pain back . members of congress, i can tell you , they cheer back home in montana when i suggest. chilly s but you're right, it'sck a little more of a chilly response back in washington.nwa. with my colleagues, i'm sure, speaking to chilly 50 trillion dollar, speakings. you got my senator daines, thank you foran joining us .us. thank you .r el iminfor illuminating this issue. we make it through thisthis self-induced debt limit crisis. but as you point out, itdebt is really the debt. thank you for joiningthank you us tonight. >> thanks, trey. are wejoin realling gy supposede a tip for everything now?p for t the new unspoken rules confuse
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here we come. real pros. look at that real football for real fans. birmingham, new orleans, followed by philadelphia, pittsburgh saturday on fox in depth. >> that's one way to , you know, tip. i don't believe in it. let me just get this straight. you know, whatever 10% i don't tip because society says i havel to be all right. i mean, i'll tip somebody the really deserves a tip.g if they really putextr forthtipn the effort, i'll give them something extra. buis for thet i mean, it's tippg automatically for the birds. >> i confess, i did it today.e i ordered two coffees and thenii the screen asked me if i wantedy to add a tip and i did so i did . my motivation was prettyin simple. i sewhen i se my own children wn i see the women and men who work behind the register thr and on the hotel bedside table, there's another chance to leavee the tip. s no and n't know what the women and men who clean hotel rooms make.ot les i just know it's not a fun job and it's a lot less than i makea . >> then again, there are times i am asked to leave the tip
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exactl and i stand there wondering what for, what exactly my tipping and not to sound tooo existential, but is tipping for to s services rendered, or is it incm tipping to supplement an income ? >> i don't know.and it's poppingmo ure andp more an. and as we have the screens turne toward us , offering us a chance to tip is a siller reward for those who deliverrk excellence, or is it justurselvs expected? even when we do al. l the work ourselves is over my head, not don't spend a ton of time thinking about it, butg about it hopefully mcdowell has and does welcome dagen. i am guilty as charged. a good where have i gone wrong? well, you're a good person. i'm not. i'm here saying to teach you toe look into this server's eyesou h when you have served yourself and to look and hit no tip dow and stare them down and scare bejesus out of them. i used to tip generously.
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i was a waitress. i was a cocktail w a i was a cashier and a restau rich people skiing restaurant. aspen mountain. n mountain i was the booth clerk, brought on a ritzy golf course. urse, i and i was there. i was cheery. let meattentive. oh, let me top your sweet tea i up with a low bar. but i was quick with a compliment. you don't look a day over seventy three gouty. but that's service.walk that's what you tip for. but if you walk into an establishment and you grabnd yourself a coca-cola and a muffin and walk up and alld ex they do is hit some numbers and then flip that tablet 20% o and expect you to tip them twenty or 30%, the answer is noi tud i'm not going to be held up in this hostage situation, giv which is what it's turned into. >> can i give you the otherd i side of the argument? twoi sit there and i think i he
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two choices. i can leave money for my wife,tr second husband, or i cang give to the person who is inthee front of me and the chances ofee me liking the person that o my wife marries when i leave chs her whatever money i have orof zero me liking, the chances of g the person who just gave me coffee or a little more than zero. i am goi so to me, it's a question of where i'm going to give my money and i'd rather give itn to a stranger than leave it for her second husband. >> i didn't think of 10,000 sp different places that you canavr spend your money or leave your money and it would notyouif be a gratuitory for someoneg who did nothing for you . >> but that being said , a lottt of this is because the employers don't want to payp the employees, and it's becauses of these payment systems inthis these tablets that they're shoving thise and publicly shaming you in public and putting it ino ge your face. t thand they're trying to get my the employees to hustle. employeeor more money rather than the pay pay in the soils. d
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i think some of it is so the i mean, most people you have convinced me tonight that you are in the minority, but most people are really, really nice and they do not want offen, to offend. somebo sody they feel guilt.s somebody says they're asking for a tip and they pick 10% or 20%. i think what i hearr you sayinga is no service provided, no>> i v extra compensation. stair and i have no hesitation a to stare the person down like i'm going to run. i've run over with my car andt hit no tip and just smile and say, here's your tip. your, act like you like your job. it's not that hard. homicide >> who would have guessed that an old homicide prosecutor warrt would be a pushover and would tip even when it's warrantedn th and you would be the toughduo. one of us and the duo who would have us ? >> i learned my lesson because i tip really well at the parking garage where i parked my car and theyooke
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basically destroyed my car. d le look like a porter., john exploded on my car and es i essentially had to get itt repainted. repain you .owell, thank vigorous debate about maybe the most pressing issue facing our country. and thanwatching foxk you for wx news tonight. tomorrow, florida governor ron desantis joins joinss tous right here to sharg news. we hope you tune in and have a great evening, sean .e joins h al hannity is next. he joins us with all of his his friends. ds right to say hello to i sorry. anyway, great job. my family. hann hello.d we a welcome to this is a rowdyre our crowd tonight. anyway, welcome to "hannity". udience. and we are back with our live audience right here in studio. w >> texas senator ted cruz will be here in a moment.d educt now, today, he helped educate hs aoc on the sordid history of c the democratic party. also, chairman jim jordan and chairman james colmer, they will be joining us with the very lates t on their investigations into joe biden,


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