tv Hannity FOX News May 23, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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john exploded on my car and es i essentially had to get itt repainted. repain you .owell, thank vigorous debate about maybe the most pressing issue facing our country. and thanwatching foxk you for wx news tonight. tomorrow, florida governor ron desantis joins joinss tous right here to sharg news. we hope you tune in and have a great evening, sean .e joins h al hannity is next. he joins us with all of his his friends. ds right to say hello to i sorry. anyway, great job. my family. hann hello.d we a welcome to this is a rowdyre our crowd tonight. anyway, welcome to "hannity". udience. and we are back with our live audience right here in studio. w >> texas senator ted cruz will be here in a moment.d educt now, today, he helped educate hs aoc on the sordid history of c the democratic party. also, chairman jim jordan and chairman james colmer, they will be joining us with the very lates t on their investigations into joe biden, hunter, biden, the deep statetin
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that is protecting them, an fbi that has been politicized and a doj weaponized. also tonight, shockingk city new images from a wokeholding new york city college professor. look at thisa machete to, holdie to the neck of a new york posthe reporter. in that reporter will tell the whole story right here coming up later in the show. upa but first, ready or not? 2020 four heating up. the as of right now, former president trump has a wide lead in the republican primary. >> but to tomorrow, floridaofficially r governor ron desantis is expected to officiallow his w his hat into the ring duringy a live event on twitter with elon musk. stin already, there is a diversennin field of qualified interestingin candidates running in the republican primary. by the way, even chris christiee is apparently who i think he a left office with like a 15h percent approval rating.s he's apparently flirting with another run. he wants to be the i hateevery i donald trump every second, e an
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every minute, every hour of every day candidate and dedicate his entiretrashingl campaign to trashing all things donald trump all the tim e. do you really think that is the best use of your time, chris ?nt which now brings us to an important question to you, our viewers at home here in studio. all right. so now we have all these nning. do yo candidates. >> do you want yours truly to interview you ? and give equal time to every rao gop candidate? do you want to come on radio and tv? >> do you want to hear from n the entire field? no. >> okay, just go to hannity. t , com you can let me know. give we have a poll going on right update now. w here thewe'll give you an update on where the numbers are at ful the end of the show. mark my word upss, this will be a primary full of upss and downs. and meanwhile, democrats are 80-ye already circling the wagons around their 80 year old corpse. ce biden, evejoe biden, even ty have really serious doubts about his physical fitness, mental ability, cognitive abilitary clintony.
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>> even hillary clinton voiced concerns about biden's age. but joe's obvious cognitive decline is not his only problem.y pr the far-left staffers runnin bide story short, the far left staffers that are running biden's white house have done an awful job. if you look at everyfe facet of american life, it is now worserm under their idiotic policy, gy their extremism, starting with the border to the economyo, infras to energy, national security, like pass pour infrastructure, you name it. it's worse. even small things s likeand itse passports, and visasst and permits. everything is a, and soso far , biden can't even reach an agreement on the debt ceiling and maybe that's because he refused to negotiated with kevin mccarthydays. and disappeared for a whopping ninety seven days. wouldn't picjoe wouldn't even pp the phone and call and he wouldn't accept the call or an invitation from speaker mccarthy. but don't expect bidenr or the democrats or their handlers in the media mob to take any thing, responsive ability for anything. instead, they'll just smear, slander, besmirch republicans
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like they always do.much republi get this today over there atcana the view, that hard hittingss news show that it is , you hadar joyless behar literally trying to lecture supreme courte claree th justice clarence thomast on and presidential candidate tim scott on racism. inte to berelook.t interesting. o is lik >> take a look. and he's one of these guys who , you know, he's a clarencef thomas black republican who believes in pulling himself by your bootstraps rather than, to me, understanding the systemic racism that african-americans face in this country and other minorities. he doesn'tit, neit get it. neither does clarence. right. and that's whypublic they're yeah, i know. >> all right. joyless behar once proudly posed, quote, blackface as an nl african womaesn. rat now, needless to say, it's pretty weird that she is now men berating two african racism. american men on the topic ofe th racism. now, let's seeom clarence thomas ,you need to read his book, cro
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my grandfather's son . it's a great book. he gre iw up in the jim crow era in the deep south. bu bt ellis thinks that she knos better than clarence thomas. tim scott also had a toughlife,i upbringing, also a great book about him himself.d he his life, his background. >> and he overcame so much dismis to achieve his dreams, only to be dismissed and slandered. by a bunch of ignoramuses over at the view. now,everything everything is woi country and everything's pc in the country. except if you are it' african-american and you are open a conservative, then it's open, free you can say anything you wantals and get away with it. no penalties, no calls for firing, no cancelations. boycotts. comes t in reality, democrats have a terrible track record when ito comes to race and equality mornine rights of human beings.i for example, this morning, congresswoman aoc alexander a cassio cortez as senator ted cruz to explain the historyt of the democratic party.y. cruz responded, quote, first,
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it was the democratic party that founded the kkk. it was the democratic partydemo that wrote jim crow lawscrat. then the democratic party wasl currene that filibustered the civil rights act.he add to this our current th president , joe biden, he was d' working to stop the integration of public schoolhes because he didn't want them to become, quote, racial jungle'shose. h th those were joe biden's word words and he partnered with the former grand poobah kkk bird as crue that eulogy at the former exalted cyclops of the clan, robert kkkbyrd, his mentor as he called him at the time. democrats jar tempting to use race, they do it every two years, every four years as every four years as a divisive semin marxist political stunt dividing this country, you black versus white, old versus v young, rich versus poor.
