tv Hannity FOX News May 25, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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let's hope summer is better. than it is forecast. but i fear that you mayit's be correct. thank you for joining us . look forward to seeing you soon. thank you . i hope everyon.e was a great evening. pete hegseth is in for sean . have hannity and he is next. >> trey, now, i got to keep their hands off my thermostat, too. everything.r sean yes.ty. it's everything. that's everything. gos, stoves,s air conditioners. >> now, got it. i got my checklist. try great.. great show. >> yes, sir. you got it.ete: w all right.el welcome to this special edition of "hannity". >> i'm pete hegseth, in for sean. for and tonight, a dangerous new era continues at the fbi. in the doj, federal officialss inat the washington swamp or sewer, they're drunk with power and tainted by political bias. you know that fbi director wray continues to defy a legally binding subpoena from the hous e oversight committee.
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he's refusing to produce a document they're purportedlyis tells a foreign bribery scheme involving the big guy himself. the fbi says that releasing confidential source informationt to james comey couldio potentially jeopardizecould investigations and put lives at risk. it's always lives at ris rk. 's got to hide it. of course, it's not a classified document and there is no evidence of any ongoing investigatiof n. but the fbi needs to keep the anti biden allegations top secret, apparently. >> meanwhile, more federal roadblocks into the tax investigation into hunter biden . it's snto bad that a high rankir irs investigator is now blowingg the whistle. >> take a look. there was multiple steps that were or slow walked at the direction of the department of justice. haedthe depad you ever encountet before? i have not known thesehat deviations from normal process.l
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and each and every time itthey seemed to to always benefitnefi the subject and don't want to do any of this. i took an oath of office. and when i saw that egregiousness of some of these t things it wa, it no longer beca. a choice for me. itt i want'sething tha to do, something that i feel like i have to do. >> watch this whole interview. he's reluctant, he's nonpolitical. he doesn't want to be doin ie te . >>vi but the evidence is clear. we're now at the convergence of two major scandals, a compromised first family a d a corrupt federal government driven by politicall bias. here now with the latest foxbias news contributors, charlie hurt and miranda devine. charlie miranda, thanks for being with us tonight. randi, let me start with you. colmer wants to see a document the fbi has that isn't amanda. classified, but they're saying he can't see it even though he has a legal right to . will he see it? can the fbi stonewall? how do these things normally play out? >> you follow these things closely.
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well, of course, they're justo going to continue to stonewall. they've alreadst.y defiedie a subpoena. it's been two weeks since it was issued. christopher wray is just f to be a cover up merchant. that's what he did from the minute he took over from james comey, another cover up merchantstopher and this is the problem. there is no accountability. the the fbi and the fbi director , christopher wray, know that the attorney general ,merrick garland, is backing them. they know that there are no consequences for them. and so, of course,they kno theyn afford to stonewall. and merrick garland, who'snseq quite happuency to jail, former trump officials who defiedjanu subpoenas from the january 6thar committee, treats republican subpoenastee, like a joke. this is the doj corrupt and it's in your face, charlie. we know the administration counts on a warm blanket of
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the legacy media of the left wing media not to coveleft wrt o the obvious blatant corruption right in front of them, but how much how worrieder do. you think if you're in the doj, if you're in the white house, if you're a part of the bidenj r family, and this is out there, something's going to pop to the surface eventually. does this change any ofions their calculation as to how they play this? you would thin tk that it would. but honestly, the media has been so uncurious about any of this that that they probablyey are feel pretty comfortable that they can get away with it.. if it weren't for people like miranda and a select few other people in the press who've beene bird this story from the very beginning, we wouldn't know anything, you know, if we eing haven't learned anything else over the last couple of years,hh we've learned that that the fbi is thoroughly corrupt to the core. it is it is in at least the part of it that's operating out of washington. it is entirelyofhington. engagen politics. it views its purpose to toe to p
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to put their thumb on the scale of elections . and then, of course, we alsoy ar see they're also interested, p probably first and foremost inro protecting themselves, whichhic. is why you can get somebody like christopher wray.ulplop a you could just plop anybodynyat into that spot, it seems like. and their first instinct is to figure out how to protect t the fbi. and we saw the same thing of course, with the mueller report. we now realize the degree to which the muellert the mueller team didn't even ask all of the people who were involved i in the investigation they were doing because they wanted to protect them. >> and, you know, as disgusting as all of it is , you would think that with a vibrant freevn press that you could you would have a lot of people eager to fill in the blanks here.'s nt bu ht that's just not happening because the press is in bed with the fbi and the federal government as they all are.e. >> maranda hypotheticals can ovn