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just divide any way they canrtae caramelizing certain races as perpetual victims, others as evil oppressors. >> oppress now, here's south caroa senator and presidential candidate tim scott. >> take a look. i do think this is a differenceh in how we communicate. there's no question thatleft. tf my life disproves the lies of the radical left. their culture of victimhood, rsd eating away at the soul ofi america. i understand brokennes s. i understand having low esteem.l i understand nearly failing outt of school. natio but i also understand that we lv do not live in a nation ofi want grievance. >> we live in a nation ofe that greatness. now, i want to compare thatto je thoughtful, intelligent message to joe biden's pitch to african-american voters. take a look. ha >> you decide. figur got more to it.whethe if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for mayor trump and you ain't black is>> i your president anyway. so, congresswoman nicasiore youb cortez, are you prourod of that?
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are you proud thatp to your president, the guy that you look up to but lead your party, tried to stop the integration of public schools? he didn't want them to become, in his words, racial jungle's? e do you endorse that message orll do you think that maybe it's time for the democratic party to finally move awayit from its racist tendencies and candidates who onceion an supported segregationd and praised as their mentors former klansman? anyway, let's give a warm wel audience welcome in studios tonight, texas senator ted cruz . well, that was that was a greato exchange with aoc. if >> oh, look, it was she askedi i if i was willing to engage. >> i don't think she wanted the answer to be yes.
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r thand i will say one of the stunning things for the little socialist from new york , she hadn't said a word in response. >>e is athink thersponse. response that was too big.this, you know, people may not know this. alamdar schwartz has said andsau you disagree on a lot of t politics, but hehe stu said youn one of the smartest students that he ever taugh champion t ye the number one debate champion in the country. >> when you went to harvard law, i think this may be deep waters for aoc.lege >> and i got to tell you , in college, really, it was veryy h, effective at a party with girlsl to say, hey, you know, i'm ale colleggee debater. y >> it is really weird that that went over well. yeah, yeah. yeah. >> you know, you know, simi kids are division on athletes. i was a debater, so, you know, that's it's it's similar to listen, something to be proud of.ay >> all right, let's look at twenty , twenty four . yeah. okay to, desantis tomorrow. leading n yeah. tim scothet got in the race. trump leading in the polls. s wh where do you see this going? you you've been through this.
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i was with you all throughout twenty , fifteen and sixteen. >> you you came do you went thet and came down a you versus look, donald trump . how do you see this race >> it's going to be wild and wooly, i will say. do s you think it's a bad signng for joe biden when hillary clinton is saying he's old a and corrupt? >> i think that wand i ts sehitt on purpose. and i think i think that the democratic establishment, they don't want joe . >> so i'll tweak thate th a little bit. >> six months ago, i said i didn't think joe would be the nominenk he. the >> i now think he's likely to be the democrat nomineee repl because i think the democrats think trump is going to be the republican nominee. and i think the way democratatse think, they think, okay, ifmine trump's the nominee, they can hide bidene they in a basement n two years and just run on how much they hate trump . i that's their strategy. i think if at any point inng t the coming months, democratsro suddenly think it's going to ben
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anybody but trump , i think f they'll throw joe to the curb and try to find someone younger. because, joe , at thisy can' poa the guy can't tie hirgs shoessnt without assistance. >> no. well, i would argue he doesn't, know today's tuesday. >> sth is goino but this is goi in my mind, it'spe always about peace and prosperity. re >>. i think elections arecan i the future. can you think of a single thinge quat he haris doneca that has benefited the american people? because i can't. and the question, if it's asked properly, are you better off now than you were four years ago or not? >> look, i'll frame it event suk more simply. is there any aspect of public life that doesn' t more than it did four years ago? en but like, itacular,t really is spectacularti in our entire lives. scre have ww the seen a president scn the country up more in two years than j joe biden? >> like everything is worse,reig domestic economic, foreign policy, like like it has been. s
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>>t, let me ask you a question seriously, sean . imagine you've had host, albeit guest. >> all right.down w i like it's alctive, il imagine you sat down with the objective. >> i want to destroy america. e >> what would you do differently than joe biden's done the last two years? >>in nothingg. i. ers me a >> i mean i mean, whenates you think about this, whatof bothers me and what frustrates me is all of>> these problems hi to mtye will preventable. >> yes, we had a secure border. we know how what an integralnata part of our economy is related to energy. wel resources. have all these nl resources. >> we were energy independent. wen euh could be providing westn europe with all of their energyb needs and we'd be paying down the debt by the trillions over the years. >> yes . and stop robbing fromconc our children and grandchildrener . >> i a>>m very concerned. china sees weakness, of course, sees a flaw and sees it. they've no w formed what i call new axis of evil.d si >>tu you see that?