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be overdone, but sometimes they're useful. i think the media has held h with one excuse that thiunsthin. is just one hunter thing. this is a family thing. it's not joeit's not a joe thin. let's say whether it's this five million dollars or some direct, verifiable, undeniable connection is made between the business dealingscto of hunter biden and the political connections and the beneficiary, meaning biden a jon . we've goo t the receipts right here. the money went to him a deal was made, colmer saying maybe a bribery scheme, let's say a smoking gun, really does develop. miranda would be ig gu hate to k the question, but even then, would they acknowledge it or aco arwle they that much? is it that much of a hatchetet job? hink >> look, i think us sitting in the risks that the doj and the fbi are taking to cover upe whatever evidence it is that haveg theseegardinit allegations against joe biden, regarding the hunter bidenjone
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investigation, you can see thati whatever it is they're covering upde is pretty it must be explosive and ive think the good news is that we have all these whistleblowers coming forward, men of integrity, who have , you know ,sacrificed their careers, their livelihood , their reputations, their families happiness realls. for . and for foanr for an ideal , because they're patriots, because they see, as you saw, the irs whistleblower the other day, went on cbs and explained that he couldn't live with his conscience unless he spoke up. so that's a good thing.s beca this is usa fight really. could between good and evil, thesehe e good men and the evil of that. corrupt culture in the fbi. and that's also infiltrateee the doj. >> and i guess it's been thereng for a long time. yeah. nd charlie miranda mentions the irs whistleblower who if you watch the interview, i'm sure you've seen at least. parts of it.
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is reluctant. wa liknte a guy who wanted his to do his job and was told dot n it this way, which was not. the way they've done in the past. and it's clear because it's the president's son , it's a different situation. always son differe benefiting h. do you think again, thaters, the firing of irs workers, that team that was looking at him, f i mean, calen you just shuffle to a new team to cover i t up orr it at some point can sunlight be shown on it? lightwell, i mean, they have te demonstrated that they have an s endless supply of cover up i teams in the fbin or in irs the federal government at the irs, because every single one of theseon cases that we thw we sort of know abou at through the veil, because they tend to operate in secrecy for these investigators, which is understandable. but but every single one ofvery them, when one you get on downih the road, that's why i mentioned to the mueller investigatation.e, because you t on down the road and you fint de out that they don't even interview the top principals who made the decisions and the
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same . inciples who who made the and it appears that's the exact same thing that's going on here with the irs investigation into to into biden. and, you know, the other thingp he , you know, another levelgo f corruption that's going on here is at the level of electedd officials. you know, you can you maybe you don't like chuck grassleyhuk for his political opinions, but nobody would ever say thaty chuck grassley has. >> you couldn't findwo a report who could tell you that chuck grassley has ever lied to themte about somethinllg, whereas we'v just been through five years of all of us democrat voters, everybody being lied to by all these democrats in electedo the officials who were supposed to blaste the last line of defem protecting citizens fromru a runaway federal government o there. they're lying on behalf of thefm and doing what they can to protect this government against the citizens. and that's really messed up.i d' and i you know, i don't know what the answer is .
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>> i don't know how we get tos a better place. but this is nuts. >> it's nuts. there are lies. there are lies. and then there's the biden doj right now. and what they're willing to do across the spectrum to cover up for the big guy, charlie hurt.d miranda devine, thank you both for joining us . >> all right. now we turn to another disturbing development from your federal government. yeah, we'll cheeour you up a little bit more . three weeks after twitter files, journalist matt taibbiosd exposed the government's collusion with big tech in the democrat party. the irs mysteriously decided to open a special examination into tabes tax returns.e ir when did they do it? they did it on christmas eve, on a saturday. those must be some very dedicated government employees clocking in to get it done. and remember, on the very same day that taieb was sets se to testify in front of congress, irs agents paid him a visit at his home. i don't know.t hi do they want to have a chilling effect? you might thin.k?
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here now with reaction, the author of trial of the century fox news legal analyst greg jarret and former florida attorney general pam bondi. greg, pam, thanks for being here. so once maybe a coincidence, greg, twice from two differenton federal agencies, same guy rel releasing dangerous information. >> maybe it's coordinated. mayb. t knowea >> yeah, i don't believe in coincidences. you know, is it a coincidenceine the irs goesnc after taieb right after he exposes the fbi for its lawlessness and then, you know, the irs shows up magically his house the samefron day he testifies in front oft congress. yo to be a gullible the idiot to not see the obvious connection. >> it's a pattern of abuse by joe biden's government. ifbiden' you report on corruptic then corrupt actors will immediately target you . >> you know, you'vs e seen itth with biden, irs, the doj, l the fbi, the intel community,ocs they will descend on you like
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locusts. >> they want to frightence and intimidate, to shut you down, to silence you and to his great credit , taieb will not be bullied. and he revealed what the irs did. >> they moved d to punish him fm free speech that they juste didn't like. and when he exposed it,. you know, the irs comes up with all these transparent lies to cover up what they had done.s this is the same m.o. at the department of injustice. the fbi there, lik the richareyd nixon's dirty tricksters, you remember they compiled an enemy'terss list. well, joe biden has got one and he'll sic is attack dogs on you if you dare to criticize. yeah. pam, you know, you were the top cop in in florida. is it common practice that on christmas eve, on a saturday, someone who's just now made it into the news facesa a probe? boy, g i wish that it was possible to get people oute
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on christmas eve on saturday to investigateon crimes. and this wasn't even a crime. no.r is this what our founders intended our government to be. you know, with the irs mission statement is , is to heltop people understand their tax responsibilities and to enforce the law with integrity. and fairness to all really.l. you know, so now we're learning that they are using being used by the fbi to intimidate, to threaten, to bully anyonewh who's going to stand up or cross or speak against the fbi. speso now we have another one o add to our list, who's truly been weaponized by the biden administration. and it again, it shouldcans frighten all americans . >> wha thet they're doing for s. >> greg, do we have any sense of where these things emanate from? e whthis is this is this who mas the call? and not thatu you would know, but you've done so muchon reporting, so much writinguc on how these things comeg on
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together, the corruption, the collusion, the effects, the attemptse of weaponizes government weaponizes justice. >> is this is thiswejustice. a d to know basis, arm's length distance from the white house to the doj? >> you have your marching orders. go ahead and do it how do these thingsng get executed? byll, either indirectly or directly by the big gu ty who wm now know from the laptop is is joe biden. look, there are plenty of rogue people running around doingt thy what they think biden wants them to do. >> but one wondersn want, you , during watergate, richard nixon was directing a lot of it personally. especially the cover up.ce >> and the the evidence is overwhelming. you've got these malign government actors running a protectionprotec racket fore the bidens. you know, it makes the mob look quaint and small by comparison. >> a whistleblowers and you were talking about this a moment ago, they offeredwhistb compelling evidence that the criminal probe into a biden influenced peddling met a brick
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wall by the president's own appointee, u.s. attorneys and others who were intervening. >> the fbi buried incriminating evidence. >> and , you know, these thistleblowers describe naked favoritism, political interferenceistleblo,n a case that directly implicatese joe biden in apparent crime. so he has every motive to be mot direct these malicious acts, retribution, retaliate, sicking the irs on people. >> you know, one wonders, is it in the oval office? yeah, maybe there's tapes. maybe we'll find out someday. greg, there was once, maybe>> pt twice. >> pam, we're:bee abou theret ts we are in presidential primary season. we're in the place where pdent candidates fortuneias are going to rise and fall. and donald trump made a statement recently about, hey,nald tru the wait until ther you to his top opponent. in the republican primary. >> what assurances would any
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republican have? i mean, donald trump was weaponizes. he has they've gone after him for years. we knoulw that. but why wouldn't they use similar tactics against any other republican that's rising in the ranks? and how dor you guard against that? can you ?ca >> they can't and they will .weo and we know they will.after and remember when donald trump said they're not coming after me, they're coming after you and i'm standing in the way and this is the perfect example of it. and with the irs, i guaranteeia. you there is going to be w a paper trail of it.illi will findrdan because these people thinkth they're above the law,e the irs ,the fbi, the justicehe department, because ify they're workinarg in concert with the biden administration, they think nothing can happen hn to them. and that's whycand they're goinl to come after all of our candidates. anyoneth who will cross them. they went after a journalist who's not going to bnteimidat intimidate. d by them. and , yes, it's going to catchtn up with them. and thank goodness, again, wewil took back the house because jim jordan and congress, they're going to get t to the bottom of it.