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absolutely. look, joe inherited a situation that was potentially phenomenal. he's our president . i would have likede him to succeed. you take something lik e the border. he and inherited the lowest rate of illegal immigration in forty five years. all he had to do was do doo nothing, continue the sameing policies. and he could startnoprio with something that nor mp president had prior to that, inheriting the great successes came the trump administration, w came in and immediately screwed it up. >>u said every state is now a border state. yes.of and by the way, if you may nott remember, in the middle ofus the panda, if it wasn't fors you because we couldn't get our tv camerasle, there were cageswd with kids piled on top of kidsef that are overcrowded ins, we the middle of a pandemic. we're not doinarg any background checks. we're not seeing a people have nodical associations. we weren't even doing health maa checks. there was no vaccine mandate for illegatel immigrants. >> by the end of this year, ill it's going to be seven andeg a half million illegale jo
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immigrants. just since joe became president , so when i went downration to the border, this is early t on in the biden administration, they had the joe biden cages filled with kids. fo fox newstime, wanted to embed a cameraman to come in with me. i brough t 19 senators with me. you had a big gripe to see this . and the biden administration said , no, we're not goingca to let the fox cameraman in because the cameraman might have covid c that was literally min their justification. and mind you , they had there was a massive rate of kobadd positivity in the cages. and so, as youan noted, i pulled out myself and i just filmed it, and sent it to you. >> senator fox , we would not me. have known had you not sent that video to me. >> and there wasitical a little political operative from the biden administration ade das standing in front of m yelling at me. she was sent down from dcdeos, to stop any photos owhr videos f what was happening. >> she kept yellin g respect to these people, respect
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their dignity. and i said , look,ec you respeca their dignity. you're the one that are lockin n them up in you're thema one that are sendig them to be with humanbu traffickers. you're the one that are lettings the women be abused. and the kids be brutalized.n and the biden administration cor thrives in darkness.rupt doey trust the corrupt corporate media never to report on their disasters. and what you do and a handful of others is just tell the truth. let's talk a little bit aboutrsf the debt ceiling. yeah, there are no ywlude s enforty four senators, if he you include senator kennedy, i don't think he signed, but heg told me that he's standingleas with the forty three of you .t o >> so at least colorful thing. john kennedy's never said that's probably true. >> i used one of the more humorous guys in the senate.e is i love john . he's a good friend.nely he genuinely hysteric wickedly. by the way, art, can i tell my favorite john kennedy ism? he said if adam and eve had been from louisiana, yeah, bee they'd have been married and boudreaux and they'd have thrown out the apple and eaten
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the snake. >> that's that's kennedy. >> great job. so we have the debt ceiling. fo7 joe biden disappeared for ninety seven days. i argue he made a bet. >> a the bet was republicans in the house won't get a deal done. yep,i a grea they got it done, e way. i think a great deal . go back to twenty twenty two spending levels. >> yes. cap the the rate, of growth to 1% baseline budgeting. add in some energy measure s which we need desperately. it's it's scored by the cbo to save four pointouse. eight dollars billion. yeah. the senate is standing with thei house. yes.t needi don't think kevin mccarthy needs to budge. look, and bide n wants to default. it'll be biden's default. let me han praise the house. republicans have handled this, beautifully. and i can tellsena you ines the senate, the senate conservatives we met every week, we would sit down with house conservatives. we'd say, listen, our role in this battle is to back you uph e is to have your backs is to w encourage unity.
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what we wanted to avoid is anysn wobbly gop senator suddenly jumping ship and joining. with the administration. we haven't hadwe'v we've seenu r republican unity, something that doesn't happen very often. ght,and you're right, biden was counting on house republicans not being able to gegether. t tt together and his position oftia, go pound sand. i won't negotiat ie, i won't tae about it was so obviously unreasonable that he gave. and i'll give you an amazing stat. 58f% of democrats believe we should have significant spending cuts as part ofparty the debt ceiling. joe biden is the left ofan his win party. and i thinthk we're going to end up i hope and believ pe, the with some real positive steps l to reign in the lunatic spending in washington. >> let me ask you let mether go back to 2024 for a second. yeah, look, i've been there an election. yeah, there's an election, i by the way, his reelectionu.s. is critical. >> we need you in the u.s.enat senate to really do well.y on and lenny, let me say on that
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front, chuck schumer has madeun. my race the number one target for a democrat pickup in the country. inthe last race i was in, they outspent us three to one. they're going to flood one hundred million dollars into texas. and so i want to take a page out of our friend g linsey graham's book and say, please go to ted cruz, dog, ted cruz dog, ted cruz dog, because we got to stand upnatics to the lunatics. so i n any primary is always, co going to be at some point down is going to get contentious. >> yesto, it was it came downjut to you, president trump. you guys kind of remain friendly to a point, then it just happens. did it get a littl hote hot ? got a lot hot . but this race is starting out hot . between the presidenthapp and governor desantis. >>h that would happen later. yeah. if need be , it matoy not even need to happen because the real problem in this country are the left wing. >> yes. look, you and i are both friends with we respect president trump. we respect ron desantis, ighl
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i think very highly of both of them. when when donald trump was president , there was noy senator who worked more closely with donald trump than i did in the u.s. senate. ron desantisti. i think he's done a phenomenal job as governor of florida. thew i'm proud ofay the job he's done as governor of florida. by the way, the fight with aocwh that you started, your monologe with , it started with thehth naacp. idiotically putting a travel sta warning for gointeg the state of florida because they said florida is unwelcomeameric to african-americans. and aoc chimed in and said and agreed with that. and n i said ,am look, florida african-americans are moving to florida in massive numbers becauss of e it's an oasis ofble re freedom. and your party has a terrible,cn terriblere going record on race, we're going to follow decis your race. we're going to support you in your race. lee the only bad decision com you made is leaving texas to come here, but everythingdoin else you're doing is great. senator , great to seeg you .upu thank you .f just all right. a
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coming up, our two tier systemwh of justice is at it again with rumors that trump might be charged over the foesx hoax while biden gets off scot free after mishandling classified material in multiple locations. altarum, jim jordan and james comey are straight ahead. >> stay with us. wit on this plan to make you born with the tax. they're here. >> tax everywhere in congress, ron desantis wanted to replace the current system with a national sales tax, a twenty three percent tax hike on almost everything you buy from the gas station. to the grocery store. you'll pay more there. you'll everyone know we can't afford bondies sales tax. >> make america great again. inc is responsible for the content of this advertising
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joe biden would eat five four two zero three six. >> that's 800 eat five four two zero three six. and tonight, the weaponization of our federal government continues to plague our justice system. spaccording to a new report from the wall street journal, the appointe clod special counsl is close to wrapping up hisstemi classified document investigationsng stemming frommp
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the raid at mar-a-lago and some trump associates are reportedly bracing for, quote, an indictment. meanwhile, the fbi has refused to provide a document subpoenaed by congressma providn james comey in the house oversight committee alleging allegedly detailing what is a bribery scheme from then vice president joe biden. twd in the latest disturbing twist in the hunter biden now investigation, irs whistleblowers are now claiming claiminretallack ation in connn to their hunter biden complaint. the irthe irs commissioner has e denied these claims in a letter to the house ways and means committee. but hunter's issues don't stop there. according to athere.a ne new coe filing, his daughter's mother is now requesting thaty the first son be incarcerated over their custody court battl.e . that's the one that he said he t had no money for, but flew down on a private jet estimated. to cost anywhere between 50 and a hundred and twenty thousand dollars. o he coulthat's a lot of money. have given to his own daughter. by the way, it would be nice if