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they have to for all americans . yeah, i think i think i think kevin mccarthy, jim jordan, james comey and others have have takenmccarthy their mandatg what they can. greg abbott,at to as they k is h of you , if you were if new you were in the oval office p the day after a neresidewelecte republican president were elected, what would your directive be to thed,u dim to correct this two tiered justice system? how do you rip i t out and change? well, it began with the fbi. i would dismantle start. we will correct it. let me start with greg. >> go ahead, i'd start with the fbi dismantled and deconstructed and build it anew.tter of >> look, the bread and butterth the fbi, the rank and file, these are honest, honorable people. they do great work. it's it's, you know, the hooverr building, you know, a seventh floor. >> and it is absolutely rezvan with corruption. >> and then i'd move to the department of justice and i'dak clean house there to make sureti that it is honest in the way that they pursue cases. s
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you know, you don't go afteryouo catholics, you know, aft as terrorists. you don't go after parents who dare to complain at school board meetings. mplain ayou protect justices whc they're being threatened. >> justices of the u.s. supreme court, you enforce the law. after all, when you're sworn in as president, you're sworn to uphold and execute faithfully all the laws. esiden >> it's about time we had a president who actually did that.. pam, you know, you saw, yo the outrage, the feigningage wh outrage when james colmer oren james comey was was was fired or andy mccabe could barely get removed. >> s o whoever does this is going to face an onslaught like they've probabl facy never seen. >> yeah, well, and again, i would say exactly what gregat said . it starts at the top wit with justice. you put in an attorney general who is not scared of anybody noa and will take out the people ta who are not honest. they are throughout the justice department. but there are some great real
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prosecutors in the justice department. you move on to the fbile , replace replace them, move those guys all over the country. if you can't fire them., disarm them, put the good streee t t thents to work to do the jobhe they were put there to do, ch protect children, go after kidnapers, child, and then the you continue on with dea, give them more resources to fight this international drug crisis. we're facing homelan internad s. . strengthen them, don't cut ild th them, build the wall and do everything that president trump did his first term. and what bidenat is not doing now to protect americans , that's pretty easy. that's going to that would apply to every agency. >> so the onslaught would be total from the bureaucracy, but that would mean you're right over the target. >> craig and pam, thank you both. appreciate it. all right. gcoming up, from government corruption to woke hysteria, victor davis hanson, a great piece explains why the left just can't stop pushingysteria. the envelope. >> these next fox station
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one . >> again, that's eight hundred three two five four nine nine one . welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". the left, as you know, has repeatedly pushed the envelope to continue every day iny in their never ending culture war . well, author victor davis. hanson hanson has writtenon w a fantastirotec new op ed or her called that war a , quote, full fledged cultural revolution against traditional america. rsu >>es his closing sentence in the editorial is our first question tonight. twhy are our government,ns corporations and popular andg im culture colluding inas t mass suicide? to the delighthe of our enemies like communist china? victor davis hanson joins us now with more. >> victor, m whyore. are thosees
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institutions colluding in america's? w >>an why do they want america's suicide? america'i don't know exactly, bf cothink they feel that if evey're correct,rr ideologically ,then they geter a pass on evero type of behavior. n of and that behavior leads to sorti of the destruction of that. theyns and that's not necessarily a bad thing because they feel americ feea was flawed in itss origins. >> so you take out here inorigii californiafornia, we're facing thirty two billion dollars in debt. >> why would council or commission on reparations say that we're going to get 800 billion dollars? why not a trillion, but to african-americans when we were a free state, it'sat eight generations agionseno andn when confronted with those realities, the commission says, well, we're willing to take itil on installment or i was justlm reading, you know, we're t looking up the tragic death on the subway. and i thought, wowe , this guyts looks like he's a career criminal that was killed.kill i thought maybe he haded a riska ofrr five or seven .7.
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how does somebody in the criminal justice system have a an arrest record ofe 40 40 arrests, including violent assault, lewd conduct?assault? >> and then his uncle weighed in and i thought, wow, he's weighing in in support of his deceased nephew. maybe he has a criminal record . he's been arrested 70 times. what kintimed ofs. criminal jusi system, i guesnas ideologically just excuse felony behavior 70 times where we look atk at the border, i thought, wow, it might be porous. we might, under the biden administration, have un orundred thousand two hundred thousand illegal entries. >> but they just blew it up. doesn't exist. we can't even imagine six and a half million illegal c entriem and we looilk at the los angeles dodgers. you know, greater los angelesty is probably got the largest city in north america of peoplei of mexican-american or centralco american or hispanic heritage. the majority or catholic most are still observant. baseballmajority, along with so, is the national pastime ofce the spanish speaking communities. >>r e th here and elsewhere.tion whaly woul pd the los angeles dodgers, who depends on this
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constituency at a time when people are audiences fore professional sports , are in decline? why would they invitee the sisters of perpetual indulgence when their stock inin trade is performance art blasphemy, simulated an, attacks on the trinity, the catholic faith? what makes them do that is that they're hiring people out of mba programs that are woke aretr they don't care. >> but the general theme in all of these incidents is that certain people feel they cany ca take it to the ultimate levelsut to insult traditional americraa and there's no consequences whether target or disney or bud light and you are talking about the fbi, epeat, but i thought maybe an fbi director might fib once. but how did andrew mccabe libe e four times? three times under oath or james clapper lied about the nsa under oath. jam the head of the nsa, he justd it simply laughed it off as well. it's a t least untruthful answeroath or john brennan lied twiceci
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under oath. cia director and james comey.s e i thought when he's in there and devin nunes and people are interviewing, he might claim amnesia 10 or 20 time, but amnesi two hundred and forty five time. so what i'm getting at is there's an arrogance that people feel that they can say or do whatever they wanty want. because ideologic, they feel they're protected or exempt. and even if that destroys these institutions, we've destroyed the fbi, the cia, the irs, e amr corporate america at the bordeir . >> and i think traditional ecumenical racial relations that just keeps going as if. it's a jackie ibanez or some type of updated keeps fren revolution. >> and i don't think we initiona traditional americl a understans what's going on . on. enemies do. and that's why i thinkdeligh they're delighted about it. >> evil.this that's why. you've mentioned communist china. that's why, of course, exp th to fill out our kids minds with nonsense and evil. >>h se things, but won't allow their own kids in china to see those very i same things.
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and then fenthion all i mean, y you take your pick of theseissu corporations, clearly they know these issues don't enhance their bottom line. escebottomtucking it in at targt going to bring in a new n customer bas cuse. they're signaling the government is protecting one political power, power. the cultural rot. i think because andrew breitbart once said politics is downstream of culture. my pastor said cultures downstream culture pas of religion. i mean, what you believe in,elie what you have faith and informs the culture you have and ultimately the politics that unfold where between culture and religion or faith, f because this feels likaie? a religious belief among those on the left, very different form of religious belief wheren does that come from and how do we how do we confront it? >>left well, i think if you're n agnostic or an atheist, you're going to invent your own gods. and that's sort of a tropeiest philosophy. inveand they've invented these e gods. >> for some , it's mother earth or a green deity. god for some , it's redistribution.o theror goddess.
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>> and they feel that they have all the fervent belief of the true believer. and they're intolerant in a wae a fundamentalist can be . and if you don't believebeliev transcendence and they don't, then you have these materialerha godsve mat the and they're polid they're not they're not forgiving. >> and so what they do is if you're a true believer in the left, they feel that certai. n privileges accrue'r to them. they're exempt from the fullforc force of the law. they're able to go intoo in a person and say, you're going to bake this cake. no matter if it's against your religion. >> but that wouldn't be a crime to us. o mayou can't do that back to u- >> or if you're a mr. mulvaneyca ,he wasn't really pushing, but i don't think he ever had a bud light in his life. the point was he was trying to show transgenderism and push it down the throats of americans just like female sports . we have fifty yearsgenderism do feminists trying to get equality for women and all ot f a sudden we have biological males that are cleaning up and destroying records of women and having anfe
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unfair advantage. and they've done more damagee ha to female equity than one hundred years of chauvinist male pigs and sports. and no one says a word becauseha ideologically that's considered an exempt group. but everybody knows that if you're a if you're a male , d you transition to female you're going to have a biological advantage. but on the other hand , they tell, no, no, are you're you're purely female. >> but then we knowfemale the traditional american says, yeah, but men , men that transition to women don't cleani up. >> i mean, women that transition transition to men don't clean up. and then sports , there is a spt difference. there's a biological difference. so it's just falls on deaf ears. ears. so i think in america, look ataa all of these things and we think this is not the old politics. this is not the end part oft. the out party, the left or the right. >> this s is something new . this is beyond the sixties '60 cultural revolution. this is kind of like maoism. where it's totality. they want to go into every
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aspect of our life, privat e life, economic, political , social, cultural, and change it in ideological. >> and they're going to reward people who follow that and they're going to punish people that say, not thi s pig,i i'm not done. and that'swo what we see here is this evening. at's wha mike , go ahead with t >> him you're quite liberal. get published. you're going to be punishe>> pef you're if you're a secular zealot and that is your religion. >> zealot it's a zero sum game, whh means the ends justify the means, which means you destroy corporations that give people jobs. you destroy institutions that used to give equal justice in service of that religious zealotry. and where the carnage leads, nobody knows. >> nobody clarifies it bettery than you . victor davis hanson, thank you for your time. we appreciatclarife. >> all right. the phrase you go woke, you go broke. >> it'broke.s never been more t. as victor pointe bd you . coming up, we'll tell you abouty the staggering amount of money mar corporations have loste fa by bowing to the far left. staystay wit with ron desantis n
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dexcom is the number one recommended cgm brand call. now to get started on dexcom g seven when you can watch, listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere . fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". "han, go broke. it's more than just a catchy phrase in the week since it launched its now infamous tuck friendly women's bathing suit. is it is it really a women's suit if you're tucking in?. sothink it might be a men's suit. i'm confused. you're confused. well, so does the american public, because target has9 bi reportedly lost nine billion in market cap following a stream of calls to boycott the company . but thate didn't stop the ladiw from the view from weighing in watch. >> i'm very disappointed at a store chain like target couldn't stand their ground and instead put the lgbtq plus