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joe and jill biden would recognize and acknowledge that they have a grandchild. that would be niced . , no a girl, girls four years old.t n she's an innocent victim, noter doing so is repulsive anyway. here with reaction, house oversight committee chair james comar and house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan. great to have you both. n jo ourisman jordan, let me start with you. art withall right.ough so first, we have i thought we had whistleblower protection laws in this countryprotec. >> i also thought that that democrats loved even hearsay whistleblowersrs but the, but te apparently like whistleblowers. ify they're going after donald trump . we now have allegation alls by h fbi whistleblowers and irs whistleblowerss that they are not being protected by the laws in this country. and that retaliation is taking o place. >> what can you tell us abouty it? are tryino, they're trying to cs him. and you're exactly right,nonymo saying it was anus anonymous whistleblower who was behind the whole impeachment of president trump. a fe trumpw years ago.g
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so they're trying to crushg us these guys becauseabout they're coming forward and notnr telling us about the double standard of the attack on president trump . but the attackt n we the on we the people. that's the scariest part of and all. but if you ste tp back and think about this double standard for a second and think about thism e seven years go was jim comey, andrew mccabe and peter struck, who went after president trump and his campaign with no probable cause, no predicate, ol no evidence whatsoever. mrth. durham tolisd us that thi. past week. s today it's alvin bragg, fani willis, in georgia. i and , of course, now it looks like jack smith here in washington going afterent trum president trump. and my guess is they don't havhe any real probable cause, real, do real predicate or real evidence to do that. it just showe doubles a doublelo standard. and if you come forward t and talk about this stuff, that's when they come afterw tht you . that's when they try f to crusrh you . we saw that from thoseeth whistleblowers last week ins the hearing. >> all right. so jim jordan's committecoe just to get everybody straight, is looking into whether the fbi is politicized and the dojery hs weaponizes jim comey, t your house oversight committeecm
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is looking into the biden family or the biden family syndicate. told is >> one of the things that i you were told is that there is a ten , twenty three forum. e and on this forum, it would be evidence of what resulted inn then vice president joe biden i committing or performing certain acts in exchange for f orhim and money for him and his. afe fbi has steadfastly refused to hand over that document. now, kevin mccarthy, after a conversation director wray foo said that it seemed like thatina would be forthcoming. now,y n reading today, again, > it's not forthcoming. >> yeah, no, i'm not as optimistic about getting that from the director as speaker mccarthy. i appreciate speaker mccarthy. he's sticking with me on thikes but we've had two meetings with surrogates from the fbi. ly both meetings were honestly very patronizing. they were talking aboutfor us the need for us to trust them u and for us to not worry aboutneu it. the reason we're concerned about this allegation is thatra
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it's consistent with a pattern that we've seen in severalcounte s other countries where then vie president biden would fly intort hea country during the last year of the obama administration, meet with government officialsfl ,and then weeks later, members of his family would receiveom fr through shell companies direct payments from foreign nationals. thisei informant alleged this ws taking place three years before anyone knew about the shell companies or anyon e knew thatgettin members of the biden family were getting money while joe biden was vice president . , that's so that's why this is of the utmost importance. us , the fbi won't even confirm that this ten ,s twenty three exist much less tell us what exactly they did to investigate the validity ofen the claim. >> let's talk about the latestjd in your investigation. jim an, an, jordan. and very specifically, we know that in 2016 that the fbi, according to the durham report ,gave favorable treatmentinton. to hillary clinton. >> w we ale also know that opern
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crossfire hurricane never never n. ve been ope we also know that they used an a unverifiable and false dossier,i a dirty russian dossier that hillary clinton paid for.d th and they putey put their cinderw on the scale of a presidential election. but we also know that it, happened in 2020 in the form of the fbi, even though they had hunter biden's laptop, they authenticated, according to john solomon, in the spring of 202 t solomon0. the but they had in the months leading up to the 2020 election weekly meetings of big tech companies, warning them that they may be victims of disinformation campaigns. >> and it may be about joe and putter biden. >> now, is that the fbi putting their cinder blocks again on the scale of an election? and can you add the cia down to that list? >> yeah, but it's not just the twenty, sixteen and 2020 election in between that in thi 2018, it was the muellerelection investigation. hey and then this past election inin 2020 two , they raid
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president trump's ninety one days before that midterm election. but they didn't theyt do the saw to joe biden, even though they knew he had classified document problems. clad documethey waited until ar the election. and then of course, here we are4 heading into twenty ,al twenty four and they're already doing the same thing. alvin bragg indictedg indicted r president trump inh new york using federal tax dollars with no real issueno rea there whatsoever. it's ridiculous what they did.uh fani williillis is lookings to t in georgia, the same darn thing. and of course, jack smith the wall is reported to the "wall street journal" maybe as the special counsel, maybe indicting president trumg presim on the classified documents. you , joe biden, had classifiedn documents at four differen doct locations, but they're going to indict president trump. this is why thispresid is just s drives americans crazy and . well, it should. and it's why what kevin mccarthy and speaker mccarthy and we're doing as republicans to show as repub hhow these agencies han turned on . we the people, i think is sos s darn important. e >> congressman cuomo, will we ever get the exact figure how much money h the biden famiy did in business with hostile regimes? like russia and china, ukra
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and ukraine and kazakhstan and a dozen other countries? are we ever going to learn how much money they made? h are we ever going to discover what joe biden knew when he knew it? we the know he lied to the couno when he said he never hads fore a discussion with hiigs son abot his foreign business dealings. when w believto the bottom of this and do you believe atat the end of the day that access was sold by then? ldvice president joe biden? >> i believe something of value was given to these foreign countries, these adversaries. ours are they wouldn't have sent so much money to the various different members of the biden family. i mean, anyone that has anyty wd sense of objectivity would recognize the fact that it's not normal behavior forrelati verelatives of a sitting vice president to receive wyrsch through phony companies from foreign nationals all over the planet. so i believe that we will get to the bottom of it. we've already uncovered allcovee these shell companies. we've uncovered various bank dio
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accounts. we discovered thatd nine different biden families, ninemembers receive payments. this was information that was never known before. began we began our investigatiot about three and a half months ago. soow we're continuing to followe the money trail right now.g we're hoping that we can get ai little information from the fbi because this is an important l part of our investigation. this is a link that would directly tie joe biden into this corruption. . we so hopefully the fbi will doss the right thing and we're going to continue to press forward to get that information. >> all right, congressman james , former congressma jim jordan, so important work for you both involved in working in tandem. the of and we look forward to the results of the investigations, both of them. thank you .w fo all right. coming up now, former hunter college professor has been a fired after shftere held a mach to a "new york post".w york reporters neck following an w altercation with a pro-life group on campua s.
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that reporter tells us that harrowing story. and judge jeanine straight ahead. je i will bless those who bless you here in israel and across the former soviet union, there are thousands of destitute elderly who are alone and in need of basic food. they desperately need your help. >> ramsey clark is halakhah survivor of. she keeps saying my refrigerator is empty. she's embarrassed to ask fore o. help. if lived, ther e need, as you can see, is extremely urgent.e d >> j rightew now. rt and f you can give a gift of life of twenty five dollars.
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you're free to cook anything any time anywhere to go to the nearest black stone retailer or log on to blackstone products. >> .com blackstone. better when you watch. listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere . fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. and now tonight, a disturbing story out of hunter college in r new york city where a crazed professor held a knifee to to a "new york post". >> reporters neck a machete. take a loo at thk. this. >> the video obtained by the "new york post". look at this point in my whole life, like, okay, let's let's get out of here. >>u you can't do that now. >> the reporter went to herr apartment in the bronx for anoub interview following her outburst directed at a pro-lifec group on campus. >> takampue a looks.. >> we're really not educating.
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this is propaganda.ik neat are you going to do, like anti transneft jackie ibanez? >> i mean, we're talking about trigtion. >> this is this is violent. you're triggering my students. >> sorry. no y, you're not.ou're i mean, you can't even, yo havew ,so you don't even know whatt ts that is . >> you know, thi gets is now hur college released a statement condemning her actions and noting that she has been fired. we did reach out bot to bothet the professor and her union. we did not get a response as as reminder of the new york postwit and fox who share common ownership here with reactione v a victim of this machete outburst. "new york post" reporter rubenwh fenton is with us . ruben, you seem pretty cool considering he had a machete at your neck. thanks for joining us . tell us what athleisure. >> well, it's as it's playedt wd out in the video for talk.speak we just wanted to speak to thish woman. weough thought we might havehe i a chance given that she's obviously passionate about her beliefs.