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community in the back of the bus. i am sick of people moving ar desire because their desires are not being met in some way. i am sick of people telling mew. mycan't go to a drag show. i'm sick of people telling me that my friends are different because you don't understand them. >> i'm sick of it. not? >> no.e: what? you can go to a drag show if you want. d that >> it's just not the 13 year olds that should be going to drag shows in local libraries. >> while the ladies of the view whine and complain incoherently. >> anheuser-busch is well, they're taking another hit. according to reports, bud lights is now being handed out for f free at some locations and they an'tprobably can't give it away >> it's a desperate attempt a to move the product as the dillon mulvany blowback continues here with reaction, outkast, tommy laird and fox business co-host brian brumberg . brian , help me. br up first with the money on this
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8d billion in market cap.lion i how significant is that? n what does it mean fort the company? yeah, i mean, target shares arse down nine billion dollars.2% that's a 10 to 12 percent drop for bud lights down. eighteen dollars billion. that's real money talks. what's fascinating to me,s fa though, is how little the message is getting through n to these companies. they somehow find a way to infuriate both sides.. here's but here's the problem. they're engaging in evangelism ,pete. nobody goes to a target for evangelism. nobody buys bud light for evangelism. they're in the wrong business. th market brands. are they exist to appeal to everybody. what's happening is the tails ei wagging the dog. they've got marketerst ts workig theyhese companies who have an agenda. they're not there to serve customerots. e cuey want to convert them. and that's why you're seeing itc play out this way, tommy.t this it feels like something's different, right? y. e: sometnow.
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we've heard calls for boycotts or holding out on certain products, very prominent brands that should have that mass market. brian talked about with these,d especially with bud light, seem to be taking hold and now maybe target, what's different? well, i'll tel l you , becausea bud light prove to conservatives that we doo have a voicehave and we do haves a platform and we are consumers. and i'll tell you this, goingeso back to the comments from the ladies on the view. right. it's s o funny that they are thi saying this essentially gaclighting the american publi because it's actually the left o that has been perpetuallyby offended by everything for at least the last five years. plus right. cancthis is th is the party thad to cancel. and shamima, the land o'lakeans butter uncle ben's i mean, 2020e . we sawr an so many products be rebranded. we saw so many people havinge bs to go through cancel culture rebranding because the left was triggered by absolutely th. ything but then conservatives got smart and they said , you know what, we can d o that to .e ca
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and instead of just standing up for our micro aggressions, we're going to stand up kids. hav and that's what conservatives have done. we have taken a we have said we stand up for and women's integrity, women's rights, women's equality and weo also stand against the sexualization, the exploitation and the grooming of childrendren. conservatives learn with bud light that we do have a voice and we can make a difference. lk and now we're e running with it. and the left doesn't like it because now we're playinge an the game and we're winning the game that they createdd . well, too bad. too sad because we're here to play. yeah. i mean, it's not anti transit's. pro kid. yot haveu shouldn' to walk into target and have to explain that or or feel like that. you're being inundated with that view, brian , whenview when it comes to the economic impact of this, we saw target said there was an internal email that went out among executives to their employees saying it was effectively an apology to the trans community, the lgbt community, like we're sorry if you were affected by this as opposed to a recognition that maybe they shouldn't be playing in
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this space . we should just be selling like lotions and jewelry and clothes like they always have. why can'd jet corporationswelr e >> well, the problem is they get into these situations and they realize they've lost control. you got to remember, corporations have thesations hel bureaucracies of people and there's an agende.thera. ho there's an activism going on within the company. there are people who work at target because they see target as the vehicle for converting you to a particular ideology. it's the same thing at schools. they go into teaching notant to because they want to teach you how to read, write o r history. you want to convert you to an ideology. you have to understand these are activiste acs, activists wir bigger goal than the industry or the sector. tothey're and that's what's happeningpeope with bud light and target. there's a lot of w people who work at target right now,ow probably watching this show. they work in stores.d o they're sayingidea, i had no id. this is going on . w i can't believe thisant toe part is happening. i don't even want to work and be a par ot for this. but somebody else is taking over. so these companies have to decide who are they ? arthe they companies that bringi
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america together? ngand serve real needs or are they indoctrination factories? if they're indoctrination factories, they are going to get smaller. they're going to lose customers. tommy's right. we live in a new era where people who don't like us can coordinate and encourage each other and actually drive changte . >> i think we're seeing that fao right now. yeah, tommy has that parallel economy emerged enough? you know, a lot of people say,tr well, targets so close to me, i got a are there enough options out there for thoseei who disagree with this to truly vote with their feet? >> oh, absolutely.feetely. i mean, there are plenty of options for people that want to buy the items thaty they would get at a targetth or want to drink beer instead ofr bud light. i mean, we've got plenty of options. i would encourage freedom loving individuals to create more products and have more competition. but i'll tell you this w. i think what's going to happen here is that we're goingor to come to a happy ground for everybody where these companies stay out of politics. right? we. as christians, as conservatives, are notervati asking them to put bibles inveko everybody's faces. right. we'r pe asking them to put mega
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hats at the front of target. we're just saying, hey, maybe stay out of this. >> maybe, as you said , just f sell the ocean and regular o swimwear. maybe we can get back to that. . but before we get there, conservatives are going to have to make our voices heard so we can't let up. we can't relent. we are winning right now.. stay the course. >> although if one company decided to actually put products out that werehe patriotic or prophase, they might actually see massive upside. but you're right, tommy, all we want is neutrality. like just stick to your product and will be fine. >> and but d we can't seem to do it. all right, brian , i was going to make a tuck friendly >> i won't have a great night. kemmys, doug , thanks to leave it right there. i will just keep that visual out of it. thank you both. >> all right. 2 coming up, the crays professor who threatened a new york post reporter with a machete that seems sane has been arrested. we have the latest is joey jones, the tutor dickson react coming up next. s
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the number one choice of online sellers. go to ship station .com, try and get two months free. welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". >> well, the crazed former college professoe r who held a machete to the throat of a new york post reporter is now facing charges over the incident that looks really normal. >> shailene rodriguez turned c herself into police this morning and has been charged with one count of menacing and one count of harassment. >> still, rodriguez claimsnace she's the real victim, telling art news right wing media organizations are weaponizes and sensationalize this case to further their agenda. that's after she pusheshe sad ae the stuff off the table of the pro-life kids just trying to pass out pamphlets. as a quick reminder, fox news and the "new york post" share common ownership.
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>> here now with reaction, fox news contributor joey jonespamp and the host of the tooter dixon podcast, tooter . joey, good to see you . >> she's fired. >> at least there's some accountability here. yeah, it's funny to me that we are sensationalizing two incident soms that were cau on tape in context at full. yes, we saw exactly what and happened both times. the lady walked up, startss destroying someone's display and she's going to top thath a off, are coming out with ae machete and holding it someone's throat. but yee t we'rvie we're the ones that are victimizing her. i wish i could be victimizedke like that. i would take some frustrations out on some people i don't like. unfortunately, though, i don't get to do that and claim myself victim. >> i would go to jail nex and that's probably what's next for her. whereah. i mean, where does that victim mentality come from? to this idea that, as joeyight pointed out, it's all right there. c it's it's absolutely clear , probably indicative of behavior that's gone on for behav a while without cameras. >> and yet she's the victim.