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and maybe if we showed upliefs to her dooanr, she'd be willing to to grant us an interview. we we you know, in my career, 10 i've knocked on 10,000 doors, ah you know, hoping for interviews. and once in a while,t you gotwot one . and i thought this might work out, but i got a bit of a surprise when when she openedt the door, this was a first for . me. she first verbally threatenedch to to chop us up with thee ma machete and then proceeded to come out of her apartment brandishing a blade and pressing, pressing ity against the side of my a boutfor about a second. and then she i guess, realized she was being recorded and went back inside. >> you going to press charges?ra i have yet to figure that out. i'm i'm in discussions about what i'm going to do next.uld tt >> i haven't figured out whysueo would why would that be whyr would that be an issue for you ? you knowu?, i because to be honest, this is my first time ever being in a situation where
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i've been asked whether or notse i would ever have never pressed charges before or even asked. so i'm still sort of wrapping my head around all of this. that being said , you know, ofk i have to sort of talk to police and see what my my my bad and talk to the company and see when my best avenue here is .rubi all right, ruben, thann,k t god you're okay. thank you .the >> brave reporting on your t part. we'll follow this story. thank you . thand k for them. okay, how did we possibly get here as a country? l >> how did we get to a pointe where you can no longer evenscot a civil discourse? >> all right. now, i want you to take a lookrh right here. this booisk, reaction. incre thisdi is an incredible book.t o i've read it cover to cover a brand new book just out today, crimes against the left's takedown ofyou ca a republic, which you can get a copy at. judge jay book .com, also on, hanadi .com, nowh bookstores all over the country. she is the co-host, the hit
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show, the five, a warm welcome f for judge jeanine pirro. >> thank. ow, i rew, i don't you it's my show. i didn't get that kind ofnk reaction. annity: no, thank you .ght into thank you . t okay, i want to get right intois first. no, i want to sa y one thing. t this book is amazing. no, it is .'t mak but i want to talk about that guy. he can't make a decision abouthw whether to file charges. if i were the d.a., i don't need his permission. i take that video, you present it to a jury, you get a conviction that is called menacing. it is crime to be arrested. whyv that's it.u that's whymore i lov ande you me and more. >> i mean this when i say you're one of my favorite people here. ybody thand i love everybody tht here, i feel blessed to work with a great group of peoplegr a where you talk about crimes against america and youical ly talspecifically talk abouter
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the left's takedown of our republic. >> i've never i've been doing this thirty five years, judge. when i started i yearsn radiox. twenty seven here. fox yep. i've never been more afraid forr the future of our country. republiour republic, than i ami now. say ou know, the amazing part of it is that you say you call it the country and america and the republic. the trutic, we ah is we are notg more than a globalist landingwe spot with benefits. we arenation no longer a soveren nation. we don't have e a border. , thea in are this landing spot where people come in. they're not invited.y e anthey simply come and they expect and demand the cornucopia of benefits that wehe give education, medication, hou housing. and this book talksis about all of the crimes, beginningi with the indictment that i use p rosecuas a former prosecutor. and i go against all. at the crimes, their attempts to shut down the firstms amendment. o and they did it not only intnes terms of political correctnessb0 ,but in the twenty when they sixteen election and the 2020 election whe un they stopped us from talking about the hunter biden, the laptop when fifty one so-called intelligence agents said , oh, that's russian disinformation,
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and they did it for the purpose of making sure that joe biden could win that debatefrom the with donald trump . and you we go on frorem there. u >> crimes against america are y against all ofou the institutiot you thinhik we're losing the country? do you think the country? mark levinnie callty: s the poss constitutional america. >> io you agree with that? i agree with that.h that. i talk i agree with the fact and i talk about it in the opening of crimes against america. i talk about the fact that abraham lincoln predicted that no foreign power will destroy, o this country, no one can destroy america. the only one that can destroyela america is america herself. meamerica, if she is to die, will die by suicide. and thate is the beginning ofit the book. and everything that we've seen k is about to take down to the greatest nation on earth, making america less, makinged sure that in schools our kids are raised and they're indoctrinated. they are trying to convincerxiss us that we're a marxist a socialist society is if they're not our kids, s they're the state's kids. they're nokidst. and this whole idea of law
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and order being imploded where t you've got a social justice, t i don't know what the heck that is . and you let criminals outl as though bail is something that is unheard. >> it's in the eighth amendment to the constitution. i don't want criminals runnings around. i spent my life three decades a prosecutorutor, a , a judge ao d.a. they do something wrong. you lock them up, you make sure they don't do it again, make sure no, make sure that these people understand that there are consequences . d says, yo and we've got a woman, hillary clinton, comes out today and says, oh, you know, shoul joe biden is not you know, have he's a little old. beea lo hillary, you should beenng lockd up a long time ago.o. all >> with all due respect, lying e down when we find out fromreport the from the durham report that she's the one who started the russian collusion delusion wh . she told joe biden she told shes barack obama what she was goin l to do to get the email scandal off of her. r and nobody says anything. and now she's ready to run for president again. this country is too grea too grt.
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>> we are too important. this experiment, we don't have w equal justice under the law in this country anymore. we don't have equal application of our laws. due have a dual justice doe system that everyone agrees. unfortunately, i wish i was wrong. i spent 30 years. you know how sick i am abouttrus this. ave the truth is , you've got te a guy, hunter biden, six years they've been investigatingd wr a guy. i could write an accusatory c instrument right now to filean l charges against him for taxing evasion, for lying on a pistoloa permit application ofy violations for money laundering. housan, you've got an organized criminal enterprise in the white house. collecden's a frankis t guy, hu. biden's in the back collecting the garbage bag, collecting cash . >> all right. now, the book is called crimes "c against humanity and america the crimes against america sorry. ofe left's takedown ofe down our republic. >> you're going to be on myow tm radio show tomorrow, okay?or okay. and, if people want an autographed copy, what are they got? yeah. yeah. go to judge jay book .com. is o
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i will sigmin the book for you f father's day is coming up nee and people need to read, ment i you need to know how every institution of our governmentakt is being taken down. yo have to stop it. it's got to end. we're too important. you know, ronald reagan talked about that shining city on the hill. >> that's who we are. and i'll be if anybody's goinga to take away from thatwa. it will be no.>> a fron the book. by the way, everybody in our audience tonight, you're getting a free copy. r all you got a copy of the book and judge james book, .com and bookstores everywhere , by the way. up next, fears of a bud light a style boycott growing inside the retail giant target.dodger and the dodgers have given ino h to the wolf mom. and they're honoring now a controversial anti catholic trans group at an upcoming game. antiy larin, arnold, charlie arnold, the next as we continue. >> yeah, fox station is forever
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would eat five four two zero three six. >> that's 800 eat five four two zero three six. >> hanni tellright. both this continue. sources telling fox news that target held an emergency meeting today to discussthe fron removing some of its annualhe pride month displays from sto the front windows of the stores after backlash against tell products like transproductl gender friendly swimwear. the source tells fox the target is terrified of a bud light situation. here now a, keiko's tommy laren, charlie arnold with a thankwith you . all right, charlie, we'll start with you tonight. okay? can i don't even know if i can find a correct way to describe the the way that the thet that women's bathing suit that are worn by biological and hides i biological male parts. >>s they is that is that's abot
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as efficiently as i can say it . yeah. there actually is a correct descriptor. they're called tuck friendly and expanded swimwear. d and those wereis two of the elements that were on displayyou walk. right.ture when you walk into target m stores in something that i would venture to say the majority of target consumers are not looking for whethe or for themselves or for their children, yet this is exactly what they wer e confronted with . and parents are obviously veryou ticked off about this. l wh this is just really one morear space that they can't control what their kids are seeing. there is woke agenda is being force fed to their childre fn. s first it was in their schools, then it was in their sports teams of their children. no aw it's like you can't even peacefully shop at target as a family. .tommy, let's get your take. i mean, on my y radio show earlier today, i thought i knew gu what tuck friendly and thankfully, i guessed right. but my staff is laughing that in i'm even asking a question
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about what it means. but why are these storesthey a getting involved in thesebu controversial issues? sinessthey're in business to mae money. >> they're in business, no alit to alienate, you know, their their customers. in they getting involved in politics and taking controversial positions? well, a little thing called the corporate equality index, e and that's exactly what they live and die by . to but i thin fink that target reay soon is about to find out whatr' happens when conservative shop or rather don'get shop becausee they are about to get bud lighy .as and i will tell your audience, i live here in nashville, tennessee. as you know,y meet and that emey meeting target had well, apparently it affected my local stor ste thise because i went there s afternoon here in nashville. and last week, the pride the frf parapherna all up in the front, all ofli ,his paraphernalia today i went there. >> it' s way in the back behind us to work out where they have moved it because they well knowg because we setht the precedent with bud light that consumers are conservate, especially in
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places like the south. and we buy things and we have the power not to buy things. so target, beware. a i know that you allow a small minority of the population to run roughshod, but not here in tennessee. oand hopefully not in a city or state near you guys. >> charlie worthy'oese s, why ds these corporations keep making the same mistake? >> wnol, i don'tnk theree well,o there's any lessons to be learned here, sean .us i think it's ver y obviouorations ks that these corporations know exactlyh what they're doing. i don't even quite frankly,g by by the fact that it was an emergency meeting because thisg by puttingon this is front and center, there. these cog to be backlash. burport the fact remains, these corporations target. we've seen it with adidas, we've seen i a they hat with bu. they have been captured by the left and they have just completely ignored their consumer base. they've ignored their bottom lineboe, the. and instead they are purely out to push a social agenda. and that's exactly what we're seeing with target. it's infuriating. all right, charlie, thank comin tommies. you . good to see you both. hannity coming up straight ahead, you know. full pre
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all right. here are the results so far . from tonight's poll. hannity, .com, over 90%. i said you want to hear from every candidate, regardless of what they may be polling 2024. , twenty , twenty four . 7 >> look at that, 90 . what is it?sten t ninety three to seven . okay, so we always listen to the audience. we will have the other candidates on our programing note before we go tomorrow.e or night, we have another live audience show. tickets are absolute positively free. just go to hannity .com for all the details and we look forward to having you in studio. >> you have a good time. you get a great audience right . >> and let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham on late. >> i can't believe i'm late. i'm never late. i don't know. it's only twenty five seconds. no, if i take the whole show, my take this all our apologies ,by the way, that the audience has a message for you , including a friend of yours
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