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well, and she's entitled to this. she's been teaching this. i mean, this is a college victi professor. we've seen them coming out hing with lists of words. it could be harmful. they talk about words being violent. this is violence. suddenly, she's overturning tables, throwing thosevi pamphlets, and now it turns out that you can't just wield a machete. and she's shocked by it. this is terrible. how could this have happenedpen to her? she is the victitom. these are the people that are teaching students once againpeoe that words are violence. a mashe literally came out of her office with a machete and now she wants to be the victim. i think this is where the tables turn. and finally people startn to say, we are not going to tolerate big education doing this anymore. big education, creating these professors that come out as the victim. now, this is taking it just m a step too far . wielding a machete is i mean,ou. this is bizarre, but incredibly dangerous. and it's als ito an attack on the press, which i think i is interesting coming from the left, who constantly saytace
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don't attack the press. the press ha.s to do whatever they want. she comes out and wields a machete. it's shocking. >> yeah. i mean, really, the machete chases them out in the street. kicks them in the shins, hold the machete up again, running around like, you know, joey. t but it took that to get fired. o shole was actually protected by the school for what she did to the pro-life students, which is a big glimpse under the hood of what conservatives really face in in higher higher ed. ed. >> yeah, and the real story here is that she had to turn tur herself in police for throwingps a machete up against a reporter's throat. the real story herere ise is ths is a woman that was interestedte in mentoring, teaching and leadinachingg our most vulne minds, the ones that are about to be in the workforce, the ones that are about to be in adulthood, having children of their own, growing and being leaders themselves. and this is who welves accep.twh as someone who can mold and teach them. that's the that's a problem with higherat education. 's the witi would be so happy in came home tomorrow and said he wanted to join the military or
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or be a welder for a living, the even though he's got a brilliant mind. i don't trust a school out there to teach him. h they're not going to teach him. they're going to indoctrinate him. and then i've got to spend all those years in times and conversations and hope they stick for the first years of his life because they're going to try to pollute him for the next four or five or six . s that's what we have to worryople about. these people are not outed are a enough. thankfully, she was. but i don't know what kind of difference is going to make just like you saiden. ce it >> yeah. and tutor, who knows if these charges will even stick to it. we new york, right? we've seen far more egregious g things go without consequence. why would it change here? >> well, and look what we just saw with riley gaines being attacked at another university out in california. nothing happened there. this, as you said in new york . we're not seeing people not actually having to face any faci or any consequences for their crimes. this i think this is the time, though, when it changes, i'llk s say that again, where we'rewhatt seeing now corporations being
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punishedhe for what they're doing. i think that parents will say what joey is saying. i'm not going to send my childtr there if this is the way you're going to teach them. and i think this is anparent opportunity for parents to say it's time for values based schools, whether that is is k through 12 or higher ed, it's our opportunity to take our children's futures back . >> yeah, you get to guard your kids hard, 40 hours a week. sixteen thousand hours over the course of k through 12 .hand why woul d you hand them overo believ to someone who thinks oppos who believes in thingsit the opposite of what you believe in? >> real quick curveball here, joey, for you . >> but you're a good curveball e hitter. y,memorial day weekend is coming up. wh someone who's given so much for this nation,at what's your message to people out >> se as they head into this weekend? >> you know, so much about memorial day. we talk abou t the men and women 1 who have laid their lives down, and that's 100 i% part of it. tk it a is the purpose of it. when i think about memorial day, i think about the widow, stacy greer, as much as i think about corporal daniel greer, i think about chrissy holly asru much as i think about her, heree husband, floyd, the families
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are the ones that carry the memory and the legacy on . and i hope that if you knowd str anyone in this world that is a mo gold star, wife or mother,hter father, son , daughter, please. reach out to him and tell him te thank you for their sacrifice and their story and their legacy. >>sacr a amen. amen. remember the meaning of it. take a moment to recognize and then celebrate the lives of who those men and women where they gave so much. we just don't drink a bud light. and i know you won't. gon't worry about it. joe biden to honor. god bless you both. thank you . all right. >> more of this special edition of "hannity" after the break. >> friday, three doors down on fox and friends. it's not my job. i'm not going there as well as me drunk out friday. on the american summer concert series presented by loews. on the left, your mouthwash with the burning sensation in. >> on the right close is the alcohol free, gentle mouthwash
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down. we're done. gordon ramsay's food stars. it's to all new helpings of gordon wednesday, starting at eight seven central on fox. hey, big boy. who wants to take a ride maybe on is history destined to repeat itself? we investigate the stunning parallels between two horrific crimes bundy survivors of the copycat similarities streaming now on fox nation. >> welcome back to this speciala edition of "hannity". before we go ,mm a quick programing note and a great one next thursday at 9:00 p.m. eastern. former president donald trump will sit down for anwn exclusive hannity town hall wed thursday, june 1st in iowa. >> and on wednesday, the night
12:00 am
before, sean will be backets ar with a live audience. tickets absolutely free.n up >> go to hannity .com to signt o for those. >> unfortunately, that's allas the time we have left for this . as we go into this memorial day weekend. week always memorializede think about the brave men and women. as joey said ,n an and their families in uniform who made the ultimate sacrifice. >> we're not here without them t now, as sean would say, let not. your heart be troubled. laura ingraham takes it fromaham here. hey, laura , it's great to seett you . to se and amazing words for those eamn who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. so thank you so much for and have a wonderful memorial day all the time.rial d >> all right. too i'm sure ingram and this is thea "ingraham angle" and a special edition . biden's greangt unraveling. now in moments a democrat steps into the ring. biden challenger robert f. kennedy jr. will be here live on the angle for his firstappear appearance. but first, we'reanut first, wi. >> that's the focus of tonight's angl
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